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Guidance Note

Geometrical tolerances No. 5.03

Scope The relationship between the magnitudes of
This Guidance Note presents a brief random and systematic errors varies among
consideration of what can be expected in fabricators, depending on their methods and
terms of the accuracy of a structure's fully their equipment, and will also vary with
assembled length, width and vertical profile. structural form.
Reference is made to EN 1090-2 (Ref 1) and
to the special tolerances given in the Model In bridge construction, length is one of the
Project Specification (MPS) (Ref 2). most important dimensions that needs to be
controlled. The overall dimensions of smaller
Execution Standard structures, with few fabricated components
EN 1090-2, Clause 11 defines three types of in their length, will be influenced by both
permitted geometrical deviations random and systematic errors; longer
(tolerances): structures, with many components, will be
 Essential tolerances, which relate to influenced mainly by systematic errors.
criteria that are necessary for mechanical
resistance and stability, and which are Generally it can be expected that the ratio of
total error to total dimension can be
used to support CE marking of
expected to be better on larger structures
components to EN 1090-1 [Ref 3];
where there are more components and the
 Functional tolerances, which relate to random elements have a chance to cancel
other criteria such as fit-up and one another out, than on smaller structures
appearance; with fewer elements where there is less
 Special tolerances, which may be chance of the random errors self
specified for project-specific reasons and compensating.
which need to be clearly defined in the
execution specification. Plan Position at Bearings
The accuracy with which the steelwork can
The requirements relate to final acceptance be positioned on the substructure is affected
testing and thus cover tolerances for both by the build-up of fabrication and erection
fabrication and erection. deviations. Figure 1 shows typical
longitudinal and transverse deviations in plan
At a cost, and given the time, very high position at datum temperature between the
levels of dimensional accuracy are possible, various components, together with a brief
but the main issue is what can be justified commentary.
for the particular structure.
When considering the tolerance on
The MPS provides values of special essential movement capacity of a sliding bearing, a
tolerances in its clause 11.201 and a means 10 mm allowance should be made for the
to set special functional tolerances in sum of random deviations at the various
11.301. The background to the values is interfaces shown in Figure 1 plus L/10000
explained below. for the systematic deviation in girder length.
This tolerance is given in the MPS,
Types of dimensional imperfection 11.201(iii).
As with all manufactured items, fabricated
components contain both random and Adjustment of errors in length
systematic dimensional errors. The accumulation of small systematic errors
in the fabricated length of girders can
On larger structures, where many girders sometimes make it necessary to adjust the
may be joined end-to-end, there will be a length of the steelwork in order to meet the
general tendency for the random errors to be tolerances on plan position at the bearings.
self compensating: the statistical probability
of all such errors accumulating in one sense On long-span bridges, adjustment may be
will be very small. Systematic errors on the achieved by match marking and trimming
other hand, will generally accumulate. joints in rolling assemblies at ground level,
taking account of as-built surveys of the

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Guidance Note

No. 5.03
substructure. This approach is slow and detailed to allow such adjustment of bearing
expensive, but is essential for long structures base plates. Temporary bearing packing
(over about 250 m). systems should be planned carefully in terms
of capacity and disposition in order to safely
In viaduct work, adjustment points are support the steel self weight in all erection
normally pre-planned, and the main girder conditions
joints at those positions are not completed
until dimensions are available from site Structure width
indicating how the structure is matching the Errors in width will tend to be higher,
local bearing locations. relatively, than those in length. This is
because there is usually a high number of
Such adjustments are assessed in relation to joints (per unit width) and any dimensional
the substructure grid lines, which are errors tend to be dominated by systematic
themselves subject to tolerance, rather than effects.
being absolute overall dimensions. Given a
good standard of fabrication and Bridges skewed in plan will tend to have
substructure set-out, such adjustment points greater relative error in width than those that
would typically be at 150 m intervals. are square in plan.

Between adjustment points, errors A general tolerance of width/1000 should be

accumulate. The amount of error that can achievable. A tolerance of 10 mm on
be safely accommodated at each support spacing of top flanges where permanent
position should consider the following: formwork is to be used is given in the MPS,
 The allowable eccentricity in the support, 11.201(v).
which is a matter of design.
Vertical profile of steelwork
 The available spare movement capacity in The weld shrinkages at the top and bottom
sliding bearings, which is a matter of flanges of bridge girders are often different,
bearing selection and design. because of differences in weld size and
 Any implications regarding expansion joint flange cross section, and due to the
movements. sequence of welding. Such differentials give
rise to a vertical curvature in the girder, and
 The flexing of tall slender piers when
this may well be in the opposite direction to
fixed bearings are used that of the vertical profile and the allowance
for deformation due to permanent actions.
The selection of adjustment points in long
structures should therefore be a matter of Fabricators use empirical rules to adjust the
discussion and agreement between the shape of the web to allow for such effects
designer, the main contractor and the as shrinkage. This is not a precise science,
fabricator, and should take place as early as and the control of the profile, particularly on
possible in the project. slender girders, is a matter that requires
experienced judgement by the fabricator.
The assessment of misalignment at each
support as construction proceeds needs To complicate the issue further, all
careful observations, and should take into ‘as-welded’ fabrications have locations
account average steel temperature together adjacent to welds where residual stresses are
with any rotations and translations that will at or about the yield point for the material
occur due to the action of self weight. The (the forces are in equilibrium with other
problems in assessing temperature effects internal forces). Externally applied vibrations
are discussed in GN 7.02 or loads can give rise to stress relief at these
locations, and to a resultant overall change in
As bearing locations may have to be shape of the fabrication as the equilibrium in
adjusted, it is recommended that only fixed internal forces changes. This effect is not
bearings be fully grouted prior to erection. significant in the majority of bridge girders,
Pockets for bearing fixing dowels should be but can be an issue in structures where the

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Guidance Note

No. 5.03
span to depth ratio is around 30 or more. Profile of road surface
Girders of such proportions have been known The profile of the finished road surface of a
to alter in their profile during transportation. highway bridge depends on three elements:
 the profile of the steelwork
For the above reasons, relative errors in
profile tend to be greater in shorter spans. In  any variation in the thickness (and
longer spans, the girders tend to be weight) of the deck slab
inherently less slender, but also, since more  any variation in thickness of the roadway
individual girder pieces tend to make up the surfacing
span and provide an opportunity for vertical
rotational adjustment at each joint, There may be some scope for adjustment of
considerably lower relative errors can be steelwork during its construction if it is
achieved in the overall profile of the span. expected that the deviation from the required
geometry will be too great. If the steelwork
A tolerance of ±span/1000 (on midspan is not adjusted, the profile can be modified
level, relative to the level at the supports, by ‘regulation’ of the deck slab and/or the
reducing proportionately as the distance to surface thicknesses. In these cases the
the support reduces) can be achieved; a thickness is varied (usually increased at ‘low
tolerance of 35 mm can be achieved on spots’) so that a better finished profile is
spans exceeding 35 m. This is the tolerance achieved. However, additional thickness
given in the MPS, 11.201(ii), but the means additional self weight and this will
designer can specify lesser values in increase design moments and forces.
situations which require tighter tolerances. Additional thickness and self weight in
Designers should, however, recognise what midspan regions has a much greater
can be readily achieved by the influence on moments than does an increase
fabricator/erector and not specify tighter local to the supports. It may therefore be
tolerance except where strictly necessary. prudent to ‘over-camber’ the steelwork in
some cases to guard against variations (from
In specifying the required tolerance for any the intended profile) on the low side. Such
particular project, the designer should addition would be made to the specified
consider carefully what the effects that ‘allowance for permanent deformation’ (see
deviations up to that tolerance value would GN 4.03). If such a strategy is adopted, it
have on vertical profile, drainage, self should be made clear to all parties.
weight, surfacing thickness, etc.
In railway bridges, deviations between
Note, however, that the above discussion intended and actual profile of the structure
about tolerance on level relates to the bridge will be accommodated by variations in ballast
as a whole, not to each individual girder thickness but, again, the consequences on
separately. Where there would be a lack of effects due to self weight and on the level of
planarity at top flange level of a composite the track need to be considered.
bridge, the need to maintain a minimum
structural thickness of the slab will usually No special tolerance is given in the MPS.
mean that the slab will be cast with its
nominal depth over the highest girder, and Verticality of girders at supports
with a greater depth over the lower girders. There is no tolerance given in EN 1090-2 for
In the Model Project Specification, clause the verticality of stiffened webs at supports
11.201 specifies a tolerance of 20 mm on but verticality must be controlled in order to
the level of one main girder relative to limit transverse rotation of the bearings and
another, adjacent, main girder; this tolerance secondary effects.
is appropriate for a slab of about 250 mm
thickness. If any greater tolerance were to The verticality of girders at supports is
be accepted, the design should be checked usually set by bracing or cross head systems
for the consequent increase in self weight connected with preloaded bolts. Given a
due to the thicker slab. good standard of fabrication there is usually
sufficient clearance in the bolt holes to allow

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Guidance Note

No. 5.03
the appropriate degree of adjustment to elements, including non-structural items such
achieve a tolerance of Depth/300 without as parapets and fascia panels.
resorting to reaming. This is the value given
in the MPS, 11.201(iv). The EN 1090-2 class 1 functional tolerance
for the location of web stiffeners is ±5 mm,
It is emphasised that this check applies to which is related to their required location
the web itself, and should not be translated shown as a simple dimension on the design
to, or derived from, the horizontality or and/or fabrication drawings. Whilst this
otherwise of the flange plates or bearings. degree of accuracy is reasonably easy to
achieve within a single fabricated element,
If this tolerance is not achieved and the consequences of accumulated errors over
subsequent adjustment of the bracing the joints in a series of consecutive elements
system is not readily achievable, a check will should be taken into account in the detailing
be necessary to establish whether the of the fixings themselves, and these should
bracing system is capable of sustaining the be provided with some adjustment facility.
resulting additional horizontal forces. This
situation may well be experienced at the If structural stiffeners are intended to serve a
abutments of skewed composite bridges. dual purpose (i.e. for attachment of fittings
See comment on girder twist in GN 1.02. as well as for structural purposes), this
should be clearly specified, so that any
Special functional tolerances implications on tolerance can be identified.
Two classes of functional tolerance are given
in EN 1090-2. Class 1, which is the less References
onerous tolerance, is the default for routine 1. EN 1090-2:2008, Execution of steel
work. Tolerance class 2 will require special structures and aluminium structures.
and more expensive measures in fabrication Part 1, Technical requirements for steel
and erection. The MPS selects class 1 as structures.
the default in 11.301 and provides in 11.302 2.Steel Bridge Group: Model project
the opportunity to add other requirements. specification for the execution of
steelwork in bridge structures, (P382),
Attachment of other prefabricated elements SCI, 2009.
It is necessary to give consideration to the 3. EN 1090-1, Execution of steel structures
accuracy of location of fittings required to and aluminium structures. Part 1,
support or avoid other prefabricated Requirements for conformity assessment
of structural components.

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Guidance Note

Geometrical tolerances No. 5.03

Bearing Bearing Web

stiffener stiffener


± 5mm  ± 5mm 

Bottom flange Bottom flange

Tapered plate Tapered plate
± 2mm
± 2mm 
Bearing ± Distance   Bearing ± 1mm 
from fixed
± 10mm  ± 15mm 

Substructure Substructure

Longitudinal Transverse

Ref Deviation
 Offset of bearing stiffener Stiffeners and tapered plate are set out by hand, or installed to machine-
relative to tapered plate generated powder-marks on theoretical bearing centreline.
 Offset of web relative to The web is located manually or by T&I machine, and the centre of the
tapered plate tapered plate is set manually; both are set to the measured centreline of the
&Offset of fixing holes in tapered Both sets of holes are drilled using CNC machines.
plate and bearing top plate
 Overall length, causing offset of This is caused by cumulative small systematic variations in girder lengths and
top plate of bearing relative to splice gaps It should be allowed for in the design translations for the bearings.
bottom plate
 Slack in bearing Top and bottom plates are held in position by transit cleats until the
steelwork is erected, or by the guides.
 Position of bearing on This is accommodated by clearance in the dowel pockets.
 Position of bearing on This is due to offset of overall location and variations in width between
substructure girders arising from variations in positions of holes in bracing members and
stiffeners, widths of stiffeners, gaps in welded joints, clearance in bolt holes,
and offsets of webs and tapered plates.

Figure 1 Geometrical deviations

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