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Re: Journal 2

Dara Yastrzemski
Sunday, September 23, 2018, 10:31 PM

Hi Holly~
Thanks for sharing a very enlightening practicum experience. I wish I had the same orientation as a
new nurse. The hospital I began nursing in had an IV team and we were instructed that we had to call the
IV team for any IV patient needs. How fortunate for those RN orientees that you instructed to learn those
important IV skills. I also enjoyed reading about your experiences in the RN orientation process. It is so
valuable to be a part of the training process because it helps put into perspective how those orientees are
being instructed and gives you insight on how they perceived the knowledge. Although new orientees are
being introduced into the institution and it's standard's and practices, as a fellow staff member, it pays to
be a part of their educational processes so you can potentiate the learning experience once they are on
the unit.
It has never failed to surprise me that when training and precepting new RNs, it is always discovered
that current RN staff would benefit from reeducation. As you pointed out in your experiences, the hospital
changed their IV equipment and you recognized the benefit of educating the whole RN staff so all could
be proficient in their skills.
Thanks again for sharing your experiences,

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