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Bineaum Solomon

2521 South Robinson Street

Philadelphia, PA 19142

Objective To gain real world experience in a field related to my passion.

The Workshop School, West Philadelphia, PA
Projected Graduation Date: 2020
Relevant Project Work:
● Mass incarceration: An examination of the factors contributing to a system of
mass incarceration in the United States
● The Science of Baking: Learned the science behind baking
● Cardboard Boat Project: Engineering based project
● Digital Memoir: Told about a time of our life or something we were told or saw
that changed our lives

Honors and Awards

Extracurricular Activities
Youth Group, Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Philadelphia
After School Programming, Lea School

Employment Experience, 5116 Pentridge Street

Bus boy and maintenance, Pentridge Station Restaurant (June 2018 - September 2018)
Bus boy and maintenance, Pentridge Station Restaurant (June 2017 - September 2017)

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