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‘UPTET(Teacher Eligibility Test) Solved Question Paper I- 2011 | Question Bootiet code : [T)] vrer-s2.2011 Paper Code / tr ate : UTET-82-2011 — une. Tees als e Ou ane Shee, 2, Candidates Name / af RO [T 5, Condaalee Salas oR ST is given in Application Form / Sat AMeaa 4 aiea tart) Jnvigiators Signan coo ate sh See heat nen Tage Sanecn i ag Fost eee ee eater ae od Pas “JS Se Seas ie Sebel eat ha acters te estore Hind nguage compu an ary of he to anges — ooh Here nn Same ss ok ee ae arene atomere ts cre Si Pf wert net a ae ‘Be Si idaho can take Ue lat pet oF tae OM Aner! Suet wt oat Stirs cael earravemanae at ictnan cea pee mpg ata eee eee SAREE PUL PAPER / No. of Quostiona/R HFA - 250 Time/toranafa - 90 min/fiae ott annette - 150 socio] Gontonta/ Pret-arait Neiot, | GeRRR EOE | mage oe 7 Hert nr Fee [reat [ror | Freee Tera 0)__| Pedagogy / freer 30 1 20 7 i [tanguages 7 WOT: Smet so | a | 60 . a | {compateony aired) tered ianeace ES) Baga ‘ar ene [30 | 90 | | a Urdu 13% 7%) [30 er ‘90 1s ‘a2 cay al pain sons 7 wre? | eo) sx | aso] a3) oe men «o on 180 3s “6 LUPTET(Teacher Eligibility Test) Solved Question Paper II- 2011 2 SECTION -1/ 4F-1T PEDAGOGY / fraprme “There are 90 questions If alls this Section. All questions are compulsory. wuss ye sone taut sherds ‘Authoritarian level teaching 1s 1A) teacher centred child centred IC) headmaster centred (D) experience based. Fever os ere er ww fran fe eo on ate (serene: aa D) spe kee ‘Character t= developed by (8) wall power (2) conduct and behaviour (Cc) morality {(D) alll of these. cater ar feere wren + wo rae a a wife et Se Err (© trem ao wala wt Wich ote owing Is nt level of tench earning? (4 Diferenttation evel (5) Memory level (©) _Retscuve level (D) Understanding level. fra 28 3a frem-atters = ar Tt ? ww figem er BS aw (0) areata xt (0) WRT Ifa students too shy to participate tn class, you will (net ask questions from him {B) asic only those questions from him whose answers can be given by him {C) not ask those questions whose answers are beyond his means due to which he may become an object of ridicule in the class (©) "ask questions from him only when he 18 keen to answer those. co ms Pree seen 3 BS ee oe TE ret eT A Co fer set oe sac we 8 went, Se se ve TA © Ere et ge fe se eed Se $f re a mar f see ws ae (O) Bee ee aa ver BEA se ae Sa ee a fore Tee | ‘Teacher behaviour ought to be 1 administrauve ©) instructive (0) Idealistic (D) directive, feu eta veo we Fen 6) frame tc) areetardt (©) Peewee | LUPTET(Teacher Eligibility Test) Solved Question Paper II- 2011 10 Gir's education should be given priority because (girls are more inteltigent than boys (®) girls are less in number than boys (©) girls were badly discriminated against in the past. ©) only girls are capable of leading a social change. vaferet fen a erat 2 afer &, sem wy frend area & orice afceet ce) afer arora & arene (Osha # safeensi a ae are & Pater farm ra (0) fae eater oft Aes A Bhat ered ae | ‘The success of integrated education depends on 14) the support of community @ excellence of textbooks (©)__ quality of teaching-leaming material (D) attitudinal change in teachers. vwafars fr a} ete Pie ar WERE eae He (B) Wouyeerst ot separ we (0) Freer attorney ot eer we (©) few ¥ siftghers atta we 1 “The best remedy for a student's problems related with leaming 1s, (8) suggestion for ard work (B) supervised study in library (©) suggestion for private tuition (D) diagnostic teaching. safer a etefioe frst Prone aerensH wae orem svar t rates a gare (8) were a Frater sie (Prot fee ar ger (D) Prerrers Paes | A teacher ean mativate students by (giving prizes ©) giving proper guidance (giving examples (D) delivering speeches in class. aw fers fren a sia wet wy tar Tet avers (zap tare (D) en arm Beer | Wa student does not pay respect to you, then you will ignore him ©) award less mari ti exam. (©) _talk to his parents ©) rebuke nim, SF Premed) se ara ET aan & Ay wy saat eter eT 8) vie Hem ots ah (sak stems 2 ara sth © sax Development of human values which are Universal in nature means (A indoctrination (B) adoption (© enitation (©) manifestation. canes yeh at septa A ering 8, & Reread t oy sme to abiteeo 0 yr ©) seats 1

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