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Taller de Practica Docente

Student: Vanesa D´Onofrio Monla

Taller de Práctica Docente

Período de Práctica: Nivel Primario

Practicante: Vanesa D´Onofrio Monla

Institución: Escuela N °8. Profesora observadora: Julieta Delfino

Dirección: Madre Maturana

Cantidad de alumnos: 16

Nivel linguistico del curso: Principiantes.

Tipo de Planificación: clase.

Unidad temática: Las ropas de mis heroes

Tiempo: 60 min

Clase: 3- (4to grado)

Fecha: 12/09

Hora: 13 - 14hs

Duración de la clase: 60 min.

Fecha de la primera entrega: 09/09



To learn vocabulary related to the topic.

To recognise clothes
To describe them.
To write words in the correct order
Develop listening abilities
Develop writing abilities.
Language focus


REVISION Hello! Greeting. Hello how are you? /əu/
Listen! Giving commands Listen!
This is ... and instructions. Sit down /d/
Identifying This is Superman

NEW Gloves, bodysuit, Demostrative These are boots/ this is a

belt, boots, Pronouns. belt /ei/
shield, tailcoat. /әu/
He/she wears... He wears a red cape.
a/ an Description

Teaching approach: this lesson is based on PPP approach.

Materials and resources: Pictures, photocopies, colour, pencils, scissors, glue.

Setting arrangement: Students will be sitting in a row.

Cooperative work: Students help each other and interchange ideas when doing the activities.

Possible problems during the class: If a student from other classroom enters in and the students
misbehave I will stop and asks the student to go back to his/her classroom.

Potential language problems: I will use techniques as gestures, miming, or pointing to pictures to
be understood.

Assessment: I will observe them if they can express themselves orally and if they can write
sentences correctly.

Routine: (5 min).

Purpose to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work.

I greet the students “ Hello, children how are you? ….

Students answer…..

Warm up (5 min) Brainstorming.

T. ok let´s talk about superheroes everyday clothes, what clothes do you know? She waits
for answers and writes down those words on the blackboard.

Activity 1 (10 Min)

T. shows sts. Pictures of the heroes she says This is superman he a blue… and she let
sts go on. Then, she hangs
. T. says … this is Clark kent (Superman).
T. introduces the name of the clothes and students should mention the colours, so as to
work with word order (colour/clothes)

Clark Kent a pair of glasses, a ______ suit.

A _______ belt, a _________ tie and a _______ shirt.

After, T. shows a 2nd picture of Dick Grayson (Robin) and Bruce Wayse (Batman). Students
orally create the sentences the right word order.

Bruce (Batman) is wearing a ______________

Dick (Robin) is wearing a _______________

And 3rd and last, T shows the photo of Wonder woman, sts. order the sentences and learn the new

Pair of glasses, earrings, blouse

She is wearing …
Activity 2 (10 min)

T. gives students a photocopy of a word search. After finding the words sts. Should write next to the
words the indefinite articles a/an . Finally, Sts read out aloud the words found.

3rd activity closure (20 min)

Teacher says, well let´s go on with the last activity about clothes, she hands out a photocopy for
each student one for girls other for boys. T. says that they will need a scissors to cut along and
choose different clothes for their Superhero.

If there is time, students with the help of a photocopy they will write down the colour and name of
the clothes. Then, they will interchange their activity with others.
Lesson plan Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Below
component Standard
5 4 3 2

Visual x

Coherence and x

Variety of X
resources –
Learning styles

Stages and x

Teaching x

Language x


Nice lesson! Students will surely enjoy the topic.

Take the comments and suggestions into account.

Please, remember to include this chart in future lesson plans.

Have a great time!


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