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6th Philippine Sudoku Super Challenge

Mechanics of the National Finals

1. Only the winners of the 6th Philippine Sudoku Super Challenge (PSSC) Regional Elimination Round declared and announced by the organizers and the winners of the 5th (PSSC-National Finals) are considered official national finalists of the
6th Philippine Sudoku Super Challenge who will vie for the titles of the following categories: Sudoku Grand Master (tertiary students/professionals), Sudoku Wizard (high school students) and Sudoku Whiz Kid (elementary pupils).
2. The National Finals are composed of:
a. Five (5) rounds for the Sudoku Whiz Kid with 2 hours and 50 minutes time allotment. However, the Sudoku Whiz Kid participants must solve correctly at least 40% of the puzzles in the 2nd and 3rd Rounds, 50% of the puzzles in the 4th
Round, in order for them to proceed to the next higher level. Those who will not meet this condition will be eliminated. After the Fourth Round, the scores in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Rounds of the remaining participants shall be added and
ranked. Whoever makes it in the top 5 ranking shall proceed to the 5th or final set for the championship round; and
b. Six (6) rounds for the Sudoku Wizard and Sudoku Grand Master with 3 hours and 20 minutes time allotment. However, the participants in these categories must solve correctly at least 40% of the puzzles in the 2nd and 3rd Rounds and
50% of the puzzles in 4th Round in order for them to proceed to the next higher round. Those who will not meet this condition will be eliminated. After the 5th Round, the scores in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Rounds of the remaining
participants shall be added and ranked. Whoever makes it in the top 5 ranking shall proceed to the 6th or final set for the championship round.
3. Bonus Points for the Championship Round: Any of the five finalists in any category in the Championship Round who finishes answering correctly the Sudoku puzzle before the allotted time gets bonus points using this computation:
(remaining time × bonus points), that is, 25 points for the 1st to submit, 20 points for the 2nd, 15 points for the 3rd, 10 points for the 4th and 5 points for the 5th to submit.
Points Per
Rounds Sudoku Puzzles Minutes Bonus Points Remarks
-Any puzzler in any category who finishes answering correctly all the puzzles
First STANDARD SUDOKU 10 20 5 points x remaining time
before the allotted time get corresponding bonus points.
STANDARD SUDOKU, FUTOSHIKI SUDOKU, IRREGULAR SUDOKU, -Any puzzler in any category who finishes answering correctly all the puzzles
Second 15 30 10 points × remaining time
ADDOKU, TREDOKU before the allotted time get corresponding bonus points.

STANDARD SUDOKU, DIAGONAL SUDOKU , "SIGNATURE" - Any puzzler in any category who finishes answering correctly all the puzzles
Third 20 40 15 points × remaining time
SUDOKU, KILLER SUDOKU, WINDOKU before the allotted time get corresponding bonus points.
STANDARD SUDOKU, CONSECUTIVE SUDOKU, - Any puzzler in any category who finishes answering correctly all the puzzles
Fourth 25 40 20 points × remaining time
ARROW SUDOKU, KILLER DIAGONAL SUDOKU before the allotted time get corresponding bonus points.
- Any puzzler in the Sudoku Wizard and Sudoku Grand Master who finish answering
DUO SUDOKU, INEQUALITY SUDOKU, ODD-PAIR SUDOKU 30 25 points × remaining time correctly all the puzzles before the allotted time get corresponding points.
Fifth 40
MERRY SUDOKU 50 See Mechanics # 3 Championship Round for Sudoku Whiz Kid

Sixth SUDOKU TRIPLET/ SUDOKU FOUR-OF-A-KIND 50 30 See Mechanics # 3 Championship for Sudoku Wizard and Sudoku Master respectively
4. In case of a tie, the technical committee will provide a just and fair scheme to break it.
5. The technical committee reserves the right to change or improve any part of the mechanics of the contest without prior notice to the participants for as long as the change/s will not affect the purpose or objective of the contest.
6. The top three winners in every category shall receive trophies, gift items and cash prizes which will be used as plane fares in their participation in the international Sudoku contests.
7. In the event a situation arises not covered by any rules or mechanics of this contest, the members of the Technical Committee shall determine the final judgment and pronouncement.
8. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable.

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