Flavour Creativity

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Flavour creativity…naturally

he ever-increasing demand for tillates taken from that named food. As a leading independent flavour
products in the food and beverage Banana FTNF for example, may con- ingredients specialist, Treatt plc has
sector today has added pressure sist of banana concentrate and/or been at the forefront of research and
on flavourists. The challenge is complex: banana distillate. It may not contain development in the natural flavour
how do you improve existing formula- material from any other source, natur- ingredient arena. Having recently devel-
tions, develop exciting line extensions al or otherwise. oped a range of specialty, FTNF, soluble
and create distinctive new products With Other Natural Flavourings distillates from various fruits, vegetables
which will appeal to consumers? (WONF). These are FTNF flavours and crop sources (ranging from passion
Health awareness is one of the prime blended with other natural flavours. For fruit and cucumber to malt and honey ),
drivers of both the functional and stan- example, banana WONF could consist Treatt is well placed to comment on the
dard food markets. The importance of of banana distillate fortified with other use and marketing of these products.
flavours which meet the expectations of natural flavouring ingredients.
more demanding and health conscious Natural Flavour. These may contain Fresh flavours
consumers is therefore key. Innovation flavour ingredients from any source so Natural FTNF flavours are ingredients
and distinctiveness need to be com- long as it is classified natural. They do extracted by a physical process – free
bined with consumer appeal and not have to be from the named source. from chemical reactions – from a
labelling considerations. named botanical origin. Containing no
In the USA, the presence of non-FTNF preservatives or antioxidants – they
Definitions natural flavouring and/or artificial offer manufacturers the marketing
There are three main definitions of nat- flavouring in a finished product must benefits of a clean label declaration
ural flavours that are increasingly used be stated on the label with the name of such as “extract” or “concentrate”.
by manufacturers in both Europe and the food, as well as in the ingredients However, a clean label declaration is
the USA: list - not particularly desirable for food not in itself sufficient. Flavour compa-
From The Named Food (FTNF) manufacturers looking to appeal to an nies and their customers – food and
flavours consist only of extracts or dis- increasingly health conscious public. beverage manufacturers – demand
Table 1: Natural distillates deliver powerful benefits

Distillate Dosage level (%) Character Naturally occuring chemicals

Banana 0.05 Intense banana – fruity and estery isoamyl acetate, butyl acetate, pentan-
Treattarome 9730 as sole flavouring 2-yl acetate, pentan-2-yl butyrate are
key components
0.01 or less Fresh banana notes Spicy/smokey nuances from phenolics
such as eugenol and elimicin

Guava 0.06 Intense guava – fruity and spicy as hexanol, ethyl butyrate, ethyl hexa-
Treattarome 9740 sole flavouring noate, cis 3-hexenyl acetate, ethyl
phenylacetate, phenylethyl acetate
0.02 or less Tropical guava notes and 3-phenylpropyl acetate.
Ionone also key component
Spicy nuances from cinnamyl acetate

Cantaloupe 0.05 Intense melon – sulphurous, n-aldehydes, nonenols, nonadienols,

Melon tropical, fruity and estery many esters including sulphur contain-
Treattarome 9726 ing esters
0.02 or less Fresh melon notes

Kiwifruit 0.06 Intense kiwi character – fresh, methyl butyrate, ethyl butyrate, hexa-
Treattarome 9770 green and fruity as sole flavouring nal, trans 2-hexenal, hexanol, ethyl
hexanoate, methyl benzoate, ethyl
Tropical green/strawberry notes – benzoate
0.02 or less gooseberry, green tea and grape
skin undertones

Passion fruit 0.05 Intense passion fruit – fruity and ethyl butyrate, ethyl hexanoate, hexyl
Treattarome 9750 estery as sole flavouring acetate, hexyl hexanoate and linalool
Tropical/sulphurous nuances from vari-
0.01 or less Tropical passion fruit notes ous sulphur esters and 2-methyl-4-

Watermelon 0.06 Intense watermelon – over dosing n-aldehydes, nonenols, nonadienols etc
Treattarome 9724 leads to rind notes

0.02 or less Fresh melon notes



Figure 1: Natural distillates comparison resource – especially when developing

Product 1: By-product of banana
purée manufacture
hard-to-match flavour profiles.
Figure 1
Product 1: By-product of banana purée manufacture
Critically, FTNF distillates add excep-
tional top note character at low dosage
levels to existing formulations, where
flavourists are looking to either extend
or deepen the character of their flavours.
They can be used as the sole flavouring
to impart an intense, tropical fruity
character and can also provide effective
notes when combined with each other.
The table shows some examples.

Going bananas
Product 2: Concentrated banana aroma – Consumers feel that they know how a
produced by conventional
Product 2: Concentrated means
banana aroma – produced by conventi banana should taste. Indeed, as con- The Treattarome range of natural distillates
sumers travel more – and taste fresh impart the natural ‘zing’ that is needed to ‘finish’
bananas in their country of origin – and a flavour, modifying top notes and giving a high
as the transport and delivery of fresh impact at low dosage levels
fruit improves, more and more con-
sumers are becoming aware of how rich, finished product, a powerful banana
fruity and fleshy a ‘real’ banana can be. flavour is retained when other aromas
Further trials by Treatt demonstrat- have faded away.
ed the beneficial effect that can be
obtained by using natural, from the Technology delivers the
named food (FTNF) distillates in natural taste
developing a true banana flavour. In Tasty products with a distinct yet authen-
order to provide flavourists with a tic taste can now be produced through
guide to the use of its natural banana entirely natural processes. Flavorists can
Product 3:3: Banana
Banana Treattarome™
Treattarome ™
9730 9730
distillate (Banana Treattarome 9730), take advantage of the latest advance-
it was assessed against two other ments in natural flavour ingredients to
FTNF banana products. facilitate the creation of truly imaginative
flavours, while maintaining the increas-
The three products tested were: ingly important consumer appeal that
● Product 1:By-product of banana comes from ‘natural’ labeling.
purée manufacture
● Product 2:Concentrated banana Dr John Boddington is Natural
aroma – produced by con- Research & Development Manage
ventional means. at Treatt plc
● Product 3:Banana Treattarome 9730 Treatt manufactures and supplies a
vast inventory of innovative products
ingredients which reflect the character Looking at all three products (see including essential oils, their natural
of the original, fresh food and ingredi- Figure 1), the results vary considerably. fractions and aromatic chemicals for
ents, which are also the result of a Product 1 is weak and variable while the flavour and fragrance industries,
highly concentrated flavour entrap- Product 2 has a generally fruity charac- exporting to 80 countries with global
ment process. Treatt has addressed this ter but is unbalanced, making it unlike sales reaching £25m. Consistent prod-
problem by applying an array of spe- true banana. It lacks the back end uct quality is ensured through the
cialist technologies, including short notes, as well as the front end volatiles. company’s comprehensive technical
duration/low temperature distillation, Banana Treattarome 9730, however, expertise, coupled with its experience
to develop the Treattarome™ range of is typical of the complete profile of in raw material selection and world-
natural distillates. banana. The components are in balance, wide sourcing. The company has
and so the flavour is much more authen- manufacturing sites in the UK, USA, a
Tropical top notes tic. Enhanced levels of pentan-2-yl and sales office in Singapore and a net-
Kiwifruit, passion fruit, guava, banana, isoamyl esters ensure a good character work of agents throughout the world.
watermelon and cantaloupe melon are impact. Phenolics such as eugenol and
all increasingly popular fruit flavours as elimicin create spicy, smokey and fleshy For further information, please contact Giles Bovill,
consumers widen their search for inno- nuances that are typically missing from
Treatt plc, Northern Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk,
vative and different taste experiences. traditional banana aromas. Higher lev-
Delicate, yet unique, flavours such as els of these less volatile components IP32 6NL, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1284 702500. Fax: +44 (0)
these are difficult to equal. Natural dis- ensure that this product is far more tena- 1284 703809. Email: giles.bovill@rctreatt.com.
tillates offer the flavourist an important cious in use. Even during storage of the Internet: www.treatt.com


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