Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (Stikes) Yarsi Sumbar Bukittinggi

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The Ways How To Stop Smoking


Novelya Pili Geraldin


Dosen Pembimbing :

Mr. Aziz Pondak



Humans have a variety of habits. Starting from exercising, reading, writing,
writing, and so on. Among the many human habits, there is one human habit
that is very detrimental to their health. In fact, these bad habits are often
carried out by our society, namely the habit of smoking. smoking make we get
a lot negative things.many diseases risk from smoking like karsinogenik,
pulmonary cancer, heart diseases,etc.

Meaning & understanding of cigarettes


Cigarettes are things that are familiar to us. Smoking has become a very
common and widespread practice in society. The dangers of smoking to body
health have been studied and proven by many people. Adverse effects due to
smoking are also clearly known. Many studies prove smoking habits increase
the risk of various diseases such as heart disease and blood vessel disorders,
lung cancer, oral cavity cancer, laryngeal cancer, ossfagus cancer, bronchitis,
high blood pressure, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and defects in the

how to stop smoking.

1. Sipping cold water through a straw

One unique way that can be done to overcome the difficulty of quitting
smoking is by breathing cold water through a straw; this can be used as a way
to replace the desire to smoke cigarettes. In addition, breathing cold water
through a straw will also release dopamine which is a brain chemical that can
help alleviate a bad mood. Or, you can also change the desire to smoke
cigarettes by eating healthy snacks.

2. Record the positive things that happen after you stop smoking

Many smokers do not want to stop because they feel that quitting smoking is
just torturing themselves. In fact, quitting smoking will provide many benefits
to your body, including your finances and health. For that, when you are trying
to quit smoking, try to record the positive things you get in a few days of
stopping smoking, including feeling more in control, saving money, feeling
more energetic, and so on.

3. Routinely brush your teeth

Usually, active smokers have dark lips and mouth breath that tends to smell
cigarettes. Therefore, one of the good things you get when trying to stop
smoking is your mouth breath that feels fresher, especially when you brush
your teeth frequently. If you regularly brush your teeth and always have fresh
breath, you will feel sorry to rinse it again with tar and cigarette smoke.

4. Avoid alcohol

Based on a study, it is known that there is a close connection between alcohol

consumption and smoking. Therefore, one way that can be done to stop
smoking is to avoid alcohol because alcohol can damage your self-defense to
stop smoking.

5. Sports, even just walking

If you really want to stop smoking, you should try to exercise actively. Because
when your body is active, your body will send natural chemicals that can help
mood and reduce stress. One of the lightest sports you can try is walking.

6. Put something in your mouth

The point is, when you are in the process of stopping smoking, there will
always be a desire to put something in your mouth. This happens because you
are used to smoking cigarettes so that when you are in the stage of trying to
quit smoking you will feel strange if there is nothing in your mouth. Therefore,
you can replace cigarettes that you normally put in your mouth with sugar-
free gum, or healthy snacks.

7. Strengthen yourself especially in the first two weeks

The hardest time in the process of quitting smoking is in the first two weeks.
However, after you have passed the time, you will begin to get used to it
without cigarettes and begin to benefit. Therefore, when you have passed the
first two weeks, do not let you be tempted to smoke again because it will make
all your efforts in the toughest times useless.

8. Remember again, what is the reason you stop smoking

And finally, if in the end you start giving up on all the efforts you have made to
stop smoking, you have to go back to remembering why you want to stop
smoking. Try writing all the list of reasons and place the list of reasons in place
that you can see - as material for self-reflection. Moreover, when the reason
you stop smoking is your family, especially parents, children, or wives.

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