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Individualizing Blood Pressure Targets for People
With Diabetes and Hypertension
Comparing the ADA and the ACC/AHA

Ian H. de Boer, MD, MS People with diabetes are at high risk for cardiovascu- paid to the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Dia-
University of lar diseases, kidney disease, and retinopathy, all of which betes–blood pressure (ACCORD-BP) trial,5 which tested
Washington, Seattle. may be reduced with appropriate blood pressure (BP) targeting a systolic BP less than 120 mm Hg vs less than
management.1 Therefore, the American Diabetes Asso- 140 mm Hg among participants with type 2 diabetes at
George Bakris, MD
ciation (ADA) includes recommendations for the diag- high risk for cardiovascular events. In the ACCORD-BP
University of Chicago
Medicine, Chicago, nosis and management of hypertension in its annual trial,5 there was no significant difference between the 2
Illinois. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes.2 In addition, the BP treatment groups in the primary composite cardio-
ADA published a position statement on diabetes and hy- vascular outcome, which included myocardial infarc-
Christopher P. pertension in September 2017,1 and the American Col- tion, stroke, and death from cardiovascular causes, with
Cannon, MD
lege of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Associa- annual rates of 1.87% vs 2.09% in a group targeting less
Harvard Medical
School, Boston, tion (AHA) published the 2017 Guideline for the than120mmHgvsagrouptargetinglessthan140mmHg
Massachusetts. Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of (hazard ratio, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.73-1.06; P = .20). Ben-
High Blood Pressure in Adults.3 efits with regard to the secondary outcome of stroke pre-
Recommendations from the ADA and the ACC/AHA vention were counterbalanced by an increased risk of ad-
have similarities and differences. For example, both verseevents(includingelevationsinserumcreatinineand
groups emphasize the importance of proper BP mea- electrolyte abnormalities) in the group targeting BP less
surement and encourage home BP monitoring, and the than 120 mm Hg.
classes of recommended antihypertensive medica- In meta-analyses of clinical trials that enrolled indi-
tions are aligned. On the other hand, there are substan- viduals with diabetes, more intensive BP treatment was
tial differences with regard to target BP thresholds for clearlyassociatedwithimprovedcardiovascularoutcomes
hypertension treatment as well as BP thresholds used for trials with mean baseline systolic BP of 140 mm Hg or
to diagnose hypertension. higher or with mean systolic BP attained by the intensively
The ADA recommendations include a BP target of treatedgroupof130mmHgorhigher.4 Ontheotherhand,
less than 140/90 mm Hg for most patients with diabe- for trials with mean baseline systolic BP less than 140 mm
tes and emphasize the need to individualize specific BP Hg or mean attained systolic BP for the intensively treated
targets for each patient.1,2 Individualization includes the group of less than 130 mm Hg, more intensive BP treat-
possibility of a lower BP target, and a target of less than mentwasassociatedwithmodestimprovementsinstroke
130/80 mm Hg is explicitly suggested as a consider- prevention and albuminuria reduction but no significant
ation for patients who are at high risk of cardiovascular difference in coronary heart disease, heart failure, com-
or kidney disease and are able to tolerate this target with- posite cardiovascular events, or death.4
out undue adverse effects. Age is listed as a factor that Data from populations without diabetes were also
may influence selection of a BP target, particularly as age reviewed. The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial
relates to cardiovascular risk, comorbidity, and polyphar- (SPRINT),whichexcludedindividualswithdiabetes,dem-
macy, although age-specific targets are not advocated. onstratedthattargetingasystolicBPlessthan120mmHg
The ADA recommendations urge that a shared decision- can improve cardiovascular outcomes among patients
making process be applied to select each individual’s op- withhypertensionandhighcardiovascularrisk,albeitwith
timal BP target. increased risk of some adverse events (including hypo-
To arrive at these recommendations, the writing tension, syncope, electrolyte abnormalities, and acute
group of the ADA’s position statement on diabetes and kidney injury).6 In the Heart Outcomes Prevention
hypertension and the ADA Professional Practice Com- Education–3 trial of people at intermediate cardiovascu-
mitteereviewedallpertinentliteraturepublishedthrough lar risk, among whom 6% had uncomplicated diabetes
the middle of 2017. Recommendations were based on an treated with diet, a fixed-dose combination of candes-
Corresponding extensive review of the clinical diabetes literature and artan plus hydrochlorothiazide reduced cardiovascular
Author: Ian H.
de Boer, MD, MS,
supplemented with input from ADA staff and the medi- risk only among participants with baseline systolic BP
University of cal community at large through an open-commentary in the upper third (>143.5 mm Hg).7 A recent meta-
Washington, 325 Ninth process. There is strong evidence supporting treatment analysis including 74 trials and more than 300 000 par-
Ave, PO Box 359606,
of patients with diabetes and BP of 140/90 mm Hg or ticipants found significant heterogeneity by baseline BP,
Seattle, WA 98104
(deboer@u.washington higher with a goal to lower BP to less than 140/90 mm with no benefit to antihypertensive therapy in trials with
.edu). Hg.4 ToevaluatelowerBPtargets,particularattentionwas mean baseline systolic BP less than 140/90 mm Hg.8 (Reprinted) JAMA Published online March 15, 2018 E1

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Opinion Viewpoint

Overall, available evidence suggests that BP targets lower than more methods will become available to help guide clinicians and
less than 140/90 mm Hg yield cardiovascular benefits for some patients in this process by identifying individuals most likely to ben-
populations but increase adverse events. The evidence suggests efit or least likely to be harmed by intensive BP control. Adverse
that patients with higher baseline cardiovascular risk and higher effects may play a prominent role in individualizing BP targets, as
baseline BP may derive greater relative and absolute benefits. they do hemoglobin A1c targets,9 and 1 potential risk of the uniform
Patient factors determining adverse effects have not been well treatment target of less than 130/80 mm Hg recommended in the
described. The extent to which the benefits and risks of intensive ACC/AHA guideline is overtreatment of patients with comorbidi-
BP reduction extrapolate from clinical trials to clinical care also ties, frailty, and increased risk of medication adverse effects.1
remain to be seen. In addition to strict protocols and intensive Because of this concern, the ADA did not adopt the ACC/AHA rec-
follow-up, ACCORD-BP5 and SPRINT6 each applied rigorous moni- ommendation to target BP less than 130/80 mm Hg for all patients
toring methods that are not currently used in usual practice and with hypertension.3
yield BP values that are generally lower than typical office BP read- The ADA recommendations distinguish BP thresholds used to
ings by approximately 5 to 10 mm Hg.3 diagnose hypertension from those used as treatment targets,1,2 as
The ADA position statement on diabetes and hypertension and they distinguish hemoglobin A1c thresholds used to diagnose diabe-
standards of medical care in diabetes assert that the best approach tes from those used as treatment targets.9 With this view, there is
to determine treatment goals in the setting of incompletely de- no clear rationale to change the BP thresholds used to define
fined benefits and risks that appear to vary across patients is to em- hypertension from 140/90 mm Hg or higher (as recommended in
brace individualization of treatment for each patient.1,2 In a rel- ADA guidelines and others) to 130/80 mm Hg or higher (as recom-
evant comparison, the ADA standards of medical care in diabetes mended by the ACC/AHA guidelines).3 Among people with diabe-
acknowledge that the benefits and risks of glucose-lowering therapy tes and most other conditions with high cardiovascular risk, the
vary according to patient characteristics and recommend individu- prevalence of hypertension is already high and would not increase
alization of hemoglobin A1c targets.9 To individualize hemoglobin A1c substantially by applying lower BP thresholds. Rather, most adults
targets, the ADA recommends considering factors that modify both newly classified as having hypertension using newly proposed BP
benefits of glucose-lowering treatment (such as anticipated life- thresholds (ie, with systolic BP 130-139 mm Hg or diastolic BP
span and stage of existing diabetes complications) and risks of glu- 80-89 mm Hg but not ⱖ140/90 mm Hg) would be at markedly
cose-lowering treatment (such as comorbidity, intensity of treat- lower cardiovascular risk than those currently diagnosed as having
ment required to achieve goals, and observed adverse effects). hypertension. For most of these adults, lifestyle modification
The ADA position statement on diabetes and hypertension would be indicated and is already recommended by most profes-
and standards of medical care in diabetes recommend that BP tar- sional societies.1-3
gets be individualized for patients with hypertension in a manner Consensus is important to most effectively guide patients and
similar to that used for establishing individual hemoglobin A1c clinicians in treatment. To this end, open discussion and debate re-
targets.1,2 In addition to reflecting the uncertainty of available evi- garding the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension are essential,
dence for lowering BP, individualization is consistent with a patient- as is ongoing research to define optimal diagnostic and therapeutic
focused approach to care that values patient priorities and physi- approaches. As the process proceeds, individualization of patient
cian judgment. Ideally, in the current era of precision medicine, goals and targets should be placed at the center of discussion.

ARTICLE INFORMATION REFERENCES 5. Cushman WC, Evans GW, Byington RP, et al;
Published Online: March 15, 2018. 1. de Boer IH, Bangalore S, Benetos A, et al. ACCORD Study Group. Effects of intensive
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E2 JAMA Published online March 15, 2018 (Reprinted)

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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