Chapter-3: Seismic Interpretation and Attribute Analysis

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Seismic interpretation is the extraction of subsurface geologic information from seismic

data (Xia et al., 2013). The seismic attribute is a parameter extracted or derived from

seismic data that can be analysed in order to enhance the information that might be

subtle in a traditional seismic image. In this study, 160 3D seismic data was used.

This seismic data was generated by Pre-STM Final Migration with a sampling rate of 2

ms and trace length of 5s. Each dataset contains 1645 in-lines with 15 m spacing and

1770 cross-lines with 30 m spacing. The generated 3D dataset were loaded into Petrel

software 2014 version. The geodetic information of the study area was provided based

on UTM 43, WGS 84 spheroid. The datum is referred as MSL. A realised cube was

generated from the 3D data set.


Establishing well ties is a common practice in the petroleum exploration and production

(E&P) industry by way of comparing synthetic seismogram and the acquired seismic

dataset. The aim of generating synthetic seismograms is to enable demonstration of well

responses which in many ways to be comparable to the seismic dataset used for the

interpretation. The objectives are to establish reliable time-depth relationship in order to

calibrate seismic to well log data and build time-depth (TD) relationship control to

define marker horizon for structural interpretation.The following steps were sequentially

used for seismic to well tie:

Step-I: Verification of input data (DTC, RHOB) and GR (reference log):

The first step is quality check and input data, such as VSP or checkshots data, sonic,

density and GR logs. Two available VSP (Well #1 and Well #3) were used for

synthetic seismogram generation.

Step-II: Wavelet Extraction/Selection:
For synthetic correlation, sonic and density logs were spliced. VSP or checkshots were

investigated to correct bad data points identified by either too high or too low interval

velocity wherever applicable.

Synthetic seismogram was constructed through well to seismic tie. Relevant log curves

of Well#1 and Well#3 were used to initiate well-to-seismic tie. Computed logs of

acoustic impedance (AI) were used to calculate Reflection Coefficient (Rc) values

which were then convolved with the extracted zero-phase wavelet to produce synthetic


Step-III: Synthetic correlation with seismic data:

The next step is to correlate synthetic seismogram with seismic data using deterministic

methods. The best correlation can be achieved by adjusting wavelet frequency,

applying phase rotation and time bulk shift.

Step-IV: Finalised the frequency, time shift and phase:

During the synthetic seismogram, quality check T-D chart was carefully done. The

synthetic seismogram shows a good tie between the wells and the seismic data (3D).

The objectives are to establish reliable time-depth relationship in order to calibrate

seismic to well log data and build time-depth relationship to define the horizon for

structural interpretation (Fig. 3.1).

Step-V: Horizons definition for seismic interpretation:

Finally, based on synthetic correlation data, two main horizons were defined for seismic

interpretation i.e 1) Cambay shale top 2) Olpad top. The synthetic seismogram

generated from Well#1is presented in Fig. 3.1.


Fig. 3.1 Well logs and seismic data are tied for Well #1 by identifying a matching
wavelet tie. This matched information is used in seismic inversion.


Based on well logs and synthetic seismograms, two key formation tops namely Cambay

shale top and Olpad top were identified. The reflector corresponding to each horizon

present at these wells were then interpreted and correlated to the limit of seismic data.

The identified formation top is in the deeper level for Well#3 and is in shallower level

for Well#4 of the study area (Fig. 3.2). The formation tops viz. Cambay shale top and

Olpad top were selected for mapping as they have relevance for source rock studies in

the petroleum system and could represent the structural disposition geometry in the

study area. They were identified using well picks and correlated to the seismic using

synthetic seismograms. VSP or check shot data was only available for 2 wells

(Well#1and Well#3) in the whole study area.

Well#2 Well#1 Well#3 Well#4 Well#5

Fig. 3.2 Seismic section along the five study wells in the area with demarcation of
Cambay shale top and Olpad top. Insert figure shows the locations of the wells.


A comprehensive approach was adopted in creating a best-fit velocity model by

integrating all available seismic and well velocity data (VSP and Sonic logs). The

presence of velocity volume and reasonably sufficient well data produced a satisfactory

depth model.

a) Depth (m) Vs Time (ms) Relation of weii#1 b) Depth Vs Time relation of well#3
2400 y = 0.774x + 173.0
y = 0.758x + 193.3
2200 2000 R² = 0.996
2000 R² = 0.993
1600 1500
Time (ms)

1000 1000
400 500
0 0
0 200 400 600 80010001200140016001800200022002400260028003000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
Depth (m) Depth (m)

Fig. 3.3 Time- Depth relations of a) Well#1 and b) Well #3 are showing very good
The comparison between depth section and time sections of the Well # 1 and Well #3

(Fig. 3.3) show very good correlation. The seismic RMS velocity is used and integrated

with well velocity (P-sonic). RMS velocity is thereafter converted to interval velocity

using consistent datum in order to create accurate velocity model. The velocity model is

used to generate depth converted time horizons which helped in bringing out subtle and

structural variations over and across Cambay shale top and Olpad top stratigraphic

surfaces (Fig. 3.4).

Cambay shale top

Olpad top

Fig. 3.4 Output of time- depth relation in seismic interpretation at Cambay shale and
Olpad formations level with yellow solid circles shows very good matching with
formation tops.

The formation tops of Cambay shale and Olpad exhibit very good match with seismic

time data as seen from Fig 3.4. After mapping of horizons in the study area structural

contour maps of Cambay shale top (Fig 3.5) and Olpad formation top (Fig. 3.6) were

generated. The depth of Cambay shale top increases towards north to north-west


Increasing depth of occurrence

Fig. 3.5 Structure contour map of Cambay shale top in the study area. The contour value
clearly indicates depth of the Cambay shale top increases towards north and
north-west direction.

Structure contour map of Olpad formation top (Fig 3.6) is also increasing towards north

to north-west direction.

Increasing depth of occurrence

Fig. 3.6 Structure contour map of Olpad top in the study area which shows the depth of
Olpad formation top increases towards north to north-west direction.

Increasing Thickness

Fig. 3.7 Isopach map of Cambay shale showing the thickness variations within the study
The isopach map of Cambay shale in the study area (Fig. 3.7) shows the thickness is

increasing towards N45°W direction and extended up to Broach depression, the deepest

part in the Cambay basin.


Root mean square (RMS) amplitude attribute analysis is the most commonly used

methods in the oil industry as an indicator for hydrocarbon presence and is chosen for

the present study (Harial and Tandon, 2012; Klein et al., 2008; Loucks and Ruppel

2007; Chopra and Marfut, 2007; Zhang, 2010; Liu, 2013; Wang and Dopkin, 2012).

RMS amplitude analysis has several advantages in that the amplitude values could be

enhanced so that the suitable amplitude anomalies present in the dataset become more

visible. In addition, RMS attributes are more suitable for tracking stratigraphic features

(details in chapter-V). RMS amplitude extraction was done for 30 ms time windows

from top of Cambay shale to bottom of Cambay shale (Source unit-1, source unit-2 and

source unit-3) Fig. 3.8. This approach facilitated to understand the subtle variations in

lithofacies distribution both vertically and laterally within each unit Cambay shale (Fig.

3.9, 3.10) and also helped to delineate the area of interest (AOI). Based on the log

analysis and well data studies three source rock facies are identified from Cambay shale

top to bottom is shown Fig 3.11.

High RMS Amplitude

Fig. 3.8 RMS amplitude within source unit-1 of Cambay shale (top to 30 ms below)
indicates promising zones with high amplitude.

Fig. 3.9 RMS amplitude within unit-2 of Cambay shale (top to 30 ms below) indicates
promising zones with high amplitude.

Fig. 3.10 RMS amplitude within unit-3 of Cambay shale (top to 30 ms below) indicates
promising zones with high amplitude.

Well#2 Well#1 Well#3

Fig. 3.11 Log analysis showing the correlation and source rock units classification based on TOC content. Based on the log correlation results
and TOC content the Cambay shale is divided into 3 units source unit-1, source unit-2 and source unit-3.

The RMS amplitude attributes analysis gives the idea about the distribution of high RMS

amplitude areas, where the areal distribution of unit -1 is very high as compared to unit-2 and



Acoustic impedance inversion transforms the seismic reflection data to an acoustic impedance

model. The inversion transforms input seismic data to pseudo-acoustic impedance log at each

common midpoint (CMP). The goal is to model the seismic, at each CMP as a convolution of

reflection coefficient series with a wavelet extracted from seismic data and match it with the

original seismic data. The reflection coefficient (R) is calculated using the following formula of



Where, ρ2 V2 and ρ1 V1 are the density and velocity in different medium respectively. Since

inversion gives pseudo-acoustic impedance log at each CMP and seismic data is band limited,

a low-frequency model is required. This low-frequency model is created using the well logs

and the interpreted horizons. This low-frequency model has incorporated the missing

geological information in the seismic data.

This P-impedance volume is then optimised by modifying the low-frequency trend and

enforcing compliance with any additional constraints. This again is used as a secondary input

in distributing different properties in modelling (Chopra et al., 2013). The cross sections

along the study wells are given in Fig 3.12 and 3.13. The cross correlation between wells and

impedance volume is plotted in Fig 3.14 which show a correlation of acceptable range.

Fig. 3.12 P-impedance volume cross section along Well #2 and Well #3 in study area.

Fig. 3.13 P-impedance volume cross section along Well #1 and Well #4 in the study area.

Fig. 3.14 Cross-plot of P-impedance of Well# 2, 3 and 4 and impedance of seismic
volume in the study area. The plot showed a good (72.89%) match.


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