Strategi Development

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TECHNICAL REPORT OF Port Dickson local district plan 2010-2020


7.2Development Pillar 2 : Sustainable Economic Land Use

7.1 Development Pillar 1 : International Tourism 1) Flag A

commercial – Free duty zone
Flag A Street mall
2 ) Flag B
1 ) Upgrade The Landscape for The City Centre and The Coastal Area Industry – To become the centre of compose industry
Renewal The Old Building
Application of f Element of The City 3 ) Flag C
1. Node Agro tourism –Making the place as the agriculture area that produce the
2. Landmark biggest fruit and producing agro-tourism product that give identity to the
3. Path area
4. District 1
4 ) Flag D–industry –The center of industrial for coal and the identity of the
5. Edges
2 ) Upgrading the transportation and the road to the tourism area.
3 ) transport system to support travel services 5 ) Flag E-green lung-Making the menyala national park and Pasir Panjang
4) Diversify tourism products and upgrading of existing tourism products forest reserve as a research centre
Establish research centre for controlling the flora and
Flag B fauna

1 ) Tourism based on education Green Preserve

2 ) Preparing center R&D Centre
3 ) Opportunities for the international university to open branches in port Dickson
7.2Development Pillar 3 : Quality of Life
Flag C
1) Agro
7.1 : Multi Centre development
2) Home stay Housing Sector – Systematic Central Settlement
3) Tourism product based on traditional
4) introduce IKS Transport Sector
1 ) Comprehensive transit public transport and integrated with town in Port
Flag E
1) promotion Menyala forest reserve and Pasir Pasar forest reserve in national 2 ) Improvement the quality of road hierarchy
2) improving facilities that are in the forest.
Utility and infrastructure sector

TECHNICAL REPORT OF Port Dickson local district plan 2010-2020

To ensure the quality of infrastructure and utilities sufficiently and


7.3Development Pillar 4 ; Sustainable Environment

International Tourism
In order to introduce Port Dickson coastal area to the international levels the
coastal area must be improve and reduce the pollution to get the title “ blue
flag “ and be able to put Port Dickson in one of the world blue flag coastal
area and be able to attract more people to come to Port Dickson
To create green residential area to create more shaded area

Green Lung
To be preserve and any development are not allowed.
Forest reservation be as one of the tourism attraction and can attract nature


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