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Zainab Aladani

History of Michigan Project

Grade 4th

Subject Social Studies

Length of Lesson 2 Hours

Lesson Overview/Rationale Students will describe a specific era in Michigan’s history and present it
to the class. Students will work in groups of 3.
Michigan Department of Education Social Studies K-8
“Draw upon stories, photos, artifacts, and other primary sources to
Framework/Standard compare the life of people in towns and cities in Michigan and in the
Great Lakes region during a variety of time periods from 1837 to the
present (e.g., 1837-1900, 1900-1950, 1950-2000).” Page 29

Learning Objectives ● Students will be able demonstrate an understanding of

Michigan’s history
● Student will create a MS- PowerPoint and structure of time

Technology Uses ● MS-PowerPoint

● Computers
● Promethean Board

Materials ● Popsicle sticks

● Paint and paint brushes
● Cardboard boxes
● Objects from home

Procedure ● Teacher will give a brief history of Michigan and each era using
the promethean to visually show the class
● The teacher will place classmates into groups of 3
● Each group will choose a time period to research
● The students will work together to assemble a structure that
represents the time period
● One student will research about the economy
● One student will research about the lifestyle
● One student will research about the culture
● After the research the group will use MS- PowerPoint to put
their information together

Assessment ● I will check to see each student’s research before they create
the Presentation.
History of Michigan Project Rubric

0-1 2-3 4
CRITERIA Beginning Developing Proficient SCORE

Understanding of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

time era little some understanding of
understanding. understanding but subject with little
is missing to nothing
information. missing.

Oral Presentation Speech is not Speech is Speech is

delivered delivered delivered
smoothly and although not clear smoothly and
cannot be heard. all throughout. grabs the

Individual Only some Has some All research is

Assigned research is done research but is complete and
Research and doesn’t missing meets
work.Other group most.Group requirements.
members do the member does Does most to all
work most of the work on own.
for him/her.

Organization Content is Content is there Content is

minimal and lacks and some creative and
creativity. Hard to creativity is meets
explain and lacks there.Needs to expectation.
presentability. explain the Everything is neat
content. and no
explanation is


Total Points_____/_____

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