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Skills Audit 2018

Name: Sanya Kauser Date: 01/10/2018

Course: Business Level 3
Competencies rating
1 - No experience
2 - Some experience
3 - An experienced student
4 - A competent and confident student
5 - A truly outstanding student – able to confidently enter the world of work
with a high level of competency.

Please see cover

page for
Be able to how to rate
More specifically Where and how have I developed this skill?
demonstrate: yourself
My competence
•Be an effective member of a team I have worked in teams when working in group projects and
to achieve a successful outcome working as a team at my workplace - The job I am in
requires us to work as a team to make sure orders are
made on time and we are not struggling for time - It is a lot
different to working on group projects in college as you are
dealing with actual customers who will not be happy if they
get their orders late or faulty. My role in a team at work is
to make sure drinks are made and given out on time; drinks
1 2 3 4 5
are given before food orders so I am on a time limit, when
it gets very busy I do feel the pressure and sometimes it
gets too much but if my drinks are not given out first, the
desserts cannot be. For my future career in Business
Management I will have to lead a team myself so even with
Teamwork basic experience like leading a group project or a small
team - it will give me a taste of what management would
be like.
• Understand your individual role and When we are working in group projects at college I do like
contribution to a team. to take charge and become team manager - for example
during high school there were a number of activities that
we took part in that I was team manager. I believe this has
1 2 3 4 5
given me confidence in myself and has pushed my
self-confidence up. Since I started working in the real world
I have dealt with customers face to face and this includes
complaining customers.
When working in a group I like to involve everyone, if I was
doing any favouritism it would maybe lead to a team
member that is not favouritised not working as hard as they
should and the standard of work would go down - If I am
1 2 3 4 5 formal and professional this would not happen which is
why it is vital to treat everyone the same in a team.
• I understand my behaviour and impact
on others when working in and contributing
to the success of formal and informal teams
• Able to listen, give and receive feedback Whenever I am given feedback on a presentation that I
and respond perceptively to others. have given or feedback on my performance at work I will
take it into consideration and act upon it the next time. For
example; I tend to change jobs quite often because I do not
like to feel too comfortable in the same place, so whenever
I do start a new job it will take me a while to change the
habits of my old job into my new one. During this time I will
1 2 3 4 5
receive positive and negative feedback from managers or
supervisors. Personally I feel like if the feedback I received
was only negative I would feel worse about myself, I feel
like when someone is given feedback it is important to shed
light on the positive things too. This ultimately leads to
when I am giving feedback I like to highlight the positives
along with the negatives.

• Able to produce a well-structured and well I am very specific when coming to the layout; the font,
written report of substantial length. where things are placed on any document, however I feel
like a report is a very formal text and I am not as
Communication - comfortable in writing a report as I would like to be. In the
written 1 2 3 4 5 past I have had to write a report and I did struggle with it.
Write clearly and in a The style of a report and the tone of it is different to a
style appropriate to simple letter - I would have to research templates of
purpose, e.g reports, reports if I was asked to write one and would n be as
assignments, letters. confident in it.
• Have confidence and control when writing Like I mentioned above, I would like to think I am confident
different types of document in various styles. in most documents. I have had a lot of practice from school
and college on the way a document should look and the
way it should be presented and I personally need any type
1 2 3 4 5
of document I write to look professional and tidy. However
the tone in which document a report is written is
something I am not confident in about I am wanting to
change that with practice.
• Able to demonstrate proficient report writing Report writing skills I am wanting to improve on as it is not
skills. my strongest point but the degree in which I am wanting to
1 2 3 4 5
do contains a lot of report writing and to get a head start
before University.

Communication – • Able to communicate own ideas verbally, If I have an idea and I am confident in it I will be confident
verbal with proficiency and confidence. saying it also - but I will not sound as convincing or as
Construct coherent passionate if I am suggesting an idea that I do not have
1 2 3 4 5
arguments and faith in. For example if we are working in a group or as a
articulate ideas class and I have an idea that I have faith in I will express it
clearly to a range verbally and sound dedicated to everyone else.
of audiences, formally If an idea has come to mind I believe I am able to express
and informally • Able to explain my ideas at a range of levels. and explain this to my peers and if someone does not
1 2 3 4 5
through a variety of understand what I mean I can explain it in a way that they
techniques would.
• Able to construct arguments and present In a debate setting I believe I am at my strongest, I am able
these to a range of audiences. to argue my points. For example, last year in Project we
were divided into two teams and the motion was whether
1 2 3 4 5
16 year olds should be allowed to vote, even though my
group did not win - I had come up with and researched
facts that I had presented during the debate.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Show evidence of presenting information I have had quite bit of experience in presenting to large
effectively to groups. groups, this does not mean that I am able to do this
Presentation skills 1 2 3 4 5
without feeling nervous or anxious - I will always give
myself a pep talk and once I start presenting my nerves will
go. Last year I presented a business idea to the principal of
Shipley College and I had received positive feedback from
him and things on which to improve.
• Able to produce well-constructed clear Like I mentioned above, when presenting to the principal I
presentations and use audio-visual aids where was using a powerpoint presentation and it was displayed
appropriate e.g. PowerPoint. on a screen behind me - It is important to be clear and loud
1 2 3 4 5
when presenting and to not turn your back to the audience,
also I had memorised most of the slides of the powerpoint
so it did not look like I was reading off the screen.
In situations where I am presenting work that I am not that
comfortable in I can struggle to present, however I will
always ask a tutor to help me beforehand and to explain
anything I do not understand. However if I am confident in
the topic I am speaking about, I can answer questions from
1 2 3 4 5
students regarding it. When I begin working find my chosen
career; Business Management I will have to present and be
• Able to present work fluently and confidently, very fluent and confident in any ideas I bring forward so it is
and able to respond clearly and persuasively to important to me that in the next few years to really build
questions and comments. upon my presentation skills.

• Able to plan, organise and evaluate a Last year we had completed a unit on Project Management
given project. and personally I had enjoyed it very much. However I do
Project management not think I will be able to carry out the planning, organising
skills of project but I do have some basic information regarding
1 2 3 4 5
Apply effective project it. Again, for a career in Management it is important to
management through know how to plan projects as they would be done
the frequently within your work and it would be my job as
setting of goals, manager to make sure they are successful.
intermediate • Able to execute a project plan which Personally I believe that I work well within a timeframe and
milestones and follows a designated schedule to produce a I do not allow myself to exceed the given time unless there
prioritisation of finished piece of work within a given time is a emergency. However, if it is something that I am unsure
1 2 3 4 5
activities period about I will make sure that I gather all my research and
notes on the subject and execute it to my very best. Whilst
doing my own work such as assignments I will draw myself
up a schedule in which I will follow as I find it easier to work
when I have something to follow.
Like I stated above, I use schedules and timetables to work
around my assignments amongst other things. I find them
to stop me from stressing or panicking when deadlines
approach as I will give myself time each day to complete
1 2 3 4 5
• Able to set and prioritise a number of work. This works in a group project also, I will complete my
intermediate goals within an individual task for the project within the required timeframe and help
or group project and to develop an effective set goals in how long certain aspects of a project should
strategy and timetable for meeting them. take and who should be allocated them.
Whether I am working in a group or individually, I make it a
mission to hand work or complete work on time. If I chose
to be the team manager in a group project, I will draw up
1 2 3 4 5
• Able to make plans and balance competing tasks and a schedule in which we will follow as a guide to
demands on time effectively. when tasks need to be completed and hand in so we do not
exceed time regardless of how many tasks there are.

• Build and maintain cooperative networks and I have always kept a good relationship with my tutors and
relationships with tutors, peers and corporate will turn to them if I have issues. If I have a piece of work I
representatives. am not comfortable in or a unit of work I am struggling n I
will ask for extra tuition - I will always appreciate the effort
of tutors and how much they put into me as a student and
how much they push to get to where I want to be. If an
1 2 3 4 5
employer has come into the Centre of Excellence I have
always tried my best to keep a lasting impression on them
and this came last year when Steve Dungworth from
Accent Housing came in whilst I was looking for placements
for my classmates and he had given me the responsibility of
finding someone for him to offer work experience to.
Whilst presenting to employers I believe I am able to sell
myself and convince them on how I am unique. I have had
• Able to promote my unique selling points lots of past experiences with my education and work and I
1 2 3 4 5
in a networking situation with prospective have a meaningful story of how I got back into education
employers. and beng only 20 years old I do have quite a bit of
experience in the working world with I can share.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Understand what effective negotiation
requires. Negotiation requires you to listen to the opposition and
1 2 3 4 5
their views and meet them in the middle to come to an
• Demonstrate where I have carefully explored In my previous job the opening times were from 5pm until
my position and the other person’s position, midnight, this was hard for me because of personal reasons
with the goal of finding a mutually acceptable
compromise, that gives us both as much of I could only work until 11pm. To meet my manager in the
what we want as possible. middle and come up with a conclusion we agreed that I
1 2 3 4 5
should come in earlier to help prepare for the coming shift
and leave early as I stated earlier than anyone else.
Negotiation skills

• Have negotiated in a situation where you

Since going back to college I have gone from working six
have found what the other person wants
days a week to just three, I had to negotiate with my
matches what you are prepared to trade, and 1 2 3 4 5 manager and compromise his requirements and mine. We
that you are prepared to give what the other
settled for three days during the week but longer hours
person wants.
which suited us both.
I would not negotiate with someone if I did not believe I
have a reason no negate. There have been some situations
• Able to demonstrate my awareness of the which I have not come out on top when trying to negotiate
1 2 3 4 5
power dynamic in a negotiating situation and and get my point across butt if I felt strongly about the
how this can impact on me winning or losing a topic I would make my voice heard and would try my best
negotiation. to get my requirements heard.

• Able to work effectively unsupervised. When working in college or at work I am trusted to work
unsupervised and I have proved this by being trusted and
1 2 3 4 5 doing what I need to do and not disrupting anyone.
Managing self
• Able to manage competing demands on your I do tend to feel under pressure if I am feeling rushed or
time. pestered by people to meet a demand - However I will take
1 2 3 4 5
into consideration that it is important and will try my best
to meet task demanding task deadlines.
• Able to efficiently prioritise tasks When doing any task or assignment I like to write down in
a list what needs to be done and what has been done as a
1 2 3 4 5 schedule for me to follow, it helps me be calm and not
stress about the workload as I am not going to be unsure
about what has been done or what needs doing

Managing others • ​Understand the skills and attributes of a A leader should be confident and professional; not only in
leader. the way they look but also in the manner of their tone.
They must be respectful to everyone but still have a firm
1 2 3 4 5 hand on things. A leader should be certain and take control
of all tasks and projects and should guide his team in the
right way and should have the resources to meet deadlines
and to look over things.
• Have experience of managing or leading I have experience in managing a group project and I will
another team or group. tend to volunteer myself to do this as I like to be able to
have that hand in charge. I like to be in charge of situations
1 2 3 4 5 like this and I believe this is why I am wanting to go into
business management and putting myself up for a role like
this is only giving me the experience in a career I am
wanting to pursue.
• Have experience of motivating a group and It is very important to make every member of your group
giving them responsibility. feel like they have a responsibility and help them know that
their role; whatever it is, is important to the group.
Motivation is using the right words to encourage and build
1 2 3 4 5
up the confidence of your team members. In the past I have
made sure that everyone in my team feel like they belong
and they are a part of the team and I do this by involving
everyone in decisions.
• Listen to team members and encourage Involving team members in conversation and decision
involvement. making is vital, as a manager it is important to take
1 2 3 4 5 everyones opinion and ideas into consideration and make
them feel like a part of the team - if they are shy or do not
want to interact, encourage them.
• Experience of training or coaching people to I have not had experience in coaching people or training
equip them to succeed 1 2 3 4 5 them to succeed however this will be needed in the role I
want to be in.
• Plan the work of a team, considering all that When I am assigned with work I will automatically make a
must be accomplished, the various deadlines schedule for the things that I need to do and have been
or timeframes to be met, and the work steps done. This is the same for group work - As a manager you
1 2 3 4 5
required. need to be able to assign tasks to individuals and give them
their deadlines and plan around time frames in order to
• Delegate tasks and review progress to By reviewing progress and watching how your team
achieve goals. members accomplish tasks you are gaining an insight into
1 2 3 4 5
which team member is strong at what and in the future you
will be able to assign them with their strengths.
• Able to demonstrate awareness of individuals
in a team, learn their strengths and 1 2 3 4 5 As a manager you should be able to work out the strengths
weaknesses and challenge them to achieve to of certain team members and help them to get better at
the best of their abilities. any weaknesses they have.
• Can demonstrate fairness and impartiality Treating your team equal is number one in what you
and be consistent when holding everyone to should do as manager - favouritism should be completely
the same standards and expectations. 1 2 3 4 5 ruled out. The same amount of effort and work should be
expected out of everyone and no one should be felt to
made uncomfortable or picked on.
• Have proven ability to challenge and/or If the standards of a team member is dropping or they are
discipline a team member for failing to adhere not performing as well, it is important to not let this slide
to standards and expectations and to address this as if they feel like they are not being
1 2 3 4 5
questioned over this they will continue to do so. As a
manager you should be firm and strict on your team if they
are failing to adhere to expectations.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
Application of IT • Effective use of Microsoft Office including I have been using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Office
Word and Powerpoint. since Primary School and I feel very confident using this as
1 2 3 4 5
if I am needing to write up a document this is what I will
• Able to use Excel and develop and Excel is my weakness and I do have a hatred for
manipulate spreadsheets. spreadsheets but it is something I am going to have to get
1 2 3 4 5
over as a managers job role requires them to use
spreadsheets all the time.
• Proficient in the use of email and Internet.
1 2 3 4 5 I am constantly using the internet and emailing if I need to
as this has become part of our everyday lives.
• Knowledge of computer hardware and how
to troubleshoot. 1 2 3 4 5 Unfortunately I only know the basics of computer
hardware and I would like to get better.
• Can use printer and photocopier efficiently.
1 2 3 4 5 I can efficiently use a printer and a photocopier as I am
constantly using them to print work out.
• Able to access online research databases
1 2 3 4 5
I am able to access all research facilities if I am researching
for a certain thing.
Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Able to raise vital questions and problems,
formulating them clearly and precisely. 1 2 3 4 5 If a problem has come up I will raise it an try to think about
a solution alone or with the help of someone.
Critical thinking • Gather and assess relevant information, When doing an assignment I will gather research about
using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively. something from various different websites - After that I will
1 2 3 4 5 analyse and skim the information and then interpret t into
my own words to use. I will always reference where I got
the Information from in my bibliography.
• Come to well-reasoned conclusions and If a problem has come up I will think about the most
solutions, testing them against relevant criteria obvious solution and ask other for their input and test if
and standards. 1 2 3 4 5
this would solve the problem or just add to it.

• Think open-mindedly within alternative

I try to always be open minded and think different to how I
systems of thought, recognising and assessing,
usually would about approaching different things and how
as need be, your assumptions, implications, 1 2 3 4 5 to deal with them rather than avoiding them.
and practical consequences.

If we are working on a group project and a problem has

arose, as manager I would try to figure out a solution
however I will also take into consideration my team
1 2 3 4 5
• Communicate effectively with others in members’ thoughts and what they think a solution would
figuring out solutions to complex problems, be.
without being unduly influenced by others'
thinking on the topic.

Problem solving • Able to identify, clarify and describe a If a problem has come up and is disrupting me in any way I
problem (s). am able to acknowledge it and describe what it is if I am
wanting support from someone whilst thinking of a
1 2 3 4 5 solution.

• Ability to analyse the causes of a given The first thing I will do is think about what had caused the
problem(s). problem an see if I can revert it and if I can then we have
the solution, otherwise if I have figured the cause I can stop
it from happening again in the future - As a manager I will
1 2 3 4 5
need to do this a lot if problems come up as the
responsibility will be on me and I would need to think fast
for a solution.
• Ability to identify and assess alternative For example if we are working on a group project to
solutions. advertise or market an item and a certain area of the
project has used up a lot of the money and there is only a
little amount for the rest of the departments - we would
1 2 3 4 5 have to take the money from where it has been used and
distribute it fairly - after asking the finance department if
there could be a higher budget.

• Able to choose a solution and implement it. Choosing a solution and implementing it could be difficult
especially if there is little time to solve the problem and if
the aftermath would lead to an even bigger problem - It is
about being confident and smart when choosing a solution
1 2 3 4 5
and having faith in it also by asking opinions of team

A evaluation should be done once the solution is

implemented telling us if he results have been positive or
not. Also if it is it would stop the problem from happening
1 2 3 4 5
• Able to evaluate whether the problem(s) was again.
solved or not.

Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Able to generate new ideas and approaches. If it is a subject in which I have interest in I will come up
1 2 3 4 5 with new ideas which I will bring forward.

• Able to develop new methodologies as

required. If there is another method to approach something I will try
Creativity 1 2 3 4 5 it out and if it works I will be able to use it in the future
• Able to find and implement solutions to When in a management role I will be faced with problems
difficult problems. regularly and by this time I will have a few solutions that I
could use and if they do not work I will be able to ask
1 2 3 4 5
someone for their opinion.

• Demonstrate self-awareness and the ability If there is something i am struggling with and I feel like I
to identify own training needs. need extra help with I am confident enough to admit it - For
example, I know that my finance skills need to be improved
which is why I am receiving extra tuition for it and teaching
1 2 3 4 5
myself in my own time more on it.
Lifelong learning

• Pursue appropriate training to develop skills Like I mentioned above - I am receiving training for a skill
and knowledge. that I have admitted to lack in.
1 2 4 5

Ethics and social • Have a clear understanding of

responsibility the theoretical meaning and reference 1 2 3 4 5
of moral propositions and how their “truth I do not have a clear understanding of this
values” (if any) may be determined.
• Familiar with the practical means
of determining a moral course of action. 1 2 3 4 5 This means that when there is a situation or problem, that
the solution you come up with is moral.
• Are aware how moral outcomes Moral outcomes ‘derive the rightness or wrongness of
can be achieved in specific situations. one's conduct from the character of the behaviour itself
1 2 3 4 5 rather than the outcomes of the conduct.’ - To get a moral
outcome out of a situation you would have to judged on
whether it is right or wrong morally.
• Understand ethics in a business
context. 1 2 3 4 5 Ethics in a ness is not a trong subject for me however I
would like to increase my
• Understand corporate social
responsibility (CSR). 1 2 3 4 5
I do not understand this.
• Have freely contributed to the My aunty makes cakes and sweet treats for a living and
community through activities such as 1 2 3 4 5 when there is a chance for us to help out in a charity, we
volunteer work. will get in touch with whoever is organising the charity fair.


Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
Appreciate the need for • Active member of a professional At this very moment I am not an active member of a
and show commitment institution or body. professional institution - I hope to change this is the future.
to 1 2 3 4 5
continued professional
development. Recently I have been visiting Universities for their open
days and in them will contain lectures and seminars based
• Regularly attend seminars or 1 2 3 4 5 on the course of my choice.
presentations outside formal
curriculum timetable.
I recently created created a Career Plan; which is quite
similar to a PDP; which contains al my goals and aims for
• Have ownership of, update and 1 2 3 4 5 the future.
regularly review a Personal Development
Plan (PDP)

Take ownership of and • Aware of potential employers, general I am constantly job hunting and I am aware of recruitment
manage one’s recruitment practices and effective processes from the work on Human Resources I have done
career progression, set job hunting techniques. 1 2 3 4 5 in the past.
realistic and achievable
goals, and identify
and develop ways to I have set goals for myself in the future and I have a clear
improve employability • Have considered own career direction idea for what I am wanting to do in the future.
1 2 3 4 5
post-graduation and set realistic and
achievable career goals.
To improve my employability I always keep my CV up to
date and looking appealing; the way it sounds is what
ultimately can get you a job so I get it reviewed and looked
1 2 3 4 5
• Have identified ways to improve your at by a few people.
employability and acted upon them.

Be able to
More specifically My competence Where and how have I developed this skill?
• Aware of the range of career Property Development was a career option of mine a while
Demonstrate an
opportunities within and outside back and from my research I am aware of the job and
insight into the
the property sector. 1 2 3 4 5 career opportunities from it.
transferable nature
of skills developed
as part of your degree
• Fully able to demonstrate the As a part of the degree I am wanting to do I am aware of
to other work
transferable nature of the skills developed what skills I would pick up from the extensive research I
environments and the
as part of your degree to other work have done. The transferable skills I would use are
range of career 1 2 3 4 5
environments. communication and research skills.
opportunities within
and outside the sector.
Present one’s skills, I have been doing interviews for many years and over
personal these years I have picked up techniques from employers
attributes and and tutors on ways to improve at interviews; body
experiences through • A broad knowledge of types of CV's, 1 2 3 4 5 language, how professional you look and the way you
effective CVs, interview techniques and standard speak.
applications and questions and recruitment techniques
interviews such as psychometric testing.
• Able to create a targeted CV which effectively My CV currently holds all my qualifications, work
presents your skills, attributes and experience and past jobs; including a description about me
experiences. 1 2 3 4 5 and my experiences.

• Able to present your skills, attributes and In an interview I appear to be calm and collected, I do my
experiences effectively in a job interview research before hand, look professional and speak
situation. professionally, my body language is also inviting and I make
1 2 3 4 5
sure that am asking questions myself as we go along.

• Know where to look to find what channels Programmes like The Apprentice and Dragon’s Den keep
exist so I can keep up to date within my me very interested and they are about the business world
specialism. 1 2 3 4 5 and how you would make it as an entrepreneur.

• Research events within organisations Universities often hold events such as open days or
which offer students opportunities freshers week which gets all students involved and gives
to get involved. 1 2 3 4 5 them an opportunity to explore for themselves.

• Aware of membership bodies which I am able I am aware of the membership bodies I can ask for support
to join or get support from. from.
1 2 3 4 5
• Use social networking to keep in touch with I know what social sites to follow to keep in touch with
latest trends within my specialism. anything to do with Business and Human Resource
Management; this could be social media or just keeping in
1 2 3 4 5
touch with Universities that offer the course.

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