Adding LP

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Trisha Bentley-Sheardy

23 September 2018

Adding at the Zoo

Grade: First Grade
Subject: Math
Length of lesson: One Hour
Lesson Students will learn how to add numbers and be able to take a story problem
Overview/Rationale: and put it into writing.
Curriculum Michigan k-12 standards Mathematics
“Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving
situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and
comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings,
and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the

Page 15
Learning objectives:  Students will be able to Pull from the displayed story what two numbers
they are adding
 Students will be able to add the numbers
Technology Uses:  Computer
 Projector
 Take the created Power point of the story
Materials:  Power Point
 Zoo adding Paper
 Pinnacles
 Counting blocks (things like)
Procedure:  Have a student hand out zoo adding paper
 Have another student hand out our adding blocks
 Teacher sets up the power point
 Teacher read the first slide
 Students identify and write the number in the first slide
 Then have the students add the two numbers they can use the adding
blocks if hey need help
 Then repeat until all slides have been covered
 Once the sheets have been filled out have the children place them in the
homework turn in bin and put there materials out

Assessment:  Check for understanding of the words of the numbers

 Check if they are writing the numbers currently
 Make notes of the children who need to use the blacks for adding

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