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CL455 Autumn 2018

CL455: Report for Problem-1

1. Group Number: 2

2. Names of group members with roll numbers: Aditya Agarwal- 150020001

Uttam Darji- 150020002

3. Date of submission: 8/10/2018

4. Mass flow rate = 0.26 kg/sec

5. Results

5.1. Reynolds number (show calculations):

Density- 998.2 kg/m3

Velocity= Mass flow rate/ density * area
Radius = 0.025m

Therefore velocity= 0.26/ (998.2*3.14*0.025*0.025) = 0.133m/sec

Viscosity = 0.001003 kg/m-s

Therefore, Reynolds number = Density * Velocity * Diameter / Viscosity = 6,618.17

5.2. Snapshot of the front view of the mesh:

A. Front view for mesh size 0.005m

B. Front View for mesh size 0.003m

5.3. Snapshot of residual versus iteration plot:

A. Residual Versus Iteration plot for 0.005m

CL455 Autumn 2018

B. Residual Versus Iteration plot for 0.003m

5.4. Plotting and comparison of radial profile of axial velocity:

A. Radial velocity profile of axial velocity for 0.005m

Comparison of theoretical vs actual velocity profile for mesh size 0.003m

B. Radial Velocity profile of Axial Velocity for 0.003m

CL455 Autumn 2018

Comparison of theoretical vs actual velocity profile for mesh size 0.003m

The difference between the axial velocities for mesh size 0.003m is less than for that of mesh
size 0.005m. Hence the approximation is improved.

5.5. Snapshot of the velocity contours at the inlet and the outlet:

A. Velocity contour of inlet for 0.005m

B. Velocity contour of outlet for 0.005m

C. Velocity contour of inlet for 0.003m

D. Velocity Contour of outlet for 0.003m

CL455 Autumn 2018
Ans. Velocity profile is uniform at the inlet whereas at the outlet axial velocity profile is parabolic. This
change in velocity is caused because of the obstruction caused from the walls of the pipe because
of their roughness.

5.6. Pressure drop from CFD simulation

Pressure drop for .005m

Inlet pressure = 101331.75 pascal

outlet pressure = 101325.01 pascal
Therefore, pressure drop = 6.74 pascal

Pressure drop for .003m

Inlet pressure = 101332.22 pascal

outlet pressure = 101325.01 pascal
Therefore, pressure drop = 7.21 pascal

5.7. Friction factor from CFD simulations (show calculations) =

For mesh size 0.005

Pressure drop =4* friction factor* (L/d) *(Density*velcocity^2)/2
f= 6.74 * 0.05/ (2*1*998.2* 0.133*0.133)

For mesh size 0.003

Pressure drop =4* friction factor* (L/d)*(Density*velcocity^2)/2
f= 7.21* 0.05/ (2*1*998.2* 0.133*0.133)

5.8. Friction factor from Blasius equation (show calculations) =

Friction factor from Blasius equation f= 0.079*(re^-0.25) = 0.0088

5.9. % Error in prediction of friction factor by CFD simulations =

% Error for mesh size 0.005
Error= (Actual- Theoretical) *100/Theoretical
= (0.0095-0.0088) *100/0.0088
% Error for mesh size 0.003
Error= (Actual- Theoretical) *100/Theoretical
= (0.00102-0.0088) *100/0.0088

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