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FEMS Microbiology Ecology 28 (1999) 193^202


Contribution of hydrogen to methane production and control of

hydrogen concentrations in methanogenic soils and sediments
R. Conrad *
Max-Planck-Institut fuër terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Karl-von-Frisch-Str., D-35043 Marburg, Germany

Received 28 May 1998; received in revised form 29 July 1998; accepted 27 August 1998


Hydrogen is, with acetate, one of the most important intermediates in the methanogenic degradation of organic matter and
serves as substrate for methanogenic archaea. Hydrogen should theoretically account for 33% of total methanogenesis when
carbohydrates or similar forms of organic matter are degraded. Many methanogenic environments show both much lower and
much higher contributions of H2 to CH4 production than is considered normal. While the lower contributions are relatively
easily explained (e.g. by the contribution of homoacetogenesis), the mechanisms behind higher contributions are mostly
unclear. In methanogenic environments H2 is rapidly turned over, its concentration being the result of simultaneous production
by fermenting plus syntrophic bacteria and consumption by methanogenic archaea. The steady-state concentration observed in
most methanogenic environments is close to the thermodynamic equilibrium of H2 -dependent methanogenesis. The threshold
is usually equivalent to a Gibbs free energy of 323 kJ mol31 CH4 that is necessary to couple CH4 production to the generation
of 1/3 ATP. Methanogenesis from H2 is inhibited if the H2 concentration decreases below this threshold. Concentrations of H2
can only be decreased below this threshold if a H2 -consuming reaction with a lower H2 threshold (e.g. sulfate reduction) takes
over at a rate that is equal to or higher than that of methanogenesis. The instantaneous and complete inhibition of H2 -
dependent CH4 production that is often observed upon addition of sulfate can only be explained if a comparably high sulfate
reduction potential is cryptically present in the methanogenic environment. z 1999 Federation of European Microbiological
Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : H2 ; CH4 ; Acetate; Fermentation ; Syntrophy; Methanogenesis; Homoacetogenesis; Threshold; Gibbs free energy; Km

1. Introduction environment. Indeed, H2 is a ubiquitous compound

in anaerobic environments where it exhibits a fast
Methanogenic archaea utilize only a limited num- turnover but usually occurs at only very low concen-
ber of substrates, the most important ones being tration [2^4]. Low H2 concentrations are a thermo-
acetate and H2 /CO2 (or formate) [1]. Most methano- dynamic prerequisite for the degradation of alcohols
genic archaea are able to utilize H2 /CO2 and such and fatty acids by H2 -producing syntrophic bacteria
methanogens can be found in every methanogenic [5]. In methanogenic environments where inorganic
electron acceptors other than CO2 are not available,
* Tel.: +49 (6421) 178 801; Fax: +49 (6421) 178 809; consumption of H2 is only possible by methanogenic
E-mail: archaea and homoacetogenic bacteria. There, degra-

0168-6496 / 99 / $20.00 ß 1999 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 6 4 9 6 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 8 6 - 5

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Fig. 1. Pathway of anaerobic degradation of organic matter to methane.

dation of alcohols and fatty acids is usually accom- formate may replace H2 in many of the processes
plished by syntrophy between H2 -producing syntro- [6] which, however, should have no consequences
phic bacteria and H2 -consuming methanogenic ar- for the principal conclusions.
chaea [5].
In this MiniReview I will address the following
two questions. (1) What is the percentage contribu- 2. Contribution of H2 to methanogenesis
tion of H2 to the production of CH4 ? (2) How is the
H2 concentration and methanogenesis controlled by Hydrogen is a product of the anaerobic degrada-
competition? I do not address the possibility that tion of organic matter by fermenting and syntrophic

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bacteria. The most abundant source of dead organic bacteria to acetate which then serves as substrate for
matter in natural environments is usually plant ma- acetotrophic methanogens converting it to CH4 and
terial consisting of lignin and polysaccharides. Some CO2 (Fig. 1).
aquatic sediments receive a large input of dead crus- Using the degradation of glucose as an example,
taceans consisting of chitin. Lignin is largely recalci- most of the standard Gibbs free energy content is
trant under anaerobic conditions [7], but methanol utilized during the ¢rst stage, i.e. the fermentation
may be released from the methoxy groups and thus to alcohols and fatty acids (Figs. 1 and 2; Table
may support methanogenesis to a limited extent. In 1). The next stage, i.e. the syntrophic degradation
general, however, we may assume that the anaerobic of alcohols and fatty acids to acetate and H2 , is
degradation process is largely driven by carbohy- usually endergonic under standard conditions (Table
drates as the dominant substrate. This assumption 1) and is only possible when combined with H2 -con-
is valid for aquatic sediments, peat, other wetlands, suming methanogenesis. Less than half of the Gibbs
ruminants, arthropods feeding on plant material, free energy content of glucose is available for the
and for many types of sewage sludge. syntrophic degradation of the alcohols and fatty
The anaerobic degradation pathway of dead or- acids to CH4 and CO2 (Fig. 2; Table 2) and this
ganic matter is in principle well known [1]. Di¡erent energy has to be shared among the syntrophs and
groups of microorganisms participate in the degra- the methanogens. Only if the fermentation step is
dation which basically proceeds in three steps. (1) homoacetogenesis (reaction 1.5), the residual free en-
Fermenting bacteria excrete enzymes that hydrolyze ergy (about a quarter of the total) is exclusively
organic polymers (e.g. polysaccharides) and catabo- available for acetotrophic methanogenesis (Fig. 2).
lize the resulting monomers to alcohols, fatty acids In fact, there is no thermodynamic reason why ho-
and H2 . (2) Syntrophic bacteria further degrade the moacetogenic degradation of carbohydrates coupled
alcohols and fatty acids to acetate, H2 (alternatively to acetotrophic methanogenesis should not be a ma-
formate) and CO2 . (3) Acetate and H2 (alternatively jor pathway in anoxic environments. At the moment,
formate) plus CO2 ¢nally serve as substrates for however, the role of homoacetogenesis in methano-
methanogens. Alternatively, many of the monomers genic environments is unclear.
(e.g. sugars) can be catabolized by homoacetogenic Hydrogen can be produced in the ¢rst fermenta-

Table 1
Standard Gibbs free energies (vG³P) of de¢ned stages in the degradation of glucose to CH4 (calculated after [38] using CO2 in gaseous
# Reaction vG³P (kJ mol31 substrate)
1.1 C6 H12 O6 C2 CH3 CHOHCOOH 3198.1
1.2 C6 H12 O6 C2 CH3 CH2 OH+2 CO2 3235.0
1.3 C6 H12 O6 C2/3 CH3 CH2 CH2 COOH+2/3 CH3 COOH+2 CO2 +8/3 H2 3248.0
1.4 C6 H12 O6 C4/3 CH3 CH2 COOH+2/3 CH3 COOH+2/3 CO2 +2/3 H2 O 3311.4
1.5 C6 H12 O6 C3 CH3 COOH 3311.2
2.1 CH3 CHOHCOOH+H2 OCCH3 COOH+CO2 +2 H2 348.7
2.2 CH3 CH2 OHCCH3 COOH+2 H2 +9.6
2.3 CH3 CH2 CH2 COOH+2 H2 OC2 CH3 COOH+2 H2 +48.3
2.4 CH3 CH2 COOH+2 H2 OCCH3 COOH+CO2 +3 H2 +31.8
1-2 C6 H12 O6 +2 H2 OC2 CH3 COOH+2 CO2 +4 H2 3216.1
Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis
3 4 H2 +CO2 C2 H2 O+CH4 332.7
1-3 C6 H12 O6 C2 CH3 COOH+CO2 +CH4 3346.8
Acetotrophic methanogenesis
4 CH3 COOHCCO2 +CH4 335.6
1-4 C6 H12 O6 C3 CO2 +3 CH4 3418.1

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196 R. Conrad / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 28 (1999) 193^202

CH4 production occurs exclusively from acetate.

This observation is explained by sulfate reducers
which consume H2 in the upper sediment layers. Be-
cause of the lack of acetotrophic sulfate reducers
[11], acetate is not consumed, and thus it di¡uses
into deeper layers where it is consumed by methano-
gens [12]. In methanogenic rice ¢eld soil, the contri-
bution of H2 decreases when the temperature is
shifted to lower values (30 to 15³C), so that CH4 is
then mainly produced from acetate [3,13]. Most
probably, homoacetogenesis becomes the main fer-
mentation reaction under this condition.
There are many studies in the literature which re-
Fig. 2. Residual standard Gibbs free energy (vG³P) after each re-
action stage in the methanogenic degradation of glucose utilizing
port much higher contributions of H2 than the ex-
di¡erent glucose fermentation reactions (equation numbers from pected 33%. Conceivable explanations for these ex-
Table 1 in parentheses). ceptions include (i) additional sinks of acetate, (ii)
additional sources of H2 , or (iii) measurements under
non-steady-state conditions. Additional sinks of ace-
tive degradation stage (e.g. reaction 1.3), and it is tate are not uncommon, e.g. in the rumen, acetate is
obligatorily formed in the second syntrophic stage largely absorbed into the blood stream of the host,
of organic matter degradation. The syntrophic stage leaving H2 as the predominant source for methano-
is sensitive to inhibition by H2 for thermodynamic genesis [14]. Similar observations were made in mi-
reasons. The maximum amount of H2 relative to crobial mats where acetate is assimilated by the pho-
acetate that can be produced from the degradation totrophs [15]. Transient phenomena must occur
of carbohydrates is 4 mol H2 plus 2 mol acetate per when H2 and acetate are sequentially produced or
mol glucose (reaction sum 1-2), i.e. a ratio of H2 / utilized. For example, the low amounts of CH4 pro-
acetate of 2:1. Any contribution of homoacetogene- duced immediately after £ooding of paddy soil are
sis (reaction 1.5) decreases this ratio. Degradation of mainly due to H2 -dependent methanogenesis, since
chitin (monomer = N-acetylglucosamine) results in
one more acetate (ratio of H2 /acetate of 4:3) than Table 2
in the case of the degradation of glucose and thus Examples of the contribution of H2 to CH4 production in di¡er-
decreases the possible contribution of H2 . ent methanogenic sediments
Since 4 H2 , but only 1 acetate, are required to Environment Contribution (%) Ref.
produce 1 CH4 , the contribution of H2 to methano- Contribution normal
genesis during anaerobic degradation of carbohy- Kichier Lake 32^46 [39]
drates can maximally be 33% of the total CH4 Lake Mendota 36^46 [40]
formed. Indeed, this percentage is consistent with Lake Washington 15^39 [41]
Anoxic paddy soil 17^31 [42]
data obtained from many studies of methanogenic
Contribution low
environments (Table 2). However, lower contribu- Colne Pt. Salt marsh 8 [9]
tions are also found in some methanogenic environ- Knaack Lake 4 [10]
ments. Usually, they are easily explained. In marine Lake Constance 0 [12]
sediments the low contribution of H2 can be due to Contribution high
Kuznechika lake 97 [39]
the dominance of sulfate reduction for degradation
Octopus Spring mat 74^86 [15]
of organic matter, while methanogenesis depends on Blelham Tarn 76^82 [43]
non-competitive precursors such as trimethylamine Cape Lookout Bight 71^80 [44]
[8,9]. In acidic lake sediments the low contribution Kings Lake Bog 100 [45]
of H2 may be explained by a larger contribution of Bunger Hills, Antarctica 95^97 [46]
Lake Baikal, deep sediment 99^100 [47]
homoacetogenesis [10]. In Lake Constance sediment,

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tron balances for CH4 and its precursors acetate and

H2 do not exist and thus it is unclear, for instance,
whether the preferential production of CH4 from H2 /
CO2 is balanced by an equivalent accumulation of
acetate or by non-methanogenic consumption of ace-
tate. Clearly, more research is required to explain the
high contribution of H2 to CH4 production in these
anoxic environments.

3. Control of the environmental H2 concentration

Hydrogen is an intermediate in the methanogenic

Fig. 3. E¡ect of sulfate addition on the H2 partial pressure, the degradation of organic matter and is rapidly turned
Gibbs free energy (vG) of H2 -dependent methanogenesis and the
accumulation of CH4 in slurries of anoxic Italian rice ¢eld soil
over (turnover times of minutes [3,4]). Any change of
(adapted from [24]). H2 concentration (C) is caused by a change of either
its rate of production (p) or utilization (u):
dC=dt ˆ p3u …1†
the H2 -dependent methanogens apparently become
active before the acetotrophic ones [16]. Eventually, Steady state is reached if p = u. If p s u, H2 concen-
however, steady state is reached and H2 then con- tration will increase, thus also resulting in increased
tributes about 30% to CH4 production as theoreti- H2 utilization. Assuming Michaelis-Menten kinetics
cally expected (Table 2). (with umax and Km as parameters) the new and higher
In most cases, however, where H2 /CO2 -dependent steady-state H2 concentration will then be given by:
methanogenesis dominates (up to 100%) CH4 pro-
C ˆ pKm =…umax 3p† …2†
duction in sediments of lakes, marine bights and
peat bogs (Table 2), an explanation for elevated con- However, this higher H2 steady state will not per-
tributions of H2 to methanogenesis is more di¤cult sist for long, since the H2 utilizers will eventually
to ¢nd. Additional sources of H2 are as yet unde- start to increase their biomass X, e.g. according to
scribed except where there is a geological input of the Monod equation:
H2 , such as in Lake Kivu [17]. In most of the deep
sediments and peat bogs, detailed carbon and elec- dX=dt ˆ X…CWmax †=…Ks ‡ C† …3†

Table 3
Gibbs free energies of H2 -dependent methanogenesis under steady-state conditions in various environments and at the threshold of H2
consumption in methanogens
Methanogenic system 3vG (kJ mol31 CH4 ) Reference
Sewage sludge 28^32 [2,48]
Lake Mendota; Knaack Lake 27^35 [2]
Wetwood 42 [2]
Canal with detritus and leaves 8^18 [30]
Alder swamp 12^19 [30]
Littoral sediment, Lake Constance 33^39 [49]
Profundal sediment, Lake Constance 23^34 [12]
Upland soils turned methanogenic 25^50 [50]
Italian rice ¢eld soil 24^38 [13]
Methanobacterium bryantii 29^37 [27,28]
Other methanogenic archaea 29^50 [27,28]

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(with Wmax = maximum growth rate; Ks = H2 concen- The threshold concept of anaerobic H2 utilization
tration at Wmax /2). Since assumes that there is a certain H2 concentration be-
low which utilization is no longer possible because of
umax ˆ Xvmax …4†
thermodynamic constraints. Theoretically, the H2
(with vmax = speci¢c maximum H2 utilization rate), threshold should be given by the conditions at which
this adaptation will return the H2 concentration to reactants and products are in thermodynamic equi-
the original value that existed before the increase of librium (vG = 0). Thus, the H2 threshold should be
H2 production. In other words, the H2 steady-state de¢ned by the equilibrium constant (K):
concentration is basically under the control of the H2
K ˆ exp…3vG o =RT† …5†
utilizers and their kinetic characteristics [18].
The parameters Wmax , vmax , Ks and Km are speci¢c For example, the H2 threshold partial pressure (pH2 )
for a given microorganism. Thus, it has been pro- of H2 -dependent methanogenesis is given by the
posed that the parameters of competing H2 utilizers equilibrium constant and the partial pressures of
should determine which organism ¢nally wins CO2 and CH4 :
the competition. Indeed, it was shown that sulfate
reducers utilize H2 faster than methanogens pH2 ˆ ‰pCH4 =…pCO2 K†Š1=4 …6†
because of their lower Km [19]. Similarly, it was
shown that sulfate reducers have a lower Ks (H2 Indeed, it has been found that H2 thresholds for
concentration at half-maximum growth rate W) various anaerobic H2 -utilizing reactions and bacteria
than methanogens and thus are able to outgrow decrease with decreasing vG³ (increasing K) of the
the latter [19]. H2 -utilizing reaction [21,26,28]. In reality, however,
Indeed, it has repeatedly been demonstrated that the H2 thresholds were found to be slightly higher
H2 -dependent CH4 production is inhibited in the than those indicated by the equilibrium constant
presence of sulfate [19,20]. This inhibition has usu- [27,28]. Obviously, H2 utilization stops at a value
ally been explained by the more e¤cient H2 utiliza- which still allows for a small negative Gibbs free
tion kinetics in sulfate reducers than in methanogens. energy, the critical Gibbs free energy (vGc ). This
However, this model provides no explanation of why critical value is probably explained by the coupling
the resident methanogens should not continue H2 to the energy-generating system of the cell which has
utilization, albeit at a reduced rate. Complete inhib- a threshold of about 1/3 ATP or approximately 323
ition can only be achieved after the methanogenic kJ mol31 of the energy-generating reaction [5]. Inter-
population has been outgrown by the sulfate reduc- estingly, the values of vGc increase (less negative) in
ers [19,20]. Thus, methanogenic populations may be the order sulfate reducers s methanogens s homo-
replaced by sulfate reducers, iron reducers or nitrate acetogens, indicating that sulfate reducers need
reducers in systems that have been exposed to sul- more free energy than homoacetogens to allow H2
fate, Fe(III) or nitrate for a long time, e.g. aquatic utilization [28].
sediments or aquifers. These environments are Reaction kinetics close to the thermodynamic
largely in steady state with respect to concentrations equilibrium become increasingly reversible. There-
of sulfate, Fe(III) and nitrate and consequently ex- fore, they are not well described by Michaelis-Men-
hibit H2 concentrations that are characteristic for ten kinetics which are based on irreversible reactions.
methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, iron reduction, Hoh and Cord-Ruwisch [29] recently modi¢ed the
etc. [21]. However, the kinetic model does not pro- Michaelis-Menten model. Their equilibrium model
vide an explanation for the instantaneous and com- takes into account the relative di¡erence of the ac-
plete inhibition of H2 -dependent CH4 production tual H2 concentration to that at the thermodynamic
that has been observed in some methanogenic envi- equilibrium by amending the Michaelis-Menten
ronments upon addition of sulfate [22^24]. An alter- equation with the term y/K:
native model, one which incorporates a threshold
u ˆ umax C…13y=K†=‰Km ‡ C…1 ‡ y=K†Š …7†
concept, on the other hand, does provide such an
explanation [21,25^27]. with y = 2 (actual concentration of products)/2 (ac-

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tual concentration of reactants), and K = 2 (concen- conditions (dC/dt = 0) would change from the meth-
tration of products at equilibrium)/2 (concentration anogenic H2 utilization:
of reactants at equilibrium).
p ˆ um …8†
Thus, y is equivalent to the equilibrium constant,
but uses the actual concentrations instead of the con- to the simultaneous utilization by methanogenesis
centrations at thermodynamic equilibrium. The au- and sulfate reduction:
thors were able to show that their model ¢tted ex-
p 6 um ‡ us …9†
perimental data well for both H2 -producing
reactions (e.g. propionate degradation by syntrophs) and the steady-state H2 concentration would conse-
and H2 -utilizing reactions (e.g. homoacetogenesis quently decrease below the threshold of the metha-
and methanogenesis) [29]. An important result of nogens, so that CH4 production would stop. Now,
this modeling approach is that the H2 conversion the H2 production would have to be balanced by the
rates at environmentally relevant H2 concentrations sulfate reducers (us alone). Such a balance is only
are much more sensitive to the thermodynamic con- possible if the instantaneous potential of H2 -depend-
ditions in the environment (i.e. y/K) than to the ki- ent sulfate reduction is equal to or higher than that
netic parameters of the microorganisms (i.e., vmax of H2 -dependent methanogenesis (us v um ). If this is
and Km ). This response is because the H2 concentra- not the case, then p s us , and consequently, H2 con-
tions are much closer to the thermodynamic equi- centrations will increase again until H2 -dependent
librium than to the microbial Km values. The model methanogenesis resumes and balances H2 produc-
of Hoh and Cord-Ruwisch [29] may be further im- tion. Then the same cycle would repeat itself. Macro-
proved by using y/Kc instead of y/K, where Kc is the scopically, this chain of events should result in a
equilibrium constant based on vGc rather than vG³ partial but instantaneous inhibition of methanogen-
to account for the fact that H2 utilization (also H2 esis without any concomitant decrease of the H2
production) stops short of the thermodynamic equi- concentration. Only much later, the population of
librium. the sulfate reducers would have eventually grown
In contrast to the Michaelis-Menten model, the up. Increasing X of sulfate reducers would result in
threshold concept easily explains why a H2 -utilizing increasing us (Eqs. 3 and 4) until us = p, then also
process is rapidly and completely outcompeted when resulting in decreasing H2 concentrations until a
another process with a lower threshold becomes new steady state characteristic of sulfate reducers
possible. As soon as the H2 concentration decreases would be attained.
below the threshold for a process, activity stops. One example which may ¢t this pattern is that
Measurements in methanogenic environments indi- of sediment of Lake Mendota where 2 days of in-
cate that in situ H2 concentrations correspond to cubation were required for a decrease of the H2 con-
vG values of approximately 323 kJ mol31 CH4 , centration although the partial inhibition of H2 -
i.e. equivalent to the energetic threshold of 1/3 dependent methanogenesis was immediate [31].
ATP, or less (Table 3). Only one study found vG Methanogenic rice ¢eld soil, on the other hand, on
values that were much higher than 320 kJ mol31 sulfate addition shows an instantaneous and com-
CH4 [30]. In many cases, H2 -dependent methanogen- plete inhibition of H2 -dependent methanogenesis
esis obviously operates at its thermodynamic thresh- with concomitant decrease of the H2 concentration
old. If we assume that the steady-state concentration to values that are thermodynamically no longer per-
of H2 in methanogenic environments is identical to missive for methanogens (Fig. 3). Similar results
the H2 threshold of the resident methanogenic £ora, have also been obtained with Lake Wintergreen sedi-
then we can consider what would happen if a second ment [22]. The instantaneous and rapid decrease of
H2 utilization process becomes active, e.g. H2 -de- H2 concentration indicates that the potential for H2 -
pendent sulfate reduction after addition of sulfate. dependent sulfate reduction must be as high as that
Let the rates of methanogenic and sulfate-reducing of CH4 production.
H2 utilization be um and us . Then, the steady-state Plentiful evidence indicates that most H2 -depend-

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200 R. Conrad / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 28 (1999) 193^202

ent methanogenesis operates in microbial aggregates occasionally been applied to acetate utilization but
in which H2 producers are juxtaposed to H2 consum- less rigorously than in the case of H2 . Methanogens
ers [3,4]. It has been proposed that sulfate reducers have dramatically di¡erent thresholds for acetate due
may act as syntrophic H2 producers in the absence of to di¡erent activation mechanisms. Thus, Methano-
sulfate, e.g. during syntrophic degradation of lactate, sarcina species, which activate acetate (input of 1
ethanol or propionate [31]. The syntrophic propio- ATP) with an acetate kinase, have a much higher
nate oxidizers that have so far been isolated are all threshold (0.2^1.2 mM) for acetate than Methanosae-
able to reduce sulfate (e.g. [32]). Addition of sulfate ta species (7^70 WM), which activate acetate (input of
would switch these bacteria from acting as syntrophs 2 ATP) with an acetyl-CoA synthetase [37]. If the
to acting as sulfate reducers, stop the production of acetate steady-state concentration observed in meth-
H2 , and starve the juxtaposed methanogens. Also, anogenic environments is equivalent to the threshold
H2 concentrations would decrease where H2 produc- of the resident methanogenic population, then inhib-
tion by sulfate reducers was one of the main H2 ition of methanogenesis upon addition of sulfate,
sources. Interestingly, circumstantial evidence indi- iron or nitrate does not necessarily require an instan-
cates that sulfate reducers may indeed be involved taneous decrease of the acetate concentration (see
in the syntrophic propionate degradation in metha- conjecture above). Indeed, in experiments with an-
nogenic rice ¢eld soils [33], where a rapid decrease of oxic rice ¢eld soil, such a decrease has not been
H2 concentrations has been observed upon addition observed, although acetate-dependent CH4 produc-
of sulfate. tion was inhibited [24,34]. The observed inhibition
Analogously to addition of sulfate, addition of would be consistent with an acetate-utilizing poten-
ferrihydrite or nitrate should also inhibit methano- tial of the sulfate, iron and nitrate utilizers that is
genesis by competition for H2 . Indeed, H2 concen- lower than that of the acetate-utilizing methanogens.
trations decrease and CH4 production is inhibited More research is needed to con¢rm this possible con-
when ferrihydrite or nitrate are added to methano- clusion.
genic rice ¢eld soil [23,34]. However, the microbes
utilizing Fe(III) or nitrate as electron acceptors prob-
ably compete not only for H2 and acetate, but also Acknowledgments
for fermentation products that are precursors for H2
and acetate production and probably also for carbo- I thank H. Scholten for critically reading the
hydrates directly. Therefore, the e¡ects of these elec- manuscript.
tron acceptors on H2 turnover and methanogenesis
are not comparable to those of sulfate. In addition,
the e¡ects of nitrate on methanogenesis were shown
to be due to toxicity of denitri¢cation products (ni- References
trite, NO and/or N2 O) to the methanogens in rice
[1] Zinder, S.H. (1993) Physiological ecology of methanogens. In:
¢eld soils [35]. Methanogenesis: Ecology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Ge-
netics (Ferry, J.G., Ed.), pp. 128^206. Chapman and Hall,
New York.
4. Control of the environmental acetate concentration [2] Conrad, R., Schink, B. and Phelps, T.J. (1986) Thermody-
namics of H2 -producing and H2 -consuming metabolic reac-
tions in diverse methanogenic environments under in situ con-
Another question which is currently unresolved is ditions. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 38, 353^360.
to what extent acetate turnover follows similar prin- [3] Conrad, R., Mayer, H.P. and Wuëst, M. (1989) Temporal
ciples as H2 turnover. Most experiments show that change of gas metabolism by hydrogen-syntrophic methano-
addition of sulfate, ferrihydrite or nitrate also inhib- genic bacterial associations in anoxic paddy soil. FEMS Mi-
crobiol. Ecol. 62, 265^274.
ited acetate-dependent methanogenesis. As in the
[4] Conrad, R., Phelps, T.J. and Zeikus, J.G. (1985) Gas metab-
case of H2 , this inhibition is thought to be due to olism evidence in support of juxtapositioning between hydro-
sulfate, iron and nitrate reducers competing success- gen producing and methanogenic bacteria in sewage sludge
fully for acetate [20,36]. The threshold concept has and lake sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 50, 595^601.

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[5] Schink, B. (1997) Energetics of syntrophic cooperation in nogens for hydrogen in sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
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