Kong Ik Hyon - Learn Korean On Your Own

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LEARN KOREAN — ON YOUR OWN ry fz 08 0 PREFACE “LEARN KOREAN ON YOUR OWN” has been written for Koreans living in foreign countries and also for foreigners wishing to learn Korean. In this book all Korean words, phrases and sentences are transcribed in English letters, both literal and free translations are given and grammatical explantations are presented in a schematic way. Therefore, all readers can read and understand Korean words, phrases and sentences in this book without any help from other people and learn Korean in an easy way. “LEARN KOREAN ON YOUR OWN” has been written in 48 lessons and 4 parts. Because this is the first time such a bock has been produced, several mistakes may be found in it. T hope that suggestions for revising this book will be sent to the following address: Hungman Printing Trading Company, Vipa-Street, Moranbong-District, Pyongyang, D.P.R. of Korea March, 1995 The Author Guide for the user 1, All Korean vords, phrases and sentences are transcribed in English letters. tor example: © ed ehauat? {annyo" nghasinnikka) Hie! lot Good morning Good evening. O aedel. (komapssu' ni da) ‘Thank you. 2 In transcript the separation is denoted by a dash (-) for example: Ae AGLS ae. (Jo'nu'n pyo"ng-yang-u' ro kamni da) i Pyongyang to g0 I go to Pyongyang. 3. Both literal and free translations are given for all Korean sentences for example: ae URuet (jo'nu'n yo! ng-guk-saramimnida) i an Englishman an. (literal translation) 1 am an Englishman, (free translation) 4. Grammatical explanations are given as follows 2) for example: bea] ALA S* (annyo'ng-i kasipssio) well zo! Good-bye explanation: The speaker speaks to a superior. + 741412 (kasipssio) is derived from the verb 7e} (kada) a0. aho+ ob (ka dad 7 (ka) ~ stem =} (da) - ending w+ Alla. (ka sipssio) AlAl2. (sipssio) - final imperative ending of the verb in the most deferential form 5, The asterisk in the example is related to that in the explanation, for example: 4s oli (nau" io" mo' ni) ny other ay nother explanation: eu + a (ir cyt) 4 (na) - personal pronoun | 2} (ui) ~ genitive ending The mark(T) denotes that a speaker speaks to a superior and expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most defer- ential form, The mark(->) denotes that a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank and expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the middle form of courtesy. > The mark(L) denotes that @ speaker speaks to an inferior and expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the low form of courtesy. The mark(T 1) denotes that a speaker speaks to a person ad- dressed with respect and expresses courtesy for the person ad- dressed by the most deferential form. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the most deferential form, too. The mark(T 4) denotes that a speaker speaks to @ superior and expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the low form of courtesy The mark(@) denotes that a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank and expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the middle form of courtesy When answering. the person addressed expresses courtesy for the sneaker by the middle form of courtesy, too ‘The mark (11) denotes that a speaker speaks to an inferior and expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the low form of courtesy. hen answering, ‘the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the most deferential form, Grammatical Terms ~ Pronunciation £8 (paru'm) vowel 22% (mou'n) diohthong 2528 (kyo" mnou' m) link-vowe! 212128 (ryo’n-ayo" nou’ m) consonant KH ( jau'm) - Parts of speech AF (phunsa) noun IAF (myo' nasa) Pronoun CHBEAH ( taemyo’ ngsa) numeral 4A (usa) verb BAH (tongsa) adjective At (hyo" ng-yongsa) pre-noun ZHBAF (kwanhyo' nasal adverb RAF (pusa) interjection 2tEEAF (kemthansa) ~ Endings = (tho) case ending 24% (kyo’ ktho} plural ending S4=& (pokssutho) auxiliary ending S48 (toumtho) ending which is used as case ending ARMM M0 = (kyo' kthochoro’m ssu’ inu'n tho} final ending S883 (maeju’ mtho} connecting ending O13 (iu'atho) attributive ending HE (kyujo’ngtho) ending of adverbial modifier "BIE (kkunimtho} ending of voice AH (sangtho) tense ending AlZK= (sigantho) ending of respect @@#=& ( jon-ayo' ngtho} exchanging ending HZ (pakkuntho) ~ Case 2 {kyo'k) nominative 324 ( jukkyo’k) accusative [2 (taekkyo’k) genitive 24 (sokkyo'k) dative 424 (yo' kkyo"k) locative 9124 (wikkyo’k) instrumental 2824 (Jokkyo" k) coordinative case #2} (kukkyo! k) vocative 824 (hokkyo’k) absolute case #IH24 (jo' Ittackkyo"k} ~ Predicative form Ms¥@f (so' sulhyo'ng) final form 98884 (mae ju’ mhyo" na) declarative form st218 (al limhyo' na) interrogative form #281 (muru’nhyo" ne) suggestive form 3218 (chugimhyo’ ng) imperative form A128! (sikhimhyo' ng) ‘connecting form 0188 (iu'mhyo' ne) attributive form 7PM (kyujo' nghyo" ne) form of adverbial modifier 2&8 (kkunimhyo'ng) - Forms of courtesy SXHEI8! (mal charimhyo" ng) ost deferential form ‘218 [nophimhyo’ ng) middie form 22 (katha’ mhyo’ ng) low form S21 (nachumhyo" ng) Voice &b (sang) active form #81 (nu' ngdonghyo' ng) passive fora IIE (ohidonghyo'ng) causative form AS (ayo! khyo' ng) 7 ~ Tenses Al@ (siching) absolute tense HIHAI@ ( jo’ Ittaesiching) relative tense AHHAI&! (sangdaesiching) ~ Parts of sentence S&S (munJangso’ ngbun) predicate $204 {suro’) subject 01 (juo') object S401 (po0") adverbial modifier #8101 (sanghwang-o" } attribute MOL (kyulo'ng-o" ) form of address 8101 (hoching-o' ) parenthesis 410101 (sabio') ! exclanatory ford” 2401 (kamdong-o' ) conjunctive 401 ( jo’ pssogo’ ) appended modifier MAIO! {iesio') ~ Forms of sentence 28) (munhyo’ ng) declarative sentence SBS (all immun) Interrogative sentence S58 (muru’ nun) Suggestive sentence 321 (chuginnun) imperative sentence AIZIS (sikhimnun) exclamatory sentence ‘24S (nu kkinmun) + simple sentence EFS (tanilmun) compound sentence 1 BH (pyo' ngryo" Ibokhammun) complex sentence @ He (ae) Ob Cae) child mM (Kae) dog uh (oae) ship i Ce) 408 (nue) silkvorm {7108 (yo'gie) here 18 a (oe) (wid A210 Co" zie) 14 (oethu) AI (soe) Sic} (toeda) at wi) ‘$18he] (wihayo’ } $41 (iunewi) B, nate cm oy ea overcoat AA. we iron &rehOr z becone fo atte al the Hieutenant _f. dhe cou 19 Lesson 2: The Pronunciation of Vowels F is pronounced as ya~ in yard and transcribed as (ya) 9 (yak) medicine explanation: eee + Rt (yak) va kl) 4 Is pronounced as you in you [Ja] and transcribed as (yo") explanation: a+ % Ge ow ee oe Gyo") yo") ee oe w 6 ul as Is pronounced as yo- in york and transcribed as (yo) 20 @ (yo) mattress /-~ explanation: Beotn Wo) yo! sx is pronounced as you in you end transcribed as (yu) $8 (uyu) milk explanation: tu yu) eeoortr : tw 6 Py) Seer et yale yu) His pronounced as ye~ in yes and transcribed as (yael 21 had | TTT OM (yae) hullo (call to a child or between children) explanation: eee a (ye) vyae) Al is pronounced as ye- in yellow and transcribed as {ye? Le) HUT Of (ye) yes (answer to an elder or a superior) @ explanation? deo ra 5 Ge 6 ye) -l (u'l) is pronounced quickly but as a diphthong and trans- cribed as (u'll . 214} (u'isa) doctor explanation: 1 ayo 4 Wi sa) Yeo + 4 . uC vid Ae Ae FE (sa) (s al at is pronounced as -wa- In guatacum and transcribed as wa) . (vane) king - explanation: Boo + tt 0 (wane) ( ve ong) ‘el Is pronounced as wa~ in war and transcribed as (wo') 23 ® B (vo'n} — @ circle ® won (unit of Korean currency) explanation: Moora te (yo'n} woo a) aH is pronounced as wa~ in wax and transcribed as (wae) explanation: a+ + 8 (we gail aeot+t a (wae) [ was) yew + t (ga) (g a) yee +] cD Cr 0 aT is pronounced almost like we- In wet and transcribed as Ge). 81 (ven) what, explanation geo r at (wen) we a) Exercise # (ya) 2 (yak) medicine Qe (yanenat) socks, stockings ‘lie (so’ne-nyang) match 4 (90) 1% Cyo'u) fox G1 (yo! ru’) summer BF (yo'ng-ung) hero a (0B (yo) mattress IB (minyo) folk song Bid (hakayo) schoo! (yu) PR Cuyu) atk 414 [yuchivo'n) kindergarten se] (yuri) alass H (yae) Of Tyae) nig) 4oonae® A lye) (vel yes (answer to an elder or 25 ‘a suger ior) at a a wD Ga) (wo" ) (wae) (wel Of (yesul) art OE [yesun) sixty 214} Cu’ isa) doctor 1a} (u' tia) chair 3}91 (hoeu' 1) meet ing Bt (wang) king fo] 4b (waisyaiju') shirt B12. (wayoil) Tuesday 8 (vo'n) © circle ® von (unit of Korean currency) 2181 (yuchino'n) kindergarten UB Cirw' 1) January M7421 (waegari) herron Stal (twaeji) lM Cinswae) printing & (xen) what 26 Lesson 3: Vowels ‘The Korean language has 21 vorels: letter|nane | transcription |letter|name| transcription fea (a) H | ae (ae) Bl ya (a) Ho | yae: (yee) He | oe (o'} 4 fe (e) 4 | yo" (yo!) a |ye (ve) es) || (0) al | oe (oe) a | yo (yo) af wi OD) + iu (w ato (wi) 7 | ow ab | va (va) —|e ww) | Wo" (w0") i w@ all | wae (rae) | we (ve) ‘The vowels are divided into simple vowels and diphthongs. 1. The simple vowels ‘The simple vorols are those vowels for which the shape of the oral cavity does not change in pronunciation. There are 10 simple vowels: letter] name |transcription |letter|name| transcription t a (a) me a q o lo") Hae (ae) e ° (0) a |e Ce) ~ fu (a) al [oe (oe) - uv G') zi | vl WD 2. The diphthongs The diphthongs are those vowels for which the shape of the oral cavity changes in pronunciation and two vowels become one. 27 There are 11 diphthongs? Tetter|nane | transcription [letter |nane| transcription aa (a) a | ve (ve) a | a0 G0") oil wid a | ¥0 (30) a | (va) oe isa Gw) Wo" wo" } Ho) yae (ae) aH | wae (wae) [aaa] a | ve we) Writing of the Vowels Ik SE T Tm = | ay A ap # al \ ae Lesson 4: The Pronunciation of Consonants 1 is pronounced a little harder than (2) 1) 7 is transcribed ask} at the beginning of a vord. a thu) he explanation: ee (ku) tk w) 2) 1 Is transcribed as (k) at the end of a word : AS (Joguk) fatherland 29 explanation: A+ Go _guk) Ae A + 2 fo Gi 0 Bete tr +d (auk) (8 u Ko 3) "1 is transcribed as (k) before another consonant 34 (ku'kiang) theatre explanation: a+ 4 Ck’ Jang) pee ee Cul) u kK) Be A + FF 8 Gang) a na) 4) 7 is transcribed as (2) before a vowel. ZAI (kori) meat. 30 | explanation: ees fko ai RBev+t on (ko) fk °) ie Ue a | ‘TW Is pronounced as c- in the French conte. 1) 1 is transeribed as (kk) at the beginning of a word. Bett (kkotdabal) bouquet explanat ion: Beds e kot da ball) Ren +e + (kkot) (kk eee (da) (d a) | Bow + bee | (bal) tb a a 2) T is transcribed as (kk) before a vowel. \ EM Ciokki) axe ; explanation: e+ a (to ki) Be c+ ea ioe °) i (xk) Ck v 3) is transcribed as (k) at the end of a word. ee 4 (pak) outside explanation: eee t+ bt on (pak) a w) 4) 71 is transcribed as (k) before another consonant, Reh (mukda) — bind explanat ion: | + ot | (muk da) 32 ee (nuk) tn u Kw) de c+ t (da) a | is pronounced as c- in cold. It is a sharply aspirated and powerfully pronounced 7 (k) . 1) 4 is transcribed as {kh} at the beginning of a word. Bi (kho) nose explanation ae Ft (kno) kh o} 2) 7 is transcribed as (kh) before @ vowel. 8351 Cinekhu'}) ink explanation: a+ 2 (ing ku! ) yee + 1 + Cine) i ne) ao Ckhu') (kh vd 31 7 is transcribed as (k} at the end of a word FR (puo'k] kitchen explanation: e+ 4 (pu o’k) Bee er (owt v qeo + 1 + oF fk o kK 4) 7 is transcribed as (k] before another consonant. #812 (ouo' kkhal) kitchen knife 34 explanation? ed (pu ook ; eeu + | ow dee + +3 (ork kK) Be a + +e (kha) (kh a D 4 is pronounced @ little harder than (b] 1) W is transcribed as (p) at the beginning of a word. HL (pi) @ rain ® broom explanation: ye ow + bie a 2) # is transcribed as (p) at the end of a word. (pap) dolled rice 35, explanation: oe + bo + ow (pap) (e a p) 3) W is transcribed as (p) before another consonant et (kopda) beaut ful explanation: e+ oo (kop: dad Bev + a te (kop) ° ” bec + (da) a a 4) W Is transcribed as (b) before a vowel H2= (jibu'ro) to home 36 explanation: at ore Gib ov ) ee Gib) i b) wi) 6 vw Be eee (ro) tr °) tu is pronounced as p- in the French pincette W is transcribed as (pp) (pang) bread explanation: ew + bt (ppang) (pp ng) W is pronounced as p- in park, It is @ sharply aspirated and powerfully pronounced ¥ (b] . 1) 3 is transcribed as {ph} at the beginning of a word. HI (phen) pen 37 explanation: eee (phen) (phe cy) 2) @ is transcribed as (oh) before a voxel +H (uphyo} postage stamp explanation: e+ k (u— phyo) Zeer ww) i u) Bea + a (phyo} (ph yo} 3) 2 is transcribed as (p) at the end of a word, (ip) teat explanation deo] + Cie) i p 4) % is transcribed as (p) before another consonant. 38 explanation: x +o (nop: da} (nop) tn ye oe (ds) te © is pronounced a little harder than (di 1) Is transe oi ® sh (nopda) ° + 1 a) ribed as (1) iy Chal (tari) high at the beginning of a word. ® lee ® bridge 39 galeeel ae a explanation: | (tari ee ce (alot al ae e + | er dD 2) & is transcribed as (t) at the end of a word. C PHB (tiv (the consonant ©) explanation: w+ e ain He f+ 1 ay ot D geet ste wu 6 0 3) © is transcribed as (1) rh (mutda) ask 40 explanation: B+ oF (mut dad Beur+ tee (out) (m u u ye rc + +t (ald a 4) © is transcribed as (a) before a vowel. EPHE (tomado) tomato explanation: a (toma dol ee [tort 0) ue om + Ft (ma) a cee Ido) (d °) | is pronounced as t- in the spanish tobaco © is transcribed as (1) @ (ttang) earth 41 explanation: eo +t tto (ttang) (tt a ng) = is pronounced as t- in tank. It is @ sharply aspirated and powerfully pronounced © (t) 1) & is transcribed as (th) at the beginning of a word. 4.2 (thu' ro’ agkhu’) trunk explanation: oe ge (thu ro'ng —khu" ) (hw) Gh wd Hoe +41 + 6 (ro'ng) ° ne) ae a+ (Khu) kh ud 2) & is transcribed as (th) before a vowel $ (pongthu) — envelope 42 explanation: e+ F (pong thu) eee (pong) (p o ng) Fee tr (thu) (th u) 3) & is transcribed as (1) at the end of a word, W (pat) field explanation: west bee (pat) a 0 4) © is transcribed as (t) before another consonant. wet (katda) equal explanation e+ (kat da) 43 2 (kat) ee (da) 7 tk, a) Wok, kd a (kh, kd 4 [p, b) (pp) @ (php) T+ bot e (k a uv c+ +t (d a) Exercise a ku’) he B® (oguk) fatherland Se (ku' kiana) theatre DAI (kogi) meat BrbY Ckkotdabal] bouquet EM (tokkil axe Mt (pak) outside Re} (mukda) bind a (kho) nose ‘Ji Cingkhu' ) ink #21 (puo'k) kitchen 81 (puo’ kha!) kitchen knife BL (oi) © rain ® broom (pap) boiled rice Be (kopda) beautiful Bez (yibu' ro) to home (ppane) bread ® (oovan) cheek & (ppol) ball ; 2 (ppomphu") pump WL (hen) pen $ (uohyo) postage stomp @ (ip) leat a Vg. 8 3 | 44 Ch dd au (th, s=°} (nopda) Chel (tari) vB (tiv't) ‘Bl (mutda) S°HE (tomado) @ (tang) & (tal) Bl (ttalei) 3 (ttangkhu" ) 93. (thu' ro’ nekhu' ) $& (bonethu) & (pat) Be} (katdal 45 high @ leg @ bridge (the consonant ©) ask tomato earth daughter strawberry tank trunk envelope field equal Lesson 5; The Pronunciation of Consonants X is pronounced as 2~ in zero. 1) A Is transcribed as (J) at the beginning of a word. on ee by Al Lioso'n) Korea explanation: z+ a (io so'n) Beat + Go Go deat de {so'n) ts o nl > 2) A is-transcribed as (J) “before a vowel. oA EL (abo' Ji) father explanation: oe w+ al (abo!) ee + I (a a { yee ow + 4 | bo") (b o) \ ae A + GooG a win ontecedd ra of 3) % is transcribed as (1) at the end of a word, Stnat) day i explanation: | teu t bt (nat) (na ul 4) A is transcribed as (1) before another consonant. 47 weet (nu'tda) fate explanation: x + (n't dad (wut ov u yee c+ t (a) (da) XK is pronounced as tz- in the Russian tzar and transcribed as ). SR (tonesjok) — east 48 explanation: s+ 3 (tone 5 a (tong) it 8 ng) gem te td (Glo) Go ” xx. is pronounced as ch- in child. It is a sharply aspirated and powerfully pronounced 2 (3) 1) & is transcribed as (ch) at the beginning of @ word @ (chun) dance explanation: ae oO af (chum) {ch a) 2) A Is transcribed as {ch} before 2 vowel FER} (Jadongcha) auto 49 $$ explanation: At BR + Ga dong cha) Ae att Ga a Be c++ + 0, 0 (dong) (d ° ne) ee (cha) (cha) 3) A is transcribed as (1) at the end of a word. B (kkot) — flover explanation: ae al (kkot) (kk 8D 4) A is transcribed as (t) before another consonant BY (kkotbang) florists shop 50 explanation: Reo (kkot bang) Rent et w (kkot) (kk 0 0 beet bt (bang) (bo ne) ‘A is pronounced as s~ in song. 1) A is transcribed as (s) at the beginning of @ word 4S. ® 45 [sudo] @ capital @ water-suvvly explanation: nes (sudo) eek eT Gu (sow Becte do) Go) 2) A is transcribed as (s) before a vowel. BN EAM (tosi) city 31 explanat Lon: z+ 4 (te si) Beree (to) (t o) ae ae d fsi) fs n 3) A is transcribed as (1) at the end of @ word Z (ot) clothes explanation? te (cole ° u 4) A is transcribed as (1) before another consonant. Se} (utda) — laugh $2 explanation: f+ (ut da) ReoretT et A fu) u 0 et ¢ (a) (@ ad Mis pronounced as s- in the French sans 1) & is transcribed as (ss) at the beginning af a word. ta (ssal) rice explanation? tour fee (seal) (ssa v 2) & is transcribed as (ss) before a vowel. + ‘el (nalssi) weather explanation: t+ al (nal ssi) 53 eeu te bee (nal) {n a n Ae ae | {ssi (ss. u 3) & is transcribed as (t) at the end of a word, {ket} (the ending of tne future tense) explanation: Aer td raw (ket) (k e u 4) & Is transcribed as (1) before another consonant Se} (itda) — there is explanation: ao+ it dal q . ie ee ew fut i u der + ' (da) (dad) Lis pronounced as -n as in pen and transcribed as (n) explanati yeu + Cy m= oO BRO UBS SE be st [joso’n) Korea 55 explanation: B+ A Go son} a ars fol =o} ee (so'n) (so! 1 © is pronounced as m~ in man and transcribed as (m) e114 (o'mo' ni) mother explanation: att a Co" mo" nid eet tones a o) ye ne 4 fino" (we oy res er a (nid (n i 2 Is pronounced {r(1)). tr and (1] are denoted in Korean by the sane letter 2 . The following rules are applied to this double pronunciation: 1) & fs transcribed as [r) at the beginning of @ word 56 B3}2 (rajiod radio explanat ion: ae a+ 2 (a 8) eee (a) tra Ae aad Gog a Qe of 4 fo o 2) @ Is transcribed as (r) before a vowel. Fal (uri) ve exolanation: e+ al 37 oa Ww i uw) ale + CD) nD ae is transcribed as (1) at the end of a word, explanation: Bo pep ee (mut) (mou 4) & isttranscribed as (1) before another consonant, Be} (phalda) sell explanation: e+ (pha da) 58 for foo (phat) (ph nD eee (dad td a) 5) When \ and ® come together, then Ue is always tran- scribed as double (1) al (cho' 111) thousand ri (rl is a Korean unit of distance.) explanation: | aes | (chor 4) A ee (cho' 1) ch! 0 ae oe + | an oa D is pronounced as h~ in hat and transcribed as (h) 14 (hana) one | 59 expt anat ion: a+ 4 (hana) tes + + tha) th al ae wu + tk (nal tn a) © is pronounced as -ng in song. syllable © is not pronounced. © is transcribed as (na) But at the beginning of a @ (kang) river explanat ior Be vt tt o (kang) (ka ne) Exercise % (kt) BAL Coso'n) Korea } of RL Cabo" ji) father | 2 (nat) ay BRE (nu' tda) tate (ii) ERR (tongiiok) east : ' AB (50' jjok!) west 60 (ch, (s, (ss. (n) (m Cr in) u u ro) 0 ‘(nan jok) 4% (oukiJok) (chun) 2}$-R} (Jadonecha) @ (kot) BY (kkotbang) 5. (sudo) 2 Cot) Bet (utda) (ssal) ‘EM (nalssi) at (ket) Be} (itdad U (na) Ue (nama) HUE (hana) 2A (ioso' a) 1H (o" moni) Hel (mo' ri) HS (nama) ALB (saram) 2x] 2 (rajio) al (uri) 3 (mut) Bet (phaldal Bal (cho 111) at (hana) @o}4 (hatmo' ni) 61 south north dance auto flower florist's shoo capital, water-supply clothes laugh rice weather (the ending of the future tense) there is I tree one Korea mother head tree man radio water sell thousand ri one erandnother © (ng) ALB} (Jo nhwad Abate} (saranghada) 2 (kang) Alt (sarang) Of! (ai) B28 (pyo' ng-yang) 6 telephone love river love child Pyongyang Lesson 6 Consonants The Korean language has 19 consonants: letter transcription] letter] name [transcription q (k, @) a | kniu (kh, i L |nivta| tn) = | thiv't (th, 0) cE [ewe] (ta a | phiu'p (oh, 0) 2 ojrivi| ty 0 3 | hiu'h i) o |niu'n| (a) m |toen-giu'k) (kk, k) w |piu'p | Gy, b) |toendiu’t | (tt) a |s't| Cs 4) ws |toenbiu'p | op) o fiu'ng | (ng) | toensi (ss, t) x fit} Gu me ltcentw't | tn) x [ehiu't] (ch, 0 Writing of the Consonants The consonants are written as fol low: TLE 2 Oa O RK AE elo TOWAM 63 Lesson 7: Alphabet The Korean alphabet has 40 letters letter name transcription] letter|name| transcription: 1 kiu'k (k, a) t a fa) L niu'n In) t ya tya) c tiu't (ta) 4 oo lo) 2 rig’! tr qd yor fyo) o nium tm} _ o fo) a piu'p (p. bd are yo (yo) A siu't (s, t) - u (u) ° iu'ng (ng) 7 yu (yu) x Jiu't (i, 1 — uv tw) x chiu't (eh, t) 1 i w 7 (kh, kd 4 ae (ae) = Cth, t) 4 yae| Cyae) nD phiu'p (ph, p) di e fel 3s hiu'h th) # ye (ye) 1 toen-giu'k (kk, Kk) al oe (oe) Da toendiu' t (tt) al ¥i Gi) co ‘toenbiu’ p (pp) ef vi wi » toensiu’ t (ss, t) at we (wa) x toenjiu’t up A wo" two") all wae) (wae) al we (we) 64 65 nan) t 2 ee am fe] ay = io} #0 (nas) (os) | (08) | (08s) el 3 s Lz | elo» vy ¥ or) 10Ka; | (09) [®t ond) ea) (a a La 4 R A nau foam) } com) | ( ,okw), (uy | * a | 8 0 a (naa) coxa) | (0a) | (088) o) a Cel R 2 ap | cap | "ear fom) | con) | C080) ey a 4 Ss | 4 a | 3 4 a a ay | emu | cau wom | (00) | ¢onu rT n S| tae ms) OR | A 4 rn me | om | tom | to | (000 a # eile ca tC m8) Comm a) qweus = o9| I [Se F F 4 1 [siaxo® SIGELIOGEUdIy UeE1oy EYL (ondenseH) HICIC ‘aLdeI]A5 & Jo BUluy}saq ayy Te PaouNdUOIG YOU SEO = (nai (0K) earn EI # ot crass) | (mss) | (oKss) 1.088) | cosy | cease) 7 ¥ i fi im 188} (0409) (oka) (ekaay ia a " Cnn) (oan) con (em) = 8 5 by Cm (0004) (0001) (eA) a & Ke Mw cay] ony 9m) eau es | oe = R 8 Coady | crud (0448) casey | (oud) | reKuay x | # a 3 a o Cray | aun coun) cosy | Cony | ceauny =| a cs B a Cava | (pen cox) Come) | Coys | cea e | te = kz |e | te Cray | enya (ok) Comey | coy) | remy) ent = i® | we lw 66 Writing of Words Lesson 8: Syllables A word consists of one or more syllables. A syllable consists of one or more consonants and one vow: The syllables are divided into 5 forms: 1. The one-vowel syllable for example: OFOl (ai) — child explanation: The syllable of (a) consists of the consonant © and the vowel F (a) . The consonant © is not pronounced at the beginning of 2 syllable. Therefore, the syllable of (a) is considered a one-vowel sy!lable. The syllable 9] (1) consists of the consonant © and the vowel] (1). The consonant © is not pronounced at the beginning of 2 syllable. Therefore, the syllable ©] (1) Is considered a one-vowel syllable. 2. The one-consonant-and-one-vowel syllable for example: LEB (namu) — treeiwood explanation: The syllable 44 (na) consists of the consonant t (n) and the vowel" (a) . The syllable -¥ (mu) consists of the consonant # {m) and the vowel T (u) . 68 3. The one-vowel-and-one-consonant sy! lable for example: BN work explanation: The syllable @ (il) consists of the consonant ©, the vo- wel | (i) and the consonant 2 (1) . The consonant © is not pronounced at the beginning of a syllable. Theretére, the syllable @ (11) is considered 2 ‘one-vowel~and-one-consanant sy lable. 4. The syllable consisting of one consonant, one vowel and one consonant for example: # (aul) water explanation: The syllable & (mul) consists of the consonant © (m) , the vowel -T (u) and the consonant 2 (1) 5. The syllable consisting of one consonant, one vowel and a double consonant for example: @% (kap) price expianat ion: The syliable a (kap) consists of the consonant 7 (k) , the vowel F (al and the double consonant & (p) , The Infinitive of the Verb The infinitive of the verb in Korean takes the following form: Sten + ending Ch (da) 69 for example O ALL a0 (kada) ‘ explanation: whee ob (ka da) 7} (kal ~ stem ®t (da) ~ ending © Ct come (ods) explanation: 2 + fo da) 2% (0) ~ stem = (da) - ending . © ICH eat ( mo" kda) explanation: yew (mo" k da) =} (mo'k) - stem =f (da) - ending © HICH drink (masida) explanation: vil + oh (masi da) vH4] (asi) ~ stem *} (a) ~ ending 70 O Sth eive Guda) explanation? e+ (iu da} % (ju) ~ stem Fh fda) ~ ending O F¥8IC learn (kongbuhada) explana Bra + oh (kongbuha da) 2-44) (kongbuha) - stem = (dal - ending The Final Form of the Verb The final form of the verb is the form which lies at the end of the sentence and closes the sentence. The final forms of the verb are subdivided into the final de~ clarative, interrogative, suggestive and imperative forms. The tense of the final form of the verb is the present. The final form of the verb makes no distinction of person or umber . Courtesy is a grammatical category in which the speaker ex- presses politeness for the person addressed. Courtesy is expressed in three forms, namely, the most deferential, middle and low forms When @ speaker speaks to a superior, the most deferential form is used. When a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, the middle form is used. When a speaker speaks to an inferior, the low form is used. n The Final Declarative Form of the Verb When the speaker expresses some statement in the affirmative or negative form, the {inal declarative form of the verb is used. for example: a7} SUL. (ku' ga omnida) he comes He comes. explanation: # The final declarative form U4Ft (omnida) Is derived from the Infinitive 2+ (oda) come. 2+ to dal & (0) ~ stem =. (da) ~ ending 2+ adet lo anida) a Yet (anida) - final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferential form SYA (omnida) (after contracting 2 (0) and ¥ (p} ) When the stem of the verb ends in a voxel, Wet (nnida) is used. In this example the stem @ (0) of the verb 2} (oda) ends in the vowel + (0) .. Therefore, 44>} (mida) is used here. 1. When a speaker speaks to a superior, the fina declarative form of the verb has the following form: for example: 72 Boe de oda LE come spoken about he /ste/it nusiber person singular A? BRIE. speaker {Jeea — kannida} 89, I 80. wale] 2tuch. person (tangsini — kamnida) addressed. you 0 You 0. . 27 auc. Sha Gates Babtntay “TAP he goes nate person He goes. 2, Yabo get. (ku" nyo jaga_ kawnida) that worn g0eS 2). ap spoken about, he goes, ‘She goes, umber person plural a7 BUEI, speaker Curiga kamnida) ve zo We g0 Lee zun. person Ctangsindu’ ri kamnida) addressed you 80 You go, ae, Muth. Chu’ du’ ri annida) they goes person They go. 2, Masel BUT. Ck’ nyo" Jadu’ r! kann ida) those wonen eo | They go. B obk NN AS AIA Gry explanation: *# The final declarative form *t4e} (kamnida) is derived from the infinitive 7Hr} (kada) go. a) (ka. da} 7} (ka) - stem =} (da) - ending A+ wu tka mnida) Ue} (anida) ~ final declarative ending of the verb in ‘the most deferential form A}UE} (kamnida) (after contracting 7} (ka) and 4 (p) ) When the stem of the verb ends In a vowel, Hr} (mnida) is used. In this example the stem 7} (ka) of the verb 7}©+ (kadai ends in the vowel + (a) . Therefore, ¥4e} (mnida} is used here for exanple: number: person singular all 7} eure. speaker Uega ko’ tsu’ mnida) 1 ko on foot | go on foot. seals] BBSLIEt person (tangsini ko’ tsu'mnida) addressed you 20.00 foot You go on foot. 7} @sutch. {kisah ts mica) OTE |fratdactuce he goes on foot person He goes on foot. faces fot spoken about vale 2 4abh weuc. be (ku ayo" Jaga ko’ tsu'mnida) that woran, goes on foot She goes on foot. afles youre > pda aft Consonaut > Sulnnila aunber person plural sel7) SLICE speaker Curiga ko’ tsu’ mnida) ve g0.0n foot We go on foot. Algol eur. person Ctangsindu’ riko" tsu"anida) addressed you Bo on foot You go on foot. 23, 2euc. ku’ du’ ri ko" tsu’ mnidad they go on foot person They go on foot. spoken about 2 4aheel| Bauch. (ku' nyo’ Jadu’ r? ko" tsu' mnida) those women go on foot They go on foot. explanat lon: * The final declarative form 44% (ko! tsu'mnida) is de~ rived from the infiniti asd (ko't da) i (ko't) - stem FE (da) - ending as gue (ko" t su’ mr fe Ut (ko' Lda) go on foot. fa) $4} (su'mnida) - final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferential form When the stem of the verb ends in a consonant, @4>h (su'mida) is used. In this example the stem @ (ko't) of the verb rt (ko' t da) ends in the consonant © (t) . Therefore, Ht (su'm nida) is used here, 2, When a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, the final declarative form of the verb 15 has the following form for example: umber person singular plural v7 ne | se Jie. speaker | (naega kao) furiea kao) i 0 we 0 eo. We go. wale] J. | Al ee} 72. person | (tangsini kao). | (tangsindu' ri kao) addressed | you 20 you 20 You 20. You 0. a7} 712. aet 2Ig. (ku'ea kao) ka du’ rt kao) he goes they a person | He goes. They a0. spoken about a, 4a je.|2, dae 7g. thu’ nyo’ jaga kao) | (ku' nyo" Jadu’ ri kao) that woman goes | those women z0 She goes. They g0. explanation: * The final declarative form 74.2 (kao) Is derived from the infinitive 724 (kada) go. A+ (ka da) 7} (ka) ~ stem = (da) - ending Ate (ka 0) & (0) - final declarative ending of the verb in the aiddle form of courtesy When the stem of the verb ends In a vovel, 2 (0) is used In this example the stem 7} tka} af the verb 7¢+ (kada) ends in the vowel } (a) . Therefore, 2 (0) 18 used here, 16 . for example: umber erson singular wt Bigs speaker (naega ko" tso) i 0 on foot 1 go on toot. Alo] Bi, person Ctangsini ko’ tso) addressed you 0 on foot You go on foot. ay ae (ku'ga ko" tso) he oes on foot person He goes on toot. spoken about a. abl at. {ku" nyo’ jaga_ ko’ tso) that Yoran”s goes on foot She 8028 on foot’ unber} person plural sa Ba speaker (uriga ko" tso) we 20 on foot We g0 on foot. Bal gol ae. person (Langs indu’ riko" ts0) addressed you 20 on foot You go on foot. el Bt. 7 Cu" du’ rt ko" to) : they 0 on foot person They go on foot. spoken about a, Habeel at. (kw! nyo" Jadu’ ri ko" tso} those women 0 on foot They 20 on foot. 7 explanation: * The final declarative form 24 (ko' tso) is derived from the infinitive et (ko" tda) go on foot, as oh (ko' ta) 2 {ko't) - stem e} (da) - ending asa {kot $0) {50} = final declarative ending of the verb In the aiddle form of courtesy When the stem of the verb ends in a consonant, 4 (so) is used In this example the stem 2 (ko't) of the verb 2-4 (ko't so) ends In the consonant © (t). Therefore, 4 (so) is used here. 3. When @ speaker speaks to an inferior, the final declarative form of the verb has the following form: for exanple: umber perso singular plural wa ac. | alta, speaker (naega kanda) (uriga kanda) ! 80 we BO | g0. We go. Mit atch, salt atch. person (nega kanda) {no" hu’ iga kanda) dressed | You’ fo you = You eo. You €0 ah ith eel 2iCh (ku! ga kanda) (ku du’ ri kanda} he oes they" go person He goes. They go. Shout” | 2. Malt 2th, | 2 alae zicy (ku" nyo’ Jaga kanda) | (ku’ nyo’ jadu’ ri ‘kanda) that woman goes” | those omen! £3 She goes. They go, 8 explanation: * The final declarative form 2h {kanda) is derived from the infinitive 7°} (kada) go. rhe ob (ka da) 7} tka) - stem ©} (da) ~ en vos Ley {ka nda Le} (nda) - final declarative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy abet (kanda) (after contracting 7} {ka} and L (n) ) When the stem of the verb ends in @ vowel, Le} Inda) Is used. In this example the stem 7} (ka) of the verb 7}=} (kada) ends in the vowel } (a) , Therefore, Urb (nda) Is used here for example: ‘umber person singufar wi7t ate cis. speaker (naega_ ko’ nnu’ nda) Bo on foot | go on foot 7k HEL, person (nega ko'nnu' nda) addressed you _go on foot, You go on foot. a4 BEC, (ku'ea ko" nnu’ nda) he goes on foot person He goes on foot, spoken about 2 abt Qtech, ku’ nyo" Jaga ko" nou‘ nda) that woman goes on foot She goes on foot 9 person a7 AEC ‘speaker (uriga ko’ nnu' nda} we go on foot fe go on foot. visi7} AEC person, {n0" hu’ iga ko" anu’ nda} addressed you 20 on foot You go on foot. = 2%], Beth, (ku du’ riko" nu nda) they a0. 9n foot. person They go on foot. spoken about 2) Maree] BEL Cku’ nyo’ Jadu’ r1 ko" nnu'nda) those women ga an foot They go on foot j explanation: # The final declarative form @-Et} (ko'nnu' nda} is derived infinitive et (ko tda) go on foot. ae (ko't da) A (kot) ~ stem e} (da) ~ ending a+ eet (ko' nu’ nda} er} (nu'nda) - final declarative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy When the stem of the verb ends in a consonant, Ee} (nu'n da) is uses. In this example the sten @ tko't} of the verb Zeb (ko't da) ends in the consonant t (1) . Therefore, =e} tnun da) is used here. 80 Table of Final Declarative Endings of the Verb Final declarative endings of the verb the most deferential form BUC” @UCh Gantdal” Csu"mnidad niddle form of courtesy e/a (0) (so) low form of courtesy CL) oF? Cs) ct (anda) “Cnu'n) dad remarks! We have indicated here only such final declarative endings of the verb which are frequently used. For the other final declarative endings of the verb, please refer to the appendix. * The sound t (n) or the syllable % (nu'n) is placed before the final declarative ending (da) . The final declarative endings Uv} (adal and Ett (nu'nda) are formed by it. The final declarative ending Uv} (nda) is attached to the stem of the verb which ends In 2 vowel The {nal declarative ending =e} (nu'nda) is attached to the stem of the verb which ends in a consonant. The Personal Pronoun The personal pronoun has different torms: singuiar and plurat and form of courtesy. torn of to ® person of the gaurtesy| to a superior | ‘same rank or to persot\ number fan inferior | ms A wut singular | (ie) tio’) (nae) (na) speaker plural | We we | Fel ve Jo" hu’ (uri) singular Fou person ro") addressed plural uel C0" hu 81 for example: Peimetieesei meres (iega — kamnida) 1 80 | go. exp lanatio The speaker speaks to a superior. ata + at Ue ea) all (je) - personal pronoun | 7} (ga) - nominative ending sf the personal pronoun ‘The final form 44} (kamnida) is derived from the in- finitive 7He} (kada) go. A+ tka da) >} (ka) ~ stem th (da) ~ ending A+ ue (ka mnida) uct (mnida) ~ final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferential form AtUeh (kamnida) (after contracting 7} (ka) and # (pl) > OMe are et. (io'nu' a kamnida) Il 20 | go. explanation: The speaker speaks to-a superior ee Cio! nu'n) 4 Jo") - personal pronoun | “© (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending The auxiliary endings ate attached to various kinds of words. These endings afe used to express relations attong 82 objects and phenomena as well as actions and states. The auxiliary ending “= (ow'a) expresses indication, In this example the auxiliary ending = (nu’n) expresses that none other than I go. The auxiliary ending = (nu'n) is used when the word to which the auxiliary ending = (nu'n) Is attached ends in a vowel. In this example the auxiliary ending +=. (nu'n) Is attached to the personal pronoun %| {jo'} which ends in the vowel 7 [o') Not the nominative ending 7} (ga) but the auxiliary ending + (nu'n) is attached to the personal pronoun A} Gio") in the nominative om abet. Go'n —kamnida) ' 20 | g0. explanation: The speaker speaks to a superior. eae Got) x4 (jo) ~ personal pronoun | \ (n) - auxilfary ending AL (Jo'n) (after contracting a (jo") and & (n) ) The auxiliary ending & {n) expresses indica In this example the auxiliary ending \ (n) expresses that none other than | go. The auxiliary ending \ {n) is used when the word to which the, auxiliary ending t (n) is attached ends in a vowel. In this example the auxiliary ending + (n} is attached to the personal pronoun #1 (jo'] which ends in the voxel 1 to). Not the nominative ending 7} (ga) but the auxiliary end- Ing % (n) is attached to the personal pronoun 4} (Jo) B in the nominative O Wt beh? (maega Kanda) 1 #0 1 go. explanat ior The speaker speaks to an inferior. eq + 7h (nae gal WW (nae) - personal pronoun | 7+ (ga) - nominative ending of the personal pronoun the final form Ze} (kanda) is derived from the infini- tive 7H} (kada) go. a+ oh (ka da) 7} (ka) ~ stem >} (da) ~ ending vhs Ue (ka nda) Lt} (nda) - final declarative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy be} (kanda) (after contracting 2} (ka) and L fn) > Oust ath (nanu’ pn kanda) t 20 1 go. explanation: The speaker sneaks to an inferior. eye (na nual (na) ~ personal pronoun | % (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending In this example the auxiliary ending = (nu'n) expresses 84 thet none other than | go. Not the nominative ending 7} (ga) but the auxiiJary end- ing © (nu'n} Is attached to the personal Dronoun 4} (na) in the nominative, OW ze, (nan kanda) t #0 | 0. explanation: The speaker speaks to an interior. eee (nan + (na) ~ personal pronoun | & {9} - auxiliary ending te (nan) (atter contracting 4 (na) and & (nd) \n this exanple the auxiliary ending U {n) expresses that none other than | go, Not the nominative ending 7} (ga) but the auxi lary end- ine © (o) is attached to the personal pronoun Uf (ne) in the nopinative. O Mal7}- atch. (o'hu’ iga kemnida) we 20 Ye go. explanation: The speaker speaks to a superior. exis (o"hu't ga) 713] (Jo'hu' i) - personal pronoun ve 7 (ga) ~ nowinative ending of the persona? pronoun | O may ade, {o'hu’ inu’n kamnida) 85 ve eo ‘The speaker speaks to a superior eal ee (jo'hu'i nu’) Ai3| (Jo'hu' i) ~ personal pronoun ¥e = (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending In this example the auxiliary ending = (nu'n) expresses that none other than we go. © Fal7 hart, Curiga kao} we #0 fie £0. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to a person at the sanie rank weal + ob (url gal $2] (uri) ~ personal pronoun we 7} (ga) ~ nominative ending of the personal pronoun #*Mhe final form 712 (kao) is derived from the infinitive rhe} (kada) go. Se as (ka da) 7} {kal ~ stem = (da) ~ ending are (ka 0) 2 (0) ~ final dectarative en middle form of courtesy we of the verb in the O Raler Ae. Curinu'n kao) ne 20 86 He go explanation: The speaker speaks to a person at the same rank. sta & furi nu'n) 2] (uri) - personal pronoun we © (nu'n) = auxiliary ending In this example the auxiliary ending © (nu'n) expresses that none other than we go. uit bet. (ness anda) you go You g9. explanation? The speaker speaks to an inferior. ee (ne ga) ul (ne) ~ personal pronoun you 7k (ga) ~ nominative ending of the personal pronoun eee heh, (no nu'n kanda) you 20 You go. explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior fue (no' nu’) (no) ~ personal pronoun you += (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending In this example the auxiliary ending += (nu'n) expresses that none other than you go Not the nominative ending 7} (ga) but the auxiliary end- 87 ing & (nu’n} Is attached to the personal pronoun 4 (no'} in the nominative. out ath. (no’n —kanda) you go You g0. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to an inferior. eye’ {no" on) ¥ {no') ~ personal pronoun you \ (n) = auxiliary ending xd (no'n) (after contracting 4 (no") and & (n) ) In this example the auxiliary ending t (n) exoresses that none other than you go. Not the nominative ending 7} (za) but the auxiliary end- ing \ (n) Is attached to the personal pronoun 4 (no' ) In the nominative © wale abet (no"hu’ iga Kanda) you 20 You 20. explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior. eu + 7 (no"hu' i ga) ¥48] (no’hu' 1) - personal pronoun you 7} (ga) ~ nopinative ending of the personal pronoun Oust auch. (no' hu’ inu'n—kanda) you 20 You go. 88 explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior. ud se {no"hu' nu’) 48] (no'hu' i) ~ personal pronoun you = (nu'n) - auxitiary ending & (nu'n) expresses that none other than you go IAI (Langsin) you is a noun, But it can be used as a per~ sonal pronoun. for example: O BHeln abdet. (tangsini —kamnida) you 20 You go explanation: The speaker speaks to a superior. seal + ol (angsin 1) HAL (tangsin) - noun you ol (1) ~ nominative ending of the noun in the singular ‘The nominative ending of the noun in the sinaular ol (1) is attached to the noun which ends in a consonant. In this exampie the nominative ending of the noun in the singular ®] (1) is attached to the noun "4l (tangsin) which ends in the consonant t {n) . Ogues ade. Ctangsinu' n kannida) you #0 You 20. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to a superior. eae & 89 Ctangsin u’n} w4l (tangsin) ~ noun you & (u'n) - auxiliary ending The auxiliary ending & (u'n) expresses indication. In this example the auxiliary ending 2 (u'n) expresses that none other than You go The auxiliary ending & tu'n} is used when the word to which the auxiliary ending & (u'n) Is attached ends in a consonant. In this example the auxiliary ending @ (u'n) is attach ed to the noun Al (tangsin} which ends in the con sonant L (n) {5 (tongmu) comrade is @ noun, But it can be used as a per- sonal pronoun with the meaning you. for example: Ome Ae. (tongmuga kao) comrade go You go explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to a person at the same rank eee coe (tongm ga) “E= (tongmu) - noun comrade 7b (ga) ~ nominative ending of the noun in the singw- lar The nbminative ending of the noun in the singular 7 (ga) is attached to the noun which ends In a vowel. In this example the nominative ending of the noun in the singular 7} (ga) is attached to the noun -€-F (tongmu) which ends in the vowel Tr (vu) . OgsE Ze. Ceongmunu’ n kao) comrade £0 You 0. explanation? The speaker speaks to a person at the same rank. (tongnunu'n) $¥ (tongmu) - noun comrade = (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending += (nu'n) expresses that none other than you go, a duet (ku' ga kannidal he goes. He goes. explanation: The speaker speaks to 2 superior. +2 + 4 (ku' kad) 2 (ku'} ~ demonstrative pronoun thet In this example the demonstrative pronoun — (ku’) which indicates the object expresses the meaning he. 7k (ga) ~ nominative ending of the personal pronoun ae a (ku' nu’ a kannidad he goes He goes. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to a superior ee. e (ku! hu’) 2. (ku'} ~ demonstrative pronoun he 4 (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending + (nu'n) expresses that none other than he goes. 1 OO] wr Ate. ku’ nyo’ Jaga kao) that woman goes She goes. explanation: The speaker speaks to a person at the same rank ee ey (ku! nyo"Ja ga) 2 (ku') = degonstrative pronoun that 1} (nyo" Ja) ~ noun xonan 7} (ea) -noninative ending of the noun in the singular The nominative ending of the noun in the singular 7} (ga) is attached to the noun which ends in a vovel In this example the nominative ending of the noun in the singular 7} (ga) is attached to the noun 442} (nyo" ja) which'ends in the vowel (a) O22 wie Ae. Cea’ nyo" janu'n kao) that woman. goes, She goes. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to a person at the same rank. e2 WA + (ku' nyo’ je nun) 2 (ku'} = desonstrative pronoun that 4} (nyo' ja) ~ noun woman = (nu'n) ~ auxitiary ending +E (nu'n) expresses that none other than she goes Oazel ach. (ku' go"si Kanda) that thing goes It goes. 92 explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior Pare re (au go's i) 2 (ku'} ~ demonstrative pronoun that (go's) ~ incomplete noun thing An Incomplete noun is a noun which cannot express a com- Plete meaning and can express it only when another word Vies before it as an attribute, el Ci} ~ nominative ending of the noun in the singular ‘The nominative ending of the noun in the singular ol (i) is attached to a word which ends in a consonant. In this example the nominative ending of the noun in the singular ol (i) is attached to the incomplete noun A (go's) which ends in the consonant A (s) . O ame abe. tu’ ga'su'n Kanda) that thing goes It goes. explanation: The speaker speaks to an -nferior orale aes (ku’ go's u'n) 2 (ku’) ~ demonstrat ive pronoun that (go's) - incomplete noun thing & (u') = auxiliary ending & (u'n) expresses that none other than it goes. Olmels tur. (ku du’ r1 kamnida) they #0 They go. explanation: The speaker speaks to a superlor. 93 #2 Bo (ku! dur oD 2 (ku) - demonstrative pronoun he (du' 1) - plural ending cl (i) ~ nominative ending of the noun in the plural O° a2me- ade, (eu' du’ ru’n—kannida) they 20 They go. explanation: The speaker speaks to a superior. sleet e (ku dur u'nd a (ku’) ~ demonstrative pronoun he © (du'r) ~ piural ending © fu'n) ~ auxiliary ending 2 & (u'n) expresses that none other than they go. C2) wNEel- Ae (ku' nyo" jadu' ri kao) that women 0 They go. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to a person at the sane rank, #2 abe + ol (ku' nyo'ia dur i) 2 ku'} = demonstrative pronoun that, iat (nyo' ja) - noun woman © (au'rJ - plural ending ° (1) = nominative ending of the noun in the plural OO] wie oe. (ku’ nyo’ jadu’ run kao) ‘those women 20 They go. 94 explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to a person at the same rank. *2 uae et (ku' nyo'ja du'r ou’). <1 (ku'} - demonstrative pronoun that “ah (nyo’ ja) - noun woman & (du'r) ~ plural ending & (un) - auxiliary ending 2 (u'n) expresses that none other than they go. O mms tet. ku’ go' tdu’ ri Kanda) the things — g0 They zo. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to an inferior elas Be a (ku got dur) A (ku' } ~ demonstrative pronoun that A (go't) ~ incomplete noun thing = (du'r) ~ plural ending ©] [i] ~ nominative ending of the noun in the plural omase ach ku’ go’ tdu' run Kanda? the things 20 They 20 explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior 2+ aeee Cu’ got dur und (ku' J ~ demonstrative pronoun that (go't).- incomplete noun thing (u'r) - plural ending (a'n} - auxiliary ending cp oft 2 fs 95 & (u'n) expresses that none other than they go. The Plural.of the Noun in the Korean language there is no gender The plural of the noun is formed by attaching the plural end- ing & (du'|) to the singular of the noun The plural ending shows that the objects are two or more for example: singular plural Ab& (saram) a man ALSHE (saramdu’ 1) men eel fai) a child | ofl (aidu’l) children WF (nama) a tree | FEF (namudu'!) trees %E (mal) ahorse | WE (naldu'l) horses The Declension of the Noun in the Singular (Nominative) ‘The nominative for the question who or what has the nomina~ tive ending: WM (kkeso") . JH (ga), Ol (1) WAI (kkeso’] Guhen a sense of respect Is given to the word to be declined) 74 (ga) Grhen the word to be declined ends in a vowel) 01 (i) (when the word to be declined ends in a consonant) for example: © ch YMA (abo'nimkkeso’) father explanation: oh) + aad (abo' nim kkeso" } 96 hel 'd Cabo‘ nim) - noun father m4 tkkeso’) - nominative ending © UIE (namuga) tree explanation Ue + ob (namu ga) 4-¥ (namu} - noun tree 7} (ga) ~ nominative ending © 4beO1 (sarani) man explana ton: A +o] (saran i) A}8b (saram] ~ noun man ol (i) - nominative ending The Declension of the Noun in the Plural (Nominative) ‘The nominative for the question who or what has the nomina~ tive ending: WA (kkeso' , OL (1) WM (kkeso'} (when a sense of respect is given to the word to be dec! ined) oti) for example: © 1914-1 [o'mo’ nidu’ Ikkeso") mothers explanation: cli + B+ ta (o'mo'ni dul kkeso") ejx}x} (o'mo'ni) ~ noun mother 7 & (ou!) ~ plural ending PAA] Ckkeso!} - nominative ending © bel Ol faidu'ri) chitdren explanation: oe] + B+ ol (ai or oe} (ai) ~ noun child = (du'r) ~ plural ending ©] (i) ~ nominative ending O APRHEOI (sarandu’ ri) men explanation: As B+ of (saran du’ i ARE (saram) ~ noun man © (du'r) ~ plural ending el (i) ~ nominative ending The Declension of the Personal Pronoun (Nominative) ‘The nominative for the question who has the nominative ending: Degas. Oi). JI (ga) (when the word to be declined ends in a vowel) Ol (1) (hen the word to be declined ends in a consonent) for example: O Al7t (iega) 1 explanation: aoe 7 Ge gal AA (Je) ~ personal pronoun | 98 7 (ga) ~ nominative ending O Als (io'nu'n) | Go’ nu’) A Cio’) ~ personal pronoun | = (nu'n) - auxiliary ending To the personal pronoun %{ {jo') is not attached the nominative ending 7} (ga) , but the auxiliary ending = au'n) O WIE (nae) | explanation: on (nae ga) wi (nae) - personal pronoun | 7} (ea) ~ nominative ending ° YES Cnanu'a) I explanation: y+ (na nutal 4 (na) ~ personal pronoun. | += (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending To the personal pronoun 4 (na) is not attached the nomi- native vending 7+ (ga), byt the auxiliary ending (nu' nd © ASIF (jo'hu' iga) we explanation: asl +. a Go'hu' i ga) 99 243] (Jo'hu' i} - personal pronoun ve 7} (ea) ~ nominative ending © ASSO) (jo'hu' tdu'ri} ve explanation: Ad + & + ol Go'hu'i dur id 4481 (Jo’hu' i) - personal pronoun we & (du'r) ~ plural ending o] (i) - nominative ending The plural ending & (du'!] can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun 248] (jo’hu'i) But In the meaning the personal pronouns %/8] { jo°hu' 1) we and %/]-E (jo'hu' idu'!] we are the same. Both of then are the personal pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun 41 81-% (Jo'hu' idu'!) is attached ‘the nominative ending ©] (1) because the personal pronoun ¥43]-E (jo' hu’ idu' 1!) ends in the consonant © (1) © F911 (urigal ve explanatio Fa (uri gad $9] (uri) = personal pronoun ve 7} (ga) -nominative ending © #21801 Curidu'ri) we explanation: f+ e+ ol (uri dar) 2 (uri) - personal pronoun xe +S (du'r) ~ plurat ending °] (i) ~ nominative ending ‘The plural ending ~& (du'!] can be attached to the per- 100 sonal pronoun “#2 (uri) But in the meaning the personal pronouns 2] (uri) we and +01 Curidu’l) we are the same. Both of then are the persona! oronouns in plural. To the personal pronoun #2] Curidu' I} is attached the Nominative» ending ©] (i) because the personal pronoun F21E (uridu'!) ends in the consonant & (1) O HIIt (nega) — you exolanati ul+ 2 (ne gad ul {ne} - personal pronoun you 74 (ga) - nominative ending = (no'nu'n) — you explanation: yore (no nu'n) 4 (no'] ~ personal pronoun you © (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending © 43174 (no'hu' fea) you 7 za) 4.81 (no hu’ i) - personal pronoun you 71 (ga) - nominative ending © M3180! (no'hy' du’ ri) you explana’ 101 44] (no'hu' i) - personal pronoun you 4 (du'r) ~ plural ending ©] (1) = nominative ending The plural endidng -& {du'!) can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun +. (no’hu' I) . But in the meaning the personal pronouns 4 8] (no’ hu’ i) you and 31% (no'hu' idu'!) you are the same. Both of them are the personal pronouns in plural. To the personal pronoun 481-€ (no’hu’ idu'!) is attached the nominative ending °l (i) because the personal pronoun U8] (no'hu' idu'!) ends in the consonant @ (1) . Word Order The subject The subject usually lies at the beginning of the sentence. for example: WAT! Beh? (po su’ ga onda) a bus cones ‘A bus cones exolanat ion: The speaker speaks to an inferior Tne noun Az} (ppo" su’ ga) is the subject and lies at the beginning of the sentence. ees (op0'su' ga) 14 Lopo' su") ~ noun bus 7} (ga) ~ noninative ending #20} (onda) is derived from the verb 2+ (oda) cone. 2+ (oa) 2 (0) ~ stew # (dat ~ ending 102 2s ut (0 nda) Lt (nda) - final declarative ending of the verb In the low form of courtesy eh (onda) (after contracting @ (0) and L (nl) ) The predicate ‘The predicate always lies at the end of the sentence. for example: O a7 Batol? ae. Gega —pyo'ng-yang-e kannida) 1 Pyongyang to go | ga to Pyongyang. explanation: The speaker speaks toa superior. The word in the final declarative form of the verb 44 ©} (kamnida) is the predicate and lies at the end of the sentence. eas ab Ge ga) al (je) - persona! pronoun | 7} (ga) - nominative ending egg ol (pyo'ng-yana e) 46} (pyo' ne-vang) ~ noun Pyongyane of (e] - dative ending #97144 ch. (kamnida) is derived from the verb 7}¢} [kada? go. aoe eh tka da) 7} tka) ~ stem eh Ida) = ending A+ udeh (ka mnida) utc} (mnida) - final declarative ending of the verb 103 in the most deferential form Abdet (kamnida) (after contracting 7} (ga) and 8 (0) ) OW Beet 1s (naega pyo'ng-yang-e kao). 1 Pyonayang to 60 | go to Pyongyang. explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to 2 person at the sane rank ‘The word in the final declarative form of the verb 712. (kao) Is the predicate and lies at the end of the sen~ tence. * b2 [kao] is derived from the verb 7}t} (kada) go. 7+ (ka dal 7k (ka) ~ stem % (da - ending Ae 2 (ka ol % (0) ~ final declarative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy OW 3 el, cee (naega pyo'ng-yang-e Kanda) 1 Pyongyang to 0 | go to Pyongyang. explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior. The word in the final declarative form of the verb “b>] (kanda} is the predicate and lies at the end of the sen- tence. be} (kanda) is derived from the verb 7}e} (kada) go. Ae ob (ka dal 7 (ka) ~ stem 104 (da) ~ ending hoe Let (ka nda) “Ft (nda} ~ final declarative ending of the verb In the low form of courtesy abel (kanda} (after contrac Ing 7} (ka) and U (n) > Text When a speaker speaks to a superior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form - Ab Buch. (ega ——kannida) t eo I go. As ILC Gio'nu'n —kamnida} 1 20 1 go. d x zuch. fio'n ——kannida) eo | eo Aad zc. (o'hu’ iga kamnida) xe 80 We go Asis uch. (o'hu' inu'n karnida) we 20 We go los - Alo! Buc. (tangsini — karnida) you eo You 20 - 20 Bue, (ku' ga kamaidad he goes He oes - 2 4a ZU (ku’ nyo’ jag kewnida) that woman goes She goes. Azo Zuct. Go’ hu’ idu’ ri kannida) ve 80 We 20. wae auch. (angsinu’ a kannida) you 80 You 80. WALES 2tuch. Ctangsindu’ ru'n kamnida) you 80 You go. a= 2tUch (ku'nu'n— kamnida) he goes He goes. a Male 2IUICl. (ku! ayo" Janu’ kamnidad 106, that woman goes. She goes. - 2801 Buch. (ku' du' ri kamnida) they 20 They go 338 2UCh (ku' du’ ru'n-kannida) they 20 They g0. - 2 4asor 2tUch. j Cku’ nyo" Jadu’ ri kamnida) | those women 20 They go. 2 ee zu. ku’ nyo" Jadu’ ru’ kemnida) those women 20 They “go. When a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, he ex- presses courtesy for the person addressed by the middle form of courtesy. - Ht 72. (naega _ kao) t 80 | go. HS 72. (nanu'n kao) I go | go. 107 uw 72. (nan kao) \ 80 1g. - 22% 2. (uriga kao) ve 20 We a0. aie Ie. (urinu'n kao) we x0 We 80 - lol 2. Ctangsini Keo) you 20 You #0. WAL 72 Clangsinu'n kao) you wo You so - $971 72. (tongmuga —ka0) conrade £0 You a BE ne. (tongmunu'n _ kao) comrade 20 You g0. - deo ig. Ctangsindu’ ri kao) 108 you 20 You gp 2201 7. Ctongmudu' ri kao) conrades g0 You go 27 We. (kuga kao) he oes He goes. 2 4h ku" nyo" Jaga that voman She goes, ne. kao) goes, wee 712. (angsindu’ run kao) you zo You go F282 ne. CLongmudu’ ru'n kao) conrades. 20 You eo & ate. fkunu'n kao) he goes He goes. 2 Aa 72. (ku’ nyo" janu'n kao) that woman Boes She goes. 109 - 280 Ie Chu’ u'r kaa? they 80 They go. a2 212. (ku du’ run kao) they eo They go. -2 4a 7@. (ku’ nyo’ jadu’ ri kao) those women go They go. 2 wae 7S. (ku' nyo" Jadu’ run kao) those women 80 They 20. When a speaker speaks to an inferior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the low form of courtesy. - WIE ich. | (naegakanda} Il 20 | eo. He 2Ich. (nanu'n Kanda) ! 20 | 20 uw 2ich (nan ' kanda} 10 - Fel7b 20Cb Curiga anda) we 80 We go. IF 21Cb (mega anda) you . 80 You go - SSI 2th Clongmuga kanda) courade £0 You go. ' 20 1 go. Sol 2b Curinu’n anda) we Bo We 20 et 2c (urin— kanda) we ea We go He 2ich. (no' nu’ Kanda) you £0 You 20 4 2th (no'n anda} you go You go ML - usiyt 2 no" bu’ tga kar you eo You go. - $F201 (tonemudy' ri comrades You go. - an ach (ku' ga kanda) he goes. He goes. - 2) Malt (ku" nyo" jaga ch. nda) 2iCh kanda) 80 zich. kanda) Se 2ich. Ctongmunu’ n kanda) comrade go You go vale 2iCh (no hy’ inu'n anda) you 20 You go 282 2iCk Ctongmuau' ru'n Kanda} conrades. eo You go. as 2ich. (ku' nun kanda) he oes He goes 112 that woman goes. She goes. 2) 4ae 2IC (eu nyo" janu'n kandal that woman goes. She goes. 280! 2c (ku' du’ ri kanda? they 20 They go. 12 2c (iku' du’ run kanda) they zo They go 2 abeol 2iCh (iu! nyo" jadu' ri Kanda) those women e0 They g0. 2 “age 2iCh (ku’ nyo’ jadu’ ru'n kanda) those omen 20 They go 113 Lesson 9: The Intonation of Sentence The kinds of sentence are indicated by whether the tone is rising or falling at the end of sentence 1, The falling tone is used at the end of a de~ clarative sentence. for example: a7 @cr. ku’ ga onda) he comes He cones. explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior * Sc} (onda) Is derived from the verb FF (oda) come, 2+ to dal 2 [o) - stem et (da) ~ ending e+ ut (onda) Lt} (nda) - final declarative ending of the verb in the tow form of courtesy Ee} (onda) (after contracting @ (0) and & (n} ) 2. The rising tone is used at the end of an inter- rogative sentence. for example: 27 g=Ir? ' 2 ku’ ga nu’ nga he comes? Is he coming? hia explanation: The speaker speaks to a person at the same rank. 27 (onu'nga} is derived from the verb 2°} (oda) come. et (0 dad 2 fo) ~ stem Ph (da) ~ ending 2 + = fo nu'n-ga) =7t (nu'n-ga) - final Interrogative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy But the interrogative word should be stressed when it ap- pears in an interrogative sentence. for example: > 2} ora 27h? (ku'ga o'nje on’ n-ga) he when cones? When is he coming? 3. The tone should be even to the end of a sugges~ tive sentence. for example: oa (aja) 20 let us! Let us ed! explanation: The speaker speaks to an Inferior 7b} (kaja) is derived from the verb 7}¢} (kada) go. abot th [ka da) 74 (ka) ~ stem PL (da) - ending + a 1s a} (ja) ~ final suggestive ending of the the verb in the low form of courtesy 4. The falling tone Is used at the end of an im- perative sentence. for _gxample: ahehy (kara) ao! Go! exolanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior. 75 oo is derived from the verb 7}>} (kada} go. (ka dal 74 (ka) ~ stem »} (da) ~ ending vee a (ka ral ® (ra) - final imperative ending of the verb In the low form of courtesy 5. The tone should be even to the end-of an ex~ clamatory sentence, for example: _, os Belotnt to Joguaivo"} ont fatherland! Ont Father land! explanation: BF + clot (ioeue iyo") Z> (Jogue) - noun fatherland clei Ciyo") - vocative ending to be used when the word to be declined ends in a consonant 116 In this example the word to be declined 2% ( joguk) ends in the consonant“) (k) The Final interrogative Form of the Verb When the speaker asks another person something, the final in- terrogative form of the verb is used. for example: sale] ay aicr (tangsini kamnikka) you Bo? Are you going? explanation: * The final interrogative form %h 7} (kamikke) is derived from the infinitive 73>} (kada) ao. whet ep tka da) 7} (ka) ~ stem © (da) ~ ending 7h + Wurm (ka mnikka) Ut (mnikka) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form 4 >t (kamnikka’ (after contracting 7} (ka) and » (p) ) When the stem of the verb ends in a vowel, #447} (anikka) is used. In this example the stem 2} (ka) of the verb 74h (kada) ends in the vowel } (a) Therefore, 47} (mnikka) is used here, 1, When a speaker speaks to a superior, the final interrogative form of the verb has the follow- ing form: for example: 7 qunber person singular a7} tale eum? Gega phyo'nsira’ | ssu' mika) speaker 1 the fetter write? Am | writing the letter? Ale] gale eum person Clangsini phyondiru’ | ssu"nnikka) addressed | you the letter write? Are you writing the letter? a7 aale eu Tku' ga phyo"ngiru'| su’ mnikka) he the letter writes? person Is he writing the letter? spoken about a Mab} das eum? iku’ nyo" Jaga ohyo"njiru’ | su’ mnikka) that woman the letter writes? Is she writing the letter? number person plural alt ale sum? speaker | (uriga phyo'nJiru’ | ssu’ mnikka) we letters write? Are we writing letters? BALES al eum? person Canasindu’ ri phyo"nJiru’ | ssu' mika) addressed | you letters write? Are you writing letters? age aale su” (ku du’ ri phyo'njjru’ | ssy'anikkad they letters’ write? person | Are they writing letters? spoken about =| 2 Habel aa) eur (ku! nyo" Jadu’ ri phyo'nJiru’ | ssu’mnikka) those wonen letters write? Are they writing letters? 8 explanation: * The final interrogative form 447} (ssu’mikka) Is de- rived from the infinitive Ar} (ssu'da) write. A+ ep (ssu' da) & (su) - stem =} (dal » ~ ending A+ wum (ssu’ —mnikka) 4474 (mnikka) = final interrogative ending of the verb In the most deferential form 447% (ssu’mnikka) (after contracting 4 (ssu') and w @) hen the stem of the verb ends in 2 vowel, W447} (mnikkal is used. In this example the stem 4 (ssu’) of the verb Ae} (ssu’ da) ends in the vowel— (u') . Therefore, 8 U7} (mnikka) is used here. for example: nunber person singular |r Aske ieuipe? ‘speaker. (jega sagwaru’| — mo’ ksu’mnikka) the apple eat? An I eating the apple? person | Alo] Als PLS LIM? addres- | Ctangsini sagwaru’! mo’ ksu' mika) sed you the apple eat? Are you eating the apple? [27 4S | eum? Cku' ga sagnaru’ |-mo"ksu'mnikka) he the apple eats? person Is he eating the apple? spoken about cL Mab} Abbe = lSLipie (ku’ nyo" Jaga sagwaru'! mo"ksu’ mika) that woman the apple eats? Is she eating the apple? ng umber plural person fel7 Ase | SLIT speaker | Turia sagwaru’! _mo'ksu' nikal | we the apple eat? Are we eating the apple? | person | "4l-Ee] Abe | A SLiDt? addres- | Ctangsindu' ri sagvaru'| mo" ksu'mnikkal sed you the apple eat? Are you eating the apple? 2a, 453 Seus Thu du’ ri sagwaru’ | mo" ksu' Mikkel they the appie eats? person | Are they eating the apple? spoken about | 2 Wa}#o) Aste SLIT? Tkv' nyo’ Jadu’ ri sagwaru'! mo" ksu'mnikkal | those women the apple eat? Are they eating the apple? explanation: * The final interrogative form 4447} (mo'ksu'mnikka) is derived from the infinitive "&} (mo'kda) eat. aoe {mo"k da} = (mo'k) - stem >} (dal ~ ending a+ gust (no"k su’ mnikka) U7 tou'malkkal - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form When the stem of the verb ends in a consonant, @4U 7H (su’ mnikka) is used. In this example the stem 4 (mo'k) of the verb 4} [mo'k da} ends in the consonant 7 (k} . Therefore, @4 7} [su'm nikka) 1s used here 120 2. When a s, rank, the peaker spbaks to a person at the same final interrogative form of the verb has the following form: for example: umber person singular Hizb ale 4E7r (naega phyo' njiru’ | ssu' nu’ n-gal speaker | | the letter write? An | writing the letter? Person addres~ sed person spoken about Bel ale wea (tangsini phyo’njiru’! ssu’ nu’ n-ga) you the letter write? hve You writing the letter? a7 ade ASW (kuga phyo’nJiru' | ssu’nu' nga) he the letter writes? Is he writing the letter? 2 Mab ale 4=7r (ku’ nyo" Jaga phyo'njiru’ t ssu' nu’ n-ga) that xoman the letter writes? Is she writing the \etter? 121 form: for example: 122 aber persoh plural | so MAE wei? speaker Curiga phyo’njiru’! ssu’nu'n-ga) we ‘etters write? re wo writing letters? alee] Ral En parson | (tengsindu’ ri phyo'njiru'l su’ nu’ n-ga) addres~ you letters write? sed Are you writing letters? ae], ale prer Tku' du’ ri phyo’ nJiru’ | ssu' nu’ n-ga] they | letters write? person | Are they writing letters? spoken about 2 Ya}eel ale | At? Tku’ nyo’ jadu’ ri phyo’ njiru'! ssu' nu’ n-ga) those wonen Tetters write? Are they writing letters? explanation: The final interrogative form &*=7t (ssw nu'n-ga) is de- rived from the infinitive 4t} (ssu'da) write. a + oH {ssu’ da) & (ssu') - stem = (da). ~ ending Seen (ssu" nu’ n-ga} . . “Loh (nu'nrga) ~ final interrogative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy 3. When a speaker speaks to an inferior, the final interrogative form of the verb has the following nunber person singular louph BAS AR (naega phyo"njiru' | ssu' nu’ -nya) speaker 1 the letter write? | am | writing the letter? person | wiz} ALS 45L7 addres~ (nega phyo"njiru’! — ssu'nu' -nya) sed you. the letter write? Are you writing the letter? a7} Bale cu? (ku' ga phyo’njiru'l — ssu'nu’ -nya) he "the letter writes? person Is he writing the letter? ‘Spoken about 2 Mab able AGL (ku nyo’ jaga phyo’njiru’l ssu' nu’ that vonan the letter writes? Is-she writing the letter? aber person plural a7) BALE acu? speaker Curiga phyo'njiru’! ssu‘nu’-nya} ve. letters, write? Are we writing letters? ua} tale ALL? person (no" hu’ iga phyo'ndirw' | ssu"nu’ nya) addres- | you letters write? sed | Are you writing letters? ase] Aas ALU? (ku' du’ ri phyo"nJiru’ | ssu’ nu’ -nya), they | letters write? person | Are they writing letters? spoken about" | 2) Yale] alae ‘uy? Chu’ nyo" Jadu’ ri phyo"njiru’ | ssu’ nu’ -aya) ‘those women. letters write? Are they writing letters? 123 explanation: = The final interrogative form ALU (ssu'nu'-nya) is de- rived from the infinitive A= (ssu' dal write. ato {ssu' da} & (ssu') = stem tH (da) ~ ending A+ by (ssu' ny" -nya) Et {ou'-nya) ~ final interrogative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy Table of Final Interrogotive Endings of the Verb Final interrogative endings of the verb the most middle form low. form deferential form of courtesy | of courtesy BLD / @Umt s7t su (anikka) (su'mnikka) | — (au'n-ga) (nu -aya) remarks: We have indicated here only such final interrogative endings of the verb which are frequently used For the other final interrogative en refer to the appendix. gs of the verb, please The Declension of the Noun in the Singular (Accusative, Dative) The accusative for the question whom or what has the accusa~ tive ending! & teu!) . fu") 124 E (ru'l) (hen the word to be declined ends in @ vowel) & (u'l) (when the word to be declined ends in a consonant for example: © 448 (namuru'!) tree explanation: uz +g (nam rut) 4+ (nam) = noun tree (1u'l) ~ accusative ending © 488 (saram'1) man explanation: Ay + (saran ut) LSE (saram) - noun man (u'D ~ accusative ending she dative for the question whom. to where, where or when has the dative ending: M (kke) , OWA (ege) , Of fe) M (kke) (when @ sense of respect is given to the word to be ‘ecl ined) OH (ege) (when the word to be dec! being? ed Indicates an animate HH fe) (when the ord to be declined indicates an inanimate being) for example: © sb} (abo"nimkke) to one’s father explanation: obi + at (abo'nim kke) ‘o}4{ 2 (abo' nim) - noun father al (kke] ~ dative ending AVRHONM (saramege) to a man explanation: Ae + olla) (saran exe) Aba (saram) - noun man lal (ege) - dative ending UFO (namue) toa tree explanat ion: wes (name e) 4% (amu) - noun tree of [e) - dative ending 3201 (pyo'ng-yana-e) to Pyonayang, in Pyongyang explanation: ee al ‘ . (pyo'ng-yanee) 2} (pyo' ng-yang) ~ noun Pyonavang ol (el - dative ending $OU (nae) in the daytime explanation: wos (naj ed ‘% (naj) - noun daytime of (el - dative ending 6 The Declension of the Noun in the Plural (Accusative, Dative) The accusative for the question whom or what has the accusa~ tive ending: .& (ut) gw for example: O 4¥E8 [namudu' ru’) trees explanation: Wes Be (nama du’ r vi 4% (namu) - noun tree = (du'r) ~ plural ending # {u'l) - accusative ending O ARHES (sarendu’ ru’ 1) men explanati eee (saram dur uD 4}8} (saram) - noun man & (du'r) - plural ending © (u'l) ~ accusative ending The dative for question whom, to where, where or when has the dative ending: Mi (kke) , Al (ege) , Of (e) . TW (kke) (when a sense of respect is given to the word to be declined) GMI Cege) (when the word to be declined indicates an animate being) 127 OH (e) (when the word to be declined Indicates an inanimate being) for example: © ob EM (abo' nimdu’ Ikke] to fathers explanation: chy + B+ ol (abo'nim dy'l —kke) he} Y) (abo' nim) ~ noun father & (du' |) - plural ending wl (kke) - dative ending © Abe}E0Nal (sarandu’ rege) to men explanation: ARG + e+ bal (saran du'r ee) ALS} (saram) - noun man © (du'r) ~ plural ending ofall (ege) ~ dative ending © U-¥FEM (namydu' re) to trees, on trees explanation: ue Be (name du'r e) 4% (namu) - noun tree & (du'r) - plural ending of fe) - dative ending The Declension of the Personal Pronoun (Accusative, Dative) ‘The accusative for the question whom has the accusative end- Ing! B (rw), B (u') 128 (ru'l) (hen the word to be declined ends in a vowel) B (v'l) (when the word ta be declined ends in a consonant? for example: O AB (io'ru'!) me explanation: A+ Gerry i Cio") ~ personal pronoun | % (ru) ~ accusative en O 4B Ina} ne explanation: (na ru) ¥ (na) - personal pronoun 1 = (ru'l) ~ accusative ending © ASB (jo'bu' iru’) us explanation: Goh i two 418) (Jo'hu' I} ~ personal pronoun we F (ru'l) - accusative ending © ASS (jo'nu' idu'ru'l) us explanation: A + Bog Go'hu'i dur ou ASI Cio'hu' i} - personal pronoun ve © (du'r) ~ plural ending © (u'l) ~ accusative ending 329 The plural ending & (du'l) can be attached to the per~ sonal pronoun 444) [jo'hu" i} . But in the meaning the personal pronouns #43! (Jo'hu' i) we and >] ]- (jo'hu' idu’!) we are the same. Both of them are the personal pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun ¥1#/ (Jo'hu' idu'!) is attached the accusative ending ~& (u'I) because the personal pro- noun “18% (io'hu' idu'!) ends in the consonant @ (1) « © $218 Curiru'l) us explanation: Fa (url wD 2] (uri) ~ personal pronoun ve & (ru'|) ~ accusative ending Oo #2) ie (uridu’ ru") us explanation: ead a Curis du'r vi . . $2] (uri) ~ personal pronoun ve & (du'r) - plural ending (ul) ~ accusative ending The plural ending & (du'l) can be attached to the per sonal pronoun +2] (uri) But in the meaning the personal pronouns $2] (uri) we and $2|-€ [uridu’ |) we are the same. Both of them are the personal pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun -?-2]& (uridu'l) is attached the accusative ending % (u'|) because the personal pronoun $2] (uridu'!) ends in the consonant = aw © YB (nou!) you explanation: Me no’ ul) 4 {n0") = personal pronoun you & (ru'll ~ accusative ending © VSR (no'hu' iru!) you explanation: uals & (no'hu'i ru’) 448! (fo"hu' 1) = personal pronoun you = [ru' |) ~ accusative ending © 42-28 (no'hu'idu' ru’) you explanation: yas Be (no'nw 1 dur uD 418] (ro'hu' i) ~ personal pronoun you += (du'r) - plural ending © (u'l) - accusative ending The plural ending & (du'l) can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun 448] (no'hu’ i). But in the meaning the personal pronouns v4] (no°hu’ i) you and U3/- (no’hu'idu’!} you are the same. Both of them are the personal pronouns in plural. To the personal pronoun ¥48)-% (no'tu' idu'l) is attached the accusative ending & (u'l) because the personal pro~ noun 4481-E (no'hu' idu’ 1) ends in the consonant @ (1) . The dative fer the question whom has the dative ending: Ol lege) OAL (ege) for example: © AMAL Cio'ege) to me explanat font A+ bl : (io" ege) Af (jo'} - personal pronoun | ofall (ege) - dative ending HONAL (na-eg2) to me explanation: uo otal (na ege) (na) personal pronoun | ofl (ege) - dative ending AASOUAL (io°hu' iege) to us explanat ion: al + fal Gio'hu'l — ege) A431 (jo'hu' i) - personal pronoun we offal (ege) ~ dative ending AS1EOUM ( jo" hu’ idu’ rege) to us explanation asl + tal Cio’hu'i du’ ege) S| (jo"hu'i) - personal pronoun we (du'r) ~ plural ending otal (eg) - dative ending The plural ending -& (du'!) can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun 121 (jo hu’ i] But in the meaning the personal pronouns ~1] (io’hu' i) we and =} 3] [jo'hu' (du'l) we are the same, Both of then are the perronal pronouns in plural To the persona! pronoun ~{31% (Jo'hu'idu'l) is attached the dative ending oa] [ege) 132 © 2101 Curiege) to us explanation: Fels lal uri ere 21 (uri) ~ personal pronoun we ofall (ege) ~ dative ending © FPSO Curidu’ rege) (to) us explanation: f+ B+ ofa (uri du'r ege) 2] (uri) - personal pronoun ve © (du'r) - plural ending otal (ege) - dative ending. ‘The piural ending = (du'l) can be attached to the per~ sonal pronoun #2} (uri) But in the meaning the personal pronouns 2] (uri) ve and #21 (uridu'l) we are the same, Both of them are the persona! pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun -?3]- (uridu'i) is attached the dative ending of al (ege) © YONA (no'ege) (to) you explanation: Uo+ fal (m0 ege) 4 {no") - personal pronoun you olall (ege) ~ dative ending © MISIOIAL (n0" hu" eae) (tor you 133 4] (no’hu' i) - personal pronoun you otal (ege) - dative ending © 48]-S0M (no'hu' idu'rege) (to) you explanation: ys + Ee + fal (no'hu’i dur exe) YS] (no'hu' i) - personal pronoun you & (du'r) - plural ending ofa (ege) - dative ending The plural ending & (du'!} can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun 443} (no’hu' i). But i the meaning the personal pronouns 41) (no'hu' i) you and 48) (no’hu’idu’ Il] You are the same. Both of ‘them are the personal pronouns in plural. To the personal pronoun +4 31-& (no'hu' idu'!} is attached the dative ending ofl Cege) . Adverbs of Negation” OFL (ani) 7 QP (an) not negation without condition and cause) (mot) not (negation with condition and cause) These adverbs Iie mainly before verbs the meaning of which they deny for example: © OL [anid “7 gb (an) not (negation without condition and cause) wl OFLI-EH eh. (pinu'n anionnida rain not cones Jt is not raining. 134 | explanation: + oh Ste} (aniomnida) is derived from adverd oft] (ani) not and the verb 2¢} [oda] come. ch + 8 + ef not cone (ani ° da) oY [anil - adverb 2 (0) ~ ste 4 (da - ending oh ye + wut (ani o mnida) MUTE (mnida) - -final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferential tora eh4-4U5} (anionnida) (after contractong 2 (0) and ()) eel heey, Count anomnida) snow not comes It is not snowing. explanation: * S44 (anomida) is derived from the adverb 3k (an) not and the verb 2} (oda) come. a + 2 + Th not come (ano day a fan) - adverb not 2 (0) - stem ¥ (da) ~ ending bee 2s ye (an 0 anida) Wut (miida) = final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferentiat form SHEE (anomida) (after contracting 2 (0) and vp) ) © & (mot) not (negation with condition and cause) AS Rade. 135 Gio'nu'n moteamnidad ‘ cannot ga | cannot go. explanation: « zahdep (mot Eee (mot ga & (not) 7 tka) PE (da) Ree (mot ga eet (mida) 4 da) - stem in the most deferenti S7TUFH (motgamnidal (after contracting 7} (ka) (p) (motgannida! is ot and the verb 7}e} (kada) derived from #0 the adverb & cannot 80 - adverb not ~ ending. uuep ni da) = final declarative ending of the verb 1 form and & The Interrogative Pronoun (which place, which time) The interrogative pronoun indicating a place GHC] (o'di) which place He] [o'di} which place is substantively usee for example: BE leo ahd it (tangsinu'n o'die kamnikka) You which place to go? here are you going? explanation: stot] + of 136 fold) ed) ciel (0'di) - interrogative pronoun which place ot (e] ~ dative ending “U7 (kamnikkal is derived from the verb 7h} (kada) 0. 7h + (ka da) 7 (ka) ~ stem th (da) = ending vhs wat (ka mika) 47h (nnikka) ~ final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form atu7} (kannikka) (after contracting 7} (ka) (0) * and 8 The interrogative pronoun indicating time SAM (o'nse) which time lal (o'nje) which time is substantively used. for example: a7 aan Bae? (ku ga o'nie omni kka) he Which time at comes? When is he coming? explanation: ¥* The interrogative pronoun torn, Accordingly the dative ending of (e) of the interrogative pronoun allel fo'nJee) which time at was omitted This is called the absolute case. ¥ GUM, Comnikkas is derived (ron the verb 2H (oda! come, 2+ th fo a) LA (o'njes is in the dative 137 2 (0) - stem th (da) - ending 2+ Bua io mnikka) uah (mnikke) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form $7} (omnikka) (after contracting 2 (o) and 8 [p)) The Declension of the Interrogative Pronoun (Nominative, Accusative, Dative) The declension of the interrogative pronaun is the same 2s with @ noun, ‘The nominative of the interrogative pronoun has the nominé~ tive ending: 7k (ga), OL (i) - Jk (wa) (when the word to be decithed ends’ in a vowel? Ol (1) (when the word to be declined ends in a consonant) for example: © -F#7b (nuguea) who explanation? Se + {nugu ga) “= (nugu) - interrogative pronoun ho 7h (ga) - nominative ending © #201 (muo' si} what explanation: aaaaesaaeeene (mio's 1) ‘Fo (muo"s) - interrogative pronoun what | (i) ~ nominative ending The accusative of the interrogative pronoun has the accusa- 138 tive ending: & (sul), @ Cu'l) . (ru'l) (hen the word to be declined ends in a vowel) (u'l) Gihen the word to be declined ends in a consonant) tor example: $48 (nuguru’!) whom explanation:. st (mugu m3 = [nugu) - interrogative pronoun who % (ru'l) = accusative ending The dative of the interrogative pronoun has the dative ending: OWA Cege) , Of Ce) ONAL (ege) (when the word to be declined indicates an animate being) Of Ce) (when the word to be declined indicates an inanimate being) for example: © F0H21 (nuguege) (to) whom explanation: +t + lal (sues eeel “+ (nugu) - interrogative pronoun ho ofa (eg) - dative ending © #0 (muo’se) what to explanat a+ of (muo" s e) Fol (muo's] - interrogative pronoun hat of le) - dative endi 139 Yes, No 1, When the Interrogator is superior to the person addressed for example: : O Be zHezi*?2 (when the interrogator is superior [tongmunu'n kanu'n-ga) to the person addressed who is an comrade 0? adul) : Are you going? explanation? SEE +e Conemy: ny’n) “SF (Longmis} - noun comrade = (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending 4% (onan) is a noun.Bot iL can be used as.a personal Pronoun With the meaning you #?>}e2} (kenu'n-ga) is derived trom the verb >be} Tkada) 80. a+ (ka da) 7 tka) ~ stem et (da) ~ ending 7+ E7h (ka nu'n-ea) £74 (nu'n-ea) ~ final interrogative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy ° 7hevie?7— (when the interrogator speaks to a {no' nun kanu'-nya) child) you g0? Are you going? explanation: 140 eu ote no’ nun) 4 (a0") = personal pronoun you = (ou'n) ~ auxiliary ending 77,51} kamu -nya)_ is derived from let kada) go. ahs oF (ka da) 7} (ka) ~ stem Ft (da) ~ ending y+ ee (ka ou -ayal “4 (nu'nya} - final interrogative ending of the verb in the (ow form of courtesy a . (ye) yes Yes. explanation: a ye] ~ exclamatory word ef (ye) is the answer that one will go. OL. aniyo) no No explanation: oH. (anivol is the answer that one will not eo. oh + 8 (ani yal oh (ani) ~ adverb of negation no & (vol - final declarative ending of the verbal form of the noun, pronoun or numeral in the middle form of courtesy (refer to the Sesson 18) 141 O FFE tober? (when the interrogator is (tongmunu’n an=ganu'a-ga) superior to the person ad- comrade not go? dressed wha is an adult) Arent you going? explanation: * U7He74 (an-gany'n-ga) is derived from the adverb et (an) not and the verb 7}>} (kada) 80, @ + zich not ko (an gada) et (an). ~ adverb not 7h} (kada) ~ verb go t+ mye ot (an ga da) ‘i : yh (ga) - stem 4 (da) ~ ending oe zh + BT (an ea nu’ nga ‘E7} (nu'n-ga) final interrogative ending of the verb in the middie form of courtesy We abet? (when the interrogator speaks (no" nu’ an-ganu’ -nya) to a child? you not go? Aren't you going? explanation: * U7ELu (an-ganu'-nya) is derived from the adverb @& (an) not and the verb 7H} (kada) go, at + d7beb not go (an gada) at (an) - adverb not vith (gada) - verb 80 aot fs ob (an ga dad vi (ea) - stem =} (dal ~ ending aor bs kb (an ga” nutays) 4 (nu!nya) - tinal interrogative ending of the verb in the low form.of courtesy 7 (vel yes Yes. explanation: ef (ye) is the answer that one will not go The ansver a (ye) is the affirmation of not go? In this case the answer in English would be no. ow. (aniyo) not. No explanation: e492. (aniyo} is the answer that one will go. The answar oft} (aniyo) is the negation of not go? In this case the answer in English would be yes 2. When the interrogator and the person addressed are on an equal footing: for example: O FFE eric? (etween friends) Congounu'n kana’ a-gai conrade a0? Are you going? explanation: ae (ongmu nu’ ay “E¥ (longmu) - noun comrade = (nu'n) ~ auxiliary ending ‘EF (tongmu) is 2 noun.But it can be used 2s a personal pronoun with the meaning you #*2}271 (kanu'n-ea) is derived trom the verb 7H (kada’ 20. vee oh tka Ba) 7} (kal - stem = (da) - ending a a + eat tka nu’ nga} +71 (nu'n-ga) ~ final interrogative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy WE | ALY? Woetveen children? {no' nu’ kanu’ -nya) you 20? Are you going? explanation: * 7ESUF (kanu’-nya) is derived from the verb 7}r} (kada) 20. veeo+ (ka da) 74 (ka) ~ stew = (da) ~ ending yhee ks (ka nut -nyal 4 (nu'-nya) -final interrogative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy (u'ng) yes Yes. 144 explanation: (u'ng) is the answer of one sho wil! go. OFLL (anit not, No. explanation: che (ani} is the answer of one who wil! not go. O FRe aeHe7i? (between friends) Ctongnunu’'n an-ganu’ n-ga) comrade not. go? Aren't you going? explanation: * E7742 (an-wanu'n-ga} is derived from the adverb @ fan} “not and the verb 7} (kada) go @ + let not go (an gagal eh (an) - adverb not AAP} (gada) - verb go ee + fon ga dad 7} [ga] ~ stem = (da) - ending ei A 6 eo fan ga nu’ n-ea) 7k (nu'n-ga) Final interrogative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy We wea? (between children) (no" nu’ an-ganu’ nya) you not go? Aren't you going? 14s explanation: * eb7}Xt} (an-ganu’-nya) is derived from the adverb @ (an) not and the verb 7}>} (kada) go. ab + eb not go (an gada) & (an) ~ adverb not zit} (kada) ~ verb go are (an ga da) 7t (ga) ~ stem = (da) ~ ending ats ee (an ga_—nu’-nyal ‘+f (nu'-nya) final interrogative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy (u'ng) yes Yes. explanation: & (u'ng) is the answer of one who will not go. The answer (u'ng) is the affirnation of not go? In this case the answer in English would be no. ont fan) not. No. explanation: e}4 (ani) is the ansxer of one who will go. The answer oft (ani) Is the negation of not go? In this case the answer in English would be yes. 146 3. When the interrogator is inferior to the person addressed: for example: OWS ae? (tangsind’ n kannikka) you 20? Are you going? explanation: + U7} (kannikka) is derived from the verb zit} (kada) eo. y+ (ka da) 74 (ka) ~ stem PH (da) ~ ending vhs au tka mnikka) 447} (mika) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form bb (kamnikka) (after contracting 7 (ka) and ¥ (p) ) chine! bu nhs? Cabo" Jinu'n kasimnikka) father go? Are you going, father? explanation: soba] + (abo Ji nu'nd ofa] (abo" ji) - noun father = (nu'n) - auxiliary ending In Korean we do not use the personal pronoun such as you when we speak to a respected person. Instead, we use the + denomination of his position in the family or society, such as father, mother and Mr * rL4U 7} (kasimnikka) is derived from the verb 7}e} (ka 147 da) 20, ahs th (ka da) 7} (ka) ~ stem e} (da) - ending vhe+ 4) + Bum (ka si_—mnikkad 4\ (sil - ending of respect (refer to the lesson 19) u 47} (mnikka) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form 7}44 74 (kasimnikka) (after contracting 4] [si] and 8 (ol) 5. (u'ne) yes. Yes explanation: © (u'ng) is the answer of one who will go or. (ani) rot No. explanat ior ef4 (ani) is the answer of one who will not go wale abot mi? (tangsinu'n an-gasimnikka) you not go? Aren't you going? exptanation: © Q7}44 7% (an-gasinnikka) is derived trom the advert @ (an) not and the verb 74 (kada) go 148 at o+ zHeh not go fan gada) @t (an) - adverb not. 7++4 (kadal - verb go ies eb fang dal 7h (ga) - stem =f (da) - ending ee te ae num (an ga sink) Al (si) ~ ending of respect 474 (nnikka) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential torm oh7H4] 47h (an-gasinnikkal (after contracting 4l (si) and ¥ (p) ) ob ale deta? Cabo" jinu'n an-gasinnikka), father ot go? Aren't you going. father? explanation: * U74]47} (an-gasinnikka) is derived from the adverb & (an) not and the verb 7}e} (kada) go. at + het not go (an gaga) @ (an) - adverb not viet (kada) ~ verb 0 ais + ot (an a8 da) 7} (ga) - stem + (da) ~ ending aot 7h + al + wu (ang si—aikka) 4] (31) ~ ending of respect uuj7t (mnikka) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form 149 cho4ui7t Lan-aasinnikka) (after contracting 41 (si) and 4 Ip) ) (u'ne) yes. Yes. ‘ : explanation: "2 (u'ng) is the answer of one who will not g9. The ansver —& (u'ng) is the a(tirmation of not go?. In this case the answer in English would be n°. ot. (anid not. No. explanation: ‘ofY (ani) is the answer of one who will go. In this case the answer in English would be yes. Word Order The predicate the word in the final interrogative form of the verb in the sentence 1s the predicate, and It ITes at the end of the sen- tence for example: oO eAlelt? — olrlol"? abd min?? Ceangsini 0’ die kamnikka) you which place to 20? Where are you goine? explanation ‘The speaker speaks to a superior. The final inteccogative form 747} (kamnikka} in the sentence is the predicate,.and it lies at the end of the sentence. ens ol {tangsin i) *34l (tangsin} - noun you ©] (i) - nominative ending # oe] + of fo di e) ‘e]r] (o'di} - intecrogative pronoun which place of (e) - dative ending ‘#° 714} (kamnikka) is derived from the verb 7}c} (kada) 20. al (ka, ga) 7} (ka) - stem et (da) - ending A+ Burt (ka antkka) wut (anikka) ~ final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential form 7474 (kamnikka} (after contracting 7} (ka) and 4 (p) ) All ol el af JHE Ir? Cangsini 0’ die Kanu’ n-ga) you which place to 80? Where are you going? explanation: The speaker speaks to @ person at the same rank. The final interrogative form 77} (kanu'n-ga} in the sentence is the predicate, and it I1es at the end of the sentence. 7He7k (kanu'n-ga) is derived from the verb 7}e} (kada) £0. 151 a+ ob (ke dal 7b tka) - stem >} (da) - ending a+ eb (ka nu’n-ga) “71 (nu'n-ga) final interrogative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy Out lela eames (nega o' die kanu’ nya) you which place to go? Where are you going? explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior The final interrogative form 7}Lv} (kanu’-nya) in the sentence is the predicate, and it lies at the end of the sentence. * 7LEU (kanu' -nya) Is derived from the verb 71>} {kada) go. 7+ ob (ka da) 7} (ka) ~ stem = (da) ~ ending 7s Se (ka na’ -nya) EU} (nu'-nya) final interrogative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy. The object The object in the form of the accusative lies between the sub- Ject and the predicate for example: weale|"! ET? Bue? 152 (tangsini phyo’ njiru’| ssu' nnikka) you a letter write? Are you writing a letter? explanation: The speaker speaks to a superior. al (ohyo'njiru’|).in the form of the accusptive is the object, and it lies between the subject "lol { tangsini) and the predicate 447} (ssu'anikka) HAL + ol : [tangsin *2Al (tangsin) - noun you ol (i) - nominative ending aa] +E (hyo'ndi ru) sda] (ohyo" ni} - noun letter & (ru'l) ~ accusative ending #447) (ssu'mikka) is derived from the verb =} (ssu’ da) write. A + oy (ssu' da) (ssu’) - stem % (da) - ending A+ num” (ssu'_anikka) 4474 (onikka) - final interrogative ending of the verd in the most deferential form #471 (ssu'mnikka) (after contracting 4&(ssu’ and ¥ [p) > The object in the form of the dative lies between the subject. and the predicate for oxample: Alo] ROM alae sua (langsini nuguege hyo’ nJiru'i su’ mnikka) you whom toa letter rite? Whon are you writing a letter? 153 explanat ton? The speaker speaks to a superior. “+ofal] (nuguege) In the form of the dative is the object, and it Iles between the subject Alef (tangsini) and the Predicate 447} (ssu'mnikkal set + tal ‘ (ousu eee) 5% {nugu) - interrogative pronoun who fal (ege) - dative ending Text 1 When 2 speaker speaks to a person addressed with respect. he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the most deferential form, too. - Aa Bum? Gees kanhikke? 1 go? An | going? of, Ale] = ZHLICh. (ye tangsini kemnida) yes you a0 Yes, you are going, ola, slo] gtRHUIEt. (aniyo tangsini an-gannida) no you not 20 No, you are not gaing. ~ Ale] zuD? Ctangsini kamnikka) 154 you 20? Are you going? - a7} mum? (ku' ga kamnikka) he goes? Js he xing? - 2 Yap} um? of, A} Zuo. (ye iega kamnida) yes | go Yes, | am going. oa. At etetuch. faniyo jega an-gamnida} no 1 not 80 No, 1 am not going. of, a7} Buc. (ye ku’ ga kamnida) yes he goes Yes, he is going: 4a, a7} beech (aniyo ku'ga an-gannida) no he ~—not goes No, he is not going. (ku' nyo" Jaga kamnikeka) that woman goes? Is she going? a4, 2 Malt tut. (ye ku" nyo’ Jaga kannida} yes that woman goes. Yes, she Is going. 155 = 2el7} BUD? (uriga kamikkal we 0? Are we going? = YAlEe} zune Ctangsindu' ri amniikka) you 20? Are you going? - 28] BU Cio’ du! ei kamntkkal M4 s,2 abt. U2ILich (aniyo ku’ nyo" jaga an-gannida) no that woman —not._goes No, she is not going ot, dale] uch. (ye tangsindu' rl kamnida) yes you 80 Yes, you are going. ola, e4leel Uztich. (aiyo tangsindu’ ri an-gamiidal no you not 20 No. you are not going. a4, #27 2tuc. (ye uriga kamnida) yes we go Yes. we are going. oa, Fel7} e2tLich (aniyo uriga an-gamnida) nove = not. go No, we are not going. 156 they 20? Are they going? 4, 28 auc. (ye ku’ du’ ri kannidad yes they go Yes, they are going. oa, 28 duc. (aniyo ku'du’ ri angganinidad no they not. go No, they are not going, - 2 Yakeel * zum? (ku nyo" jadu'rikannikka) those — yomen 20? Are they going? el, 2 Mabge] —2tUch, {ye ku’ nyo’ jadu’ ri kannida) yes those women zo Yes, they are going. chs, 2 Walge} SH22LIC faniyo ku’ nyo’ Jadu’) an-gannidad no those yonen not go No, they are not” going. When a speaker speaks to # superior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy tor the speaker by the low form of courtesy, ~ Azt 2Lime Giegakamnikka) i 80? An | going? 157 Miz} 2ICh. (u'ne nega _kanda) yes you 0 Yes, you are going. of, uz} @tzecir. (ani nega an-ganda) no you not go No, you are not going. explanat io + 2c} (an-ganda) is derived from the adverb @& (am) not and the verb 7+ (gada) go. at + 7st not g0 (an gada) et fan} - adverb not 7h} (gada} - verb 20 whe a (an ga da) 7 (ga) stem } (da) ~~ ending aos he uth (an ga nda} ‘Lt (nda) - final declarative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy U2} (an-ganda) (after contracting } (ga) and & (n) ) ~ oblaj7} 7am? (abo' Liga kasimnikka) father 0? Are you going, father? eee (ung naega Kanda) fee Ro Yes, 1 am going 158 oh, uizh ohzect. (ani naeea_en-ganda} no not go No, 1 am not going. ~ a7 2M (ku' ga kannikka) he. goes? 7 ts he going? . & a ah. (u'ng ku’ ga kanda) yes he goes Yes. he is going. ol, a7} 2ict. (ani ku'ga_an=ganda) no he not goes No, he is not going. - 2 aalt atime {ku' nyo’ jaga_kamnikka) that woman goes? Is she going? % 2 abt atch, {u'ng ku’ nyo’ Jaga anda) yes that woman Boes, Yes, she is going. oh, 2° waht tach. (ani ku' nyo’ jaga_an-eanda? no that woman —not._ goes. No, she is not going - $217k BUM (uriga Kamnikka) 159 we a0? Are we going? ~ setae] 71am? ri kasinnikkal abo" fathers a0? - tee] Bum (ku' du’ ri kamnikka they 0? Are they going? fathers? &. dal7h ich (u'ng no‘nu’ ize kanda) yes you #0 Yes, you are going of, Malt dich. Tani o°hu' igaan-ganda) no you not 0 No, you are not going %. Fel7} zt. fu'ng uriga Kenda) yes ve #0 Yes, we are going. of, Pelz} UztCh (ani uriga an-ganda) nome not go Wo, we are not going. $ ate 2h fu'ng ku du'rikanda) yes they go Yes, they are going 160 oH, 2eel UEC (ani ku'du' ri an-ganda) no they not go No, they are nat going. - 2 Yabee] tLe (ku’ nyo" jadu’ ri kamnikka) ‘hose omen 30? Are they going? $2 Mabge] 2th Cu'ng ku’ nyo" Jadu'rikanda) yes those women : 0 Yes, they are going. oh. 2 Mabge] aI. (ani ku’ nyo" Jadu’ ri an-ganda) no those women not go No, they are’ not going. When a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, he ex- Presses courtesy for the person addressed by the middie form of courtesy When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the middle form of courtesy, too. - Wt em (naeea anu’ n-aa) > i ao — tm | going? & B77 Hg. fu'ng tongmuga kao) yes comrade go Yes, you are going. 4, S47 tee. 161 (ani tongmuga an-gao) no comrade not go No, you are not going, explanation: 4 @2}2 (an-gao) is derived from the adverb ot Can) and the verb 7}r+ (kada) go. at + heb not go (an anda) } fan) - adverb not 7het (gada) - verb go eae e (an ga aa) 7b (ga) ~ stem >} (da) - ending a+ Ae tanga 8) 2 (0) - final declarative ending of the verb in aiddle form of courtesy - SFA leh (tongmuga Kanu’ n-ga) conrade go? Are you going? 2, Wah oe. (u'ng naega kao) pes | 50 Yes, | am going oh, Wat Ue. (ani naega_angao) no | not 20 No, I am not going - 2 hem (ku" ga anu’ n-ga) 16? not the he goes? Is he going? $3. a7} Ae, lu'ng ku'ga kao) yes he goes Yes, he is going oh, 27} tle. Lani ku'gaan-gao) 90 he ~——not gees No, he is not going. - 2 Malt zHE7e (ku’ nyo" aga kanu'n-ga) that woman goes? 4s she going? % 2 Yall ae. (u'ng ku’ nyo" faea_ kao) yes that woman goes Yes, she is going. old, 2 alr} ebzie. (ani ku’ nyo’ jaga an-gao) no that woman —not._goes No, she is not going. - Seb Hea (uriga —kanu'n=ga) we 80? Are we going? 2, wg] 7g. (u'ng —tangsindu' ri kao) yes you 80 Yes, you are going. 163 oh, WAlgel che (ani tangsindu’ ri an-gao) no you not 69 No. you are not going. - $451 vem (tonemudy’ ri kanu' n=ga} comrades. 80? Are you going? s. felt 7g. (ung uriea kao) yes ve z0 Yes, we aré going old, Felt zig. (ani uriga—an-gav} no we not go No, we are not going. Sos! 7H It? (ku! du’ ri kanu'n-gal they 20? Are they going? . #28) oe. fu'ng = ku'du'ri kao) yes they go Yes, they are going oh, ae] ie. fant ku'du'ri an-gao) no they not 60 No. they are not going. - a alee) 7he7H (ku" nyo" jadu' ri kanu’ n-ga) 164, ‘those women 20? Are they going? $ 2 abe] 79. (u'ng ku’ nyo’ jadu’ ri kao) yes those Komen 20 Yes, they are going. 4, 2 Haee] dte. (ani ky" nyo" jadu’ ri an-gao) no those women not go No, they are not going. When a speaker speaks to an Inferior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the low form of courtesy When answering, the person addressed expresseg courtesy for the speaker by the most deferential form - Hi7k ELI? (naega_ kanu’ -aya) I 207 Am | going? ea hd 7HSLt? (nega kan’ -nyal you go? Are you going? of, e4le) BUCH {ye tangsini kamnidal yes you eo Yes, you are going. cha, Ale] rRILUICE (aniyo tangsini an-gamnida) no you not go No, you are not going. 165 el, lz} 2ELICh. (ye Jjega_kannidal yes | go Yes, | am goin. oh, a7} RtLICh (aniyo jega an-gamnida) no 1 not 80 No, | am not going a7} HEL? (iu! ga kaa’ -nya) he gaps? ‘ Is he goine? ol, 27 #UCh (ye ku’ ga Kannida) yes he goes Yes, he is going. oh4a, 27h URILIct. (aniyo ku’ ga an-gamnida) no he =~ not goes No, he iS not going, 3 Mah HEL ku’ nyo" Jaga kanu’-nya) that woman goes ? Is she going? 2 abt 2UICh. ku’ nyo’ jaga kannida) that woman goes she is going ol, lve yes. Yes, cha, abet (aniyo ku’ ob2LICh nyo’ jaga an-gannidal 166 - Felt HL Curiga kanu’ -nya) we at? Are we going? - si} EL? (no’ hu’ iga kanu’ -nya) you: 20? Are you going? - age] EL (ku' du’ Fi kau’ -nya) they 80? Are they going? no that woman Wo, she ts not going. not goes, af, Ale) 2LICt [ve tangsindu’ ri kaanida) yes you 20 Yes, you are going. cls, e4leel ERICH (aniyo tangsindut ri an-sennidal 0 you not 80 No, you are not going ol, Fel RLICh. (ye uriga — kannida) yes we 80 Yes, we are aoing. ols, Se]7} URtLich (aniyo uriga — an-gamnida) no we not 80 No, we are not going ol, $e] 2uc (ye ku'du' ri kamnida) yes they 20 Yes. they are going che, 28] UztLich. Caniyo ku’ du’ ri an-gamnida) 0 they not go No. they are not going. - 2 HAR ELI? (ku' nyo! Jadu’ ri kanu' -nya) those women 20? Are they going? ol, 2 Mabeel UIC. (ye ku’ nyo" jadu' ri kamnidal yes those women 20 Yes. they are going oa, 2 abe Caniyo ku’ nyo‘ Jadu! ri ‘90 those women URtLIch an-gamnida) not go No. they are not goind. 2 hen 2 speaker speaks to a person addressed with respect. he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the most deferential form. too 168 - An aale eupr Geea phyo’njiru'l — ssu'mikka) a letter write? 1 An | writing a letter? ol, alo) Lae (ye tangsini phyo'ngjiru’ | yes you a letter @ucr, su’ mnida) write Yes, you are writing 2 letter. chia, Helo] alae Coniyo tangsini phyo' njiru’ | no you a letter be@uce?, anssu' mni da} not write . No. you are not writing*a fetter explanat ion: *'GUr (ssu'mida) is derived from the verb Art (ssu" da) write, a+ eH (ssu’ da) # (ssu') ~ stem *t (da) ~ ending + ust (ssu'_anide? 44°} (mnidal - final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferential forn ‘SUP (ssu’mnidal (after contracting & (ssu’) and Ho [p)) s7ehsudet (anssu'mnida) ig derived form the adverb ¢t {an} not and the verb ArH (ssu'dal write, hos ACh hot write 169 (an ssu’ dal @t (an) ~ adverb not Ax} (ssu' dal ~ verb write ade a + (an su’ dal A (ssu') - stem eh (da) ~ ending aot w+ BMet (an su’ ida) ur} (mnida) - final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferential fora eh4uie} (anssu’mnida) (after contracting 4 {sul} and a (p)) = Bale] ofa Bale eu? (tangsini ku’ ege phyo" njiru’! ssu'mnikkal you him to a letter write? Are you writing 2 letter to him? 4, Ar} 2d ale {ye jega ku'ege phyo'njiru'l yes | him to a letter eu. ssu'anida) weite Yes, | am writing a letter to hin, oa, a7} toll alae (niyo. jega ku’ ege phyo'nJiru’! no 1 him to a letter She LICL anssu’ mnida) not write No, | am not writing a letter to hin. - a7 Alla RAE eum? (ku' ga tangsinege phyo'njiru’! — ssu'mnikka) he you to a letter writes? Is he wriging a letter to you? ot, 7b ala ae @LILL (ye ku’ ga Jo'ege phyo’ jiru’| ssu’ nnida) yes he me to a letter writes Yes, he Is writing a letter to me, oa, 27} AAA Ae ehSLiCh. (aniya ku’ ga jo’ ege phyo' njiru' | anssu' mnida) no he me to a letter not writes No, he is not writing @ letter to me, - 2 Mat lola al eLine? (ku' nyo’ Jaga tangsinege phyo'njiru’| ssu'mnikka) that oman you to a letter writes? Is she writing a letter to you? 4,2 4abh ata aa)e (ye tu’ ayo" jaga jo’ ege phyo'njiru'| yes that-wonan me to a letter Suct. ssu’mnida) writes Yes, she is writing a letter to me oh, 2 abt Mela walt {aniyo ku’ nyo’ jaga jo’ege phyo'njiru'! no that wonan me toa fetter eeuch anssu’ mnida) not writes Wo, she is not writing a letter to me. - Fel7} Bale @Lin? (uriga ohyo' njiru’ | ssu'mikkad 71 we deters write? Are we writing letters? ah lee] dale SUCt Cye tangsindu’ ri phyo" njiru’ | ssu’anida) yes you letters write Yes, you are writing letters ahs, glee] aE eh@ Lich Caniyo tangsindy' ri ohyo'nJfru' | anssu'midad no you! letters not write No, you are not writing letters - WAlsel aed dale eum (tangsindu’ ri ku’ du’ rege phyo'njiru" | ssu’mnikka) you them to letters write? Ace you writing letters to then? 4. fel asda ale euct (ye uriga ku’ du’ rege phyo'nJiru’| ssu'mnidad yes we them to letters write Yes, we are writing letters to them. Ms, $27 DEH ale ch@UICh, Caniyo. uriga ku’ du’ rege phyo'njiru’ | anssu' maida) no ve—them to—_tetters. not write No, we are not writing letters to them, - ae] Wed wale eum? (ku du’ ri tangsindu’ rege phyo' niiru’! ssu’ mwikka) they you to letters write? Ave they writing letters to you? of, 2ee] Felolal AAS eud. (ye ku'du' ri uriege phyo'njiru’| ssu’ mnida) yes they us to __letters write Yes, they are writing letters to us. V2 4a, 2¢el Fela Bale teuch, ‘entya ku'du'ri uriege — phyo'njiru'! anssu’ anida) no they us to Setters not write No, they are not writing letters to us - 2 Mao] eAlgola ada eum? (ku’ nyo’ Jadu’ et tangsindy' rege phyo'nJiru' | ssu’ mika) those women you to letters write? Are they writing letters to you? A, 2 Yabeol Selo dale (ye ku’ nyo’ jadu'ri uriege hyo’ njiry' | yes those women usto letters @LIC. ssu'anida) write Yes, they are writing letters to us. oh. 2 yahee] sella ae faniyo ku’ nyo" jadu’ri uriege — phyo’njiry'! no those women us to letters UIC. : anssu’ mi da) not write No, they are not writing letters to us When a speaker speaks to a superior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form lihen answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the low form of courtesy - Ar ae eum? (jegaphyo'ndiru'! — ssu'mnikka) ' a letter write? An | writing @ letter? 173 ui7t dale e@cin* (u'ng nega phyo' niiru’ | ssu'nda) yes you a letter write Yes, you are writing a letter ob, ul7b als sheer, (ani nega phyo'njiru’ | ansu’ nda) : no you a letter not write Wo, you are not writing a letter explanation: #40} (ssu'nda) is derived from the verb Ah (ssu' da) write, A+ oO (ssu’ da) & (ssu’) - stem =} (da) ~ ending A+ Ut (ssu"__ nda) Let (nda) ~ final declarative ending of the verb in the low’ form of courtesy 4rH (ssu'nda) (after contracting * Issu') and & (nl) stal@c} (anssu'nda) is derived from the adverb @h (an) not and the verb Ae} (ssu'da) t+ Ph not write (an ssu'dal & (an) ~ adverb not Ach (ssu'da} ~ verb write be we ob (an su’ da) ‘ (ssu’) ~ stem oh (das ~ ending ae Ae Leb (an ssu" nda) Le} (nda} - final declarative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy 174 atrF (anssu'nda) (after contracting & (ssu'] and & ln) > ~ oblate ala] e AMLITIN? Cabo’ jiga ku'ege phyo’njiru’! ssu’ simnikka) father him toa letter write? Are you writing a letter to him, father? 8, Wb Dela alae ch. (u'ng naega ku’ ege phyo' njiru'! ssu' nda) yes 1 himtoa letter write Yes, | am wriing a letter to him. a, at total alals tert (ani naega ku’ ege phyo' nJiru’ | anssu’ nda) no | him to a letter not write No, I am not writing a letter to him. explanation: * AUP} (ssu'simnikka) is derived trom the verb x} (ssu’da) write ae) (ssu" da) # (ssu") - stem tt (da) - ending w+ A+ wh (ssu' si mnikka) Al {si} - ending of respect 474 (mnikka) - final interrogative ending of the ver in the most deferential form 2414 4 (ssu' simnikka) (after contracting 4l (si) and @ (> ~ 2 Mlofal lal e eLie. (ku'ga tangsinege phyo'njiru'| — ssu’mnikka) he you toa letter writes? Is he writing @ letter to you? 2) (ke" thet &, ay Uda dale ch (u'ng ku" ga na-ege phyo'njiru’| ssu’ nda) yes he me to a letter writes Yes, he is writing a letter to me old, 27k Hela Bale bel (ani ku'ga na-ege phyo' njiru’! anssu’ nda) no he me to a letter not. writes No, he is not writing a letter to me. wah d4lelal lal eum nyo’ Jaga tangsinege phyo'njiru’ | ssu’mnikka) woman you to a letter writes? Is she writing a letter to you? - $el7} (uriga ve S23 4A} otal al ch (u'ng ku’ nyo’ jaga na-ege phyo' njiru’! ssu'nda) yes that woman me to a letter writes Yes, she is writing a letter to ne. cha abba alae tat {ani ku’ nyo" jaga na-ege phyo’njiru’! anssu’ nda) 0 that vonan me to a letter not writes No, she Is not writing a letter to me AAS eur phyo'njiru'! — ssu'mnikka} letters write? Are we writing letters? ws AAs 4c u'ng no" hu" iga phyo' njiru’ | ssu’ nda) yes you letters write” Yes, you are writing letters old, ual} als ebect. (ani no"hu' iga phyo"njiru’ 1 anssu’ nda) 176 no you letters not write No, you are not writing letters - ohialzel Dela) dale AMLIT (abo" Jidu' ri ku’ du’ rege phyo' njtru’ | ssu’ simnixka) fathers them to letters Write? Are you writing letters to then, fathers? % Felt seal age ch. (u'ng uriga ku’ du’ rege phyo' njiru’| ssu’ nda) yes we then to fetters — write Yes, ve are writing letters to them. od. F2l7} 2Eola) ala etch. (ani uriga ku’ du’ rege phyo'njiru’ | anssu’ nda) no we them to letters. ~— not write Me are not writing letters to them. ~ 2H] Algol all ae eum (ku"du’ ri tangsindu' rege phyo'njiru’ | ssu'mnikka) they you to letters write? Are they writing letters to you? 3, 2k Selo Bale ec (u'ng ku'du' ri uriege — phyo'nJiru' | &su'nda) yes they us to letters write Yes, they are writing letters 4. 2Ee] Fefoila] Ral chee (ani ku'du' ri uriege — phyo'nJiru’| anssu' nda) no they us to fetters — not write No, they are not writing letters to us St Mabe] al Sofa] lal eum (ku" nyo’ Jadu’ ri tangsindu’ rege phyu"nJiru' | ssu mika) those women you to letters write? Are they writing letters to you? 177 %, 2 age] Felotal wale t (u'ng ku’ nyo’ jadu’ ri uriege phyo'njiru’! ssu'nda } yes those women us to letters write Yes, they are writing letters to us od, a abeel Fella) Pale ete, (ani ku’ nyo’ Jadu’ ri uriege — phyo’niiru’! anssu'nda) no those women us to letters not write No, they are not writing letters to us. When a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, he ex- presses courtesy for the person addressed by the middle form of courtesy When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the middle form of courtesy, too, - Hat Bale 77 (naege phyo'ndiru’! — ssu’nu'n-gad —_ t a letter write? <_—_ An | writing a letter? 3 S27) wae 4g" (u'ng tongmuga phyo' njiru’ | ssu’o) yes comrade a letter write Yes, you are writing 2 letter ob, Sp} ale 2 (ani tongmuga hyo" njiru’ | anssu’ 0} no comrade letter not write No, you are not writing a letter explanat io #42 (ssu'o) is derived from the verb Ac} (ssu' da) write. a+ of su’ da) 4 ¢ssu') - stem 178 (da) ~ ending Are Issu' 0} 2% (0) - final declarative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy E42 (anssu'o) is derived from the adverb ¢ (an) not and the verb Ar} (ssu'da) write + Ach not write (an ssudal 2 (an) ~ adverb not, Avh (ssu'dal = verb write ee err fan ssu’ da) 4 (ssu') - stem ©} (da) - ending er ae eg (an ssu’ 0) @ (0) - final declarative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy. - Ee aol) ale ASI CLongmuga ku’ ege —phyo'njiru'! — ssu’nu’ n-ea) conrade him toa letter write? Are you writing @ letter to him? 8, Wizh alla aia) 42", [u'ng naega ku’ ege phyo' njiru’| ssu’o) yes | himtoa letter write Yes, | am writing a letter to hin. che, wiz} ola) male tagn?, (ani naega ku’ ege phyo' njiru’! anssu’ 0) no 1 him toa letter —_not write No, 1 am not writing a letter to him. explanation: #2 Issu’'o) is derived from the verb Ae} (ssu’ dal 179 write, Asa (ssu' da) # [ssu") ~ stem = (da) - ending Ate Issu’ 0} & (0) ~ final declarative ending of the verb in niddie (arm of courtesy the GAL (anssu'o] is derived from the adverb @ (an) not and the verb 4th (ssu'da] write. ato+ art not wile (an ssu'dal a (an) ~ adverb not Ac} (ssu'dal - verb write ae Ae ob fan ssu’ da) & Issu') - stem #} (da) - ending vr ae eg fan ssu' 2 (0) = final declarative ending of the verb in middle form of courtesy - 27 Sqaq 0 dale 4B (ku' ga tongmuege hyo’ nJiru'l su’ au'a-ga) he comrade to a letter writes? Is he Writing a letter to you? $, azk otal Male Ag) (u'ng ku’ ga na-ege phyo' nJiru'! ssu’o) yes he me to a letter writes Yes, he is writing a letter to me ob, 27b Hola Bale wage. (ani ku'ga na-ege phyo' ajiru’| anssu'o) no he me lo a letter nol writes. 180 the No. he is not writing a letter to me. - 2 abt Shela als ABI (ku’ nyo" jaga tongnuege —phyo' njirw’ | ssu' nu’ a-ga) that woman comrade to a letter writes? Is.she writing a letter to you? 3 2 Yah dela adage 42 Cu'ng ku’ nyo’ jaga na-ege phyo’njiru’| ssu'o) yes thal woman me to a letter writes Yes. she is writing a letter to me. oh, 2 Hab} hal als ge. (ani ku’ nyo’ aga na-ege phyo'njiru'! anssu’o} no thal vonan me to a letter not writes No. she is not writing a letter to me, - Fel dale ASI (uriga phyo'ndiru’l su’ nu’ nga) ve letters write? Are we writing letters? 3, daleel wale aoe (u'ng tangsindu’ ri phyo'nJiru’ | ssu’o} yes you letters write Yes, you are writing letters, oh, BAL Ee] aAt tag. (ani tangsindu' ri phyo' njiru' | anssu’o) no you letters not write No. you are not writing letters - BFE Tela aale ASIN Ctongmudu’ ri ku du’ rege phyo' nJiru"| ssu’ nu’ n-ga) comrades then to letters — write? Are you writing letters to them? 181 & Fel aed AS #2, (u'ng uriga ku’ du’ rege phyo' niiru’ | ssu'o! . tyes we them to letters write Yes, we are writing letters to them of, Fel eda dale tae. {ani uriga ku'du’ rege phyo'niiru’! anssu’o) no we then to. letters not write No, we are not writing letters to then. - 2¥6] Seed ae sem ku’ du’ ri tonmudu’ rege phy" njiru’ | ssu' au’ n-ga) they comrades to letters write? Are they writing letters to you? S 2ee] Felolal Bale 42. (u'ng ku'du' ri uriege — phyo'njiru’| ssu ol yes they us to letters write Yes, they are writing letters to us of, 2ee] Fella Aale tae (ani ku'du' ri uriege — phyo'njiru’ | anssu’o) no they us to. eters not write No, they are not writing letters to us. - 2) Yael S9e4a ale ABI? (ku" nyo! Jadu’ ri tongmudu’ rege phyo"njiru’ | ssu’nu'n-ga) those wonen comrades to letters write? Are they writing letters to you? $2 Wabbo] felt ale Ag. fu'ng ku’ nyo’ Jadu’ ri uriege — phyo'njiru'l ssu'o) yes those women us to letters write Yes. they are writing letters to us. | Selolal Aa]e tae, i uriege phyo'nJiru'l anssu'o) “4, 2 at Tani ku" nyo" jadu’ 182 no those women us to letters not write No, they are not writing letters to us, When 2 speaker speaks to an inferior, he expresses courtesy for the person. addressed by the low torm of courtesy. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the most deferential form. - Wat was ACL (naegaphyo’njiru'l su’ nu’ nya) Il 2 letter write? Am | writing @ letter? | al, Bale] ale SUC. (ye tangsini phyo' njiru' | ssu' pnida) yes you a letter write Yes, you are writing a letter. hs, elo] alae ahSLICh (aniyo tangsini phyo'njiru' | anssu' maida) no you a letter —not write i No, you are not writing a letter. explanation: * AU (ssu'nu’-nya) is derived from the verb Att fssu’ da) write, a +o (ssu' da) ae = (da) - ending A+ Sy (ssu’ nu’ -nyal) +4 (nu'-nya) -final interrogative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy . ~ vib aol aha Li? (nega kuege —phyonjiru'! —ssu’nu’ -nya) 183 you himto a letter write? Are you writing 2 letter to nim? al, Al7} otal alate euct (ye jeaa ku’ege phyo'njiru'| ssu’mnida) yes | him toa letter write Yes, | am writing a letter to him hg, al7t Jofal Bale sh@uch Taniyo jega ku’ ege phyo’njiru’ | anssu'mnida) no | him toa letter not write No. | am not writing a letter to him. - a eal ae ASU? (ku'gano’ege = phyo'njiru'l — ssu’nu’ -nya) he you to a letter writes? Is he writing a letter to you. of. 27} Ala Bale GUC (ye ku’ ga jo"ege phyo'njiru’ | ssu'mnida) yes he me to a letter writes Yes, he is writing a letter to me 4a, 27} Aolal Bale be@Uich Taniyo ku’ ga jo'ege phyo' njiru’| anssu' mnida) no heme to a letter not writes No, he is not writing a letter to me. - 2 apt doll ale AE? (ku nyo" jaga_no'ege phyo'niiru'| — ssu’ nu’ aya) that woman you toa letter writes? Is she writing a letter to you? of, 2 apt Abela Bale @UCh [ye ku’ nyo’ jaga jo’ ege phyo' niiru’ | ssu'mnidal yes that wonian me to a letter writes. Yes, she is writing a letter to me. 184 oh 8.2 al7} -adofal wale SUCH, Fantyo ku" nyo’ jaga Jo’ ége’ phyo' njiru'l anssu'mnida) no that woman me to a letter not writes No, she is not writing a letter to me, - +27 ale ease Curiga phyo'njiru'l — ssu’ nu’ -nya) we letters write? Are we writing letters? ol, alee] ale ‘@LICh (ye tangsindu’ rt ohyo" njiru’ | ssu' maida) yes you letters write Yes, you are writing letters. os, eee] Wale euch (aniyo tangsindu’ri phyo'ajiru’ | anssu'mnida) no you letters not write No, you are not writing letters. — Ha ae dae ALL? (no"hu' tga ku’ du" rege phyo'njiru'! — ssu" nu’ -nya) you them to letters write? Are you writing letters to them? ol, #217} DEoha] alae Such. (ye uriga ku’ du' rege chyo'njiru’ | ssu’ mida) yes ve them to letters write Yes, we are writing letters to then. cha, $217} ela Aalst euch, (aniyo uriga ku’ du’ rege phyo'njiru’ | anssu’ mnida) nove then to letters not write No, we are not Writing letters to them ~ 23°] Yala als ASU? fku'du’ ri re"hu' iege phyo'ngiru’ | — ssu’nu'-nya) 185 they you to letters write? Are they writing letters to you? ol, 28] Sola Bale Such (ye ku'du' ri, jo'hu’ iege phyo'njiru' | ssu' mnida) yes they us to letters write Yes, they are writing letters to us. 4a. Te] Asha ALE PS UICh, (aniyo ku" du’ ri jo" hu’ iege phyo'njiru’ | anssu' mida) no they us to letters not write No, they are not writing letters to us - 2 Wabeel Yalta hale EU? (ku' nyo’ jadu’ ri no”hu' fege phyo'njiru' | ssu' nu’ -nyal those women you to letters write? Are they writing letters to you? a. 2 MAR) Astle SLC. (ye ku’ nyo" jadu’ ri jo'hu' iege phyo’ajiru' | ssu'miida) yes those women us to letters write Yes, they are writing letters to us. ol4 a, 2 Wabgel at (aniyo ku’ ayo" iadu' ri io’ lal AALS iege phyo'njiru' | 0 those women us to letters Ue LICH anssu’ mnida} nov write No, they are not writing letters to us. 3 then a speaker speaks to 2 person addressed with respect, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for 186 the speaker by the most deferential form, too. - $37 Bune? Couguga omnikka who comes? Who cones? ah BUEI?, (ku' ga omnida) he comes He comes. explanation: $147} (omnikka) is derived from the verb 22+ (oda) come et fo da) 2 (0) --stem oh fda - ending 2+ Bua (0 mmikka) 447 (anikka) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential for 47% (onnikka) (after contracting @ (0) and ® (p) ) *°$4+4 (omnida) is derived from the verb 2b (oda) come. as (0 dal 2 (0) ~ stem =} (da) - ending Sessseseeereeas (0 anida) 4 Yet (mnidal - final declarative ending of the verb in the most deferential form ‘E4t (onnida) (after contracting 2 (0) and # (p) > - #41 guint? (imuo" si omnikka) what comes? What comes? wait BLICh (ppo' su’ ga onnidal a bus cones A bus cones explanation: ra + Ippo’ su’ ga) 1 (ppo" su’) ~ coun bus 71 (gal = nominative ending eta altel, BUM? (tangsinu'n 0° die kannikka} you which place to go? Where are you going? ae ads UC (jo'nu'n jibe kamnida) 1 home to 20 | am going home. explanation: eee Gib el Al (1d) ~ noun home Ce] = dative ending - BAe al zune Crangsinu'n o' nie kann ikke } you at which time go? When are you going? Ae 2= 2Ucb Fio'nu'n nu kamnid3 188 eo When @ speaker speaks to a superior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form linen answering. the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the low form of courtesy. - Fh sum {nonuga —omntkkal who comes? Who cones? 27) eth (ku' ga onda) he comes He comes. - Fas} Bune mus’ si onnikka what comes? What cones? siz7} Ch (ppo" su'ga_ onda} 2 bus comes A bus comes - ale, tell zum (tangsinu'n o'die kamnikka) you which place to go? + Where are you going? YE aol. (nanu'n jibe kanda) 189) 1 home to go | am going home - Ae dal zum (tangsinu'no'nje kamni kka) you which time at 20? When are you going? HE 2 2th (manu'n onu' | kanda) 1 today go am going today When 2 speaker speaks to a person at the same rank. he ex- presses courtesy for the person addressed by the middle form of courtesy. When answering. the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the middle form of courtesy. too. - seb gee? =—_ << (ouguga—onu' n-gad who comes? ho comes? a7 297, (kuga 00) he comes He comes. explanation: #27} (onu'n-ga) is derived from the verb 2°4 Coda] come. 2b (oda) 2 lo) = stem 190 FE (da) = ending 2+ bet (0 nu'n-gal =7h (nu’n-ga) - final interroga verb in the middle form of courtesy ye ending of the #729 (00) - is derived from the verb 2t4 (oda) come, 2+ lo dal 2 (0) - stem >} (da) - ending 2+ 2 Go & (0) ~ final declarative ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy - Fete] 277 (uo' si onu' n-ga) what comes? What cones? af Az} 22. (pp0' su" ga 00) abus cones A bus cones. Soe tell vist? (tongmunu'n odie kanu'n-ga) comrade which place to 20? there are you going? Ree it ios (nanu'n jibe kao) H home to go | am going hone. eae tal viet (tongmunu'n — o"nje kanu’ n-ga) 191 conrade which time at go? When are you going? He 8B te. (nanu'n on’) kao today go iam going today. When a speaker speaks to an inferior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the low form of courtesy. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the most deferential form - FP 2kut (nuguga ony’ -nya) who comes? Hho cones? at SUCH (kugaonnida) he cones He cones. explanation: * 2EU [onu'-nya) is derived from the verb 2+ (oda) cone. fo (oda) 2% (0) ~ stem = (dal - ending Or) (0 nu’-nyat Lu} (nu' -nya) final interrogative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy - Fe) 2kLD (auo' si onu’ -nya) 192 what. comes? What comes? wart Buch. {op0" su’ ga onnidal a bus comes A bus comes. ae tel of 7HELI? {no"nu'n o'die kanu’ -nya) you vhich place 20? Where are you going? At adel 2UICt. Go'nu'n jibe kamnida) 1 home to go I am going hone, He dal JEL? {no'nu'n o'nie anu’ -nya) you Which time at go? When are you going? Ae Se auc. Go'nu'n onu't —kamnida) I today go 1 am going today 193 Lesson 10: The Change of Sounds (Assimilation) The assimilation of sound The assimilation of sound means that @ sound in a word Is pronounced, under the influence of its foregoing or following sound, same as or alike to its foregoing or following sound. There are three assimilations of sound 1. The assimilation of sonants L (n}. © (m) . Un) 1) The sounds 1 (k), 7 (kk) and @ (kh) are pronounced o (ng) before a sonant for example: © $4] (tokrip) independence {B) (tonerip) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant & (r} ) © MET Ctaknu'nda) polish (EHEch) (tangnu'nda) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant L {n} ) © ¥21¥ (puo'kmun} kitchen door (2912) (puo'ngmun) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant # (m) 2) The sound & (p) and m (ph) are pronounced @ (m) before a sonant. for example: © 88 (oopryo'ng) law (8193) (pomryo'ng) (as a result of the assimilation of the 194 sonant 2 (r) ) © S&F fapmun) front door (22) Canmun} (as a result of the assimilation of the so- nant = (m) > 3) The sounds & (t), # (th), x (4), % (ch), A Cs) and ‘ (ss) are pronounced L (n) before a sonant. for example: © Bo] (matnui) the eldest sister (BHFe]) (mannui) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant & (n} ) © Wola] (patmo' ri} edge of a field (po}2}) (panmo' ri) (asa result of the assimilation of the sonant # (m) ) © Bo] (jo'tmo’gi} suckling (Z}o]) (jo'nmo’ gi} (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant. = (ml ) © BYe (kkotmang-ul) — flower bud (BYE) (kkonnang-ul) (as a result of the assinilation of the sonant = (m) © BY Ciatnamu) —pine-nut tree (2144) Ciannamu) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant L (n} ? O BLU (itnu' nya) is there? (2124) Cinnu'-nya) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant L {n} > 2 The assimilation of the sound 2 (1) 1) The sound & (n) is pronounced @ (1) before the sound & 195 m for example: a (tanlyo'n) training (Ba) Ctallyo'n) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant @ (1) ) 2 The sound L {n) is pronounced # (1) after the sound & m for example: Adit (so'Inal) New Year's Day (4B) [so'llal) (as a result of the assimilation of the sonant @ (1) ) 3. The assimilation of the palatal 1) The sound © 14) is oronounced x [j) before the palatal | i) for example: sf] (haedodi) sunrise (8#$89]] (haedojil (as a result of the assimilation of the palatal | (i) ) 2) The sound = (th) is pronounced * (ch) before the palatal 1a for example: QW! (han-ayo' leathi) unanimously (8B) Chan-gyo' lgachil (as a result of the assinile- tion of the palatal | (i) ) The Final Suggestive Form of the Verb When the speaker requires the person addressed to do some action together with him, the final suggestive form of the verb 196 is used. for example: Fez TA, (uriga kaja) we go let us Let us got explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to an inferior. * The final suggestive form 7}2} (kaJa) is derived from the infinitive 72} (kada) eo. y+ ey tka da) 7h tka) = stem Fh Ida) ~ ending A+ a tke ja) a} (ia) ~ final suggestive ending of the verb in the Jow form of courtesy 1, When a speaker speaks to a Superior, the final suggestive form of the verb has the following form: for example: sae SAIC. (yo'ng hwaru" | popsida) the film see let us Let us see the 171m) explanaion: * E414} (popsida) is derived from the verb ¥et (poda) see, B+ of (po da) ¥% [p0) ~ stem ©} (da) ~ ending 197 wos naleh (po psidal walt (osida} ~ final suggestive ending of the verb in the most deferential form 4B4let (popsida) (after contracting ¥ (pol and # (p) 2. When a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, the final suggestive form has the fol- lowing form for example: 28 THHIM, [ojo’ne Kase) morning in go let us Let us go in the morning! explanation: eed + A (ojo'n ed) ‘241 (ojo'n) - noun morning of (e] ~ dative ending #27}4]| (kase) is derived Tom the verb het (kedal go. A+ ob (ka aa) 7} (ka) ~ stem ©} (dal ~ ending. ay 22] ke sel Af {se} - Cinal suggestive ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy 3. When a speaker speaks to an Inferior, the final suggestive form of the verb has the following form: for exanpte* qaeelt vale eaeinr?! 198 (nyo" so’ngdu’ ru’ i kWo" iru’! onghohaja J omen of the right defend let us Let us defend women's rights! explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior The low form of courtesy can be used without meaning of courtesy ina literary style, too Pug B+ a [nyo’so'ng du’ wid 444 (nyo'so'ng) - noun woman = (du'r) - plural ending 2} (ull) » genitive ending #73 sla} (onghohaja) is derived from the verb 2 abrp {onghohadal defend gay Conghoha da) $41 (onghoha) ~ stem Oh (aa) ~ ending $f + a (onghoha ja) aL (Ja) - final suggestive ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy Table of Final Suggestive Endings of the Verb Final suggestive endings of the verb the nest, middle form low form deferential form | of courtesy | of courtesy AIC rT (osida) (se) remarks: We have indicated here only such final suggestive endings of 199 the verb which are frequently used, For the other final suggestive endings of the verb, please refer to the appendix. The Adverb According to their meaning or function adverbs in Korean fal Into the folowing categories: 1, Adverbs which include words pointing out some characteristic feature of an action These adverbs are very closely connected with the verbs which they modi ty for example HO! (kiphi) deeply $201 (nophi} highly Bal (not Hi) widely wI7HO! (pan-gai) gladly AAEl (chonchoni} slowly ° ° ° ° ° O WR (iaju) often Q GA (himkko' t) with all one’s strength FIMO} Ckakkai) near O & Inu!) always © Bal (mo' Ni) far ° BIDE (imi) already for example: TET gop (iaiu oda) often come often cone explanation: *'aL% (jaju) - adverb often 7.2.04 (oda) - verb cone 2 Adverbs which include words Pointing out some characteristic feature of a State. These adverbs are very closely connected with the adjectives which they modify for example: © GHEHS! (taedani) very © OF faju) very © MEI (sanedang-i) fairly © at tko'w'i) nearly OB Uom) a tittie © 2421 (yakkan) a little © BM (kkwae) fairy © Oat Cirid — so:thus tor exampie: HELI"! ery= (taedani jotha) very good very good 201 explanation: sacs] (taedani)~ adverb very #4} (otha) ~ adjective good 3. Adverbs which are related to the sentence as a whole These adverbs are very closely connected with sentences as a whole These adverbs denote such modality as conviction, assumption, surmise, doubt and will, for example: O &8 [mullon} of cource O BH (kyo! Ikho} never © SBE Lio'ngnal) indeed © AA (sasil) really © BF8F (manyak) if, when © BHR (manit) if, when O BIR (pirok) although O SIM Ltodaeche) on earth ° BE (ungdang) naturally 4, Adverbs which include words expressing both onomatopoetic and mimetic words These adverbs are very closely connected #ith the verbs which they modify, Besides, they are used as the attribute in close relation to nouns of as the predicate in sentences. for examp! 202 © @ Cehune) bang O DMB [kkokkio) — cock-2-dead! e-doo © @ Ikhwang) bounce © 6164 (haha) ha ha © SABA (mung-semung-ze) densely 5. Connecting adverbs These adverbs connect some parts of sentence for example OB (mit) and © B [kyo'm) and concurrently © EB} (ttohan) also 6. Adverbs of negation These adverbs lie mainly before verbs the meaning of which they deny for example: © OFLI (ani) 7 St Can} not (negation without condition and cause) © & (mot) not (negation with condition and cause) Adverbs have diverse lexical meaning and, besides differ from each other in their structure. Some of them are single words, Whereas others are derivatives. 1. Single adverbs: for example: 203 OB (ial) good. often © DS (macy) very + (monso] personally 2. Derivatives: ‘These ace formed by ataching Ol 11) or 61 (hi) to the root of the adjective 1) By attaching the suffix O (i) for example: AOI (kiphi) deeply explanation: ZJe] twiphtl is derived fron the adjective Cb {kipda) deen a+ (kip da) al (kip) - stem Fh (da) ~ ending ae (kiph a (kip) - stem (root) o] Ci) ~ suffix The adverb Zo} (kiphi) is formed by attaching the suffix o| (i) to the root @ (kip) of the adjective 2+ (kipda} 2) By attaching the suffix dl (hi) for example: B48] Cyong-gami) bravely explanation: $23] (yong-gami} is derived {rom the adjective #2 (yong-gamhada) brave. 204 oes + 2 (yong-gan ha da) 33h Lyong-gam) - root 34 (ha) = suffix $241 (yong-ganha) - stem =} (da) ~ ending Bto+ al (Gone-gam hi) ¢ (yong-gam) - root al hid - suffix The adverb 8281 (yong-gami) is formed by attaching the suffix @ (hi) to the root -¥24 I yone-gam} of the adlective B2s4e4 (yons-gamhada) The Declension of the Noun in the Singular (Genitive, Locative) The genitive for the question whose has the genitive ending: atu). ati) for example O Y-Fol nam’) of a tree explanation: ue + (name ui) 4 (namu) - noun tree | (u'i) ~ genitive ending © Agi (saramu'i) of a man, man's explanation: alah + al (saram wi) AV8} Usaram) - noun nen 205 | (wi) = genitive ending The locative for the question where or from where has the 1o cative ending: OHALM (egeso") . OAL (eso’) OU (egeso") Cwhen the vard to be declined indicates an an- imate beings OIA (eso") (when the word to be declined indicates an inani~ mate being) for example: O APHONA A (saramegeso’) by aman, from a man explanation: ARE bala {saran egeso") ALS (sara) ~ foun fan ofa Aq (egeso’) - locative ending © F8M1M (kongiang-eso') in a factory, froma factory explanation: BB + A (kongiang eso’) 24 (kongiang) - noun factory 4 (es0'] ~ locative ending The Declension of the Noun in the Plural (Genitive, Locative) The genitive for the question whose has the genitive ending ot ti) awd) an6 for example: : © Y-FB9 (namidu'ru’i] of tree explanation? ue + Bs {nama aur oui) 44 (namu) - noun tree += (du'r) - plural ending 9} (u'i} ~ genitive ending © A}E91 (saramdu’ ru’ i) of men explanation: Ah Bs ot {saram du'r ou’ i) Abt (saram) ~ noun man = (du'r) - plural ending 3 (ui) = genitive ending The locative for the question where or from where has the lo~ cative ending: OAM (egeso’) . OA (eso') . HMA (egeso’) (when the word to be declined indicates an animate Deing) 1M eso") (when the word to be declined indicates an inanimate being) for example: © APEQILM (sarandu’ regeso'] by men, from men explanation: AG + B+ fala (saram dur egeso") 4t@ (saram) ~ noun man ‘& (du'r) ~ plural ending efAlAl (egeso") - locative ending 207 © SA-SU (kongJangdu’ reso’) In factories, from factories explanation: Bto+ e+ aa (kongJang du'r eso") BB (kongjang) - noun factory = (du'r) ~ plural ending ef} (eso”) - locative ending The Declension of the Personal Pronoun (Genitive, Locative) The genitive for the question whose has the genitive ending a (vid. of (ui) tor exampte: © Al (owt) ay explanation: a+ oh Uo vd a {jo") ~ personal pronoun | 2] (ul) ~ genitive ending O Yel (maui) ay explanation: ue (na wi) 4 (na) - personal pronoun | S| (u'l) ~ genitive ending © AH Uo'hu'iv'i) our 208 explanation? eee Go'hu’ vi 43] (Jo'hu' i} ~ personal pronoun ¥e 9} (ui) ~ genitive ending O AS-S9I Ljo'hu' idu' ru" i) our explanation. alos B+ Ciothy tdu'e oui) 248] (Jo'hu' i} ~ personal pronoun we = (du'r) ~ plural ending 3} (ui) ~ genitive ending The plural ending -& (du'l} can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun %18} ( io" hu’ i) But in the meaning the personal pronouns |] [ jo’hu' i} we and *43/% (jo'nu'idu'l) we are the same. Both of them are the personal pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun 43] (Jo’hu' idu' |] 1s attached the genitive ending 2} Cu" i) $2 turiv i} our explanat fon: fal + ot (uri vil 21 (uri) ~ personal pronoun ¥e 2] (ui) ~ genitive ending $4891 Curidu' ru’ i) exp lanat ion: $+ bs ol (uri dur vi 23] (uri) - personal pronoun we = (du'r) = plural ending 209 J (u'i) ~ genitive ending The plural ending % (du'r) can be attached to the per~ sonal pronoun #2! (uri) But in the meaning the personal pronouns -F#l uri] we and +21 (uridu'l) we are the same, Both of them are the personal pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun -?2]-2 (uridu'!! is attached the genitive ending 2} (u' i) © 442i (nou il your explanation: wos al {no uid 4 (no) - personal pronoun you 2] (uli) ~ genitive ending © YSIS (nohu' iui} your explanation: 4g al [no'hu’ iu’ id) Wal (no'hu’ i) = personal pronoun you 2] (uid = genitive ending © HA-SEI (no'hu' idu'ru'i) your explanation: uss e+ ol (no"hu'i du'r uid 4181 (no'hu' i) - personal pronoun you ‘© (ou'r) ~ plural ending ol tu'i) - genitive ending The plural ending = (du'r} can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun 48} (no' hu’ i) But In the meaning the personal pronouns 48} (no'hu’ i) you and 481° (no'hu'idu’!) you are the same, Both of 210 them are the personal pronuns in plural. To the personal pronoun ‘481% (no’hu' idu' I) is attached the genitive ending 2} (u'i) The locative for the question where or from where has the locative ending: OAM (egeso") OFLA (egeso’ ) for exaaple: © ALAM Cio" ezeso’) by me, from me explanation: aoe oll Cio" egeso") > (jo'] - personal pronoun | alalA Cegeso'} - locative ending © 4OIAM (na-egeso’) by me, from me explanation: ys lala {na egeso’) 4 [nal - personal pronoun | AAA (egeso') - locative ending © AS OMMA (Jo'hu' legeso) by us, from us explanation: asl + ofall (jo' hu’ i -egeso’) 22] (Jo'hu' i) ~ personal pronoun we sil 4 (egeso') ~ locative ending © ASSO AA [jo'hu' idu’ regeso’) by us, from us explanation: Nal + B+ bald Cio’ hu’ t du'r —egeso") AS (io'hu’ i) - personal pronoun we = (du'r) - plural ending olalA Cegeso'] - locative ending The plural ending & (du'!) can be attached to the per sonal pronoun #48] { jo’hu’] But in the meaning the personal pronouns 13} (jo'hu" i) we and #131 (jo'hu'idu'l) we are the same. Both of them are the personal pronouns in plural. To the persona! pronoun 2}3]-¥ (jo’hu' idu’ |) is attached the locative ending olla] (egeso ] FP]ONALM (uriegeso’) by us, from us explanation Fel ofa (uri egeso’ } 2] (uri} - personal pronoun we oll (egeso'] - locative ending $2]-E00AIM (uridu’ regeso’) by us, from us explanation? Bes B+ oblal Curl u'r egeso’) $91 (uri) ~ personal pronoun xe = (dur) - plural ending lal (egeso’) - tocative ending ‘The plural ending - (du'!) can be attached to the per~ sonal pronoun $2] (uri) . But in the meaning the personal pronouns $2] (uri) we and 21-8 (uridu’ I) we are the sane. Both of them are the persona! pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun 2] (uridu'l) is attached the locative ending ole} (egeso') . 212 © UOIALM (no'egeso’) by you, from you explanation: Us balay (no egeso") (no'} ~ personal pronoun you ola (egeso’] - locative ending © HSIONAM (no'hu' iegeso’) by you, from you explanation: yal + fal (no" hu’ i egeso') 481 (no'hu i) - personal pronoun you olALA (egeso’) - locative ending Q YSI-E0NAIA no" hu’ idu' regeso’} by you, from you explanation: uss B+ aly {no’ hu’ i du'r — egeso") 44] (no'hu' i) - personal pronoun you & (du'r) ~ plural ending ofl} (egeso’ | - locative ending The plural ending -$ (du'i) can be attached to the per- sonal pronoun 43} (no’ hu’ 1) But in the meaning the eersonal pronouns 43] (no‘hu' i) you and “4 8]-S (no’hu' idu'l} you are the same. Both of then are the personal pronouns in plural To the personal pronoun +48|-$ (no'hu' idu'l} is attached the locative ending oil] (egeso’) . The Declension of the Interrogative Pronoun (Genitive, Locative) The declension of the interrogative pronoun is the same as with a noun, 213 The genitive of the interrogative sronoun has the genitive ending: 21 (u'i] . tt) for example: 721 (nuguy' i) whose explanation eet (nugu vi “+7 (ougu) - interrogative pronoun who 2} (ui) ~ genitive ending The Yocative of the interrogative pronoun has the locative ending OIA (egeso') . OLA Ceso’ OHA (egeso") (when the Interrogative pronoun to be de: clined indicates an animate being) Ad feso’) (when the interrogative pronoun to be decl ined indicates an inanimate being) for example © ++-40NHIAd (nuguegeso’} by whom, from whom explanation: Se + lala (nugu egeso') +7 (nugu) - interrogative pronoun who alll] Cegeso'] - locative ending © FONA (muo" seso"} in what explanation: Bal Fl + ola (iuo's eso") 214 +¥44 (muo's} - interrogative pronoun what ofA} [eso'] - locative ending © 41e1IM (o'dieso'} in which place.’ fram which place explanation: rl + ofA (o'di_— eso") ele] (o'dil ~ Interrogative pronoun which place ol 4) (eso'] - locative ending Word Order The Predicate The word in the final suggestive form of the verb in the sen- tence is the prediocate, and it lies at the end of the sen- tence for example: O ase HACE. (yo' nghwaru’ | popsida) the film see let us Let us see the film! explanation: ‘The speaker. speaks to a superior The final suggestive form 4)tt (popsida) in the sen- tence is the predicate, and it lies at the end of the sentence. * ¥ATE} (popsida] is derived from the verb ¥=H (pada) see. zo (po da) % (po) - stem =} Ida} ~ ending Bos ue} 215 (po sida) Ale} (psidal - final suggestive ending of the verb in the most deferential form “SAlet (nopsida) (after contracting # (0) and ¥ (p) ) © gabon Th (ojo'ne — kase) morning in go let us Let us go in the morning! explanation: The speaker speaks to a persson at the sane rank The final suggestive form 7} {kase] in the sentence Is the predicate, and it lies at the end of the sentence, ease (ojo'n e) 2A} foje'nl ~ noun morning ol (el - dative ening s?2}4l (kase) is derived from the verd te} (kadal go. ee (ke dal 74 (kal ~ stem =} (da) - ending ao (ka sel al (se) = final suggestive ending of the verb in the middle form af courtesy O Maes dele Seon?! {myo" so’ ngdu’ ru! i wo" [iru’ | onghohaja) women of the right defend tet us Let us defend women’s right! explanation: ‘The speaker speaks to an inferior The low form af courtesy can be used without meaning of courtesy ina literary styte, too. 216 The final suggestive torm -B%ba} Conahohajal in the sentence is the predicate, and it lies at the end of the sentence wag 6 B+ {nyo"so’ng du’ r vid 444 (nyo! song) = noun vonan + (Gur) ~ plural ending | (ui) - genitive ending 4782412 (onehohaia) is derived trom the verb -$25}eh Conghohada} defend. Ba + of Conghoha da) $2.4) (Conehohad - stom = (da) ~ ending sa + a Conghoha ja) 3} (ja) - final suggestive ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy The adverb The adverb can be an adverbial modifier The adverb comes before the final form of the verb, the final predicate. for example: a4 wa sale (ku' ga ppallitallinda) he quickly runs He runs quickly explanation: The adverb "fel (opal lil lies before the final form Saleh {tallinda) of the verb "elt (tallida) run, the final predicate # Saleh (tallinda) is derived from the verb #2] (tallid a) run, 217 gas fall dad ge] (talli) - stem =} (da) - ending ee] + UE (alli nda} Lt (nda) - final declarative ending of the verb in the low form of courtesy ele} (tallinda) (after contracting ®| (11) and & (n> The adverd can be @ predicate The adverb comes at the end of the sentence for example: #27 amg. (takdu' run kkokkio) hens cock-a-dood! e-doo Hens cry cock-a-doodle~doo explanation: The adverd 1712 (Kkokkio) cones at the end of the sen- tence. en (tak du'r u'n) BE (tak) - noun hen & (du'r) = plural ending = (u'n) ~ auxiliary ending The connecting adverb connects similar units for example: aa, aa 2 fa Go'ngchi kyo'ngie mit munhwa) policy econony and culture policy, economy and cul ture explanation: 218 The connecting adverb % {mit} connects J} (kyo’ngje) and al (munhwa) and comes between then, The attribute ‘The attribute in the genitive form of the noun lies before the word it refers to, for example: O OFNRISI= Cabo" jiu’ chaek) father of. the book the book of the father explanation: ‘The attribute oF 21°) (abo'jiu' i} in the genitve form of the noun o}14) (abo" ji} tather lies before the word AM (chaek) it refers to. * obfal + of fabo'ir oD ob} Al Cabo’ ji) - noun father 2] (ui) = genitive ending O water ae] (nyoso’ nedu’ ru’ i kyo! 11) wonen of the right the right of women explanation? ‘The attribute +44)-&2} (nyo’so'ngdu’ru’i} in the geni- tive form of the noun 44} (nyo' so'ngdu’!) women lies before the word Wel [kwo'lli) it refers to tugs Bo gd {nyo’so'ng du’ wid 444) [nyo’so’ng) - noun woman = (du'r) - plural ending 2] (u'i) = genitive ending 219 The attribute in the genivive form of the pronoun al- ways lies before the word it refers to. for example: Oust olely (nau' i o' mo! ni) my mother nny mother explanation: The attribute we} (nau'i) im the genitive form of the personal pronoun 4 (na) I lies before the word lo} (0'mo'ni} it refers to. ede oh fa wil W (na) - personal pronoun I 9} (u'll - genitive ending O mele ote (uriu' i o'mo' nid our mother our mother explanation: The attribute $219) (uriu' fl in the genitive form of ‘the personal pronoun $2} (uri) we lies before the word So} (o'no'ni it refers to +o 9 (uri vo 2 (uri) ~ personal pronoun we 2] (ui) ~ genitive ending O sme (nuguu’ | chaek) whose book whose book 220 explanation The attribute +72} (nuguu'il In the genitive form of the interrogative pronoun 4+ Inugul who lies before the vord # (chaek) it refers to eet + of (nugu ui) ‘F7 [nugu) ~ interrogative pronoun ho 31 (u'i) ~ genitive ending The object The object in the locative form lies between the subject and the predicate. for example: O4s AMAT 2o}g-= wees, (nanu'n ku'egeso” — kang-u' iru’ panno' nda) ' him by lecture eet | attend his lecture, explanation: The speaker speaks to an inferior ZolAlAl (ku'egeso"] is the object, and it lies between the subject U4 (nanu'n) and the predicate Wee} (pan ay'nda) #2 + fala {ku’egeso') 2 {ku'} ~ demonstrative pronoun he saat (egeso’) - locative ending eye] +e Ckang-u'i ru ly es] (kang-u' i) - noun lecture & (ru'l) - accusative ending * Leet (pannu'nda) is derived from the verb ef (patd a) get. aos eh 221 (oat da) "D (pat) ~ stem (da) ~ ending gees {pan nu'ndad =u} (nu'adal - final declarative ending of ‘the verb in the low form of courtesy Oat aero! Abdel, Cie" nun fondoneso’ sannida) i London in tive 1 tive in London. explanation: The speaker speaks to a superior adedof | (londoneso®) is the object, and it lies between the subject 1 (jo'nu'n) and the predicate Abd et [sam nida) . wae ld Condon ese! zimi (london) ~ noun London ofA (eso'} ~ locative ending 24/42} (samnida) is derived from the verb ‘rh (salda tive. a+ (sal da) 4d (sal] - stem =} (dal ~ ending ays wet (sa__smida) ‘The last sound @ (1) of the stem 4 (sal of the verb 4pet (salda) disappears before the ending WHFh (ani da) which begins with ¥ [p) (refer to the lesson 25) ue} (mmida} ~ {nal declarative ending of the verd in the most deferential form ApUe} (sannida) (after contracting 4f (sa) and ¥ (p) ¥ 222 Text ‘then @ sgeaker speaks to @ superior, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form - 38S SAIC t (yo'nghwaru’ | popsida) the {¥1m see iet us Let us see the film! ~ Hef te) aA (ojo'ne —ppali kapsi¢a) morning in quickly go let us Let us go quickly in the morning! explanation: + 4)0F (kapsida) is derived from the verb 7}e} (kada) a0. a+ ob tka da) 7h Ika} = stem = (da) - ending aeo+ BAleh (ka psida) ule} (psida) - final suggestive ending of the verb in the most deterentiat fora tale} (kapsidal (after contracting 7} (ka) and ¥ (ol ~ 4a ale S2eACh. {nyo' So’ ned’ ru’ I kwo" iru! l onghohapsida) wonen of the right defend let us Let us defend women’s right! 223 explanat ion? * BZW4]e} (onghohapsidal is derived from the verb $3 ‘1e} (onghohada) defend Saal + of Conghoha da} $2.8} (onghoha) - stem (da) ~ ending BH8 + waley (onghoha_psida) ule} (psidal - final suggestive ending of the verb in the most deferential form SZU4le} (onghohapsida] (after contracting #} (ha) and BOD) When 2 speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the middle form of courtesy - 8he EXIT Cyo'nghwaru’ | pose) the film see let us Let us see the film! explanation: + Ya (pose) is derived from the verb 2} (poda) see, Boo (po da} 2 {p0) ~ stem = (dal - ending er) (pose) | {se - final suggestive ending of the verb in the middle form of courtesy - 2Atal ee] lal 24 fojo'ne —ppalli kase) morning in quickly go let us Let us go quickly In the morning - Hae RIS Saale (nyo so'ngdu’ ru’ kwo" HHiru’ | onghohase) women of the right defend let us Let us defend women’s right! explana * SSA Conghohase) is derived trom the verb $8.10} (Conghohada) defend. $28 + of Conghoha da) 8441 (onghoha) - stem = (da) - ending $33) + al fonghoha se) al (se) ~ final suggestive ending of the verb in the niddie form of courtesy hen a speaker speaks to an inferior, he expresses courtesy for the person addresed by the low form of courtesy - 39s Sar, (yo" nawaru' | poja) the film see let us Let us see the film! explanation: * Eat (pola) is derived from the verb Ye} (poda) see. ech (bo da) 2 (p0) - stem t (da) - ending 225 Bot ab (vo ia) al (ia) ~ final suggestive low farm of courtesy - 24 tel Ee. [ojo'ne —ppaili kaia) morning in quickly go let us ending of the verb in the Let us go quickly in the mornina! explanation: # 2a} (kaial is derived {rom the verb 7e} (kadal go aos Ob (ka da) 2} tka) ~ stem =} (da) ~ ending at a (ka ia) a} (ia) - final suggestive low form of courtesy - Haze age (ayo" so’ ngdu' ru’ 1 kwo" Hiru’ I wonen of the right Let us defend women's right! ~ bel ala al Cabo’ Jiu’ I chaek) father of the book the book of the father ~ 4aeel el nyo" so’ ngdu’ ru’ kwo' 111) vonen of the right wouen’s right 226 ending of the verb in the PSsK. ‘onghoha ja} defend tet us - Yar tel (maui ono" ni} ny nother ny mother - Fela only furiu’ so! no" atl our mother our mother -s1 @ {nuguu’ i chaek) whose book whose book 3 then a speaker speaks to a person addressed with respect, he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for ‘the speaker by the most deferential form, too, tt ~ yale stb BE WALI? (tangsinu'n nuguegeso’ kang-u' iru’! patsu’mnikka) you whom by lecture act Whose lecture do you attend? explanation: * 2GU >} (patsu’mikka) is derived trom the verb 4tet (natda) get. Mos eh {pat dal ME (pat - stem 27 ©} (da) - ending wos Guat (pat su’ mnikka) FU} (su'mnikka) ~ tinal interrogative ending ot the verb In the most deferential form Ae | ada Bet euch (o'nu'n k’ uegeso’ kang-u' iru’! patsu’ mnida) ‘ himby — lecture eet I attend his lecture. - Bale. Stal Sum? Ctangsinu’n nuguegeso’ omnikka) you whom from come? Whom are you coming from? Ae a4ald SUCt. (o'nu'n k'vegeso’ onnida) It him from come | am coming from him. - GALS elo ay erin Ctangsinu'n 0’ dieso” samnikka) you Which place in tive? Where do you live? explanation: © 4t47} (samikka) is derived from the verb 4te} (salda) live. ae (sal da) 4@ (sal) - stem > (dal - ending Arie wm (sa mikka) The last sound @ (1) of the stem +t (sal) of the verb “et (salda) disappears before the ending #47 (mnik 28 ka) which begins with ¥ (9) . u U7 (mnikka) - final interrogative ending of the verb in the most deferential torn 4b4 a (sanmikkal (after contracting 4} (sa) and ¥ (9) ) Ae extol SILICH. Go'nu'n tondoneso’ sannida) fl London in tive I Live in London, ~ dale orl ol 4] But? Ctangsinu'n 0" dieso’ omnikka) you which place from come? Where are you coming fron? ae Bela SUCH. (ie'nu'n londoneso’ omni da) 1 London from come | am coming from London, When a speaker speaks to a superior. he expresses courtesy for the person addressed by the most deferential form. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the low form of courtesy - ee Seda 21 eeLIDE? Cangsinu'n nuguegeso’ kang-u' iru’! patsu'mnikka) you whom by lecture eet? Whose lecture do you attend? He adaA tele weet {nanu'n ku’ egeso’ kang-u' iru’! pannu' nda} 1 hin by lecture get attend his lecture. 229 - Ale Stata SLM? Ctangsind’n nugue geso’ omnikka} you whon from come? Whom are you coming from? ae Adald SC [nanu’n ku! egeso’ onda) Hl him from cone | am coming from hia - dle stele UD? Ctangsinu'n 0° dieso’ samnikka you which place in live? Where do you live? Ye ella MICH (nanu'n londoneso” sanda) ' London in ive I live in London, ee eel A Bum? (tangsinu’n 0° dieso’ omnikka} you which place fron come? where are you coming from? 4s dd4a ec {nanu'n fondoneso’ onda) i London from cone 1 am coming from London. . . hen a speaker speaks to a person at the same rank, he ex- Presses courtesy for the person addressed by the middle form of courtesy. When answering, the person addressed expresses courtesy for the speaker by the middle form of courtesy, too, 230 - Be | pedal ie eT? Ctangsinu'n nuguegeso” kan-u' iru’ | pannu’ n-ga) —— > you whom by lecture gel? Whose lecture do you attend? explanat ion: # E71 (pannu'n-ga) is derived from the verb Wet (pat da) eet. w+ (pat da) (pat) - stem =} (da) - ending wos et (pan au’ n-ga) 7k (nu'n-ga) ~ final interrogati ‘ verb in the middle form af courtesy e ending of the Ue aol ele we, [nanu’n ku’ egeso” kang-u' iru’! patso) 1 himby lecture get | attend his lecture explanation: + WA (patso) is derived from the verb Wet (patda) ket. a+ et (pat. da) 4 (pat) ~ stem © (dal - ending wre (pat 50 4 (so) ~ final declarative ending of the verb in the niddle form of courtesy TALS FFofalal 27h? Ctansinu’n nuguegeso’ ont! nga} you whon from come? Whom are you coming from? 231

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