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Space Conspiracy Theories


Does questioning space conspiracy theories gives credence to

the paranoid or the intellect?

Everything you know about space is a lie. We’ve never been to the moon,
Pluto is a hologram, and Obama visited Mars twice. Conspiracy theorists
believe all of this and so much more. NASA is one of the top organizations
accused of conspiracy theories, and has been since the day it was created.
Established in 1958, NASA was founded to compete with the Soviet Union in
the space race. After Russia launched Sputnik, people were afraid that they
would start building weapons in space. NASA was created to combat this. In
the 1960s, John F. Kennedy approved the Apollo program which was aimed
at successfully sending a man to the moon. While the Apollo 1 ended in
disaster, the Apollo 8 and 10 missions went to the moon to test equipment
and take photos but did not land.

1969 marked the year of success with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
landing on the moon. Since then, the theorists have come out of the
woodwork to point out everything false about the mission. As NASA’s
explorations expanded to other parts of the galaxy over time, more and more
conspiracies were created about the universe itself. What if planets aren’t
real? What if the night sky is actually a projection? These are the things
conspiracy theorists think about on a daily basis. To further examine ideas
like these, here are some of the best space conspiracy theories.

Nuclear Explosions on Mars

In November of 2014, Dr. John Brandenburg presented his theory at the

Annual Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society in Illinois that an
ancient civilization on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another
alien race. His research is focused on the "high concentration" of xenon-129
in the Martian atmosphere as well as the uranium and thorium on the
surface, which was spotted by NASA’s Mars Odyssey. While scientists have
previously pointed out that the appearance of these elements is not
surprising since they are natural elements found everywhere, Brandenburg
believes they are the remains of two nuclear explosions on the surface of the
planet. The scientist says Mars once had a climate similar to Earth and held
animal and plant life, as well as intelligent life that would have been as
advanced as the ancient Egyptians.

Lucifer Project

In 2014, a paper titled "The Lucifer Project" claimed that NASA was going to
deliberately crash the Cassini space probe into Jupiter’s atmosphere to create
a second sun. The Cassini had plutonium fuel rods that would be used as a
fission device. This is not the first time this idea has come to light. In 1991,
William Cooper wrote a book called Behold a Pale Horse and mentioned how
the probe Galileo would be deliberately crashed into Jupiter and how it could
create a new sun. This 2014 claim, however, suggests NASA’s involvement in
this conspiracy. The importance of the creation of a new sun is that it would
be able to heat up Jupiter’s moons and make them suitable for human life.
However, a new sun would generate a shock wave of hydrogen and other
particles that could have devastating effects on Earth.

NASA's UFO Sighting

In January of 2015, NASA cut a live feed of Earth coming from the
International Space Station when a strange shape coming over the horizon
emerged. NASA said they experienced technical difficulties and it's not
uncommon for the live feeds to be cut once in a while, but the timing of this
particular cut got conspiracy theorists rolling. According to Tech Times,
"UFO-watchers, who have long distrusted official statements from NASA, are
now claiming that the latest drop of the live feed from the ISS as soon as the
UFO came into view is an obvious and deliberate attempt to hide what they
believe are regular sightings of alien spacecrafts coming close to Earth's
orbit." However, this is not the first time people have called out NASA for
alien cover ups. In March of 2014, NASA announced it would have to shut
down the HD live streaming from ISS due to budget cuts and people believed
they were trying to cover up alien sightings.

Velikovsky Theory
Based on mythology and readings of ancient texts, Immanuel Velikovsky
believed that Mars and Venus caused biblical events. While he was not
actually a scientist, he published a book called Worlds in Collision in 1950
which explained that many of the crazy events that happened in the Bible
actually did take place and that they were caused by abnormally orbiting
planets. Specifically, he blamed Venus’s backwards rotation for affecting
Mars and said that the two planets got too close each other and to the sun.
British astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier bashed Velikovsky and his
ideas, saying he "is not so much the first of the new catastrophists; he is the
last in a line of traditional catastrophists going back to mediaeval times and
probably earlier."

Alien Comet
In 2014, the Philae roamer was able to land on comet named
67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko thanks to efforts from the European Space
Agency. However, the project was not widely announced and the agency
reported that they heard unusual sounds coming from the comet. Since the
mission was so sudden and billions had been spent on something that
seemed so trivial, theorists began thinking there might be something more to
this landing. They believe the comet is an alien artifact that might not have
wanted to be found. Others suggest that the comet actually has a
transmission tower and recent photos of it have shown UFOs in the
background, proving that the entire event has to do with aliens and the
European Space Agency tried to cover it up.

Eye of Saturn
In the 1990s, the Cassini spacecraft went to Saturn to take pictures but the
pictures weren't seen until 2007. NASA was stunned to see a hexagon figure
that covered most of Saturn’s north pole. The image was shocking not only
because it seemed to be geometrically precise, but also because it is so large
that NASA scientists say that four Earths could fit inside the area. NASA does
not know how it was created, but conspiracy theorists have some ideas. Some
people believe that a pyramid and two concentric circles are visible in the
picture. If you pull out a dollar bill and look at the "all-seeing eye" on the
back of the bill, people believe the same image is visible in the Saturn
photograph. However, most people believe that NASA could have faked the
eye and possibly the entire image of the Eye of Saturn.

Nazi Space Program

There are a lot of theories that link the Nazis and UFOs but one theory inp
articular states that the Nazis had their own space program and reached the
moon in 1945 before anyone else. This is because people confuse an early
German rocket program with a space program. Historian Michael Neufeld
explains, "People equate a rocket program with a space program and the
German rocket program was about building weapons only. That was the only
reason Nazi Germany supported rocketry. Their objective was to build the V-
2 and, if possible in the future, larger and longer-range weapons." However,
people still believe that Nazis made it to the moon and there is even a 2012
movie about it called Iron Sky.

Obama Visited Mars

Apparently President Barack Obama has visited Mars twice. Theorists believe
that Obama was enrolled in a space program in the 1980s that took young
people to Mars via a "jump room." Andrew D. Basiago, a lawyer in
Washington State who served in Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency’s time travel program Project Pegasus in the 1970s, and William B.
Stillings, who was tapped by the Mars program for his technical genius, both
confirmed Obama was in their training program. Stillings’s official comment
read, "I can confirm that Andrew D. Basiago and Barack Obama (then using
the name "Barry Soetoro") were in my Mars training course in Summer 1980
and that during the time period 1981 to 1983, I encountered Andy, Courtney
M. Hunt of the CIA, and other Americans on the surface of Mars after
reaching Mars via the "jump room" in El Segundo, California." People find
this important because they believe this is yet another slight against Obama’s
past and it calls into question his integrity as the president of the United

New Horizon's Lies

According to theorists, New Horizon's visit to Pluto was a hoax and the
stunning images they captured are photoshopped. Some people decided to
look through their own telescopes to take images of Jupiter, which is 400
million miles from Earth, and compare them to New Horizon's images it took
of the much smaller Pluto from nine million miles way, early in its mission.
These people say that their images of Jupiter are clearer than those of Pluto,
proving the official Pluto images are fake. People have taken to Twitter and
Facebook to voice their opinions and let everyone else know that these
images are holograms that NASA created. Meanwhile, others believe that
Pluto does indeed exist but NASA is covering the planet up because there is
alien life visible on the planet.

Moon Landing
Don’t believe the newspapers—we have never been to the moon. Recent polls
show that approximately 20 percent of Americans believe that the US has
never landed on the moon. Instead, these people believe that the US
government made up the moon landing to win the space race against Russia.
People cite the lack of an impact crater from the spaceships landing, multiple
light sources in the picture, a strange object reflected in the helmet of one of
the astronauts, the lack of stars in the images, and many more "strange"
occurrences as proof of this idea. Instead, people believe the whole ordeal
was filmed on a set in Hollywood by a professional production company.
Specifically, people believe Stanley Kubrick, the director of 2001: A Space
Odyssey (which was released one year before the moon landing), was
approached to direct this fake moon landing and that Kubrick was groomed
by the government to pull this off.

German Colonies on Mars

There is a claim from Corey Goode of a supposed German Mars colony built
in the 1940s. This was a quest that was independent from the SS quest to
establish a weaponized flying saucer during the same time period. The colony
was built by secret societies using hidden bases in South America and
Antarctica to explore technologies like space time portals developed with
records from ancient space programs of the Far East and extra terrestrial
advice. This program was kept secret from Nazi leadership and the German
military authorities.

These colonies were at the mercy of dust storms that destroyed most of their
electronic equipment. They later discovered regions that were more
hospitable, but sooner or later they ran afoul of the insectoids and the
reptilians: The two species of indigenous Martians.

In 1952 the secret societies of Mars made a show of power and force against
Washington D.C. They ended up making an alliance with the US military-
industrial complex. Americans wanted to take over the German bases after
establishing the alliance. However, the Martian secret societies ended up
infiltrating America’s high-tech industries and power positions.

Space Angels
On the 155th day of their mission back in 1984, cosmonauts on the Soviet
Space Station Salyut 7 allegedly saw a blinding light which penetrated
through opaque walls and illuminated their interiors. They allegedly saw
seven angels with halos and wings surrounding the space station. They
claimed that each was the size of a 747. They remained there for 10 minutes
then later vanished.

A fortnight later, the crew was joined by three other cosmonauts. The same
phenomenon occurred again. After the mission was completed, the Soviet
authorities brushed off the divinely encounter.

Apollo 10 Landing
According to one theory about the Apollo 10, Thomas Stafford, Eugene
Cernan and John Young saw an extraterrestrial body orbiting around the
earth that resembled a monolith. Apollo 10 apparently made a clandestine
approach to photograph the message and star map etched into the side of the
monolith, but electrical emanations from the object wreaked havoc with
onboard instruments, almost causing a mission failure

In 1972 the extraterrestrial body was recovered and taken to a research

facility hidden north of Bahamas. It was studied by researchers like Carl
Sagan and US Army Intelligence and Security Command General Albert
Stubblebine who later suffered from cancer. It is believed that the
extraterrestrial body emitted some radiations which caused cancer to those
studying the terrestrial bodies. People believe that there are many similar
extraterrestrial bodies which may have been left by alien civilization.

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