EDLD 5306 Week 2 Assignment

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EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

Miguel Leija/ EDLE 5306/ Professor: Daryl Ann Borel

Week 2 Assignment
The Texas Campus STaR Chart was developed around the four key domains of the Texas
Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020: Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation
and Development; Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support; and Infrastructure for
Technology. The STaR Chart is designed to help campuses determine their progress toward
meeting both Long-Range Plan and district goals.

In the Week 1 assignment, you summarized the Long-Range Plan and the Technology
Applications TEKS, and completed a self-assessment of the requisite skills that you need to
implement the TEKS.

In this week’s assignment, you will look at the strengths and weaknesses of your campus as
you examine and apply data from the Texas Campus STaR Chart, a technology data-gathering
tool provided by the state. You will complete a three-year comparison of Texas Campus STaR
Chart data from your campus with statewide summary data. Like the resources you utilized in
your Analysis assignment, the STaR chart will prove useful as you become an instructional
leader. You will also create a slide presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google
Presentation to present your campus STaR chart findings to the faculty and practice using a
Web 2.0 tool to reflect on your learning.

EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 2 Assignment.

Tasks Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement

 10 8 6
The evidence The evidence The evidence does not
suggests that this suggests that yet make the case for
work is a “Habit of performance on the educator being
Mind.” The educator this work matches proficient at this task.
is ready to mentor that of a strong
others in this area. educator.

Campus STaR Student uses Student uses Incorrect data pulled

Chart Analysis relevant STaR Chart relevant STaR from STaR Chart; STaR
information to chart to fill out data summary chart is
complete the chart most of the chart not completed; and/or
provided, and provided and analyses of campus
provides thorough provides brief strengths and
analysis of campus analysis of campus weaknesses are not
technology technology completed.
strengths and strengths and
weaknesses. weaknesses.

Create a slide Successfully creates Successfully Creates a slide

presentation to a slide presentation creates a slide presentation but
share campus to share campus presentation to includes one or fewer
STaR Chart STaR Chart findings share campus of the five components
findings with with the faculty. STaR Chart listed in the
faculty. The presentation (1) findings with “accomplished”
includes at least one faculty. The category.
chart of the STaR presentation will
chart data; (2) include three of the
includes at least one five components in
hyperlink; (3) uses the “accomplished”
navigational icons; category.
(4) uses talking
points only with six
or less lines of text
per slide; and (5)
uses up to three
digital photos to
personalize to

Creating and Student successfully Student Blog not created,

Using a Blog sets up a blog and successfully sets and/or student does
provides appropriate up a blog and not write a Web site
information related provides critique and post it on
to the blog’s appropriate blog.
creation or to a information;
previously-created student posts 100-
blog; student posts 150 word critique
a thoughtful, 250- of a Web site and
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
word critique of a posts it on blog.
Web site on the

Assignment Responses are Responses are Responses do not

Mechanics relevant to course relevant to course reflect knowledge of
content; no errors in content; few errors course content, lack
grammar, spelling, in grammar, clarity and depth,
or punctuation. spelling, or and/or include multiple
punctuation. errors in grammar,
spelling, and
punctuation, including
APA errors.

Week 2 Assignment, Part 1: Campus STaR Chart Analysis

State law mandates that the Texas Campus STaR Chart be used to evaluate a campus’ progress toward meeting the
goals of the Long-Range Plan for Technology. The chart can also be used for technology planning, budgeting for
resources, and evaluation of progress in local technology projects.

To complete this assignment:

• Access the Texas Campus StaR Chart by entering the following address in your Web address bar:
• Click on “Texas Campus STaR Chart,” and read the article to review STaR Chart scoring.
• Click on “Statewide Summary Data.” Click on 2007-2008 Summary Statistics. Print out the Statewide Data
• Click “Campus Data Search.” Choose the year from the drop-down box. Then type in the name of your selected
district (without “ISD”). For example, for Beaumont ISD, you would only type in Beaumont. Do not type in a
campus. Click “Simple Search.” A list of campuses in your district will appear.
• Click on your selected campus, and the STaR chart will appear.
• Print out the most current three years of STaR Charts for your selected campus.
• Analyze the data, fill out the chart below, and answer the questions provided.

School District: Edinburg Consolidated

School District
Campus: Lorenzo De Zavala
Elementary (110)

Key Area STaR

Summary Area Key Area Totals Trends

Teaching & 2007-08: 15 2007-08: Advanced The observable trend for my

Learning 2006-07: 17 Tech campus is that although we
2006-07: Advanced remained advanced Tech in
2005-06: 18 Key Area 1, we have been
lacking in the areas of
2005-06: Advanced “pattern of Classroom use”
Tech and “online learning” causing
an annual decrease in our
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

score. Aside from that, we

have to work on increasing
student mastery of Tech.
Applications. Our campus is
one of 1,947 other campuses
that achieved Advanced tech.

Educator 2007-08: 13 2007-08: Developing On the Educator Prep. And

Preparation & 2006-07: 17 Tech Development, in comparison
Development 2006-07: Advanced to the other years, the score
2005-06: 18 took a downward direction.
The school district is good
2005-06: Advanced about promoting technology
Tech training for teachers,
however, the trend on a
campus wide level was that
there were virtually very few
opportunities offered for
Professional Development,
the models of such Prof.
Development, or access to.
That is what needs to be
worked on for the following
school year. The one good
aspect of this key area that
did remain constant though is
the fact that what did not
change was the teacher’s
“Levels of Understanding and
Patterns Use” of Technology.
Our campus is one of 1,520
other campuses that
achieved Advanced tech.

Leadership, 2007-08: 18 2007-08: Advance On this area, improvement

Administration 2006-07: 17 Tech has been made every year.
,& 2006-07: Advance The technology department
Instructional 2005-06: 15 in our school district has
Support been very supportive with
2005-06: Advance wanting to promote
Tech technology. The proof is in
the offer of hardware and
software being made
available little by little to
teachers so that they can
work toward becoming a 21st
Century district. The planning
is moving on along. The next
step will gear toward applying
all of that. Our campus is one
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

of 3,473 other campuses that

achieved Advanced tech.

Infrastructure 2007-08: 14 2007-08: Developing In comparison to other years,

for Technology 2006-07: 16 Tech our campus decreased the
2006-07: Advanced proficiency in this key area.
2005-06: 13 The key areas that need
improvement are technical
2005-06: Advanced support and as always the
Tech number of computers to
support the students. The
average count is about 3
computers per classroom, or
5-7 students for every
computer. The area that I
would love to see the school
implement would be the
availability of distance
learning for the students.
That has only been talked
about. The ares that
remained constant were the
Internet connectivity and the
fact that there is a Local area
network connection available
for all faculty.

What did the STaR Chart show as your campus’ greatest strength? Do you agree with that
assessment? Explain.

According to our STaR chart, Key Area III was the highest. We scored a total of 18 establishing
an Advance Tech classification. I agree on the fact that our technology specialist for the district
have helped us on the area of Instructional Support, Planning, Communication/Collaboration.
The areas that still seem to be developing are a campus wide role in Leadership in technology
and CAMPUS support.

What did the STaR Chart show as your campus’ greatest weakness? Do you agree with that
assessment? Explain.

Key area IV: INFRASTRUCTURE. This area was our lowest. In three years from being
considered Advanced Tech, our campus classification moved down to Developing Tech. I agree
on that rating, it is a bit more proper. The other fact I can agree is that I see that changing in the
next couple of years as the equipment and resources are being introduced to the campus. With
a little professional development and hands on training we can definitely become more prepared
to fit the needs of students when it comes to technology.
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
In an online learning community interaction, which STaR Chart area would you choose to
introduce to the other members? What data supports your choice?

I would like introduce Key Area IV: Infrastructure for Technology. I would point this area
because it contains some of the key aspects that they can be made aware that are available in
the campus. I am refereeing to bringing attention to the available technology they have in their
classrooms (i.e. media projectors, document cameras, laptops, writing pads, etc). From there, I
would let them know how the Local Area Network has been establish through out campus to
make connection readily available for all classrooms. The data available to support this ofcourse
would start with the Texas Campus STaR Chart. The rest of the data would come out from the
technology reference handbook available from the district.
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
Week 2 Assignment, Part 2: Creating a Slide Presentation
As an instructional leader, you must be able to effectively share information with the faculty. You
must also be able to talk confidently about the process to those you lead. Throughout this
Application, you will expand your knowledge and practice using technology tools. In Part 2 of
the Application assignment, you will create a slide presentation to share campus STaR Chart
findings with the faculty.
• Create a slide presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Presentation to present
your campus STaR chart findings to the faculty.
1. Include at least one chart of the STaR chart data.
2. Include at least one hyperlink.
3. Use navigational icons.
4. Use talking points only with six or fewer lines of text.
5. Use up to three digital photos to personalize to campus.
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
Week 2 Assignment, Part 3: Creating and Using a Blog
For the final part of this week’s assignment, you will create your own blog and post an opinion
piece on one of the four areas of the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020. If you
already have your own blog, you may publish your piece on that. If you don’t have your own
blog, use the directions below to create one.
To complete this assignment:
• Access the video, “Blogs in Plain English” by entering the following address in your Web
address bar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN2I1pWXjXI
• View “Blogs in Plain English” as preparation for this assignment.
• Enter the following address in your Web address bar: www.blogger.com (if you do not have
a blog), or use a blog you already have set up.
• Read the information about the site.
• Click “Create a Blog.” Complete the information required to use the site, including the
selection of a username and password. (If you already have a Google account, you can
enter your username and password at the top of the home page.) Check the box to accept
the terms of service, and click “Continue” to move to the next step.
• After creating your blog account, click “Name Blog.”
• Select a title for the blog (example: “TX Long Range Plan” or something a little more
creative) and a blog address URL (example: http://yourname.blogspot.com). Click
“Continue” to move to the next step, “Choose a Template.”
• Choose a template for your blog, then click “Continue.”
• When the “Your Blog Has Been Created” screen appears, click “Start Blogging.”
• On the screen provided, compose a 250-word opinion piece on one of the four areas of the
Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020: Teaching and Learning; Educator
Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support; or
Infrastructure for Technology. Include:
• a description of the area.
• progress in the area.
• trends in the area.
• your recommendations for improvement in the area.
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
• Record your blog information in the chart below. If you have a blog and did not need to
create one for the assignment, enter that information. Then answer the questions on the
next page.

Your Blog’s Name A Copy of Your Blog’s Post Your Blog’s URL
(250-Word opinion piece)
Technology and the Impact on Texas LRPT: The leija.blogspot.com/2009/06/te
Classrooms need for xas-lrpt-need-for-teacher-
Teacher preperation.html
The first week in EDLD 5306
has been an eye opener. An
interesting topic that was
covered was the Texas
Long-Range Plan for
Technology. It sums up
literally all expectations of
how technology should be
used not just between
educators and students, but
the whole community to
make technology work
beyond the classroom. The
Texas Long Range Plan for
Technology has four main
parts which include:
Teaching and Learning;
Educator Prep. / Dev.;
Leadership and
Administration; and
Infrastructure. Out of the
four main areas, I firmly
agree that the area of
Educator Preparation and
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
Staff Development is one of
the strongest areas that
should be enforced to make
the other TLRTP areas be
efficient. This area means
simply that educators must
be provided with constant
and on-going training so
that they can ensure proper
integration of technology
within the classroom

In a direct quote from the

report, the following is
mentioned: As students
who have grown up with
technology enter Texas
classrooms, it is essential
that all professional
educators acknowledge that
the world in which they live
today, and the world that
their students will enter as
adults, is radically different
from what existed in even
the fairly recent past
( (Texas Education Agency,
2006)). That opened my
eyes to the fact that
technology keeps evolving
fast and as educators we
must keep up with that
change to properly serve
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
our students. However,
when I mention keeping up
with the “change”
(technology), I am not
refereing to teaching the
kids just the proper use of
the equipment. The value in
getting inserviced about
some specific software or
hardware item is for us to
properly and collabaratively
use it within our assigned
curriculum. That way when
we present this to the
students, they will see the
value and importance of
how technology can work to
help them learn.

With the evolution of

everyday technology, the
state of Texas with
collaboration of districts are
working diligently to turn
the classrooms into a 21st
century classroom. Budgets
are being created, Visions
and planning is taking
place, technology software
and hardware are being
introduced to the
classrooms. As long as
there is instructional
support and collaboration,
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
the transition will be easier
for teachers to familiarize
themselves and adapt with
the the new technology
tools that will serve as the
catalyst to help of students
in the classrooms succeed
and better prepare
themselves for the future.
Posted by mi.leija at 3:41

“ ” PPT Presentation http://mi-


What is the educational value of blogs and blogging to the 21st century learner?

Blogs serve as a quick place to post news. They keep students informed about events as they
occur. This type of news is both professional and personal. Blogging lets students be authors
and publishers. Students can share news, opinions, concerns, and discussions. Blogging
promotes relationships helping students work together, share information, quote each other
leading to establish communities of learners that can motivate each other.

What are the concerns of blogs and blogging in education?

The concerns that exists w/ blogs and blogging in education go back to the fact that students
need to be properly trained in order to help them establish agreed safe parameters to help them
avoid undesirable results. They need to be careful how it is they gather and present the
information on blog posts. Other concern relating to the first answer is the fact that since blogs
present personal opinions, they need to learn not to be biased with the information they are

How can you use blogging to communicate with school stakeholders?

Blogging with school administrators/stakeholders can be a useful way to make a connection between
them and not just students but an entire community. Blogging w/ stake holders can turn out useful to keep
the community informed on important items such as district/campus news, special events, important
deadlines, etc. If students have concerns what a better way to make a personal communication than by
having somebody like the campus principal or even the superintendent respond to their blog!
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

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