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Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures



Influence line is a concept introduced in 1867 by E. Winkler for the analysis of
structures subjected to variable loads. Bridges, gantry girders, crane beams, conveyors,
and similar structures carry loads, which can move across them. The member forces in
these structures vary with the position of the moving load.
An influence line is a graphical representation of the variation of a response function of
a structure (such as reaction, shear, or bending moment) at a specific point in the
structure as a downward unit point load moves across the structure. For example, the
influence line for the bending moment at a section of a continuous beam shows the
variation in the bending moment at the section as a downward unit load moves across the
beam. It is pertinent to note that whereas the BMD (SFD) shows the values of the
moment (shear) at every section of the structure for a load that is fixed in position, the
influence line for the bending moment (shearing force) shows the values of the bending
moment (shearing force) at a particular section of the structure for different locations of
the load.
Once the influence line for a given response function (such as reaction, shear, or
moment) has been constructed, it becomes possible to:
 qualitatively determine how a structure should be loaded in order to obtain the
maximum value of the response function;
 quantitatively determine the value of the corresponding response function for any
given loading arrangement, from the ordinates of the influence line diagram.
Unlike the influence lines for statically determinate structures which consist of straight
line segments, the influence lines for statically indeterminate structures consist of curved

This principle states that the ordinates of the influence line for a response function
(which can be an internal stress component such as shear or moment, or a reaction
component) in a structure are equal to those of the deflection curve obtained by releasing
the restraint corresponding to this response function and introducing a corresponding unit
displacement in the remaining structure. This principle is one of the most effective
methods of obtaining influence lines. It is applicable to both determinate and
indeterminate structures.
Since the influence lines in statically determinate structures consist of straight line
segments, once the shape of the influence line is determined using Muller-Breslau's
principle, it is sufficient to compute just one ordinate in order to draw the influence line.
On the other hand, since the influence lines in statically indeterminate structures consist
of curves, it is necessary to compute several ordinates in order to draw any influence line.
In continuous members, Muller-Breslau's principle provides a very effective means of
obtaining the general shape of the influence lines for a reaction, bending moment, and
shear at a section. This is very important in practice because in the majority of cases the
interest is not in the ordinates of the influence line but in the determination of the spans
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

which should be fully loaded with dead and live load to obtain the maximum value of the
response function.
As an example of the use of Muller-Breslau's principle to obtain the deflected shape
and to determine the spans to be fully loaded in a continuous structure for maximum
effect, consider the 5-span beam shown in Figure 5.1 (a).




Fig.4.1: (a) Continuous beam; (b) Qualitative influence line for the reaction RD.

Let it be required to draw the influence line for the reaction at support D. According to
Muller-Breslau's principle, if a unit displacement is given in the direction of the reaction,
the deflected shape obtained gives to scale the influence line ordinates for the reaction at
D. Thus, the deflected shape shown in Fig.4.1(b) is the influence line for reaction RD.
From the influence line, it is also clear that the maximum positive value for the reaction
RD will be obtained if spans AB, CD, and DE are fully loaded with live load. The validity
of Muller-Breslau's principle can be illustrated by using Maxwell's theorem of reciprocal
displacements. We now proceed to show the validity of this principle in turn for
reactions, shears, and moments.

Consider the continuous beam shown in Fig.4.2(a).
1 1
(a) (c)
A X B C 1
(b) (d)
Fig.4.2: (a) Given continuous beam; (b)Primary structure with unit load applied at X;
(c) Primary structure with unit load applied at point B;
(d) Unit displacement along reaction RB.
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Let it be required to obtain the influence line for support reaction RB. To determine the
influence line for RB requires a unit load to be placed at successive points and to compute
the reaction RB for each position of the unit load. The influence line will then be a line
obtained by plotting the values of RB as ordinates at every position of the unit load. For
example, if the unit load is placed at any point X on the beam (Fig.4.2a), the method of
consistent deformations can be used to determine the reaction RB, which represents the
ordinate of the influence line at point X. Thus, with the unit load placed at point X, let the
deflections under the unit load and at point B be fXX and fBX respectively (Fig.4.2b).
Next, a unit value of the redundant RB is applied at B, resulting in the deflections fXB and
fBB at points X and B respectively (Fig.4.2c).
The compatibility condition for a zero deflection at support B of the original beam
(Fig.4.2a) will be:

f BX  f BB RB  0 (4.1)

Note that in eqn (4.1), f BB is a flexibility influence coefficient representing the deflection
at B of the primary structure when RB=1 (Fig.4.2c).

f BX
From eqn (4.1), RB   (4.2)
f BB

By Maxwell's theorem of reciprocal displacements, f BX  f XB

Therefore eqn (4.2) can be rewritten as:

f XB
RB   (4.3)
f BB

Eqn (4.3) thus represents the expression for the computation of RB, which is the ordinate
of the influence line at X. In particular, if f BB  1 , then:

RB   f XB (4.4).

Note that the minus sign in eqns (4.3) and (4.4) is an indication that the unit load applied
at B is in the opposite direction to the reaction RB. Eqns (4.1) to (4.4) are valid for any
position of the unit load described by point X.
In comparison with the above general procedure, Muller-Breslau's principle requires
the removal of the support at B and application of a vertical unit load. The resulting
deflected shape (Fig.4.2d), is to some scale the influence line for RB. From eqn (4.3) it is
seen that the scale factor is 1/ f BB and for f BB  1, the deflected shape gives to scale the
influence line for reaction RB.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Let it be required to draw the influence line for any point D of the continuous beam
shown in Fig.4.3(a).

(a) B
f DE
(b) D E
f DD
1 1
(c) E
f ED
Fig.4.3: (a) Given continuous beam;
(b) Deflected shape when unit load is applied at E;
(c) Positive unit couples applied at D.

According to Muller-Breslau's principle, the internal stress component for which the
influence line is required is removed from the beam. In other words, the capacity of the
beam to resist moment at section D is removed. In effect this is the same as inserting a
pin at D, since a hinge transmits axial and shear forces but cannot resist a moment.
Application of a unit load at any point E along the beam results in the deflected shape
shown in Fig.4.3(b). The unit load is then removed and a pair of positive unit couples are
applied to the beam at D, one couple acting on each side of the pin (Fig.4.3c). From the
compatibility condition for zero rotation at point D of the original beam, we have:

f DE
MD  (4.5)
f DD

Once again according to Maxwell's theorem of reciprocal displacements, f ED  f DE

f ED
MD  (4.6)
f DD

The scale factor here is 1/ f DD . For f DD  1, the deflected shape in Fig.4.3(c) represents
to scale the influence line for the moment at D.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Let it be required to obtain the influence line for shear at point D of the beam shown in

(a) C

(b) D
f DE B E

f DD 1
(c) D E
B f ED

Fig.4.4: (a) Given continuous beam;

(b) Deflected shape when unit load is applied at E;
(c) A pair of unit loads applied at D.

Here it is necessary to cut the beam at D and insert a slide device which will allow a
relative transverse deflection between the two beam ends at the cut, but which at the same
time will always require these ends to have a common slope. In other words, the capacity
of the beam to resist shear at D is removed but it still has the capacity to resist moment at
the section. The resulting deflection due to applied unit load at any point E and the
application of a pair of unit loads at point D are shown respectively in Figs.4.4(b) and (c).
As before the shear at D is given by:

f DE f
VD   ED (4.7)
f DD f DD

The deflected shape of the beam (Fig.4.4c) is the influence line for the shear at D, to the
scale that f DD  1.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures


We shall now show the procedure for drawing influence lines for indeterminate beams
by means of examples.

Example 4.1
Draw the influence line for the vertical reaction at support B for the propped cantilever
shown in Fig.4.5(a). Plot numerical values for the ordinates at intervals of 3m.

Muller-Breslau's principle can be used to obtain the shape of the influence line.
Accordingly, the capacity of the beam to resist the reaction RB is removed and a vertical
unit load is applied at B. This results in the deflected shape shown in Fig.4.5(b).



MB'' =576
0 1 2 3 4

(c) RB'=72

0 1 2 3 4
Fig.4.5: (a) Given beam; (b) Deflected shape (or Qualitative influence line);
(c) Conjugate beam and loading; (d) Influence line diagram for RB.
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

The conjugate beam method of obtaining displacements will be employed here for the
determination of the ordinates of the influence line since the quantities required for
evaluation are deflections. The conjugate beam with the loading and the support
conditions are shown in Fig.4.5(c). The values of the load are indicated for the positions
at which the influence line ordinates are required. The points at which the ordinates of the
influence line are required are numbered from 0 to 4 starting from the left end of the
beam, at 3m intervals. Note that in using the conjugate beam method, deflection and
slope in the real beam correspond to moment and shear respectively in the conjugate
beam. Consequently the support conditions shown in Fig.4.5(c) for the conjugate beam
are equivalent to those shown in Fig.4.5(b) for the real beam.

Support Reactions and Moments in the Conjugate Beam

The vertical reaction at B' is obtained from the consideration of the equilibrium of the
beam under vertical forces, and the moment at B' is obtained by taking moment
equilibrium of the forces about point B.

Moments at the Desired Deflection Points

The moments at the desired deflection points are computed as follows:

M A  M 0  0;

M1  572   9  9   9  729  49.5;

1 1
2 3
M 2  576   6  6   6  726  180;
1 1
2 3
M 3  576   3  3   3  723  364.5;
1 1
2 3
M B  M 4  576.

Since a vertical unit load at B on the beam of Fig.4.5(b) will cause a vertical reaction of
unity(1) at B, the moment at B', which corresponds to the deflection at B in the real
beam, should correspond to a numerical value of 1 for the influence line ordinate at B.
Thus, dividing the other computed moments (which are equivalents of deflections in the
real beam) by MB' (=M4)=576, we obtain the influence line diagram for RB, which is
shown in Fig.4.5(d).


For the beam of Fig.4.5(a), the method of consistent deformation can be used to obtain
the expression for RB for use in plotting the influence line ordinates. For that purpose let
us choose the vertical reaction at support B as our redundant to obtain a cantilever
primary structure as shown in Fig.4.6(a). Next, we apply a unit load at any point C of the
primary structure, distance "x" from the left support (Fig.4.6b). The resulting deflection
at point B, fBC, due to the unit load is also indicated in Fig.4.6(b). Next, a unit value of
the redundant is applied at B, resulting in the deflection fBB at B (Fig.4.6c). The
corresponding M/EI diagram is shown in Fig.4.6(d).

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures


(b) A B

(c) A


x (12-x)

Fig.4.6: (a) Primary structure for the beam of Example 4.1; (b)Unit load applied at C;
(c) Unit value of the redundant applied at B; (d) M/EI diagram.

From the compatibility condition that the net deflection at B should be equal to zero, we
f BC  f BB RB  0
or RB  BC
f BB
and from Maxwell's theorem of reciprocal displacements, f BC  fCB
Therefore, RB  CB . (a)
f BB
Using the moment area theorem, we obtain the deflection quantities f CB and f BB as
1  2 
x12  x    x 2  x 
x 1
From Fig.4.6(d), fCB  
EI  2 2 3 
x 36  x 
or fCB 
6 EI

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

1 1 2
f BB    12  12   12
EI 2 3
or f BB
Substituting the above deflection quantities into eqn (a), we have:
x 2 36  x  EI
RB  
6 EI 576

x 2 36  x 
or RB  (b)

The ordinates of the influence line for RB are calculated at 3m intervals using eqn (b) as
At x  0, RB  0;

936  3
At x  3m, RB   0.086;

3636  6
At x  6m, RB   0.313;

8136  9
At x  9m, RB   0.633;

14436  12
At x  12m, RB   1.0.

As can be seen from the results of the above calculations, the computed ordinates are the
same with those shown in the quantitative influence line for the reaction at support B of
the beam of Example 4.1 as shown in Fig.4.5(d).
Although the above alternative procedure can always be used, it is generally more
convenient to use the conjugate beam method. The conjugate beam method will therefore
be used in the rest of the beam examples considered in this text. Note also that when EI is
constant, there is no need to include EI in the calculations. In addition, reactions, shears,
and moments will be shown without dimensions since the dimensions are not necessary
for the plotting of the influence line ordinates.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Example 4.2
Draw the influence line for the vertical reaction at A for the beam shown in Fig.4.7(a).
Compute the ordinates at intervals of 2m. EI is constant.

The capacity of the beam to resist the reaction RA is removed by inserting a vertical
roller device as shown in Fig.4.7(b). Application of a vertical unit load at A results in the
shape of the influence line as shown in Fig.4.7(c). The support reactions on the "real
beam' due to the unit load at A are also shown in Fig.4.7(c). The equivalent conjugate
beam is shown in Fig.4.7(d). Observe that the support at A' of the conjugate beam is the
same as the support at A of 'the real beam'. This is because the vertical roller device at A
in the real beam allows vertical deflection but does not allow slope, corresponding to the
device at A' in the conjugate beam which resists moment but does not resist shear.


(a) 8m

(b) A B

0 1 2 3 4 B'
6 32



0 1 2 3 4

Fig.4.7: (a) Given beam; (b) Beam with capacity to resist reaction at A removed (Real
beam); (c) Qualitative I.L. for RA; (d) Conjugate beam; (e) Quantitative I.L. for RA.
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Reactions in the Conjugate Beam

The reactions in the conjugate beam are computed as follows:
 M B  0;
1 2
M A   8  8   8  0
2 3
or M A  170.67.
F y  0;
RB    8  8  0
or RB  32.

Moments at Points of Desired Influence Line Ordinates

M 4  0;
1 1
M 3  32  2   2  2   2  62.67;
2 3
1 1
M 2  32  4   4  4   4  117.33;
2 3
1 1
M1  32  6   6  6   6  156;
2 3
M 0  170.67.
Since a unit load at A must produce a unit reaction at A, the deflection obtained for the
original beam at A must represent unity. This means that the conjugate beam moment
M A  M 0  170.67 must be equated to unity. Using this scale factor, i.e., dividing the
various computed moments by M 0  170.67, the deflection ordinates are obtained at the
desired points for the influence line ordinates. The resulting influence line diagram for RA
is shown in Fig.4.7(e).

Example 4.3
Draw the influence line for the reaction at A for the continuous beam shown in
Fig.4.8(a). Calculate its ordinates at 1.5m intervals. EI is constant throughout.

The capacity of the beam to resist the reaction RA is removed. A vertical unit load is
applied at A and this results in the qualitative influence line shown in Fig.4.8(b). The
resulting support reactions due to the unit load are also shown in Fig.4.8(b). As explained
earlier, it is generally convenient to employ the conjugate beam method for the
determination of ordinates of influence lines for continuous beams since the quantities
required for evaluation are deflections. Accordingly, the conjugate beam with the loading
and the support conditions is shown in Fig.4.8(c). Since EI is constant, it need not be
included in the calculations. Note that according to the conjugate beam method, the
moment diagram of Fig.4.8(c), which was obtained from the reactions shown in
Fig.4.8(b), is now the load for which the support reactions will be obtained for the

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

conjugate beam. The values for the loading are shown for the intervals at which the
ordinates of the influence line are required. The intervals are numbered 0 to 8, beginning
from the left support. Note that in the computations that will follow the moments in the
conjugate beam correspond to the deflections in the real beam.

6m 6m

(b) A
1 2 1

4.5 4.5
3.0 3.0
1.5 1.5
(c) A' C'
0 1 2 3 B' 4 5 6 7
6.0 6.0
4.5 4.5
3.0 3.0
144 1.5 1.5

A' B' C'

30 12 12 6




(e) 5 6 7 8

0 1 2 3 4


Fig.4.8: (a) Given beam; (b) Qualitative I.L.; (c) Conjugate beam and loading;
(d) Free-body diagrams for beam parts; (e) Quantitative I.L. diagram for RA.
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Support Reactions in the Conjugate Beam

In order to obtain the support reactions for the computation of the moments, let us cut
the conjugate beam at the hinge B' and consider the free-body diagrams of parts A'B' and
B'C'. The free-body diagrams are shown in Fig.4.8(d). Considering the free-body diagram
of part B'C', we have:
 M B  0;
 RC  6   6  6   6  0
1 1
2 3
or RC   6.
M C  0;

 RB 6   6  6   6  0
1 2
2 3
or RB  12
From vertical equilibrium condition of the entire beam, we have:
 Fy  0;
 RA  RC    6  12  0
or RA  30.
These support reactions are also shown in Fig.4.8(d).

Moments at Points of Desired Influence Line Ordinates

We now calculate the moments at the required intervals with support A' as the origin, i.e.,
x  0. Thus:
M A  M 0  126   6  6   6  144;
1 2
2 3
M1  144  301.5   1.5  1.5   1.5  99.56;
1 1
2 3
M 2  144  303   3  3   3  58.5;
1 1
2 3
M 3  144  304.5   4.5  4.5   4.5  24.19;
1 1
2 3
M 4  M B  144  306   6  6   6  0;
1 1
2 3
M 5  64.5   4.5  4.5   4.5  11.81;
1 1
2 3
M 6  63   3  3   3  13.5;
1 1
2 3
M 7  61.5   1.5  1.5   1.5  8.44;
1 1
2 3
M 8  M C   0.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

The moments obtained above are proportional to the deflections at the corresponding
sections of the beam of Fig.4.8(b). Since a load of 1unit acting at A on the beam of
Fig.4.8(b) will cause a reaction at A of 1unit, the moment M A  144 represents an
ordinate of 1unit. The deflection curve of the beam is to this scale the required influence
line. Therefore the influence line ordinates for other sections along the beam are obtained
by dividing the conjugate beam moments by M A  144 . This operation results in the
influence line shown in Fig.4.8(e).

Example 4.4
Draw the influence line for the moment at the mid-point D of span BC for the
continuous beam shown in Fig.4.9(a). Calculate the ordinates of the influence line at
intervals of 2m. Take EI=Const.

The capacity of the beam to resist moment at section D is removed by inserting a pin at
the section. Next, unit couples are applied at D to yield the qualitative influence line as
shown in Fig.4.9(b). The support reactions due to these unit couples are also shown in
Fig.4.9(b). From the compatibility condition that the slope at D of the original beam is
zero, we can obtain the equation for the computation of the various influence line
ordinates, i.e., M D  ED (a)
f DD
In eqn (a), f DD is the rotation at D due to the unit couples, and f ED represents the
vertical deflection at every section of the beam where the influence line ordinate is
desired. As before, however, we shall compute these displacement quantities using the
conjugate beam method. Accordingly, the loaded conjugate beam is shown in Fig.4.9(c)
with the values of the loads at the various sections where the influence line ordinates are
required. Note that a pin support is inserted at D to indicate that the beam still has the
ability to resist shear at the section even though its ability to resist moment at the section
has been removed. For convenience the sections at which the influence line ordinates are
required have been numbered 0 to 7 as shown in Fig.4.9(c).

Support Reactions in the Conjugate Beam

For the computation of the support reactions in the conjugate beam, let us consider the
free-body diagrams of parts A'B' and B'C' as shown in Fig.4.9(d). Considering the free-
body diagram of part A'B', the reaction at B' can be obtained by taking moment
equilibrium about point A'. Thus:
 M A  0;
RB 6   2  6   6  0
1 2
2 3
or RB  4.
RA can be obtained from the equilibrium condition of vertical forces on part A'B'. Thus:
F y  0;

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

RA   4   2  6  0
or RA  2.

(a) 6m 8m
f DD

1 1
(b) A B C
f ED
0.333 0.25

2.0 (e)
1.332 1.5
0.666 1.0
(c) A' B' D' C'
0 1 2 3 4 6
5 7
2.0 2.0
1.332 1.5
0.666 0.5
(d) A' D' C'
4 4 18.67
2 6.67



0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7


Fig.4.9: (a) Given beam; (b) Qualitative I.L. for MD; (c) Conjugate beam and loading;
(d) Free-body diagrams for beam parts; (e) Quantitative I.L. for MD.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

The reaction at C' can be obtained by taking moments about D'. Thus:
 M D  0;
2 
RC  4  4  4   2  8  8  4   0
2 3 
or RC   6.67
The reaction at section D' can now be obtained from the equilibrium consideration of the
vertical forces on part B'C'. Note that this reaction is the sum of the shears in the
conjugate beam to the right and to the left of the support at section D' and represents the
rotation f DD at D in the original beam. Thus to obtain RD' we have:
F y  0;
RD  4  6.67   2  8
or RD  18.67

Moments in the Conjugate Beam

M A  M 0  0;

M1  22   0.666  2   2  3.556;

1 1
2 3
M 2  24   1.332  4   4  4.448;
1 1
2 3
M 3  26   2  6   6  0;
1 1
2 3
M 4  6.676  18.672   1.5  6   6  11.68;
1 1
2 3
M 5  6.674   1  4   4  29.347;
1 1
2 3
M 6  6.672   0.5  2   2  13.673;
1 1
2 3
M 7  0.

The influence line ordinates are obtained by dividing the above values of moments by
18.67 (See eqn. (a)). The result is the influence line for the moment at D as shown in

Example 4.5
Draw the influence line for the shear at the mid-point D of span BC for the continuous
beam shown in Fig.4.10(a). Calculate its ordinates at intervals of 2m. Take EI=Const.

The capacity of the beam to resist shear at D is removed. This is accomplished by
cutting the beam at section D and inserting a roller device which will permit a relative
vertical displacement between the two beam ends at the section but which will require
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

that the tangents to the two beam ends be parallel. However, the capacity of the beam to
resist moment at D is not affected.
(a) 6m 8m

(b) A B 1 C

2.33 1
1.33 4
8 (e)
5.33 6
2.67 4
(c) A' B' D' C'
0 1 2 3 4 6
5 7
8 8
5.33 6
2 4
2.67 2
(d) A' B' C'
16 16 298.67
8 48


0 1 2 5 6 7


+ 3 4



Fig.4.10: (a) Given beam; (b) Qualitative I.L. for QD; (c) Conjugate beam and loading;
(d) Free-body diagrams for beam parts; (e) Quantitative I.L. for QD.
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Next, a unit vertical load is applied to each of the two beam ends adjacent to the cut. The
unit loads are opposite in direction to each other. The resulting qualitative influence line,
together with the induced reactions and couples are shown in Fig.4.10(b). The conjugate
beam and the values of the loading at points on the beam where the influence line
ordinates are required, are shown in Fig.4.10(c). The free-body diagrams of the two parts
of the beam, separated at the hinge point, are shown in Fig.4.10(d).

Support Reactions in the Conjugate Beam

The support reactions in the conjugate beam are computed as follows.
By taking moments about B' in the left part of the beam(A'B') we obtain RA'. Thus:
 M B  0;
RA 6   8  6   6  0
1 1
2 3
or RA  8
From the equilibrium condition of vertical forces on part A'B', we obtain RB'. Thus:
 Fy  0;
RB   8   8  6  0
or RB  16
RC' can be obtained from the consideration of the equilibrium of vertical forces on part
B'C'. Thus:
 Fy  0;
RC   16   8  8  0
or RC   48
The moment at D' can be obtained from the condition that it must balance the clockwise
moment constituted by all the vertical forces on part B'C'. In effect therefore, it must act
in the counterclockwise direction. Thus:
 M B  0;
M D  488   8  8   8  0
1 1
2 3
or M D  298.67.
The above reactions on the conjugate beam, as well as MD' are shown in Fig.4.10(d).
Note that the relative deflection between the two tips of the beam at the cut section (D) is
represented by MD'.

Moments at the Points of Desired I.L. Ordinates

The moments at the points on the beam for which the influence line ordinates are
required, are obtained as follows:

M A  M 0  0;

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

M1  82   2.67  2   2  14.22;

1 1
2 3
M 2  84   5.33  4   4  17.79;
1 1
2 3
M 3  86   8  6   6  0;
1 1
2 3
M 4  486  298.67   6  6   6  46.67;
1 1
2 3
M D,left ( M 5,left )  484  298.67   4  4   4  117.337;
1 1
2 3
M D, right( M 5, right)  484   4  4   4  181.33;
1 1
2 3
M 6  482   2  2   2  94.67;
1 1
2 3
M 7  0.
The above moments are divided by the relative deflection between the two tips of the
beam at the cut section, which is represented by MD' (or M5), in order to obtain the
required influence line ordinates. The resulting quantitative influence line is shown in
Fig.4.10(e). Note that in Fig.4.10(e) the positive parts of the influence line diagram are
drawn below the beam axis while the negative part is drawn above the axis. This is
because the unit vertical loads applied at section D in Fig.4.10(b) are shown in their
negative sense.

Example 4.6
Draw the influence line for the moment at support B for the beam shown in Fig.4.11(a).
Compute the ordinates at intervals of 2m. Take EI=Const.

The capacity of the beam to resist moment at B is removed. Unit couples are introduced
at B as shown in Fig.4.11(b). The qualitative influence line, as well as the support
reactions due to the unit couples, are also indicated in Fig.4.11(b). The conjugate beam
with loading and the resulting support reactions are shown in Fig.4.11(c).

Reactions in the Conjugate Beam

The beam is separated at the point B' (where moment is zero) and the reactions are
obtained by considering the equilibrium condition for each of the free-body diagrams.
1 1 
RA    1  6   1;
3 2 
1 1 
RC     1  8   1.333;
3 2 
RB   1  14  1  1.333  4.667.
Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

(a) 6m 8m

f BB

1 1 C
(b) A
0.167 0.125




(c) A' B' C'
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 1.333

(d) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7






Fig.4.11: (a) Given beam; (b) Qualitative I.L. for MB; (c) Conjugate beam and loading;
(d) Quantitative I.L. for MB.

Moments at Desired Points of I.L. Ordinates

M A  M 0  0;

M1  12   0.333  2   2  1.778;

1 1
2 3

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

M 2  14   0.667  4   4  2.221;

1 1
2 3
M 3  16   1  6   6  0;
1 1
2 3
M 4  1.3336   0.75  6   6  3.50;
1 1
2 3
M 5  1.3334   0.5  4   4  4.0;
1 1
2 3
M 6  1.3332   0.25  2   2  2.50;
1 1
2 3
M 7  0.

Dividing the above moments by RB  4.667 will directly represent the influence line
ordinates for the moment at support B, as shown in Fig.4.11(d).

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures


In general the influence line for any response function in a structure can be obtained by
analysing the structure repeatedly with a unit load at different locations. The analysis
with each new position of the unit load yields one ordinate of the required influence line.
This procedure can be very laborious and is convenient only with the use of computer.
The use of Muller-Breslau's principle however, makes it possible to determine without
calculation, the shape of an influence line, which is represented as a deflection line. With
the shape of the influence line determined, it is then possible to specify the parts of the
structure to be loaded in order to obtain the maximum influence of the response function,
which can be reaction, shear, or moment.
Qualitative influence lines are of particular importance in the analysis of building
frames. For example, the influence line for the positive moment at the centre T of
member FG of the frame of Fig.4.12(a) is shown by the dashed lines. Thus, only beams
FG, IJ, KL, and NP would be subjected to uniform loads in order to obtain the maximum
positive moment at section T. With the frame so loaded (Fig.4.12(b)), its analysis can
then be carried out as an indeterminate structure, to determine the value of the moment at
T for use in design.

(a) Qualitative I.L.
for MT


(b) Loading for

maximum MT

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures


Arches are commonly employed for highway and railway bridges. Therefore influence
lines for response functions such as horizontal thrust, moment, shear and axial force at
arch sections are important.
It is known that the horizontal thrust of a two-hinged arch is given by the following
 EI
H  (4.8)
m 2 ds
 EI
Eqn (4.8) results from the appropriate compatibility equation of the method of consistent
deformations. For an arch rib of uniform cross-section, EI is constant and consequently,

H 
 Mmds (4.9)
 m ds

In the above equations,

M = moment at any section on the basic statically determinate (or primary) arch
structure due to applied loading; and
m = moment at any section on the primary arch structure due to a unit horizontal load
applied at the release point in the direction of H.
The expression for the horizontal thrust as given by eqn (4.8) can be made simpler if
the shape and proportions of the arch rib are made to satisfy the following requirements:
 The curve of the arch is parabolic, and
 The second moment of area of the arch rib at any section is equal to the product of
the second moment of area at the crown and the secant of the angle , where  is
the angle between the horizontal and the tangent to the arch axis at that section.
Thus, in eqn (4.8), the following relationships must apply:
I  I C sec ,
where I C  second moment of area at the crown;
I  second moment of area at any other section;
m  y, and
ds  secdx
Substituting the above parameters in eqn (4.8), it simplifies to:

 Mydx (4.10)
 y dx

An important simplification present in eqn (4.10) is that the integration and its limits are
along the line joining the springings of the arch and not along the arch axis as would be
the case in eqn (4.8).

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

It can be shown that for a two-hinged parabolic arch of span L and central rise h,
carrying a point load P at a distance nL from the left hand support (Fig.4.13(a)), if the
second moment of area of the arch rib varies as the secant of the slope of the arch axis,
the horizontal reaction H will be given by the following formula:

5 PL
8 h

n  2n 3  n 4  (4.11)
From eqn (4.11), it can be observed that the value of H is dependent upon the position of
the load, given by the distance x  nL. H attains its maximum value when n = ½, which
corresponds to when the load is at the crown C. Substitution of n = ½ into eqn (4.11)
25 PL
H max  (4.12)
128 h
A plot of the variation of H with n is given in Fig.4.13(b).

P 25 PL
x  nl 128 h
0 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.0
P L  x 
VB 
VA  L
L (a) (b)
Fig.4.13: (a) Parabolic arch; (b) Variation of H with n.

To obtain the influence line for H, in eqn (4.11) P is taken as unity and values of n are
substituted which correspond to the section at which influence line ordinates are required.
It is pertinent to point out that the horizontal thrust H is the same for all sections of the
arch axis. The influence line diagram for the horizontal thrust is shown in Fig.4.14(a).
The influence line diagram (ILD) for the moment at any section can be obtained from
the following moment expression:

M x  M 0  Hy (4.13)
where M x  moment at a section x distance from one of the supports;
M 0  equivalent simple beam bending moment;
y  ordinate of the arch axis at section x.
The ILD is constructed in two separate parts given by eqn (4.13), and then superimposed.
The net influence line ordinates are shown hatched in Fig.4.14(b). This procedure is
similar to the procedure followed in constructing ILD for moment in 3-hinged arches.
Influence lines for shear Q and axial force N are also constructed similar to the
procedure used in 3-hinged arches and are shown in Figs.4.14(c) and (d) respectively.
The shear for a 2-hinged arch at a section, say D, is given by:

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

QD  VA cos   H sin  (4.14)

and the axial force is given by:
N D  VA sin   H cos (4.15)
Expressions (4.14) and (4.15) are the same as for three-hinged arches.
As noted earlier,  is the inclination of the arch axis to the horizontal at section D. In eqn
(4.14) the first term on the right hand side represents the shear in a simple beam
multiplied by a constant, cos  . The influence line diagram for this is therefore the same
as the ILD for the shear in a simple beam, but the ordinates are all multiplied by a
constant, cos  . In a similar manner, the second term results in an ILD the same as the
ILD for H, but the ordinates are all multiplied by a constant, sin  . In addition, in the case
of a 3-hinged arch, the ILD varies linearly while in a 2-hinged arch, it is the curve of the
fourth degree.
The interpretation of eqn (4.15) is analogous to that for eqn (4.14).

25 L
(a) 128h

xL  x  25L
L 128h


x 25L
sin 

(c) cos 

cos 
sin 
cos  sin 

Fig.4.14: (a) IL for horizontal thrust H; (b) IL for moment M at section distance x from
the left support; (c) IL for shear Q at section distance x from the left support; (d) IL for
axial force N at section distance x from the left support.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Example 4.7
Draw the influence line diagram for horizontal thrust H, and also the ILD for the
moment, shear, and axial force at section D of the parabolic arch shown in Fig.4.15(a).
Assume that I x  I o sec . The equation of the parabola is given as: y  2 L  x .
9m C

(a) A B





0.97 _



1.516 0.24

Fig.4.15: (a) Parabolic arch; (b) IL for H; (c) IL for moment at section D; (d) IL for
shear at section D; (e) IL for axial force at section D.

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

Influence Line for H
From eqn(4.11),
5 PL
8 h
 
n  2n 3  n 4
where n  , and
x  distance of the load P from the left hand support.
H can be calculated for different values of n, taking P = 1. With the various calculated
values the ILD for H can be plotted as shown in Fig4.15(b). For example,
5 36  1 1 1 
3 4
when n  , H     2       0.158;
6 8 4.5  6  6   6  
when n  , H  1.113;
when n  , H  1.358;
when n  , H  1.563.

Influence Line for Moment at D

Moment at section D for any position of unit load is:

M D  M 0  HyD

As explained earlier, the influence line diagram is obtained by the superposition of the
influence line for M 0 and that for HyD.
yD is obtained from the given equation of the parabola as follows:

4  4.5  9
yD  36  9  3.375m.
36  36
At the centre, the ordinate of the influence line for HyD. will be:
1.563  3.375  5.275.
For the simple beam bending moment, the influence line ordinate at section D will be
VA  9, where VA  27 / 36 . Therefore the ordinate is:  9  6.75.
The ILD for moment at section D is shown in Fig.4.15(c).

Influence Line for Radial Shear at D

QD  VA cos   H sin 
Knowing the equation of the arch, we can calculate  as follows:

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II
Chapter 4 Influence lines for Indeterminate structures

L  x .
tan 
dy 4h
 L  2 x 
dx L2
4  4.5
 36  18
or tan  0.25
Therefore   14
sin   0.24 and cos  0.97.

The influence line diagram for H sin  is superimposed on the influence line for VA cos 
and the resulting influence line diagram for radial shear is shown in Fig.4.15(d).

Influence Line for Axial Force at D

N D  VA sin   H cos

The influence line diagram for axial force is also constructed in two parts, i.e., by
constructing the influence line diagram for VA sin  and that for H cos  , and
superimposing one on the other. The resulting influence line diagram is shown in

Lecture Notes: Theory of Structures II

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