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Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114

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Staff scheduling in job rotation environments considering ergonomic

aspects and preservation of qualifications
Jan Hochdörffer ∗ , Marc Hedler, Gisela Lanza
wbk Institute of Production Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Demographic change is a well-known influencing factor challenging social security systems in industrial-
Received 9 January 2017 ized countries. In a manufacturing context, companies need to cope with an increasingly heterogeneous
Received in revised form 2 November 2017 workforce in terms of qualification and impairments, as well as an increasing average age. The devel-
Accepted 21 November 2017
opment of more standardized processes and the trend to move towards shorter lead times, paired with
Available online 6 December 2017
demographic changes in the workforce, reveal a strong importance of staff planning.
A short-term staff planning system which generates job rotation schedules taking into consideration
workers’ qualifications, the workplace’s ergonomic exposure, and the most recent allocations of each
Job rotation
Staff scheduling
worker is sought to ensure the right worker is allocated to the right work place at the right time. The
Assembly arising complexity of such scheduling problems is met in this paper by using a linear programming based
Ergonomics heuristic, which solves the scheduling problem gradually for each rotation round and generates a holistic
Linear programming job rotation schedule for an entire workday.
Heuristic The presented approach to short-term staff scheduling is implemented in a VBA-based software pro-
totype and was tested in the final assembly line of a German automotive manufacturer.
© 2017 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cause of illness, followed by other illnesses such as cardiovascular

diseases and psychological illnesses [5].
Along with Italy and Japan, Germany is one of the countries with One of the essential business sectors within the German econ-
the oldest population [1] and according to the most likely future omy is the automotive industry [6]. With respect to age distribution,
scenario, the German population will not only get older, but also it is predicted that the average age among the workforce in this
decrease significantly over the next decades [2]. Therefore, Ger- industry will increase from 40 (2011) to 44 within the next five
man companies need to prepare for this demographic change by years. By 2021, more than half of the workforce will be older than
considering the challenges that an increasingly elderly workforce 45, whereas this group represented only 38% in 2011 [7]. Manufac-
presents to their workforce planning. turing processes within the automotive industry are characterized
The commonly believed hypothesis that the general perfor- by repetitive and physically demanding work tasks at high fre-
mance of a workforce decreases with increasing age, is disproved quencies, especially in final assembly lines. When executing final
in recent studies which find no significant correlation between assembly tasks, the hand-finger system as well as the whole human
age and performance [3]. However, research in this field assumes body are primarily exposed. Such a working environment may lead
that workforce characteristics are becoming more heterogeneous to more frequent occurrences of MSD in the long run [8].
within an ageing workforce, e. g. in terms of impairments [4]. Addi- Increasing product variety as well as shorter product lifecycles of
tionally, the occurrence of illness-related absence from work is produced car series call for new requirements for the manufactur-
found to increase with an increasing age of the workforce. Mus- ing process. The workforce does not only have to adapt to changes
culoskeletal disorders (MSD) are identified as the most significant faster than before, but workers also have to be able to execute a
wider range of working activities which requires diversified qual-
ifications [9]. These aspects amplify the challenges demographic
change poses on workforce planning and qualification procedures
Abbreviations: MSD, musculoskeletal disorders; BEQR, Balanced Ergonomic
Qualification preserving job Rotation; EAWS, European Assembly Worksheet; IEA,
International Ergonomics Association; WBE, whole body exposure. To lower or prevent occupational injuries and absenteeism from
∗ Corresponding author. work, three general approaches have been identified by [10]. Firstly
E-mail address: (J. Hochdörffer).
0278-6125/© 2017 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
104 J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114

(1), working activities can be redesigned in terms of tools or work- the optimization of the overall system performance [21]. Further-
place modifications and the manufacturing process at the early more, ergonomics can broadly be clustered into three main focus
stages of product development. In addition, (2) the use of per- groups. The field of physical ergonomics (1) focuses on anatomi-
sonal protective equipment, such as specific clothing, can help with cal or biomechanical human characteristics. Relevant topics within
injury prevention. Moreover, (3) utilizing administrative means, this field are working posture and the prevention of work-related
e. g. job rotation, may lower or prevent occupational injuries and MSD. Organizational ergonomics (2) deals with the optimization of
absenteeism from work. According to Lussier and Hendon, job rota- sociotechnical systems, including decisions regarding work design.
tion can be defined as “[. . .] performing different jobs in a certain Lastly, cognitive ergonomics (3) considers the interaction between
sequence, each for a set period of time” [11]. humans and their working environment, such as human-computer
When analyzing the three outlined approaches, it was found interaction.
that the application of engineering solutions (1) are often too Looking at the design of work systems, ergonomics can also be
expensive to be fulfilled, and when considering MSD, not many distinguished based on the point in time of implementation. Schlick
effective solutions are available for protective equipment (2). Utiliz- et al. introduce the terms “prospective ergonomics” and “corrective
ing administrative means (3) offers the most cost-efficient solution ergonomics” [22]. Accordingly, prospective ergonomics means
for the challenges in this field [12]. that ergonomic findings are included ex ante while designing work
Through the use of administrative means, working activities can systems. Corrective ergonomics, on the other hand, is used when
be organized in a way that reduces the monotony of the assembly ergonomic aspects are regarded ex post, i. e. after working sys-
process. Particularly in the automotive industry, job rotation is a tems are created. Short-term staff scheduling systems, which take
broadly used concept to reduce fatigue and unilateral exposure of ergonomic aspects into account, can be categorized as organiza-
body regions [13]. However, there is typically no specific focus on tional corrective ergonomics.
the changing needs of elderly workers. In the last decade, com- Various ergonomic risk assessment metrics have been devel-
panies such as BMW have begun addressing the challenges in the oped in recent years featuring differences in their focused working
automotive assembly process stemming from demographic change activities and levels of detail. These metrics typically aim at evaluat-
by testing measures to cope with the future situation of elderly ing physical workloads by means of screening tools. The outcomes
workers [14]. of the evaluations can then be used to improve the assessed work-
Nevertheless, a holistic approach which considers physical ing activity ergonomics [22]. Based on the screening procedure
exposure and continuous preservation of the workforce’s qualifi- of the Automotive Assembly Worksheet (AAWS), the European
cations, as well as incorporates the situation of individual elderly Assembly Worksheet (EAWS) was designed. The EAWS assesses
workers into models to generate job rotation schedules is currently movements a worker executes while performing work tasks at shop
still missing [15]. In this paper an integer linear programming (ILP) floor level, and thereby revises the AAWS for an increased field of
based heuristic is developed, which eases the outlined aspects and application [23]. According to Schaub et al., the EAWS is currently
fills the gap in current research entitled the Balanced Ergonomic implemented at several German and European car manufacturers
Qualification preserving job Rotation (BEQR) method. The remain- and automotive suppliers [22].
der of this paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, the relevant In particular, the EAWS evaluates the following:
theoretical foundations are outlined followed by an overview of
current literature on short-term staff planning. The implementa- • working postures and movements with low additional physical
tion of the BEQR method, including the developed heuristic to solve efforts
the ILP, is introduced in Section 3. Finally, an application example in • action forces of the whole body or hand-finger system
the final assembly line of a German automotive manufacturer illus- • manual materials handling
trating the planning advantage of the BEQR method is presented in • repetitive loads on the upper limbs
Section 4, followed by the discussion of the results in Section 5.
The evaluation of each topic results in point values indicating
the extent of the physical exposure the worker has to cope with.
2. Literature review In order to identify potential risks regarding MSD when executing
tasks, these generated point values are summed and can then be
According to Ellström (1997) the term qualification in a pro- associated to a color scheme which is illustrated in Fig. 1 [22].
fessional environment refers to the competence that is actually The green section represents physical loads ranging from 0 to
required by the work task and/or is implicitly or explicitly pre- 25, indicating a minor risk for the person performing the task.
scribed by the employer [16]. A job rotation environment with The yellow section, which ranges from 26 to 50, marks a possi-
varying work tasks leads to multi-skilled employees who can han- ble risk whereby an entire structural redesign of the respective
dle large product variety [17]. In contrast, related qualifications task is recommended in order to minimize the workforce’s physical
become obsolete when the job rotation interval for a specific exposure. However, should a redesign not be feasible, the imple-
workstation is too long. Therefore the workforce has to practice mentation of other corrective ergonomic actions such as minor
respective working activities on a regular basis, which claims a physical modifications (e. g. adjustments to tool equipment) or
trade-off between the benefits of long and short-term job rotation organizational changes (e. g. adaptions to short-term staff schedul-
intervals [18]. ing) is recommended. The red section contains all tasks featuring
Staff scheduling aims to align a company’s available workforce a high likelihood of getting MSD, which should therefore be modi-
with work tasks in the most beneficial way and can also be referred fied. However, the risks to which the workforce is exposed are not
to as personnel scheduling or rostering. In the context of manu- linked to “critical values” at which certainly and instantly an injury
facturing, the mapping of the available workforce with different occurs, since the measures are based on the average worker. Indi-
work tasks may be referred to as allocation and is typically based vidual physical conditions and working techniques also have an
on workforce qualifications and the task requirements with respect influence on such risk [22].
to time and capacity constraints [19,20]. In the following, current approaches in the field of short-term
The definition of the term “ergonomics”, provided by the Inter- staff planning dealing in particular with job rotation and staff
national Ergonomics Association (IEA), strives for improvement scheduling problems are reviewed. The approaches are preselected
in two main fields: the optimization of human well-being and for their relevance regarding the considered topic. Therefore, the
J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114 105

Fig. 1. Ergonomic risk assessment color scheme adapted from [22].

focus is on approaches which take at least one of the following ally, the possibility to adjust the duration of rotation rounds is only
requirements into account: ergonomics and preservation of work- considered by two sources [29,32].
force qualifications. Regarding the third aspect reviewed, only two of the selected
In order to better classify the reviewed sources, the require- publications meet the requirements for a qualification-preserving
ments were broken down into three main aspects of interest, rotation schedule [15,18]. However, the approach elaborated by
namely (1) incorporation of ergonomics and how well the reviewed Azizi et al. respects individual intellectual characteristics, which
sources could adapt to characteristics of elderly workers, (2) bal- might conflict with current anti-discrimination laws in indus-
anced distribution among the worker allocation to workstations, trial countries [18]. The model from Stanić lacks application
as well as the possibility to include individual restrictions such as since the pursued action regarding the preservation of qualifi-
qualifications and impairments into rotation schedule generation, cations is only outlined theoretically [15]. Additionally, looking
and (3) qualification preservation, assessing whether the gener- at the assumptions made regarding workforce qualifications, the
ated schedules consider the timespan between two allocations to regarded publications are split into two groups. Most of the sources
the same workstation. While very short timespans can be hard on expect the workforce to be equally (homogeneously) qualified e. g.
physical exposure and motivation, too long timespans can affect [28,29,31,32] and only differ in the extent of how well an individ-
the worker’s knowledge of the respective work tasks negatively. In ual can execute a task (e. g. [33]). Only two approaches distinguish
addition to the considered scope, the solving methods used are also between being and not-being equally qualified and therefore
briefly analyzed. incorporate a heterogeneous workforce [15,27]. The possibility
Carnahan et al. introduce the ergonomic job rotation scheduling to schedule qualification procedures, e. g. on-the-job training, by
problem that aims to smooth the ergonomic risks amongst work- allocating more than one worker to selected workstations is not
ers by minimizing their ergonomic load when performing lifting considered by any of the reviewed approaches.
tasks [24]. Tharmmaphornphilas and Norman extend the model A wide range of methods is applied to solve the job rota-
from Carnahan et al. by taking the quality of preceding worker allo- tion or staff scheduling problems presented in these sources.
cations into account when allocating workers in the next period to The majority of the approaches either use integer programming
enable a stronger inter-period relationship [12]. Other approaches [12,24,27,28,30,18], metaheuristics such as genetic algorithms
focus on the reduction of different exposure types. For instance, [24–26,29,30,18,33], or simulated annealing [30]. Heuristics are
Kullpattaranirun and Nanthavanij present models for the design only applied in a few approaches [12,30,32].
of rotation schedules to reduce noise exposure [25,26], while both Overall, all reviewed approaches feature limitations. None of the
noise exposure and back injuries are considered in the model from approaches fully fulfills the requirements to create a job rotation
Aryanezhad et al. [27]. schedule that reduces physical exposure upon a heterogeneously
The majority of the approaches reviewed base their rotation qualified workforce, considers feasible variations among the work-
schedules on either specific or general ergonomic risk assessment stations, pays attention to the preservation of qualifications, or is
metrics, but differ in respect to the level of detail regarding evalu- suitable for in-field use with individual adjustments or restrictions.
ation sections they cover. For instance, Tharmmaphornphilas and The approach from Stanić is the only approach that fulfills most
Norman as well as Carnahan et al. use the Job Severity Index (JSI) of the requirements, however it still lacks a solving method, and
to assess the potential for back injury [12,24] while Yoon et al. use therefore remains purely conceptual [15].
rough screening procedures [28]. Other authors, such as Asensio-
Cuesta et al. develop and apply their own, case-specific metrics [29].
3. Short-term staff planning modelling
Furthermore, applied metrics may feature different possibilities to
incorporate physical impairments, which are more likely to arise
In order to set up a short-term staff planning system, vari-
due to the ageing workforce. Such metrics are used in [15,29,30].
ous data on the workforce and on the assembly tasks assigned to
The succession of stations which bear a risk of exposing the work-
workstations need to be gathered. In the BEQR method, several
force to critically high physical loads is only explicitly modelled
assumptions about the application scope of the considered man-
by Yoon et al. [28]. Considering individual physical capabilities of
ufacturing system, workforce characteristics, and assembly task
the workforce, as in [29], is seen as a major limitation for appli-
characteristics are made to cope with real-life environments in the
cation in industry in view of anti-discrimination laws in several
automotive industry.
industrialized countries.
Looking at the second aspect, to create a balanced rotation
schedule and to cope with individual restrictions, the reviewed lit- 3.1. Modelling assumptions
erature is vastly diverse. The objective to avoid the succession of the
same workstation in a row is only picked up in the approaches of, The first group of assumptions relate to organizational con-
Yoon et al., Asensio-Cuesta et al. as well as Bhadury and Radovilsky ditions typically found in automotive assembly lines. Rotation
[28,29,31]. However, none of these approaches implemented the schedules are often created individually for each shift whereby
ability to modify a sequence of allocated workstations. Addition- differences in terms of the length and number of rotation rounds
within shifts may exist. The number of workstations per workgroup
106 J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114

to be executed per shift are fixed during the duration of the shift, tions into account. The following tables depict the relevant data
however, some workstations may be nonobligatory. 
using examples  a workgroup with a total number of seven work-
The second group of assumptions is made to better model the ers I = 1, . . ., 7 assigned to it and a regular assembly process
characteristics of the regarded workforce. Following current regu- including five obligatory J o = 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and one nonobligatory
lations and anti-discrimination laws (e. g. AGG in Germany [34]),  
workstation J no = 2 with J = J o ∩ J no .
no differentiation is made amongst workers in terms of gender
Table 1 illustrates the workers qualification profiles in terms of
or capabilities, such as the efficiency and quality in performing a
their assignment to workstations.
task. However, the workforce is assumed to be heterogeneous in
The used notation in Table 1 specifies whether a worker is qual-
respect to individual qualification profiles which means that not
ified (1) or not qualified (0) to perform tasks at a workstation.
all workers are qualified to execute all tasks [29]. The numbers of
workers present per shift may vary based on expected or unex-  
qij ∈ 0, 1 for i = 1, . . ., nI ; j = 1, . . ., nJ (1)
pected situations. Imbalances in the number can be dealt with to
a certain extent: understaffing may be compensated by eliminat-
As illustrated in Table 2, the number of workers assigned to a
ing nonobligatory tasks, and overcrowding can be compensated by
workgroup is normally higher than the number of workstations to
executing qualification procedures with two workers working on
be executed since workers may be absent from work (noted by 0)
the same tasks at the same time. The total recovery of a worker’s
due to illness, scheduled holidays, or other reasons.
physical exposure is assumed to occur overnight. Therefore, the
The ergonomic risk assessment metric used is comparable to
restriction to limit the succession of high exposure within the same
the European Assembly Worksheet (EAWS), which is explained in
body region is neglected for the allocation to the first workstation
detail in [22]. In response to working environment characteristics
during the shift on the subsequent day.
within automotive assembly lines and the increasing awareness of
The third assumption group concerns specific work task charac-
MSD and its causes, particular focus is set on the whole body subdi-
teristics within the automotive assembly process. All workstations
vided into four categories as well as the hand-finger system [7]. An
are assumed to be classified in terms of their physical expo-
exemplary overview of ergonomic risk assessment by workstations
sure using a common ergonomic risk assessment metric. Derived
is illustrated in Table 3 using the color scheme outlined in Section
ergonomic classification values increase linearly with the time it
takes to execute the task. Interdependencies, such as the accu-
As illustrated in Table 4, the general length and number of rota-
mulation of fatigue or recovery aspects due to the sequence of
tion rounds may differ among workgroups and shift types (i. e.
workstations allocated in the generated schedule, are expected to
early shift, late shift, and night shift). Due to these differences and
balance out with respect to their negative or positive effects and
their associated consequences, all relevant information needs to be
are neglected accordingly. Therefore, assessment metric values for
gathered before applying the BEQR method.
a specific task depend only on the task’s ergonomic risk assessment
In order to fulfill the proposed objective to develop balanced
and duration.
ergonomic qualification preserving job rotation schedules, the cre-
ation of an internal database is necessary. As illustrated in Table 5,
3.2. Input information every allocation for every worker within the workgroup is stored
after each rotation round. This information is complemented with
Required subsets of input data for the BEQR method may stem the individual frequency of workstations and the respective length
from different sources such as the company’s enterprise resource of each round. In case of a worker’s absence, the corresponding
planning system or other databases. Furthermore, data is generated fields in the database are left blank (e. g. Worker 07, who was absent
in the course of the method’s usage, such as information regarding on the 23.02.2016). The basis for a new allocation of a worker is
the most recent rotation schedules. Lastly, the BEQR method fea- set by considering the previous n rotation rounds. When choosing
tures several options for the user to influence the generation of the a longer history of past allocations, effects such as illness-related
rotation schedules, by taking individual preferences and restric- absences or holidays can be coped with. Datasets exceeding the

Table 1
Individual qualification profile matrix.

Worker 01 Worker 02 Worker 03 Worker 04 Worker 05 Worker 06 Worker 07

Station 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Station 02 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
Station 03 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
Station 04 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
Station 05 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
Station 06 1 0 1 1 0 0 1

Table 2
Individual attendance matrix.

Name February March

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa So Mo Tu We Th ... ... ...

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 ... ... ...

Worker 01 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 ... ... ...

Worker 02 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 ... ... ...
Worker 03 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ... ... ...
Worker 04 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... ... ...
Worker 05 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 ... ... ...
Worker 06 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ... ... ...
Worker 07 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ... ... ...
J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114 107

Table 3
Ergonomic classification and specific characteristics of workstations.

Table 4 Table 6
Lengths of rotation rounds in regards to shift types. Temporary impairments for individual workers.

Early shift Start End Length (min) Worker Station CW Dates with temp. restrictions

Rotation 1 06:00 07:50 110 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Rotation 2 08:15 10:00 105
Rotation 3 10:10 11:50 100 Worker 02 Station 04 CW 08 22 23
Rotation 4 12:25 13:20 55 Worker 07 Station 06 CW 08 22 23 24
Rotation 5 13:32 14:35 63

Late shift Start End Length (min)

In the BEQR method, impairments are distinguished in two
Rotation 1 14:35 16:30 115 categories: permanent and temporary. Permanent impairments
Rotation 2 16:45 18:00 75
Rotation 3 18:13 19:00 47
impede workstation execution in the long run and lead to an adjust-
Rotation 4 19:30 21:00 90 ment of a worker’s qualification profile. However, situations may
Rotation 5 21:10 22:00 50 arise, which prevent a worker from executing a workstation task
Rotation 6 22:10 22:55 45 only temporarily, such as sports injuries. The BEQR method fea-
tures the functionality to constrain individual qualification profiles
manually for the expected time of the impairment. In the example
illustrated in Table 6, worker 2 s qualification for workstation 4 will
specified timeframe n are deleted from the database as new ones be disregarded in calendar week (CW) 8 for Monday, the 22nd and
are added. Tuesday, the 23rd.
A distinctive feature of the BEQR method is the possibility to
manually restrict the sequences of allocated workstations within
the process of generating job rotation schedules. This function is 3.3. Formulation of the allocation model
useful when two workstations expose the same body region to a
high degree ergonomic risk. The user is also given the option to The proposed allocation model is based on the integer linear pro-
prioritize specified constraints within the range from one (high- gramming (ILP) allocation model described by Domschke et al. [35].
est priority) to five (lowest priority). In anticipation to Section 3.3, In order to determine job rotation schedules for multiple rotation
every possible worker allocation is given a penalty cost. The aim rounds, the respective model is extended by the dimension of time
of the presented linear program is to search for the best possi- in terms of rotation rounds k which are taking place at dedicated
ble solution, minimizing the overall penalty costs originating from shifts on dedicated days. Furthermore, the model is extended by
the workforce allocation. In this respect, sequences, which should considering workers’ qualifications qij,k and all functions which are
be avoided due to manually included restrictions, are not fully necessary to cope with the input information presented in Section
excluded, although they are not likely to occur in the incorporated 3.2.
procedures. Theoretically, situations may arise in which one con-
nK nJ
straint is violated. By assigning ranks to the constraints, the user   nI

Min cij,k xij,k (2)

can prioritize which violation is more acceptable to violate than
others. k=1 j=1 i=1

Table 5
Historical backtrack of past allocations.

Rotation round Date Length (min) Worker 01 ... Worker 04 ... Worker 07

Allocation Frequ. ... Allocation Frequ. ... Allocation Frequ.

1 23.02.16 63 Station 01 49 ... Station 05 16 ...

2 23.02.16 55 Station 02 63 ... Station 04 101 ...
3 23.02.16 100 Station 06 100 ... Station 03 68 ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
n␶ − 2 18.01.16 63 Station 05 117 ... Station 02 62 ... Station 06 120
n␶ − 1 18.01.16 55 Station 01 49 ... Station 03 68 ... Station 05 98
n␶ 18.01.16 100 Station 06 100 ... Station 02 62 ... Station 01 52
108 J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114

s.t. 3.4. Heuristic approach to generate rotation schedules

 Regarding the complexity of short-term staff scheduling, Ernst
xij,k = 1 for i = 1, . . ., nI,k ; nI,k ⊆ nI ; nJ,k ⊆ nJ ; k = 1, . . ., nK (3)
et al. point out the complexity in finding an optimal solution to the
j=1 problem, when aspects such as minimal costs or equal distribu-
nI,k tion of tasks among employees have to be taken into consideration
 [19]. Staff scheduling problems considering the allocation of mul-
xij,k = 1 for j = 1, . . ., nJ,k ; nJ,k ⊆ nJ ; nI,k ⊆ nI ; k = 1, . . ., nK (4)
tiple employees to multiple workplaces over a multi-period time
horizon are three-dimensional and can be categorized as NP-hard
xij,k ≤ qij,k for i = 1, . . ., nI,k ; nI,k ⊆ nI ; j = 1, . . ., nJ,k ; br nJ,k ⊆ nJ ; k = 1, . . ., nK (5) [36]. Since NP-hard problems may not be solved optimally in poly-
nomial time, heuristics are often chosen as a compromise between
computation time needed to solve the problem and the quality of
xij,k ∈ 0, 1 for i = 1, . . ., nI,k ; nI,k ⊆ nI ; j = 1, . . ., nJ,k ; br nJ,k ⊆ nJ ; k = 1, . . ., nK the solution [35].
In anticipation of implementation of the BEQR method within
a software tool, the following heuristic was developed to solve the
proposed ILP. This was necessary to allow for reasonable compu-
tation times on medium performance personal computers. When
  solving the original ILP described in Section 3.3, the computation
qij,k ∈ 0, 1 for i = 1, . . ., nI,k ; nI,k ⊆ nI ; j = 1, . . ., nJ,k ; br nJ,k ⊆ nJ ; k = 1, . . ., nK
time exceeded 45 min which was the maximum time available to
(7) create a shift schedule. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the short-term staff
scheduling problem is broken down into rotation round-specific
ILPs featuring only two dimensions, which can be solved optimally
in significantly lower computation time. The problem is therefore
nI,k = nJ,k nI,k ⊆ nI ; nJ,k ⊆ nJ ; k = 1, . . ., nK (8)
solved interactively for each rotation round, and the results are then
The objective of the presented model is to minimize the sum strung back together in order to generate a feasible solution for one
of individual penalty costs (cij,k ) originating from the allocation of shift.
present workers i= (1, . . ., nI ) to work tasks which are performed at Three matrices, identical in size from the nature nJ,k × nI,k ,
workstations j = 1, . . ., nJ within all rotation rounds during a shift are generated for every rotation round k, with to-be executed
k = (1, . . ., nK ) in the regarded workgroup (Eq. (2)). The calculation workstations (nJ,k ) in rows and present workers (nI,k ) in columns,
of penalty cost is outlined in Section 3.4. The actual allocation of respectively. Qualifications of workers for to-be executed work-
a single worker to a single workstation within a specific rotation stations qij,k are written in the first matrix as the result of step 3.
round is defined by the binary decision variable xij,k . Penalty costs (cij,k ) for all possible allocations (step 4) are written
Penalty cost minimization is subject to constraints given in Eq. in the second matrix. Eq. (9) illustrates multiple parameters taken
(3)–(8). The discrete worker-workstation allocation in terms of one into consideration when calculating penalty costs for each worker,
workstation per worker per rotation round (3) and respectively workstation and rotation round combination.
the workstation-worker relationship in terms of one worker per


workstation per rotation round (4) is defined in the first two con- cij,k = HisRaij, ∗ HisFrij,n + HisRaij, ∗ ∗ ErgPj,cr + ManRij,k (9)
straints. However, as described in Section 3.1, this constraint could cr=1
be opposed to situations of understaffing and overcrowding, which
have to be intercepted prior to solving the ILP. As illustrated by Parameter HisRaij, refers to recent allocations  of the regarded
the pseudocode in Fig. 2, understaffing in a rotation round ku is worker to a respective workstation.  is linked to the internal
compensated by eliminating nonobligatory workstations jno* with database of the BEQR method and features the running number
lowest priority from the set of workstations J until the number of within the range of the last n allocation, whereas index  = 1 rep-
workstations matches the number of workers nJ,ku = nI,ku : resents the most recent allocation. Most recent allocations feature
Overcrowding can be compensated for by allocating an unquali- higher HisRaij, values. Furthermore, the number of allocations to
fied worker inq with qinq j ,ko = 0 to a workstation j during a rotation a workstation (HisFrij,n ), as well as the length of the most recent
round ko that is occupied by a qualified worker at the same time. In allocation (Lij, ), are considered. Hereby the ratio of the length of the
such situations, qualification procedures for the unqualified worker most recent allocation (Lij, ) to the average length of a daily shift
inq at the considered workstation j can be performed, which is (␾L) is calculated. Larger numbers of allocations as well as longer
illustrated by the pseudocode in Fig. 3. allocations lead to higher penalty cost and are therefore avoided
The allocation (xij,k ) of qualified workers (qij,k ) to a workstation due to the structure of the penalty cost minimizing ILP. Thereby,
in a rotation round is guaranteed by Eq. (5), and respects temporary the preservation of workforce’s qualifications is supported.
impairments when specified in the input data. The condition of The ergonomic exposure at a workstation j is considered by the
non-negativity of the decision variable is stated in Eq. (6). In Eq. (7) it parameter ErgPj,cr which is calculated based on the task’s ergonomic
is defined whether or not workers are qualified to process a task at a risk assessment values in four categories for the whole body and
workstation. An exact match of the number of present workers and one category for the hand-finger system that is referred to by
the workstations to be executed at every rotation round is ensured parameter cr.
by Eq. (8). The last parameter ManKij,k represents the manually-set restric-
tions for the sequences of allocated workstations. The value for
ManKij,k may significantly differ in magnitude, as the sum of all
affected restrictions is determined. Generally, the magnitude of the
manually set restrictions is limited by a sufficiently big number
(BIG M) which is calculated based on the application case-specific,
maximum possible penalty cost, coming from the first two brack-
eted terms in Eq. (9). Depending on the selected priorities fractions
Fig. 2. Compensation of understaffing. of respective BIG M can be used.
J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114 109

Fig. 3. Compensation of overcrowding.

Fig. 4. Heuristic implemented within the BEQR method.

After having generated both (qualification & penalty cost) input 4. Results
matrices, the ILP for rotation round k is set up (step 5) and solved
using the Simplex algorithm. The solution is used to generate dis- The BEQR method was implemented in a software prototype
tinct allocations (xij,k ) for present workers to workstations (step using Microsoft Excel , Visual Basic for Applications, and an Open-
6). Based on the solution, the internal database is updated (step 7) Solver for testing in a real-life environment. In order to simplify
and the algorithm is pursued with the next iteration, as long as the the application of the BEQR method, the process of generating the
termination condition is not yet fulfilled. job rotation schedules was integrated into a graphical user inter-
110 J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114

face (GUI). The developed software prototype was tested for six per worker. Based on these qualifications per worker, the theoreti-
months, generating staff schedules for a workgroup at a German cal average ergonomic exposure per worker is depicted in Fig. 6.
automotive manufacturer’s final assembly line in Germany. The The average ergonomic exposure is calculated by averaging the
considered workgroup alternated between early and late shifts ergonomic classification in terms of their EAWS risk points of all
and therefore the number of rotation rounds varied between four, qualifications per worker, ranging from 19.6 to 24.6 per worker.
five, and six rounds with differing lengths of rotation rounds. The In cases where a worker is qualified for all workstations, its
considered workgroup consisted of 40 permanent workers with average ergonomic exposure is equal to the average ergonomic
individual qualification profiles and 24 workstations from which classification of all workstations, which corresponds to 22.9 in
seven featured the same work tasks and thereby the same EAWS the considered workgroup. When a worker is not qualified for
risk points. Since identical tasks were to be performed in a side- all workstations, its theoretical ergonomic exposure may differ
inverted position at two workstations, individual settings regarding according to its particular qualification profile. In the considered
the allocation sequence were defined so that workers would not be workgroup, workstations with a higher ergonomic classification
allocated to these two workstations back-to-back. During the test- feature a slightly lower number of qualified workers so that the
ing period, several temporary impairments for individual workers average ergonomic exposure over all workers is a little lower at
were considered, such as a one week exclusion from certain work- 22.3 compared to the average ergonomic classification of all work-
stations due to a sports injury. This was implemented in the GUI in stations. Overall, the average value of EAWS risk points for whole
a way that qualifications (qij,k ) for the respective workstations were body exposure (WBE) are significantly higher than those for hand-
removed for certain dates from the workers’ qualification profiles finger exposure for the considered workgroup, and therefore the
and automatically restored in the following dates. Apart from tem- focus is on WBE in the following.
porary impairments, qualification profiles of all workers were kept As defined in chapter 4.2, the number of previous rotation
fixed during the testing period of 250 rotation rounds to allow for rounds n , which are considered in the generation of new rotation
a better comparability of results. rounds, is referred to as length of historical backtracks. In the fol-
As illustrated in Fig. 5, the number of workstations that work- lowing scenarios of n = 50 (scenario 1), n = 150 (scenario 2), and
ers are qualified for (henceforth referred to as “qualifications per n = 250 (scenario 3) previous rotation rounds, which are consid-
worker”) ranged from 6 to 24, averaging out at 16.2 qualifications ered in the generation of new rotation rounds, are used to analyze

Fig. 5. No. of qualifications per worker.

Fig. 6. Workers’ theoretical average ergonomic exposure based on EAWS risk points.
J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114 111

Fig. 7. Workers’ WBEs based on EAWS risk points.

Table 7 Table 9
Averaged deviations of workers’ theoretical average WBE from actual WBE. Sums of adapted standard deviation differences between allocation quantities to
each qualified workstation per worker.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
n 50 150 250
averaged deviation 0,71 0,16 0,08 n 50 150 250
sum of adapted standard deviations 1,89 1,37 1,31

Table 8
Rate of not allocated workstation numbers to number of qualifications per worker.

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

tion numbers to number of qualifications per worker for a varying
number of rotation rounds.
n 50 150 250
It can be derived from these results that by increasing n , the
rate of not allocated workstations 21,1% 1,3% 0,0%
preservation of qualification can be significantly improved since
workers are allocated to all workstations which they are qualified
the staff scheduling results of the BEQR method. One worker was for. However, this conclusion is biased since with an increasing n
excluded from the scenario results since he was absent for a large there is also a larger number of time slots at disposal to allocate
number of the first 100 rotation rounds. The workers’ WBEs based workers to qualified workstations.
on EAWS risk points for the three scenarios are plotted in Fig. 7 in Therefore, it is necessary to also look at the balanced distribu-
comparison to each worker’s theoretical average ergonomic expo- tion of worker allocation to workstations in terms of the differences
sure. between allocation quantities to each qualified workstation per
It can be derived from the diagram that a larger n results worker. In Fig. 9, the standard deviation of this difference divided
in smaller differences of a workers’ theoretical average WBE and by the total quantity of allocations per worker in the scenarios of
actual WBE. This can be quantified by looking at the averaged devi- 50, 150, and 250 rotation rounds is plotted, showing a significant
ations of workers’ theoretical average WBE and actual WBE over all reduction from which a more balanced distribution of worker allo-
workers which is depicted in Table 7. This leads to the conclusion cation can be derived. It can be derived that workstations were
that considering longer historical backtracks when generating staff blocked over short time periods due to certain constellations of
schedules with the BEQR method, results in a more fair distribution workers’ attendance and qualifications, in which the remaining
of workers to workstations regarding their WBE, according to their workers have to work around the blocked stations. This trend can
qualification profiles. also be quantified by looking at the sums of these adapted standard
Additionally, it can be concluded that the larger n , the lower deviations as illustrated in Table 9.
the number of not allocated different workstations when consid- The generation of a job rotation schedule was typically executed
ering workers’ qualifications. This is illustrated in Fig. 8, where the one day prior to the day of interest, in order to display the next
number of different workstations that workers are allocated to over day’s rotation schedule to the workforce in advance. The basis for
the time period is compared to the qualifications per workers. The the generation was the input data outlined in Section 3. Hence,
seven workstations featuring the same work tasks are summarized the prototype software was used on a daily basis. The time for
in one workstation since the allocation of workers to these work- solving the mathematical model was found to be highly depen-
stations was not differentiated. A quantification of these results dent on individually set constraints. However, despite the variance
is depicted in Table 8 showing the rate of not allocated worksta- in set constraints, the computation time for solving a single rota-
112 J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114

Fig. 8. No. of allocated different workstations per worker.

Fig. 9. Adapted standard deviation of allocation quantities to qualified workstation per worker.

tion round never exceeded 30 s on a medium performance personal life environment. These improvements were shown in the areas
computer. of balanced distribution, qualification preservation, and fair allo-
cation of workers to workstations when incorporating ergonomic
aspects, by integrating a history of past allocation rounds, into the
5. Discussion staff scheduling problem.
In addition to the quantitative application results, the quality
Overall, significant improvements in generating short-term staff of the generated job rotation schedules using the BEQR method
schedules can be identified by applying the BEQR method in a real-
J. Hochdörffer et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 46 (2018) 103–114 113

was also evaluated using a survey to capture the software pro- nJ Number of workstations to be filled with workers
totype users’ opinions. These qualitative survey results show that nJ,k Number of workstations to be filled with workers in
rotation round k
BEQR method users were highly satisfied due to the greatly reduced nJ,ko Number of workstations to be filled with workers in
time needed to generate a shift’s rotation schedule in comparison rotation round k with overcrowding
to manual schedule generation. Furthermore, the surveyed users nJ,ku Number of workstations to be filled with workers in
ranked and generated rotation schedules as fair (second best out rotation round k with understaffing
nI Number of present workers
of a six point ranking scale) regarding the defined objectives and
nI,k Number of present workers in rotation round k
pointed out their strong desire to continue working with the soft- nI,ko Number of present workers in rotation round k with
ware prototype even after the testing period was terminated. overcrowding
However, it also became clear, that the quality of the BEQR nI,ku Number of present workers in rotation round k with
method results, striving for a fulfilment of the outlined objectives, understaffing
qij,k Qualification of worker i for workstation j at rotation
fully depends on the input data, i. e. the qualification profiles and
round k
the risk assessment of the workstations’ ergonomic exposure of qinq j ,ko Qualification of unqualified worker inq for workstation j’
workers. Therefore, the BEQR method should be accompanied by with qualification procedure at rotation round ko with
a mid- to long-term staff scheduling approach to adapt qualifi- overcrowding
xinq j ,ko Allocation of unqualified worker inq to workstation j’ with
cation profiles which may add significant value to the quality of
qualification procedure at rotation round ko with
the generated job rotation schedules. The development, as well overcrowding
as the functional incorporation, of this feature into the developed
software prototype field accompanied with field testing should be
addressed in future research. References
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