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Mitey Mite


Mitey Mite Motto

“Ski Fast – Have Fun!”
Mitey Mite Handbook

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3
Eligibility and Training Groups ..……………………………………………. 3
Coaching Staff ……………………………………………………….………... 4
When and Where……………………………………………………….……... 4
Mitey Mite 2011` Schedule.……………………………………………….…… 4
Parental Involvement …………………………………………………….…… 4
Awards…………………………………………………………………………. 5
Fees and Registration……………………………………………….....……… 6
Enrollment Form ……………………………………………………….……… 7
Medical Release Form ………………………………………………..……….. 8

Welcome from Juneau Ski Club

Welcome to new and returning Mitey Mite athletes! We are delighted you are
participating in Mitey Mites and hope you will enjoy it so much you will want to
continue through the DEVO and Junior programs. Parent participation on race days is
also important, and we hope they will have as much fun as we have had over the years.
Please let us know if you have any questions or if there’s anything we can do to make
your experience any better. We really want Mitey Mites to be the most fun thing you
have ever done!

Randy Bates
President, Juneau Ski Club


Mitey Mites is an introductory ski racing program for children 7-12 with little or no
previous racing experience. This program provides instruction for young skiers to
improve their skiing and racing abilities. The focus is on fun, safety, and learning the
basics of racing.

The goals of Mitey Mites are to:

• Instill fun and enthusiasm for the sport of alpine skiing.

• Utilize modern methodologies to teach basic skiing

fundamentals including the use of coach directed free skiing in
all snow conditions and terrain.

• Provide an introduction to gate training and racing.

• Provide a coach directed team atmosphere that allows the

athlete to develop and learn with peers of similar age and

Mitey Mite Motto: “SKI FAST – HAVE FUN!”

Mitey Mite Eligibility:

1. Athletes must have been born in 2003 or earlier.

2. Athletes must have the ability to load and ski the Hooter lift without an
3. Athletes must be able to manage their own equipment.
4. Athletes must own and wear a ski helmet at all times.
5. Athletes must have an Eaglecrest pass or ski lift ticket; they are NOT
included in the program.
6. Any decision of the coaching staff regarding athlete eligibility is final.

Mitey Mite Training Groups:

The Mitey Mites are divided into groups based on age and ability. Group sizes range
between 5 and 8 athletes.

Coaching Staff:

The Mitey Mite Program is coached by PSIA certified instructors of the Eaglecrest
Snowsports School. The staff offers many years of experience working with athletes of
this level, insuring a stimulating learning environment within the framework of the above
goals. Training and teaching techniques are determined through a cooperative effort of
the Eaglecrest Snowsports School and JSC’s Mitey Mite Coordinator.

When and Where:

1. The 2011 program consists of 10 weeks of instruction and racing beginning on

January 8th and ending on March 19th. All Mitey Mite sessions are on Saturday
morning only.
2. Each session starts at 9:30 am and ends at noon.
3. Athletes are to meet their coaches at the base of the Hooter Lift each morning and
are expected to be dressed and ready to load the lift at 9:30 am.
4. Athletes will be delivered back to the base of the Hooter Lift by their coach at the
end of each session.

2011 Mitey Mite Schedule

o January 8 Mitey Mite Start Date

o February 5 First Race (Hooters Run Giant Slalom)
o February 26 Second Race (Silver Slalom)
o March 12 No Mitey Mites due to State Championships
o March 19 Third Race ((King Kong Giant Slalom) + Last Day

Mitey Mites born in 2001 or earlier are also eligible to race in the J4/J5 Alaska State
Championships and in 2011 this event will be hosted in Alyeska March 11-13.
Participation in this event will require a United States Ski Association, (USSA), Youth
ski license which may be purchased here:

Parental Involvement:

Parental involvement is critical to the success of the Mitey Mite athletes. Parents must
ensure that their athlete is on-time and prepared for all Mitey Mite sessions to ensure a
fair learning environment for all. Parents must assist in keeping open the lines of
communication between themselves, the Mitey Mite Coordinator and the rest of the
coaching staff in order to properly facilitate the development of their athlete. If staff is
unaware of potential issues, we cannot address them!

Each week of the program, the Mitey Mite Coordinator will send out a newsletter to the
parents via email to inform them of weekly activities. Please be sure to read this to stay
up to speed on the latest and greatest in Mitey Mite news!

Parent volunteers are needed for all three Mitey Mite races as well as during other JSC
races and events including the J4/J5 State Championships. Parents will be contacted by
the Mitey Mite Coordinator prior to race day with requests to volunteer. No experience is
necessary as we will train all race officials as needed.

Each time that a Mitey Mite parent works as a volunteer during a Mitey Mite or other
JSC race, their name will be entered into a pool for an end of year drawing. This
drawing will be for a youth seasons pass at Eaglecrest in 2011/2012, so remember, the
more times you volunteer the more chances you have to win a pass for your athlete
next year!

Mitey Mite Awards:

Race Day Awards:

Ribbons will be awarded for first through third within each Mitey Mite training group.
All other athletes in the race will receive participant ribbons.

Eagle Awards:
The results by age class and sex for each race will be tabulated for the overall Eagle
Awards at the end of the year. The placing of each athlete, each race will be scored using
World Cup points, and trophies will be awarded at the end of the year for the top five
scoring athletes in each age/sex class. No points are awarded if the athlete does not finish
or is disqualified during the race. Age classes and scoring methodology is below. Please
contact the Mitey Mite Coordinator with any questions related to the Eagle Awards.

2011 Age Classes:

J4 Age 11-12 (Born 1998 or 1999)

J5 Age 9-10 (Born 2000-2001)
J6 Age 7-8 (Born 2002-2003)

Eagle Award Scoring (World Cup Points)

1st Place = 100 points 8th Place = 32 points

2nd Place = 80 points 9th Place = 29 points
3rd Place = 60 points 10th Place = 26 points
4th Place = 50 points 11th Place = 24 points
5th Place = 45 points 12th Place = 22 points
6th Place = 40 points 13th Place = 20 points
7th Place = 36 points 14th Place = 18 Points

Attendance Awards

Attendance will be tracked and posted each week. All athletes who maintain perfect
attendance will receive a special award at the end of year banquet.

Matt Brakel Award

The Matt Brakel Award is a perpetual trophy that is awarded to one male and one female
athlete that have demonstrated a love of skiing, positive attitude, good attendance, and
skill improvement over the course of the year. The winners of the Matt Brakel Award
receive a free Eaglecrest season’s pass for the following ski season.

The Eagle, Attendance and Matt Brakel Awards are presented at the Ski Club banquet
and awards ceremony, held at the end of the ski season. All Juneau Ski Club members,
including Mitey Mites and their families, are encouraged to attend.

Fees and Registration:

The 2011 fee for the Mitey Mite program is $200 per athlete. In addition there is a
Family Membership fee of $25. Scholarships may be available, please contact the Mitey
Mite Coordinator for more details.

Registration must include a signed medical release form. All forms and fees must be
submitted prior to participation in the program.

Forms and fees may be delivered to the Juneau Ski Club office or the Eaglecrest
Snowsports School at the Eaglecrest Lodge

Registrations may also be submitted via mail to:

Juneau Ski Club Mitey Mites

9356 Turn St
Juneau, Alaska 99801

Questions? – Call Mitey Mite Coordinator Mike Satre at 789-5761 or email at



Athlete Information (please print)

First Name_____________________________________ _______

Last Name ________________________ _______

Sex Date of Birth

School _____________________________ Grade_______

Mailing Address ________________________

City__________________________ Zip_____________________

Home Phone_____________________________________________________________

Work Phone(s)___________________________________________________________

E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________

Heads of Household _______________________________________________________

(First and last names of both parents or guardians where the athlete resides)

Home Address ___________________________________________________________

City__________________________ Zip_____________________

Have you completed and signed the attached Medical Release? __________________

ENROLLMENT FEES (Please make check payable to Juneau Ski Club)

2011 Mitey Mite Program (per athlete)………………………..………. $200
2010/2011 Family Membership (per family)……………………………..$25

Please send forms and payment to:

Juneau Ski Club Mitey Mites
9356 Turn St

Juneau AK 99801
If you are planning on enrolling on January 8th, 2011 please call 789-5761 so we know you are coming.
Enrollment Form and Payment Due on or before January 8, 2011.
For more information call Mike Satre at 789-5761.

This activity partially funded by the Citizens of the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska.

Mitey Mite Ski Team

2011 Medical Release Form
January 8, 2011 to March 19, 2011

Please read and sign.

Statement of Risk: I, __________________________________ understand that alpine skiing carries significant risks
of personal injury. I know there are natural and manmade obstacles or hazards, surface and environmental conditions
and risks which in combination with a racer’s actions could cause severe or occasionally fatal injuries. In participating
in the Juneau Ski Club programs and skiing at Eaglecrest, such dangers are recognized and accepted whether they are
marked or unmarked. I hereby release and hold harmless Eaglecrest Ski Area and it’s employees, the Juneau Ski Club,
it’s coaches, race officials, USSA, USSA Alaska Division and any person connected with the above program during
participation in any Juneau Ski Club activity, including but not limited to training, racing, work parties, social events,
use of Eaglecrest Ski Area and Juneau Ski Club facilities or equipment, team travel, or any social events associated
with the Juneau Ski Club programs.

Release Authorization for Medical Attention

I hereby grant permission for a doctor to perform any diagnostic, anesthetic, operation, or curative remedial procedure
they deem necessary or advisable for the care and treatment of the above named skier.

Enrollment of Named Athlete

By signing below, I hereby agree to enroll the athlete named above with the Juneau Ski Club, and agree to pay all
membership dues and program fees for named athlete by January 8, 2011.

Please Read the Above Information before Signing

Signature of Child Date Signature of Parent or Guardian Date

Residence Address

Mailing Address

Phone Numbers

Personal Physician

Medication (if any)

Medical History

Medical Insurance Co.

Policy Number

Insurance Company Phone #

Enrollment Form, Medical Release & Payment Due on or Before January 8, 2011.
This activity is partially funded by the Citizens of the City and Borough of Juneau.

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