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Advanced Certificate in Nursing (2012)

Subject Credit FEE FEE
Yr Sem Subject Name Pre-requisite FEE
Code Points BAND /CP
NUR019 Nursing Principles and Practices IA Nil 20 1 46 920
NUR021 Nursing Principles and Practices IB Nil 15 1 46 690
PHM001 Introduction to Pharmacology Nil 10 2 58 580
1 PUB021 Introduction to Communication Nil 10 2 58 580
Introduction to Community
PUB023 Nil 6 2 58 348
Health Nursing
Semester Total 3118
1 MED095 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Nil 10 2 58 580
Introduction to Maternal and Child
NUR023 NUR019 & NUR021 12 1 46 552
Health Nursing
Introduction to Maternal and Child
2 NUR155 NUR019 & NUR021 10 1 46 460
Health Nursing Practice
NUR131 Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice I NUR019 & NUR021 15 1 46 690

NUR129 Medical and Surgical Nursing I NUR019 & NUR021 15 1 46 690

Semester Total 2972
Total numer of credits 123 Course Total 6,090

Advanced Diploma in Critical Care Nursing 2012

Subject Pre- Credit FEE FEE/

Yr Sem Subject Name FEE
Code requisite Points BAND CP
BIO113 Anatomy and Physiology Nil 10 3 83 830
NUR019 Nursing Principles and Practices IA Nil 20 1 46 920
NUR021 Nursing Principles and Practices IB Nil 15 1 46 690
PUB019 Communication for Nurses Nil 15 2 58 870
PUB111 Community Health Nursing I Nil 6 2 58 348
Semester Total 3,658
1 NUR033 Paediatric Nursing I NUR019, NUR021 6 1 46 276
NUR035 Paediatric Nursing Practice I NUR021 6 1 46 276
NUR019, NUR021,
NUR129 Medical and Surgical Nursing 1 15 1 46 690
NUR019, NUR021,
NUR131 Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice I 15 1 46 690
PHM101 Parmacology for Nurses Nil 12 2 58 696
Semester Total 2,628
BIO115 Anatomy and Physiology II BIO113 15 3 83 1,245
MLS123 Microbiology for Nursing Nil 12 2 58 696

NUR137 Nursing Principles and Practices IIA NUR019, BIO113 20 1 46 920
3 NUR139 Nursing Principles and Practices IIB NUR021, BIO113 15 1 46 690
NUR141 Paeditric Nursing II 12 1 46 552
NUR143 Paeditric Nursing Practice II NUR135 12 1 46 552
Semester Total 4,655
Medical and Surgical Nursing
NUR145 NUR129 12 1 46 552
Studies II
Medical and Surgical Nursing Studies
NUR147 NUR131 12 1 46 552
Practice II
NUR149 Medical and Surgical Nursing Practical III NUR131 15 1 46 690
PSY123 Mental Health Nursing Nil 12 2 58 696
Semester Total 2,490
NUR231 Community Health Nursing II NUR141, NUR145 15 1 46 690
NUR143, NUR147,
NUR243 Nursing Leadership and Management 12 1 46 552
Nursing Leadership and Management BIO115, NUR141,
5 NUR245 10 1 46 460
Practice NUR145
NUR247 Reproductive Health Nursing NUR019, NUR139 12 1 46 552
NUR249 Reproductive Health Nursing Practice Nil 12 1 46 552
Semester Total 2,806
Mangement of Critical Care Condition
NUR239 Nil 12 1 46 552
Practicum I
Mangement of Critical Care Condition
NUR241 Nil 12 1 46 552
Practicum II
6 NUR233 Ethical and Legal issues in Nursing Nil 10 1 46 460
NUR235 Mangement of Critical Care Condition I Nil 10 1 46 460
NUR237 Mangement of Critical Care Condition II Nil 20 1 46 920
Semester Total 2,944
Total numer of credits 392 Course Total 19,181

Advanced Diploma in Midwifery (2012)

Subject Pre- Credit FEE FEE/

Yr Sem Subject Name FEE
Code requisite Points BAND CP
BIO113 Anatomy and Physiology Nil 10 3 83 830
NUR019 Nursing Principles and Practices IA Nil 20 1 46 920
NUR021 Nursing Principles and Practices IB Nil 15 1 46 690
PUB019 Communication for Nurses Nil 15 2 58 870
PUB111 Community Health Nursing I Nil 6 2 58 348
Semester Total 3,658
1 NUR033 Paediatric Nursing I NUR019, NUR021 6 1 46 276
NUR035 Paediatric Nursing Practice I NUR021 6 1 46 276
NUR019, NUR021,
NUR129 Medical and Surgical Nursing 1 15 1 46 690
NUR019, NUR021,
NUR131 Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice I 15 1 46 690
PHM101 Parmacology for Nurses Nil 12 2 58 696
Semester Total 2,628
BIO115 Anatomy and Physiology II BIO113 15 3 83 1,245
MLS123 Microbiology for Nursing Nil 12 2 58 696
NUR137 Nursing Principles and Practices IIA NUR019, BIO113 20 1 46 920

3 NUR139 Nursing Principles and Practices IIB NUR021, BIO113 15 1 46 690
NUR141 Paeditric Nursing II 12 1 46 552
NUR143 Paeditric Nursing Practice II NUR135 12 1 46 552
2 Semester Total 4,655
NUR145 Medical and Surgical Nursing Studies II NUR129 12 1 46 552
Medical and Surgical Nursing Studies
NUR147 NUR131 12 1 46 552
Practice II
NUR149 Medical and Surgical Nursing Practical III NUR131 15 1 46 690
PSY123 Mental Health Nursing Nil 12 2 58 696
Semester Total 2,490
NUR231 Community Health Nursing II PUB111 15 1 46 690
NUR243 Nursing Leadership and Management NUR141, NUR145 12 1 46 552
Nursing Leadership and Management NUR143, NUR147,
NUR245 10 1 46 460
Practice NUR149
BIO115, NUR141,
NUR247 Reproductive Health Nursing 12 1 46 552
NUR249 Reproductive Health Nursing Practice NUR019, NUR139 12 1 46 552
3 Semester Total 2,806
MWF229 Care of Neonate Nil 10 2 58 580
MWF205 Midwifery Theory Nil 20 2 58 1,160
NUR201 Midwifery Practicum I Nil 20 1 46 920
NUR203 Midwifery Practicum II Nil 30 1 46 1,380
NUR233 Ethical and Legal issues in Nursing Nil 10 1 46 460
Semester Total 4,500
Total numer of credits 408 Course Total 20,737

Diploma in Nursing (2013)

Subject Pre- Credit FEE FEE/

Yr Sem Subject Name FEE
Code requisite Points BAND CP
Nursing Principles and Practices IA
NUR019 Nil 20 1 46 920
Nursing Principles and Practices IB
NUR021 Nil 15 1 46 690
1 (NPP1B)
PUB019 Communication for Nurses (Comm) Nil 15 2 58 870
BIO113 Anatomy and Physiology I (A&P1) Nil 10 3 83 830
Semester Total 3,310
1 NUR129 Medical and Surgical Nursing I (MSN1) NUR019, BIO113 15 1 46 690
Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice I
NUR131 NUR021 15 1 46 690
PUB111 Community Health Nursing I (CN1) Nil 6 2 58 348
NUR033 Paediatric Nursing I (PN1) NUR019 6 1 46 276
NUR035 Paediatric Nursing Practice I (PNP1) NUR021 6 1 46 276
PHM101 Pharmacology for Nurses (PHM) Nil 12 2 58 696
Semester Total 2,976
Nursing Principles and Practices IIA
NUR137 NUR019, PHM 20 1 46 920
Nursing Principles and Practices IIB
NUR139 NUR021 15 1 46 690
3 (NPP2B)
MLS123 Microbiology for nurses (Micro) Nil 12 2 58 696
BIO115 Anatomy and Physiology II (A&P2) BIO113 15 3 83 1,245


Semester Total 3,551

NUR145 Medical and Surgical Nursing II (MSN2) NUR131, BIO115 12 1 46 552
Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice II
NUR147 NUR131 12 1 46 552
4 NUR141 Paediatric Nursing II (PN2) NUR033, BIO115 12 1 46 552
NUR143 Paediatric Nursing Practice II (PNP2) NUR035 12 1 46 552
PSY123 Mental Health Nursing (MHN) Nil 12 2 58 696
Semester Total 2,904
NUR163 Medical and Surgical Nursing III (MSN3) NUR145 15 1 46 690
Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice III
NUR165 NUR147 15 1 46 690
NUR251 Reproductive Health Nursing (RHN) BIO115 15 1 46 690
Reproductive Health Nursing Practice
NUR253 NUR139 15 1 46 690
Semester Total 2,760
NUR255 Community Health Nursing II (CHN2) PUB111 20 1 46 920
Nursing Leadership and Management I NUR163,NUR141,NU
NUR257 20 1 46 920
(NLM) R251
Nursing Leadership and Management I NUR165,NUR143,NU
NUR259 20 1 46 920
Practice (NLMP) R253
Semester Total 2,760
Total numer of credits 362 Course Total 18,261

Bachelor of Nursing (2013)

Subject Pre- Credit FEE FEE/

Yr Sem Subject Name FEE
Code requisite Points BAND CP
BIO215 Human Biosciences I Nil 15 3 83 1,245
Nursing Principles and Practices IA
NUR019 Nil 20 1 46 920
1 Nursing Principles and Practices IB
NUR021 Nil 15 1 46 690
NUR157 Foundation Studies in Nursing I Nil 10 1 46 460
Semester Total 3,315
MLS123 Microbiology for Nurses Nil 12 2 58 696
Nursing Principles and Practices IIA
NUR137 Nil 20 1 46 920
2 Nursing Principles and Practices IIB
NUR139 Nil 15 1 46 690
NUR169 Nursing Therapeutics and Medication I Nil 15 1 46 690
Semester Total 2,996
NUR141 Paediatirc Nursing II Nil 12 1 46 552
NUR143 Paediatric Nursing Practice II Nil 12 1 46 552
NUR145 Medical and Surgical Nursing II (MSN2) Nil 12 1 46 552
NUR147 Medical and Surgical Practice II (MSNP2) Nil 12 1 46 552
Community Health Nursing Studies I
NUR223 Nil 12 1 46 552
2 Semester Total 2,760
NUR163 Medical and Surgical Nursing III (MSN3) Nil 15 1 46 690


Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice III

NUR167 Nil 15 1 46 690
NUR251 Reproductive Health Nursing (RHN) Nil 15 1 46 690
Reproductive Health Nursing Practice
NUR253 Nil 15 1 46 690
Semester Total 2,760
BIO217 Human Biosciences II (HBIO2) Nil 15 3 83 1,245
NUR213 Foundation Studies in Nursing II (FSN2) Nil 15 1 46 690
5 NUR225 Psychosocial studies Nil 15 1 46 690
Nursing Therapeutics and Medication II
NUR261 Nil 15 1 46 690
(NTM2 )
3 Semester Total 3,315
NUR263 Psychiatric Nursing Nil 15 1 46 690
NUR301 Conceptualizing Nursing Practice (CNP) Nil 10 1 46 460
6 NUR303 Professional Decision Making Nil 15 1 46 690
NUR339 Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) Nil 20 1 46 920
Semester Total 2,760
EST309 Nurse as a Teacher and Mentor Nil 15 1 46 690
NUR305 Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) Nil 15 1 46 690
7 NUR333 Community Health Nursing Practicum Nil 15 1 46 690
NUR331 Community Health Nursing Studies II Nil 15 1 46 690
Semester Total 2,760
4 NUR309 Specialized Practice in Nursing Nil 15 1 46 690
Nursing Leadership and Management II
NUR335 Nil 15 1 46 690
8 Nursing Leadership and Management
NUR337 Nil 15 1 46 690
Practice II (NLMP)
200 & 300 Elective Nil 15 1 46 690
Semester Total 2,760
Total numer of credits 482 Course Total 23,426

Master of Nursing (2013)

Subject Pre- Credit FEE FEE/

Yr Sem Subject Name FEE
Code requisite Points BAND CP

NUR501 Assessment for Advanced Nursing Practice Nil 20 146 2,920

Research Methods in nursing and
1 NUR601 Nil 20 1 146 2,920
Healthcare (RMNH)
NUR603 Evidence based practice Nil 20 1 146 2,920
Semester Total 8,760
Pharmaco-Therapeutic Interventions in
NUR503 Nil 20 146 2,920
Nursing 1
PUB501 Population Health Nil 20 2 177 3,540
Independent study: Professional Practice in
NUR605 Nil 20 146 2,920
Nursing 1
Semester Total 9,380
Students can exit with a Post Graduate Diploma with 120 credit points 18,140
NUR607 Expanding nursing practice Nil 20 1 146 2,920

NUR609 Education in Nursing Nil 20 1 146 2,920
NUR611 Research design and proposal (RDP) Nil 20 1 146 2,920
2 Semester Total 8,760
Contemporary health leadership &
NUR613 Nil 20 1 146 2,920
NUR615 Research project Nil 40 1 146 5,840
Semester Total 8,760
Total numer of credits 240 Course Total 35,660

Master of Nursing (Revised, 2017)

Subject Pre- Credit FEE FEE/

Yr Sem Subject Name FEE
Code requisite Points BAND CP
Quantitative Research Methods in Nursing
NUR617 Nil 20 1 146 2,920
and Healthcare (Quant)
Qualitative Research Methods in Nursing
1 NUR601 Nil 20 1 146 2,920
and Healthcare (Qual)
Elective Nil 20 1 146 2,920
1 Semester Total 8,760
Contemporary health leadership &
NUR613 Nil 20 1 146 2,920
2 NUR607 Expanding Nursing Practice Nil 20 1 146 2,920
Elective Nil 20 0 2,920/3,540
Semester Total 8,760/9,380
Contract Learning: Professional Practice
NUR621 Nil 40 1 146 5,840
Development in Nursing
2 3
Elective Nil 20 0 2,920/3,540
Semester Total 8,760/9,380
Total numer of credits 180 Course Total 26,280-27,520

Electives Offered
NUR501 Assesment of Advanced Nursing Nil 20 1 146 2920
NUR609 Education in Nursing Nil 20 1 146 2920
NUR603 Evidence Based Practice Nil 20 1 146 2920
PUB501 Population Health Nil 20 2 177 3540
Pharmaco-Therapeutic Interventions in
NUR503 Nil 20 1 146 2920
PUB505 Epidemiology Nil 20 2 177 3540
PUB509 Biostatistics Nil 20 2 177 3540

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