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Physical, Emotional, Philosophical, Social, and Intellectual Case screening of

Angel Valencia

Leslie Trujillo

Edu 220

April 29, 2018



In this case screening I will be evaluating Angel Valencia a six year old boy. I will focused on

his physical, emotional, philosophical, social, and intellectual development (PEPSI). Physically I

will pay attention to his height and weight. We will see if he is over or underweight. Emotionally

Angel will be asked questions and we will evaluate his response. Philosophically I will pay

attention to the way Angel make decisions, whether they are right or wrong. Socially, Angel will

get the opportunity to play with other children. We will see how he reacts to being around other

kids his age. Intellectually I will review Angels past test from school and look for improvement.

All this is with the help of Angel’s father as he will be giving me most of the information I need

to evaluate Angel. This Evaluation from myself has been from knowing Angel for over two

years, and focusing on him for the past three months.


As a future teacher I have found that just by looking a child you think you may know

everything about them. For a while now I have been observing a young boy, and I learn

something about him every day. Angel Antonio Valencia is a boy that I have grown to live with,

as he is my step son. I have known Angel for more than a year now and he never fails to surprise

me. Angel was born on Nov 25, 2011, his father Jose Valencia and his mother Adela Diaz lived

together for about 4 years. I believe Angel has not been able to cooperate to the fact that his

parents do not live together anymore. Angel has four sisters only from his mother, he is the only

child his mother and father had together. Recently Angel received another sibling a little brother,

from his father and I. Angel loves his new baby brother and cannot go a day without seeing him.

After his parents separated Angels mother was hospitalized most of the time and he was raised

by his oldest sister and father. Angel goes back and forth from his grandma’s house and his

father’s house but it never seemed to bother him. He likes being at both places and calls them

both his home.

Angel is in Kindergarten right now, and I got to experience with him his fist days in

school. When he started school he was not excited about going. His older sisters would tell him

that school sucked and that made him have the worst thoughts about it. His father and I always

thought he was going to have a hard time because Angel did not attend Pre K. When he walked

into his first day of Kindergarten Angel did not know anything. He didn’t know his birthday, the

ABC’s or his numbers. Now the school year is almost over and Angel is one of the smartest kids

in his class. He surprised us completely by how fast he learned things. Angel has received

multiple awards for being on the top of his class.


Physical Development

The physical development consists in the child’s growth and his capacity of movement (Florin,

V. F., & Eusebiu, N. M. (2011). When you think about the physical development of a child you

may want to start by thinking about their parents. If a child’s parents is active then the child will

most likely become active. Parental participation during bouts of physical activity (or at least a

minimum of supervision) may be an important component in the development of physical

activity environments intended to maximize physical activity behavior in children (Rebold MJ,

2014). Angel’s parents are not active at all, and they rarely take him to the park. He on the other

had is one restless boy and if you give him something to do he can be entertained for hours. He is

not in any specific sport group but at home he’s jumping around like a monkey. If you were to

take Angel to the park he would never want to go home. Angel physical activities are more ruff

play then a physical activity like a sport. He likes to play fight a lot but when it comes to

coordination and motor skills Angel has a hard time catching a ball. I also noticed that angel

hasn’t developed any physical activity skills like throwing a ball with some kind of aim, or even

dribbling a ball. Angel is not small for his age. He is about 42 inches tall and weighs about 45

pounds. According to the CDC;s growth chart (Your 6-year-old: Growing up. 2017) Angel is

right at the average weight and height for a 6 year old. Even though Angel is not as coordinated

as we expect him to be for his age, he still has time to learn and grow. Especially since he goes to

his Physical Education class twice in one week. Mondays and Thursdays, we dress him in

comfortable close so he can be able to move and run around comfortably. He still has much to

learn in Physical Education class, there they will teach him basic motor skills. I did recommend

to Angels father that he should consider putting him in a karate class or a boxing group where

Angel can be free, but they will be teach him how to control all that energy he has inside.

Physical Development
Physical Develoment
Angel Normal for age

Emotional Development

“How was school today Angel?” Ever since I started evaluating Angel I’ve asked him how his

day was in school. He takes a moment to think about it. A very long moment, but as he is

thinking he does not realized that he makes the most dramatic facial expressions while thinking.

One day I went with Angel’s father to pick him up from school, I asked him how was school that

day. His face was hilarious, he had the most sour patch face, like he had just licked a slice of

lime. He then after a minute of thinking said, “it was OK” Angel is 6 years old and even though

he makes different faces when I ask him how his day was, he always answers “It was OK.”

Angel has learned a lot about emotion in Kindergarten. He has practiced drawing happy, sad, and

angry faces. This has helped Angel to express to his father how he is feeling. When Angel is sad

or mad he writes it down or draws a picture of a sad or mad face, and names it Angel. Which

typically happens when Angel gets in to trouble. Overall Angel is happy, he likes making others

happy, and especially when he is with his baby brother he is the happiest. Research has also

found a link between a child’s early emotional regulations and later academic achievements

([Howse, Lange, Farran, & Boyles, 2003] Angels father has made it clear that if he goes on a

tantrum or cries for no good reason, he will hit him with a hanger. This is something that Angel

fears, but Angel’s father has never hit him. He only scares him with hitting him with a hanger.

Even though it is not the nicest thing to do to a child, they need regulation they need to know

when it’s not necessary ton go on a tantrum. According to an online education website “Children

spanked frequently and/or severely are at higher risk for mental health problems, ranging

from anxiety and depression to alcohol and drug abuse, according to some research studies.

Children whose parents hit them regularly may also develop more distant parent-child

relationships later on (Cuddy, Reeves. 2016) This is the reason why Angel’s father never wants

to hit him. He believes that by hitting a child they will become distant with their parents later on

in life. Angel has an amazing relationship with his father. His parent’s separation is still difficult

for Angel as he asks why his dad can’t go over to his mom’s house. He loves both his parents

and as long as the co-parenting stays consistent then Angel will be happy.

Emotional Development
Angel Normal for age

Philosophical Development

The psychological development refers to the child’s capacity to adjust his behavior on a social

level, behavior that derives from the voluntary control of the positive and negative emotions

experienced by the child and it is doubled by the child’s interest in learning (Florin, V. F., &

Eusebiu, N. M. (2011) In other words you can think about is as a child deciding from right or

wrong. Everyone has a different type of philosophy that they live by. Philosophically Angel has

not develop much. He struggles with losing and not being the center of attention. Angel has to

win all the time whether its walking through a door first or being the first one to get inside a car,

Angel has to be first. Angel lies hiss way to get what he wants and when he gets caught in a lie

he goes on a tantrum. If he is asked to pick up his toys and refuses, Angel’s father will make it

clear to him that he is upset with him for not listening. Then Angel gets all this guilt inside of

him and quickly does what was asked, but he asked for a thank you in return. Angel does not see

other and the fact that thy have need to. According to a PEPSI developed by J'Anne Ellsworth,

Angel’s Philosophical development falls under a five year old (Ellsworth, J. (1999)

Philosophical Development


Angel Normal for age

Social Development

Angel grew up with only older sisters, just recently he received his younger brother.

Other than that at home angel did not have anyone to play with his age. When Angel would go

over to his cousin’s house they would always fight. Angel didn’t know how to play with other

kids. He didn’t realize that other kids get to win and he wasn’t very social. Eventually his

cousins did not want to play with him anymore and when he would go over to their house they

would hide. The extent and nature of the social interaction children experience will influence the

development of children’s social understandings (Carpendale, J. I. M., & Lewis, C. (2004). Since

Angel did not have anyone growing up with to socialize he didn’t gain any social experience.

This worried us when Angel started Kindergarten we worried he was always going to get into

fights or that he was going to be bullied. After the first week of school Angel became a new kid.

He began talking more, he wouldn’t fight with his cousins, as long as they let him win. But most

importantly that first week of school Angel named his best friend Angie. Angie and Angel have

to say bye to each other when they are leaving school every day. Angel packs his own lunch now

just so he can sit with her at lunch. Friendships and relationships with other children become

more important to children as they grow and begin to learn about getting along with others

(Getting along with others.) Angie has become important to Angel and as the year is coming to

an end, Angel’s father worries how he will react to not seeing her anymore. He still has his

cousins that Angel can play with during the summer, but their relationship is a rollercoaster.

They still tell on each other contently, and fight all the time. Socially Angel has grown, and will

continue to grow, and he will make new friends. From a Mental health website a child's positive

relationship with trusting and caring adults is the key to successful emotional and social

development (What is Social and Emotional Development?) With Angel’s parents he is on the

right path to give him the positive childhood experience.


Social Development
Social Development
Angel Normal for age

Intellectual Development

Intellectual development is all about learning. It is about how individuals organize their minds,

ideas and thoughts to make sense of the world they live in (Introduction to Intellectual

development.). Angel’s father will forever be great full for the amazing Kindergarten teacher

Angel has, Mr., Flores. We all thought Angel was going to struggle in school, but with Mr.

Flores help Angel has become one of the smartest students in his class. Angel went from not

knowing how to count to 5, to counting to 150. He didn’t know what ABC’s really wear and now

we catch him saying them in his sleep. Angel gets tested once a month on new material that the

class is leaning. Recently Angel received a certificate because he new more sight words than

anyone else in his class. Intellectual character is the way we think, and motivates us when

learning a new task (Snowman, J., & McCown, R. R. (2015). Angel’s motivation is getting a

new toy after school. If Angel had a test that day he will give his results to his dad, and he’ll get

a new toy. This has helped Angel to try his best in school, so he can get a new toy. When Angel

is working on homework with his father he will remind him about a toy after his next test, and

Angel will always do his best. He is currently learning sight words from the first grade, and has

excelled on all the leaning objectives from kindergarten. I have placed Angel as beyond a six

years old intellectual development. He has begun to read book, and he loves practice reading to

his baby brother. Angel has impressed us on how fast he can write his number all the way to 150,

when he made it to ten we were amazed and as he continued the year he made it to all the way to

150. He surprised us completely on how great he is doing in school. As long as everyone in

Angel’s life continues to support him and push him to do his best he will continue to excel in


Intellectual Development
Angel Normal for age

Over all Angel has come a long way from before starting kindergarten. I had thought

since he did not attend Preschool he was going to struggle in Kindergarten. Angel is a great kid

and I am proud to call him my step son. As a future teacher I want to help him to always try his

best in school. I want him to know if he ever needed help on anything, that he could ask me.

Physically Angel is still a kid, and has time to develop physical activity skills, and motor skills.

As long as he is healthy and is not over or underweight he will be fine physically. Emotionally

Angel needs to control his tantrums when something does not go his way. This may have been an

affect from his parent’s separation. Philosophically Angel still does not understand from right

and wrong. He tends to only think about himself and does not acknowledge that other people

have feelings too. I do feel that this is where Angel has not developed as much and need

attention to help him grow as a fair and sharing child. Socially Angel has improved on how he

interacts with other kids, he knows how to play and socialize with others since he started

kindergarten. Angel’s strongest development is his intelligence. When it comes to doing his

homework Angel can do most of it on his own. He knows what is expected for a kindergartener

and is working on first grade material. This is my PEPSI screening on Angel Valencia and I have

evaluated him on all five categories.


Angel PEPSI Development





Physical Emotional Philosophical Social Intellectual
Angel Normal for age


Florin, V. F., & Eusebiu, N. M. (2011). Parental practices in early education: The necessity of
parental counseling in iasi county. Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, 34, 115-126.
Retrieved from
Rebold, M. J. (2014). The experimental effect of parental influence on childrens physical
activity (Order No. 3670770). Available from ProQuest Central. (1646482068). Retrieved from
Your 6-year-old: Growing up. (2017, November 30).

Cuddy, E., & Reeves, R. V. (2016, October 26). Hitting kids: American parenting and physical
Howse, R. B., Lange, G., Farran, D. C., & Boyles, C. D. (2003). Motivation and self-regulation
as predictors of achievement in economically disadvantaged young children. The Journal of
Experimental Education, 71(2), 151. Retrieved from

Ellsworth, J. (1999). ESE 504 Methods and material in special education [PEPSI]. Northern
Arizona University.
Florin, V. F., & Eusebiu, N. M. (2011). Parental practices in early education: The necessity of
parental counseling in iasi county. Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, 34, 115-126.

Carpendale, J. I. M., & Lewis, C. (2004). Constructing an understanding of mind: The
development of children's social understanding within social interaction. Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 27(1), 79-96; discussion 96-151. Retrieved from Getting along with others. Kidsmatter.
What is Social & Emotional Development? Early Childhood and Mental Health.

Introduction to intellectual development, Health social care and children services. Retrieved

Snowman, J., & McCown, R. R. (2015). Psychology applied to teaching. Australia: Cengage
Learning. (pg. 65.)

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