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EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

Week 4 Assignment
Miguel Leija
EDLD 5306/ Date: 06/29/09
Instructor: Daryl Ann Borel
Conducting an effective interactive meeting online requires many of the same steps as a face-
to-face meeting—minus the travel time. In your reading, “E-Communications 101,” Gwen
Solomon advises that “time-tested tactics include assigning roles, creating and sticking to an
agenda, accepting all input respectfully, and making sure there is follow-through on action

In this week’s assignment, you will continue to work in the wikispace you created as you
collaborate with colleagues to establish a timeline and develop and finalize an agenda for the
first interactive meeting of your online learning community.

EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 4 Assignment.

Tasks Accomplished Proficient Needs

10 8 Improvement

The evidence The evidence 6
suggests that this suggests that The evidence does
work is a “Habit of performance on not yet make the
Mind.” The this work matches case for the
educator is ready that of a strong educator being
to mentor others in educator. proficient at this
this area. task.

Developing a Student posts a Student posts a Meeting timeline

Meeting Timeline meeting timeline meeting timeline. not posted.
that reflects
collaboration with

Developing a Student posts a Student posts an Meeting agenda

Meeting Agenda specific, thorough agenda related to not posted, or
agenda related to improving incomplete.
improving technology
technology integration on
integration on campus.
campus; agenda
collaboration with

Assignment Responses are Responses are Responses do not

Mechanics relevant to course relevant to course reflect knowledge
content; no errors content; few errors of course content,
in grammar, in grammar, lack clarity and
spelling, or spelling, or depth, and/or
punctuation. punctuation. include multiple
errors in grammar,
spelling, and
including APA
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

Week 4 Assignment, Part 1: Developing a Meeting Timeline

For the first part of this week’s assignment, you will work collaboratively with the colleagues who
joined your wiki space during Week 3 to establish a timeline for the first interactive meeting of
your online learning community.

To complete this assignment:

• Before you begin, access the video, “Wiki in Plain English” at to obtain more information about wiki
as a tool for collaboration. Share the link to “Wiki in Plain English” with members of your
wiki space.
• Enter the following address into your address bar:
• To add a new page, under “Actions,” click on “New Page.” Enter the name of your page.
The name should relate to the group’s first task—setting a timeline for contributing to
and finalizing the agenda. The newly created page will automatically be listed on the left
side, under “Navigation.”
• Suggest a proposed start and end time for collecting the group’s input on the agenda.
Then request input from the wiki members on the proposed timeline.

Copy and paste the collaborative timeline from your wiki page here.


Timeline for contributing to and finalizing the agenda

1. Detailed Timeline - Sara

2. Purpose - Miguel
3. Objective - Sara and Ruth - Sara: I really am pleased with our objective. Are we
done with the agenda or is there anything else we need to do regarding the
objective? Ruth 06/28 3:38 pm
I think we can be done with the objective. We just need to read over the other posts and
make sure everything aligns well. Sara
4. Activities - David Got It I will post by Sunday night
I have copied and saved all the edits previously on this page in a Word document. I will
email it to all if you would like it. Per a suggestion by David, I have assigned everyone a
task. I hope this will help us flow smoothly. I will create the timeline and post below. I
would also suggest that we try to make our focus somewhat specific. Please remember
that this should be an agenda we would be following during a meeting. We need one
purpose to focus on. The objective will take that purpose to an even more detailed level.
The actvities can be creating a shared vision (suggested in the assignment instructions)
as well as others we would normally discuss in a face to face meeting. Everything should
revolve around integrating technology.
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
Friday and Saturday: Draft your idea for your task.
Sunday: Post your draft on the agenda page in blue. Please read each other's drafts and
make comments/suggestions in red. This will help us know what to finalize on Monday.
Monday: Finalize the agenda based on Sunday's comments/suggestions.
I would love to see us have everything finalized by 5 pm Monday.


Sara, since we are working from your space you are facilitatator. Please assign
tasks for the members and we can come together monday an finalize.
Possible Assignments

1. Detailed Timeline - Sara

2. Purpose - Miguel
3. Objective - Sara and Ruth
4. Activities - David
We can all take credit for the collab. and then post it on all our wikis. Thanks,
Friday 2:16

Monday 6/29/09...
I am back. I just finished w/ the purpose. If it is unclear let me know as i am still
revising and see what changes i can possibly make. Also thanks for the ideas on
establishing the purpose. ...

Att. Miguel Leija - Sara if you are going to email word document copies, my
email is ... Thank you.
Miguel: What word documents is that? Do we all need copies? Thanks. Ruth
06/29 6:58 pm**
Hmmm...Sorry Ruth...I misread what Sara mentioned. I believed she mentioned
that she saved previous edit postings on word... Otherwise we just copy and
paste this agenda timeline and the agenda into our own wiki-space, and of course
into our week 4 assignment...
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

Week 4 Assignment, Part 2: Developing a Meeting Agenda

To complete this assignment:

• Before you begin, make sure all wiki members have viewed “Wiki in Plain English” at
• Enter the following address into your address bar:
• After the group has decided on the timeline, add another new page to your wiki. To add
a new page, under “Actions,” click on “New Page.”
• Enter the name of your page—something related to creation of the agenda. This time,
wiki members will brainstorm ideas for the agenda items for the first interactive meeting
of the professional learning community. Group members should think about the following
as they plan the agenda:
o Purpose
o Objective
o Grade level
o Facilitator’s name
o Community members
o Activities: the purpose of each activity, the description of each activity, the
activity’s steps, and the estimated time for each activity. An example of a
beginning activity might be to have the community members create a shared
• As your group prepares the agenda, keep in mind that the goal of the online learning
community is to improve technology use and integration at your campus.

Copy and paste the collaborative agenda from your wiki page here.


Agenda for Interactive Meeting


The purpose of this committee is to plan the implementation, integration, and expansion
of Technology accross the content areas and beyond the classroom

• Research on educational technology and funding sources.

• Establishing a campus wide Technology infrastructure.
• Integrating technology into the everyday curriculum taking into
consideration NCLB, TLRPT, and Technology Application TEKS.
• The buildinging of technology-enhanced classrooms that enable and
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
promote collaboration and team learning among students, educators,
school administrators and campus leaders.
• Collaboration with district technology integration specialist to make on-
going instructional development available to learners, educators, and staff.
• Establishing an on-going 21st Century learner-centered community that
collaborates on a regional, state, country and word-wide level to establish
partnerships and be able to share resources, ideas, etc…

*) Objective - Integration of Technology in Content Areas - Develop cross-content

collaboration through the use of technology by modeling, professional development, and
alignment of TEKS.

*)Grade Level: Middle School/ High School

*) Facilitator's name: Sara Baragona

*)Community members:
David Silar - Middle School Teacher/ Technologist
Ruth Adame - 6th Grade Reading/English Inclusion and Reading Lab Teacher
Miguel Leija- Elementary Teacher
Sara Baragona - Auditory Impairment Teacher
Rosylyn West - Elementary Computer Technology Applications Teacher

The Commitee will perform several activities to successfully lead the campus.
Included in our Agenda will be the following:

- Prepare a "Vision" Statement from our group concerning how technology use and
integration can be improved on our campus. This vision will keep the commitee focused
and serve as our resolve. The statement should be the first order of business and should
be completed within the first month of the new school year.

- Completion of a Campus Technology Plan with the purpose of providing forward

direction and attaining goals.The campus plan should be adopted by the end of the
second month of school.

- Professional Development: for the purpose of maintaining a qualified and current

staff. Completion of a certain number of hours of professional development during one
school year should be mandatory in the teacher's core subject area. Campus training
should be required and tied to incentive. Within grade levels, target tech teachers should
pair with early tech teachers to team teach with the goal of developing the early tech
teacher while accomplishing technology integration.

- Technology Integration in the Curriculum: for the purpose of proposing strategies

and tools for instruction. Educators should create and execute a certain number of
lessons integrating technology. Each teacher will be required to integrate technology at
least twice a month for the first half of the school year. During the second half of the
school year, the focus will progress to integrating technology and collarborating with
teachers outside your content area.
EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology

- Staff Support: for the purpose of having a well -maintained and effective infrastructure.
District leaders shall provide support for technology integration by modeling daily use of
technology and digital tools and offering staff opportunities in order to be 21st Century

- Budget: for the purpose of regulating and managing the community assets. A yearly
budget should adopted by the committee.

- Evaluation and Assessment: for the purpose of monitoring progress and mistakes. A
beginning and ending assessment should be adopted for staff. Staff needs should be
evaluated and campus workshops and training provided with follow-up by technology
department. Campus staff will be provided time to implement acquired training. The
beginning assessment will be given during the first month of school. The ending
assessment will be given during the last month of school. The committee will meet during
the summer to make improvements based on the assessments.

Thanks SB, where is everybody? DS

We are waiting for Miguel. I know he had a family emergency. If he does not have
anything posted by 5pm, let's chose one of the suggested purposes above. Sara
I'm here, guys. I'm still finishing up some work for the week so I'll be on the
computer probably all day. I'll keep the wiki minimized and will keep checking in.
Great, I have been on since this morning completing the 3 part discussion
question in week 4 assignment part 2. Let me know If I can do any more to help.
I just finished with the purpose... I agree with the rest of the other portions of the
agenda. (ML)

• So guys, are we done with this part of the assignment? We all seem
to agree on our purpose, objective, and activities. Do we have to
select just one activity, or more than one? Also, how do we insert the
assignment into our own wikis? Suggestions? Thanks. Ruth Adame
• We need to post the timeline agenda (who was assigned to do what
and when) on the first part of our week 4 assignment and the actualy
agenda on the second part of the assignment. It would be a good idea
to copy both pages and put them on your wiki too. Att. Miguel Leija
• Thanks Miguel. Ruth

Finalized 6/29/09 Sara

EDLD 5306 Concepts of Educational Technology
How can a wiki facilitate an online learning community? In what way(s) is using the wiki for
collaboration easier than face-to-face meetings? In what way(s) is using the wiki more difficult?

The first method that a wiki can facilitate an online learning community is by providing
access at anytime and anywhere. From the comfort of your home, coffee shop, or
anywhere there is an internet connection, you just click and you are in. The second way
that a wiki facilitates learning is simply by providing a space for everybody to
participate/collaborate on the exchange of ideas. If a question or concern arises, the
issue can be brought up on the wiki, somebody with expert knowledge can contribute to
resolving the question. In other words, a wiki can be a welcoming place that can
encourage learning through active participation.

The ways that using wikis for collaboration become easier than face to face meetings
vary. Through the wiki you don’t necessarily face a crowd directly, but you can still
display presentations, share documents, and present other media (i.e. audio, video,
images, etc) to present quick effective points (Salomon, 2004). Also, wikis help people
save time. Instead of having to travel directly to have your meeting or scrambling to
gather all necessary paperwork…you have access with the click of a button where all
resources are available.

The only challenges I see forthcoming with the use of the wiki involve the organization of
information, follow-ups, and openness to such type of meetings. Although, a wiki
encourages direct input and collaboration from participants some people are still hesitant
to attempt to use such technology to have a meeting and collaborate. In this challenge,
the presenters would have to attempt and make the presentation as encouraging as
possible to allow for participation. Also, just as with a face-to-face professional
development/meeting, there has to be follow-up. If there is no follow up to meetings, how
can we guarantee progress? The wiki-space allows for all participants to put their input
not just for the meetings, but after to give their thoughts or place their concern on how
some program/initiative should be working. And of course, before having any type of
meeting, it is important to always be organized. In order for an online meeting to be
effective a team needs to assign roles of who is going to do what. It is important to also
follow the agenda as it is meant to be so that everyone collaborating can follow along.
The information needs to be clear and concise so that everybody can get the message. If
we tackle such challenges, then we can depend on the wiki to be effective just as any
face-to-face meeting.

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