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CS 3750

A technical solution to finding study/project groups to create
relationships and academic success

Team #12: CS Villagers

Tanya Churaman, Christopher Messina, Sabrina Seibel, & Sophia Worley
User group & problem space
User Group and Problem Space:
➢ College students have trouble finding study/project partners every semester
Supporting Research:
➢ Interviews with students, Online survey, reading reviews of apps that try to solve this problem space
➢ User Research Findings:
■ When trying to form groups, students tend to either:
● Form study groups with their friends
● Meet people that sit next to them in class
◆ Problem: Conflicting personalities, study habits, work ethic
● Use Piazza to attempt to create groups
◆ Problem: Requests get lost in the noise
■ Current Apps
● Not many students have used current apps due to the lack of apps made for this problem
● Current apps do not refine the matching process
Design alternatives and Prototypes
Person Matching App Social Event Website Academic Calendar Website
This design is a mobile application that This design is a website that allows This design is a website that allows for
allows for users to create study/project for users to create study/project users to create study/project groups
groups by connecting them to other groups by connecting them to other by connecting them to other students
students in their classes via filtering by students by informing them about by informing them about university
various criteria. university hosted casual events locations that they can go to for
based upon their classes. studying.
User Testing
Method Justification
Usability Testing with Think Aloud Able to see what problems users found with the app as they
interacted with it

System Usability Scale Questions Get standard feedback on the parts of the app that are good
and parts that need improvement

Follow-Up Interview Questions Find answers to specific questions our group had about parts
of the app

Sample Usability Testing Prompt

- Users were given the low-fidelity prototype of our application and asked to do specific tasks

- Example: “You already have an account with some matches. You want to login to the app and
message one of your matches about meeting for a group project. How would you go about
doing this?
User Testing Data
SUS score: 49

User Testing There was no It was

No functions that All the functions consistency consistent
was well integrated were well throughout

Sample User Testing Insights

• There is a privacy issue with showing your schedule to strangers so it would be better to show an
availability schedule.
• Most of the users had issues with seeing and/ or understanding the buttons that lead them to other
features in the app so with the final version we plan to make them more obvious.
• They also were confused why when one opens the app after creating a new account, they are lead to their
profile page, so we made a home page.

Team takeaways
We Learned:
• A technical solution to creating groups was easier than we anticipated
• People appreciate a platform that focuses on a few basic needs rather than
combining multiple elements
• How to conduct informative interviews
• To work together as a team and delegate tasks

What We Would Do Differently

• Manage our time more efficiently and schedule project deliverable work days
at an earlier time
• Communicate more with each other

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