Reviews/Resenhas: Ilha Do Desterro Florianópolis Nº 37 p.129-137 Jul./dez. 1999

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Reviews/Resenhas 129

REVIEWS/RESENHAS Rabelais. These two books were

eventually translated into English to find
an enthusiastic response in the West. In
1984, the American academics Michael
Holquist and Katerina Clark published
Morris, Pam (ed .). The Bakhtin the first scholarly biographical study of
Reader . Edwar
Edwardd Arnold: London, Bakhtin, which for years was circulated
New York, 1994. 225pp. £14.99 in a samizdat version in his native Russia.
by Helen Reid Thomas Since then more of his work has become
available in the West and been translated
The publication of Caryl Emerson’s book
into English, a process which is still
The First Hundred Years of Mikhail
continuing with the discovery of an early
Bakhtin in December 1997 is an
draft of his work on the German
indication that interest in Bakhtin
Bildungsroman, which, it was thought,
continues to flourish, among both
had been destroyed during the war.
Russian and Western scholars.
There are thorny problems associated
Emerson’s book traces the interesting
with the authorship of the body of texts
differences of attitude and emphasis
that are linked to his name, in that some
between these two groups of critics and
scholars argue that three books
provides a broad-ranging and scholarly
published in the twenties under the
history of Bakhtin studies. The book I
names of Pavel Nikolaevich Medvedev
am concerned with here, The Bakhtin
and Valentin Nikolaevich Voloshinov
Reader, though of a different nature and
were actually written by Bakhtin. Most
designed for a different audience, is
Russian Bakhtinians support the claim
perhaps an even more significant
of Bakhtin’s authorship but certainly the
testament to Bakhtin’s extraordinary
issue remains controversial among
and continuing influence.
Western scholars.
Until the late fifties, Bakhtin (1895-
Whether scholars decide to include the
1975) was virtually unknown in Russia.
Medvedev and Voloshinov texts in
Almost by chance, his Dostoevsky study
Bakhtin’s oeuvre or not, there is general
(1929) was discovered by a group of
agreement that his work is extraordinary
students at the Gorky Institute of World
in its scope and variety. It is diffuse,
Literature, who on learning that he was
discursive and ranges across a
still alive and teaching at a provincial
remarkable diversity of academic
education centre, persuaded him to
disciplines. It is difficult to do justice to
reissue the book and also publish for the
it in a small space, yet there are certain
first time his thesis on

Ilha do Desterro Florianópolis nº 37 p.129-137 jul./dez. 1999

130 Reviews/Resenhas

key concepts —dialogics; heteroglosssia; through the Voloshinov/Bakhtin critique

carnival; the chronotope — that have of Freud (Freudianism: A Critical Sketch
become part of the common language 1927) and of Marxism (Marxism and
of criticism and been adopted by almost the Philosophy of Language 1929), in
bewilderingly diverse array of critics. This the latter of which the term “dialogic”
is in part at least because, for many, makes its first appearance in opposition
Bakhtin’s ideas seemed to provide a way to the “isolated, finished, monological
forward from the impasse of post- utterance” of structuralism. Morris
structuralism and to offer the possibility charts the continuity of ideas
of a re-engagement between art and life. adumbrated in these early works through
In Russia, moreover, he is admired as the later essays on literature: the
one who was willing to be genuinely Problems of Dostoevsky’s Art (the
marginal, independent in his thinking English translation Problems of
and unswayed by the powerful Dostoevsky’s Poetics is an expanded
institutional pressures of Stalinism. For later version of the 1929 essay), the great
many he has become a heroic figure. explorations of the novel from the 1930s
and 40s (gathered together in the 1981
However, the breadth and allusiveness
English translation by Emerson and
of Bakhtin’s work pose special
Holquist under the title The Dialogic
difficulties for both the graduate student
Imagination: Four Essays), Rabelais and
and the non-specialist reader, and it is
his World (1965) and the later work
the needs of this audience in particular
published in English in 1984 under the
that Pam Morris, the editor of The
title Speech Genres and Other Late
Bakhtin Reader, is concerned to address.
Essays. The problems of dating some of
In a perceptive and lucidly written
the texts and the complex relationship
introduction, she supplies the essential
between the originals and their
historical background, including the
appearance in English translations is
debate on the authorship of works
referred to briefly but not dwelt on to
bearing the names of Voloshinov and
any extent; nor is there — reasonably
Medvedev and concurring with
enough — much reference to the different
Todorov’s generous view that “it would
views adopted by Russian critics and
seem horrifying to repeat the terrible
the main opposed camps of Western
practices of those years (of Stalinist
scholars over issues of authorship in
persecution) by denying rightful
particular. Morris is concerned primarily
authorship and identity to any of
to offer an introduction to Bakhtin’s ideas
them”(pp.3-4); this initial discussion
rather than to the historical controversies.
leads into a succinct guide to Bakhtin’s
works, presented chronologically, from The selections from the works are
his early work on aesthetics (‘Author and ordered thematically under four
Hero in Aesthetic Activity’ 1920-24), headings: Dialogic Discourse, The
Reviews/Resenhas 131

Heteroglot Novel, Literature as the discussion of ‘polyphony’ in

Ideological Form and Carnival Dostoevsky’s novels to the broader
Ambivalence. The chosen passages concerns of ‘Discourse in the Novel’
represent all the major texts and each where he calls for a ‘sociological
section and sub-heading has its own stylistics’ of the novel as a genre,
introduction. This is a valuable aid to reflecting a shift of emphasis from the
reading especially as Bakhtin’s individual voice to the language of real
terminology could be vague or social groups. The term ‘heteroglossia’
ambiguous and the fact that his thought implies both the variety of languages and
developed over many decades means the denial of absolute authority to any
that the terms he used developed new single language: the term is closely
shades of meaning and applications. The related to the oppositions between
first section on ‘Dialogic Discourse’ dialogism and monologism and the
starts with the critiques of Saussurian centrifugal and centripetal forces
linguistics and Freudianism, moving on influencing language use.
through the early development of the
Section Three deals with ‘Literature as
notion of dialogic discourse by the
Ideological Form’. From the critique of
analysis of the forms and effects of
Formalism expressed in the Medvedev/
reported speech as the dialogic
Bakhtin's text The Formal Method in
intersecting of two voices. There follows
Literary Scholarship, it guides the reader
an extract from ‘Discourse in the Novel’
through to the notion of a sociological
on social heteroglossia with its emphasis
poetics, and from there on to Bakhtin’s
on the struggle and conflict produced
aesthetic visualising of time and space
by a ‘contradictory and multi-language
in the chronotope, which is, he argues, a
world’ (p.275); though Bakhtin’s
characteristic of the novel as opposed to
purpose here is to explore the possibility
the epic genre.
of a poetics of the novel, he does this
mainly through an analysis of speech In Section Four, we are given an
representation and therefore roots his introduction to one of the most
discussion of language firmly in the influential aspects of Bakhtin’s thought,
discourse of the “real world”. This that of the ‘carnival’. The historical
section ends with a passage from ‘The circumstances surrounding the writing
Problems of Speech Genres’ which deals and defence of his doctoral thesis on
with the relationship between speaking Rabelais were, to say the least,
subjects and the formation of speech unpropitious. Though completed in
utterances, developing this in relation to 1940, he was not called on to defend it
the history of literary forms. until seven years later when the political
climate was peculiarly hostile to such
Section Two is entitled ‘The Heteroglot
independent thought. His defence was
Novel’. The extracts reflect the
so effective that the degree was awarded
development of Bakhtin’s thought from
132 Reviews/Resenhas

but the work was not published and lay in its own way offers an introduction to
unregarded in the library at the Gorky Bakhtin’s thought. Students to whom
Institute until in a late fifties, it was this is a new area should be encouraged
discovered by the group of graduate to make full use of the glossary as a
students who eventually sought him out reading tool. The bibliography offers a
in his obscurity. The English translation representative selection of secondary
was published only in 1984 under the reading.
title Rabelais and his World. In the West,
When I first met The Bakhtin Reader, I
in particular, the notion of carnival has
felt this was exactly what was needed
met extremes of enthusiasm and
to introduce the neophyte to the rather
disagreement. Once again, he is
intimidating mass and complexity of
concerned with the relation between
Bakhtin’s thought. Within the limitations
social struggle and literary text, in this
of copyright (and in particular the severe
case the clash between the world of folk
restrictions exercised by the University
culture and the official dominant culture
of Texas, which holds several of the key
of the Middle Ages explored by Rabelais.
texts), Morris has achieved a very fair
However, he has been accused of
representation of Bakhtin’s writings,
idealising ‘the folk’ in his valorisation of
while also providing a carefully
popular humour and the liberating
signposted route by means of the
power of laughter and of failing to
introductions to each group of readings.
recognise the danger of victimisation of
This is a most useful book and should
the marginalised in folk practices.
be included in the library of any
Feminist critics, many of whom
department concerned with literary
welcomed Bakhtin’s work on dialogism,
criticism, language or cultural studies.
have been critical of his work on carnival
as implying an unquestioning
acceptance of certain patriarchal values.
Morris refers briefly but helpfully to these
areas of dissension, while pointing out McRae, John. Literature with a
that at the level of literary criticism ‘the Small ‘l’. MEP Monographs.
notion of carnival has offered productive London: Macmillan, 1991. 136pp.
new insights into many literary texts’ by Vera Maria Drews Guimarães
Having come from a different
Bakhtin’s terminology frequently background to that of Letters, interest
presents difficulties, characterised as it in literature came to me through a history
is by the use of neologisms and the teacher whose work was truly
exploitation of semantic ambiguities. The educational in the sense of exploring
glossary by Graham Roberts is therefore various approaches and strategies for
very welcome. He provides a clear and the formation of critical consciousness
concise explanation of key terms which
Reviews/Resenhas 133

among her students. Literature was a and counterpoised to the

via of analysis of how meanings and representational (conative, metalingual,
values have been historically produced and poetic functions in Jakobson) as all
and used, of how structures of feelings language which demands imaginative
— “thought as felt and feelings as and emotional involvement to be
thought: practical consciousness of a decoded. As the author states, most ESL
present kind, in a living and inter-relating teaching materials are organised around
continuity” (Raymond Williams) — models of referential language. The latter
differed in past times and yet related to composes the core of communicative
us in the present. survival. It does not, however, contribute
much towards the development of the
John McRae, passionate in his teaching,
fifth language skill which is essential for
has produced Literature with a Small ‘l’
the acquisition of a shared means of
to pass on his practical and theoretical
expression: “thinking in English” (5).
findings that, similar to my past history
teacher, help break the barrier between, Literary texts, as representational
if not literature and history, arts and materials, become the contexts for
science, literature and language and, learning and warrant the necessary input
most specifically, literature and second as emphasised by Krashen for the
language teaching. operation of the acquisition device. The
underlying concept of McRae’s approach
Bearing a humanistic pedagogical
is expressed in the title, for a literary
guideline, it is his contention that the
text is conceived as “any text whose
objective of all teaching is “to help
imaginative content will stimulate
students become better readers of the
reaction and response in the receiver”
world they live in” (11). ESL teaching,
(vii) and which, different from referential
however, has to aim towards the
material, greatly expands the
subconscious and conscious acquisition
environmental, contextual possibilities
of a language that has yet to become
to which the learner can be motivated to
one’s own. In other words, ESL teaching
respond to and interact with. If the ESL
has to aim towards the development of
learner is as involved in construing
the ability to read the world in a SL.
meanings and linguistic meanings
Based on the natural first language (Halliday) as an infant acquiring his/
learning technique of “wordsplay” in her first language, notwithstanding, he/
which “children learn to use language she is fully aware of the cognitive
through invention, experimentation and component in learning. As such, this
stories” (vii), McRae reasserts its validity self-awareness “should be put to
and relevance for SL learning, extending constructive use” (7).
his analysis through the study of Roman
Having expanded on the theoretical
Jakobson’s functions of language. The
bases of his thesis in the first chapter,
notion of referential language is adopted
134 Reviews/Resenhas

McRae then embarks on the analysis of be carefully chosen — the reason one
the various elements that come into play adopts one text and not another should
for teachers and students alike within always be clear — the author is sure to
the further ten chapters. Before delving stress that it is more a matter of how the
into methodological models and teacher guides the students through the
examples, the author, however, assures text and after what such guidance seeks
both teachers and learners that although for that ultimately makes the difference.
“Literature may be a minority interest
The question of evaluation is broached
[and, as an institution, inhibits its
and some possible systems are
exploration], literature is not” (15).
evaluated. Though answers are not
Enthusiastic but careful explorations of
provided, given the expectations and
its potentials and of the multiplicity of
developments within the educational
discourses embedded within it can
processes, McRae clearly states what he
expand the educational experience
considers to be the best underlying
beyond the limits of the classroom, for
rationales involved in testing: objectivity,
as the author sustains, literary texts are
flexibility, credibility, and sincerity.
the means, not ends in themselves, for
various educational endeavours. Although the book is clearly addressed
to the ESL teacher, its content as a whole
McRae discusses such elements as
may serve as a basis for the study of
motivation, accessibility, affective,
literature as a specialist subject. To this
linguistic, meta-linguistic, and cultural
matter, the author dedicates the last
factors involved once using literature as
chapter, passing through a brief analysis
a communicative stimulus and as a basis
of the field of study and of underlying
of language study. All discussions are
matters such as ideology and critical
exemplified through texts and activities
skills. The expansion of this discussion
which the author himself has found
can be deepened through the resourceful
useful in his own teaching experience.
bibliography both referred to in the text
Materials, genres, basic literary and
and further indicated. A list of relatively
semiotic concepts of various kinds are
recent representational textbooks for L2
covered and possibilities for their
situations is included.
utilisation are expanded in minutiae.
Because representational materials,
Teaching apparatuses, techniques, and
particularly literary texts, by their
procedural developments are assessed
substantial and general character,
in accordance to possibly different and
imitate the complexity and richness of
diverging contexts. The author stresses
social relations and express them
the necessity of taking cognitive,
through accompanying languages
affective, and cultural factors in
(“other Englishes” as well), they insure
consideration both on the personal and
the necessary provision of the most
social level. And although texts should
Reviews/Resenhas 135

diverse intake for meaningful acquisition traditional concept of education, with

and learning. McRae courageously sacralized institutions, like universities,
asserts: “Education should, at best, be imposing rules to be followed, no easy
subversive” (69). Although he does not connection can be made with the
profess an insurgent uprising against postmodern moment. Fragmentation
values and meanings, he does profess a and inconsistency, ideas associated with
constant insurgent probing and postmodernism, do not seem to match
questioning of all values and meanings. education. Usher and Edwards are
In the particular context of ESL learning, aware of the troublesome task they have
the questions of why, what, and how settled themselves to. In the
language is produced and read can lead Introduction, the authors enumerate
to the questioning of language as three major problems of dealing with
discourse. their subject: the complexity of the term
“postmodernism”, resisting reductive
Students may come to subconsciously
explanations; the difficulty of relating
acquire a language while consciously
postmodernism to a fixed body of ideas;
concentrating on various aspects
and the resistance of education to the
embedded in language and, particularly,
postmodern “message”, since the role
in the language being learned. The
of the educator is founded on the
purpose of pedagogy is not to conceal
rational, modern subject rather than on
reality. The purpose of pedagogy — and,
the decentred postmodern subject. The
in our case, of language — is to develop
authors, then, have chosen to examine
a heightened awareness of its limits and
four authors that are inscribed in the
potentials, for as the author declares:
postmodern moment — Lacan, Derrida,
“If we can convince students that there
Foucault and Lyotard —, although they
are structures of feeling in the world. . .
have not dedicated their writings to
we will have shown them that reading
education specifically, apart from
develops understanding, influences
Lyotard. Usher and Edwards are also
feelings, helps us see and experience our
preoccupied with not being prescriptive,
world better” (19-20).
which would be inappropriate in a text
that talks about the postmodern, and
invite their readers to deconstruct it.
Postmodernism and Education, then, is
Usher,, Robin & Edwar ds, Richar
Edwards, Richard.
d. a worthwhile reading for those who are
Postmodernism and Education . interested not in the Saint Education that
London and New York: Routledge, will save people from ignorance through
1994. 246 pp. a safe path, but in the kaleidoscopic view
by Vera Helena Gomes Wielewicki of it: always moving and never grasped.

How related are postmodernism and The book is divided into eleven chapters,
education? If we bear in mind the plus the index. In the first one,
136 Reviews/Resenhas

“Postmodernism, Postmodernity and authors review the Lacanian critique of

the Postmodern Moment”, the authors knowledge discourses, commenting on
discuss the postmodern (the power of the discourse of the University and the
language and discourse; reflexivity) in discourse of the Analyst and their
contrast with the modern (the pursuit relation to pedagogy. For Usher and
of the “true” knowledge and its Edwards, Lacan can be read as
“neutrality”). The “uneasy alliance” suggesting that teachers and students
between postmodernism and feminism should be lifelong learners, teachers
is briefly discussed. The last section is should “continually question the ground
dedicated to locating education in the upon which they stand, to question their
postmodern, where the points presented own ready implication in a discourse of
in the Introduction are expanded a little. mastery”.
Usher and Edwards leave the more
Foucault is the focus of chapters four
complex discussions to the following
and five, “Subject Disciplines and
Disciplining Subjects: The Subject in
The construction of the human subject, Education”, and “Examining the Case:
according to the different varieties of Competence and Management”,
psychology — behaviourism and respectively. In chapter four, some of
humanistic psychology, for example —, Foucault’s texts are discussed in terms
is the subject of the second chapter, of power-knowledge relations.
“Speaking ‘Truthfully’: Science, Discipline, confession, and resistance
Psychology and Subjectivity”. Following guide the critique of modernity in this
what has become a habit in texts on part of the book. The next chapter turns
postmodernism, the authors discuss to the question of how the governance of
truth and the scientific method, more people happens. For Foucault, according
specifically regarded to psychology. The to the authors, the aim of modern social
two last sections deal with education formations is “to maximise the
and the postmodern moment, an usefulness of that population”, and that
introduction to the third chapter, on is the point Usher and Edwards develop
Lacan. in the rest of the chapter, concluding that
the implications of Foucault’s concepts
“Knowing Oneself: Subjectivity and
for educational theory and practice,
Mastery”, the third chapter, begins with
although yet unclear, are likely to make
a discussion on Freud and the notion of
what, where, and how is learned, more
unconsciousness. Moving to a
contested and contestable.
postmodern perspective of the subject,
the authors discuss the Lacanian Chapter six, “The ‘End’ of the
conception of desire, stressing his critique Educational Project” and chapter seven,
of intentionality. The last section deals “Education and Textuality”, are the ones
with education more specifically. The dedicated to Derrida. The authors call
Reviews/Resenhas 137

their reader’s attention to the problem some criticism on Lyotard by other

of writing about Derrida and education, authors and the remark that Lyotard,
since he seems to have nothing directly like the other authors discussed in the
to say about it. Moreover, they continue, book, challenges us to rethink knowledge
we cannot approach Derrida with our and education, “at a time when the
“normal”, academic frames of grand narratives are under challenge by
interpretation, for they are part of the postmodern developments and the
project he interrogates and challenges. linked but not identical criterion of
So, Usher and Edwards discuss the performativity”.
logocentrism of the educational project
The last two chapters bring the authors’,
and the notion of supplementarity
let us say, final remarks on
according to Derrida’s texts to question
postmodernism and education. Usher
education. In the seventh chapter, the
and Edwards themselves call their
authors discuss writing and subjectivity,
readers’ attention to the difficulties of
concluding with the notion of reflexivity.
writing a concluding chapter on the
For them, being aware of reflexivity in
subject, since it would render their text
education is important because “even
“internally inconsistent”. Chapter ten,
we have some confidence that our
“The Cultivation of Desire”, deals with
research is useful or even emancipatory,
themes like experience, late capitalism,
we are still ‘objectifying’, still speaking
the new middle classes, feminism in the
for others in the name of doing good by
postmodern moment. Chapter eleven,
them” (authors’ italics).
“Catching the (Last) Post”, offers
Science as a form of language game, “observations and resonances” on the
played alongside narrative knowledge, subject, with the authors’ recognition
is the subject of chapter eight, “Telling that, although they try to avoid
Stories: The Legitimising of Knowledge”, conclusions, their text is not “innocent”,
on Lyotard. The authors discuss grand and their conclusions, in a way or
narratives and the legitimisation of another, are there.
science and knowledge, and
performativity, the technical game of
efficiency and inefficiency, applied to
language games by decision-makers. In
the next chapter, “The End of the Story:
Education, Efficiency and Resistance”,
Usher and Edwards go deeper in the
concepts discussed before and their
implications for education. Discussions
on technology and performativity are the
main point of this chapter, that ends with

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