A Radical Approach To Soot Formation

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A radical approach to soot formation

Chain reactions of resonance-stabilized radicals turn molecules into clusters and nanoparticles

By Murray Thomson and Tirthankar Mitra The carbon nanoparticles then grow and ag- cess to be consistent with thermodynam-
gregate to form larger, fractal-like structures. ics. However, many researchers have noted

umans have used the high-temper- On page 997 of this issue, Johansson et al. (2) that PAH dimers held together by physical
ature synthesis of carbon particles as propose a new mechanism based on chain forces (e.g., van der Waals interactions) are
a source of pigments since prehistoric reactions of resonance-stabilized radical not stable at high temperatures (5), and the
times (1), and today, “carbon blacks” (RSR) species to explain this transition from PAH dimers will break apart.
are used in tires, inks, coatings, plas- gas-phase molecules to nanoparticles. Thus, chemical bonds between the PAH
tics, and electrical applications. For Most models of soot inception use the molecules in the cluster or particle are es-
most substances, solid particles become gases approach of Frenklach and Wang (3), who sential to maintain particle stability at the
when heated, but solid soot forms from gas- modeled soot nucleation based on the high flame temperatures. Several research-
eous molecules at high temperature through irreversible collision of PAH species that ers have proposed pathways for covalent
a mechanism that is still not understood. link together to form a dimer. A dimer bond formation, but these pathways use

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The high-temperature synthesis of carbon would be better described as a molecular irreversible reactions with high-energy bar-
particles (see the figure) occurs under oxy- cluster rather than soot, so it is not pos- riers. The challenge is to provide a detailed
gen-starved conditions where simple hydro- sible to define a clear moment when the reaction mechanism that explains the rapid
carbons can grow into larger molecules, growing cluster becomes soot. Thus, many clustering yet is consistent with fundamen-
especially polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons models group dimers, clusters, incipient tal thermodynamics principles.
(PAHs), in the gas phase. These large mol- soot, and mature soot into the soot model. Johansson et al. propose a new mechan-
ecules cluster into carbon nanoparticles, a In later work, Eaves et al. (4) modeled the ism to overcome this challenge and pro-
process often referred to as soot inception. formation of the dimer as a reversible pro- vide pathways to rapid particle formation
that are fully consistent with fundamental
scientific principles. The CHRCR (cluster-
From gas to soot ing of hydrocarbons by radical-chain reac-
The initial formation of solid nanoparticles from gas molecules is a missing pathway in soot formation. tions) mechanism invokes chain reactions
Johansson et al. propose a mechanism in which chain reactions of resonance-stabilized radicals (RSRs) of RSR species. These RSR species are
account for the growth of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (large RSRs) and their cluster growth. radicals and highly reactive. Every step in
this sequence forms a more stable RSR,
RSR growth mechanism and thus the reaction moves forward. The
chain reactions can begin with small RSR
Air species such as the cyclopentadienyl rad-
Air O OH Oxygen-species Fractal ical. The species growth is fast because the
Soot attack clusters reactions of these RSRs with other radical
oxidation OH
and closed-shell hydrocarbons readily re-
generate larger RSRs. There is no need for
Air additional hydrogen-abstraction reactions
Soot Further that can have a high energy barrier. The
growth Growing RSR growth large resonantly stabilized p-radical can
particle then undergo s-dimerization to form a
..... molecular cluster.
Soot Soot
Although this dimerization process
nucleation nuclei forms a stable cluster, the cluster can re-
Ring closure, gain its radical character by losing an H
RSR regeneration
Missing pathways to nucleation? atom and form products with higher sta-
bility. Thus, the radical pool never gets
PAH depleted. The proposed reaction steps are
growth very exothermic (they release energy) and
Chain elongation
should be effectively irreversible. The clus-
ter can continue to grow via reactions with
Pyrolysis other RSRs, unsaturated aliphatic species,

or nonradical aromatic species. This pro-

radical (initial RSR) cess would result in the fast and irrevers-
ible growth of large molecular clusters that
Fuel Flame zones Radicals to the rescue eventually leads to soot particles.
An overall picture of soot Molecules such as cyclopentadiene (bottom)
formation shows a fame that can form radicals that undergo chain reactions
evolves from a blue fuel-rich and build up large RSRs (middle) and ultimately Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University
zone to the orange soot zone. fractal clusters of these larger molecules (top). of Toronto, Canada. Email: murray.thomson@utoronto.ca

978 7 SEP TEMBER 2018 • VOL 361 ISSUE 6406 sciencemag.org SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
The CHRCR mechanism proposed by Jo- ASTROPHYSICS
hansson et al. may eventually resolve the
mystery of how soot inception occurs. How-
ever, to test this hypothesis, there is a need to
establish detailed reaction rates for the many
reactions between RSRs and other radical
and stable hydrocarbon species, as well as for astrophysics for the future
the reactions forming the initial clusters and
the growth pathways of these clusters. Fur- An open, modular approach with agreed standards
ther research is also necessary to identify how would facilitate astrophysical discovery
these clusters transition into three-dimen-
sional solid structures. Once these reaction
rates are determined, the model predictions By Simon Portegies Zwart ganized because it is intended to mediate
can be validated quantitatively against soot exploration. By contrast, industrial code is

and gas-phase species measurements in lab- cientific discovery is mediated by mature but restrains experimentation. Fur-
oratory reactors and flames. These laboratory ideas that, after being formulated in thermore, industry can afford dedicated
experiments will need to span the wide range hypotheses, can be tested, validated, teams to design and maintain software,
of gas compositions, temperatures, and pres- and quantified before they eventually whereas astronomical software develop-
sures in which these carbon nanoparticles lead to accepted concepts. Computer- ment is organized in indigent “families”
are formed in practical applications. This mediated discovery in astrophysics of researchers. A modular approach with

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process is likely to iterate between model is no exception, but antiquated code that agreed standards is essential to embolden
improvement and validation. However, the is only intelligible to scientists who were astrophysical discovery by computer.
short lifetime of the RSRs may make their ex- involved in writing it is holding up scien-
perimental measurement more challenging. tific discovery in the field. A bold initiative CITING AND SHARING
The issue of carbon particle formation is is needed to modernize astrophysics code The simple structure of astronomical soft-
not only of industrial interest. Soot or smoke and make it transparent and useful beyond ware packages has enabled them to survive,
is unintentionally formed in combustion ap- a small group of scientists. some even since the 1970s. Although this di-
plications and in wildfires, and if released Scientific software is like a prototype in nosource code is often written in an ancient
a laboratory experiment; it must stimulate dialect, the underlying physics has hardly
experimentation. The eventual code is a changed. About 58% of these codes are
description of concepts and their relation- publicly available (5), but many are obfus-
“Further research is also ships, which are imperative for reproduc- cated because they have received multiple
necessary to identify how ibility and validating the results. In recent updates in the form of patches, keeping the
decades, hardware performance and com- deprecated code for backward compatibil-
these clusters transition puter languages have both changed dra- ity. Existing code therefore forms no suit-
into three-dimensional solid matically. Software engineering has also
experienced major advances, such as multi-
able basis for building a general framework.
We know little about undisclosed codes, but
structures.” lingual implementations and the introduc- it is unlikely that they are different.
tion of design patterns. Industry and large Authors may decide not to distribute
to the environment, soot contributes to air scientific endeavors, such as CERN, have their source code; this is generally moti-
pollution and climate change. Space dust in embraced these changes; in addition, their vated by a desire to preserve a head start on
interstellar regions is believed to form from software is built on various assisting pack- the competition, or for fear that erroneous
carbon-containing stars through a mechan- ages to vitalize modularity, platform inde- results produced by others discredit their
ism similar to that for soot (6). Now that Jo- pendency, and message brokering. Although efforts. Such secretly developed codes are
hansson et al. have proposed an innovative leading to a better structure, these develop- of no help to the community and produce
and promising new approach to understand- ments also lead to higher complexity (1) and unverifiable results. In experimental sci-
ing soot inception, the hard work will be fill- a sharp increase in the number of code lines ences, failure to publish laboratory details
ing in the details of the model that should (2). The latter is particularly noticeable in is equivalent to failure in properly describ-
help solve a mystery that has challenged re- the growth of the Linux kernel (3). ing an experiment (6), and this cannot be
searchers for at least the last 40 years. j Astronomical source code remains tiny much different for source code. But so long
by industrial standards, and its structure as public codes are copied, adapted, or ex-
is characterized by developments dur- panded and eventually released under a
1. M.-J. Wang, C. A. Gray, S. R. Reznek, M. Mahmud,
Y. Kutsovsky, Carbon Black, in Encyclopedia of Polymer ing the “software crisis” of 1965 to 1985, different name, one can hardly expect the
Science and Technology (Wiley, 2003); https://doi. when software was written as a long list community to change its behavior. The ap-
org/10.1002/0471440264.pst477. of instructions without formal structure parent lack of trust that sufficient credit
2. K. O. Johansson, M. P. Head-Gordon, P. E. Schrader,
K. R. Wilson, H. A. Michelsen, Science 361, 997 (2018). (4). The relative simplicity of these “dino- is given to code development can only be
3. M. Frenklach, H. Wang, Symp. Int. Combust. 23, 1559 source” codes facilitates their survival but lifted by enabling codes to be cited directly.
(1991). frustrates further development. Scientific The Astrophysics Source Code Library
4. N. A. Eaves, S. B. Dworkin, M. J. Thomson, Proc. Combust.
Inst. 35, 1787 (2015).
source code is experimental in much the (7) provides a platform that mediates shar-
5. T. S. Totton, A. J. Misquitta, M. Kraft, Phys. Chem. Chem. same way as laboratory experiments; it is ing and citing of astronomical source code,
Phys. 14 , 4081 (2012). not a final concept and is never ideally or- but it does not assign a digital object iden-
6. A. G. G. M. Tielens, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 46, 289
tifier (DOI). Such a service is provided by
Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, 2300 RA Leiden, Zenodo (8), and all ingredients to organize
10.1126/science.aau5941 Netherlands. Email: spz@strw.leidenuniv.nl the community are in principle available.

SCIENCE sciencemag.org 7 SEP TEMBER 2018 • VOL 361 ISSUE 6406 979
Published by AAAS
A radical approach to soot formation
Murray Thomson and Tirthankar Mitra

Science 361 (6406), 978-979.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aau5941

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