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Brief Product Descriptions

Imperial Oil
Downstream and Chemical
237 Fourth Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 3M9

For more information: 1- 888-968-3776 2015 Edition – Canada


Brief Product Descriptions


All trademarks used herein are trademarks or

registered trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation
or one of its subsidiaries.

2015 Edition – Canada

Brief Product
2015 Edition

237 Fourth Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 3M9

For additional information please call our Technical Support Centre at

1 888 968-3776 or visit mobil.ca

Due to ongoing product research and development, the information herein is subject
to change without notification. Please refer to our Product Data Sheets found at
mobil.ca/pds for the most current product information.


This book is provided as a field reference to our core product offer

of lubricating oils, greases and coolants. The format is designed to
help you choose precisely the right product for each application.

The content is divided into six sections: Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with
normal product tolerance and do not constitute a
specification. Variations that do not affect product
Commercial Vehicle performance are to be expected during normal
Passenger Vehicle manufacture and at different blending locations.
Aviation All products may NOT be available locally.
For additional information please call our Technical
Support Centre at 1 888 968-3776 or visit mobil.ca.
Within each section, products are divided into
application groups. An alphabetical list of applications
is provided up front and an alphabetical index of
products is located at the end. An appendix provides
additional information.

Due to continual product development, these contents

are subject to change without notification. Please refer
to our Product Data Sheets found at mobil.ca/pds for
the most current product information.

1 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information

The Ultimate
Lubrication Warranty
Imperial will repair or replace any piece of
your equipment damaged due to the failure
of our lubricant.

All our lubricants meet or exceed original equipment manufacturers’ standards.

We guarantee their performance when used in accordance with Imperial’s
recommendations, the equipment manufacturers’ performance specifications,
and under normal operating conditions.

This warranty is in addition to any and all original equipment manufacturers’

warranties and does not invalidate them.

Because we are 100% committed to you, we stand behind our lubricants 100%.

See next page for complete warranty terms and conditions.

For further information on the Imperial Ultimate Lubrication Warranty or any
Mobil lubricant call Imperial at 1 888 968-3776.


All trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. Limitation of liability:
in no event shall Imperial Oil be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, including loss of profits.


The Ultimate Lubrication Warranty

Terms and Conditions

What the Warranty Covers What the Warranty Does Not Cover
Imperial provides this warranty to direct purchasers of Mobil™ This warranty excludes:
lubricants, where such lubricants have been purchased from an
• Mobil lubricants used in mechanically deficient equipment,
authorized vendor. This warranty covers the Mobil product and
where the deficiency results from, but is not limited to: a
critical equipment parts lubricated by that product directly damaged
previously existing condition, abnormal operation; negligence;
by a defect or malfunction of the lubricant. Imperial warrants that its
abuse; damage from casualty, shipment or accident; or
lubricants are free from defects and that the lubricant you purchased
equipment modification done without written authorization
will protect your equipment parts from oil related failure for three years,
from the OEM.
provided that:
• Mobil lubricants used in equipment where the OEM required
• The equipment was in good operating condition at the time
lubricant standards do not match those stated by Imperial,
the lubricant was installed;
without prior written approval from Imperial.
• The lubricant was selected and maintained in accordance with
• Mobil lubricants and/or equipment pieces that have been used
specifications of the original equipment manufacturer (“OEM”),
in conjunction with any other product or additive that has not
and the written recommendations (which include product
been authorized for use by Imperial.
packaging) provided by Imperial at the time of sale; and
• Failure of equipment due to non-lubricant related conditions,
• The equipment has been operated within the limits specified
such as normal wear.
by the OEM.

Be advised that if your equipment is covered by a manufacturer’s

How You Can Get Service
warranty, you should follow the equipment’s oil life sensor and the
oil change interval recommended in your owner’s manual to avoid To file a claim under this warranty, you must:
a disruption in the manufacturer’s warranty. Follow your owner’s
1. Within 48 hours from discovery of the damage (and not later
manual if the equipment is operated in any of the following severe
than six (6) months from the date the damage occurred), call
services: racing or commercial applications including taxis, limousines,
1-888-968-3776 to communicate the issue, and initiate a claims
etc.; frequent towing or hauling; extremely dusty or dirty conditions;
investigation. You may also contact your Imperial or local
or under excessive idling conditions.
Distributor representative.*

2. Provide proof of purchase and maintenance records showing

What the Period of Coverage Is
that the equipment was serviced at the intervals recommended
The Ultimate Lubrication Warranty is valid for three (3) years from by the OEM.
the date of purchase or installation, whichever comes first.
3. Allow an Imperial representative to examine the equipment
to determine the extent of the damage and to confirm that
What We Will Do to Correct Problems the lubricant was the cause.

Imperial will replace any lubricant that is defective. In addition, Imperial 4. Allow an Imperial representative to obtain an oil sample, if
will repair any equipment damage directly caused by a defect or available, from the engine for oil analysis at no cost to you to
malfunction of the lubricant, at no cost to you, provided that the lubricant assist in determining the cause of the equipment failure.
was selected and maintained in accordance with specifications of the
OEM and the written instructions (which includes product packaging)
provided by Imperial. These are your exclusive remedies for any claim
for defective lubricant.


Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1

Ultimate Lubrication Warranty.......................................................................................2-3

Health and Safety Precautions......................................................................................5-7

Sustainability..................................................................................................................... 8

Energy Efficiency............................................................................................................... 9

Application Index of Products................................................................................... 10-11

Mobil SHC™ General Recommendations..................................................................... 12

Brief Product Descriptions...................................................................................... 14-104

Appendices............................................................................................................. 105-109

Temperature Conversion Table................................................................................. 105-106

Viscosity Conversion Table.............................................................................................. 107
Viscosity - Temperature Chart......................................................................................... 108
SAE Viscosity Grades for Engine Oils............................................................................. 109
SAE J306 Viscosity Grades for Gear Oils....................................................................... 109
Classification of Greases by National Lubricating Grease Institute
(NLGI) Consistency Numbers.......................................................................................... 109
Understanding Oil Analysis...............................................................................................110
ANSI-AGMA Industrial Gear Lubricants 9005-D94.......................................................... 111

Alphabetical List of Products................................................................................. 112-116

Viscosity Classification Equivalents............................................................................117

1 888 968-3776
mobilindustrial.com | mobildelvac.ca | mobil.ca

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Workplace Hazardous Materials Under occupational safety and health legislation,

Information System (WHMIS) employers are also required to provide their employees
with hazard information received from their suppliers
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information with respect to controlled products used or produced
System or WHMIS is designed to ensure that all in the workplace, by means of appropriate workplace
employers obtain the information they need to inform labels, by distributing MSDS and by providing worker
and train their employees properly about hazardous education on the safe use of hazardous materials.
materials used in the workplace.
WHMIS is designed to ensure that all employers
WHMIS was developed through extensive consultation receive the information they need to educate and
with industry and labour representatives and the train their employees properly in the use of hazardous
federal, provincial and territorial governments. The materials in the workplace. It will also provide
goal of WHMIS is to reduce the incidence of illness employees with necessary hazard information so they
and injuries resulting from the use of hazardous can participate in, and support, the precautionary
materials in the workplace. Through legislation, the measures instituted in their workplaces.
WHMIS consensus establishes uniform requirements
to ensure that the hazards of materials produced or As a supplier of petrochemical products in Canada,
sold in, imported into or used within workplaces in Imperial Oil has issued material safety data sheets
Canada are identified by suppliers and employers for all Imperial Oil products and prepared labels
using standard classification criteria. that comply with WHMIS for all controlled products.
Controlled products can be easily identified because of
WHMIS provides employers and workers with one the special WHMIS supplier label. Material Safety Data
additional tool to improve their understanding of Sheets should be consulted prior to handling a product
hazardous materials.To make the best use of this tool, to ascertain whether there are any specific health
suppliers and employers have certain responsibilities. and safety risks or special handling requirements
that should be addressed. Imperial Oil will continue
A ‘supplier’ is a manufacturer, processor or packager to investigate the potentially hazardous properties of
of a controlled product or a person who, in the course existing and new materials through extensive testing
of business, imports or sells controlled products. A and research programs.
‘controlled product’ is defined for WHMIS under the
federal Hazardous Product Act as any product, material
or substance specified by the regulations included in
any of the classes listed in Table 1 (see page 6). An
‘employer’ is, for the purposes of WHMIS, the user of a
controlled product in the workplace or the producer of
a controlled product as part of a workplace process.

Suppliers must convey hazard information to

purchasers in a specified manner by means of
labelling of the controlled products or containers of the
controlled products, and by providing more detailed
information concerning the controlled product in the
form of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

5 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information


Material Safety Data Sheets Product Handling

What kind of information does an MSDS provide? Most lubricating oils and greases are not controlled
An MSDS typically contains the following types of under WHMIS legislation in Canada. However, certain
information: basic handling procedures should be observed to
keep the petroleum products off the skin and to avoid
• Physical data on the product (e.g. viscosity, inhalation of their vapours and mists. The following
flash point) guidelines apply to the handling of all petroleum
• The nature and degree of health, environmental products and in general to other chemicals with which
and safety hazards associated with the product you may come in contact.
• Precautionary guidelines for proper and safe
handling of the product in order to avoid fire, Always remember to:
explosion and acute and chronic health hazards • Minimize skin contact with whatever product you
• Emergency procedures in the event of fire, spill are using.
or excessive exposure to the product by skin • Remove oils from the skin promptly, using mild non-
contact, ingestion or inhalation abrasive soap and warm water or a skin cleanser
Imperial Oil customers in Canada can obtain and warm water.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Workplace • Do not use gasoline, solvents, kerosene or similar
Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) products to remove oil or grease from the skin.
information, in English or French, for all products. • Do not wear oil-soaked clothing. Launder all
work clothes frequently. Put oily rags in the correct
Through the customer-establishment process, container. Discard oil-soaked shoes and belts.
customers of WHMIS-controlled products will receive
a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on or before • Wash hands and face thoroughly before eating and
first shipment of the controlled product. Subsequent at the end of a shift. Take a shower if possible before
updates to that sheet are directed to the identified leaving work.
customer contact. • Clean up spilled product promptly and dispose of it
correctly. Keep product out of sewers and waterways.
MSDS are also available through any of the • Get first aid for all cuts and scrapes and report
following options: as required.
• Visit our website at www.imperialoil.ca/msds. • Avoid inhalation of oil mist and solvent vapours.
• Use our automated ‘FAX-BACK’ system: • Obtain medical advice on all potential health-hazard
call 1-800-IOL-MSDS or 1-800-465-6737. problems.
Please have your fax number available.
• Call 1-888-968-3776 to speak to a customer One of the least recognized, yet most serious,
service representative. workplace hazards is a punctured oil line under
pressure. When a jet of pressurized fluid makes contact
• Contact your Imperial sales representative with the skin, it can enter the body and cause serious
injury. That is why, under absolutely NO circumstances,
In addition, our technical sales representatives can should you try to stop a hydraulic oil leak with your
assist in providing information on the safe storage finger. Always be aware of the risk when you’re working
and use of Imperial Oil products. Special customer near hydraulic equipment and if your skin is struck by
requests will be directed to our industrial hygiene/ pressurized fluid, seek medical attention immediately.
product safety department.

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information 6


Table 1 – WHMIS Class and Division Hazard Symbols


CLASS A – Compressed Gas

CLASS B – Flammable and Combustible Material

Flammable Gas
Flammable Liquid
Combustible Liquid
Flammable Solid
Flammable Aerosol
Reactive Flammable Material

CLASS C – Oxidizing Material

CLASS D – Poisonous and Infectious Material

1. M
 aterial causing immediate and
serious toxic effect

2. Material causing other toxic effects

3. Biohazardous infectious material

CLASS E – Corrosive Material

CLASS F – Dangerously Reactive Material

7 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information


The three pillars of Advancing Productivity serve as part of our corporate commitment to sustainability. At
ExxonMobil, “sustainability” means balancing economic growth, social development and environmental
protection so that future generations are not compromised by actions taken today.

To put sustainability in motion, we take a holistic approach across our offer, communication and process,
providing innovative lubricants and services that can create tangible value for you in the areas of safety,
environmental care and productivity. Through Advancing Productivity, our goal is to deliver performance
benefits in these three crucial areas of your business so that you can achieve your full vision of success.

Safety Environmental Care Productivity

Minimizing employee – Designed to help lighten Controlling costly downtime

equipment interaction environmental touch and delays
We offer products and services Our commitment to minimizing Enhancing the competitive potential
that can help you mitigate potential environmental impact has led us of our customers is an important
employee injury caused by direct to create technologically advanced part of Advancing Productivity.
contact with equipment. These products and innovative services with We achieve this objective through
products and services are designed that goal in mind. We strive to help lubrication solutions that can
to help: you achieve this goal through: help provide:

• Provide long drain intervals and • Optimized oil drain intervals, which • Long drain intervals, which can
enhance equipment reliability, can help reduce used oil volume help improve equipment availability,
minimizing maintenance, repair and product packaging, as well as reduce lubricant transaction
and replacement service-related risks frequency and minimize
• Reduce the potential for leaks • Long component life, to help reduce disposal costs
that arise from handling used oil worn equipment disposal and • Powerful equipment protection,
and related products maintenance-related waste which can maximize equipment
• Increase employee safety • Potential GHG emissions reduction availability, helping you control
awareness and knowledge of a and other energy-efficiency benefits costs of equipment maintenance
lubricant’s effect on health and replacement
and safety • Inventory consolidation potential
• Address the risk of potential
product misapplication

*Visit mobilindustrial.com to learn how certain Mobil-branded lubricants may provide benefits to help minimize environmental impact.
Actual benefits will depend upon product selected, operating conditions, and applications.

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information 8


About the Energy Efficiency Seal

As the supplier of Mobil™ Industrial Lubricants, we are

committed to providing products and services that help
deliver tangible performance and sustainability-related
benefits – as well as material economic advantages –
to Canadian industry and consumers.
Our extensive range of high performance lubricants
can help increase equipment operating efficiency
These criteria are determined on a case-by-case basis
and engine fuel economy. These lubricants can also
and are dependent on the product category and applica-
contribute to reduced energy and resource use, lower
tion. Statistically valid data must be available to sub-
emissions, and cost savings for industrial equipment.
stantiate the energy efficiency claim and demonstrate a
The Energy Efficiency Seal is the typographic repre- statistically significant decrease in energy consumption or
sentation for all Mobil Industrial Lubricants that meet increase in efficiency when compared with commercially
the rigorous criteria for outstanding energy efficiency. available products designed for the same application.

Below are the Mobil Industrial Lubricants products in which this technology is available:

Mobil SHC™ 500 Energy efficiency relates solely to the fluid performance when compared with Mobil DTE 10
Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ Excel™ standard hydraulic fluids. The technology allows an increase in hydraulic pump
efficiency of up to 6 percent compared with Mobil DTE 20 Series when tested in standard
hydraulic applications. The energy efficiency claim for this product is based on test results
conducted in accordance with applicable industry standards and protocols.

Mobil SHC Pegasus™ The energy efficiency of Mobil SHC Pegasus relates solely to the fluid performance
when compared to standard Mobil SAE 40 natural gas engine oils. Mobil SHC Pegasus
technology demonstrated an increase in fuel efficiency of up to 1.5 percent, compared
to Mobil Pegasus 1005 and 805 series when tested in standard natural gas engine
applications under controlled conditions. Efficiency improvements will vary based on
operating conditions and applications. The energy efficiency claim for this product is
based on test results on the use of the fluid conducted in accordance with applicable
industry standards and protocols.

Mobil SHC™ Gear Energy efficiency relates solely to the fluid performance when compared with conventional
reference (150-1000) oils of the same viscosity grade in gear applications. The technology
used allows an increase in fuel efficiency of up to 3.6 percent compared with the reference
oil when tested in a worm gearbox under controlled conditions. Efficiency improvements
will vary based on operating conditions and applications.

Mobil SHC™ 600 Energy efficiency relates solely to the fluid performance when compared to conventional
Mobil SHC Cibus™ (mineral) Mobil SHC Cibus™ reference oils of the same viscosity grade in circulating and
gear applications. The technology allows an increase in fuel efficiency of up to 3.6 percent
compared to the reference oil when tested in a worm gearbox under controlled conditions.
Efficiency improvements will vary based on operating conditions and application.

The above products provide energy efficiency benefits when compared with standard products of the
same category and application, helping our customers to operate their equipment more efficiently.

9 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information



Chain Oils.................................................................................................................... 18
Circulating Oils.......................................................................................................19-20
Compressor Oils..................................................................................................... 21-24
Cylinder Oils................................................................................................................25
Food Industry Lubricants........................................................................................26-27
Gas Engine Oils......................................................................................................28-32
Gear Oils – Enclosed Gears...................................................................................33-34
Gear Oils – Enclosed Gears Specialty...................................................................35-36
Gear Oils – Open Gears..............................................................................................36
Heat Transfer Fluids.....................................................................................................37
Hydraulic Fluids...................................................................................................... 37-40
Hydraulic Fluids – Less Flammable.............................................................................41
Metalworking Fluids................................................................................................42-43
Mist Oils.......................................................................................................................44
Other Industrial Oils................................................................................................45-46
Paper Machine Oils.....................................................................................................47
Pneumatic Tool Lubricant............................................................................................48
Quench Oils.................................................................................................................48
Refrigeration Oils.........................................................................................................49
Rust Preventive............................................................................................................50
Spindle Oils.................................................................................................................51
Transformer Oils..........................................................................................................51
Turbine Oils.............................................................................................................52-54
Way Oils......................................................................................................................55


Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils...............................................................................60-62

Heavy Duty Natural Gas Engine Oils..........................................................................62
Heavy Duty Power Transmission Fluids............................................................63, 66-67
Tractor Hydraulic Fluids...............................................................................................68
Coolant/Antifreeze ......................................................................................................69

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Passenger Vehicle Engine Oils..................................................................................74-76

Passenger Vehicle Drive Train Fluids.........................................................................77-78
Motorcycle Oils ............................................................................................................. 78
Passenger Vehicle Installer Greases............................................................................. 78


Crosshead Engine Oils.................................................................................................. 81

Trunk Piston Engine Oil................................................................................................. 82
Marine Hydraulic Oil...................................................................................................... 83
Marine Grease............................................................................................................... 83


Grease...................................................................................................................... 85-86
Jet Oil............................................................................................................................ 86


Automotive..................................................................................................................... 91
Couplings....................................................................................................................... 92
Electric Motors............................................................................................................... 93
Environmentally Aware.................................................................................................. 93
Food Industry (NSF H-1)............................................................................................... 94
Gears – Enclosed, Semi-Fluid....................................................................................... 94
Gears – Open................................................................................................................ 95
High Temperature – Clay Thickened.............................................................................. 96
Marine........................................................................................................................... 96
Off-Highway Heavy Duty Equipment and On-Highway Trucking...................................100
Paper Machines............................................................................................................ 101
Pneumatic Tools........................................................................................................... 101
Specialty Synthetic.......................................................................................................103
Wind Turbine.................................................................................................................104
Wire Ropes...................................................................................................................104

11 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information


Productivity That’s Proven

What truly sets Mobil SHC™ synthetic lubricants apart from its competitors is its track record.
It represents Productivity That’s Proven – the underlying claim behind our brand. No other synthetic
lubricant has the experience, the proof, and the reputation to match it.

The full – and unmatched – suite of products that carry the Mobil SHC name have been tried,
tested and proven in almost every type of equipment, under almost every condition.

Mobil SHC General Recommendations:

Circulating Mobil SHC 600™ Series

Mobil Glygoyle™ Numbered Series

Compressors Mobil Rarus SHC™ 1020 Series (rotary screw and vane)
Mobil Rarus™ 800 Series (reciprocating)

Food Industry (NSF H-1) Mobil SHC Polyrex™ Grease Series

Gas Engine Mobil SHC Pegasus™ 30

Mobil Pegasus™ 1

Gear Mobil SHC 600™ Series

Mobil SHC Gear™ Series
Mobilgear SHC™ XMP Series (wind turbines)

Hydraulics Mobil SHC™ 500 Series

Mobil EAL Envirosyn™ H Series

Paper Machine Mobil SHC™ PM Series

Mobilith SHC™ PM Grease Series

Turbine Mobil SHC™ 800 Series

Grease Mobilith SHC™ Series (multi-purpose)

Mobil SHC Polyrex™ Series (Food/NSF H-1, high temperature)
Mobil SHC™ PF 462 (extreme high temperature)
Mobil SHC™ Grease 460 WT (wind turbines)
Mobiltemp SHC™ 32 (high speed)
Mobil SHC™ Grease 100 EAL Series (environmentally aware)
Mobilith SHC™ PM Series (paper machine)

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1 888 968-3776
mobilindustrial.com | mobildelvac.ca | mobil.ca


Chain Oils Millcot™ K.................................................................................18
Mobil™ Chainoil........................................................................18
Mobil™ Heavy Duty (HD) Chainoil............................................18


Circulating Oils Mobil SHC™ 600 Series...........................................................19
Mobil Glygoyle™ Numbered Series..........................................19
Mobil Vacuoline™ 500 Series...................................................19
Mobil DTE™ Oil Named Series............................................... 20
Mobil Teresstic™-C.................................................................. 20
Mobil Teresstic™ V 150............................................................ 20

Compressor Oils Mobil Rarus SHC™ 1020 Series............................................. 21

Mobil Rarus™ 800 Series........................................................ 21
Mobil Rarus™ 427................................................................... 21
Exxcolub™ SCF PG................................................................ 22
Exxcolub™ SCF PS................................................................. 22
Exxcolub™ SCF M2................................................................. 22
Exxcolub™ Application Chart.................................................. 23
Mobil™ Compressor Oils......................................................... 24
Mobil™ Compressor Oils 264 and 460.................................... 24
Mobil™ Compressor Oil N 100................................................ 24
Mobil Teresstic™ AC 32........................................................... 24


Cylinder Oils Mobil™ Cylinder Oils............................................................... 25
Mobil DTE™ Oil 205................................................................ 25

Food Industry Lubricants Mobil™ Food and Beverage Industry Selector........................ 26

Mobil SHC Cibus™ Series....................................................... 27
Mobil DTE™ FM Series........................................................... 27


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Gas Engine Oils Engine Oil Selection Chart...................................................... 28

Mobil SHC Pegasus™ 30........................................................ 29
Mobil Pegasus™ 1................................................................... 29
Mobil Pegasus™ GMA............................................................. 29
Mobil Pegasus™ 805............................................................... 29
Mobil Pegasus™ GLX.............................................................. 30
Mobil Pegasus™ 710............................................................... 30
Mobil Pegasus™ 610............................................................... 30
Mobil Pegasus™ 605............................................................... 31
Mobil Pegasus™ 801 Series.................................................... 31
Mobil Pegasus™ AGX.............................................................. 31
Engine Oil Selector.................................................................. 32
Gear Oils – Enclosed Gears Mobil SHC Gear™ Series (ISO VG 150-1000)......................... 33
Mobil SHC Gear™ 1500, 3200, and 6800................................ 33
Mobilgear™ 600 XP Series...................................................... 34
SPARTAN™ EP-C.................................................................... 34

Gear Oils – Enclosed Gears Specialty Mobil SHC™ Gear OH Series.................................................. 35

Mobilgear SHC™ XMP Series................................................. 35
Mobil Glygoyle™ Series........................................................... 35
Mobil Iogear™ EP 100............................................................. 36

Gear Oils – Open Gears Mobil SHC Gear™ 46M........................................................... 36
Mobiltac™ 375 NC................................................................... 36
Mobil Geargard™ HVS............................................................. 36

Heat Transfer Fluids Mobiltherm™ and Thermoil™.................................................. 37

15 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Hydraulic Fluids Mobil SHC™ 500 Series.......................................................... 37

Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ Series................................................... 37
Mobil DTE™ 20 Series............................................................. 38

Mobil Univis™ Ultra.................................................................. 38
Mobil Univis™ Extra................................................................. 38
Mobil Univis™ N-C Series........................................................ 39
Mobil Univis™ HVI 13.............................................................. 39
Mobil Univis™ BIO-C 40.......................................................... 39
Mobil Nuto™ H Series.............................................................. 40
Forum™ EP 46 and 68............................................................. 40

Hydraulic Fluids – Less Flammable Mobil Nyvac™ FR 200D........................................................... 41

Mobil Pyrogard™ 53................................................................. 41

Metalworking Fluids Mobilmet™ 420 Series............................................................. 42

Mobilmet™ 760 Series............................................................. 42
Mobilcut™ 100......................................................................... 42
Mobilcut™ 140......................................................................... 43
Mobilcut™ 350......................................................................... 43
Formesso™ Summer Grade.................................................... 43

Mist Oils Mobilgear™ MS Series............................................................ 44

Other Industrial Oils Canthus™ 680......................................................................... 45
Faxam™................................................................................... 45
Mobil™ Sawguide Oils............................................................. 45
Mobil™ Synthetic Oven Lube 1090.......................................... 46
Mobil Synturion™ 6.................................................................. 46
Mobil™ System Cleaner........................................................... 46
Slurry Oil 62............................................................................. 46


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Paper Machine Oils Mobil SHC™ PM Series........................................................... 47

Mobil DTE™ PM Series........................................................... 47

Pneumatic Tool Oils Mobil Arox™ EP Series............................................................ 48

Quench Oils Mobil Fenso™ Series............................................................... 48

Refrigeration Oils Mobil Glygoyle™ 22................................................................. 49

Mobil Gargoyle™ Arctic Oils..................................................... 49
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC™ 200 Series................................. 49
Mobil Zerice™ S Oils............................................................... 49

Rust Preventive Mobilarma™ 245...................................................................... 50

Mobilarma™ 700 Series........................................................... 50
Mobil Vaprotec™ Light............................................................. 50

Spindle Oils Mobil Velocite™ Oil Numbered Series..................................... 51

Transformer Oils Voltesso™................................................................................ 51

Turbine Oils Mobil SHC™ 800 Series.......................................................... 52
Mobil DTE™ 932 GT................................................................ 52
Mobil DTE™ 800 Series........................................................... 52
Mobil DTE™ 724 Oil................................................................ 53
Mobil DTE™ 732 Oil................................................................ 53
Mobil DTE™ 700 Series........................................................... 53
Mobil Teresso™........................................................................ 54
Mobil Teresso™ GTC Series.................................................... 54

Way Oils Mobil Vactra™ Oil Numbered Series........................................ 55

Mobil Vacuoline™ 1400 Series................................................. 55

17 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Millcot™ K. Tacky, anti-spattering, general purpose in sawmills and lead screws on plywood veneer
oils, originally developed for textile machinery and lathes. Millcot K oils are fortified with rust inhibitors
well suited for a wide range of thin film applications and anti-wear additives and can be applied using
in general manufacturing. Ideal for lumber industry most lubrication methods.
applications, such as chains and hand oiled bearings
Viscosity, ASTM D445

Approximate cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point
Product ISO VG SAE Grade 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Millcot K 68 68 20 65.4 8.1 -24 196
Millcot K 100 100 30 105 11.1 -12 202
Millcot K 220 220 50 209 17.3 -3 238

Mobil™ Chainoil delivers excellent chain and bar for moderate temperatures (-10°C to 30°C), Mobil
lubrication in residential and industrial chain saw Chainoil Light for lower temperatures down to -30°C.
applications. A tacky stay-in-place film of oil lubricates, Also recommended for industrial chain drive and plain
cleans and cools moving parts, helping to extend bar bearing applications requiring a tacky anti-wear oil.
and chain life. Mobil Chainoil Heavy is recommended

Viscosity, ASTM D445 Pour Point Flash Point
Product cSt at 40°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Chainoil Light 40 -33 180
Mobil Chainoil Heavy 150 -20 190

Mobil™ Heavy Duty (HD) Chainoil. This premium anti-wear and extreme pressure additives help reduce
chainsaw lubricant helps extend the life of chains and wear to guide bars, chains and sprockets. A special-
guide bars on high speed chainsaws operating under ized inhibitor minimizes rust and corrosion. A tackiness
severe conditions. Recommended for spring through additive helps reduce oil consumption due to throw-off.
fall operation across a temperature range of -5°C Also recommended for industrial chain drive and plain
to 40°C. High viscosity base stocks enhanced with bearing applications requiring a tacky anti-wear oil.

Viscosity, ASTM D445 Pour Point Flash Point
Product cSt at 40°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Heavy Duty Chainoil 220 -15 260


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Mobil SHC™ 600 Series. These exceptional perfor- mechanical shear, even in heavily loaded gear and
mance synthetic gear and bearing oils help increase high shear bearing applications, so that there is
productivity by delivering outstanding equipment pro- virtually no loss of viscosity. Mobil SHC 600 Series
tection, oil life and problem-free operation. The latest lubricants have excellent low temperature properties,
proprietary and patent pending Mobil SHC technology as well as improved air release performance in the
performs well beyond the capabilities of conventional lower viscosity grades. For information on energy
oils in demanding applications across a wide range efficiency, please see page 7.
of temperatures. These products are resistant to
Viscosity, ASTM D445 FZG scuffing test,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, DIN 51534 (mod),
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D5950 °C, ASTM D92 A/16.6/90, Fail Stage
Mobil SHC 624 32 32 6.3 148 -57 236 11
Mobil SHC 625 46 46 8.5 161 -54 225 12
Mobil SHC 626 68 68 11.6 165 -51 225 12
Mobil SHC 627 100 100 15.3 162 -45 235 12
Mobil SHC 629 150 150 21.1 166 -42 220 13
Mobil SHC 630 220 220 28.5 169 -42 220 13+
Mobil SHC 632 320 320 38.5 172 -42 225 13+
Mobil SHC 634 460 460 50.7 174 -39 228 13+
Mobil SHC 636 680 680 69.0 181 -39 225 13+
Mobil SHC 639 1000 1000 98.8 184 -33 222 13+

Mobil Glygoyle™ Numbered Series oils are and have outstanding resistance to thermal degradation,
polyalkylene glycol-based (PAG) high performance oxidation and the formation of sludge and deposits.
lubricants that provide outstanding lubrication in They incorporate a proprietary additive package
extreme temperature gear, bearing and circulation designed to enhance EP/anti-wear protection, corrosion
system applications in conditions well beyond the and rust protection and foam resistance without detract-
capabilities of mineral oils. They are shear-stable ing from the intrinsic attributes of the PAG base oils.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 20°C,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil Glygoyle 22 177 25.1 -41 229 1.007

Mobil Vacuoline™ 500 Series are high performance high quality base stocks and a proprietary additive
heavy duty circulating oils specifically designed to meet system to provide enhanced film strength, anti-wear
the critical requirements of high speed No-Twist Rod and anti-scuff properties. They enjoy strong support
Mills manufactured by Morgan Construction Company from equipment builders, and their exceptional perfor-
and Danieli. Their versatile performance makes them mance over many decades makes them the lubricant
an excellent choice for circulation systems of primary of choice of many mill operators, worldwide.
and mini-mill bearings. These oils are formulated from
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil Vacuoline 525 – 89 10.7 99 -24 264 0.88
Mobil Vacuoline 537 320 309 24.4 96 -12 288 0.89

19 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil DTE™ Oil Named Series are premium perfor- to emulsification. They provide excellent protection
mance circulating oils for applications requiring long against rust and corrosion, including resistance to salt
lubricant life, including steam and hydro turbine sets water, and good anti-wear properties. These grades
and other systems. These oils are formulated from have excellent air release properties, enabling
highly refined base stocks and additives, which provide entrained air to separate, avoiding pump cavitation
extremely high levels of chemical and thermal stability, and erratic operation.

rapid separation from water and high resistance
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil DTE Oil Light 32 31.0 5.5 102 -18 218
Mobil DTE Oil Heavy Medium 68 65.1 8.7 95 -15 223
Mobil DTE Oil Heavy 100 95.1 10.9 92 -15 237

Mobil Teresstic™-C. These oils are formulated for ring oiled steam turbine bearings. All viscosity grades
long service life in circulating systems, hydraulic sys- are formulated with select high performance mineral
tems that do not require an anti-wear oil, heat transfer oil base stocks and carefully chosen additives to

systems, light duty gear cases, friction clutches and provide long service life, outstanding oxidation control,
other industrial units for which long, trouble-free service excellent rust and corrosion protection, rapid air release
is required. They are also used to lubricate bath and and foam control.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Teresstic-C 100 99 100.0 11.3 99 -15 252
Mobil Teresstic-C 150 96 150.0 14.6 96 -12 260
Mobil Teresstic-C 220 92 220.0 18.4 92 -6 256
Mobil Teresstic-C 320 94 320.0 23.7 94 -6 278

Mobil Teresstic™ V 150 circulating oil is recommended oxidation inhibitors help control corrosion and prolong
for older paper machines with specific performance oil life. A potent anti-wear additive helps protect gears
requirements. A friction reducing additive is particularly and associated bearings.
effective in dryer section journal bearings. Rust and
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Teresstic V 150 150 150 14.6 -3 256


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Mobil Rarus SHC™ 1020 Series. These high additives are formulated for exceptional resistance to
performance oils are primarily intended for severe oxidation and thermal degradation. Their high viscosity
duty rotary screw and vane air compressors. They index delivers effective lubrication at high temperatures.
are particularly well suited where mineral oil based Mobil Rarus SHC 1020 Series oils help improve pro-
products are not meeting expectations, in applications ductivity and reduce maintenance costs by minimizing
subjected to high final compression temperatures or downstream deposits and delivering outstanding
where extended oil drain intervals are desired. Design- equipment protection and reliability.
specific wax-free synthetic fluids and high technology
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Rarus SHC 1024 32 31.5 5.7 127 -48 max 245
Mobil Rarus SHC 1025 46 44 7.2 131 -45 max 246
Mobil Rarus SHC 1026 68 66.6 10.1 136 -45 max 246

Mobil Rarus™ 800 Series is a line of high perfor- that provides exceptional equipment protection
mance air compressor lubricants primarily intended and reliability. Mobil Rarus 800 Series oils provide
for the lubrication of severe duty reciprocating air excellent wear protection and outstanding resistance
compressors. They are engineered to meet or exceed to oxidation and thermal degradation. Their unique
the stringent requirements of the major compressor formulation provides the ability to help reduce mainte-
manufacturers. They are formulated with synthetic nance costs through minimizing equipment problems
ester base oils and a high technology additive system and downstream deposits and carryover.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Rarus 824 32 29.5 5.5 127 -54 244
Mobil Rarus 827 100 107.5 10.12 66 -36 270
Mobil Rarus 829 150 158 13.2 70 -40 270

Mobil Rarus™ 427 is an air compressor lubricant to provide equipment protection and reliability. Mobil
designed to meet the requirements of the major com- Rarus 427 provides good wear protection and air-oil
pressor manufacturers. It is formulated with high quality separation, and limits valve deposits.
mineral base oils and an additive system designed
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Rarus 427 100 104.6 11.6 100 264

21 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Exxcolub™ SCF PG. These custom-blended long service life in high temperature operations.
Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) synthetic lubricants deliver Inherently high viscosity indexes (>200) facilitate low
excellent performance in severe-service gas compres- temperature startup and help maintain acceptable
sor applications, exceeding the capabilities of petro- viscosity over a wide temperature range. Polyalkylene
leum-base and many synthetic-base lubricants. Glycols are highly stable even at sustained high
Excellent oxidative and thermal stability helps assure temperatures; this helps keep deposits to a minimum.

Exxcolub™ SCF PS. These premium quality synthetic A pour point depressant improves low temperature
blend gas compressor lubricants combine hydro performance. A proprietary additive system reduces
treated mineral oil and polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic the effects of corrosive materials present in compres-
hydrocarbon oil. The proprietary multi-function silicone sor streams, where lubricant is typically subjected to
additive enhances lubricity and minimizes foaming. harsh chemicals, including hydrogen sulphide.

Exxcolub™ SCF M2. These premium hydrotreated tions where lubricant is subjected to harsh chemical
paraffinic gas compressor lubricants are blended environments, including the presence of hydrogen
with a proprietary multi-function silicone additive to sulphide. Also recommended for rotary screw, vane
enhance lubricity and minimize foaming. A pour point and reciprocating compressors in industrial applica-

depressant strengthens low temperature performance. tions requiring a higher viscosity lubricant.
Exxcolub SCF M2 oils are recommended for applica-
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Exxcolub SCF PG 100 100 96 17.6 202 -48 max 218
Exxcolub SCF PG 150 150 133 26 232 -42 max 257
Exxcolub SCF PG 190 190 195 35.1 226 -43 max 304
Exxcolub SCF PS 100 100 101 13.5 135 -33 max 277
Exxcolub SCF PS 150 150 144 17.6 135 -33 max 288
Exxcolub SCF M2 100 100 94 11.8 116 -37 max 248
Exxcolub SCF M2 150 150 153 17.1 121 -30 max 271


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Lubricant Benefits Especially recommended for

Exxcolub SCF PG • Approximately twice as resistant as • Sour gas and high CO2 applications
Polyalkylene glycol mineral oils to gas dilution
synthetic formula • Heavy hydrocarbons where severe
Grades: 100 & 150 • Powerful corrosion inhibitors minimize dilution may occur
risk of corrosion from hydrogen sulphide
• Cold weather conditions, especially
• Will allow a maximum of 20 percent for compressing gas of high specific
(by weight) hydrocarbon dilution gravity in cold weather

Exxcolub SCF PS • Lighter than water, effective water- • Gas of low specific gravity under
Synthetic blend resistance and demulsibility cold weather conditions and requiring
Grades: 100 & 150 a cost-effective alternative to a
• Silicone based corrosion inhibitors synthetic lubricant
lessen the risk of corrosion from
hydrogen sulphide

• Very low vapour pressure minimizes

lubricant consumption

Exxcolub SCF M2 • Control over carbon and varnish, • Light hydrocarbons, sour gas and low
Group ll mineral oil with the potential for extended oil water content where a modestly priced
Grades: 100 & 150 drain intervals lubricant is required

• Silicone based corrosion inhibitors

minimize risk of corrosion from
hydrogen sulphide

23 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil™ Compressor Oils provide outstanding lubri- stability and oxidation resistance help maintain clean
cation in rotary and reciprocating air compressors. All compressors, enabling longer running periods between
viscosity grades deliver outstanding oxidation perfor- scheduled maintenance and oil changes. Outstanding
mance, wear protection, resistance to rust and corrosion, anti-wear and corrosion protection help enhance equip-
rapid water separation and foam control. Their thermal ment life, while reducing maintenance requirements.
Viscosity, ASTM D445

cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Compressor Oil 68 68 68 9.1 -21 240
Mobil Compressor Oil 122 – 122 12.3 -15 230
Mobil Compressor Oil 220 220 220 18.4 -12 245

Mobil™ Compressor Oils 264 and 460 are formulated with scrubber solution. They are ideally suited for
with highly refined paraffin base oils and proprietary initial break-in of compressor cylinders and packing.
additive technology for compressor cylinders and pack- Both grades are formulated for outstanding cylinder
ing. These high viscosity lubricants are recommended and piston ring lubrication, oxidation resistance and
for applications where gas is sour, wet or contaminated chemical tolerance.

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Compressor Oil 264 – 280 23 -12 280
Mobil Compressor Oil 460 460 485 35 -12 280

Mobil™ Compressor Oil N 100. This premium exposed to very high surface film temperatures, this
ISO 100 viscosity mineral oil blend is particularly well oil produces miniscule amounts of soft, fluffy carbon
suited as a once-through cylinder lubricant in large deposits that are easily displaced. This product can
reciprocating compressors where heavy exhaust valve also be used as a general purpose ISO 100 lubricant.
deposits have been observed with other oils. When

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Compressor Oil N 100 100 98 9 -51 200

Mobil Teresstic™ AC 32 is a compressor and circulat- with silver plated components – requiring a mineral
ing oil formulated primarily for applications in ammonia type oil that does not contain anti-wear additives.
production and chemical plants. Mobil Teresstic AC 32 (For applications requiring anti-wear properties,
is well suited for hydraulic systems – such as those Nuto H oils are recommended.)

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Teresstic AC 32 32 32 5.13 -40 204

Additional Compressor Oil

Mobil SHC Cibus™ Series......................................... 27

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Mobil™ Cylinder Oils are high performance high and down-hole applications. They are formulated from
viscosity oils designed for use in enclosed worm gears high quality base stocks that are resistant to oxidation
operating at moderate to high speeds and tempera- and thermal degradation, and the build-up of harmful
tures, and where heavy loads, slow speeds or high deposits caused by the high operating temperatures
temperatures demand high viscosity oils. They are of steam cylinders. They protect against rust and
also intended for use in steam engines, natural gas corrosion, provide good film strength and excellent
compressors requiring a separate cylinder lubricant, lubricity and they are resistant to water washout.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil 600 W Cylinder Oil -- 375 27.0 95 -9 282
Mobil 600 W Super Cylinder Oil 460 460 30.5 95 -6 282
Mobil Extra Hecla Super Cylinder Oil 680 680 35.8 85 0 282

Mobil DTE™ Oil 205 is a lubricating oil formulated exhibits excellent resistance to washing by water and
to provide excellent anti-wear and friction reducing other entrained liquids. It resists oxidation and provides
properties for compressor cylinder lubrication, as well effective lubrication at low feed rates, helping to extend
as protection against rust and corrosion. Mobil DTE operating periods between valve-cleaning intervals.
Oil 205 is designed for wet-gas compression and
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil DTE Oil 205 220 19.5 -9 282 0.90

25 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil™ Food and Beverage Industry

The food and beverage processing industry faces contamination from lubricating oils and greases.
unique challenges. Not only must you strive for This comprehensive suite of high performance oils are
maximum productivity, you must also guard against NSF H1 registered, which is increasingly being requested
the possibility of food contamination, including by major food retailers and government agencies.

Mobil SHC Cibus™ 32 51524-HLP 141500

Mobil SHC Cibus™ 46 141498


Mobil SHC Cibus™ 68 51524-HLP


Mobil SHC Cibus™ 150 51517-CLP 141502

Mobil SHC Cibus™ 220 51517-CLP 141503

Mobil SHC Cibus™ 320 51517-CLP 141505

Mobil SHC Cibus™ 460 51517-CLP 141501

Mobil Glygoyle™ 460 KP1K-20 136467

Mobilgrease™ FM Series
KP1K-20 141881
Mobil SHC Polyrex™ Series
KPFHC2P-20 138558

Other Food Industry Lubricants
• Mobil DTE™ FM (32, 46, 68): premium mineral oils
• Mobil Synturion™ 6: synthetic mechanical seal fluid
• Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC™ Series: synthetic refrigeration lubricants

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Mobil SHC Cibus™ Series lubricants are superb operation in the food and beverage processing
performance synthetic, compressor, hydraulic, gear and packaging industries. They are formulated from
and bearing oils designed to provide outstanding FDA and NSF registered hydrocarbon base fluids
equipment protection, long oil life and problem-free and additives.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil SHC Cibus 32 32 30 5.8 140 <-54 253 0.829
Mobil SHC Cibus 46 46 43 7.7 148 -51 258 0.833
Mobil SHC Cibus 68 68 72 11.4 151 -48 267 0.838
Mobil SHC Cibus 100 100 102 14.6 148 -48 273 0.839
Mobil SHC Cibus 150 150 162 20.7 150 -21 226 0.843
Mobil SHC Cibus 220 220 222 24.5 139 -39 274 0.843
Mobil SHC Cibus 320 320 311 32.7 147 -42 284 0.854
Mobil SHC Cibus 460 460 458 43.6 148 -42 294 0.856

Mobil DTE™ FM Series oils meet a wide range Administration (USA) for lubricants with incidental
of multi-use requirements for equipment in food food contact. These odourless, tasteless, premium
processing and packaging. These lubricants are quality lubricants are formulated with non-toxic
qualified as NSF H1 type lubricants and comply NSF/FDA additives and base oils.
with Title 21 CFR 178.3570 by the Food and Drug
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil DTE FM 32 32 31.9 5.5 106 -12 212 0.862
Mobil DTE FM 46 46 45.5 6.8 105 -9 226 0.868

Additional Food Industry Lubricants

Mobil Synturion™ 6.................................................... 46
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC™ Series.......................... 49

27 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Imperial Engine Recommendation – How to Select the Right Oil

Manufacturer Model Product

Ajax 2-cycle Mobil Pegasus AGX;
Mobil Pegasus 801

Caterpillar All models Mobil Pegasus 1; Mobil Pegasus GMA;
Mobil Pegasus 805
Clark (Dresser-Rand) All 2-cycle Mobil Pegasus AGX;
Mobil Pegasus 801
Cooper-Bessemer All 2-cycle Mobil Pegasus AGX;
Mobil Pegasus 801
Cummins Most models Mobil GEO 15W-40
B & C models Mobil GEO 15W-40
Cooper Enterprises (Delaval) All models Mobil Pegasus 801

Fairbanks-Morse (M.E.P.) 2-cycle Mobil Pegasus 801 SAE 30;
Mobil Pegasus 801; Mobil Pegasus GMA
Ingersoll-Rand (Dresser-Rand) Categories I, II, III Mobil Pegasus 801 SAE 30
Jenbacher Type 2 & 3 Leanox Engines Mobil Pegasus 805; Mobil Pegasus 710
White Superior 4-cycle Mobil Pegasus GLX; Mobil Pegasus 710
1700 & 2400 Mobil Pegasus GMA; Mobil Pegasus 1;
Mobil Pegasus GLX
Worthington All models Mobil Pegasus 801 SAE 30
Waukesha VSG F11 (G, GSI, GSID) Mobil Pegasus 1; Mobil Pegasus GMA;

Mobil Pegasus 805; Mobil Pegasus GLX;
Mobil Pegasus 710
VGF F18, H24, L36, P48 Mobil Pegasus 1; Mobil Pegasus GMA;
(G, GL, GLD/GLD2) Mobil Pegasus 805; Mobil Pegasus GLX;
Mobil Pegasus 710
VGF F18, H24, L36, P48 Mobil Pegasus 1; Mobil Pegasus GMA;
(GSI, GSID) Mobil Pegasus 805; Mobil Pegasus GLX;
Mobil Pegasus 710

VHP F2895, F3521, L5790, Mobil Pegasus 1; Mobil Pegasus GMA;
L7042, P9390 (G, GSI, GL) Mobil Pegasus 805; Mobil Pegasus GLX;
Mobil Pegasus 710
VHP F3524, L5794, Mobil Pegasus 1; Mobil Pegasus GMA;
L5790 (GSI), L5774, Mobil Pegasus 805; Mobil Pegasus GLX;
L5794 (LT) Mobil Pegasus 710
AT – All models Mobil Pegasus 1; Mobil Pegasus GMA;
(275GL/GL+ AT25/27 GL) Mobil Pegasus 805; Mobil Pegasus GLX;
Mobil Pegasus 710

Please refer to OEM manual for lubricant recommendations or contact your Imperial sales representative.

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Mobil SHC Pegasus™ 30 is a recently developed of conventional gas engine oils. Mobil SHC Pegasus
category of synthetic natural gas engine oil designed 30 provides outstanding anti-wear performance to
to provide today’s high output, low emission four-cycle protect heavily loaded valve train components, pistons,
gas engines with advanced levels of wear protection liners, bearings, and gear trains while maintaining
and fuel efficiency. Mobil SHC Pegasus 30 delivers compatibility with catalytic converter materials. An
high performance, long service life and improved effective detergent-dispersant system controls carbon
productivity through a patented combination of high and varnish deposits to minimize oil consumption and
quality base stocks and advanced additive technology. maintain engine cleanliness – even through extended
The result is exceptional oxidation stability, nitration drain intervals, which may result in lower operating
resistance and thermal stability, which may enable and maintenance costs. For information on energy
drain intervals to be extended by up to three times that efficiency, please see page 7.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil SHC Pegasus 30 30 65 10.5 162 -51 255 5 0.5

Mobil Pegasus™ 1 is a high performance synthetic synthetic base oils and a balanced additive system,
gas engine oil designed to meet the highest perfor- this oil delivers performance that is unattainable with
mance requirements of some of the most demanding conventional mineral oil based gas engine oils. Poten-
naturally aspirated and turbocharged stoichiometric tial benefits Include longer engine and oil life, reduced
and lean-burn gas engines. Formulated from wax-free maintenance and lower fuel costs.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus 1 15W-40 93.8 13.0 137 -48 238 6.5 0.5

Mobil Pegasus™ GMA, our premium low ash natural is 0.57 % mass. The balanced additive system provides
gas engine oil, is the prime recommendation for excellent control of viscosity, oxidation and nitration.
Caterpillar and Waukesha natural gas engines and is Mobil Pegasus GMA protects against varnish, corro-
formulated to provide excellent performance through sion, deposits and wear, while minimizing premature
extended oil drain intervals. Typical sulphated ash valve recession.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus GMA 40 115 13.2 110 -21 240 6 0.57

Mobil Pegasus™ 805 is a premium performance gas advanced technology additive system combine to
engine oil engineered to meet the rigorous demands deliver exceptional oxidation stability, nitration resis-
of high output four-cycle engines designed to reduce tance and thermal stability. An effective detergent and
emissions and improve fuel efficiency. Such engines dispersant system controls carbon deposits, lacquer
generally operate under high load and high temperature and sludge.
conditions. The highest quality base stocks and an
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. TBN, mg KOH/g, kg/l at 15.6°C, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ASTM D2896 ASTM D4052 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus 805 40 130 13.5 99 6.2 0.89 0.5

29 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil Pegasus™ GLX meets the requirements against piston scuffing, cylinder wear, corrosion and
of most four-cycle high speed natural gas engines, deposits. The formulation leaves a cushioning ash to
including Superior and Waukesha VSG, VGF, VHP help control valve recession. Phosphorous content is
and AT. The medium ash additive system protects low enough for catalyst exhaust systems.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,

Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus GLX 40 127 13.2 95 -18 250 6.0 0.8

Mobil Pegasus™ 710 is a premium performance gas gas compressors. High quality mineral base oils and an
engine oil intended primarily for modern high speed advanced medium ash additive system provide excellent
four-cycle engines where oil consumption is very low protection of engine and compressor components. Mobil
and where increased manifold pressures may keep Pegasus 710 delivers effective detergency and disper-
some lubricants from reaching the valve guide areas in sancy, along with chemical stability and resistance to
sufficient quantities. This oil is also recommended for oxidation, nitration, valve train wear and deposits.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity

SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. TBN, mg KOH/g, kg/l at 15.6°C, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ASTM D2896 ASTM D1298 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus 710 40 121 13.2 98 6.5 0.896 1.0

Mobil Pegasus™ 610 is a high performance natural recession, increasing the potential for upper cylinder
gas engine oil intended primarily for modern medium components being attacked by acidic materials gener-
and high speed four-cycle engines operating on fuel ated through combustion. Mobil Pegasus 610 is a 1.0%
containing corrosive materials such as hydrogen ash, high TBN gas engine oil with exceptional reserve
sulphide or halogens (compounds containing chlorine, alkalinity to offset the negative effects of corrosive ma-
fluorine, etc.). In these typically lean-burn engines terials on engine components. This protection extends
increased manifold pressures can prevent sufficient to cylinders, valve areas and bearings resulting in long

lubricant from reaching the valve guide areas. This engine life and low maintenance costs.
often leads to accelerated valve guide wear and valve
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus 610 40 130 13.8 102 -18 264 8.6 1.0


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Mobil Pegasus™ 605 is a high performance natural Excellent deposit control helps prevents siloxane
gas engine oil primarily intended for modern medium deposits and liner laquering in biofuel and landfill gas
and high speed four-cycle engines operating on fuel applications with high silicon content. Preventing these
that contains corrosive materials such as hydrogen deposits is a key step in controlling lube oil consump-
sulphide or such halogens as chlorine, fluorine or tion. Mobil Pegasus 605 can be used for the lubrication
bromine. Exceptional reserve alkalinity helps offset of the reciprocating compressors in landfill, mine, coal
the negative effects of acidic materials on engine com- seam, digester/fermenter, sewage and other biomass
ponents. Excellent corrosion protection helps prevent gas operations in municipal, industrial, cooperative and
corrosive wear in cylinders, valve areas and bearings, farm applications, including electric power generation,
promoting long engine life and low maintenance costs. boiler heating, cogeneration/combined heat and power.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus 605 40 120 13.2 104 -15 246 4.9 0.5

Mobil Pegasus™ 801 Series is a premium perfor- bustion chambers. Mobil Pegasus 801 – SAE 30 also
mance gas engine oil intended for the lubrication of all reduces the potential for port carboning of two-cycle
classes of gas engines operating at low, medium and gas engines. It helps minimize engine wear and protect
high speeds where low ash or ashless oils are recom- valve faces, seats and guides of turbocharged four-cycle
mended. It provides outstanding engine cleanliness and engines. Mobil Pegasus 801 – SAE 30 provides excep-
performance by preventing the formation of carbon and tional protection against scuffing in demanding engine
ash deposits on pistons, in ring belt areas, on exhaust applications and also provides excellent protection
and intake ports, on valves and valve stems and in com- against corrosion of internal engine components.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. TBN, mg KOH/g, kg/l at 15.6°C, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ASTM D2896 ASTM D1298 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus 801 40 132 13.2 97 2.8 – 0.1
Mobil Pegasus 801 SAE 30 30 85 10.0 97 2.8 0.882 0.1

Mobil Pegasus™ AGX employs a highly effective and varnish deposits, including carbon in the ports.
ashless anti-wear additive to guard against ring and It is formulated with an inherently oxidation-resistant
liner wear and cylinder scuffing. Ashless detergent/dis- paraffinic base oil with potent anti-wear agents to guard
persant additives deliver excellent control over sludge against wear, particularly in rings, liners and cylinders.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil Pegasus AGX 40 135 13.5 95 -21 250 2.5 0.04

Additional Gas Engine Oils

Mobil Delvac™ CNG/LNG 15W-40............................. 62
Mobil GEO™ 15W-40................................................. 62

31 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Imperial Engine Recommendation – How to Select the Right Oil

Natural Gas Engine Oil Category % SASH

Mobil Pegasus™ 801 Ashless 0.13

Mobil Pegasus™ AGX Ashless 0.03

Mobil SHC Pegasus™ 30 Low Ash 0.50

Mobil Pegasus™ 605 Low Ash 0.52

Mobil Pegasus™ 805 Low Ash 0.54

Mobil Pegasus™ 1 Low Ash 0.54

Mobil Pegasus™ GMA Low Ash 0.57

Mobil GEO™ 15W-40 Low Ash 0.54

Mobil Pegasus™ 610 Medium Ash 0.98

Mobil Pegasus™ 710 Medium Ash 0.94

Mobil Pegasus™ GLX Medium Ash 0.80


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Mobil SHC Gear™ Series (ISO VG 150-1000) lubri- temperature startup. An advanced proprietary additive
cants are recognized around the world for innovation system provides excellent protection against scuffing
and outstanding performance. These synthetic prod- and a high level of resistance against micropitting
ucts are designed to provide outstanding protection of fatigue. Mobil SHC Gear Series oils have outstanding
gears and bearings, and extended oil life even under EP properties that protect even under shock load
extreme conditions. This promotes problem-free opera- conditions. The synthetic base stocks have inherently
tion of equipment and increased productivity. Synthetic low traction properties, resulting in low fluid friction
base fluids with exceptional oxidation and thermal in the load zone of non-conforming surfaces, such
properties deliver excellent low temperature fluidity. as gears and rolling element bearings. Reduced fluid
The high viscosity index of these oils means less friction also produces lower operating temperatures
change in viscosity as temperatures change, enabling and improved gear efficiency. For information on
a wider operating temperature range and improved low energy efficiency, please see page 7.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 FZG Scuffing, FZG Scuffing,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, ISO 14635-1 (mod) ISO 14635-1 (mod)
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 A/8.3/90, Fail Stage A/16.6/90, Fail Stage
Mobil SHC Gear 150 150 150 22.2 176 -54 233 13 Not tested
Mobil SHC Gear 220 220 220 30.4 180 -45 233 14 >14
Mobil SHC Gear 320 320 320 40.6 181 -48 233 14 >14
Mobil SHC Gear 460 460 460 54.1 184 -48 234 14 >14
Mobil SHC Gear 680 680 680 75.5 192 -42 234 14 >14
Mobil SHC Gear 1000 1000 1000 99.4 192 -33 234 14 >14

Mobil SHC Gear™ 1500, 3200, and 6800 are products to provide outstanding performance under
high performance heavy duty gear oils primarily severe high and low temperature operating conditions.
designed for enclosed gearing as well as slow speed The nature of the synthetic base fluids also contributes
plain and rolling element bearings. They are designed to the products’ excellent low temperature performance.
to provide outstanding service in terms of equipment They have excellent protection against gear scuffing
protection, oil life, and problem-free operation enabling and resistance to shock loading. The synthetic base
increased customer productivity. These scientifically stocks have inherently low traction properties that
engineered synthetic lubricants are formulated from result in low fluid friction in the load zone of noncon-
synthetic base fluids that have exceptional oxidation forming surfaces such as gears and rolling element
and thermal properties and excellent low temperature bearings. Reduced fluid friction produces lower operat-
fluidity. The combination of a naturally high viscosity ing temperatures and improved gear efficiency.
index and a unique additive system enables these
Viscosity, ASTM D445 FZG test,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, ISO 14635-1 mod.,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 Failure Stage
Mobil SHC Gear 1500 1500 1500 113 165 -18 230 13+
Mobil SHC Gear 3200 -- 3200 183 165 -9 230 13+
Mobil SHC Gear 6800 -- 8200 365 180 -6 230 13+

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Mobilgear™ 600 XP Series high performance gear trends toward smaller units with similar power through-
oils have excellent extreme pressure characteristics put. This increase in power density places increased
and load-carrying properties. They are intended for use demands on lubricant. Mobilgear 600 XP Series oils
in all types of enclosed gear drives with circulation or meet the stress by providing extra protection for gears,
splash lubrication systems. These oils are designed bearings and seals.
to stay ahead of gearbox technology, including design

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, FZG scuffing, FZG scuffing,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 Fail Stage A/8.3/90 Fail Stage A/16.6/90
Mobilgear 600 XP 68 68 8.8 101 -27 230 12+ –
Mobilgear 600 XP 100 100 11.2 97 -24 230 12+ 12+
Mobilgear 600 XP 150 150 14.7 97 -24 230 12+ 12+
Mobilgear 600 XP 220 220 19.0 97 -24 240 12+ 12+
Mobilgear 600 XP 320 320 24.1 97 -24 240 12+ 12+
Mobilgear 600 XP 460 460 30.6 96 -15 240 12+ 12+
Mobilgear 600 XP 680 680 39.2 90 -9 285 12+ 12+

SPARTAN™ EP-C is the brand name for a family bility and excellent protection from wear. The thermal

of premium quality industrial extreme pressure gear stability of SPARTAN EP-C helps reduce sludge forma-
lubricants. They are formulated with high quality tion and keep internal surfaces clean. SPARTAN EP-C
mineral oils and carefully selected high performance oils provide excellent protection against corrosion of
additives that work synergistically to provide excellent steel and copper containing alloys. They also have
gear protection and long lubricant life. SPARTAN EP-C excellent demulsibility, so that water separates rapidly
oils contain a sulphur/phosphorus Extreme Pressure from the oil, simplifying drain off from gear cases and
additive system that provides high load-carrying capa- system reservoirs.
Kinematic Viscosity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Spartan All-Season 150 21.5 170 -36 192

Spartan 1000 1000 47.5 90 -9 246

Additional Enclosed Gears

Mobil SHC™ 600 Series............................................ 19


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Mobil SHC™ Gear OH Series. These exceptional per- surfaces such as gears and rolling element bearings.
formance synthetic gear oils are primarily designed to Reduced fluid friction produces lower operating tem-
lubricate enclosed gears and plain and rolling element peratures and improved gear efficiency. A naturally high
bearings in off-highway equipment subject to shock and viscosity index and unique additive system combine
heavy loading. They provide outstanding equipment to provide outstanding performance under severe high
protection, oil life and problem-free operation, promoting and low temperature operating conditions. Mobil SHC
increased productivity. The synthetic base fluids deliver Gear OH Series oils deliver outstanding gear scuffing
exceptional oxidation and thermal properties and protection in heavily loaded gearboxes. Their available
excellent low temperature fluidity, contributing signifi- viscosity range: ISO VG 320 to 680. These are the
cantly to low temperature performance. Synthetic base products of choice for key OEMs and customers with
stocks have inherently low traction properties that result demanding off-highway applications. For information
in low fluid friction in the load zone of non-conforming on energy efficiency, please see page 7.
Kinematic Viscosity,
Viscosity, ASTM D445 FZG Gear Scuffing,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, (A/8.3/90), ISO 14635-1
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D5950 °C, ASTM D92 mod Failure Stage
Mobil SHC Gear OH 320 320 320 40.1 178 -45 233 >13
Mobil SHC Gear OH 460 460 460 54.9 186 -42 233 >13
Mobil SHC Gear OH 680 680 680 76.1 193 -39 233 >13

Mobilgear SHC™ XMP Series lubricants are high combine for a significant reduction in power consump-
performance synthetic wind turbine gear oils providing tion in many gear drives. An advanced proprietary
outstanding equipment protection and oil life, even additive system helps prevent conventional wear such
under extreme conditions. Our synthetic base oil as scuffing and provides high resistance to micropitting
technology provides exceptional oxidation resistance fatigue. Mobilgear SHC XMP oils deliver outstanding
and thermal properties, naturally high viscosity index, rust and corrosion protection and show no tendency
excellent low temperature fluidity and the absence of to plug fine filters even when wet. Compatibility with
undesirable compounds often found in mineral oils. ferrous and non-ferrous metals, even at elevated
A high viscosity index and low traction coefficient temperatures, is excellent.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity FZG Scuffing,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C, DIN 51345 (mod)
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052 A/16.6/90, Fail Stage
Mobilgear SHC XMP 320 320 335 38.3 164 -38 242 0.860 14+

Mobil Glygoyle™ Series lubricants are high perfor- oils were designed for operating conditions beyond
mance gear, bearing and compressor oils delivering the capabilities of other synthetic lubricants and mineral
outstanding efficiency, long oil life, and equipment oils. Their low pour points ensure excellent low-
protection. These synthetic polyalkylene glycol (PAG) temperature fluidity.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, FZG Test, ISO.
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 Fail Load Stage
Mobil Glygoyle 460 460 460.0 77.2 250 -33 265 12+

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Mobil Iogear™ EP 100 is an extreme pressure gear range for year-round performance. It is well suited
oil specially designed for oil field pump jack gear drives for other gear applications requiring excellent
and formulated to operate across a wide temperature low temperature performance.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92

Mobil IOGear EP 100 100 99.5 14.96 157 -40 170

Additional Enclosed Gears Specialty

Mobil SHC Cibus™ Series......................................... 27


Mobil SHC Gear™ 46M is a high performance ultra high viscosity index and unique additive system

high viscosity synthetic lubricant designed specifically combine to provide exceptional thermal/oxidative
for heavily loaded, low speed open gears where bound- properties and outstanding performance under severe
ary lubrication conditions often prevail. Synthetic base high and low temperature operating conditions, even
stocks provide remarkable low temperature fluidity; they with very slow moving gears. The additive formulation
can be pumped over relatively long distances and also provides excellent gear scuffing protection, anti-
applied with standard spray equipment. The naturally wear performance and rust and corrosion inhibition.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil SHC Gear 46M 46,000 1375 180 15 240 0.924

Mobiltac™ 375 NC is an high performance non-lead- consistency that is maintained throughout its service
ed, diluent-type, heavy bodied open gear lubricant life. Mobiltac 375 NC adheres strongly to gear teeth and
designed for a wide variety of open gear and mining other machine elements to resist excessive throw-off,
applications. A non-chlorinated, volatile solvent en- providing a wear resistant, viscous, continuous film that
sures fluidity during application, even at low tempera- lubricates well under boundary conditions.
tures. Once applied, the diluent evaporates and the
lubricant takes on a flexible, adhesive, high strength Mobiltac 375 NC is available in spray cans.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at 40°C cSt at 100°C Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product w/diluent w/o diluent °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298

Mobiltac 375 NC 5000 1260 135 0.96

Mobil Geargard™ HVS is an ultra-high viscosity to provide outstanding performance under severe
lubricant primarily intended for heavily loaded, low conditions. Geargard HVS dispenses well in ambient
and medium speed open gears that may operate in temperatures as low as -10°C, while providing excellent
boundary lubrication conditions. The ultra-high viscosity gear protection at high operating temperatures.
synthetic fluid combines with extreme pressure additives Viscosity, ASTM D445

Colour, Flash Point,°C cSt at 40°C cSt at 100°C
Product Visual Structure with diluent without diluent without diluent
Mobil Geargard HVS Black Smooth 110 44000 1350

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Mobiltherm™ and Thermoil™ heat transfer fluids offer mineral base stocks and select additive technology
many years of successful service in such industries combine for excellent thermal and oxidation stability.
as plastics, paint, rubber, paper mill calendars, board The volatility and flash points are optimized to reduce
plants, roofing, textiles and refineries. Highly refined vapour pressure at elevated temperatures.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobiltherm N 100 100 108 11.8 -18 261
Thermoil 32 32 32 5.31 <-24 205
Thermoil 46 46 46 6.67 <-24 212
Thermoil 100 100 100 10.78 <-12 252


Mobil SHC™ 500 Series are our highest performance sustained lubrication excellence is critical to productiv-
hydraulic oils and have the widest temperature range ity. Their superb low and high temperature properties
capability. These synthetic fluids have exceptional enable extraordinary low temperature pumpability and
shear-stability and wear protection and are designed startup, and ensure outstanding equipment protection
for extended service in high pressure, high tempera- at extremely high temperatures. For information on
ture vane, piston and gear pump applications where energy efficiency, please see page 7.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil SHC 524 32 32 6.4 144 -56 234
Mobil SHC 525 46 46 8.54 154 -54 238
Mobil SHC 526 68 68 11.52 158 -53 240
Mobil SHC 527 100 100 15.94 160 -52 243

Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ Series hydraulic oils deliver operating under severe conditions where high levels
superb performance and energy efficiency. These of anti-wear, film strength and high temperature protec-
ashless non-zinc oils are intended for high speed, high tion are needed. For information on energy efficiency,
pressure, high output piston, vane and gear pumps please see page 7.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Viscosity, ASTM D2983 Dielectric
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, cP at cP at cP at Strength, kV,
Product ISO VG I40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 -20°C -20°C -40°C ASTM D877
Mobil DTE 10 Excel 15 15 15.8 4.07 168 -54 182 – – 2620 45
Mobil DTE 10 Excel 22 22 22.4 5.07 164 -54 224 – – 6390 54
Mobil DTE 10 Excel 32 32 32.7 6.63 164 -54 250 1090 3360 14240 49
Mobil DTE 10 Excel 46 46 45.6 8.45 164 -45 232 1870 7060 55770 41
Mobil DTE 10 Excel 68 68 68.4 11.17 156 -39 240 3990 16380 – –
Mobil DTE 10 Excel 100 100 99.8 13.00 127 -33 258 11240 57800 – –

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Mobil DTE™ 20 Series oils are premium performance requirements of a wide range of hydraulic system and
anti-wear hydraulic oils that meet the stringent component manufacturers, these oils may simplify
requirements of hydraulic systems with high pressure, lubricant inventory by enabling the use of a single
high output pumps. Since they meet the rigorous product with outstanding performance characteristics.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,

Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil DTE 24 32 31.5 5.29 98 -27 220 0.871
Mobil DTE 25 46 44.2 6.65 98 -27 232 0.876
Mobil DTE 26 68 71.2 8.53 98 -21 236 0.881

Mobil Univis™ Ultra is a premium all-season, multi- temperature fluidity of an ISO VG 22. The all-weather
grade hydraulic fluid that delivers excellent pumpabilitty performance of Mobil Univis Ultra makes it the ideal
at extremely low temperatures and excellent protection choice for stationary and mobile equipment in such
at all operating temperatures. It combines the high outdoor applications as oil and gas, mining, forestry
temperature viscosity characteristics of an all-season and construction.
ISO VG 46 hydraulic oil with the outstanding low

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Univis Ultra 43.1 10.42 242 -54 196

Mobil Univis™ Extra is a premium multigrade hydraulic N-C line and provides outstanding oxidation resistance,
oil recommended for extreme climatic conditions. It rust protection, demulsibility and foam control. It is
delivers the same outstanding low temperature per- well suited for most pump types, including vane, axial
formance as an ISO 22 grade oil along with excellent piston, radial piston and gear. This oil is recommended
protection at high temperatures, similar to an ISO 32 for a variety of equipment operating over a wide range
grade product. Mobil Univis Extra exhibits the excellent of temperature, simplifying lube inventory by reducing

wear-protection characteristics of the popular Univis the number of fluids required.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Univis Extra 32.8 7.6 213 -50 170


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Mobil Univis™ N-C Series. High viscosity indexes pumps. Mobil Univis N-C also delivers excellent rust
and low pour points help ensure cold weather pump protection, good demulsibility, oxidation resistance and
startups while maintaining oil viscosity at high ambient anti-foam properties. Excellent all-season performance
temperatures. A highly effective anti-wear additive can enable operators to standardize to one viscosity
protects hydraulic pumps even in severe-service appli- grade for year-round service, simplifying lube inventory
cations employing high pressure axial and radial piston by reducing the number of fluids required.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Univis N-C 15 15 3.9 140 -54 150
Mobil Univis N-C 22 22 5.1 140 -51 156
Mobil Univis N-C 32 32 6.6 140 -48 204
Mobil Univis N-C 46 46 8.2 140 -45 218
Mobil Univis N-C 68 68 10.7 140 -42 226

Mobil Univis™ HVI 13 is a premium quality low vis- and automatic screw machines. Mobil Univis HVI 13 can
cosity hydraulic oil with an exceptionally high viscosity also lubricate fine instruments and other mechanisms
index. Because of its resistance to viscosity change where power input is limited and where increases in
with temperature, this fluid is highly recommended torque due to lubricant thickening cannot be tolerated.
for equipment subject to wide swings in temperature. Other features include excellent lubrication, long-lasting
Applications include hydrostatic transmissions and fluid oxidation stability and a very low pour point.
systems, such as those of numerically controlled lathes
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Univis HVI 13 13.5 5.3 404 -60 101

Mobil Univis™ BIO-C 40 is a non-toxic, biodegradable demanding a high performance, anti-wear fluid in
vegetable oil based hydraulic oil developed to meet woodland, construction, mining, marine and other
growing global demand for more environmentally applications facing critical environmental concerns.
friendly lubricants. It is well suited for applications
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Univis BIO-C 40 43 9.7 200 < -36 >200

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Mobil Nuto™ H Series. These high performance stability, promoting long oil life and minimal deposits
anti-wear hydraulic oils are specifically designed for in severe-service hydraulic systems and high pressure,
modern high pressure mobile and stationary hydraulic high output pumps. Anti-wear performance is excellent.
systems. Premium quality base oils and high perfor- Highly effective foam and air release properties help
mance additives work synergistically to deliver well prevent erratic operation, high temperatures, wear,
balanced performance for a wide range of applications. cavitation damage and micro dieseling associated

All viscosity grades exhibit good oxidation and thermal with foam and air entrainment.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Nuto H 32 32 32 5.4 104 -36 212
Mobil Nuto H 46 46 46 6.7 104 -30 226
Mobil Nuto H 68 68 68 8.5 107 -30 234
Mobil Nuto H 100 100 100 11.1 95 -27 242
Mobil Nuto H 150 150 150 14.6 95 -24 258

Forum™ EP 46 and 68 are high performance pressure (EP) characteristics enable these fluids

hydraulic and circulating oils developed for hydraulic to pass the rigorous Brugger load-carrying test,
presses made by Mueller Weingarten, Voith-Vorecon as required for Mueller Weingarten presses. The
and Pahnke. These oils can also be used in other balanced additive system also delivers effective foam
applications requiring highly effective unique load- and air release, oxidation control and demulsibility.
carrying properties. Enhanced anti-wear and extreme
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Forum EP 46 46 46.1 6.9 105 -30 214
Forum EP 68 68 66.9 8.8 103 -24 228

Additional Hydraulic Fluid
Mobil SHC Cibus™ Series......................................... 27
Mobil DTE™ FM Series.............................................. 27


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Mobil Nyvac™ FR 200D is an high performance it has shown a high level of anti-wear performance.
water-glycol type less flammable hydraulic fluid. It is A high viscosity index makes Mobil Nyvac FR 200D
formulated with diethylene glycol as the main glycol effective over a wide range of operating temperatures.
component. This product does not contain ethylene Foam resistance, low temperature flow and storage
glycol. It delivers excellent protection against rust stability are also excellent.
and vapour phase corrosion. In hydraulic pump tests,
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at V.I. Pour Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product 40°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 ASTM D1298
Mobil Nyvac FR 200D 41.5 175 -30 1.089

Mobil Pyrogard™ 53 is a high performance conditions preclude the use of combustible petroleum
phosphate ester synthetic fluid designed to replace products. Mobil Pyrogard 53 is approved by Factory
petroleum based oils in hydraulic applications where Mutual (FM) as a less flammable fluid.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil Pyrogard 53 41.8 5.1 0 246 1.155

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Mobilmet™ 420 Series products are high performance as machine tool lubricants and for use in light duty
multi-purpose cutting oils. They are chlorine-free, hydraulic systems. These oils are light in colour and
non-staining and non-corrosive oils for ferrous and transparent so the work area can be seen at all times.
non-ferrous metals. They are designed for light to Mobilmet 420 Series oils are formulated to prevent the
moderate duty cutting operations and are also suitable formation of oil mist in the vicinity of the machine tool.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity

cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobilmet 426 32 5.7 -12 194 0.874
Mobilmet 427 46 6.9 -10 198 0.877

Mobilmet™ 760 Series high performance oil based control of built-up edge. Their light color enables the
cutting oils are chlorine-free and intended for severe work area to be seen at all times. Closer tolerances
cutting operations, especially on difficult-to-machine are consistently achieved. These oils are formulated
steels. The active cutting oil technology is corrosive to to prevent the formation of oil mist in the vicinity of the
copper and its alloys. In comparison with other leading machine tool, contributing to a safer, more pleasant,
premium cutting oils, these oils have demonstrated work environment.

outstanding surface finish, extended tool life and
Kinematic Viscosity Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C, Sulfur,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, COC, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052 Active
Mobilmet 762 10.0 3.0 140 0.87 1.6
Mobilmet 763 18.0 4.0 160 0.87 1.6
Mobilmet 766 36.0 6.0 180 0.88 1.6

Mobilcut™ 100 is a soluble cutting and cooling fluid a small concentration of biocide to guard against
suitable for a number of machining and grinding oper- deterioration in storage. These properties make
ations. Select mineral oil base stocks are blended with Mobilcut 100 a versatile fluid well suited to many

an additive system that includes a highly effective and machining applications.
stable emulsifier, a potent rust protection package and  
Density Emulsion Pour Point, Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Colour, ASTM @ 15ºC (kg/L) Stability °C, ASTM D97 cSt at 40°C
Mobilcut 100 2.0 0.89 Excellent -6 35


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Mobilcut™ 140 is a long-life, biostable, chlorine-free Mobilcut 140 is formulated with high levels of lubricity
high performance metalworking fluid. When mixed with additives to provide excellent performance in arduous
water the emulsion formed has a milky appearance. machining operations.
Spec. Gravity pH at Corrosion Test Refractometer
Product Appearance kg/l at 20°C, ASTM D4052 Emulsion Type 3% Emulsion (IP 287) Breakpoint % Correction Factor
Mobilcut 140 Amber Liquid 0.95 Milky 9.1 3.0 1.0

Mobilcut™ 350 is a fully biostable, mineral oil-free designed to provide excellent machining performance,
synthetic metalworking fluid. It is specially formulated long charge life and excellent tramp oil rejection prop-
for grinding and general cutting operations of ferrous erties. Mobilcut 350 is a universal product that meets
materials. Mobilcut 350 is a carefully balanced product the exacting demands of modern machine shops.
Spec. Gravity pH at Corrosion Test Refractometer
Product Appearance kg/l at 15°C, ASTM D4052 Emulsion Type 3% Emulsion (IP 287) Breakpoint % Correction Factor
Mobilcut 350 Amber Liquid 1.10 Clear Solution 9.1 3.0 1.9

Formesso™ Summer Grade is a high quality metal- foaming and oxidation and corrosion protection. It
forming fluid primarily recommended for bolt forming also contains an oiliness agent and minimizes smoke
and general purpose machining, and automatic formation during the bolt-forming and threading opera-
machine tools processing free machining steels in tions. Being non-corrosive, Formesso Summer Grade
light to moderate applications. This fluid provides fluid is particularly suitable for the machining of copper
anti-wear and lubricity properties, resistance to and its alloys.
Spec. Gravity Flash Point Pour Point Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product kg/l at 15°C, ASTM D4052 °C, ASTM D92 °C, ASTM D97 cSt at 40°C
Formesso Summer Grade 0.880 250 -15 185

43 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobilgear™ MS Series (formerly Mobil Mist Lube) are The products have enhanced surface wetting capabili-
high performance oils designed for the oil-fog or mist ties and they reclassify (or agglomerate) readily from a
lubrication of machine components such as slideways, mist to a liquid when the mist is subjected to extreme
bearings, gears, chains etc. They are formulated from turbulence or is impinged onto a surface at high veloc-
high quality, solvent refined base stocks and a unique ity. This allows a lubricating film to form on bearings and
additive system designed for optimum reclassifying gears and prevents stray mist from escaping through

properties. They have a high resistance to oxidation narrow apertures into the atmosphere.
and good extreme pressure and anti-wear properties.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 FZG Scuffing,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, DIN 51534
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 A/8.3/90, Fail Stage
Mobilgear MS 100 100 11.2 95 -12 234 12+
Mobilgear MS 320 320 25 100 -9 230 12+
Mobilgear MS 460 460 31.5 100 -6 238 12+


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Canthus™ 680 is a high viscosity straight mineral oil oxidation stability. As an uncompounded steam cylinder
for economical lubrication of heavy industrial machinery. oil, Canthus 680 separates readily from condensate
It is primarily recommended for heavy slow-moving and is suitable for use with dry steam or where water
components of enclosed gear units and circulation washing off cylinder walls is not detrimental to lubri-
systems requiring an uncompounded oil of high viscos- cation. It can also be employed as a heat transfer oil,
ity. This oil has excellent demulsibility and good natural tempering oil and forging compound.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Canthus 680 680 694 36.9 83 -9 280

Faxam™ paraffinic process oils are manufactured to where high leakage cannot be avoided. As process
ISO-grade viscosity limits with lower pour points for oils, their physical characteristics make them suitable
improved low temperature performance. They are well as a diluent oil or carrier in the manufacture of such
suited to a wide range of industrial and process oil ap- products as lubricating oil additives, paper defoamants,
plications and can be used as lubricants in non-critical seals, carbon paper and other chemical formulations.
circulating oil and hydraulic systems where bulk oil Faxam oils can also be used for leather tanning,
temperatures are moderate and operating pressures as fluids for mineral oil seals, autoclaves and dust
low enough that anti-wear/extreme pressure additives suppression, or as lubricant-blending bases or glass
are not required. These oils are an economic choice mould release agents.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, Colour,
Product ISO VG 40°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM
Faxam 22E 22 22 -36 205 1.0
Faxam 32 32 32 -15 217 0.5

Mobil™ Sawguide Oils are designed to lubricate friction and wear and increased cutting efficiency.
the thin blades of modern gang saws and edgers. Potent rust and corrosion inhibitors help protect blade
They exhibit excellent anti-wear and extreme pressure surfaces from rust that can stain lumber. Tackiness
properties and cling tenaciously to blade and guide additives help reduce the oil thrown off or blown off by
surfaces, promoting extended blade life and reduced air/water sprays. Most importantly, a friction reducing
oil consumption. These oils control pitch and resin film reduces cooling water requirements, promoting
build-up on blades and sawguides, resulting in lower drier sawdust.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Sawguide Oil 68 68 68 9.6 -30 215
Mobil Sawguide Oil 100 100 91 11.5 -24 225
Mobil Sawguide Oil 150 150 150 16.2 -15 225

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Mobil™ Synthetic Oven Lube 1090 is a high perfor- synthetic ester base fluid plus very effective anti-wear
mance synthetic high temperature lubricant designed additives. It does not contain silicone. Compared to
specifically for lubrication of hot conveyor chains in mineral oil and conventional chain lubricants, Mobil
drying ovens and similar severe applications. This Synthetic Oven Lube 1090 reduces carbon build-up
formulation combines a carefully balanced blend of and extends cleaning intervals.
high-molecular-weight synthetic hydrocarbons and

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C Viscosity Index °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Synthetic Oven Lube 1090 220 210 22 126 240

Mobil Synturion™ 6 is a premium quality synthetic inherent properties of the synthetic base oil, enhanced
base fluid specially formulated to meet the demanding by a proprietary additive package, are ideally suited
lubrication and cooling requirements of mechanical to the demanding requirements of mechanical seal
seals – and to maximize seal life. The outstanding operation. Meets NSF H1 (USA) for food industries.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,

cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15ºC,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil Synturion 6 5.2 1.89 135 -63 168 0.799

Mobil™ System Cleaner is an oil-soluble, solvent-free industrial equipment and is compatible with all seals
cleaner fortified with emulsifiers, dispersants, and with up to 20% maximum concentration in the oil. The
rust inhibitors. A 5% concentration in the system oil viscosity and high flash point of Mobil System Cleaner
is typically recommended. Mobil System Cleaner is enable equipment to be operated normally during the
safe for all ferrous and non-ferrous metals used in cleaning process.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at Flash Point, kg/l at 15ºC,

Product 40°C °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil System Cleaner 55 280.4 (138) 0.926

Slurry Oil 62 is a conditioning oil used in the manufac- hydrocarbon loading and a low pour point for all-season
ture of various types of explosives made with ammoni- use. The low temperature properties also facilitate
um nitrate. This product has a low viscosity for optimal handling and transfer at low ambient temperatures.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92

Slurry Oil 62 10.1 -45 160


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Mobil SHC™ PM Series high performance synthetic help ensure good low temperature performance
lubricants are specifically designed for some of the and startup while maintaining excellent viscosity
most demanding industrial paper machine circulating characteristics at very high temperatures. The fluids
systems. They deliver exceptional lubrication char- are very shear-stable and maintain viscosity control
acteristics not attainable with conventional premium even when subjected to severe mechanical shear
mineral-oil based fluids. These oils provide maximum in heavily loaded bearings and gears. Their low traction
protection for gears and bearings operating under coefficient and high viscosity index promote lower
some of the most severe conditions. Their very low energy consumption and reduced component operat-
pour points and naturally high viscosity index (VI) ing temperatures.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 V.I. Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at ASTM D2270, Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C typical °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil SHC PM 220 220 225 25.6 127 -36 220 0.863
Mobil SHC PM 320 320 325 34.7 130 -33 220 0.865

Mobil DTE™ PM Series oils are specifically designed exhibit good viscosity characteristics, allowing reduced
for demanding industrial paper machine circulating startup to production times while maintaining excellent
systems. They are engineered to provide exceptional viscosity characteristics at high temperatures. They
lubrication qualities while protecting system com- provide excellent resistance to oxidation and thermal
ponents from rust and corrosion. This is particularly degradation, exceptional protection against rust and
important in the wet-end where water and chemical corrosion, and a high level of anti-wear performance.
contaminants can enter the lubrication system. They
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil DTE PM 150 150 150 14.7 95 min -6 250 0.888
Mobil DTE PM 220 220 220 19.0 95 min -6 260 0.889
Mobil DTE PM 320 320 320 25.4 95 min -6 250 0.892

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Mobil Arox™ EP Series high performance rock drill to absorb moisture from the wet mine air system,
oils are designed primarily for pneumatically operated while maintaining a protective film on drill components.
rock drills in underground and surface mining opera- Potent EP characteristics help protect components
tions. High quality base stocks and carefully selected subjected to percussive contact for improved drill life in
additives combine to deliver excellent chemical stability heavily loaded equipment. The high viscosity indexes
and outstanding protection against wear and corro- and low pour points help ensure effective lubrication

sion. These oils provide an optimum balance between at high and low operating temperatures.
adhesiveness and emulsibility. This allows the lubricant
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Arox EP 22 22 22 4.2 -45 168
Mobil Arox EP 32 32 32 5.6 -33 219
Mobil Arox EP 68 68 68 9.1 -33 239
Mobil Arox EP 100 100 100 11.9 -21 252
Mobil Arox EP 150 150 150 15 -15 268
Mobil Arox EP 220 220 220 19.5 -21 288


Mobil Fenso™ Series quench oils promote excellent speed control, as well as excellent and consistent
long life performance in cold quenching operations. cleanliness of parts. FENSO 150 is a high speed
FENSO 90 is a premium high speed product, formu- cold quench oil recommended for carbon and alloy
lated with a highly effective accelerator concentrate to steels requiring uniform hardness, cleanliness and

help provide long service life with dependable quench dimensional stability.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
IVF Quench Test
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Max cooling rate
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C/min (@°C)
Mobil Fenso 90 38 6.5 200 637
Mobil Fenso 150 25.1 4.7 205 634


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Please contact your local sales rep or our technical help desk
at 1-888-968-3776 for any inquiries about your application.

Mobil Glygoyle™ 22 is a high performance synthetic and the formation of sludge and deposits. A proprietary
lubricant that delivers outstanding performance in gear, additive system strengthens EP/anti-wear protection,
bearing and circulation system applications operating guards against corrosion and rust and resists foam
at extreme temperatures in conditions well beyond without detracting from the intrinsic attributes of the
the capabilities of mineral oils. This polyalkylene PAG base oils. It is suitable for specific refrigeration
glycol-based (PAG) lubricant is shear-stable with out- applications, such as propane and butane screw and
standing resistance to thermal degradation, oxidation centrifugal compressors.
Viscosity, ASTM D445

cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Gylgoyle 22 177 25.1 -41 229

Mobil Gargoyle™ Arctic Oils have very low pour excellent fluidity at very low temperatures. They are
points for lubricating cylinders and bearings of used primarily with ammonia refrigerants but are
reciprocating and rotary refrigeration compressors. suitable for many other refrigerant types; exceptions
These naphthenic oils are almost wax-free, delivering include all HFC refrigerants and sulphur dioxide.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy 46 46 -39 195
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil 300 68 68 -36 200

Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC™ 200 Series are syn- rotary compressors and are particularly successful in
thetic hydrocarbon polyalphaolefin (PAO) lubricants for systems using ammonia as the refrigerant. These fluids
refrigeration compressors and heat pumps in severe are compatible with most common refrigerants, except
service. They are recommended for reciprocating and sulphur dioxide.
Viscosity, ASTM D2270
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC 226E 68 69 10.1 136 -50 266
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC 230 220 220 25 149 -39 260

Mobil Zerice™ S Oils are premium quality synthetic valves and heat transfer surfaces. The synthetic
refrigeration compressor lubricants based on alkyl formulation provides excellent chemical stability,
benzenes, which have outstanding miscibility with which resists reaction with refrigerants and maintains
hydrochlorofluorocarbon (R22). This allows them high thermal stability to help prevent oil breakdown.
to be used in very low temperatures, down to -60°C. In some circumstances, these oils can also be
Their very low pour and flow points help prevent used in compressors where ammonia acts as the
harmful wax precipitation, which can block expansion refrigerating fluid.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Zerice S 68 68 68 6.5 -27 174

49 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobilarma™ 245 rust preventive is designed to protect finely finished parts between machining operations,
metal surfaces from rust and corrosion. It is formulated including those where water-soluble cutting and grind-
using light bodied petroleum solvents with polar rust ing fluids have been used. It is also suitable for use
preventive, water displacement and fingerprint neutral- on parts just before they are packaged for storage or
izing additives. This product is easy to apply and easy shipment, or to “dry” parts as temporary protection until
to remove, making its use less manpower intensive. a heavier rust preventive can be applied.

Mobilarma 245 is suited for the thin film protection of
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at Flash Point,
Product 40°C °C, ASTM D92
Mobilarma 245 2.6 38

Mobilarma™ 700 Series premium performance rust dustrial, construction, mining and marine applications.
preventives cover a range of applications, including Mobilarma 700 Series products exhibit excellent water
storage and inter-operational activities. Mobilarma 778 displacing properties and form thin tenacious films
is designed for the protection of cold-rolled sheet and that protect surfaces even under severe conditions,
coiled steel in the metal industry. Mobilarma 798 is for including high moisture levels and exposure to acid or

the lubrication and rust protection of wire rope in in- corrosive fumes.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobilarma 778 39 – -3 190 0.880
Mobilarma 798 – 23.1 – 238 –

Mobil Vaprotec™ Light is an ISO 32, turbine-quality inhibitor to protect surfaces submerged in oil, and
circulation oil containing anti-oxidants and defoamants. vapour space inhibitors to protect surfaces exposed to
It is enhanced with a three-phase rust inhibitor to oil vapours.

protect surfaces lightly coated with oil, a liquid phase
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil Vaprotec Light 30 5.3 95 -7 193 min 0.875


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Mobil Velocite™ Oil Numbered Series are premium viscosity grade is selected. They are formulated from
performance products primarily designed for the select high quality, low viscosity base oils and additives
lubrication of high speed spindles in machine tools. that deliver good resistance to oxidation and protection
They are also used in some critical hydraulic, circula- from rust and corrosion. They possess very good resis-
tion systems and air line oilers where the appropriate tance to foaming and separate readily from water.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Velocite No 6 10 10.0 2.62 -15 180
Mobil Velocite No 10 22 22.0 4.0 -30 212


Voltesso™ is a premium line of electrical insulating oils tics that help improve oil circulation and heat transfer in
designed to meet the critical operating requirements of electrical equipment operating under the most severe
most types of electrical equipment. They are made from cold weather conditions. They are recommended for
fully refined, naphthenic base stocks and have excellent use in power transformers, especially those that have
dielectric strength and power-factor characteristics and forced oil cooling or are subject to cold startup. They
are formulated to resist oxidation and sludge. Voltesso meet Canadian Standards Association C50-08 specifi-
oils have outstanding low temperature flow characteris- cations for Class A, Type I and Type II oils respectively.
Viscosity, ASTM D445

cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, COC, ASTM D92
Voltesso N36 7.6 2.1 -46 max 145 min
Voltesso 35 7.6 2.1 -46 max 145 min

51 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil SHC™ 800 Series turbine oils are designed and a unique additive system. This formula provides
specifically to meet the needs some of the most severe outstanding low temperature fluiditiy and exceptional
industrial gas turbine applications with a nominal resistance to degradation at high temperatures well
10,000 hour TOST life. They are recommended for beyond the capabilities of premium quality mineral oils.
the lubrication of land-based gas turbines, particularly Mobil SHC 800 Series lubricants also provide excellent
units under 3,000 hp used as standby power units, anti-wear properties as well as protection against rust

and in some types of total energy and combined cycle and corrosion plus good air release performance and
(gas/steam) systems. This innovative product family resistance to foaming.
is formulated from wax-free synthesized hydrocarbons
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil SHC 824 32 31.5 5.9 135 <-54 248 0.83
Mobil SHC 825 46 43.9 7.9 145 -45 248 0.83

Mobil DTE™ 932 GT is a next generation high perfor- additive system to provide long oil life in combination
mance turbine oil designed for use in GE large frame with industry leading “keep clean” performance. The for-

gas turbines. This product is based on selected high mulation also includes a non-zinc anti-wear system to
quality base oils carefully balanced with a proprietary meet the load-carrying requirements of geared turbines.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil DTE 932 GT 32 31.5 6.1 141 -18 240 0.84

Mobil DTE™ 800 Series high performance turbine oils engineered to provide the deposit control and “keep
are designed for use in steam turbines, gas turbines clean” performance required by severe duty gas
and combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) applications turbines as well as excellent water separability needed
under some of the most severe operating conditions. for steam turbine operation. The formulations also

These progressive products are based on high quality include a non-zinc anti-wear system to meet the
hydrotreated basestocks for exceptional thermal/oxida- load-carrying requirements of geared turbines.
tion resistance along with specially chosen additives
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6°C,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D4052
Mobil DTE 832 32 29.6 5.4 110 -30 224 0.86
Mobil DTE 846 46 42.4 6.2 106 -30 244 0.87


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Mobil DTE™ 724 Oil was developed for higher-output excellent thermal and oxidative stability, and resistance
gas turbines such as the General Electric Heavy Duty to deposit formation to meet the high temperature
Gas Turbine Frame 7000. Mobil DTE 724 Oil offers demands of gas turbines.

Viscosity, ASTM D445

cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil DTE 724 32 31 5.4 95 10 420

Mobil DTE™ 732 M is next generation high perfor- for long life – high temperature turbine applications,
mance turbine oil designed for use in Mitsubishi MS04-MA-CL005, through high quality base oils
Heavy Industry (MHI) non-geared Single Shaft Heavy and additive system designed to provide long oil life.
Duty Gas & Steam Turbines and Multi Shaft Gas Mobil DTE 732 M also meets the requirements of
Turbines. This product meets MHI’s requirements MS04-MA-CL001 and CL002.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil DTE 732 M 32 31.3 5.8 131 -15 233

Mobil DTE™ 700 Series lubricants are the most recent and anti-foam agents. These deliver outstanding
addition to the Mobil DTE turbine lubricant family, resistance to oxidation and chemical degradation.
long recognized for high quality and reliability. These Mobil DTE 700 lubricants exhibit excellent water
zinc-free lubricants are specifically designed for gas separation, resistance to emulsion formation and
and steam turbine applications. They are formulated anti-foaming characteristics to provide reliable opera-
with carefully selected base stocks and additives, tion. Their enhanced air release properties are critical
including anti-oxidants, rust and corrosion inhibitors for turbine hydraulic control mechanisms.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil DTE 732 32 30 5.5 117 -30 228
Mobil DTE 746 46 44 6.8 113 -30 230

53 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil Teresso™ is a line of premium turbine-quality sludge formation tendency specifications required by
R&O (Rust & Oxidation) circulating oils designed many utilities, in addition to passing oxidation tests.
primarily for steam and hydraulic turbine circulating Mobil Teresso oils offer excellent demulsibility, rust
systems. All grades are formulated from select API inhibition and foam control. They are also recommended
Group 1 basestocks and a high performance additive for use in circulating bath, splash and ring oiled systems
system that provides outstanding oxidation control, supplying lubricant for bearings and gears of industrial

rapid separation of foam and air and protection from machinery. They can also be used in hydraulic systems
rust and corrosion. These oils easily surpass the where anti-wear oil is not required.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, Density
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 @ 15°C (kg/L)
Mobil Teresso 32 32 5.13 -32 204 0.868
Mobil Teresso 46 46 6.36 -27 212 0.873
Mobil Teresso 68 68 8.26 -26 226 0.876

Mobil Teresso™ GTC Series. These high performance High quality hydrotreated basestocks combine with
turbine oils deliver excellent lubrication for turbines a proprietary additive package to work synergistically,

in the most severe operating conditions. These highly providing exceptional trouble-free long-life performance
versatile lubricants can be used in steam, gas, and in severe cyclical service gas turbines.
combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) applications.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, COC, ASTM D92
Mobil Teresso GTC 32 32 118 -27 215 min
Mobil Teresso GTC 46 46 116 -24 215 min


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Mobil Vactra™ Oil Numbered Series are premium- separability, and equipment protection of precision
quality slideway lubricants specifically designed to machine tools.
meet the requirements for accuracy, aqueous coolant
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Vactra No. 2 68 68 -33 228
Mobil Vactra No. 4 220 221 -3 240

Mobil Vacuoline™ 1400 Series are high performance box ways. They exhibit a high degree of oxidation and
lubricants specifically designed to satisfy the require- thermal stability that helps to extend oil life and keep
ments of machine tools that use a single oil for both lubricated surfaces clean and free from corrosion or
hydraulics and way lubrication. They are formulated deposits that could detract from finished parts quality
using high quality mineral base oils and a unique addi- and accuracy. These oils provide the optimum balance
tive system that provides excellent lubricity to eliminate between these divergent requirements.
stick-slip and chatter of heavily loaded and vertical
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product ISO VG 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Vacuoline 1405 32 32 5.3 96 -12 max 210
Mobil Vacuoline 1409 68 68 8.57 96 -6 max 218
Mobil Vacuoline 1419 220 215 19.0 96 -6 max 257

55 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils HDEO Selection Chart.............................................57-58
Multigrade HDEO Selection Star Chart........................ 59
Mobil Delvac 1™ ESP 5W-40 and 0W-40.................... 60

Mobil Delvac 1™ LE 5W-30.......................................... 60
Mobil Delvac™ Elite 222 0W-30................................... 60
Mobil Delvac™ Elite 10W-30 and 15W-40.................... 60
Mobil Delvac™ 1300 Super 10W-30 and F2 15W-40.... 61
Mobil Delvac™ 1230 and 1240...................................... 61
Mobil Delvac™ 1640..................................................... 61
DIOL™ 9 RD Series..................................................... 62

Heavy Duty Natural Gas Engine Oils Mobil Delvac™ CNG/LNG 15W-40............................... 62

Mobil GEO™ 15W-40................................................... 62

Heavy Duty Power Transmission Fluids Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Transmission Fluid 50.......... 63
Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic ATF....................................... 63
Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Gear Oils.............................. 63
Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Final Drive and Axle Oil........ 63
Mobilube™ HD LS 80W-90.......................................... 66
Mobilube™ HD Plus MG 75W,
80W-90 and 85W-140................................................... 66

Mobilube™ HD Extra MG 75W and 80W-140.............. 66
Mobilube™ XFD 50 and 60.......................................... 66
Mobiltrans™ AST (All-Season Transmission)............... 67
Mobiltrans™ AST 30 and
Mobiltrans™ AST Extra 20........................................... 67
Mobiltrans™ HD 10W, 30 and 50................................. 67

Tractor Hydraulic Fluids Mobil Hydraul™............................................................ 68

Railway Galcar All Year.............................................................. 68

Coolant/Antifreeze Mobil Delvac™ Extended Life

Coolant/Antifreeze – C Series...................................... 69
Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA
Precharged Coolant/Antifreeze..................................... 69

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 56

Mobil Delvac 1 ESP Mobil Delvac 1 LE Mobil Delvac Elite 222 Mobil Delvac Elite Mobil Delvac 1300 Super
Viscosity Grade 5W-40 0W-40 5W-30 0W-30 10W-30 15W-40 10W-30 F2 15W-40
API CF – – – – – – R R
API CF-2 – – – – – – – R
API CG-4 R – – – – – – –
API CH-4 R R – R R R R R
API SF – – – – – – – –
API SH – – – R – – – –
API SJ – – – R – – – –
API SL R – – R – R R R
API SM R R – R – R R R
API SN – – R – – – – –
ACEA E2 – – – – – – – –
ACEA E5 – – – – – – – –
ACEA E6 – – R – – – – –
ACEA E7 R – R – R R – –
ACEA E9 R – R – R – R R
JASO DH-1 – – – – – – – –
JASO DH-2 – – R – – – – –
CATERPILLAR ECF-2 R – – – – R – –
CATERPILLAR TO-2 – – – – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20071 – – – – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20072 – – – – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20076 – R – R – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20077 – – – – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20078 – – – – – – – –
DAF EXTENDED DRAIN – – R – – – – –
FORD WSS-M2C171-E – – R – – – – –
Twin Disc S364A R – – – – – – –
DETROIT FLUID SPEC 7SE 270 – – – – – – – –
DETROIT FLUID SPEC 93K214 R – – – – R – –
DETROIT FLUID SPEC 93K218 R – R – – – – R
DETROIT ENGINE OIL 93K218 – – – – R R – –
DEUTZ DQC III-10 LA R – – – – – – –
DEUTZ DQC IV-10 LA – – R – – – – –
EMD ENGINES – – – – – – – –
GE – – – – – – – –
MACK EO-M – – – – – – – –
MACK EO-M Plus – – – R – – – –
MACK EO-N Premium Plus 03 R R – – – – R –
MACK EO-O Premium Plus R – R – R R R R
MAN M 270 – – – – – – – –
MAN M 3275-1 – – – – – – – –
MAN M 3277 R – – – – – – –
MAN M 3477 – – R – – – – –
MAN M 3677 – – R – – – – –
MB-APPROVAL 228.2 – – – – – – – –
MB-APPROVAL 228.3 – – – – – – – –
MB-APPROVAL 228.31 R – R – R R – R
MB-APPROVAL 228.51 – – R – – – – –
MB-APPROVAL 235.27 R – – – – – – –
MTU OIL CATEGORY 2 – – – – – – – –
MTU OIL CATEGORY 2.1 R – – – – – – R
MTU OIL CATEGORY 3.1 – – R – – – – –
RENAULT TRUCK RGD – – – – – – – –
RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2 – – R – – – – –
RENAULT TRUCK RLD-3 – – R – – – R –
RENAULT TRUCK RXD – – – – – – – –
VICKERS 35VQ25 – – – – – – – –
VOLVO VDS-2 – – – – – – R R
ZF TE-ML04B – – – – – – – –
ZF TE-ML04C – – – – – – – –


Mobil Delvac 1230 Mobil Delvac 1240 Mobil Delvac 1640 DIOL 9 RD
Viscosity Grade 40 20W-40
API CF R R R – –
API CF-2 R R – – –
API CG-4 – – – – –
API CH-4 – – – – –
API CI-4 – – – – –

API CI-4 PLUS – – – – –
API CJ-4 – – – – –
API SF R R R – –
API SH – – – – –
API SJ – – – – –
API SL – – – – –
API SM – – – – –
API SN – – – – –
ACEA E2 – – R – –
ACEA E5 – – – – –
ACEA E6 – – – – –
ACEA E7 – – – – –
ACEA E9 – – – – –
JASO DH-1 – – R – –
JASO DH-2 – – – – –

CATERPILLAR TO-2 – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20071 – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20072 – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20076 – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20077 – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20078 – – – – –
CUMMINS CES 20081 – – – – –
FORD WSS-M2C171-E – – – – –
Twin Disc S364A – – – – –
DETROIT FLUID SPEC 7SE 270 – – – – –
DETROIT FLUID SPEC 93K214 – – – – –
DETROIT FLUID SPEC 93K218 – – – – –
DETROIT ENGINE OIL 93K218 – – – – –

DEUTZ DQC III-10 LA – – – – –
DEUTZ DQC IV-10 LA – – – – –
GE – – – R R
MACK EO-M – – – – –
MACK EO-M Plus – – – – –
MACK EO-N Premium Plus 03 – – – – –
MACK EO-O Premium Plus – – – – –
MAN M 270 – – R – –
MAN M 3275-1 – – – – –
MAN M 3277 – – – – –
MAN M 3477 – – – – –
MAN M 3677 – – – – –

MB-APPROVAL 228.2 – – R – –
MB-APPROVAL 228.3 – – – – –
MB-APPROVAL 228.31 – – – – –
MB-APPROVAL 228.51 – – – – –
MB-APPROVAL 235.27 – – – – –
MTU OIL CATEGORY 2.1 – – – – –
MTU OIL CATEGORY 3.1 – – – – –
VICKERS 35VQ25 – – – – –
VOLVO VDS-2 – – – – –

VOLVO VDS-3 – – – – –
VOLVO VDS-4 – – – – –
ZF TE-ML04B – – R – –
ZF TE-ML04C – – – – –
Advanced synthetic blend with
Mobil Delvac ™ Elite exceptional resistance to sludge ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★

Premium conventional oil formulated

Mobil Delvac to meet or exceed original equipment
1300 Super
★★ ★ ★★ ★★ ★★★
manufacturer (OEM) and API CJ-4
requirements, even in some of the
most extreme conditions
★ The number of stars indicates relative performance level.

Multigrade Heavy Duty Engine Oils Selector Star Chart

Drain Capacity

59 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil Delvac 1™ ESP 5W-40 and 0W-40 synthetic, Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOCs). It can also be
high performance, heavy duty diesel engine oil helps used in refrigeration units and older well-maintained
extend engine life and may help improve fuel economy engines. Mobil Delvac 1 ESP 5W-40 and 0W-40 is
in modern diesel engines operating in severe applica- recommended for a wide range of heavy duty applica-
tions. This oil meets the API CJ-4 specification. State- tions and operating environments found in the on-road
of-the-art technology delivers exceptional performance transport and off-road mining, forestry, construction,

in modern low emission engines, including those with and agricultural industries. It also meets the API SM
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and aftertreatment specification for gasoline engines.
systems with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) and
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac 1 ESP 5W-40 98 14.7 156 1.0 8.7 -48
Mobil Delvac 1 ESP 0W-40 87 15.2 186 1.0 7.7 -48

Mobil Delvac 1™ LE 5W-30 synthetic, heavy duty It is well suited for an extensive array of diesel-powered
diesel engine oil provides advanced engine protec- commercial vehicles for both on- and off-highway use

tion, and helps improve fuel economy in modern low in industries such as transportation, mining, construc-
emissions vehicles. Mobil Delvac 1 LE 5W-30 utilizes tion and agriculture. Mobil Delvac 1 LE 5W-30 meets
state-of-the-art technology to deliver exceptional or exceeds an extremely broad range of industry and
performance: engine durability, emissions system manufacturer specifications from around the world.
protection and extended drain capability.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac 1 LE 5W-30 40 11.8 168 1 10 -51

Mobil Delvac™ Elite 222 0W-30 synthetic, heavy duty with API CJ-4 additive technology, it is excellent for
diesel engine oil helps extend engine life and improve light and heavy duty diesel engines, including those
fuel economy in modern diesel engines. Formulated with EGR and/or DPFs (Diesel Particulate Filters).
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac Elite 222 0W-30 69 12.2 176 1.0 7.7 -45

Mobil Delvac™ Elite 10W-30 and 15W-40 are syn- Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) and Diesel Oxidation
thetic blend heavy duty diesel engine oils for extended Catalysts (DOCs). These oils exhibit enhanced low

drain capability. They meet the API CJ-4 specification, temperature fluidity, high temperature viscosity retention,
and provide the highest level of protection to modern, and piston deposit control and are highly recommended
high performance diesel engines with Exhaust Gas by engine builders for use in all high performance diesel
Recirculation (EGR) and aftertreatment systems with engines in severe service, on and off highway.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac Elite 10W-30 81 12.2 146 1.0 10.7 -36
Mobil Delvac Elite 15W-40 111 15.2 140 0.9 10.7 -36

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 60

Mobil Delvac™ 1300 Super 10W-30 and F2 15W-40 (DPFs) and Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOCs). Fully
high performance diesel engine oil helps extend en- backwards compatible, Mobil Delvac 1300 Super
gine life in some of the most severe on- and off-high- 10W-30 and F2 15W-40 delivers the same exceptional
way applications. It delivers outstanding performance performance in older conventional engines. As a result,
in modern high output, low emission engines including they meet or exceed the requirements of the API CJ-4,
those with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and CI-4 PLUS and CH-4 service categories as well as
aftertreatment systems with Diesel Particulate Filters those of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac 1300 Super 10W-30 79 11.9 145 1.0 8.8 -47
Mobil Delvac 1300 Super F2 15W-40 114 15.0 137 1.0 8.8 -44

Mobil Delvac™ 1230 and 1240 are heavy duty, diesel wear, corrosion, and rust. They are used in a wide range
engine oils formulated from high performance base oils of applications where a monograde lubricant is recom-
and a balanced additive system of ashless dispersants, mended including 2-cycle diesel applications (e.g. the
metallic detergents, and inhibitors to control oxidation, Detroit Series 53, 71 and 92 two-cycle engines).
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac 108 12 100 0.80 5.8 -21

Mobil Delvac™ 1640 is a high performance mono- engines operating under severe conditions on and
grade diesel engine oil formulated from advanced off highway, and a range of applications calling for a
technology base oils and a balanced additive system. monograde lubricant.
It is recommended for intercooled, turbocharged
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac 1640 132 14.7 112 1.4 12 -21

61 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


DIOL™ 9 RD Series are premium heavy duty by Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD) and General Electric
crankcase lubricants for locomotive diesel engines. (GE). It provides excellent engine protection and
They meet the severe-service demands of the latest controls oil consumption to promote oil drain interval
locomotive engines. The additive system is endorsed extensions.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point,

Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97
Diol 9 RD 40 141 14.7 104 -21
Diol 9 RD 20W-40 135 15.3 118 -21


Mobil Delvac™ CNG/LNG 15W-40 high performance challenging operating environments presented by CNG
heavy duty engine oil is formulated specifically for (Compressed Natural Gas) and LNG (Liquefied Natural
spark ignited CNG and LNG fueled truck and bus Gas) and offers extended drain interval capability.
engines. It provides excellent performance in the
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Sulfated Ash, TBN, mg KOH/g, Pour Point,

Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 wt%, ASTM D874 ASTM D2896 ºC, ASTM D97
Mobil Delvac CNG/LNG 15W-40 114 15.3 140 0.9 6.4 -27

Mobil GEO™ 15W-40 is formulated to protect trucks and with less varnish, sludge, and carbon build-up under
buses running on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or the most severe operating conditions. Recommended
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). This advanced medium for Cummins B and C Series and Detroit Diesel Series
ash formulation combines high quality base stocks 50G engines and meets the performance requirements
and balanced additives to deliver excellent oxidation, of Cummins CES 2007, Detroit Diesel 7SE272-9510
nitration, and thermal stability for minimal combustion and API Service Category CD.
chamber ash deposits. Mobil GEO 15W-40 lubricates

Viscosity, ASTM D445
SAE cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, TBN, mg KOH/g, Sulfated Ash,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D2896 wt% ASTM D874
Mobil GEO 15W-40 15W-40 100 14.4 130 -27 215 5 0.5 GREASES

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 62

Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Transmission Fluid 50 is a provide maximum protection and extended operating
synthetic manual transmission lubricant engineered to life to heavy duty transmissions. Compared to con-
meet extended drain and OEM warranty requirements. ventional sulphur-phosphorus gear oils, this lubricant
It provides year-round lubrication of manual transmis- provides significant advantages, including outstanding
sions in light to severe duty on- and off-highway appli- high temperature performance, oxidation stability, wear
cations in a wide range of environments. Designed to protection, and corrosion control.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Delvac Synthetic Transmission Fluid 50 132 17.5 146 -45 221

Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic ATF is a synthetic fluid promoting outstanding gear shifting and power
recommended by Allison Transmission, approved transfer. Compared to conventional ATF fluids, this
against the Allison TES-295 Specification. The fluid fluid’s inherently high viscosity index and stability
meets the demanding requirements of modern heavy protects against thermal breakdown at high operating
duty automatic transmissions. The synthetic base temperatures, while providing outstanding performance
oil composition enables excellent performance even at sub-zero temperatures.
in some of the harshest of operating conditions,
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF 39 7.3 168 -54 236

Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Gear Oils are synthetic ing capability and where extreme pressures and shock
drivetrain lubricants engineered to meet extended loading are expected. Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear Oil
drain and warranty requirements. These products are 75W-90 and 80W-140 incorporate the latest technol-
for heavy duty drivetrains that require gear lubricants ogy in synthetic base stocks and advanced additives
with relatively high viscosity and excellent load-carry- providing significant advantages over mineral gear oils.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear 75W-90 120 15.9 140 -48 max 205
Mobil Delvac Synthetic Gear 80W-140 310 31.2 139 -36 max 210

Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Final Drive and Axle Oil loads and extreme temperatures. Advanced synthetic
is a high performance drivetrain lubricant that meets base oils and the latest additive technology combine
the requirements of the Caterpillar FD-1 standard. It to promote extended oil drain intervals and to prolong
is specifically engineered to provide optimum compo- the life of bearings and gears. The synthetic base oil
nent life when used as recommended in off-highway composition enables excellent performance in some of
truck and bulldozer final drives, axles, bevel gears, the harshest operating conditions at high temperatures
and differentials, especially those operating under high and at temperatures as low as -35°C.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Final Drive and Axle Oil 320 31.6 138 -45 max 246

63 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX
“Bumper-to-Bumper” Applications
for Your Business*
Coolant/Antifreeze Gear Oils
Mobil Delvac™ Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Gear Oil 75W-90; 80W-140
Mobil Delvac™ Extended Life 50/50 Coolant/Antifreeze Mobilube™ HD Plus MG 75W; 80W-90; 85W-140
Mobil Delvac™ Extended Life 55/45 Coolant/Antifreeze Mobilube™ HD Extra MG 75W; 80W-140

Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA Precharged Coolant/Antifreeze

Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA Precharged 50/50 Coolant/Antifreeze
Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA Precharged 60/40 Coolant/Antifreeze
Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA Precharged 55/45 Coolant/Antifreeze

Hydraulic Fluids
Mobil SHC™ 500 Series
Mobil DTE 10 Excel™
Mobil Univis™ N-C
Mobil Nuto™ H-C

Engine Oils
Mobil Delvac 1™ ESP 0W-40; 5W-40
Mobil Delvac™ Elite 222 0W-30
Greases Mobil Delvac™ 1300 Super 15W-40; 10W-30
Mobil Epic™ EP Moly
Mobil Epic™ MQ
Mobil Centaur™ Moly 1
Mobilgrease XHP™ Mine Series
Mobil Unirex™ EP 2 Transmission and Drivetrain Lubricants
Mobil Unirex™ EP 1 Moly Mobiltrans AST™ Extra 20W Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Final Drive & Axle Oil
Mobiltrans AST™ Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic ATF
Mobiltrans AST™ 30 Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Transmission Fluid 50
Mobiltrans HD™ 10W; 30; 50 Mobilube™ XFD 50
Mobil Hydraul™ Extra
Mobil Hydraul™ 50; 56

*This is a general illustration to identify some of the key components and applications; the list of products is not intended as a specific recommendation for any particular OEM model.
Off-highway applications are different from model to model and OEM to OEM. For specific OEM model recommendations, please contact your Imperial Representative.


Mobilube™ HD LS 80W-90 is a high performance differentials, axles, and final drives where extreme
automotive lubricant formulated from select base pressures and shock loading are expected. This
oils and an advanced additive system specifically for product delivers exceptional chemical and thermal
limited-slip differentials. This lubricant is engineered for stability at elevated bulk oil temperatures.
API GL-5 level performance in heavy duty limited-slip
Viscosity, ASTM D445

cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobilube HD LS 80W-90 132 14.3 107 -27 208

Mobilube™ HD Plus MG 75W, 80W-90 and 85W-140 They provide excellent chemical and thermal stability
are high performance commercial gear lubricants at elevated bulk oil temperatures, good performance
formulated from select base oils and an advanced at low temperatures, and good protection against rust
additive system. These lubricants are engineered for from water contamination and wet conditions. They
heavy duty transmissions, axles and final drives where deliver excellent performance where API GL-5 or MT-1
extreme pressures and shock loading are expected. lubricants are required.

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobilube HD Plus MG 75W 92 15.8 184 -45 150
Mobilube HD Plus MG 80W-90 139 14.5 103 -27 210
Mobilube HD Plus MG 85W-140 333 25.4 99 -18 230

Mobilube™ HD Extra MG 75W and 80W-140 are high chemical and thermal stability at elevated bulk oil
performance commercial gear lubricants formulated temperatures, good performance at low temperatures,
from select base oils and an advanced additive system. and protection against rust from water contamination
These lubricants are engineered for heavy duty manual and wet conditions. Mobilube Extra 80W-140 and
transmissions, axles, and final drives subject to severe Mobilube HD Extra 75W are recommended as an

service with shock loading. They provide excellent API GL-6 lubricant.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobilube™ HD Extra MG 75W 93 15.9 182 -48 150
Mobilube™ HD Extra 80W-140 268 27.4 134 -33 160

Mobilube™ XFD 50 and 60 high performance due to fatigue. These lubricants deliver excellent perfor-
drivetrain lubricants are engineered to deliver optimal mance in heavy duty commercial axles and final drives

component life in Caterpillar final drives and axles subject to extreme pressures and shock loading. They
when used as recommended. They are formulated from provide exceptional chemical and thermal stability at
advanced base oils and the latest additive technology elevated bulk oil temperatures generated under heavy
to protect bearings and gears from premature failure loads and/or high ambient temperatures.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobilube XFD 50 206 18.4 97 --24 250
Mobilube XFD 60 334 25.2 97 -15 255

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 66

Mobiltrans™ AST (All-Season Transmission) is not been possible with previous formulations.
a high performance drivetrain lubricant engineered Mobiltrans AST combines a blend of semi-synthetic
to meet or exceed the requirements of Caterpillar’s base oils with an advanced additive system. The
TO-4M performance specifications for off-highway product provides all-season lubrication of all drivetrain
transmissions, drivetrains and hydraulic systems. components in light to severe duty off-highway equip-
This advanced technology lubricant provides clutch ment operating in a wide range of environments.
and brake compatibility and extended life that has
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobiltrans AST 107 14.2 134 -39 222

Mobiltrans™ AST 30 and Mobiltrans™ AST Extra 20 transmissions, gearboxes, clutches, final drives and
high performance multigrade transmission and drive hydraulic systems. Mobiltrans AST 30 is recommended
train lubricants are uniquely designed to provide low for temperatures as low -35°C; Mobiltrans AST Extra 20
temperature and multi-season service in powershift can be used at -45°C.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobiltrans AST 30 57.6 10.5 173 -45 180
Mobiltrans AST Extra 20 32.9 7.5 206 -54 170

Mobiltrans™ HD 10W, 30 and 50 are high performance protection even in high pressure systems. Select
heavy duty transmission and drivetrain lubricants base oils combine with an advanced additive system
engineered to meet or exceed the requirements of to deliver the precision needed to maximize produc-
the rigorous Caterpillar TO-4 specification. This product tivity in construction, quarrying and mining equipment
line is uniquely designed to optimize the performance operating in severe conditions. These products offer an
of powershift transmissions, gearboxes, and final advantage over mixed fleet engine oils and previously
drives. In hydraulic applications, they provide maximum used lubricants meeting Caterpillar TO-2.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ºC, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobiltrans HD 10W 42 6.3 96 -33 202
Mobiltrans HD 30 100 11.2 97 -18 224
Mobiltrans HD 50 195 18.0 100 -15 240

67 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil Hydraul™ high performance multipurpose calling for a “heavier” viscosity fluid in summer
tractor lubricants are for agriculture, forestry, mining operation or “all-season” use where temperatures
and construction equipment where a common oil sump are above -25°C. Mobil Hydraul 50 is recommended
is used for transmission, differential, final drive, wet for year-round service in systems calling for a “lighter”
brake, wet clutch and hydraulic components. Advanced viscosity fluid, and as a winter grade replacement for
lubrication technology optimizes the performance of Hydraul 56 in temperatures as low as -35°C. Hydraul

equipment operating in a wide range of environments Extra is an all-season fluid suitable for the most severe
and conditions. All grades are well suited for reducing applications across an operating temperature range
wet brake chatter. Mobil Hydraul 56 is for systems of -35°C to 100°C.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D5949 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Hydraul 50 34 7.25 181 -54 170
Mobil Hydraul Extra 43 9.6 218 -51 170
Mobil Hydraul 56 55 9.30 145 -42 200


Galcar All Year is formulated for the lubrication of stocks combine with high performance additives to
railway car journal bearings and locomotive suspension inhibit oxidation and promote long service life, high
bearings. It meets the specifications of major Canadian load-carrying capability, control of rust and corrosion,

railways and the all-year specification of the American good water separation and low temperature fluidity.
Association of Railways (AAR). High quality base
Kinematic Viscosity
Density cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product @ 15°C kg/m3 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D5949 °C, ASTM D92
Galcar All Year 872 40 6.3 102 -39 225


Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 68

Mobil Delvac™ Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze in on-highway truck, off-highway farm, marine,
– C Series feature a patented Hybrid and Organic and stationary applications, including but not limited
Acid Technology (OAT) formula that protects cooling to Caterpillar, Detroit / MTU, GM Heavy Truck,
systems for 960,000 km on-highway use or 6 years / Freightliner, PACCAR and Volvo Mack. Available in
12,000 hours of off-highway use when added as an concentrate as well as 50/50 and 55/45 prediluted
initial fill and properly maintained. Designed for use versions. Colour: Red

Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA Precharged Coolant/ for all heavy duty cooling system applications.
Antifreeze is a fully formulated traditional engine Because it is precharged with a Supplemental Coolant
coolant for multi-vehicle fleets, including automotive, Additive (SCA), Mobil Heavy Duty Precharged Coolant/
light duty and heavy duty diesel applications such as Antifreeze requires no SCAs at initial fill and ensures
on-highway truck, off-highway and farm applications. proper chemistry at every top-off. Available in concen-
It provides optimum protection against freezing, trate as well as 60/40, 55/45, and 50/50 prediluted
overheating, cavitation, erosion, corrosion and scale versions. Colour: Purple.

69 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX



Passenger Vehicle Engine Oils Engine Oil Selection Chart....................................... 71-72

Engine Oil Selection Star Chart....................................73
Mobil 1™ Advanced Fuel Economy.............................. 74

Mobil 1™....................................................................... 74
Mobil 1™ ESP X1 0W-30..............................................75
Mobil 1™ ESP Formula 5W-30.....................................75
Mobil 1™ ESP Formula M 5W-40.................................75
Mobil 1™ Extended Performance 5W-20,
5W-30 and 10W-30.......................................................75
Mobil 1™ Turbo Diesel Truck 5W-40............................. 76
Mobil Super™ 1000...................................................... 76
Mobil Super™ 2000...................................................... 76

Mobil Super™ 3000...................................................... 76

Passenger Vehicle Drive Train Fluids Mobil 1™ Synthetic ATF................................................77

Mobil™ Dexron®-VI ATF...............................................77
Mobil™ Multi-Vehicle ATF.............................................77
Mobil ATF™ D/M...........................................................77
Mobil ATF™ +4.............................................................77
Mobil ATF™ 3309.........................................................77
Mobil 1™ Synthetic Gear Lube LS................................78

Motorcycle Oils Mobil 1™ Racing 4T.....................................................78

Passenger Vehicle Installer Greases ......................................................................................78


Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 70

Recommended API, ILSAC, GM Ford
Brand Name Viscosity Product Description Consumer Applications & Other Industry* ACEA Service Fill Service Fill MB BMW VW

Mobil 1™ 5W-20 Boosted, advanced synthetic Vehicles that require GF-5,SN A1/B1 dexos 1 X
Extended formula designed for today’s 5W-20.
Performance longer oil change intervals.
For use in many domestic and
imported vehicles.

Mobil 1™ 5W-30 Boosted, advanced synthetic Vehicles that require GF-5,SN A1/B1 dexos 1® X
Extended formula designed for today’s 5W-30 or 10W-30. Honda/Acura A5/B5
Performance longer oil change intervals. HT0-06
For use in many domestic and
imported vehicles.

Mobil 1™ 10W-30 Boosted, advanced synthetic Vehicles that require GF-5,SN A1/B1
Extended formula designed for today’s 10W-30. A5/B5
Performance longer oil change intervals.
For use in many domestic and
imported vehicles.

Mobil 1™ 0W-20 Advanced synthetic formula Most vehicles that GF-5,SN A1/B1 dexos 1® X
designed for enhanced fuel specify 0W-20 (newer
economy and cold weather Toyotas and Hondas),
performance. 5W-20 and certain

71 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information

Mobil 1™ 0W-40 Advanced synthetic Many European vehicles. SN, Porsche A3/B3 229.3 / Longlife-01 502.00 /

formulation designed to meet A40, Nissan A3/B4 229.5 505.00

the requirements of many GT-R, Chrysler
European vehicles. MS10850,

Mobil 1™ 5W-20 Advanced synthetic formula Vehicles that require GF-5,SN A1/B1 dexos 1® X
designed to meet the 5W-20
requirements of newer
domestic and import vehicles.

Mobil 1™ 5W-30 Advanced synthetic formulation Vehicles that require GF-5,SN A1/B1 dexos 1® X
designed to meet the requirements 5W/30. Honda/Acura A5/B5
of many domestic, including Corvette approved. HT0-06
GM, and imported vehicles.

Mobil 1™ 5W-50 Higher viscosity, advanced Porsche. SN, Porsche A3/B3 229.1 / High 501.01 /
synthetic formula designed for A40 A3/B4 229.3 Performance 505.00
performance vehicles. Diesel Oil

Mobil 1™ 10W-30 Advanced synthetic formula Vehicles that require GF-5,SN A1/B1
designed for domestics and 10W-30. A5/B5

*For a full list of Industry and original equipment manufacturer approvals by product and viscosity see the Product Data Sheets available online at mobil.ca/pds



Recommended API, ILSAC, GM Ford
Brand Name Viscosity Product Description Consumer Applications & Other Industry* ACEA Service Fill Service Fill MB BMW VW

Mobil 1™ 15W-50 Boosted, higher viscosity, HT/HS applications. SN A3/B3

advanced synthetic formula Racing and Flat tappet
designed for performance applications.

Mobil 1™ Turbo 5W-40 Advanced synthetic formula Most diesel applications. CJ-4, CI-4, E7
Diesel Truck designed for diesel powered including engines with CI-4 Plus, SN,
pick-ups and trucks. diesel particulate filters. Caterpillar
ECF-2 and ECF-3

Mobil 1™ ESP 0W-30 Advanced synthetic formulation High performance ACEA C2, C3 229.31 / Longlife-04
X1 expertly engineered for gasoline and diesel 229.51 /
extreme conditions engines found in the 229.52
latest passenger cars,
SUVs and light vans.

Mobil 1™ ESP 5W-40 Advanced synthetic formula Low SAPS (sulphated ash, 229.31 /
Formula M designed specifically for phosphorous sulphur). 229.51
passenger car diesels that have Available at most
diesel particulate filters. Mercedes Benz dealers.

Mobil 1™ ESP 5W-30 Advanced synthetic formula Low SAPS (sulphated ash, SN, Porsche C3, C2 229.31 / Longlife-04 504.00 /

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information

Formula designed specifically for phosphorous sulphur). C30, Chrysler 229.51 507.00
passenger car diesels that have MS-11106,
diesel particulate filters. PSA B712290,
PSA B712297,

Mobil 1™ 10W-40 Advanced synthetic formulas All motorcycles where SN, JASO MA1
Racing 4T designed specifically for 10W-40 is specified 2006
motorcycles where clutch
lubrication is also important.

*For a full list of Industry and original equipment manufacturer approvals by product and viscosity see the Product Data Sheets available online at mobil.ca/pds





Choose the Best Protection for Your Vehicle

73 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil 1™ 0W-20 Advanced Fuel Economy is an ad- Economy meets or exceeds the requirements of the
vanced high performance synthetic engine oil designed latest industry standards and outperforms conventional
to help deliver outstanding engine protection and oils. Mobil 1 0W-20 Advanced Fuel Economy is recom-
enhanced fuel economy. Mobil 1 0W-20 Advanced Fuel mended for SAE 0W-20 and 5W-20 applications.

Mobil 1™ 0W-30 Advanced Fuel Economy is an Fuel Economy meets or exceeds the requirements

advanced high performance synthetic engine oil of the latest industry standards and outperforms our
designed to help deliver outstanding engine protection conventional oils. Recommended for SAE 0W-30,
and enhanced fuel economy. Mobil 1 0W-30 Advanced 5W-30 and 10W-30 applications.

Mobil 1™ 0W-40. Mobil 1 is the world’s leading syn- diesel (without Diesel Particulate Filters or DPFs) engine
thetic motor oil brand delivering our ultimate perfor- technology. It provides exceptional cleaning power, wear
mance and protection. Mobil 1 0W-40 European Car protection and overall performance and keeps your
Formula (North America) or Protection Formula (rest engine running like new in all driving conditions.
of the World) is engineered for the latest gasoline and

Mobil 1™ 5W-20 and 5W-30 are advanced synthetic

5W-30 meet or exceed the industry’s toughest stan-
engine oils designed to keep your engine running like dards and outperform conventional oils. Mobil 1 lubri-
new by delivering exceptional wear protection, cleaning cants are standard equipment (factory filled) in many
power and overall performance. Mobil 1 5W-20 and new cars, including select high performance vehicles.

Mobil 1™ 5W-50 advanced synthetic engine oil diesel multi-valve fuel injected engines. It is especially
promotes exceptional wear protection for a smooth suited for high speed and severe service associated
driving experience every time. It meets or exceeds with stop and go driving. For racing or everyday driving,
industry and manufacturers’ standards for high perfor- Mobil 1 5W-50 delivers heavy duty performance and
mance turbocharged, supercharged gasoline and protection for an outstanding driving experience.

Mobil 1™ 10W-30 advanced synthetic engine oil helps for modern gasoline engines. Mobil 1 lubricants are

keep engines running like new by providing exceptional standard equipment (factory filled) in many new cars,
cleaning power, wear protection and overall perfor- including select high performance vehicles.
mance. It meets or exceeds latest industry standards

Mobil 1™ 15W-50 is an advanced synthetic engine oil fuel injected engines. This winning, race-proven
that delivers exceptional wear protection for a smooth technology is especially suited for a wide variety
driving experience. It meets or exceeds industry and of motorsports, towing, and other severe-service
manufacturers’ standards for high performance turbo- applications. Mobil 1 15W-50 helps deliver outstanding
charged, supercharged gasoline and diesel multi-valve performance and protection for the winning edge.

Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point Flash Point,
Product* 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil 1 0W-20 Advanced Fuel Economy 44.8 8.7 173 -48 224
Mobil 1 0W-30 Advanced Fuel Economy 62.9 10.9 166 -50 226
Mobil 1 0W-40 75 13.5 185 -48 230
Mobil 1 5W-20 49.8 8.9 1 160 -43 230
Mobil 1 5W-30 61.7 11.0 172 -42 230
Mobil 1 5W-50 108 17.5 180 -45 231
Mobil 1 10W-30 63.2 10.1 146 -42 232
Mobil 1 15W-50 125 18 160 -39 232

typical values, actual values may vary

* vehicle owners should consult their service manuals for the recommended oil viscosity grade

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 74

Mobil 1™ ESP X1 0W-30 advanced synthetic engine emission systems in diesel and gasoline powered
oil helps provide exceptional cleaning power, wear automobiles, this product meets or exceeds leading
protection and overall performance. Expertly engineered industry and car manufacturers’ standards for newer
to help prolong the life and maintain the efficiency of diesel and gasoline powered passenger car engines.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 HTHS Viscosity
cSt at cSt at Sulfated Ash, MRV mPa’s at 150°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 40°C 100°C wt% ASTM D874 at -40°C ASTM D4683 ASTM D2896
Mobil 1 ESP X1 0W-30 65 12.1 0.8 24,800 3.5 7.6

Mobil 1™ ESP Formula M 5W-40 is an advanced prolong the life and maintain the efficiency of emission
performance synthetic engine oil designed to help systems in both diesel and gasoline powered vehicles
provide exceptional cleaning power, wear protection requiring an oil approved against Mercedes Benz
and overall performance. It is engineered to help 229.31 and MB 229.51 specifications.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil 1 ESP Formula M 5W-40 81 13.4 167 -39 236

Mobil 1™ Extended Performance 5W-20, 5W-30 oil changes. Mobil 1 Extended Performance is
and 10W-30 are advanced synthetic engine oils specially formulated to help provide outstanding
designed to keep your engine running like new and protection during today’s longer oil change intervals.
to protect critical engine parts for 25,000 km between
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil 1 Extended Performance 5W-20 49.6 8.9 161 -42 230
Mobil 1 Extended Performance 5W-30 59.8 10.6 169 -40 230
Mobil 1 Extended Performance 10W-30 63.7 10.2 147 -39 232

Mobil 1™ Turbo Diesel Truck 5W-40 is a synthetic engines operating in severe applications. State-of-the-art
performance heavy duty diesel engine oil that helps to lubricant technology helps deliver exceptional perfor-
extend engine life while providing long drain capability mance in modern low emission engines, including refrig-
and helps improve fuel economy for modern diesel erated units, as well as older, well-maintained engines.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D92
Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel Truck 5W-40 97.9 14.5 153 215

75 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil Super™ 1000 motor oils are formulated from exceed ILSAC GF-5 and API SN. Those claims are
quality base stocks combined with modern perfor- backward compatible with earlier performance levels
mance additives to give your engine the protection such as API SM, SL, and SJ. The American Petroleum
and the performance you expect under a wide variety Institute (API) classifies these products as “resource
of operating conditions. These products meet or conserving.”
Viscosity, ASTM D445

cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point Spec. Gravity
Product 40°C 100°C V.I. CCS, cP MRV, cP °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 kg/l at 15.6°C
Mobil Super™ 1000 5W-20 49 8.6 152 5,880 @ -30°C 26,900 @ -35°C -31 221 0.860
Mobil Super™ 1000 5W-30 62 10.4 157 6,440 @ -30°C 30,300 @ -35°C -33 220 0.860
Mobil Super™ 1000 10W-30 69 10.6 141 6,040 @ -25°C 18,700 @ -30°C -33 222 0.869

Mobil Super™ 2000 oils combine synthetic and ing protection for vehicles with more than 120,000 km.
conventional high quality base oils with friction reducing Formulated with seal conditioner, these oils help prevent
additives to help provide long engine life and outstand- leaks and reduce oil consumption.
Viscosity, ASTM D445

cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point Spec. Gravity
Product 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 kg/l at 15.6°C
Mobil Super 2000 5W-20 46.9 8.3 153 -36 218 0.8590
Mobil Super 2000 5W-30 61.4 10.4 159 -36 222 0.8590
Mobil Super 2000 10W-30 66.3 10.4 145 -36 220 0.8667

Mobil Super™ 3000 synthetic motor oils help provide Mobil Super 3000 0W-20 and 5W-30 are classified
long engine life and outstanding protection in vehicles by The American Petroleum Institute (API) as
of all ages, even under severe conditions and across “resource conserving” and meet or exceed
a wide range of operating temperatures. These oils ILSAC GF-5. Those claims are backward compatible
outperform our conventional synthetic blended prod- with earlier performance levels such as API SN,
ucts, provide outstanding protection against sludge, SM, SL, and SJ and previous LSAC categories.

engine rust and corrosion and optimum viscosity Mobil Super 3000 Formula D1 5W-30 is approved
and fluidity across a broad range of temperatures. against General Motors dexos1®.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point Spec. Gravity
Product 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 kg/l at 15.6°C
Mobil Super 3000 0W-20 44.9 8.6 173 -42 238 0.848
Mobil Super 3000 Formula D1 5W-30 65.1 11.2 167 -39 239 0.8378


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Mobil 1™ Synthetic ATF is a multi-vehicle, synthetic and extend transmission efficiency, smooth shifting
fluid designed to meet the demanding requirements performance and helps improve fuel economy.
of modern passenger vehicles. It helps to improve
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product Colour 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF Red 36.3 7.4 176 -51 220

Mobil™ Dexron®-VI ATF is a high performance, synthet- and provides warranty protection for model year 2006
ic blend ATF formulation that meets or exceeds the strin- and later GM vehicles. It also delivers improved perfor-
gent requirements of GM’s DEXRON-VI specification mance in older GM vehicles requiring DEXRON fluid.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Flash Point,
Product Colour 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Dexron-VI ATF Red 29.5 5.83 145 220

Mobil™ Multi-Vehicle ATF is a premium lubricant mance levels. Recommended by Imperial for use in
for car and truck automatic transmissions and other applications requiring Dexron III. Mobil Multi-Vehicle
applications & recommended by Imperial for use in ATF is not recommended for applications requiring
applications that require an automatic transmission Ford MERCON LV, MERCON SP, or GM DEXRON VI.
fluid satisfying Ford Mercon and Mercon V perfor-
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Flash Point,
Product Colour 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Multi-Vehicle ATF Red 34.1 7.42 193 180

Mobil ATF™ D/M provides the excellent oxidation and is recommended for applications requiring:
friction stability, anti-wear properties, and low-tempera- GM DEXRON®, Ford MERCON® and Allison C-4 or
ture fluidity desired for most automatic transmissions. It GM DEXRON® III H.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Flash Point,
Product Colour 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D92
Mobil ATF D/M Red 35.3 7.4 183 356

Mobil ATF™ +4 is specially formulated to ensure opti- tional properties, excellent low-temperature fluidity and
mal performance in Chrysler automatic transmissions. dependable wear protection required in applications
Its unique additive package provides the proper fric- where a Chrysler MS-9602 type fluid is recommended.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Flash Point,
Product Colour 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D92
Mobil ATF +4 Red 34.4 7.5 192 392

Mobil ATF™ 3309 is a high performance lubricant ifications for use in certain slip-controlled lock-up
that meets original equipment manufacturers’ spec- automatic transmissions.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Flash Point,
Product Colour 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D92
Mobil ATF 3309 Red 33 7.1 181 198

77 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil 1™ Synthetic Gear Lube LS is a high of modern passenger vehicles in many types of
performance, synthetic, multipurpose automotive operating conditions, including limited slip applications
gear lubricant. It is designed to meet the requirements and to deliver outstanding power transfer performance.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92

Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 99 15.2 142 -39 150
Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-140 170 24.4 175 -48 207

Additional Passenger Vehicle Drive Train Fluids

Mobilube™ HD Plus 80W-90 and 85W-140............... 66
Mobilube™ HD Plus MG 75W.................................... 66
Mobilube™ HD LS 80W-90........................................ 66
Mobilube™ HD Extra 80W-140.................................. 66
Mobilube™ HD Extra MG 75W................................... 66


Mobil 1™ Racing 4T is an advanced performance capacity in engines or transmissions. Synthetic fluids

synthetic motorcycle oil whose unique synthetic struc- require significantly less thickener to achieve a multi-
ture delivers advantages beyond conventional products grade viscosity rating and, in some cases, require no
of similar viscosities. Conventional base oils become thickener at all. As a result, synthetic formulations tend

lighter in viscosity as temperature increase, which to be very shear-stable and provide a solid, protective
forces the use of thickeners to help the lubricant oil film for engine bearings, piston rings, transmission
maintain viscosity as temperatures increase. These gears and other critical engine parts.
thickeners can shear down and lose their thickening
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C V.I. °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil 1™ Racing 4T 10W-40 82.0 13.1 161 -45 212

Mobil 1™ Synthetic Grease........................................ 91
Mobil Ronex™ MP...................................................... 91
Mobilgrease XHP™ 220 Series.................................. 97

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 78
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Crosshead Engine Oils Mobilgard™ 570....................................................................... 81
Mobilgard™ 560 VS................................................................. 81
Mobilgard™ 525....................................................................... 81
Mobilgard™ 300....................................................................... 81

Trunk Piston Engine Oils Mobilgard™ ADL Series........................................................... 82

Mobilgard™ 12 Series.............................................................. 82

Mobilgard™ 410 NC (No Chlorine)........................................... 82
Mobilgard™ M30, M40 and M50.............................................. 82

Marine Hydraulic Oil Mobil SHC Aware™ H Series................................................... 83

Marine Grease Mobil SHC Aware™ Grease EP 2............................................ 83

For more information, please refer to exxonmobil.com/marinelubes-en


Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 80

Mobilgard™ 570 is a premium quality, extra high the use of unique synthetic thickener technology and
performance, marine diesel engine cylinder oil. The a balanced formulation, the high viscosity and low
outstanding performance of Mobilgard 570 has been volatility is attained with little or no use of bright stock
demonstrated at the elevated peak firing pressures which can create deposit formation due to poor thermal
and liner temperatures found in modern marine two stability. Mobilgard 570 has demonstrated outstanding
stroke engines. It has an optimum viscosity of over ring and liner protection and cleanliness under sus-
20 cSt. at 100ºC and low volatility to ensure excellent tained operation with fuel sulphur levels down to 1.5%.
lubricant distribution and oil film retention. Through
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard 570 222 20 104 -9 256 0.937 70

Mobilgard™ 560 VS is a high performance marine tures and pressures found in modern crosshead
diesel engine cylinder oil for crosshead engines run- engines. The outstanding performance of this oil
ning on heavy fuel with sulphur levels from 0.5-4.0%. has been demonstrated at the highest peak firing
Advanced technology delivers superb protection from pressures and liner temperatures.
corrosive and adhesive wear at the higher tempera-
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard 560 VS 222 20 104 -9 256 0.937 60

Mobilgard™ 525 is a marine diesel engine cylinder extreme environments, Mobilgard 525 has an optimum
oil for crosshead engines running low and ultra low viscosity of 20 cSt at 100ºC and low volatility to ensure
sulphur distillate fuels and meets the requirements lubricant distribution and oil film retention and help
of MAN and Wartsila engines. Designed to protect in protect engine parts.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard 525 226 20 102 -9 286 0.909 25

Mobilgard™ 300 is an extra high performance system engines. This oil has sufficient alkalinity to neutralize
oil for crosshead diesel engines. High quality paraffinic strong acids entering the crankcase via fuel sulphur
base oils and a balanced additive system provide combustion. Enhanced load-carrying ability helps
excellent protection for the severe operating conditions reduce wear in heavily loaded bearings.
of recent design, high output crosshead marine diesel
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard 300 111 12 97 -12 266 0.889 5

81 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobilgard™ ADL Series increased dispersancy in severe-service applications and promotes removal
engine oils are for high BMEP medium and high speed of sludge and deposits. Mobilgard ADL Series oils min-
diesel engines operating on distillate and MDO fuels. imize oil consumption associated with liner lacquering,
These oils are available in SAE 30 and 40 grades to improves overall engine cleanliness and help increase
suit most marine engine viscosity requirements. A overhaul intervals. Excellent load-carrying properties
special balance of detergent and dispersant delivers minimize piston ring and liner wear, and make these

increased resistance to cylinder liner lacquer formation lubricants suitable for marine gearing applications.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard ADL 30 11.5 117 -30 230 0.889 12
Mobilgard ADL 40 14.7 112 -21 239 0.892 12

Mobilgard™ 12 Series high performance diesel oxidation and viscosity increase over long service,
engine oils are for trunk piston engines operating on along with outstanding water separation and excellent
low sulphur distillate fuels in marine and industrial protection against corrosion.
applications. They deliver excellent resistance to

Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard 312 12.0 100 -9 266 0.896 15
Mobilgard 412 14.5 10 -9 272 0.899 15

Mobilgard™ 410 NC (No Chlorine) engine oil is corrosion protection when using fuels containing up
a non-zinc and non-chlorine lubricant specifically to 0.05 wt.% sulfur, even though metals such as steel,
formulated with an Electro Motive Diesel (EMD) copper, silver and bronze are present. It has excellent
and General Electric (GE) endorsed additive tech- lubricating properties and has high viscosity index to

nology to meet requirements of heavily loaded diesel help reduce oil consumption, and is optimized for low
engines manufactured by EMD and used in marine and ultra low sulfur fuel use and is LNG, biofuel and
applications. Its alkalinity reserve provides excellent Tier IV engine ready.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard 410 NC 14.4 104 -18 255 0.894 10

Mobilgard™ M30, M40 and M50 are three series of standing residual fuel compatibility for excellent clean-
extra high performance engine oils for severe residual liness, especially in the crankcase, camshaft, ring belt

fuelled medium speed diesel engines in marine and and piston undercrowns. They demonstrate excellent
stationary power applications. The number in each high temperature oxidation and thermal stability, low
name refers to TBN. These market leading trunk piston volatility, high load-carrying properties and protection
engine oils employ potent additives and deliver out- against corrosion.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity,
cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15°C TBN, mg KOH/g,
Product 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298 ASTM D2896
Mobilgard M330 12.0 100 -6 244 0.907 30
Mobilgard M430 14.0 100 -6 250 0.907 30
Mobilgard M40 14.0 100 -6 242 0.915 40

Mobilgard M50 14.0 100 -6 228 0.922 50

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Mobil SHC Aware™ H Series lubricants are high the capabilities of non-synthetic environmentally ac-
performance, anti-wear hydraulic oils for modern ceptable oils. Mobil SHC Aware H Series oils are spe-
high pressure hydraulic systems that meet the U.S. cially formulated from ester base stocks and provide
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2013 Vessel exceptional anti-wear and film strength characteristics
General Permit (VGP) guidelines for “environmentally necessary for hydraulic systems operating under high
acceptable lubricants.” They provide excellent wide load and high pressures.
temperature range performance above and beyond
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil SHC Aware H 32 32 6.0 140 -30 185
Mobil SHC Aware H 46 46 8.2 140 -30 185
Mobil SHC Aware H 68 68 10.37 140 -30 185


Mobil SHC Aware™ Grease EP 2 is a high perfor- This leading product is readily biodegradable and virtu-
mance synthetic grease designed specifically for appli- ally non-toxic grease and is formulated based on biode-
cations which are environmentally sensitive and meets gradable saturated ester base oils and a lithium/calcium
the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection soap thickener. It does not emulsify and has excellent
Agency (EPA) 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP). water wash and salt water corrosion resistance.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C
Product cSt at 40°C Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265
Mobil SHC Aware Grease EP 2 150 Amber 2 Calcium/Lithium >160

83 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Grease Mobil™ Aviation Grease SHC 100........................................... 85
Mobilgrease™ 28..................................................................... 85
Mobilgrease™ 33..................................................................... 85
Exxon HyJet™ IV-A Plus.......................................................... 85
Mobil Aero™ HFA..................................................................... 86

Jet Oil Mobil Jet Oil™ II....................................................................... 86

Mobil Jet Oil™ 254................................................................... 86
Exxon™ Aviation Oil Elite 20W-50............................................ 86


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Mobil™ Aviation Grease SHC 100 high performance corrosion, and high temperature degradation. The
synthetic grease combines the unique features of wax-free properties of the base oil promote low
a polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic base fluid and temperature mobility/pumpability and low starting and
high quality lithium complex soap thickener system. running torque values. Traction property is considerably
The thickeners deliver a high dropping point, excellent lower than that of mineral oil, enabling temperature
resistance to water wash, and tenacious structural reductions in the load zone of rolling element bearings.
stability. The synthetic base oil and select additives Mobil Aviation Grease SHC 100 is the product of
provide outstanding protection against wear, rust, choice for aircraft wheel bearing applications.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at
Product Colour 40°C 100°C Dropping Point, °C Water Washout, wt%
Mobil Aviation Grease SHC 100 Red 100 14.5 280 –

Mobilgrease™ 28 is a high performance, wide range. The wax-free nature of the synthetic base fluid,
temperature, anti-wear grease combining the unique together with its high viscosity index compared to min-
features of a polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic base fluid eral oils, provide excellent low temperature pumpability,
with an organo-clay (non-soap) thickener. Consistency very low starting and running torque, and help reduce
is between an NLGI No. 1 and No. 2 grease, with operating temperatures in the load zone of rolling
outstanding performance over a wide temperature element bearings.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at
Product Colour 40°C 100°C Dropping Point, °C Water Washout, wt%
Mobilgrease 28 Dark Red 30 5.7 308 1

Mobilgrease™ 33 is a high performance lithium- oil and premium additives to help ensure outstanding
complex grease designed for general purpose aircraft lubrication performance over a wide range of tempera-
use. Consistency is between NLGI grades 1 and 2. tures and operating conditions.
Mobilgrease 33 utilizes a 100% polyalphaolefin base
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Water Washout, Water Washout,
Product Colour 40°C 100°C Dropping Point, °C 1 Hr at 38 ºC, wt% 1 Hr at 79 ºC, wt%
Mobilgrease 33 Blue Green 12.5 3.2 246 1 6

Exxon HyJet™ IV-A Plus is a fire-resistant phosphate high temperature stability, fluid life, low density and
ester hydraulic fluid for use in commercial aircraft. Our rust protection. Meets specifications of all major aircraft
best performing Type IV fluid approaches many of the manufacturers and SAE AS1241.
performance capabilities of Type V fluids, including
Kinematic Viscosity
cSt at cSt at cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, Spec. Gravity
Product -53.9°C 37.8°C 98.9°C 127.6°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92 kg/l at 25ºC
Exxon HyJet IV-A Plus 1320 10.6 3.6 2.6 280 <-62 175 0.996

85 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil Aero™ HFA is for aircraft systems requiring for excellent low temperature performance, combined
hydrocarbon-based hydraulic fluids. This low viscosity with good anti-wear performance and chemical stability.
fluid contains shear-stable VI (viscosity index) improvers
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6ºC
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 ºC, COC, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298

Mobil Aero HFA 14.0 5.2 370 -60 max 93 min 0.872


Mobil Jet Oil™ II is a high performance aircraft-type and oxidative stability to resist deterioration and

gas turbine lubricant formulated with a highly stable deposit formation in both the liquid and vapour phases,
synthetic base fluid and a unique chemical additive as well as excellent resistance to foaming. Effective
system. This combination delivers outstanding thermal operating range: -40 °C to 204 °C.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 °C, ASTM D92
Mobil Jet Oil II 27.6 5.1 -59 270

Mobil Jet Oil™ 254 is a third-generation, extra high outstanding thermal and oxidation stability that resists
performance, synthetic aircraft-type gas turbine lubri- deterioration and deposit formation while maintaining
cant engineered to meet the performance requirements the physical characteristics required by builder and

of gas turbine engines in commercial and military military specifications. The physical properties of Mobil
aircraft. This product is formulated from a specially Jet Oil 254 are similar to those currently available,
prepared, hindered-ester base stock and fortified earlier-generation gas turbine lubricants. The effective
with a unique chemical additive system. The result is operating range is between -40°C and 232°C.
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Spec. Gravity
cSt at cSt at Pour Point, Flash Point, kg/l at 15.6ºC
Product 40°C 100°C °C, ASTM D97 ºC, COC, ASTM D92 ASTM D1298
Mobil Jet Oil 254 26.4 5.3 -62 254 1.0044

Exxon™ Aviation Oil Elite 20W-50 is a premium qual- engine cleanliness and protection from wear and
ity, semi-synthetic, ashless-dispersant aviation piston corrosion. This oil meets the requirements of all
engine oil. It is formulated with highly refined mineral opposed piston engine manufacturers across a
base oils combined with polyalphaolefin synthetic base wide range of climatic conditions.
oil and ashless performance additives for outstanding
Kinematic Viscosity
cSt at cSt at V.I. Pour Point, Flash Point,
Product 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 °C, ASTM D97 ºC, COC, ASTM D92
Exxon Aviation Oil Elite 20W-50 180 16.3 min, 21.9 max 130 -27 258

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Decoding Many Mobil Grease XHP 222 Special
Mobil Grease
Product Names Master Product Product ISO/ Identifier
Brand Brand Family NLGI (Moly/Application)

Product Brands vs Lith – Lithium Complex Temp – Clay

Thickener Type Polyrex – Polyurea Lux – Lithium
Centaur – Calcium Sulphonate Grease – Multiple technologies

ISO / NLGI The first two numbers correspond to the first two

numbers of the base oil ISO Viscosity Grade (e.g. 220).
The last number corresponds to the NLGI grade.

Identifier Moly content: Special – 0.75 or 1%; Moly – 3%; Mine – 5%

Mobil Grease Core Industrial Application Mobil SHCTM, Mobilgrease XHPTM

Product Product Families
Select Specialty Industrial Mobil SHC PolyrexTM, Mobil PolyrexTM,
Application Product Families Mobil Centaur XHPTM

Core Commercial Vehicle Application Mobil DelvacTM Xtreme, Mobilgrease XHPTM,
(On / Off Highway) Product Families Mobil CentaurTM

Core Personal Vehicle Installer Greases Mobil 1TM Synthetic Grease,

Mobilgrease XHPTM 222

Mobil Grease
Balanced Performance


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Agriculture Equipment Mobilgrease XHP™ 220 Series.................................................97

Mobil Epic™ Series...................................................................98
Mobil Unirex™ EP Series..........................................................99
Mobil Delvac™ Xtreme Grease............................................... 100

Automotive Mobil 1™ Synthetic Grease.......................................................91
Mobil Ronex™ MP....................................................................91

Couplings Mobilgrease™ XTC...................................................................92
Mobilux™ EP 111......................................................................92

Electric Motors Mobil Polyrex™ EM...................................................................93

Mobil Unirex™ N.......................................................................93

Environmentally Aware Mobil SHC™ Grease 100 EAL Series.......................................93

Food Industry (NSF H-1) Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462..........................................................94
Mobilgrease™ FM 101..............................................................94

Gears – Enclosed, Semi-Fluid Mobil Marvelube™ EP 9F.........................................................94
Nebula™ EP Special.................................................................94

Gears – Open Mobil Geargard™......................................................................95
Mobil Dynagear™ Series..........................................................95

High Temperature – Clay Thickened Mobiltemp SHC™ 32.................................................................96
Mobiltemp™ Series...................................................................96

Marine Mobil SHC Aware™ Grease EP 2.............................................96

Multi-Purpose Mobilith SHC™ Series..............................................................97

Mobilgrease XHP™ 220 Series.................................................97
Mobilgrease XHP™ 460 Series.................................................97
Mobil Centaur XHP™ 460 Series..............................................98
Mobilux™ EP Series.................................................................98
Mobil Epic™ Series...................................................................98
Mobil Unirex™ EP Series..........................................................99
Mobil™ Argon EP......................................................................99
Mobil™ Arcan 1.........................................................................99

89 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX

Off-Highway Heavy Duty Equipment Mobil Centaur™ Moly Series................................................... 100
and On-Highway Trucking Mobil Delvac™ Xtreme Grease............................................... 100
Mobilgrease XHP™ Mine........................................................ 100

Paper Machines Mobilith SHC™ PM................................................................. 101
Mobil Centaur XHP™ 221....................................................... 101

Pneumatic Tools / Air-line Lubricated Mobil Arox™ NM 000.............................................................. 101

Railway Arapen™ RB 320.................................................................... 102
Galena™ Tramo 3735............................................................. 102

Drilling DDR Grease............................................................................ 102

Specialty Synthetic Mobil SHC™ PF 462............................................................... 103
Mobil Beacon™ 325................................................................ 103

Threads Thredkote™ 706...................................................................... 103

Z-50 Pipe Dope....................................................................... 104

Wind Turbines Mobil SHC™ Grease 460 WT................................................. 104

Wire Ropes / Natural Core Wire Rope Dressing................................................................ 104


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Mobil 1™ Synthetic Grease is an NLGI No 2 high the synthetic base oil provides excellent performance at
performance automotive lubricant formulated with high and low temperatures (-40°C to 150°C). Excellent
synthetic base fluid, lithium complex soap thickener structural stability and high shear-stability make this an
and additives that deliver optimum extreme pressure outstanding automotive grease. It meets requirements
properties, excellent resistance to water wash and of the National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI)
outstanding protection against rust and corrosion. performance classification GC-LB.
The thickener system provides a high dropping point;

Viscosity, ASTM D445 Water Washout,
Colour, NLGI Soap cSt at cSt at Dropping Point,°C ASTM D1264,
Product ISO VG Visual Grade Type 40°C 100°C ASTM D2265 at 79°C, %
Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease 220 Red 2 Li-Complex 220 23.8 288 6

Mobil Ronex™ MP is a premium quality multipurpose and extreme pressure properties. This grease resists
grease recommended for a wide range of automotive water, protects against corrosion and provides good
and industrial applications. Formulated with a mineral oxidation and thermal stability. Ronex MP is compatible
oil base fluid combined with a lithium complex soap with most elastomer seal materials and meets
thickener and performance enhancing additives, this the requirements of the National Lubricating Grease
lubricant delivers excellent performance over a wide Institute (NLGI) performance classification GC-LB.
temperature range, including moderate load-carrying

Viscosity, ASTM D445

Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C
Product cSt at 40°C Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265
Mobil Ronex MP 115 Green 2 Li-Complex 280

Additional Automotive Grease

Mobilgrease XHP™ 220...........................................97

91 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobilgrease™ XTC is an high performance product coupling lubrication and protection. The base oil and
designed for high speed coupling applications. Formu- extreme pressure (EP) / anti-wear (AW) additive
lated with a high viscosity mineral base oil and package work to reduce friction wear from sliding tooth
an extremely effective, heavy duty additive package, contact, deliver rust and corrosion protection, and high
this lubricant provides low bleed as well as high temperature stability for this leading edge product.
temperature stability, properties critical to modern Meets AGMA CG-1 and CG-2 coupling specifications.

Colour, Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobilgrease XTC Dark Brown 1 Lithium 215 680

Mobilux™ EP 111 is an high performance grease lubricant formulated with an extremely heavy (viscous)
primarily designed for AGMA CG-3 couplings. It is mineral base oil. This NLGI 1 Grade grease is fortified
specifically formulated to help protect against wear, by an oil soluble molybdenum (Moly) additive and a
even in heavily loaded misaligned low speed gear very effective corrosion inhibitor.
couplings. Mobilux EP 111 is a lithium hydroxystearate

Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445

Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 100°C
Mobilux EP 111 Black 1 Lithium 180 45

Additional Couplings Grease

Mobil Unirex™ EP Series.........................................99


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Mobil Polyrex™ EM premium grease is specially motor life. The advanced polyurea thickener formula-
formulated for electric motor bearings. Outstanding tion delivers increased durability versus conventional
grease life promotes long-life, high temperature polyurea greases when subjected to mechanical
lubrication of ball and roller bearings for long electric shear forces.
Viscosity, ASTM D445
Colour, NLGI cSt at cSt at Base Oil V.I., Dropping Point,°C
Product Visual Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2270 ASTM D2265
Mobil Polyrex EM Blue 2 115 12.2 95 260

Mobil Unirex™ N greases are premium quality, lithium temperatures up to 190°C. These versatile greases
complex products suitable for high temperature service are recommended for a wide range of industrial
in rolling element bearings. The lithium complex thick- applications and are particularly well suited for electric
ener resists softening and running out of bearings at motor lubrication.

Colour, NLGI Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445 Base Oil V.I., Dropping Point,°C
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C ASTM D2270 ASTM D2265
Mobil Unirex N 2 Green 2 Li-Complex 115 95 280
Mobil Unirex N 3 Green 3 Li-Complex 115 95 235

Additional Electric Motor Grease

Mobilith SHC™ Series............................................ 97


Mobil SHC™ Grease 100 EAL Series are high nature of the synthetic base fluid, together with its low
performance greases designed specifically for environ- traction coefficient, delivers excellent low temperature
mentally sensitive applications. These virtually non-toxic pumpability and very low starting and running torque –
greases are formulated from a biodegradable synthetic a significant benefit since many environmentally sensi-
ester base oil and a lithium soap thickener. The wax-free tive applications are located outdoors.

Base Oil Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Water Washout, at 79°C,
Product ISO VG Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 ASTM D1264, Wt. %
Mobil SHC Grease 101 EAL 100 Tan 1 Lithium 180 8.0
Mobil SHC Grease 102 EAL 100 Tan 2 Lithium 180 6.5

93 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


To obtain the current ‘Reference Listing of Accepted Construction Materials,

Packaging Materials and Non-Food Chemical Products’ (including lubricants),
please visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website.

Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462 is a unique combination highly resistant to water and has excellent corrosion
of synthetic oil, polymer enhancement and a balanced protection for equipment in wet, humid environments

additive system designed to bring solutions to tough and applications where water wash downs are frequent.
lubrication problems. Formulated with advanced It resists oxidation and loss of structural stability, often
Polyurea thickener technology, this advanced lubricant enhancing productivity by enabling lubrication intervals
provides high temperature performance while carrying to be safely extended.
a full NSF H1 registration. Mobil SHC Polyrex 462 is
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Water Washout, Water Spray-Off
NLGI Thickener 40°C, 100°C, Dropping Point,°C 79°C, ASTM D1264, ASTM D4049,
Product Grade Type cSt cSt ASTM D2265 % Weight Loss % Weight Loss
Mobil SHC Polyrex 462 2 Polyurea 460 40 270 5 30

Mobilgrease™ FM 101 is a high performance multi-pur- Chapter 21, and is NSF registered as an H1 classified

pose grease designed specifically for food processing lubricant. It is manufactured in facilities registered to
machinery. Mobilgrease FM 101 is formulated with com- the requirements of ISO 21469, helping to ensure that
ponents meeting the requirements of CFR 178.3570, the highest levels of product integrity are maintained.
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobilgrease FM 101 White 1 Aluminum Complex 260 100


Mobil Marvelube™ EP 9F is widely used in industrial properties provide good film strength and resistance
and automotive applications requiring economical to wear. Marvelube EP 9F is suitable for steering
lubrication under moderate service conditions. This gearboxes, gear cases of hand tools, chain drives and
water-resistant grease works well over an operating centralized grease dispensing equipment.
temperature range of -30°C to 50°C. Extreme pressure
Colour, Thickener Base Oil Viscosity
Product Visual Type Structure cSt at 40°C
Marvelube EP 9F Amber Calcium Semi-fluid 57.0

Nebula™ EP Special is recommended for heavily This product is specifically recommended for
loaded worm gear reducers or enclosed gear underground mining equipment in severe service.
units whose design or worn seals may cause Excellent anti-rust properties help protect equipment
excessive leakage with conventional gear oils. subjected to water contamination.
Colour, Base Oil Viscosity
Product Visual Thickener Type cSt at 40°C
Nebula EP Special Amber Calcium Sulphonate 100

Additional Semi-Fluid Greases


Mobilith SHC™ Series..............................................97 Mobilux EP™ 023......................................................98

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Mobil Geargard™ is a high performance, semi- designed to evaporate after application, leaving an
synthetic lubricant designed for use on open gears in adhesive and cohesive high viscosity lubricating film.
grinding mills (rod, ball and SAG). A high flash point Potent additives provide extreme pressure (EP)
non-chlorinated diluent facilitates dispensing through protection and excellent control of rust and corrosion.
typical mill auto-greasing systems. The solvent is
Viscosity, ASTM D445
Colour, Flash Point,°C cSt at 40°C cSt at 100°C
Product Visual Structure with diluent with diluent w/o diluent
Mobil Geargard Black Smooth 110 5000 1500

Mobil Dynagear™ Series premium performance open viscosity semi-synthetic base fluids, these lubricants
gear lubricants provide outstanding protection of heav- synergistically provide a protective film that adheres
ily loaded open gear sets exposed to a wide range of tenaciously. Mobil Dynagear Series gear lubricants
operating conditions. Formulated with lithium thickener provide excellent dispensability without the use of
technology, high performance additives and high chlorinated or hydrocarbon solvents.

Colour, NLGI Thickener Molybdenum Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445

Product Visual Grade Type Disulphide, Wt. %, Structure ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobil Dynagear 600 SL Black 1 Lithium >2.0 Smooth 175 620
Mobil Dynagear 800 Extra Black 0 Lithium >2.0 Smooth, Semi-fluid 198 680
Mobil Dynagear 2000 Black 0 to 00 Lithium >2.0 Smooth, Semi-fluid 193 2000
Mobil Dynagear 4000 Black 00 Lithium >2.0 Smooth, Semi-fluid 213 4000

95 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobiltemp SHC™ 32 is a high performance anti-wear stability and a high dropping point, for outstanding
grease primarily intended for high temperature appli- high temperature protection. The wax-free synthetic
cations. Synthetic base oils deliver excellent resistance base fluids with their high viscosity index also provide
to thermal/oxidative degradation. The organo-clay non- outstanding lubrication at low temperatures.
soap thickener provides high temperature structural
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445

Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobiltemp SHC 32 Red 1.5 Clay 260+ 32

Mobiltemp™ Series greases are high performance mineral oil and specially formulated to provide low
clay-thickened products designed for plain and antifric- volatility and excellent resistance to oxidation at high
tion bearings operating at low speed and high tempera- temperatures, along with resistance to water washout
ture or under cycling conditions from ambient to high and good anti-wear performance under heavy loads
temperatures. The clay thickener, unlike traditional soap and low speeds. Mobiltemp 78 also contains molybde-
thickeners, does not soften at high temperatures. These num disulphide (Moly) for added anti-wear protection.
greases are based on a high quality, high viscosity

Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobiltemp 2 Amber 2 Clay 300 460
Mobiltemp 78 Grey-black 1 Clay 300 460


Mobil SHC Aware™ Grease EP 2 is a high perfor- leading product is readily biodegradable and virtually
mance synthetic grease designed specifically for appli- non-toxic grease and is formulated based on biode-
cations which are environmentally sensitive and meets gradable saturated ester base oils and a lithium/calcium
the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection soap thickener. It does not emulsify and has excellent
Agency (EPA) 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP). This water wash and salt water corrosion resistance.
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobil SHC Aware Grease EP 2 Amber 2 Calcium/Lithium >160 150


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Mobilith SHC™ Series greases are high performance energy savings and can reduce operating temperatures
products designed for a wide variety of applications in the load zone of spherical roller and ball bearings.
at temperature extremes. They combine the unique The lithium complex thickener contributes excellent
features of synthetic base fluids with those of a high adhesion, structural stability and resistance to water.
quality lithium complex thickener. The wax-free nature The greases have a high level of chemical stability
of synthetic fluids and the low coefficient of traction and are formulated with special additive combinations
(compared with mineral oils) provide excellent low to deliver excellent protection against wear, rust and
temperature pumpability and very low starting and corrosion, and to provide operating viscosity at high
running torque. These products offer the potential for and low temperatures.
Water Washout,
Colour, NLGI Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C ASTM D1264,
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 79°C, % Wt. Loss
Mobilith SHC 007 Red 00 Li-Complex 460 – –
Mobilith SHC 100 Red 2 Li-Complex 100 265 6
Mobilith SHC 220 Red 2 Li-Complex 220 265 3
Mobilith SHC 460 Red 1.5 Li-Complex 460 265 3
Mobilith SHC 1500 Red 1.5 Li-Complex 1500 265 2.5

Mobilgrease XHP™ 220 Series greases are intended adhesion, structural stability and resistance to water
for a wide variety of applications and severe operating contamination. These greases have a high level of
conditions. These extended service lithium complex chemical stability and offer excellent protection against
greases were designed to outperform our conventional rust and corrosion. They feature high dropping points
products through cutting edge, proprietary, lithium and a maximum recommended operating temperature
complex manufacturing technology. They deliver of 140°C. Base oil viscosity is ISO VG 220.
excellent high temperature performance with superb
Colour, NLGI Thickener Molybdenum Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C
Product Visual Grade Type Disulphide, Wt. % cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265
Mobilgrease XHP 221 Dark Blue 1 Li-Complex – 220 280
Mobilgrease XHP 222 Dark Blue 2 Li-Complex – 220 280
Mobilgrease XHP 222 Special Grey-Black 2 Li-Complex 0.75 220 280

Mobilgrease XHP™ 460 Series greases are intended chemical stability and offer excellent protection
for a wide variety of heavy duty applications and against rust and corrosion. These greases feature
operating conditions. These extended service lithium high dropping points and a maximum recommended
complex greases were designed to outperform our operating temperature of 140°C. Mobilgrease
conventional products through cutting edge, proprietary, XHP 462 Moly is fortified with 3% molybdenum
lithium complex manufacturing technology. They deliver disulphide to provide enhanced EP (extreme pressure)
excellent high temperature performance with superb and AW (anti-wear) protection in heavily loaded
adhesion, structural stability and resistance to water and high sliding applications.
contamination. These greases have a high level of
Colour, NLGI Thickener Molybdenum Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C
Product Visual Grade Type Disulphide, Wt. % cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265
Mobilgrease XHP 461 Dark Blue 1 Li-Complex – 460 280
Mobilgrease XHP 462 Dark Blue 2 Li-Complex – 460 280
Mobilgrease XHP 462 Moly Grey 2 Li-Complex 3 460 280

97 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Mobil Centaur XHP™ 460 Series is a premium family water saturated environments, providing rust protection
of greases formulated with advanced calcium sulpho- between long re-lubrication intervals. The inherent
nate thickener technology, which carries both inherent EP properties exhibit great stability in the presence of
rust protection and extreme pressure (EP) properties. water, providing a balance between wear protection
Relative to conventional soap-base thickeners (lithium, and resistance to corrosion.
aluminum, calcium), calcium sulphonate excels in
Water Washout, Water Spray

Colour, NLGI Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C ASTM D1264, Resistance,
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 1 hr. at 79°C, % ASTM D4049, mass %
Mobil Centaur XHP 461 Amber 1 Calcium Sulphonate 460 275 1.0 25
Mobil Centaur XHP 462 Amber 2 Calcium Sulphonate 460 275 0.5 20

Mobilux™ EP Series lithium hydroxystearate greases suited for applications in moist or wet conditions.
are formulated to deliver extra protection against wear, Mobilux EP Series includes one general purpose
rusting and water washout. They are particularly well grease and one special duty semi-fluid lubricant.
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C

Mobilux EP 2 Brown 2 Lithium 190 160
Mobilux EP 023 Brown 000 Lithium – 320

Mobil Epic™ Series are premium quality, semi-syn- under load. Epic MQ is particularly recommended for
thetic all-weather greases that deliver excellent lubri- centralized lubrication systems in open-pit mining, as
cation and wear protection at temperatures as low as well as severe-service, low temperature applications in
-50°C and as high as 150°C. They are recommended forestry and construction. It is fortified with 5 percent
for multi-service applications in plain and anti-friction molybdenum disulphide, as required by some equip-
bearings, gears, slides and other situations where ment manufacturers. Epic greases have a long history
friction reduction and low wear are required. Epic of excellent performance in the toughest applications
EP Moly offers additional protection in applications and under extreme temperature conditions.
involving heavy loads or slow reciprocating motion

Colour, NLGI Thickener Disulphide Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type Content, Wt. % ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobil Epic EP 102 Red 1.5 Li-Complex 0 260 130
Mobil Epic EP Moly Grey-Black 1.5 Li-Complex 3 260 130
Mobil Epic MQ Grey-Black 0.5 Li-Complex 5 230 60


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Mobil Unirex™ EP Series are extremely versatile characteristics similar to Unirex Lotemp EP and Unirex
long-life premium performance greases. Their unique EP 1 greases respectively; each adds the extreme
formulation protects equipment over a very wide pressure protection of molybdenum disulphide (Moly).
temperature range. Unirex greases are shear and Unirex greases meet the challenges of demanding
oxidation stable, protect against rust and corrosion applications in such industries as transportation,
and resist softening at elevated temperatures. Unirex manufacturing, construction, mining, logging, cement,
Lotemp EP is recommended for winter conditions marine and paper-making, where grease must perform
that require low operating or dispensing limits. Unirex well in a multitude of severe applications.
Lotemp Moly and Unirex EP 1 Moly offer performance
Colour, NLGI Thickener Operating Temp. Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type Range,°C ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobil Unirex EP 0 Green 0.5 Li-Complex -35 to 110 190 68
Mobil Unirex EP 1 Green 1 Li-Complex -30 to 160 280 220
Mobil Unirex EP 2 Green 2 Li-Complex -30 to 160 300 220
Mobil Unirex EP 0 Moly Grey-Black 0.5 Li-Complex -35 to 110 190 68
Mobil Unirex EP 1 Moly Grey-Black 1 Li-Complex -30 to 150 280 220
Mobil Unirex Lotemp EP Green 1.5 Li-Complex -55 to 110 260 10
Mobil Unirex Lotemp Moly Grey-Black 1.5 Li-Complex -55 to 110 260 10

Mobil™ Argon EP greases are high quality, shear pensing equipment. They are useful over an operating
stable products suitable for use in both plain and temperature range of 0°C to 95°C. Argon EP 1 is an
anti-friction bearings lubricated by an automatic excellent choice for severe roller bearing service calling
centralized dispensing system. Argon EP greases are for an NLGI No.1 grease. Argon EP greases contain
widely used to lubricate mining equipment, bolt and nut an extreme pressure additive, have a 21 kg Timken OK
formers, vane spindles of hydraulic turbines and a wide Load and are recommended where bearings are shock
range of other machinery serviced by automatic dis- loaded or operating under heavy load conditions.
NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobil Argon EP 0 0 Calcium 135 175
Mobil Argon EP 1 1 Calcium 135 175

Mobil™ Arcan 1 is a white filler-type grease widely Arcan 1 is well suited to such applications as printing
used in bearings and mechanisms to combat severe machines, laundry and dry cleaning equipment and
water contamination. This grease has good adhesion lubrication of office equipment. It is not recommended
to metal under wet conditions; it stays in place and for wheel bearings, electric motor bearings or other
maintains a lubricating film to protect metal surfaces high speed, grease packed anti-friction bearings.
from corrosion for extended intervals. As a result, Operating temperature range is -5°C to 110°C.
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C cSt at 100°C
Mobil Arcan 1 White 1 Lithium 185 100.0 10.0

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Mobil Centaur™ Moly Series are premium quality Fortified with 3% molybdenum disulphide (Moly) to
greases formulated with advanced calcium sulphonate complement a robust extreme pressure (EP) additive
thickener technology. Unlike conventional soap-base system, these greases are particularly well suited to
thickeners (lithium, aluminum, calcium), calcium the demanding requirements of heavy duty truck
sulphonate delivers outstanding resistance against the chassis, construction and mining equipment, and
effects of water washout, water spray-off and corrosion. heavily load industrial bearings.

Water Spray
Molybdenum Water Washout, Resistance,
Colour, NLGI Thickener Disulphide, Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C ASTM D1264, ASTM D4049,
Product Visual Grade Type Wt. % cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 1 Hr at 79°C, % mass %
Mobil Centaur Moly 1 Grey 1 Calcium Sulphonate 3 320 288 1.0 25
Mobil Centaur Moly 2 Grey 2 Calcium Sulphonate 3 320 280 1.0 20

Mobil Delvac™ Xtreme Grease is an high perfor- U-joints, and fifth wheels. It is also recommended
mance extreme pressure lubricant. It exhibits excellent for plain and anti-friction bearings in construction
resistance to softening and provides good adhesion and mining vehicles operating in severe service
and cohesion, protection against wear and shock loads, and weather conditions. It is also recommended for
and resistance to high temperature oxidation and rust. heavily loaded industrial bearings. Recommended

Mobil Delvac Xtreme Grease is recommended for use temperature range: -20°C to +175°C.
in heavy duty trucks, especially hinge and bucket pins,
Water Washout,
Colour, NLGI Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C ASTM D1264,
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 1 Hr at 79°C, %
Mobil Delvac Xtreme Grease Orange 2 Li-Complex 320 260 6

Mobilgrease XHP™ Mine lubricants are specifically harsh conditions. They deliver superior performance
designed for extra heavy duty off-highway and mining in bucket pins, pivot pins and heavily loaded chassis
equipment. These greases have excellent extreme components. Mobilgrease XHP 100 Mine and 320 Mine
pressure and anti-wear properties, along with excep- are especially well suited for central lubrication systems

tional adhesion, very good resistance to water washout in mining and other off-highway equipment requiring an
and spray-off, with extended service capabilities under NLGI 0 Grade grease.
Water Washout, Water Sprayoff,
Colour, NLGI Thickener Molybdenum Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C ASTM D1264, ASTM D4049,
Product Visual Grade Type Disulphide, Wt. % cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 79°C, % Loss % Loss
Mobilgrease XHP 100 Mine Gray-Black 0 Li-Complex 5 100 200 – –
Mobilgrease XHP 320 Mine Gray-Black 0 Li-Complex 5 320 270 – –
Mobilgrease XHP 321 Mine Gray-Black 1 Li-Complex 5 320 270 10 28
Mobilgrease XHP 322 Mine Gray-Black 2 Li-Complex 5 320 270 2 16

Additional Off-Highway Heavy Duty Equipment and On-Highway Trucking Greases
Mobilgrease XHP™ 220 Series................................ 97
Mobilgrease XHP™ 460 Series................................ 97
Mobil Centaur XHP™ 460 Series............................. 98
Mobil Epic™ Series.................................................. 98
Mobil Unirex™ EP Series......................................... 99

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Mobilith SHC™ PM high performance greases are low starting and running torque when compared to
designed specifically for severe-service paper machine non-synthetic oil products of the same viscosity; its
applications, including those in extreme temperature high viscosity index ensures excellent film protection
environments with exposure to different qualities of at high temperatures. The lithium complex thickener
water. These lubricants combine the unique features contributes excellent adhesion, structural stability
of a synthetic base fluid with a high quality lithium and enhanced resistance to water. A special additive
complex thickener. The wax-free synthetic base fluid system resists rust, corrosion and oxidation and helps
delivers excellent low temperature pumpability and protect against wear.
Water Washout,
Colour, NLGI Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C ASTM D1264,
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 79°C, % Loss
Mobilith SHC PM 220 Off-White 1.5 Li-Complex 220 275 2
Mobilith SHC PM 460 Off-White 1.5 Li-Complex 460 275 3

Mobil Centaur XHP™ 221 is recommended for wet-end paper machine bearings and heavily loaded
rolling element bearings in machinery operating at industrial ball and roller bearings, including those in
high temperatures where resistance to water washing steel mills and mining.
and corrosion is important. Such applications include
Water Washout
Colour, NLGI Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C at 79°C ASTM D,
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 1264, Wt. %
Mobil Centaur XHP 221 Brown 1.5 Calcium Sulphonate Complex 220 318 1

Additional Paper Machine Greases

Mobilgrease XHP™ 460 Series............................. 97
Mobil Unirex™ EP Series...................................... 99


Mobil Arox™ NM 000 is an extreme pressure, impact tools and pavement breakers. Low-odour,
semi-fluid grease designed specifically to provide a friction-and-wear-reducing additives also have emulsi-
mist-free, non-toxic environment for air-line lubricated fying properties and help protect metal surfaces from
pneumatic tools, including rock drills, jackhammers, corrosion and rust.
drifters, wagon drills, chippers, tampers, riveters,
Colour, NLGI Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C
Arox NM 000 Amber 000 Calcium 140

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Arapen™ RB 320 is a long-life grease developed for withstand shear, i.e. retain consistency after prolonged
the roller bearings of railroad car journals where no working, as in the churning action of an anti-friction
provision is made for in-service relubrication. It has bearing. Arapen RB 320 maintains good seal perfor-
high oxidation stability and is highly resistant to chem- mance, a significant requirement for shop-to-shop
ical deterioration that might produce acids or deposits wheel service. It also resists heat, rust and structural
detrimental to bearing life. It has exceptional ability to change in the presence of water.

Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 100°C
Arapen RB 320 Light Amber 1.5 Calcium-Lithium 180 14.7

Galena™ Tramo 3735 is a sulphur-phosphorus high horsepower per axle units. It delivers excellent
extreme pressure traction-motor gear lubricant protection in severe temperatures, summer and
designed for all locomotives, including the newest, winter, for effective all-season lubrication.
Colour, Thickener Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Type cSt at 100°C
Galena Tramo 3735 Black Lithium 200.0


DDR Grease is a very tacky and adhesive lubricating At the same time, drill rods and joints may be washed
grease, formulated to stay in place in severe-service by the sludge water used to force rock particulate

diamond drilling operations. The primary function of upwards from the hole. DDR Grease is recommended
a drill rod grease is to reduce friction of the drill rod for lubrication of diamond drill rods, on the surface or
against the walls of the hole. This can be a considerable underground. It is normally applied by brush or hand
task when long lengths of pipe weave in the drill hole. and smeared over the drill rods where they are stacked.
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
DDR Grease Tan 3 Barium Complex 170 320.0


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Mobil SHC™ PF 462 grease is a long-life, severe- Mobil SHC PF 462 provides dependable performance
service lubricant for bearings, valves, seals and other up to 240˚ C and has excellent lubricity, corrosion
applications requiring oxidation stability and lubrication resistance, thermal and oxidative stability and
performance at high temperatures. Formulated with per- chemical inertness.
fluoropolyether thickened with polytetrafluoroethylene,
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Water Washout, Water Spray-Off,
NLGI cSt at cSt at Dropping Point,°C 79°C, ASTM D1264, ASTM D4049,
Product Grade 40°C 100°C ASTM D2265 % Loss % Weight Loss
Mobil SHC PF 462 2 440 42 258 0.94 5

Mobil Beacon™ 325 is a high performance grease water and extremely high oxidation stability. As the
specifically formulated for precision equipment oper- base oil viscosity is low and the viscosity index of the
ating at moderate and low temperatures. Formulated fluid is high, the grease has excellent low temperature
with a synthetic base oil of extremely low viscosity and properties, including low starting and running torque
low volatility plus a lithium soap thickener, Beacon 325 at very cold temperatures and good pumpability.
delivers good mechanical stability, high resistance to
Colour, NLGI Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Mobil Beacon 325 Tan 2 Lithium 180 12


Thredkote™ 706 is a simple soap grease containing and has been used successfully in Canada for many
graphite and metallic fillers such as lead, zinc and years. It is also used in the connection of high pressure
copper. It is designed for the lubrication of threads on steam lines and non-potable water lines.
casings, tubing and line joints in the oil drilling industry
Colour, NLGI Viscosity, ASTM D445 mm/10 @ 25°C
Product Visual Grade Dropping Point,°C cSt at 40°C % Graphite worked 60 strokes
Thredkote 706 – 1 91 – 18 330

103 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX


Z-50 Pipe Dope is an anti-seize compound recom- Z-50 Pipe Dope is recommended for bolts, nuts and
mended for a wide variety of applications. In oil field threaded fittings where tightness of the joint and ease
operations, it is used on the threads of new drill pipe of removal are desired. This product meets or exceeds
and can also be applied as a sealing compound the requirements of API recommended practice 7A1
on the threads of semi-permanent joints, as when for Rotary Shouldered Connection Thread Compounds.
casing is set. In automotive and industrial applications, Its operating temperature range is -15°C to 150°C.

Colour, NLGI Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Grade ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Z-50 Pipe Dope Grey-Black 1 91 12



Mobil SHC™ Grease 460 WT is a high performance and very low starting and running torque. The lithium
product especially suited to meet or exceed the complex thickener contributes excellent adhesion,
demanding requirements of wind turbine applications structural stability and resistance to water. The grease
at temperature extremes. The wax-free nature of has a high level of chemical stability. Special additive
the synthetic base fluids and their low coefficient of combinations provide excellent protection against wear,
traction provide excellent low temperature pumpability rust and corrosion at high and low temperatures.
Water Washout,
Viscosity, ASTM D445 Dropping Point,°C
Colour, NLGI Thickener ASTM D1264,
Product Visual Grade Type cSt at 40°C ASTM D2265 Loss at 79°C, % wt

Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT Red 1.5 Li-Complex 460 255 10


Wire Rope Dressing is an all-season, multi-purpose is formulated with non-asphaltic mineral base stocks,
lubricant for hoist drum wire ropes in underground which minimize peeling, cracking and flaking off in cold
mining, dragline or electro-mechanical shovel oper- weather. It contains molybdenum disulphide and solid
ations. At ambient temperatures between -40°C and graphite lubricant as well as additives to resist water
50°C, wire ropes are protected by a tenacious film and protect wire rope from rust and corrosion.
that adheres firmly to the rope. Wire Rope Dressing
Colour, Thickener Dropping Point,°C Viscosity, ASTM D445
Product Visual Structure Type ASTM D2265 cSt at 40°C
Wire Rope Dressing Black Smooth Lithium 205 320

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Temperature Conversion Table

Locate in the centre column of the three columns the temperature in °C or °F to be converted.
For given Celsius temperatures, read Fahrenheit equivalent in the left-hand column. For given
Fahrenheit temperatures, read the Celsius equivalent in the right-hand column.


a. Given -30°C; convert to Fahrenheit. Locate -30 in the centre column; read -22.0°F
in the left-hand column.

b. Given -30°F; convert to Celsius. Locate -30 in the centre column; read -34.4°C
in the right-hand column.

For temperatures not shown, interpolate from the values listed or use the
following equations:

°C =  (°F - 32) x 5 °F =  °C x 9 + 32
       9        5

To °F From °C or °F To °C To °F From °C or °F To °C To °F From °C or °F To °C

-148.0 -100 -73.3 +23.0 -5 -20.6 +77.0 +25 -3.9

-130.0 -90 -67.8 +24.8 -4 -20.0 +78.8 +26 -3.3
-112.0 -80 -62.2 +26.6 -3 -19.4 +80.6 +27 -2.8
-94.0 -70 -56.7 +28.4 -2 -18.9 +82.4 +28 -2.2
-76.0 -60 -51.1 +30.2 -1 -18.3 +84.2 +29 -1.7
-58.0 -50 -45.6 +32.0 0 -17.8 +86.0 +30 -1.1
-54.4 -48 -44.4 +33.3 +1 -17.2 +87.8 +31 -0.6
-50.8 -46 -43.3 +35.6 +2 -16.7 +89.6 +32 0.0
-47.2 -44 -42.2 +37.4 +3 -16.1 +91.4 +33 +0.6
-43.6 -42 -41.1 +39.2 +4 -15.6 +93.2 +34 +1.1
-40.0 -40 -40.0 +41.0 +5 -15.0 +95.0 +35 +1.7
-36.4 -38 -38.9 +42.8 +6 -14.4 +96.8 +36 +2.2
-32.8 -36 -37.8 +44.6 +7 -13.9 +98.6 +37 +2.8
-29.2 -34 -36.7 +46.4 +8 -13.3 +100.4 +38 +3.3
-25.6 -32 -35.6 +48.2 +9 -12.8 +102.2 +39 +3.9
-22.0 -30 -34.4 +50.0 +10 -12.2 +104.0 +40 +4.4
-18.4 -28 -33.3 +51.8 +11 -11.7 +106.8 +41 +5.0
-14.8 -26 -32.2 +53.6 +12 -11.1 +107.6 +42 +5.6
-11.2 -24 -31.1 +55.4 +13 -10.6 +109.4 +43 +6.1
-7.6 -22 -30.0 +57.2 +14 -10.0 +111.2 +44 +6.7
-4.0 -20 -28.9 +59.0 +15 -9.4 +113.0 +45 +7.2
-0.4 -18 -27.8 +60.8 +16 -8.9 +114.8 +46 +7.8
+3.2 -16 -26.7 +62.6 +17 -8.3 +116.6 +47 +8.3
+6.8 -14 -25.6 +64.4 +18 -7.8 +118.4 +48 +8.9
+10.4 -12 -24.4 +66.2 +19 -7.2 +120.2 +49 +9.4
+14.0 -10 -23.3 +68.0 +20 -6.7 +122.0 +50 +10.1
+15.8 -9 -22.8 +69.8 +21 -6.1 +123.8 +51 +10.6
+17.6 -8 -22.2 +71.6 +22 -5.6 +125.6 +52 +11.1
+19.4 -7 -21.7 +73.4 +23 -5.0 +127.4 +53 +11.7
+21.2 -6 -21.1 +75.2 +24 -4.4 +129.2 +54 +12.2

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Temperature Conversion Table (continued)

To °F From °C or °F To °C To °F From °C or °F To °C To °F From °C or °F To °C

+131.0 +55 +12.8 +221.0 +105 +40.6 +374.0 +190 +87.8

+132.8 +56 +13.3 +222.8 +106 +41.1 +377.6 +192 +88.9

+134.6 +57 +13.9 +224.6 +107 +41.7 +381.2 +194 +90.0
+136.4 +58 +14.4 +226.4 +108 +42.2 +384.8 +196 +91.1
+138.2 +59 +15.0 +228.2 +109 +42.8 +388.4 +198 +92.2
+140.0 +60 +15.6 +230.0 +110 +43.3 +392.0 +200 +93.3
+141.8 +61 +16.1 +231.8 +111 +43.9 +395.6 +202 +94.4
+143.6 +62 +16.7 +233.6 +112 +44.4 +399.2 +204 +95.6
+145.4 +63 +17.2 +235.4 +113 +45.0 +402.8 +206 +96.7
+147.2 +64 +17.8 +237.2 +114 +45.6 +406.4 +208 +97.8
+149.0 +65 +18.3 +239.0 +115 +46.1 +410.0 +210 +98.9
+150.8 +66 +18.9 +240.8 +116 +46.7 +413.6 +212 +100.0
+152.6 +67 +19.4 +242.6 +117 +47.2 +417.2 +214 +101.1
+154.4 +68 +20.0 +244.4 +118 +47.8 +420.8 +216 +102.2
+156.2 +69 +20.6 +246.2 +119 +48.3 +424.4 +218 +103.3
+158.0 +70 +21.1 +248.0 +120 +48.9 +428.0 +220 +104.4
+159.8 +71 +21.7 +251.6 +122 +50.0 +437.0 +225 +107.2
+161.6 +72 +22.2 +255.2 +124 +51.1 +446.0 +230 +110.0
+163.4 +73 +22.8 +258.8 +126 +52.2 +455.0 +235 +112.8
+165.2 +74 +23.3 +262.4 +128 +53.3 +464.0 +240 +115.6
+167.0 +75 +23.9 +266.0 +130 +54.4 +473.0 +245 +118.3
+168.8 +76 +24.4 +269.6 +132 +55.6 +482.0 +250 +121.1
+170.6 +77 +25.0 +273.2 +134 +56.7 +491.0 +255 +123.9
+172.4 +78 +25.6 +276.8 +136 +57.8 +500.0 +260 +126.7
+174.2 +79 +26.1 +280.4 +138 +58.9 +509.0 +265 +129.4
+176.0 +80 +26.7 +284.0 +140 +60.0 +518.0 +270 +132.2
+177.8 +81 +27.2 +287.6 +142 +61.1 +527.0 +275 +135.0
+179.6 +82 +27.8 +291.2 +144 +62.2 +536.0 +280 +137.8
+181.4 +83 +28.3 +294.8 +146 +63.3 +545.0 +285 +140.6
+183.2 +84 +28.9 +298.4 +148 +64.4 +554.0 +290 +143.3
+185.0 +85 +29.4 +302.0 +150 +65.6 +563.0 +295 +146.1


+186.8 +86 +30.0 +305.6 +152 +66.7 +572.0 +300 +148.9
+188.6 +87 +30.6 +309.2 +154 +67.8 +590.0 +310 +154.4
+190.4 +88 +31.1 +312.8 +156 +68.9 +608.0 +320 +160.0
+192.2 +89 +31.7 +316.4 +158 +70.0 +626.0 +330 +165.6
+194.0 +90 +32.2 +320.0 +160 +71.1 +644.0 +340 +171.1
+195.8 +91 +32.8 +323.6 +162 +72.2 +662.0 +350 +176.7
+197.6 +92 +33.3 +327.2 +164 +73.3 +680.0 +360 +182.2
+199.4 +93 +33.9 +330.8 +166 +74.4 +698.0 +370 +187.8
+201.2 +94 +34.4 +334.4 +168 +75.6 +716.0 +380 +193.3
+203.0 +95 +35.0 +338.0 +170 +76.7 +734.0 +390 +198.9
+204.8 +96 +35.6 +341.6 +172 +77.8 +752.0 +400 +204.4
+206.6 +97 +36.1 +345.2 +174 +78.9 +932.0 +500 +260.0
+208.4 +98 +36.7 +348.8 +176 +80.0 +1112.0 +600 +315.6
+210.2 +99 +37.2 +352.4 +178 +81.1 +1292.0 +700 +371.1
+212.0 +100 +37.8 +356.0 +180 +82.2 +1472.0 +800 +427.0
+213.8 +101 +38.3 +359.6 +182 +83.3 +1652.0 +900 +482.0
+215.6 +102 +38.9 +363.2 +184 +84.4 +1832.0 +1000 +538.0
+217.4 +103 +39.4 +366.8 +186 +85.6 +2012.0 +1100 +593.0
+219.2 +104 +40.0 +370.4 +188 +86.7 +2192.0 +1200 +649.0

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Viscosity Conversion Table

Kinematic Redwood Kinematic Redwood Kinematic Redwood

cSt 40 C SUS Engler No. 1 Sec. cSt 40 C SUS Engler No. 1 Sec. cSt 40 C SUS Engler No. 1 Sec.

2 32.6 1.14 30.8 46 214 6.15 190 240 1112 32 990

3 36.0 1.22 33.2 50 233 6.65 207 250 1159 33 1030
4 39.1 1.31 35.8 55 256 7.25 228 260 1205 34 1070
5 42.5 1.40 38.4 60 279 7.9 248 270 1251 36 1110
6 45.7 1.48 41.0 65 302 8.6 268 280 1297 37 1150
7 49.0 1.56 43.7 70 325 9.25 286 290 1344 38 1190
8 52.0 1.65 46.5 75 349 9.85 307 300 1390 40 1230
9 55.7 1.74 49.2 80 372 10.5 329 315 1460 41 1300
10 59.0 1.83 52.1 85 395 11.2 349 330 1529 43 1350
11 62.5 1.92 55.2 90 418 11.8 370 350 1622 46 1440
12 66.2 2.02 58.4 95 442 12.5 390 370 1715 49 1520
13 70.0 2.12 61.6 100 465 13.2 410 390 1807 51 1600
15 77.5 2.32 68.2 110 511 14.5 450 410 1900 54 1690
17 85.5 2.55 75.2 120 558 15.8 490 430 1990 57 1770
19 94 2.77 82.8 130 605 17.1 530 450 2090 59 1850
21 100 3.00 90.4 140 649 18.4 570 470 2180 62 1930
23 111 3.23 98 150 695 19.7 620 490 2270 64 2010
25 120 3.46 106 160 742 21.0 660 500 2320 66 2050
28 133 3.83 117 170 788 22.5 700 550 2540 72 2260
30 142 4.09 125 180 834 24.0 740 600 2780 79 2460
33 155 4.46 137 190 881 25.0 780 650 3010 86 2670
35 164 4.71 145 200 927 26.0 820 700 3240 92 2880
38 178 5.10 157 210 973 28.0 860 750 3470 99 3080
40 187 5.35 166 220 1020 29.0 900 800 3700 105 3280
43 200 5.75 178 230 1066 30.0 940

Dynamic Viscosity to Kinematic Viscosity Calculation

To convert from dynamic viscosity units, centipoise (cP), to kinematic viscosity units,
centi­stokes (cSt), use the following equation:

cSt =    cP
       Density (kg/L)

Note: Viscosity and density must be measured at the same temperature.

If viscosity is known at two or more different temperatures, viscosity at other temperatures

can be estimated using standard charts or equations. Charts are available from your
Imperial sales representative or technical services department.

107 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
50,000 50,000

20,000 20,000

10,000 10,000
5,000 5,000
3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000

1,000 1,000

500 500
400 400
300 300

200 200
150 150

100 100

75 75

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information

50 50
40 40

30 30

20 20

15 15

10 10
9.0 9.0
8.0 8.0
7.0 7.0


6.0 6.0

5.0 5.0

4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150






SAE Viscosity Grades for Engine Oils

Low-temperature Low-temperature Low Shear Rate Low Shear Rate
SAE Cranking Pumping Viscosity Kinematic Kinematic High Shear Rate
Viscosity Viscosity1 with no yield-stress Viscosity Viscosity3 Viscosity4
2 3

Grade cP at °C, Max. cP at °C, Max. cSt at 100°C, Min. cSt at 100°C, Max. cP at 150°C, Min.

0W 6,200 @ -35 60,000 @ -40 3.8 — —

5W 6,600 @ -30 60,000 @ -35 3.8 — —
10W 7,000 @ -25 60,000 @ -30 4.1 — —
15W 7,000 @ -20 60,000 @ -25 5.6 — —
20W 9,500 @ -15 60,000 @ -20 5.6 — —
25W 13,000 @ -10 60,000 @ -15 9.3 — —
20 — — 5.6 <9.3 2.6
30 — — 9.3 <12.5 2.9
40 — — 12.5 <16.3 2.95
40 — — 12.5 <16.3 3.76
50 — — 16.3 <21.9 3.7
60 — — 21.9 <26.1 3.7

Note: 1cP = 1mPa*s; 1cSt = 1mm2/s. All values are critical specifications as defined by ASTM D 3244.
ASTM D 5393 2 ASTM D 4684; note that the presence of any yield-stress detectable by this method constitutes a failure regardless of viscosity
ASTM D 445 4 ASTM D 4683, CEC L-36-A-90 (ASTM D 4741) or ASTM D 5481 5 0W-40, 5W-40 and 10W-40 6 15W-40, 20W-40, 25W-40 and 40

SAE J306 Viscosity Grades for Gear Oils

SAE Maximum Temperature for Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C          
iscosity Grade
V Brookfield Viscosity of 150,000 cP °C Min.1 Max.

70W -55 4.1  —

75W -40 4.1  —
80W -26 7.0  —
85W -12 11.0  —
80 — 7.0 <11.0
85 — 11.0 <13.5
90 — 13.5 <24.0
140 — 24.0 <41.0
250 — 41.0  —

Limits must also be met after testing in CEC L-45-T-93 Method C (20 hours)

Classification of Greases by National Lubricating Grease Institute

(NLGI) Consistency Numbers1
NLGI 60-stroke Worked Penetration at 25°C NLGI 60-stroke Worked Penetration at 25°C
Grade No. Min. Max. Grade No. Min. Max.

000 445 475 3 220 250

00 400 430 4 175 205
0 355 385 5 130 160
1 310 340 6 85 115
2 265 295

The grades are defined as ranges of the values of the 60-stroke worked penetration, in tenths of millimetres, as determined by
ASTM D 217, ‘Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease.’

109 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX

Understanding Oil Analysis

Probably the most important single property of a lubricating oil. It is a major factor in
the development of the load-carrying ability of an oil. It is defined as resistance to flow
at 40 degrees Centigrade and typically reported in Centistokes (cSt).

The presence of these metals can indicate a wear problem on a microscopic level before
the problem can be detected by conventional means. The existence of a wear problem
is determined not only by absolute values of metals, but more importantly by a relative
increase or trend in one or more of these metals.
Metal Sources Metal Sources
Iron Cylinders, Gears, Rings, Crankshafts, Tin Bearing Plating, Compressors
Liners, Bearings, Rust Aluminum Pistons, Bearing and Pump, Blower and
Chromium Rings, Bearing and Liner Plating Compressor Impellers
Lead Bearing Overlays Nickel Valves
Copper Hydraulic Pumps, Bearing Cages, Silver Bearing and Bushing Plating
Bushings, Bronze Components Manganese Trace Element in Gas Turbine Components

These elements can be an indicator of contamination. The combination of contaminant
and wear metals can indicate a harmful machine operating condition.
Contaminant Sources Contaminant Sources
Silicone Abrasive Dirt, Sealant, Defoamant Water Anti-freeze, Process Water, Condensation


Boron Anti-freeze, Oil Additive Glycol Anti-freeze
Sodium Anti-freeze, Oil Additive Fuel Fuel System
Potassium Anti-freeze, Oil Additive Soot Incomplete Combustion, Blow-by
Acid Oil Degradation (TAN) Chlorine Land Fill Gas, Sea Water
Oxidation Thermal Degradation of Oil

A chemical substance added to oil to impart or improve certain properties.
Additive Functions Additive Functions
Magnesium Dispersant/Detergent (TBN) Phosphorus Anti-wear
Calcium Dispersant/Detergent (TBN) Zinc Anti-wear
Barium Dispersant/Detergent Molybdenum Anti-wear

For further information contact your Imperial sales representative or go to signumoilanalysis.com.

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 110

ANSI-AGMA Industrial Gear Lubricants 9005-D94

R&O Inhibited Gear Oil Viscosity Range cSt Extreme Pressure Gear Oil Synthetic Gear Oil
AGMA Lubricant No. at 40°C AGMA Lubricant No. AGMA Lubricant No.
0 28.8 to 35.2 None 0S
1 41.4 to 50.6 None 1S
2 61.2 to 74.8 2 EP 2S
3 90 to 110 3 EP 3S
4 135 to 165 4 EP 4S
5 198 to 242 5 EP 5S
6 288 to 352 6 EP 6S
7, 7 Comp* 414 to 506 7 EP 7S
8, 8 Comp* 612 to 748 8 EP 8S
8A Comp* 900 to 1100 8A EP None
9 1350 to 1650 9 EP 9S
10 2880 to 3520 10 EP 10 S
11 4140 to 5060 11 EP 11 S
12 6120 to 7480 12 EP 12 S
13 190-220 at 100°C*** 13 EP 13 S
14R** 428.5 to 857.0 at 100°C*** None None
15R** 857.0 to 1714.0 at 100°C*** None None

AGMA Lubricant No. ISO Viscosity Grade Mobil Product Mobil Synthetic Product
0 32 Mobil DTE Oil Light Mobil SHC 624
1 46 Mobil DTE Oil Medium Mobil SHC 625
2 68 Mobil DTE Oil Heavy Medium Mobil SHC 626
3 100 Mobil DTE Oil Heavy Mobil SHC 627
4 150 Mobil DTE Oil Extra Heavy Mobil SHC 629
5 220 Mobil DTE Oil BB Mobil SHC 630
6 320 Mobil DTE Oil AA Mobil SHC 632
7 460 Mobil DTE Oil HH Mobil SHC 634

AGMA Compounded ISO Viscosity Grade Mobil Product

7 Comp* 460 Mobil 600W Super Cylinder Oil
8 Comp* 680 Mobil Extra Hecla Super Cylinder Oil
8A Comp* 1000 Mobil Extra Hecla Super Cylinder Oil Mineral

AGMA Lubricant No. ISO Viscosity Grade Mobil Product Mobil Synthetic Product
2 EP 68 Mobilgear 600 XP 68 None
3 EP 100 Mobilgear 600 XP 100 None
4 EP 150 Mobilgear 600 XP 150 Mobil SHC Gear 150
5 EP 220 Mobilgear 600 XP 220 Mobil SHC Gear 220
6 EP 320 Mobilgear 600 XP 320 Mobil SHC Gear 320
7 EP 460 Mobilgear 600 XP 460 Mobil SHC Gear 460
8 EP 680 Mobilgear 600 XP 680 Mobil SHC Gear 680
8A EP 1000 None Mobil SHC Gear 1000
9 EP 1500 None Mobil SHC Gear 1500
10 EP Mobiltac LL Mobil SHC Gear 3200
11 EP None None
12 EP Mobiltac MM Mobil SHC Gear 6800
13 EP Mobiltac QQ None
14R** None None
15R** Mobiltac 325 NC, 375 NC None

* Oils marked “Comp” are compounded with 3% to 10% fatty or synthetic fatty oils.
** Residual compounds-diluent type, commonly known as solvent cutbacks, are heavy oils containing a volatile, non-flammable diluent for ease of application.
The diluent evaporates leaving a thick film of lubricant on the gear teeth. Viscosities listed are for the base compound without diluent.
*** Viscosities of AGMA Lubricant Number 13 and above are specified at 100°C (210°F) as measurement of viscosities of these heavy lubricants at 40°C
(100°F) would not be practical.

111 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX

Mobil 1™.....................................................................................................................74
Mobil 1™ Advanced Fuel Economy............................................................................. 74
Mobil 1™ ESP Formula M 5W-40................................................................................75
Mobil 1™ ESP X1 0W-30............................................................................................75
Mobil 1™ Extended Performance 5W-20, 5W-30 and 10W-30....................................75

Mobil 1™ Racing 4T....................................................................................................78
Mobil 1™ Synthetic ATF..............................................................................................77
Mobil 1™ Synthetic Gear Lube LS..............................................................................78
Mobil 1™ Synthetic Grease.........................................................................................91
Mobil 1™ Turbo Diesel Truck 5W-40............................................................................ 76
Mobil Aero™ HFA........................................................................................................86
Arapen™ RB 320...................................................................................................... 102
Mobil™ Arcan 1...........................................................................................................99
Mobil™ Argon EP........................................................................................................99
Mobil Arox™ EP Series...............................................................................................48
Mobil Arox™ NM 000................................................................................................. 101
Mobil™ Aviation Grease SHC 100...............................................................................85
Mobil Beacon™ 325.................................................................................................. 103
Canthus™ 680.............................................................................................................45
Mobil Centaur™ Moly Series..................................................................................... 100
Mobil Centaur XHP™ 221......................................................................................... 101
Mobil Centaur XHP™ 460 Series................................................................................98
Mobil™ Chainoil.......................................................................................................... 18
Mobil™ Compressor Oils.............................................................................................24
Mobil™ Compressor Oils 264 and 460........................................................................24
Mobil™ Compressor Oil N 100....................................................................................24


Mobil™ Cylinder Oils ..................................................................................................25
DDR Grease.............................................................................................................. 102
Mobil Delvac 1™ ESP 5W-40 and 0W-40...................................................................60
Mobil Delvac 1™ LE 5W-30.........................................................................................60
Mobil Delvac™ 1300 Super 10W-30 and F2 15W-40..................................................61
Mobil Delvac™ 1230 and 1240....................................................................................61
Mobil Delvac™ 1640....................................................................................................61
Mobil Delvac™ CNG/LNG 15W-40..............................................................................62
Mobil Delvac™ Elite 10W-30 and 15W-40...................................................................60
Mobil Delvac™ Elite 222 0W-30..................................................................................60
Mobil Delvac™ Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze – C Series.....................................69
Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic ATF......................................................................................63
Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Final Drive and Axle Oil.......................................................63
Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Gear Oils.............................................................................63

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 112

Mobil Delvac™ Synthetic Transmission Fluid 50.........................................................63

Mobil Delvac™ Xtreme Grease................................................................................. 100
Mobil™ Dexron®-VI ATF...............................................................................................77
DIOL™ 9 RD Series....................................................................................................62
Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ Series......................................................................................37
Mobil DTE™ 20 Series................................................................................................38
Mobil DTE™ 724 Oil....................................................................................................53
Mobil DTE™ 732 M.....................................................................................................53
Mobil DTE™ 700 Series..............................................................................................53
Mobil DTE™ 800 Series..............................................................................................52
Mobil DTE™ 932 GT...................................................................................................52
Mobil DTE™ FM Series...............................................................................................27
Mobil DTE™ Oil 205 ...................................................................................................25
Mobil DTE™ Oil Named Series...................................................................................20
Mobil DTE™ PM Series..............................................................................................47
Mobil Dynagear™ Series.............................................................................................95
Mobil Epic™ Series.....................................................................................................98
Exxcolub™ SCF PG....................................................................................................22
Exxcolub™ SCF PS....................................................................................................22
Exxcolub™ SCF M2....................................................................................................22
Exxon™ Aviation Oil Elite 20W-50...............................................................................86
Exxon HyJet™ IV-A Plus.............................................................................................85
Mobil Fenso™ Series..................................................................................................48
Formesso™ Summer Grade.......................................................................................43
Forum™ EP 46 and 68................................................................................................40
Galcar All Year.............................................................................................................68
Galena™ Tramo 3735................................................................................................ 102
Mobil Gargoyle™ Arctic Oils........................................................................................49
Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC™ 200 Series................................................................... 49
Mobil Geargard™........................................................................................................95
Mobil Geargard™ HVS................................................................................................36
Mobil GEO™ 15W-40 .................................................................................................62
Mobil Glygoyle™ 22.....................................................................................................49
Mobil Glygoyle™ Series..............................................................................................35
Mobil Glygoyle™ Numbered Series............................................................................. 19
Mobil™ Heavy Duty (HD) Chainoil.............................................................................. 18
Mobil™ Heavy Duty SCA Precharged Coolant/Antifreeze...........................................69
Mobil Hydraul™...........................................................................................................68
Mobil Iogear™ EP 100.................................................................................................36

113 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX

Mobil Jet Oil™ II..........................................................................................................86

Mobil Jet Oil™ 254......................................................................................................86
Mobil Marvelube™ EP 9F............................................................................................94
Millcot™ K................................................................................................................... 18
Mobil™ Multi-Vehicle ATF............................................................................................77

Mobil Nuto™ H Series.................................................................................................40
Mobil Nyvac™ FR 200D..............................................................................................41
Mobil Pegasus™ 1.......................................................................................................29
Mobil Pegasus™ 605...................................................................................................31
Mobil Pegasus™ 610...................................................................................................30
Mobil Pegasus™ 710...................................................................................................30
Mobil Pegasus™ 801 Series .......................................................................................31
Mobil Pegasus™ 805...................................................................................................29
Mobil Pegasus™ AGX.................................................................................................31
Mobil Pegasus™ GLX.................................................................................................30
Mobil Pegasus™ GMA................................................................................................29
Mobil Polyrex™ EM.....................................................................................................93
Mobil Pyrogard™ 53....................................................................................................41
Mobil Rarus™ 427 ......................................................................................................21
Mobil Rarus™ 800 Series...........................................................................................21
Mobil Rarus SHC™ 1020 Series.................................................................................21
Mobil Ronex™ MP.......................................................................................................91
Mobil™ Sawguide Oils................................................................................................45
Mobil SHC™ 500 Series.............................................................................................37
Mobil SHC™ 600 Series............................................................................................. 19
Mobil SHC™ 800 Series.............................................................................................52


Mobil SHC Aware™ Grease EP 2...............................................................................83
Mobil SHC Aware™ H Series......................................................................................83
Mobil SHC Cibus™ Series..........................................................................................27
Mobil SHC™ Gear OH Series.....................................................................................35
Mobil SHC Gear™ 1500, 3200, and 6800...................................................................33
Mobil SHC Gear™ 46M...............................................................................................36
Mobil SHC Gear™ Series (ISO VG 150-1000)............................................................33
Mobil SHC™ Grease 100 EAL Series.........................................................................93
Mobil SHC™ Grease 460 WT.................................................................................... 104
Mobil SHC Pegasus™ 30............................................................................................29
Mobil SHC™ PF 462................................................................................................. 103
Mobil SHC™ PM Series..............................................................................................47
Mobil SHC Polyrex™ 462............................................................................................94
Mobil Super™ 1000..................................................................................................... 76

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 114

Mobil Super™ 2000..................................................................................................... 76

Mobil Super™ 3000..................................................................................................... 76
Mobil ATF™ +4............................................................................................................77
Mobil ATF™ 3309........................................................................................................77
Mobil ATF™ D/M..........................................................................................................77
Mobil™ Synthetic Oven Lube 1090.............................................................................46
Mobil Synturion™ 6.....................................................................................................46
Mobil™ System Cleaner..............................................................................................46
Mobil Teresso™...........................................................................................................54
Mobil Teresso™ GTC Series.......................................................................................54
Mobil Teresstic™ AC 32...............................................................................................24
Mobil Teresstic™-C......................................................................................................20
Mobil Teresstic™ V 150...............................................................................................20
Mobil Unirex™ EP Series............................................................................................99
Mobil Unirex™ N..........................................................................................................93
Mobil Univis™ BIO-C 40..............................................................................................39
Mobil Univis™ Extra....................................................................................................38
Mobil Univis™ HVI 13..................................................................................................39
Mobil Univis™ N-C Series...........................................................................................39
Mobil Univis™ Ultra.....................................................................................................38
Mobil Vactra™ Oil Numbered Series...........................................................................55
Mobil Vacuoline™ 500 Series...................................................................................... 19
Mobil Vacuoline™ 1400 Series....................................................................................55
Mobil Vaprotec™ Light.................................................................................................50
Mobil Velocite™ Oil Numbered Series.........................................................................51
Mobil Zerice™ S Oils...................................................................................................49
Mobilarma™ 245.........................................................................................................50
Mobilarma™ 700 Series..............................................................................................50
Mobilcut™ 100.............................................................................................................42
Mobilcut™ 140.............................................................................................................43
Mobilcut™ 350.............................................................................................................43
Mobilgard™ 12 Series.................................................................................................82
Mobilgard™ 300..........................................................................................................81
Mobilgard™ 410 NC (No Chlorine)..............................................................................82
Mobilgard™ 525..........................................................................................................81
Mobilgard™ 560 VS.....................................................................................................81
Mobilgard™ 570..........................................................................................................81
Mobilgard™ ADL Series..............................................................................................82
Mobilgard™ M30, M40 and M50.................................................................................82
Mobilgear™ 600 XP Series.........................................................................................34

115 Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX

Mobilgear™ MS Series...............................................................................................44
Mobilgear SHC™ XMP Series....................................................................................35
Mobilgrease™ 28........................................................................................................85
Mobilgrease™ 33........................................................................................................85
Mobilgrease™ FM 101.................................................................................................94

Mobilgrease XHP™ 220 Series...................................................................................97
Mobilgrease XHP™ 460 Series...................................................................................97
Mobilgrease XHP™ Mine.......................................................................................... 100
Mobilgrease™ XTC.....................................................................................................92
Mobilith SHC™ PM.................................................................................................... 101
Mobilith SHC™ Series.................................................................................................97
Mobilmet™ 420 Series................................................................................................42
Mobilmet™ 760 Series................................................................................................42
Mobiltac™ 375 NC......................................................................................................36
Mobiltemp SHC™ 32...................................................................................................96
Mobiltemp™ Series.....................................................................................................96
Mobiltherm™ and Thermoil™......................................................................................37
Mobiltrans™ AST (All-Season Transmission)..............................................................67
Mobiltrans™ AST 30 and Mobiltrans™ AST Extra 20.................................................67
Mobiltrans™ HD 10W, 30 and 50................................................................................67
Mobilube™ HD Extra MG 75W and 80W-140.............................................................66
Mobilube™ HD LS 80W-90.........................................................................................66
Mobilube™ HD Plus MG 75W, 80W-90 and 85W-140................................................66
Mobilube™ XFD 50 and 60.........................................................................................66
Mobilux™ EP 111.........................................................................................................92
Mobilux™ EP Series...................................................................................................98


Nebula™ EP Special...................................................................................................94
Slurry Oil 62.................................................................................................................46
SPARTAN™ EP-C.......................................................................................................34
Thredkote™ 706........................................................................................................ 103
Wire Rope Dressing................................................................................................... 104
Z-50 Pipe Dope......................................................................................................... 104

Visit mobil.ca /pds for the most current product information Click Here to return to PRODUCT APPLICATION INDEX 116

Viscosity Classification Equivalents


Many petroleum products are graded according to the ISO Viscosity Classification System,
approved by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Each ISO viscosity grade number
corresponds to the mid-point of a viscosity range expressed in centistokes (cSt) at 40°C. For
example, a lubricant with an ISO grade of 32 has a viscosity within the range of 28.8–35.2, the
midpoint of which is 32.
Rule-of-Thumb: The comparable ISO grade of a given product whose viscosity in SUS at 100°F is
known can be determined by using the following conversion formula:
SUS @ 100°F ÷ 5 =cSt
˜ @ 40°C

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Brief Product Descriptions
Imperial Oil
Downstream and Chemical
237 Fourth Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 3M9

For more information: 1- 888-968-3776 2015 Edition – Canada


Brief Product Descriptions


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2015 Edition – Canada


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