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DVA TELENA THE TWO DEER RESTAURANT KUVER 100,00 Couver —$ PREDJELO Starter POSLUZENJE ZA DVE OSOBE 1150,00 kolekcija predjela posluzena sa nagom turgijom Starter for two (Collectiomof starters served with pickle salad) PRSUTA\910,00 tanko segena préuta posluzena sa maslinkama Traditional prosciutto thinly sliced served with olives CVARCI 350,00 posluzeni sa arpadzikom Pork cracklings sefved with pickled onion MLADI SIR 350,00 ne stariji od pet dana Presh Serbian, not older than five days, cottage cheese KAJMAK 380,00 obrani skorup od sveze skuvanog domac¢eg mleka blago posoljen Fresh Serbian cream SIR IZ ULjA 520,00 prevreli zlatarskisir odlezan u maslinovom ulju sa za¢inskim travkama Traditional full fat cheese marinated in olive oil with herbs — PECURKE 560,00 iz uZarenog tiganja posluzene sa ajsbergom i dresingom od majéine duiice i maslinovog ulja Champignons baked in hot pan, served on iceberg salad with thyme - peppery olive oil dressing PAPRIKE 360,00 napunjene sirom i ispohovane posluzene sa tartar sosom. Fried peppers with cheese served with tartar sauce POVRCE 450,00 grilovano sa dresingom od majéine dusice i maslinovog ulja Grilled-vegetables with thyme & olive oil dressing KACKAVALJ, 380din pohovan posluzen sa tartar sosom Fried full fat cream cheese served with tartar sauce —# PREBRANAC 320,00 Cooked beans baked in wood stove with onion, garlic & ground red pepper MUCKALICA 720,00 Ratatouille with marinated grilled pork fillet — DOMACA PITA SA SIROM 280,00 Cheese pie PROJA 280,00 Corn bread SUPA I CORBA Soup & broth TELECA CORBA 280,00 Veal broth SUPA SA DOMACIM REZANCIMA 250,00 Our soup with noodles DNEVNA 250,00 Daily broth or potage, see into with your friendly waiter OG PRILOG Side dish POMERIT 250,00 French fries KROMPIR U LJUSCI 220,00 Jacked potato KROMPIR SAC 200,00 Farmer style potato MLINCI 350,00 La patisserie PODVARAK 220,00. Sautéed sauerkraut —Fé OBROK SALATE CEZAR SALATA 480,00 Caesar salad KAPREZE SALATA 450,00 Caprese salad ASAD... And now... SUMADIJSKA-TEPSIJA-2220,00. nai izbor roitilja ususkanog na podlozi od petenog krompira sa kajmakom, servirano u glinenoj tepsiji za dve osobe Mix grilled meat for two-ar more: served with baked potato and ,,kajmak” ina clay pot m+? MEDENO PILENCE 1350,00 CURETINA U MLINCIMA 1550,00 peteno celo pile za dve osobe, partici grilovanog cureceg od 400g sa medom filea, zaliveni motom od kajmaka Roasted whole chicken with honey i pavlake, zapeteno Turkey dans la patisserie, cuit au four PILECI BATACI 860,00 LOVACKE SNICLE 760,00 ...ususkani u povréu posluzene sa pire krompirom posluzeni sa piringéem Schnitzel , Hunter served Chicken drumsticks sautéed with with mashed potatoes vegetables served with rice SVINjSKA REBRA 840,00 TELECA REBRA 920,00 ..u pikantnom sosu posluzeno odkogtena i pecena, posluzena sa pire krompirom sa pecenim krompirom, porcija 350g Pork ribs with spicy sweet sauce Boneless veal ribs with roasted sweet served with mashed potatoes potatoes DIVLJAC Game (Pitajte VaSeg konobara /Ask your waiter)

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