Sensory-Challenge Balance Exercises Improve Multisensory Reweighting in Fall-Prone Older Adults

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Sensory-Challenge Balance Exercises Improve

Multisensory Reweighting in Fall-Prone Older Adults
Leslie K. Allison, PT, PhD, Tim Kiemel, PhD, and John J. Jeka, PhD

Background and Purpose: Multisensory reweighting (MSR) challenge balance exercise to improve perception of body position
deficits in older adults contribute to fall risk. Sensory-challenge bal- and motion in space and potential reduction in fall risk.
ance exercises may have value for addressing the MSR deficits in Key words: exercise, falls, multisensory reweighting, postural
fall-prone older adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the control
effect of sensory-challenge balance exercises on MSR and clinical
balance measures in fall-prone older adults. (JNPT 2018;42: 84–93)
Methods: We used a quasi-experimental, repeated-measures, within-
subjects design. Older adults with a history of falls underwent an
8-week baseline (control) period. This was followed by an 8-week INTRODUCTION
intervention period that included 16 sensory-challenge balance exer-
cise sessions performed with computerized balance training equip-
ment. Measurements, taken twice before and once after interven-
F all-prone older adults have multiple risk factors, particu-
larly imbalance.1,2 Horak et al3,4 described a postural con-
trol model indicating how age- and disease-related changes in
tion, included laboratory measures of MSR (center of mass gain and postural control system components lead to balance deficits
phase, position, and velocity variability) and clinical tests (Activities- and falls. One critical component is multisensory reweighting
specific Balance Confidence Scale, Berg Balance Scale, Sensory Or- (MSR), an adaptive central nervous system process to estimate
ganization Test, Limits of Stability test, and lower extremity strength body position and motion in space.5-7 Multisensory reweight-
and range of motion). ing of visual, vestibular, and somatosensory inputs allows us
Results: Twenty adults 70 years of age and older with a history to maintain balance as environmental conditions change.8-11
of falls completed all 16 sessions. Significant improvements were Multisensory reweighting is impaired in healthy older adults
observed in laboratory-based MSR measures of touch gain (P = and more so in the fall-prone elderly.3,12,13 Healthy older adults
0.006) and phase (P = 0.05), Berg Balance Scale (P = 0.002), Sensory rapidly adapt to changing environments; fall-prone older adults
Organization Test (P = 0.002), Limits of Stability Test (P = 0.001), do not.3,13-22 Impaired MSR may, therefore, be associated with
and lower extremity strength scores (P = 0.005). Mean values of increased fall risk.
vision gain increased more than those for touch gain, but did not Balance exercise interventions reduce fall risk.23-26
reach significance. However, it is not known which types of balance exercises best
Discussion and Conclusions: A balance exercise program specifi- remediate specific balance impairments, nor do we understand
cally targeting multisensory integration mechanisms improved MSR, the mechanisms by which exercise might mediate changes in
balance, and lower extremity strength in this mechanistic study. one or more components of the postural control system.27 This
These valuable findings provide the scientific rationale for sensory- gap in our knowledge hampers clinical decision making.28
Sensory-challenge balance exercises contribute to im-
proved balance and reduced fall risk.29,30 Whipple27 system-
Department of Physical Therapy, Winston-Salem State University, Winston- atically reviewed 25 balance training studies performed with
Salem, North Carolina (L.K.A.); Department of Kinesiology, University older adults. He found that successful exercise interventions in-
of Maryland, College Park (T.K.); and Department of Kinesiology and corporate sensory challenge activities. However, to our knowl-
Applied Physiology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware (J.J.J.).
Preliminary findings were presented at the Combined Sections Meeting of the edge, no previous balance exercise intervention studies have
American Physical Therapy Association in Tampa, Florida, February 2003. restricted the intervention only to sensory-challenge balance
This research was supported by a grant from The Erickson Foundation. exercises, excluding dynamic balance exercises, functional
The authors declare no conflict of interest. balance activities, or other forms of exercise.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
Because prior studies used various types of balance ex-
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions
of this article on the journal’s Web site ( ercises and other forms of exercise (eg, strengthening, stretch-
Correspondence: Leslie K. Allison, PT, PhD, Department of Physical Ther- ing, aerobics) in addition to sensory-challenge exercises, it
apy, School of Health Sciences, Winston-Salem State University, 342 FL is not possible to separately assess the potential effects of
Atkins Bldg, 601 S. Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Winston-Salem, NC 27110 the sensory challenge exercises. Furthermore, previous stud-
Copyright  C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA.
ies did not use discriminatory measures of MSR, nor examine
ISSN: 1557-0576/18/4202-0084 whether changes in balance and fall risk occurred concurrently
DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000214 with changes in MSR. These studies used overall postural sway

84 JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 Sensory-Challenge Balance Exercises

measures that do not discriminate changes in sensory reweight-

ing from other postural control processes that affect sway.31
We explored MSR as a specific adaptive balance con-
trol mechanism using methods that permitted MSR changes
to be explicitly determined.31,32 Exercises challenged sensory
reweighting abilities by manipulating surface and visual con-
ditions such that MSR would benefit postural stability. The
purposes of this study were to (1) measure whether sensory-
challenge exercises influenced MSR and (2) determine
whether MSR changes were associated with improvements
in clinical measures of balance and fall risk. Other influential
postural control system components were also measured to
isolate MSR contributions to changes in balance and fall risk.

We used a quasi-experimental, repeated-measures,
within-subjects design in which participants served as their
own controls. All tests were performed 3 times: pretest 1,
pretest 2, and posttest. One 8-week no-training control period
(between pretests 1 and 2) and one 8-week training period
(between pretest 2 and posttest) were provided.

Adults 70 years of age and older with a history of falls
in the prior year were recruited from a congregate retirement
community. A fall was defined as an event resulting in a
person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground, floor, or
other lower level.33 Volunteers were screened via an eligibil-
ity questionnaire, telephone screening, and clinical screening
by an experienced physical therapist (for exclusion criteria and
screening tests, see Supplemental Digital Content 1, Appendix
1, The participant recruit-
ment, screening, testing, and attrition process is illustrated in
Figure 1. Figure 1. Flowchart of participant recruitment, testing, and
This study was approved by the Institutional Review attrition.
Board at the University of Maryland, College Park. Written
consent was obtained from all participants according to the
guidelines proscribed by the Institutional Review Board at the sway but prevent a fall. An assistant stood close behind each
University. participant. Data were sampled at 50 Hz.
Postural sway measures in the time domain (Figure 3)
Outcome Measures were converted to the frequency domain (Figure 4) to allow
Laboratory MSR Assessment the discrimination of postural response adaptations to separate
The MSR experimental paradigm (Figure 2) has been visual and touch stimuli. Each sensory motion input stimulus
previously described.31,34 Briefly, participants stood in front of was provided at a different frequency. The visual display and
a large rear-projection screen on a force plate (Kistler Instru- fingertip touch plate were simultaneously oscillated mediolat-
ment Corp, Amherst, New York) in a modified tandem stance. erally at 0.20 and 0.28Hz, respectively. The peak amplitudes of
The narrowed stance induced mild instability to heighten the the 2 stimuli were varied such that across 5 conditions, touch
need for attention to sensory inputs. They wore goggles limit- motion amplitude declined while visual motion amplitude in-
ing their peripheral vision. Participants lightly touched a fin- creased (see Table 1).
gertip force plate, located at hip height on the right side. This Participants performed 3 trials in each of the 5 con-
force plate sounded an alarm if the touch force exceeded 1 N. ditions (15 total). Trial duration was 120 s, with the order
Both visual and touch motion stimuli oscillated mediolaterally. of trials pseudorandomized within 5-trial blocks. Seated rests
Medial-lateral center of mass (COM) motion was were taken between trials.
approximated using an ultrasound position tracking system
(Logitech, Inc, Fremont, California). A posterior tracking Clinical Assessment
sensor was attached to a waist belt. Participants wore a harness To determine whether improvements in MSR were as-
attached to the ceiling with slack straps to permit postural sociated with improvements in balance measures associated

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA 85

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Allison et al JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

Figure 3. Time series. Three exemplar time series are shown

from 1 fall-prone older adult at pretest 1 (top), pretest 2
(center), and posttest (bottom). A 125-s segment of data
from each test session shows the time series of visual display
motion at 0.2 Hz (upper trace), mediolateral center of mass
displacement (middle trace), and touch surface motion at
0.28 Hz (lower trace). In these exemplars, visual motion
amplitude is 4 mm and touch surface motion amplitude is
2 mm.
Figure 2. Experimental setup. A participant is illustrated in a
modified tandem stance facing the computer-generated
visual display while lightly contacting the touch surface with ronments (see Supplemental Digital Content 1, Appendix
her right fingertip. Markers on the occiput and lower lumbar 1, All exercises were
region tracked the trajectories of the head and estimated performed on a SMART Balance Master (NeuroCom Inter-
center of mass, respectively. national, Inc, Clackamas, Oregon; now Natus Medical, Inc,
Pleasanton, California), a computerized balance testing and
training device. We chose to use this equipment because it pro-
with fall risk, the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) was used as a
vides operator-controlled surface and/or visual environment
global balance and fall-risk measure.35-39 Multiple impairment
motion that can be finely graded up or down in small, quantifi-
outcome measures associated with fall risk were also used, in-
able increments that are precisely repeatable between sessions
cluding the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale,38,40
and participants and closely matched to participant ability lev-
composite bilateral lower extremity range of motion (goniome-
els. If desired, the equipment also provides visual feedback
try) and strength (hand-held dynamometer; Chatillon CSD100,
AMETEK, Inc, Largo, Florida),41-44 the Sensory Organiza-
tion Test (NeuroCom International, Inc, Clackamas, Oregon,
now Natus Medical, Inc, Pleasanton, California),10-13,32,45-47
and Limits of Stability Test (NeuroCom International, Inc,
Clackamas, Oregon, now Natus Medical, Inc, Pleasanton,
California).30,48 Each of these tests has been shown to be
reliable with older adults. Appendix 2 describes these tests
(see Supplemental Digital Content 2, Appendix 2, http://links. All clinical testing was performed by
an experienced PT prior to laboratory testing.

Sensory Challenge Balance Exercise Program
Participants attended two, 45-minute exercise sessions
each week for 8 weeks. All sessions occurred in an outpatient
physical therapy clinic in the congregate retirement commu- Figure 4. A-E. Amplitude spectra. Five exemplar amplitude
nity. One-on-one sessions were provided by trainers (1 physical spectra are shown for visual display motion (A), touch surface
therapist and 2 physical therapist assistants) who were blinded motion (B), and center of mass displacements from the same
to test results and trained in the exercise protocol by 1 author fall-prone older adult in Figure 3 at pretest 1 (C), pretest 2
who is a physical therapist. (D), and posttest (E). In these exemplars, visual motion
The exercise program was designed (by author LKA) amplitude is 4 mm and touch surface motion amplitude is
to improve (1) estimation of body position and motion 2 mm. Note the lower posttest center of mass response
in space and (2) adaptation to changing sensory envi- amplitudes to the dynamic vision and touch stimuli.

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 Sensory-Challenge Balance Exercises

Table 1. Sensory Stimulus Motion Amplitudes Across Conditions

Sensory Stimulus
Motion Amplitudes Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Condition 4 Condition 5
Touch, mm 8 4 2 2 2
Vision, mm 2 2 2 4 8
Postural stability Upweight vision; Upweight vision; Neutral Upweight touch; Upweight touch;
benefits from Downweight touch Downweight touch Downweight vision Downweight vision

about center-of-gravity position and motion to promote early for many terms used in this article that may or may not be
motor learning. Participants stood quietly, with instructions to familiar to the reader.
avoid “standing too stiffly, like a soldier”, to achieve maxi-
mum stability in each exercise. Stability was challenged by Statistical Analysis
progressively reducing base-of-support size, reducing target All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Ver-
size to increase the control demand, and making the motion sion 12. Multisensory reweighting gain and phase data were
of the support surface and visual surround larger and less analyzed with a Test by Condition (3 × 5) repeated measures
predictable. (RM) multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Position
All participants followed the same standardized balance variability and velocity variability were examined separately
exercise progression, with the initial exercise difficulty level with a Test by Condition (3 × 5) RM-MANOVA. Each RM
adjusted for each participant. Balance exercises became pro- MANOVA was followed by planned multiple pairwise com-
gressively more difficult over the 16 sessions. Visual center parisons with Bonferroni correction to P ≤ 0.05.
of gravity feedback was provided during and weaned over Differences in scores from the ABC Scale and BBS were
the first 8 training sessions to facilitate the development of analyzed using Freidman test, with planned multiple pairwise
correct spatial orientation. Supplemental Digital Content 1, comparisons performed using related samples paired t tests
Appendix 3,, describes the with Bonferroni correction to P ≤ 0.016. Four composite
progression of balance exercise tasks and environmental mo- scores were compiled from the (1) bilateral lower extremity
tion conditions and the reduction in visual center of gravity range of motion, (2) bilateral lower extremity strength mea-
feedback. sures, (3) the SOT Equilibrium scores, and (4) the LOS Max-
imum Excursion scores. These composite scores were exam-
Data Analysis ined using a 3 × 3 (Test by Trainer) RM MANOVA. Unless
otherwise noted, significance was set at 0.05 or less for all
Conversion of Data From Time Series to Frequency analyses. Nonsignificant results are not reported.
A sample time series of the medial-lateral COM postural RESULTS
sway data and the visual and touch motion stimuli is shown Of the 33 participants who were enrolled in the study, 20
in Figure 3. To represent the same data in the frequency completed all training and testing sessions. Participants had
domain, the amplitude spectrum was computed from the time a history of 1 or more unexplained falls within the past year
series by taking the absolute value of the Fourier transform (range: 1-6, mean = 3). The first stage of screening was a
(Figure 4A-E). questionnaire; 95/104 were returned. Thirty-three volunteers
For each sensory input (vision or touch) the mathemati- were excluded at this stage due to medical conditions (N = 23)
cal transfer function at the stimulus frequency was calculated and major polypharmacy (N = 10). Telephone calls were made
by dividing the transformed COM postural sway by the trans- to the remaining 62 volunteers; at this stage, 16 volunteers de-
formed sensory stimulus motion. From each transfer func- clined to participate further. Forty-six volunteers underwent
tion, we obtained 2 COM motion variables, gain and phase, clinical screening, and 13 of these were excluded due to sen-
that together represent how the participant responded to the sory loss (N = 11) and frailty (N = 2). Thirty-three fall-prone
sensory stimuli motions. Changes in the sensitivity and tim- older adults were accepted into the study. Twenty-eight partici-
ing of the postural sway response to the unique vision/touch pants (22 female; mean age of 83 ± 5 years) began the training
motion frequencies (0.2 Hz/0.28 Hz) were indicated by gain program and 20 finished all 16 sessions. The primary reasons
and phase values, respectively. The postural sway response at reported for discontinuing the study were problems related to
all frequencies other than the 2 stimulus frequencies is the age: health status changes (N = 6) and caregiver burden (N =
residual COM displacement and was used to calculate 2 ad- 4). The exercise program was well tolerated, with partici-
ditional variables, position variability and velocity variabil- pants reporting temporary fatigue after exercise but no adverse
ity. Hence, the 6 dependent variables in the MSR analysis effects.
were vision and touch gain, vision and touch phase, posi-
tion variability, and velocity variability. Supplemental Digital Multisensory Reweighting Outcome Measures
Content 1, Appendix 4,, de- At all 3 test periods, we saw decreasing vision gains
scribes these measures and the rationale for their inclusion in with increasing visual motion amplitudes and increasing touch
this study. Supplemental Digital Content 1, Appendix 5, gains with decreasing touch motion amplitudes (Figure 5A, contains a list of definitions and B). Significant differences between Conditions were found

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA 87

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Allison et al JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

Figure 5. A-D. Group mean gain and phase results. The group mean (± SE) scores on the Y-axis for visual gain (A), touch gain
(B), visual phase (C), and touch phase (D), versus test condition on the X-axis, at each of the 3 test periods (3 lines). In 5A, note
that vision gain values decrease as visual motion stimulus amplitude increases (intramodality reweighting) and as touch motion
stimulus amplitude decreases (intermodality reweighting). Also note that vision gain values are lower after training, though not
statistically significantly so, reflecting less influence of environmental motion stimuli on postural sway. In 5B, note that touch
gain values increase as touch motion stimulus amplitude decreases (intramodality reweighting) and as visual motion stimulus
amplitude increases (intermodality reweighting). Also note that touch gain values are lower after training, reflecting less
influence of environmental motion stimuli on postural sway. In 5C, note the general lack of change in vision phase values
between conditions. After training, these phase values are generally higher, indicating a slightly greater lead of postural sway to
the visual motion stimulus. In 5D, note the slight decline in touch phase values between conditions. After training, these phase
values are generally higher, indicating slightly less lag of postural sway to the touch motion stimulus.

for touch phase, but not for vision phase (Figure 5C and B and D respectively). Planned pairwise comparisons revealed
D). Following training, both vision and touch gain values de- significant differences between numerous pairs of conditions
creased overall. for vision gain, touch gain, and touch phase (see Table 2).
The RM-MANOVA multivariate analysis for vision and The second RM-MANOVA for position and velocity
touch gain and phase revealed significant main effects for Test variability revealed a significant main effect only for Condi-
(Wilks’ Lambda: 0.735, F = 2.119, P = 0.041) and Condition tion (Wilks’ Lambda: 0.699, F = 10.527, P ≤ 0.001). Univari-
(Wilks’ Lambda: 0.073, F = 30.814, P ≤ 0.001) but no Test ate tests revealed statistically significant changes for position
by Condition interaction. For the main effect of condition, variability (F = 4.728, P = 0.002) and velocity variability
univariate tests revealed statistically significant changes for (F = 22.878, P ≤ 0.001). Significant differences in posi-
touch gain (F = 69.005, P ≤ 0.001), touch phase (F = 7.478, tion and velocity variability between Conditions were found
P ≤ 0.001), and vision gain (F = 85.838, P ≤ 0.001) but not for (Figure 6 A and B). Planned pairwise comparisons revealed
vision phase. Significant differences between Conditions were significant differences between numerous pairs of conditions
found for vision and touch gains and touch phase (Figure 5A, for position and velocity variability (see Table 2).

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 Sensory-Challenge Balance Exercises

Table 2. Summary of Planned Post hoc Pairwise Analyses for the Main Effect of Condition for the MSR Variables (Vision
Gain, Vision Phase, Touch Gain, Touch Phase, below the diagonal, and Position Variability, and Velocity Variability above
the diagonala )
MSR Sensory
Condition Touch 8: Vision 2 Touch 4: Vision 2 Touch 2: Vision 2 Touch 2: Vision 4 Touch 2: Vision 8
Touch 8: VV P = 0.001 PV P = 0.007 VV P = 0.004
Vision 2 VV P ≤ 0.001
Touch 4: VGn P ≤ 0.001 VV P = 0.004 VV P ≤ 0.001
Vision 2 VPh P = 0.027
TGn P ≤ 0.001
TPh P = 0.017
Touch 2: VGn P ≤ 0.001 TGn P = 0.001 VV P = 0.004 PV P = 0.009
Vision 2 TGn P ≤ 0.001 VV P = 0.001
TPh P = 0.037
Touch 2: VGn P ≤ 0.001 VGn P < 0.001 VGn P ≤ 0.001 PV P = 0.020
Vision 4 TGn P ≤ 0.001 TGn P = 0.001 VV P < 0.001
TPh P ≤ 0.001
Touch 2: VGn P ≤ 0.001 VGn P ≤ 0.001 VGn P ≤ 0.001 VGn P ≤ 0.001
Vision 8 TGn P ≤ 0.001 TGn P ≤ 0.001
TPh P = 0.028
Abbreviations: MSR, multisensory reweighting; PV, position variability; TGn, touch gain; TPh, touch phase; VGn, vision gain; VPh, vision phase; VV, velocity variability.
Planned comparisons revealed significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) between 9 pairs of conditions for vision gain, 7 pairs of conditions for touch gain, 4 pairs of conditions for touch
phase, 3 pairs of conditions for position velocity, and 8 pairs of conditions for velocity variability. The variable(s) indicated in a block were significantly different between the 2 MSR
conditions comprising that pair. For example, the cell at the interception of column Touch 4:Vision 2 and row Touch 2:Vision 2 shows that touch gain was significantly different in
Condition Touch 4:Vision 2 than in Condition Touch 2:Vision 2.

Do Sensory-Challenge Exercises Influence MSR? to detect significant differences in vision gain and phase was
From the RM-MANOVA for gain and phase, for the main lower than in touch gain and phase (0.389 and 0.197 vs 0.861
effect of test, univariate tests revealed statistically significant and 0.604, respectively). The standard error for vision gain
decreases between test periods for touch gain (F = 5.946, was over twice that for touch gain (vision SE = 0.16; touch
P = 0.005) and touch phase (F = 3.312, P = 0.044) but not for SE = 0.07). Planned pairwise comparisons found significant
vision gain or phase. However, in absolute terms, vision gain decreases in touch gain between pretest 1 versus posttest (mean
decreased more than touch gain (mean change posttraining: change: 0.239, SE = 0.070, P = 0.001) and pretest 2 versus
0.282 vs 0.189) (see Figure 5 A and B and Table 3). The power posttest (mean change: 0.138, SE = 0.070, P = 0.05), and in

Figure 6. A-B. Group mean position and velocity variability results. The group mean (± SE) scores on the Y-axis for position
variability (A) and velocity variability (B), versus test condition on the X-axis, at each of the 3 test periods (3 lines). In both 6A
and 6B, note that there are only slight changes between conditions, reflecting little change in postural sway at frequencies other
than the driving motion stimulus frequencies. Also note the “U shape” in the pattern of change across conditions, reflecting that
postural sway at frequencies other than the driving motion stimulus frequencies is least when both driving motion stimulus
amplitudes are small and equal.

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA 89

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Allison et al JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

Table 3. Results of RM-MANOVA Analyses of Laboratory MSR Data for Between-Test Differencesa
Touch Gain Vision Gain
Between-Test Difference Between-Test Difference
Mean Ratio (SE), Significance Mean Ratio (SE), Significance
Pre 1 vs Pre 2 Pre 1 vs Post Pre 2 vs Post Pre 1 vs Pre 2 Pre 1 vs Post Pre 2 vs Post
0.101 (0.070) 0.239 (0.070) 0.138 (0.070) 0.023 (0.164) 0.293 (0.164) 0.270 (0.164)
P = 0.15 P = 0.001 P = 0.05 P = 0.892 P = 0.081 P = 0.106
Ratio Values: Mean (SD) Ratio Values: Mean (SD)
Pretest 1 Pretest 2 Posttest Condition Pretest 1 Pretest 2 Posttest
0.495 (0.243) 0.410 (0.197) 0.330 (0.171) Tch-8:Vis-2 2.08 (0.731) 2.05 (0.670) 1.73 (0.668)
0.837 (0.229) 0.853 (0.334) 0.678 (0.243) Tch-4:Vis-2 1.76 (0.662) 1.68 (0.782) 1.36 (0.627)
1.07 (0.321) 1.02 (0.334) 0.839 (249) Tch-2:Vis-2 1.61 (0.712) 1.59 (0.603) 1.34 (0.575)
1.07 (292) 0.985 (0.266) 0.853 (0.320) Tch-2:Vis-4 1.30 (0.689) 1.22 (0.529) 0.961 (0.440)
1.31 (0.434) 1.02 (0.358) 0.891 (0.412) Tch-2:Vis-8 0.713 (0.502) 0.790 (0.497) 0.585 (0.300)
Touch Phase Vision Phase
Between-Test Difference Between-Test Difference
Mean Degree (SE), Significance Mean Degree (SE), Significance
Pre 1 vs Pre 2 Pre 1 vs Post Pre 2 vs Post Pre 1 vs Pre 2 Pre 1 vs Post Pre 2 vs Post
−0.019 (0.099) − 0.229 (0.099) − 0.210 (0.099) − 0.022 (0.099) − 0.104 (0.099) − 0.126 (0.099)
P = 0.851 P = 0.024 P = 0.038 P = 0.827 P = 0.305 P = 0.214
Degrees: Mean (SD) Degrees: Mean (SD)
Pretest 1 Pretest 2 Posttest Condition Pretest 1 Pretest 2 Posttest
−0.096 (0.352) − 0.012 (0.642) 0.083 (0.540) Tch-8:Vis-2 0.281 (0.312) 0.291 (0.314) 0.498 (0.402)
−0.267 (0.219) − 0.207 (0.354) − 0.145 (0.395) Tch-4:Vis-2 0.392 (0.318) 0.343 (0.293) 0.387 (0.423)
−0.301 (0.281) − 0.250 (0.318) 0.024 (0.458) Tch-2:Vis-2 0.375 (0.380) 0.434 (0.310) 0.545 (0.550)
−0.317 (0.291) − 0.478 (0.461) − 0.132 (0.468) Tch-2:Vis-4 0.346 (0.346) 0.374 (0.235) 0.584 (0.405)
−0.393 (0.280) − 0.334 (0.462) − 0.061 (0.492) Tch-2:Vis-8 0.562 (0.753) 0.404 (0.478) 0.459 (0.631)
Position Variability Velocity Variability
Between-Test Difference Between-Test Difference
Mean cm/s (SE), Significance Mean cm/sec (SE), Significance
Pre 1 vs Pre 2 Pre 1 vs Post Pre 2 vs Post Pre 1 vs Pre 2 Pre 1 vs Post Pre 2 vs Post
−0.033 (0.074) 0.080 (0.074) 0.112 (0.074) − 0.020 (0.088) 0.034 (0.088) 0.054 (0.088)
P = 0.658 P = 0.283 P = 0.132 P = 0.818 P = 0.703 P = 0.541
Values in cm/s: Mean (SD) Values in cm/s: Mean (SD)
Pretest 1 Pretest 2 Posttest Condition Pretest 1 Pretest 2 Posttest
0.917 (0.238) 0.944 (0.296) 0.859 (0.261) Tch-8:Vis-2 1.18 (0.317) 1.18 (0.316) 1.06 (0.259)
0.811 (0.238) 0.938 (0.449) 0.823 (0.306) Tch-4:Vis-2 1.01 (0.269) 1.02 (0.216) 1.05 (0.304)
0.797 (0.232) 0.860 (0.354) 0.723 (0.200) Tch-2:Vis-2 0.937 (0.245) 0.975 (0.256) 0.950 (0.249)
0.907 (0.321) 0.823 (0.258) 0.778 (0.219) Tch-2:Vis-4 1.02 (0.287) 1.08 (0.307) 1.02 (0.296)
1.01 (0.453) 1.04 (0.432) 0.859 (0.222) Tch-2:Vis-8 1.24 (0.464) 1.25 (0.432) 1.14 (0.274)
Abbreviations: Pre 1, Pretest 1; Pre 2, Pretest 2; Post, Posttest; Tch, Touch; Vis, Vision.
For Each of the 6 Dependent Variables in the RM-MANOVA Analyses of the Laboratory MSR Data (Touch and Vision Gain, Touch and Vision Phase, Position, and Velocity
Variability) Included Here Are (1) the Actual Values (Mean ± SD) in Each of the 5 Test Conditions at Each of the 3 Test Times and (2) for the Main Effect of Test, the Planned Post
hoc Pairwise Analyses for Between-Test Differences. Gain values are calculated as a ratio of the amplitude spectrum value of postural sway at the driving sensory stimulus frequency
divided by the amplitude spectrum value of the driving sensory stimulus (as shown in Figure 4).

touch phase between pretest 1 versus posttest (mean change: BBS (P ≤ 0.001). Planned related samples paired t tests
−0.229, SE = 0.099, P = 0.024) and pretest 2 versus posttest (Bonferroni-corrected significance level, P < 0.016) demon-
(mean change: −0.210, SE = 0.099, P = 0.038). strated significant differences between pretest 1 versus pretest
2 (P = 0.006), pretest 1 versus posttest (P ≤ 0.001), and pretest
Are Posttraining Changes in MSR Accompanied 2 versus posttest (P = 0.002).
by Improvements in Clinical Measures A Test by Trainer (3 × 3) MANOVA for the SOT,
of Balance and Fall Risk? LOS, and lower extremity strength scores found a significant
Clinical outcome results are reported in Table 4. Fried- main effect for Test only (Wilks’ Lambda: 0.154, F = 8.000,
man test indicated significant between-test differences for the P ≤ 0.001). Univariate tests revealed significant differences

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA

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JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 Sensory-Challenge Balance Exercises

Table 4. Clinical Test Results

Overall Sig Pretest 1 vs Pretest 1 vs Pretest 2 vs
Pretest 1, Pretest 2, Posttest, Diff (for any Pretest 2 (Sig Posttest (Sig Posttest (Sig
Test M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) Test Pair) Diff at Baseline) Diff After Rx) Diff After Rx)
ABC (0-160 pts) 124.38 (28.80) 127.29 (21.50) 133.43 (24.42) Friedman No Sig Diff, NA NA NA
P = 0.115
BBS (0-56 pts) 48.67 (5.41) 50.43 (4.84) 51.76 (3.75) Friedman, P < 0.001 P = 0.006 P ≤ 0.001 P = 0.002
Composite bilateral LE 162.8 (41.2) 165.7 (41.3) 180.9 (41.4) MANOVA, P < 0.001; No Sig Diff, P = 0.051 P = 0.005
Strength (lbs of force) Univariate, P = 0.013 P = 0.674
Composite bilateral LE 752.24 (29.08) 751.76 (20.92) 757.52 (18.02) MANOVA, P < 0.001; NA NA NA
ROM (0◦ -870◦ ) Univariate No Sig Diff,
P = 0.227
SOT composite score 62.7 (12.7) 69.2 (10.5) 78.0 (8.5) MANOVA, P < 0.001; P = 0.004 P ≤ 0.001 P = 0.002
(0%-100%) Univariate, P ≤ 0.001
LOS mean Maximum 59.67 (12.52) 61.62 (13.01) 69.57 (12.64) MANOVA, P < 0.001; No Sig Diff, P ≤ 0.001 P = 0.001
Excursion (0%-100%) Univariate, P ≤ 0.001 P = 0.216
Abbreviations: ABC, Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale; BBS, Berg Balance Scale; LE, Lower Extremity; LOS, Limits of Stability Test; MANOVA, multivariate analysis
of variance; NA, not applicable; pts, points; ROM, range of motion; Rx, Intervention; Sig Diff, Significant Difference; SOT, Sensory Organization Test.

between tests for the composite SOT Equilibrium scores (F represent a generalized ability to suppress or decouple from
= 25.979, P ≤ 0.001), LOS Maximum Excursion scores (F environmental motion cues, since no training under laboratory
= 21.882, P ≤ 0.001), and lower extremity strength scores (F testing conditions occurred.49 The sensory-challenge exercise
= 5.846, P = 0.006) but not for the ABC or lower extremity program did improve MSR in these fall-prone older adults.
composite range of motion scores.
Significant differences were found for the compos- Posttraining Changes in MSR Are Accompanied
ite SOT Equilibrium score between pretest 1 versus pretest by Improvements in Clinical Measures of
2 (P = 0.011), pretest 1 versus posttest (P ≤ 0.001), and pretest Balance Associated With Fall Risk
2 versus posttest (P ≤ 0.001). For the composite LOS Max- Our pretraining findings of low scores on the clinical
imum Excursion scores, significant differences were found outcome measures were expected and consistent with results
between pretest 1 versus posttest (P ≤ 0.001) and pretest 2 from previous studies.29,30,50-52 After training, we observed
versus posttest (P ≤ 0.001). For the composite lower extrem- increased scores on the BBS, SOT, LOS, and lower extremity
ity Strength scores, significant differences were found between (LE) strength tests. We cannot say that these changes were
pretest 1 versus posttest (P ≤ 0.028) and pretest 2 versus caused by improvements in MSR, only that they occurred
posttest (P = 0.003). concurrently.
To determine whether the increase in strength scores ex-
plained the improved SOT, LOS, and BBS scores, 2 unplanned How Do the Current Findings Fit Within the
repeated measures multivariate analysis of covariance analy- Context of Prior Research?
ses were run with strength as the covariate. In the first, these Our current finding that sensory challenge balance exer-
3 outcome measures were the dependent variables. In the sec- cises are associated with subsequently lower vision and touch
ond, the differences in scores between tests were the dependent gain values is consistent with prior intervention studies that
variables. For both analyses, all previously reported significant used the SOT or “Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on
effects were maintained. Significant differences in scores fol- Balance” to reflect MSR capabilities.19,29,30,53 Thus, sensory-
lowing training (pretest 2 vs posttest) were observed for the challenge practice may improve perception of environmental
SOT (P = 0.001), LOS (P = 0.003), and BBS (P = 0.007), conditions, estimation of body position and motion, or both.
indicating that strength was not a factor. Prior studies of balance exercise programs that in-
cluded sensory challenge exercises have reported positive
DISCUSSION SOT outcomes.27,29,30 Our posttraining improvements in SOT
composite scores were consistent with these earlier findings.
Sensory-Challenge Exercises Influence MSR Similarly, our posttraining findings of increased LOS Maxi-
Prior to training, vision and touch gain values for fall- mum Excursion scores are consistent with other balance exer-
prone older adults were markedly higher than for healthy young cise intervention studies that used the LOS test as a measure of
and older adults.11,32 After training, the range of gain values center of gravity excursion and control.30,52 In contrast, these
in the fall-prone older adults was decreased such that it was studies included dynamic balance exercises, while ours did
similar to that of healthy young adults. This finding may re- not. The significant improvements seen in dynamic balance
flect improved discrimination and dissociation of self-motion following our static balance training program may thus seem
from environmental motion. Posttraining declines in vision unexpected from a specificity of training viewpoint. However,
and touch gain values cannot be attributed to an overall reduc- improved estimation of body position and motion in space
tion in residual postural sway, since there was no posttraining (perception) could support and facilitate improved dynamic
difference in position or velocity variability. These results may balance (action).

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Allison et al JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

After training, we found significant increases in BBS and dissociate self-motion from environmental motion.
scores. Other balance exercise intervention studies that have These results support the hypotheses that MSR is one of the
used the BBS to measure balance and fall risk have also mechanisms through which sensory challenge balance
reported improvements in BBS scores.30,54,55 We recognize exercises may effect improvements in postural control.
that, as our intervention was intentionally limited to sen-
sory challenge balance exercises, other studies with more ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
comprehensive exercise interventions were likely to achieve The authors recognize The Erickson Foundation for their
larger increases in BBS scores.
generous support of this research and thank Linda House,
Increases in BBS scores may seem even more surpris-
ing than increases in LOS scores from a specificity of training PT, Julie Howe, PTA, and Gloria Wilmer, PTA, for their in-
viewpoint. The BBS includes 14 activities, a majority of which valuable assistance with the clinical evaluations and exercise
are dynamic (eg, turning 360◦ ) or mimic functional activities intervention.
(eg sit-to-stand, retrieving an object from the floor). Our partic-
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