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‫جلنة الدبلوم‬

1|P ag e

Question Bank
English 101
(500 Question)

Prepared By
‫‪2|P ag e‬‬

‫‪ ‬حقٍجخ اىذثيىً اىجىىٍزننل‪‬‬

‫ثسٌ اهلل اىزمحِ اىزحٌٍ رقذً ىنٌ جلنخ اىذثيىً اىجىىٍزننل أضخٌ إجنبساد جلنخ اىذثيىً وهً حقٍجخ اىذثيىً ‪ ,‬حقٍجخ اىذثيىً‬

‫هً عجبرح وسٍيخ ىٍسذ ىنست اىشهزح واىصٍذ وإمنب هً وسٍيخ ىيزقزة اىل اهلل ٍِ خاله خذٍخ اىطبىت وٍسبعذره‬

‫ثذوُ ٍقبثو وٍِ خاله اىقفش ثبىذثيىً اىل ٍزحيخ ٍزقذٍخ وهً اىزالخٍص وثنىك االسئيخ احملىسجخ وحمبضزاد املزاجعخ‬

‫احملىسجخ ورىفري املزاجع وثنىك االسئيخ واىزالخٍص اىىافٍخ ىيَىاد ‪ ,‬هذا اىعَو عجبرح عِ ّزبج سنخ مبٍيخ ٍِ اىعَو‬

‫املزىاصو ىيجنخ اىذثيىً األمبدميٍخ ورزفزع حقٍجخ اىذثيىً اىل ‪ 5‬حقبئت فزعٍخ هً ‪ :‬حقٍجخ اىىرقخ االوىل وحتزىي عيى مجٍع‬

‫اىزالخٍص وثنىك االسئيخ ملىاد اىىرقخ االوىل جلٍَع ختصصبد اىذثيىً اهلنذسٍخ وغري اهلنذسٍخ ‪ ,‬حقٍجخ اىىرقخ اىثبٍّخ وحتزىي‬

‫عيى ختالٌص وثنىك االسئيخ ملىاد اىىرقخ اىثبٍّخ ىيزخصصبد اهلنذسٍخ ‪ ,‬حقٍجخ املذًّ واملعَبري ‪ ,‬حقٍجخ املسبحخ‬

‫حقٍجخ املٍنبٍّل ‪ ,‬حقٍجخ اىنٍَبوي‬

‫‪ (......‬حقٍجخ اىذثيىً ) ٍِ إعذاد جلنخ اىذثيىً األمبدميٍخ ‪.....‬‬

‫إبراهيى حتسني عكه ( اهلنذست املذَيت ) ‪ ,‬عبذاهلل حسٍ انشىاكري ( اهلنذست انكهرببئيت )‬

‫‪.....‬اىزالخٍص وثنىك األسئيخ ( اىذراسخ ٍنهب غري اىشاٍٍخ ) ىذىل احزفظ ثإّزقبدك ىنفسل ‪....‬‬

‫‪........‬سٌبدح عذد صفحبد اىجنىك واىزالخٍص ثسجت مٌ االسئيخ املىجىدح فٍهب ‪......‬‬

‫حقٍجخ اىذثيىً ربثعخ فقط ىيجنخ اىذثىً – اىجىىٍزننل – جزوة طالة اىذثيىً اىجىىٍزننل‬

‫عضى اجلَعٍخ اىطالثٍخ عِ قسٌ اىذثيىً ‪ :‬حمَذ أثى اىسنز‬


‫‪3|P ag e‬‬

‫حقيبت انذبهىو انبىنيتكنك ‪ :‬انىرقت األوىل ‪‬‬

‫أوالً ‪ :‬يبدة ‪English 101‬‬

‫تهخيص شبيم ملبدة ‪ : English 101‬إعذاد انطبنبني ابراهيى حتسني عكه ‪ ,‬عبذاهلل حسٍ انشىاكري‬

‫بنك األسئهت ‪ 500‬سؤال حمهىل شبيم نهًبدة ‪ :‬إعذاد انطبنبني ابراهيى حتسني عكه ‪ ,‬عبذاهلل حسٍ انشىاكري‬

‫ثبَيبً ‪ :‬يبدة احلبسىة‬

‫تهخيص شبيم نهىحذة األوىل ( عشر فصىل ) ‪ +‬بنك اسئهت انىحذة االوىل ‪ 350‬سؤال حمهىنت ‪ :‬إعذاد ابراهيى حتسني عكه‬

‫ثبنثبً ‪ :‬يبدة انهغت انعربيت ‪101‬‬

‫تهخيص شبيم ووايف نهًبدة ‪ +‬بنك أسئهت انشبيم حمهىل ‪ :‬إعذاد انطبنببٌ عبذاهلل انشىاكري ‪ ,‬ابراهيى حتسني عكه‬

‫رابعبً ‪ :‬يبدة انثقبفت اإلسالييت‬

‫تهخيص شبيم ووايف نهًبدة ‪ +‬بنك أسئهت انشبيم حمهى ل ‪ :‬إعذاد انطبنببٌ عبذاهلل انشىاكري ‪ ,‬إبراهيى عكه‬

‫يبدة انعهىو انعسكريت‬

‫تهخيص وبنك املعهىيبث يٍ ‪ 6‬يراجع خمتهفت ‪ +‬يعهىيبث اسئهت انشبيم جلًيع انذوراث‬

‫إعذاد انطبنببٌ إبراهيى حتسني عكه ‪ ,‬عبذاهلب حسٍ انشىاكري‬


4|P ag e

---------( Diploma Bag 2015 )-------

Ibrahem Okkeh - Abdullah Hassan

( Solved )


5|P ag e

1- ……… you like me to drive sara home ?

A- Could B- Should C- Would D- Can

2- We didn’t go out during the day ……… the heat .

A- Because of B- Because C- Despite D- therefore

3- Which bag is …………., the black one or the brown one .

A- pretty B- prettier C- prettiest D- prettie

4- He hasn’t arrived :

A- already B- always C- Just D- yet

5- I don’t have now ,but I’m looking …………. One .

A- at B- after C- before D- For

6- I have been waiting …………… 3 o’clock .

A- For B- Since C- already D- Four

7- How ………. Is this shirt ? It’s 9 JD

A- Many B- Any C- Much D- Mony

8-You ……….. the plane if you arrive late .

A- Miss B- Missed C- Would miss D- Will miss

9-They spent ………… money on clothes .

A- any B- some C- Many D- few

10- Do you have ………… pens in your bag .

A- Some B- Any C- Many D- few


6|P ag e

11- The one how steals is a :

A- Robber B- Theft C- attacker D- Thief

12 The pilot works ……………. The local airlines in our country .

A- In B- On C- At D- For

13- I’d like you to meet ………….. Williams , her husband is the
manager .

A- Mr. B- Mrs. C- Mess D- Miss

14-……….. house is very large .

A- Their B- Thair C- There D- They’re

15- I’m ………….hurry , I will call you later .

A- In B- At C- On D- For

16- What ………….. Linda ……………..? She is a teacher .

A- is\ doing B- Has\ done C- Does doing D- Does\do

17- We end the formal letter with ………….. faithfully .

A- your’s B- yours’ C- yours D- your

18- She has ………… to india, he came back yesterday .

A- Went B- go C- gone D- been

19- I need to have a haircut , is ……… any barber around here .

A- There B- Their C- Theirs D- There’s


7|P ag e

20- Someone …………… My house , so I called the police .

A- robbed B- stole C- robed D- steals

21- Which is ________. Planet in the solar system ?

A- The large B- The largest C- largest D- the larger

22- Would you like these pictures or those ________?

A- one B- ones C- The ones D- picture

23- I need ________ shoes , please ?

A- that B- a C- these D- this

24-the symbols \d\ ,\v\ , \z\ are _________

A- voiced B- voiceless C- Letters D- vowels

25- How much mony did you pay ______ the bicycle ?

A- to B- on C- at D- For

26- Why does not Sam ___________ us usual ?

A- Will phone B- do phones C- phone D- phones

27- My sister works _______ the air force ?

A- in B- on C- at D- for

28- The show finished at 8:00 ________I did not go home till 11:00 .

A- so B- but C- and D- or

29- He is tall and _________ .

A- short B- handsome C- pretty D- beautiful


8|P ag e

30-The opposite of the adjective dull is :

A- lively B- ugly C- poor D- unfriendly

31- At the moment , my sister is stadying , and my brothers _______ .

A- is playing B- played C- are playing D- plays

32- His wife passed away last week , he becomes a _______.

A- widower B- cousin C- single C- widow

33- last week he ___________ his friend in the wedding ceremony .

A- does not meet B- does not met

C- did not meet D- did not met

34- The underlined letters in the verb attacked is pronounced :

A- \id \ B- \it\ C- \d\ D- \t\

35- It was snowing and my brother was driving _______ because of

the bad weather .

A- speedily B- slowly C- quickly D- slow

36- If you come early, she ________ you at the station .

A-meet B- will met C- would met D- will meet

37- He is from Belgium , he is ____________.

A- belgique B- belgika C- Belgian C- belgican

38- As she was going to the cinema , she _________ her neighbor .

A- had seen B- see C- was seeing D- saw

39- she left very _____________ after the death of her husband .

A- depressing B- depress C- depresses D- depressed

9|P ag e

40-Suzan did not see her mother _________ tow days .

A- since B- for c- from D- on

41- Did he ____________ have a pet?

A- used to B- using to C- uses to D- use to

42- If jim lived in a warmer country , he _______ a lot happier .

A- will be B- would be C- would been D- will been

43- We______________ take dinner tomorrow night .

A- Will B- would C- are going to D- would not

44- could you just look ___________ the luggage while I get the tickets ?

A- for B- on C- at D- after

45- could you get me _______ tea , please ?

A- a few B- any C- some D- a

46- you can wear ________ above your waist .

A- shorts B- socks C- shoes D- a vest

47- Silver is not __________ expensive as gold .

A- as B- much C- less D- more

48- Which is _________ island in the world ?

A- the big B- bigger C- the bigger D- the biggest

49- the country adjective of Iraq is ________

A-Iraqi B- Iraqian C- Iraq D- Iraqese


10 | P a g e

50- To keep an eye on something means to __________.

A- see it B- like it C- ignore it D- watch it carefully

51- If the weather __________ fine tomorrow , we’ll have a party

A- was B- will be C- is D- are

52- As we ______ the road , the accident happened .

A- crossed B- were crossing C- had crossed D- are crossing

53- She __________ a computer next month .

A- will have B- Will has C- have got D- has got

54- A) Do you like my blue jeans? B) No , I like the black ______ .

A- ones B- once C- one D- onec

55- A) Oh , I need to make a quick telephone call .

B) Ok ___________ for you here .

A-I’m waiting B- I’ll wait C- I’m wait D- I’d wait

56- It’s one to one means _____________.

A- 1:01 B-1:59 C- 12:59 D- 11:59

57- If I found 100 JD _____________ the police .

A- I’d tell B- I’ll tell C- I told D- I’d have told

58 -The number twelve millions nine hundred and seventy eight

thousand is _____________.

A- 12987000 B- 12978000 C- 120078000 D- 1290087000

59- Glass make ____________ eyes look bigger .

A- their B- there C- there’s D- theirs

11 | P a g e

60- Tasneem wakes up around 6:00 , ______ she doesn’t get up

till 6:30 .

A- and B- but C- for D- so

61- The son of my sister is my ___________.

A- nephew B- neice C- niece D- neghew

62- Hetty Robinson was called the _________ of the Wall street .

A- which B-witch C- wich D- whitch

63-The [-ed] ending in the word walked is pronounced as ______ .

A- \d\ B- \id\ C- \it\ D- \t\

64- A) What do you do ? B) I’m ____________.

A- writing B- a student C- answering D- Fine

65- The word which includes a voiceless sound initially is _______.

A- Jordan B- light C- back D- car

66- _________ she lose her keys ?

A- has B- were C- did D- have

67-He appeared _______ TV last Sunday .

A- on B- in C- at D- out of

68-Young male drivers are ___________ ones .

A- more care B- the more careless

C- carelessness D- the most careless

69- Have you ever ________ a broad ?

A- be B- will be C- been D- gone

12 | P a g e

70- We sleep ___________ night .

A- on B- at C- in the D- in

71- The bread we have isn’t enough it’s very __________.

A- Little B- few C- many D- much

72- How _________ are you ? I’m 44 .

A- old B- high C- tall D- long

73- ____________ do you go shopping ? once a week .

A- how much B- how many C- how long D- how often

74- My father was driving ______ on the road because the bad
weather .

A- slowly B- speedily C- quickly D- Fast

75- A: Is football ____________ game for you ?

B: Yes , I’m really ____ in watching it .

A- an interesting – interesting B- an interested – interested

C- an interesting – interested D- an interested – interesting

76- The question to “ Yes , Ali has got a car “ is __________ a car ?

A- does Ali have B- has Ali got C- has got Ali D- do Ali has

77- my father works. __________the Government.

A-for B- in C- at D –on
78- I normally spend a lot of time outdoor ,but this month
I_____________ a lot of time in the workshop .
A- spend B- spent C- was spending D- am spending


13 | P a g e

79- jehad will meet some people from the usa _______Monday
A- in B- on C- at D- for

80- Hetty Robinson learnt all about money when she_____very

young .
A- is B- was C- are D- were

81- people who are from spain are called______________ .

A- spani B- spanian C- Spanish D- spanese

82- which verb has the past ending(_ed) pronounced /t/

A- walked B- blamed C- avoided D- turned

83- Faisl ________a computer. He has a mobile

A- don't have B- don't hase C- doesn't have D- doesn't

84- if you eat all the ice cream _________sick

A- you'd be B- you're C- you'll be D- you were

85- which country has______ population in the world

A- more large B- larger C- the most large D- the

86- A: do you like these jeans? B: Yes ,how much________.

A- are they B- they are C- it is D- is it

87- as I_______ in the hall ,the telephone rang .

A- am standing B- was standing C- stood D- standing

88- why are we so __________ in other people's life .

A- interest B- interested
C- interesting D- internets


14 | P a g e

89- I have been in the flat since______________.

A- hours B- a long time C- Septemper D- tow month

90- which of the following pairs can be called homophones

A- why - high B- come -some
C- but - put D- would-wood

91- If there _________ news about the new project ?

A- some B- few C- any D-a few

92- Razan went to the market to buy a jar of ____________ yesterday .

A-marmalade B- coke C- bread D- chocolate

93- Which of the following words contains the vowel / u: / ?

A- through B- should C- house D- thought

94- Saleem : tasneem and I______ get married ,

Khaled: oh that's great news
A- are going to B- am going to C- will D- won't

95-The number''twelve thousand five hundred and fifteen''is_______.

A- 12550 B- 125015 C- 125050 D- 12515

96-The type of vowel sound in the world make is called a___________

A- short vowel sound B- diphthong
C- long vowel sound D- voiceless vowel sound

97- The time 9:45 read as _________

A- quarter to nine B- quarter to ten
C- forty five and nine D- forty five to nine

98-They _________the accident while, they______ to the airport .

A- saw_ drove B- saw _were driving
C- were seeing _were driving D- saw _are driving

99-A: How do you_________ envelope B: It's e_n_v_e_l_o_p_e

15 | P a g e

A_ pronounce b_ talk c_ spell d_ say

100- The son of your sister I s your.__________________

A_ cousin b_ aunt c_ niece d_ nephew

101- A: would you like to dance B:___________________

A_ yes I do b_ yes iam c_ yes please d_ yes I dance

102- On of the following sentences is correct

A_ they usually don't have lunch at 12:30
b_ they don't have usually lunch at 12:30
c_ they don't usually have lunch at 12:30
d_ they don't have lunch usually at 12:30

103-They have got

A_ quite a big b_ big quite
c_ a quite big d_ big a quite

104- At the moment our company. ..... a plan for a new bridge
A_ is producing b_ produces
c_ are producing d_ produced

105- If immigration. ....the middle classes will lose their cheap


A_will stop b_ would stop c_stop d_stopped

106- Tina comes from thailand so she can speak. ....can't she
A_thai b_ tgailandese c_ thailandi d_ thailandlan

107- The expression to catch someone's eye means. ......

A_ to be direct with someone
b_ to agree whit someone
c_ to show that you are interested with someone
D_ to attract someone's attention

108- A: When is your wedding anniversary B: it's________ the

fifteenth__________ April
16 | P a g e

A_ at /of b_ of / in c_ in / on d_ on /of

109-Sam _____________ here for nearly a year now

A_ has been b_ is being c_ is d_ was

110- A: Are you mr. smith B: no ,.......

A_ I aren't b_ I don't c_ isn't d_ I'm not

111- The _ed ending in the world dressed is pronounced as a/an

A_ /t/ b_ /id/ c_ /d/ d_ /it/

112-To visit some countries you need a_______________

A_ ticket b_ trolley c_ boarding pass d_ visa

113- Look! he's lost control. He _______________.

A_will crash b_ is crashing c_ is going to crash d_ crashes

114- At the age of 18 hetty argument whit a shop assistant

A_ has b_ did c_ have d_ had

115- We normally. ....our lunch at 12:00 noon

A_ had b_ have c_ have got d_ are having

116-They are so lazy. They ..... get job

A_should b_ shouldn't c_ can d_ could

117- Suhad usually eats toaat for her breakfast. ....Friday

A_ at b_on c_in d_for

118-Razan was a.....painter

A_good b_well c_better d_best

119-I didn't pass the exam first time _________I took it second time
and passed it
A_ because b_ but c_ although d_ so

120- William is _____________ person in the Smith family

17 | P a g e

A_ younger b_ more young

c_ the youngest d_ the most young

121-There won't be enough food if everyone. .......

A_ comes b_ come c_ will come d_ came

122-Was tasnem ..... her dinner when you arrived

A_ eating b_ eaten c_ eat d_ eats

123-We leave our car at a___________ While we are shopping. Ww

often pay money for this
A_ museum b_ park c_ station d_ library

124-Jehad :you look tired , Ali :I.......running

A_ was b_ went c_ have been d_ has gone

125-Can I have. .....more milk please

A_any b_ some c_ little d_ few

126-Sara :it's my mother's birthday next Sunday

Rula buy her a present
A_ will you go B_ were you going
C_ would you go D_ are you going

127- I haven't seen my grandfather. ......five o'clock

A_ since B- for c_ on d_ in a terrible problem in inner cities where young people

damage shops and cars
A_ burglary b_ muggings c_ vandalism d_ murder

129- Which if the following sentence describes daily routine

A_ I work in office in amman B_ I'm studying for the final exam
C_ I have a red car D- i got up at 6 o'clock last day

130- What is the opposite of noisy

A_ boring b_ quite c_ qutgoing d_dull
18 | P a g e

131-What do we call the person who is from turkey

A_ turkian b_ Turkish c_ turki d_ turk

132-What can you wear under the jacket

A_ a shirt b_ socks c_ trousers d_ cap

133-Which of the following world begin whit a voiceless consonant

A_ dinner b_ jam c_ agree d_ share

134-Mary _________ them last week .

A- didn’t meet B- didn’t met C- doesn’t meet D- meet

135-The underlined letters is the verb helped is pronounced _____.

A- \ It \ B- \ t \ C- \ d \ D- \ Id \

136-If rami enjoys the show , he ________ his free tickets for his
friends .

A- would give B- will give C- will gave D- give

137- Mr. smith is from Austria , he is ____________.

A- Austrian B- Australian C- Australia D- Australly

138-As I was going to the shop, I __________ my friends .

A- seen B- have seen C- was seeing D- saw

139- Could you get me ________ suger , please ?

A- any B- some C- few D- a few

140- She is totally _______ whit this film .

A- bores B- boring C- bored D- bore

141-If you ________ a credit card , I wouldn’t use it .

19 | P a g e

A- find B- found C- finds D- had find

142- My birthday is on Monday , we _____ have a party .

A- will B- are going to C- would D- would not

143- My parents are _______ people in the world .

A- the more wonderful B- the wonderful

C- the most wonderful D- most wonderful

144-Would you like the blue T- shirt or the red __________.

A- ones B- one C- the ones D- shirt

145-I need _____ jeans , please .

A- these B- a C- that D- this

146- These symbol \p\ , \s\ , \k\ are :

A- voiceless B- vowels C- letters D- voiced

147-How much money did you pay ______ the car

A- in B- at C –for D- on

148- My father work ______ the government .

A- in B- on C- for D- at

149- The film finished at 5:00 , ______ I didn’t go him till 7:00

A- and B- so C- or D- but

150- His wife is slim and __________ .

A-handsome B- pretty C- fat D- bald

151- The opposite of the adjective attractive is _____ .

20 | P a g e

A- lively B- poor C- unfriendly D- ugly

152- Her husband passed away last week , she becomes a _________.

A- cousin B- widower C- single D- widow

153- It was a __________ journey to the airport because the bad

weather .

A- slowly B- speedily C- slow D- quickly

154- He is bald and _____ .

A- pretty B- beautiful C- blond D- handsome

155-The opposite of the adjective sociable is __________ .

A- ugly B- unfriendly C- lively D- poor

156- His wife died last week he becomes a ___________ .

A- widower B- single C- widow D- cousin

157- They _________ her since long time

A- doesn’t meet B- don’t met C- didn’t meet D- didn’t met

158 The underlined letters in the verb pushed is pronounced

as _____________.

A- \t\ B- \id \ C- \d\ D- \it\

159- She feels ___________ after that walk .

A- tiring B- tire C- tired D tires

160- John didn’t see his friend ______ tow days .

A- since B- for C- on D- from

161- If she comes late , she _____ some time to relax .


21 | P a g e

A- have B- will have C- would have D- will had

162- She is from Thailand , she is __________.

A- Thailand B- Thailande C- Thai D- Thailandian

163- As they were going to school , they ________ an accident .

A- was seeing B- seen C- saw D- had seen

164- Someone broke ______ my car and stole the radio .

A- in B- up C- at D- into

165- We ____ take dinner tomorrow evening .

A- will B- would C- are going to D- wouldn’t

166-The millionaire never spent any money on the poor _____ he

was very rich .

A- because B- as C- however D- although

167- How _____ is this bag ? It’s 10 JD

A- many B- much C- money D- expensive

168- I was _______ tired ___ I couldn’t speak .

A- this \ so B- very \ yet C- so \ because D- so \ that

169- Did he ________ go on holiday ?

A- used to B- use to C- using to D- uses to

170-If I had a sister , I _______ someone to play whit .

A- will have B- would had C- will had D- would have

171- Who is ________ student in our class ?

A- the best B- the good C- best D- the better

22 | P a g e

172- How much money did you pay ________ the house ?

A- in B- on C- of D- at

173-Would you like the big postcard or the small ___________.

A- one B- ones C- the ones D- postcard

174- These symbol \b\ , \r\ , \w\ , are :

A- voiceless B- vowels C- voiced D- letters

175- Why doesn’t she _________ as usual ?

A- phones B- will phone C- do phone D- phone

176- My brother work ___________ an oil company .

A- for B- in C- on D- at

177- At the moment , some students are painting and others


A- is writing B- written C- are writing D- writes

178- I wake up at 7:00 ________I didn’t get up till 7:30 .

A- so B- but C- and D- or

179- Salem is my sister son , It’s my _______.

A- niece B- uncle C- cousin D- nephew

180- How _______ is the picture ?

A- much B- many C- money D- more

181- It was __ hot ____ I couldn’t come early .

A – that \ so B- so \ so C- that \ that D- so \ that

23 | P a g e

182- My daughter _____ at the moment .

A- is crying B- was crying C- cries D- had been crying

183- Amman is the __________ city in Jordan .

A- beautiful B- more beautiful

C- most beautiful D- beautifulest

184- She is my teacher , ____ name is Sara .

A- his B- she C- her D- hers

185-The patient likes _________ apples .

A- eat B- eats C- eating D- eatings

186- Would you ____ opening the window ?

A- min B- minde C- mind D- mine

187- As I was _____ , I ______ my friends

A- drive\ see B- drive\ seen C- drive \ seeing D- driving \ saw

188- The policeman often ___________ the uniform .

A- wear B- wears C- wearing D- wearings

189- How ________ brothers do you have .

A- many B- much C- money D- match

190- If you _______ you _______pass .

A- study \ would B- study \ will

C- studied\ will D- studying\ will


24 | P a g e

191- ________ my little sister like milk ?

A- does B- do C- has D- is

192- I haven’t worked _______ I last met you.

A- since B- over C- for D- at

193- This golden watch is more expensive than I thought. We can

rewrite the previous sentence as ………..
a. This golden watch isn't too expensive.
b. This golden watch is not as expensive as I thought.
c. This golden watch is as cheap as I thought.
d. This golden watch is not as cheap as I thought

194-.Could you hold on ........ afew moments?

A- for B- since C- to D- last

195- Was there ......... on the highway this morning?

a. much traffic b. many traffic

c. many traffics d. much traffics

196- What are you going to buy Hania .......... her birthday.

A- in B- on C- at D- for

197- ________________there any coffee in that cattle?

A-are B- is C- has D- have

198-. Diamonds aren't as ______________as gold.

A- expensive B- most expensive C- more expensive D- expense


25 | P a g e

199- Water _____ at 100 degrees and _____ at 0 degree.

A- is boiling/ freezes B- boils/ is freezing

C- is boiling/ is freezing D- boils/ freezes

200- Christopher and .......... want to travel to the Far East some day.

A- I B- me C- my D- us

201- A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?

B: I (write) …………….a letter to my friends back home in Texas.
A- will write B- writing C- am going to write D- . write
202- We were ............... by his .............. speech.

a. inspired/ inspiring b. inspiring/ inspired

c. inspiring / inspiring d. inspired / inspired

203- It _____right now. The rain ________ a few minutes ago.

a. a. rained / started b. isn’t raining / started

c. rains / is starting d. is raining / started

204- Will the last one to leave please put________the candles?

A- off B- out C- over D- by
205- This word can be used both as a noun _______ as a verb.

A- or B- and C- but D- so

206- ______ blue trousers _____ more expensive than ______ green suit.

a. That/ is/ that b. These/ are/ that

c. These / are/ these d. That / are/ this


26 | P a g e

207- I'm tired because I have been working _______________ .

A- hard B- hardly C- harder D- hardest

208- Select the sentence in which usually appears in an
appropriate position

a. Suzanne doesn't usually get involved in politics.

b. Suzanne usually doesn't get involved in politics.

c. Suzanne doesn't get usually involved in politics.

d. Suzanne doesn't get involved usually in politics.

209- How many times _________ you _________ to Los Angeles?

a. have / gone B- have/ been C- had/ gone D- had / been

210-. I spend all of my money ____________clothes.

A- on B- about C- at D- over

211- I don’t like _____ letters.

a. writing B- to writing C- write D- writes

212- He ____________to class this morning because he was sick.

A- didn't come B- hadn't come C- hasn't come D-doesn't come

213- While the reporter ___ the policeman, the robbers escaped.
A- interviews B-was interviewing
B- have interviewed C- interviewed

214- This man smashes telephone boxes, he is ___________

a. vandal mugger blackmailer shoplifter


27 | P a g e

215- John’s got a nice villa, but I ________________ .

A- don't B- am not C- haven’t D- didn’t

216- Sorry, I’m out, if you leave your number. I’ll _______ to you.
A- give B- get back C-drop D-return

217- Hello John can I______________ you to Carlo?

A- take B- introduce C-speak D-tell

218- He’s got plenty of hair, but his brother’s ______________ .

A- bold B- bald C- boald D- bled
219- Can you bring me some bars of _________________?
a. soap B- soup C- paper D- cheese
220- Which is correct order?

A- a short, black, fat cat B- a black, short, fat cat

C- a short, fat, black cat D- a fat, black, short cat

221- There are no direct Brazil.

a. flying B- fly C- flights D- flown

222-. Waiter : Would you like to have ....... coffee, Sir.

Mr. John: No thanks, I 'd like to have ....... glass of water.
A- some / a B-any / some C- a / a D- any / a

223- . I ______ it at my evening class.

A- mad B- made C- maid D- mid

224- You had a good time at the party, ____________ you?

A- . hadn't you B- weren't you

C- haven't you D- didn't you

225-.Marry is looking after the children. The underlined

expression means:
28 | P a g e

A- She can see the children B- She is taking care of the children
C- She is looking at the children D- The children are in front of her

226-.Would you like ______________ egg?

A- some B- any C- an D- much

227-. The underlined letter in ( giraffe ) is pronounced:

A- / ʧ / B- / ð/ C- / g/ D- / ʤ/

228- The following words have silent letters EXCEPT

A- knee B- knight . C- kite D- know

229- " Which do you prefer, the blue socks or the red ____________"
A- one B- ones C- the ones D- once

230-The son of my brother is my_______________________ .

a. nephew B- cousin C- niece D- aunt

231-All of the following are synonyms EXCEPT:

A- employee B- employer C- worker D-workman

232-. Thieves ____________ a valuable painting from the museum two

days ago.

A- steal B- stole C- stolen D- stealed

233- Jack got _______________ bicycle and cycled away.

A- on B- into C- off D- out of

234-Who prepares food is called the __________.

A- cooker B- cook C- maid D- nanny

235-We need to cut down about 15% of our costs this year The
underlined word could be substituted by______________ .
A- nearly B- increasingly C- daily D- totally


29 | P a g e

236- A basket of apples _____ sent to my husband by his

grandparents last week
a. has been B- have been C- was D- were

237- I _______________ my homework. Don't disturb me.

A- am doing B- do C- was doing D- will do

238- A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get __________ the Grand
theater. B: Go____ this road and take the second turning.
a. to/on B- to\down C- on\down D- past\long

239- You can't go to the cinema because you have an exam. What
would you say in this situation?

a. If I have an exam, I won't go to the cinema.

b. I would go to the cinema if I didn't have an exam.

c. If I don't have an exam, I won't go to the cinema.

d. I will go to the cinema if I haven't an exam

240-The vowels – ou- in the following words are pronounced the

same EXCEPT:

A- sought B- fought C- ought .D- cough

241- I have never been able to stay in one job___ I get bored quickly.
A- . so B- although C- but D- because

242- I met a ____________ lady last week who lives in _____________.

A- Portugalese/ Belgium C- Portugese / Belgian

B- Potugalises/ Belgiuan D- Portuguese/ Belgium


30 | P a g e

243- This golden watch is more expensive than I thought. We can

rewrite the previous sentence as ______________________.
a. This golden watch isn't too expensive.
b. This golden watch is not as expensive as I thought.
c. This golden watch is as cheap as I thought.
d. This golden watch is not as cheap as I thought

244-Could you hold on _______________ afew moments?

A-for B- since C- last D- to


245- I was ______ tired ______ , I couldn’t speak .

A this\ so B- very\ yet C- so\ because D- so\ that

246-The graduation ceremony is ___ Sunday ____ 9:00 ______ the hotel

A- at\on\in B- on\in\at C- on \at\into D- on\at\in

247-______ you like a glass of orange juice ?

A- what B- would C- could D- If

248-___________ often do you go to the park

A- where B- how C- who D- when

249-We _____ to play football .

A- don’t use B- didn’t used C- didn’t use D- didn’t used

250- _________ your father work abroad ?

A- was B- has C- is D- does


31 | P a g e

251- Nadia didn’t ___ any cakes when she was dieting to lose weight

A- eat B- ate C- eaten D- eats

252- The police hit the thief very __ on the heed .

A- hardly B- hard C- harder D- hardest

253- The football players are playing over ________.

A- there B- their C- they’re D- there’s

254- I am Sami , and ___?

A- your B- yours C- you D- yourself

255- Let’s go shopping ______Sunday .

A- in B- at C- for D- on

256- Rania is _______ sara

A- as tall B- as tall as C- tall as D- taller

257- They ____ to the news at 8:00 last night .

A- listen B- listens C- were listening C- was listening

258- Have you eat _____ apples ? No , I haven’t .

A- some B- any C- few D- much

259- How about _______ something now ?

A- eating B- will eat C- to eat D- eat

260- A cap , a hat and scarf are items used :

A- on the head B- below the waist

C- under the waist D- under the head

32 | P a g e

261- She ______ like to eat pizza weekly .

A- didn’t B- don’t C- isn’t D- doesn’t

262- ___________ sugar do you need ?

A-how many B- how much C- how often D- much

263- “Week” is a homophone of ____________.

A- wake B- weak C- woke D- walk

264- How much ___________ bracelets ? they are 5 JD .

A- is this B- were these C- are these D- are that

265- Have you bought a present for alia ?

Yes, I ______ one just last night .

A- have bought B- buy C- was buying D- bought

266- Rami visits his grand pa _____________.

A- once a week B- every week

C- weekly D- all choices are correct

267- Tom usually plays tennis _____ the weekend .

A- at B- on C- in D- of

268- He is __________ tall .

A- quiet B- quite C- quite a D- a quite

269- Sami ________ a heavy bag of books to school .

A- carries B- carrys C- carry D- carry’s


33 | P a g e

270- Lisa can’t ________ a hours, but she can _____ a car .

A- drive \ ride B- play \ ride C- ride\ ride D- ride\ drive

271- We have so ______ money that we don’t know where to keep .

A- many B- much C- any D- a few

272- I like _________ tea in the afternoon .

A- a drinking B- to drinking C- drink D- drinking

273- these are __________ car . they are expensive too .

A- tow faster B- tow fast C- fast tow D- tow fastest

274- Do you like coffee? ___________________ .

A- Yes, please B- Yes, I do C- Yes, I would D- No , thanks

275- The travelers are noisy , What _________ we do .

A- ought B- should B- have D- are

276- The “ed” in the word “ Laughed “ is pronounced as _________.

A- \d\ B- \t\ C- \ Id\ D- \ It\

277- Many student think that exam are ___________.

A- depressing B- depressed C- interested D- scared

278- Why _______ I pay for people who don’t pay taxes ?

A- should B- shouldn’t C- can D- could

279- The number ‘ five thousand tow hundred and sixty eight
is ________________.

A- 5268 B- 5286 C- 50286 D- 502860

34 | P a g e

280- Which of the following sentences describes a morning routine

A- I work in office in Amman B- I like reading novels at night

C- I have a red car D- I get up at 6 o’clock

281- My father usually visits my aunt ________ Monday afternoon .

A- in B- at C- for D- on

282- What is the opposite of exciting ?

A- noisy B- boring C- dull D- outgoing

283- My grandparents _______ married in 1955

A- get B- got C- had got D- have got

284- Razan was ___________ she missed the train .

A- so that late B- that late so

C- so late that D- late that so

285- Hetty Robinson died ____________ she had a stroke.

A- so B- although C- because D- but

286- The airplan want __________ along the runway .

A- faster B- more fast C- fast D- fastly

287- If it ___________ fine tomorrow , we’ll go to the seaside .

A- is B- isn’t C- will be D- will not be

288- What we call the person who from Japan ?

A- Japanian B- Japanese C- Japani D- Japanish


35 | P a g e

289- Which is _________ mountain in the world ?

A- higher B- highest C- the highest D- most hagh

290- Sara _____ to work , when she heard the news on the radio .

A- was driving B- drive C- drives D- drove

291- Where do you go if you want to learn about the past and see
old object.

A- Park B- Museum C- Library D- Station

292- Sara : Where is Sally ? Ali : She _________ home .

A- goes B- has gone B- has been D- went

293- Omar ______ in irbid , but now he lives in Ma’an .

A- is used to live B- used to living

C- was used to live D- used to live

294- I haven’t met her _______ 5 o’clock .

A- since B- for C- in D- on

295- The ____ won’t release their hostages until they receives 1000$

A- burglaries B- witness C- kidnappers D- murderer

296- could you get me _________ sugar , please ?

A- some B- any C- few D- little

297- Did he ________ play tennis ?

A- used to B- using to C- uses to D- use to


36 | P a g e

298- If people did not smoke , they ________ a lot of money .

A- will save B- would saved C- would save D- save

299- We ________ take dinner tomorrow night .

A- will B- are going to C- would D- would not

300- I called him yesterday ________ he was out .

A- for B- but C- so D- or

301- The opposite of adjective dull is :

A- lively B- ugly C- poor D- unfriendly

302- He hasn’t arrived ________

A- already B- just C- yet D- always

303- If jim lived in a warmer country , he ________ a lot happier .

A- will be B- would be C- would been D- will been

304- The one who steals is a ______________.

A- robber B- theft C- thief D- attacker

305- I love to go shopping __________ Christmas time.

A- in B- on C- at D- for

306- .________________ books in your free time?

a. Are you reading b. You are reading c. Do you read d. You read

307- When adding (third personal singular s ) to the verbs ending

in 'y' preceded by a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) we :
a. add – ies b. add – es
c. add –s d. non of the above


37 | P a g e

308- Jack, Kate and I ____________in this competition.

A- am taking part B- Is taking part
C- are taking part D- take part

309- Profits have increased over the past months _________ we are
not in a strong financial position
a. and b. so
d. but c. or

310- We talked _____an hour about what do we like doing ____

weekends and what are we going to buy Mona ______her birthday.
A- for/ at/ on B - about/ at/ on -a
C- at/ in/ at D- in/ during/ in

311-I _______________ him only once since I met him last year.
A- did see B- have seen
C- saw D- am seeing

312- The final s in the word { shares} is pronounced:

A- / s/ B- / Is/ C- \Iz\ D- \z\

313- You're a teacher! How long _______________a teacher?

A- are you B- have you been C- do you be D- were you

314- There was a big storm yesterday. I was playing golf when
A- hits B- hit C- hitted D- was hitting

315- Days in winter are shorter than _______________in Summer.

a. these b. those
c. this d. that

316-The chicken tastes delicious. Please give me ________________?

A- little more B- few more C- any more D- some more


38 | P a g e

317- His wife works ______ Microsoft, while he works _______a Library
A- in/in b. for/ in C- for\for D- in\for

318- ________ the morning of July 25, he visited his friends in the
A- in B- on C- at D- of

319- I need to put ___________ some money for hard times.

A- up B- down C- away D- off

320- John hasn't eaten. - Don't worry I__________ him a sandwich

A- make B- am making C- Will make D- am going to make

321- My wife stayed ________ the bus while I got ______ at the rest stop
A- in/ out B- on/ out of C- into\off D- in\on

322- I felt so embarrassed - I just couldn't _________________.

A- See eye to eye with him B-Give him the eye
C- give him the blind eye D- look him in the eye

323- This semester I________work much harder.

A- am going to B- will C- am D- was

324- He would not win because he ______ many mistakes

A- spent B- did C- made D- do

325- I felt ___________ with my grade in the grammar test.

A- disappointed. B-disappointing
C- disappoint D- disappoints

326- Could you please buy me a ____________ of vinegar .

A- tube B- bottle C- jar D- packet

327- I haven’t worked _________________ I last met you .

A- in B- since C- for D- by


39 | P a g e

328- He ____________________ his car quickly so he hit a man.

a. drived b. driven
c.droved d. drove

329- He never gives money to his family. He's a__________ person.

A- millionaire B- mean C- well- off D- generous

330- Could you buy me ....... tooth brush?

a. any b. some C- many D- a

331-Which of the following sentence is possible to happen.

a. If I see him, I'll give him your message
b. If he studied , he would have better grades
c. If they will have extra money, they will put it in the bank.
d. If I come late, my parents get angry.

332- Which of the following verbs the – ed is pronounced / Id/

A- watched B- played C- acted D- shacked

333- We don't visit you very often because you live so far.
a. If you live so far, we'll visit you.
b. If you don't live so far we will visit you.
c. We would visit you if you didn't live so far
d. We would visit you if you lived so far

334- He came to the party _______________he wasn't invited

A- because B- but C- although D- or

335- I will be late today, ________ my car has broken down.

A- although B- if C- because D- so

336- I'm reading an exciting book about Islamic culture.

This sentence describes
A- habitual action B- action that is happening now
C- future arrangement D- changing situation


40 | P a g e

337-I didn't spend as much money as you. I ________________ .

a. spent less money than you
b. spent as much money as you
c. spent money too
d. spent more money than you

338-The numbers shows that he ____.the next President of the

United States.
A- is B- will be C-is going to be D- be

339- She gets ___________when I turn the lights off.

A- confuse B- confused C- confusing D- confuses

340- Jane is trying to___________ on smoking.

A- cut down B- stop down
C- put down D-keep down

341- She_____________the piano everyday, but she gave up now.

A- is using to play B- played
C- uses to play D- used to play

342- Many _________ were cancelled after the explosions.

A- tours B- tourists C- tourism D- tourist

343- All of the following pairs are opposites EXCEPT:

a. worker / employee b. exciting / boring
c. more/ less d. spend/ earn

344- Africa is______ second ________continent in the world.

a. a / large b. the / large
the/ largest d. c. the/ larger

345- The teacher gave __________some homework

A- my B- me C- I D mine


41 | P a g e

346- My grandmother prefers __________ science fiction books.

A- read B- reads C- reading D- is reading

347- How ___________petrol do we need?

b. much a. many d. few c. some

348- One of the following words contains silent letter(s).

A- hotel B- kept C- bald D- island

349- Please , I need ___________ about this center .

A- many information B- some information
C- few information D- an information

350- Tom is_________ boy , he climbed the ladder ________

A- careful/ careful B- carefully/ carefully
C- carefully. careful D- careful\ carefully

351- I enjoyed the book _____________ it had a bad ending.

A- so B- because C- that D- although

352- She has a lot of homework__________ she is staying at home.

A- because B- so C- although D- that

353- Alex did not ___________ last weekend.

A- work B- worked C- works D- worken

354- Katrina's ___________ teacher our class has ever had.

A- the better B-. the good C- the best D- the goodest

355-the test today’s. was not as difficult as Yesterday’s test.

This sentence also means_________
a. Yesterday’s test was more difficult than today’s
b. Yesterday’s test was easier than today’s
c. Today’s test is easier than yesterday’s
d. Today’s test is more difficult than yesterday’s


42 | P a g e

356- Do you think you could open this envelop for me? This
sentence has the function of:
a. request b. suggestions
c. offer d. invitation

357- Like most people from_________ ,she loves football.

A- Brazilian B- Brazil C- Brazilish D- Brazilese

358- I get __________between "make" and "do" in English

b. confuses a. confused
c. confusing d. confuse

359- The sentence “ It’s too low” has the same meaning of :
A- it isn’t low enough B- it is too high
C- it is high enough D- it isn’t high enough

360- A: What time should we go to the airport? B: The plane _______

in half an hour. I think we should leave now
A-. lands B- is landing
C- will land D- is going to land

361- Carrots are good for you, cakes are bad for you
a. Carrots are worse for you than cakes.
b. Cakes are better for you than carrots
c. Carrots are better for you than cakes
d .Carrots are far more good than the cake

362-. France is as__________ as Spain

A- beautiful B- beautiful than
C- more beautiful D- most beautiful

363-. _____________ nice trousers.

A- That are B- These are C- It is D- this is


43 | P a g e

364-. Have you ever……….. to England?

A- been B- gone C- traveled D- go

365- I have painted a picture, and my father painted the house. The
underlined words in the sentence are:
a. homophones b. synonyms
c. superlatives d. homonyms

366- You want to go skiing with your friends this weekend, but you
have an exam next week. What would you say in this situation?
A- If I don't have an exam, I will go skiing next week.
B- If I didn't have an exam, I would go skiing next week.
C- If I have an exam, I will go skiing next week.
D- If I had an exam, I will go skiing next week.

367- A: Where’s your father

B: He’s ___________ to the airport
A- went B- been C- gone D- goes

368- Jack got ________ bicycle and cycled away.

A- into B- on C- off D- out of

369-The vowels – ou- in the following words are pronounced the

same except :
A- sought B- fought C- cough D- ought

370- If we............ the time, we 'd help you.

A- would have B- had C- have D- will have

371- One of the following words is MISSED -SPELT
A- flying B- swimming C- stealing D-painting

372- He didn’t talk to me when he saw me in the market, he_____ .

A-. turned the black eye to me B- gave me the eye.
C- saw eye to eye with me D- caught my eye.
44 | P a g e

373- Many of the ________die in their way to_____ boarders.

A- Mexican/ America B- Mexico / America
C- Mexico/ American D- Mexican/ American

374- Don't give the boy ________extra money", the old man said.
A- some B- few C- any D- little

375- I ______________ these tenses for three weeks now. Do you think I
have made any progress.
A- practiced B- am practicing
C- was practicing D- have practiced

376-They walked_____________ to the beach.

A- quicker B- quickly C- quick D- quickest

378- All of the following words have silent letters EXCEPT________.

A- knight B- talk C- hour D- no

379- A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get ____ the Grand
theater. B: Go____ this road and take the second turning
A- to\ on B- to\ down C- on\down D- past\ long

380- One of the following words contains a short vowel sound:

A- head B- heat C- speak D-steam

381- He is one of _______________ smartest people I know .

A- a B- an C- the D- than

382- House wives ____more hours at home than at in the workplace.

a. put on B- put off C- put in D- put over

383- All of the following words are synonyms EXCEPT:

A. payments B- wages C- costs D- earnings


45 | P a g e

384- Her parents work _______a big store

A- in B- on C- for D- at

385- I have three children but my sister ____________children

A- haven’t B- do C- have D- don’t have

386- _____________news is very important .

A- these B- those C-this D- it’s

387- ____________ she had a lot of problems, she could manage.

a. Because B- since C- although D- because of

388- Joseph Conrad is ____ novelist, who lived most of his life in_____

A- Poland/ England B- Polish/ English

C- Polish/ England D- Poland/ English

389- A: I don't know how to use the camera.

B: It's quite easy. I _____ you.
a. am going to show b. will be showing
c. will show d. have to show

390- ______ you _____ anything this evening?

a. Do/ do b. Will/ do
c. Are / doing d. Have / done

391-She has got :

A- brown , bog eyes B- eyes big brown

C- big brown eyes D- big eyes brown

392- _______ you from ?

A- were B- where C- were where D- where are


46 | P a g e

393- All the following are synonyms except ________.

A- jop B- duty C- employee D- chore

394- I told her she couldn’t come down until all her clothes were
put _________.

A- off B- in C- away D- out

395- Some of the most _________ jobs can now done by machines .

A- time-consuming B- time-consumer

C- time- consumed D- time –consume

396- Our new business is going very ______ at the moment .

A- good B- well C- best D- better

397- A: I don’t know how to use the camera.

B-: It’s quite easy, I ____________ you

A- am going to show B- will be showing

C- have to show D- will show

398- The parents are_____________ her baby .

A- looking at B- looking for C- looking after D- looking to

399- A: would you and judy like to come to the movie ?

B-: Yes, _____ would .

A- I B- you C- they D- we


47 | P a g e

400- Nadia is one of my best friend , we ______ each other since we

____ at primary school .

A- knew \ have been B- have known \ were

C- knew\ were D- know\ are

401- I’d rather _____ a doctor than engineer .

A- be B- to be C- to being D- being

402- I’ll meet you at 4:45 next Friday , the digital form for the
previous time is :

A- quarter to five B- four to forty-five

C- four forty-five D- four forty-five

403- Are you thinking about going to Europe for your vacation ?

“ No, but if I ____________ money , I would definitely go “

A- have B- had C- have had D- would have

404- They walked ___________ to the beach .

A- quicker B- quickly C- quickest D- quick

405- The following word have the vowel \u:\ except :

A- root B- fruit C- put D- crew

406- The main stress in ( immigration ) is on the ________ syllable .

A- first B- second C- third D- fourth

407- “ Thought “ has the same vowel sound as in _______.

A- through B- fought C- enough D- would


48 | P a g e

408- If they went to Jordan , they ________ Petra .

A- will visit B- visited C- visit D- would visit

409- A _________ is the person who commits the crime murder .

A- thief B- murder C- vandal D- attaker

410 -The only word which has a silent letter is ___________.

A- hotel B- bald C- accept D- white

411- “He is too lazy “ has the same meaning as _______.

A- he isn’t clever enough B- he isn’t lazy enough

C- he is clever too D- he is lazy too

412- Which is the _________ river in the word .

A- longer B- the longer C- longest D- the longest

413-As they were running , a car _____ the boy .

A- crashes B- was crashing D- is crashing D- crashed

414- Have you bought a present for sara ?

Yes, I __________ one just last week .

A- have bought B- buy C- bought D- was buying

415- He’d like to cut the cake now , _________ .

A- hadn’t he B- would he C- had he D- wouldn’t he

416- Can you __________English .

A- speaking B- speaks C- speak D- sbeak


49 | P a g e

417- What time is it ? 6:15 .

A- six past fifteen B- six fifteen

C- six past quarter D- fifteen and six

418- I don’t have _______________ comments.

A- some B- many C- much D- any

419- The sun ______ from the east , every day .

A- arose B- rices C- rizez D- rises

420- I have little money , but Rami has _______ than I .

A- lesser B- litter C- less D- little

421- How much are these jeans ? ________ 9.99 $ .

A- these are B- they are C- they D- there are

422- We lived in Jordan ______ thirty years .

A- for B- since C- from D- long

423-They like running ______ the morning .

A- on B- in C- at D- long

424- She like to eat pizza weakly .

A- don’t B- didn’t C- isn’t D- doesn’t

425 -___________sugar do you need ?

A- how many B- how much C- how often D- much

426- The student studied ___________ for the exam .

A- hardly B- lately C- good D- hard


50 | P a g e

427- The Nile is ________ river in the world .

A- long B- longer C- the longer D- the longest

428- The time 8:45 is read as ___________.

A- quarter to eight B- half past eight

C- quarter past nine D- quarter to nine

429- __________ you ________ to disnyland yet ?

A- have\been B- has\been C- had\went D- have\go

430- How ______ cups of tea do you drink today .

A- many B- much C- few D- some

431- If I __________ wings , I _________ fly .

A- have \ will B- had \ would

C- has\ can D- had \ will

432 -They like running ________ the morning .

A- on B- in C- at B- over

434- The underlined letters in the verb “Liked “ is pronounced as .

A- \t\ B- \d\ C- \Id\ D- \It\

435- The gold rings is ________ than the silver one .

A-cheap B- cheaper B- cheapest D- the cheapest

436- Sami usually works in the road department , but this week he
_____ in the bridges department .

A- works B- work C- is working D- worked


51 | P a g e

437- Tony is six feet _______ , good – looking and friendly .

A- long B- tall B- high D- large

438-The travelers are noisy, What ______ we do about them .

A- should B- could C- would D- have

439- Water ___________ at 100 centigrade.

A- boil B- boiling C- boils D- boiled

440- The plurar from child is _____________.

A- childs B- child C- children D- childrens

441- The earth ________ around the sun .

A- rotates B- rotated C- rotate D- rotating

442- While I _________ in the park , I met my friend .

A- was walked B- walked C- was walking D- am walking

443- My manager _________ to Japan yesterday .

A- fly B- flies C- flowen D- flew

445- Mount Everest _______ for the first time in 1953 .

A- have been climbed B- has been climbed

C- was climbed D- is climbed

446- "I hate telling lies"". To show you agree you say _________."
A- so do I B- so I do C- either do I D- me either

447- We own ___________ big swimming pool.

A- a B- an C- the D- on


52 | P a g e

448- If I _________ a computer, I would use Facebook more often.

A- have B- had D- would have D- am

449-This tube is ______________with ink.

A- filled B- feed C- given D- written

450-He has been an actor for _________

A- 1987 B- three years C- November D- last year

451-Their sketch looks just like _________ .

A- ours B- our C- we D- us

452- The meeting is _________ Tuesday evening

A- in B- on C- at D- into

453- It _________ all day. I wonder when it will stop.

A-had been snowing B- has snowed
C-had snowed D-has been snowing

454-I _________ my family for three years.

A- hadn't seen B- didn't see C- haven't seen D- don’t see

455- This mother is so careless. Her kids _________ under the hot son
all day.
A- had played B- have played C- have been playing D- are playing

456-Sameera_________ the piano very well.

A- can play B- can playing C- can played D- can plays

457-I promise I _________ harder.

A- am working B- am going to work
C- will work D- work

458- My sisters _________ a health club.

A- joined B- are C- took D- became


53 | P a g e

459- While I __________, I found my neighbour’s cat.

A- was walking B- was walked
C- were walking D- am walking

460- Look! The Millers __________ to a new house.

A- are moving B- is moving C- move D- moved

461-We use alot of ________ when we run.

A- kindness B- quietness C- energy D- medicine

462- When a plant gets too big for its pot, you can _________ it in a
larger one.
A- replant B- implant C- plantful D- misplant

463-Your mother will be very ________ if you make your bed in the
A- please B- pleases C- pleased D- pleasure

464-We eat in a _________.

A- store B- library C- restaurant D- post office

465-How much is ________ jacket over there?

A- this B- that C- these D- those

466-The ________ is a religious place.

A- park B- railway station C- mosque D- school

467- When ___________ last week?

A- did they meet B- did meet they
C- did they met D-they met

468- One of the following isn't a suggestion

A- Let's play cards B- What about eating out?
C- What's a nice weather! D- Do you feel like having some tea?


54 | P a g e

469- Students receive ________ training polytechnics.

A- practice B- practiced C- practical D- practically

470- "The statement ""Will you give me a ride home? ", expresses ?
A- opinion B- offer C- probability D- request

471- The meeting was postponed ____________ of the bad weather.

A- because B- so C- although D- but

472-Did Samia buy the yellow sandals or the white _________?

A- sandals B- it C- ones D- one

473- You agree with a person's preferences by saying _________.

A- Would you? I wouldn't.
B- Well, personally, I like them both equally
C- I prefer reading, too.
D- Well, personally, I don't like that, either

474-When he heard the phone he _________ of the bath.

get out B- will get out C- got out D- was getting out

475- A great battle ____________ here 50 years ago.

A- was fought B-was fight C-was fighting D- fought

476- Jacob went to the party _________ he was invited.

A- although B- because C- so D- or

477-The Dead Sea is a tourist ------------.

A- attraction B- attract C- attracted D- attractive

478- I gave a lift to the girl ________ car had broken down.
A- who b- who’s C- whose D- which

479-The meeting is _________ Tuesday evening

A- on B- at C- in D- into


55 | P a g e

480- The boy_________ is in my class was in the bank.

A- who B- which C- whom D- that

481- Calcium _________ our bones.

A- strengthens B- strengthen
C- is strengthening D- is strengthen

482- Ibrahim _________ anything about the party.

A-doesn't know B- don’t know
C- don't knows D- doesn’t kowns

483-She always _________ the baby's bottle with a special detergent.

A- washes B- washis C- washs D- washiz

484-It seems that Dania _________her email since last month.

A- hasn't checked B- didn’t check
C- wasn't checking D- hadn't ckecked

485-Fossil _________, such as coal or oil, are formed from the

A-remains of plants. B- spray C- gases D- rain

486-The wind blew so _________ that it damaged many houses.

A-Strong B-strongly C-strength D-strengthen

487- When you show someone respect, you are _________ .

A- respectful B- disrespect C- misrespect D- unrespect

489-Have you ________driven a lorry?

A- never B- ever C- yet D- over

490- I ate _________ banana for breakfast.

A- a B- an C- any D- some

491- I haven't received ___________ information about my

A- any B- some C- many D- an
56 | P a g e

492- A:I have a headache, I need aspirin ? Ok, I _______ get you one.
A- am going to B- going to C- will be D- will

493- If I ______a millionaire , I would buy an airplane .

A- am B- were C- is D- are

494- Mount Everest ______ to be the most climbed mountain .

A- believed B- believes C- is believed D- were believed

495- “ Peacefully “ is ______________.

A- an adjective B- an adverb C- conjunction D- a


496- The ____ tense is used to express an action at an definite past

time up to the present .

A- present simple B- past simple

C- present continous D- present perfect

497- The most polite question among these is _____________.

A- could you just sign this document , please ?

B- will you pleas sign this document , please ?

C- may you quickly sign this document , please ?

D- can you sign this document , please ?

498- The vowel “a” in the word “ Radio “ is pronounced as the

vowel sound in the word _____________.

A- waigh B- signal C- ago D- walk


57 | P a g e

*499- The expression “ To turn a blind eye to something “ means ?

A- to attract someone’s attention . B- to be the favourite

C- to watch it carefully D- to ignore something

500- All the following words have a silent letter except ________ .

A- clam B- bald C- receipt D- lamb

‫إعداد الطالبان‬

‫إبراهين حتسني عكه‬

‫عبد اهلل حسن الشواكري‬


58 | P a g e

5-D 4-D 3-B 2-B 1-C

10-B 9-C 8-D 7-C 6-A
15-C 14-A 13-B 12-A 11-D
20-A 19-A 18-D 17-C 16-D
25-D 24-A 23-D 22-B 21-B
30-A 29-B 28-B 27-A 26-C
35-B 34-D 33-C 32-A 31-C
40-A 39-D 38-D 37-C 36-D
45-C 44-C 43-C 42-B 41-D
50-D 49-A 48-D 47-A 46-D
55-A 54-C 53-B 52-B 51-C
60-B 59-A 58-B 57-A 56-C
65-C 64-D 63-D 62-A 61-A
70-B 69-C 68-D 67-A 66-C
75-C 74-A 73-B 72-A 71-B
80-B 79-B 78-D 77-B 76-A
85-D 84-C 83-C 82-A 81-C
90-D 89-C 88-B 87-B 86-B
95-D 94-A 93-C 92-A 91-C
100-D 99-C 98-B 97-B 96-A
105-C 104-A 103-C 102-D 101-A
110-D 109-A 108-D 107-D 106-A
115-B 114-A 113-B 112-D 111-A
120-C 119-D 118-A 117-B 116-A
125-A 124-C 123-B 122-A 121-A
130-B 129-A 128-C 127-B 126-D
135-B 134-C 133-D 132-A 131-B
140-C 139-B 138-D 137-B 136-B
145-D 144-B 143-C 142-B 141-B
150-B 149-D 148-A 147-C 146-A
155-B 154-D 153-C 152-D 151-D
59 | P a g e

160-B 159-C 158-A 157-C 156-A

165-C 164-B 163-C 162-C 161-B
170-D 169-B 168-D 167-B 166-D
175-D 174-C 173-A 172-B 171-A
180-A 179-D 178-B 177-C 176-A
185-C 184-C 183-C 182-A 181-D
190-B 189-A 188-B 187-D 186-D
195-C 194-A 193-D 192-A 191-A
200-A 199-D 198-A 197-B 196-B
205-A 204-A 203-D 202-A 201-C
210-A 209-B 208-B 207-A 206-B
215-B 214-A 213-B 212-D 211-C
220-B 219-A 218-B 217-C 216-B
225-B 224-A 223-B 222-A 221-C
230-A 229-A 228-C 227-D 226-A
235-D 234-A 233-A 232-B 231-
240-A 239-D 238-B 237-D 236-A
245-D 244-A 243-D 242-D 241-D
250-D 249-C 248-B 247-B 246-D
255-D 254-C 253-A 252-B 251-A
260-A 259-A 258-B 257-C 256-B
265-C 264-C 263-B 262-B 261-D
270-D 269-A 268-D 267-A 266-D
275-B 274-B 273-B 272-D 271-B
280-D 279-B 278-A 277-A 276-B
285-C 284-C 283-A 282-B 281-D
290-A 289-C 288-B 287-A 286-A
295-C 294-A 293-D 292-B 291-B
300-B 299-B 298-C 297-D 296-A
305-C 304-A 303-B 302-C 301-A
310-A 309-B 308-C 307-C 306-C
60 | P a g e

315-A 314-A 313-D 312-C 311-B

320-C 319-C 318-A 317-B 316-B
325-A 324-C 323-A 322-D 321-B
330-D 329-C 328-D 327-B 326-B
335-C 334-C 333-C 332-B 331-A
340-A 339-B 338-C 337-A 336-B
345-B 344-D 343-A 342-B 341-D
350-D 349-D 348-D 347-A 346-B
355-A 354-C 353-A 352-B 351-D
360-A 359-D 358-A 357-B 356-A
365-D 364-A 363-B 362-A 361-C
370-B 369-C 368-B 367-C 366-B
375-D 374-C 373-D 372-A 371-C
380-A 379-B 378-D 377- 376-B
385-D 384-A 383- 382-A 381-C
390-C 389-C 388-C 387-A 386-A
395-A 394-A 393- 392-D 391-C
400-D 399-D 398-A 397-D 396-B
405-C 404-B 403-B 402-A 401-B
410-D 409-B 408-D 407-B 406-A
415-D 414-A 413-D 412-D 411-D
420-C 419-D 418-D 417-C 416-C
425-B 424-D 423-B 422-A 421-B
430-A 429-A 428-D 427-D 426-D
435-B 434-B 433-A 432-B 431-B
440-C 439-C 438-B 437-B 436-C
445-B 444- 443-D 442-C 441-A
450-B 449-A 448-B 447-A 446-D
455-C 454-C 453-D 452-B 451-A
460-A 459-A 458-A 457-B 456-B
465-B 464-C 463-C 462-C 461-A
61 | P a g e

470-D 469-C 468-C 467-A 466-C

475-D 474-D 473-D 472-C 471-A
480-A 479-A 478-B 477-D 476-B
485-A 484-A 483-A 482-A 481-C
490-B 489-B 488- 487-A 486-A
495-B 494-B 493-B 492-D 491-A
500-B 499-D 498-B 497-D 496-D

‫هذا اىعَو ٍِ إعذاد طالة وىٍس دمبرزح ىذىل احزفظ ثإّزقبدك ىنفسل‬


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