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Summary Part 1 of 8

Beyond Language, Levine and Adelman (1993)

Cross-Cultural Contact with Americans (introductions)

Name : I Gusti Agung Prajna Wasistha

Nim : 1412021066

Class : H


From this chapter, we learn about a variation of introduction and contact with Americans which
influenced by culture, belief, behavior, attitude which is lead to the respond of those people who
do a contact. based on the variety of introduction, Americans tend to use range formal to
informal to introduce themselves, which it could be shorter in an informal situation. and from the
gesture of introduction, Americans usually use the firm handshake and enthusiast eye contact,
which is lead to their impression of our character, because limp handshakes could indicate weak
character, quick handshakes indicate they don’t like that person, and not doing eye contact
indicate an uninterested person. From this variation of contact in the introduction, we learn how
to put ourselves in the appropriate situation to make a good impression and not to make an
inappropriate action which is lead to the negative impression.

Small talk after introduction is needed to maintain the conversation running well, and somehow
it could lead to better discussion. First of all the speakers initiate to ask a small question like “do
you live here?” , “what study you major at?” and avoid personal information just like, Money,
Status, even social security number, which is considered impolite. This small talk could be
changed to the discussion after two of the find something in common to talk about. From this, we
learn about how the small talk could be something to start better conversation or discussion.

I variation of introduction we learn about how introduction could vary among situation, culture,
belief, individual. In some country like Japan we usually bowing to show the respect to the
person, in some Middle East country the women can’t touch male hand to make a handshake,
and in North Africa, they putting their palm hand to the heart. After all, the introduction is
needed to make a good or starter of conversation, and a good introduction based on cultural and
belief and situation could give us a good impression.

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