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— Meus Reading, Writing, and Study Skills LEVEL 3 Teacher’s Guide ASIC UMN ele Kim etal a, Series Editors: Liz and John Soars Headway Academic Skills Reading, Writing, and Study Skills LEVEL 3. Teacher’s Guide Sarah Philpot and Lesley Curnick Series Editors: John and Liz Soars OXFORD OXFORD Great Caren Street, Oxford 082 6D? (Osford University resis a department of the Unversity of Oxford. efter the Unversity objective ofexeenceinreterch, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York ‘uckdand Cape Town Dares Salam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpar Madrid Melbourne Mexico ity Nairobi New Delt Shanghai Taipet Toronto With ices ia ‘Argentina Austia Bazi) Chile Czech Republi France Greece Guatemala Hungary taly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore ‘South Korea Switzrtand Thailand Turkey Ucn Viemam ‘oxronp and orroxp ENGLISH are registred trade marks of ‘Oxford University resin the UKand n certain other counties (© Oxford University Press 2007 “The moral rights of te author have ben asserced Database right Oxford University Press maker) First published 2007 201 o10 2009 2008, [No unauthorized photocopying Allrghts reserved No part ofthis publication maybe reproduced, Store in aretreval system, of tancmlte, in any form oF by any means, ‘thout the prior permission n writing of Oxford University Press, tras exprestly permed by lay, oF under terms agreed with the appropriate ‘eprographic ights organist, Enquiries concerning reproduction ‘outside the cope ofthe above shouldbe sent to the LT Rights Department, (Oxford University Press, atthe address above ‘You must not ireulate this book nany othe binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer ‘Any websites referred to inthis publication are in the public domain and {thelr addesses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. (Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibil for the content 1S0N: 978 0394726635, Printed in China (Common Dusan by: Mati Duin p59

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