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bie FOREST GNOME : 275 pare f Mgt f be ewe ns Do you know that a Gnome is seven times stronger than a human? Or that his sense of smell is nineteen times more acute? Or that Gnomes rub noses in both greeting and farewell? Or that Gnome couples always have twin children? ‘These and other fascinating real-life details—pictured in full color by the noted Dutch artist Rien Poortvlict—lluminate this first documentary portrayal of Gnomes (as distinct from Elves, Goblins, Trolls, Kobolds, Fairies). Poortvliet and his scientist friend Wi Huygen have spent over twenty years observing the lifeand work of the Gnome, and their report at last shatters the age-old myths of song and legend Here are important events from Gnome history: the Gnome who knew Rembrandt reveals some fascinating behind-the-scenes gossip: Mozart's Gnome companion (still hale and hearty, being well below the average age ‘0f 00 years) describes the great musician at ‘work; are the secrets of Gnome survival (medicinal herbs that cure everything from sneezing to sunburn); the Gnome industries; the all-important Gnome cap, its making and significance. All this adds up toa book full of ore, hhistory—and fun, For of course all these factual data are invented. And what a great tongue-in-cheek book this st Treating his subject as Audubon might have treated a new: species of bird (and with a twinkle in his eye) artist Poortvliet portrays Gnome familiesin their daily—actually nightly—activities, since Gnomes never leave their underground houses in daylight. Follow Papa Gnome as he rises for breakfast in the early evening; see him chopping wood, foraging for animal hair for clothing, working in a Gnome foundry or glass factory, and assisting various animal friends in distress, For Gnomes are benevolent allies of wild animals (and human beingsas well, though we are seldom aware of their intervention). Watch Gnome workers disentangle a deer’s horns from barbed wire; see how Gnomes build their houses, educate their children, court and marry, travel on a honeymoon! AA delight to the eye (Poortvliet is Holland's most popular illustrator) and filled with verbal fun, GNOMES will be a treat for the whole family:as.a book to show little ones, a8 a spot of scientific studies for the sophisticate, and as a charming pis made-up reality for every reader. snome heroes are celebrated. Here too of 2 pages, ali enor; huesreds of illustrations, a, diagram

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