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Name _____________________________

1.5 Activity Sheet

Answer the following questions in the space provided.

1) What is the relationship between software and hardware?

The software tells the hardware what to do.

2) What is a program?

A set of instructions that executes a certain task performed by the computer when

3) Give 3 examples of programs.

Wireshark, Photoshop, Virtualbox

4) What do computer programmers do?

Write computer programs

5) What are the 3 levels of computer software?

Machine languages, assembly languages, high level languages

6) What is the main purpose of system software?

To run the hardware and application software

7) What is the main purpose of an Operating System?

To manage the computer’s resources, provide a user interface, and execute and provide
services for application software.

8) Give 2 examples of operating systems.

Windows 10, Kali Linux

9) What are application programs?

Software designed to perform tasks, functions, or activities for the benefit of the user.

10) Give two examples of application programs.

CSGO, Fortnite

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