Determination of Lead and Copper in Wine by ASV-Sample Pretreatment Procedures

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Analyst, January 1997, Vol.

122 (1–5) 1

Determination of Lead and Copper in Wine by Anodic

Stripping Voltammetry With Mercury Microelectrodes:
Assessment of the Influence of Sample Pretreatment

M. Antonietta Baldo, Carlo Bragato and Salvatore Daniele*

Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Venice, Calle Larga S. Marta 2137, I-30123
Venice, Italy

The results obtained using different pretreatment Consequently, in view of the influence of organic compounds
procedures for determining total lead and copper in wine on the electrochemical processes, different results by ASV may
by anodic stripping voltammetry were compared. The be expected.
measurements were performed by employing mercury The aim of this work was to assess the influence of different
microelectrodes as the working electrode and linear sweep pretreatment procedures on the ASV responses obtained from
voltammetry as the voltammetric technique in the different varieties of Italian wines. The target elements
oxidation step. The pretreatments considered were (A) considered were lead and copper, which are typical contami-
wine plus concentrated HCl to pH 1.5; (B) wine plus 30% nants determined in this matrix.
m/m H2O2 (2.5 : 1 v/v) and UV irradiation for 2 h; and (C) The measurements were conducted employing platinum-
wine plus concentrated HCl to pH 1.5 and UV irradiation based spherical mercury microelectrodes, which allow the
for 4 h. The three procedures gave different results, and experimental apparatus to be simplified and the performance of
the efficiency of the different procedures in releasing the the ASV technique to be improved.11 For instance, mercury
cations from inorganic and organic complexes can be microelectrodes make it possible to achieve the preconcentra-
ranked as B > C > A. Moreover, data obtained with tion step in a quiescent solution, so improving the reproduci-
procedure B agreed within 15% with the values found by bility of the procedure, to employ small sample volumes for the
AAS measurements. For the quantification of the metal analysis and to take measurements directly in low ionic strength
ions, both the multiple standard addition method, based media without any pretreatment and in the absence of a
on current or charge versus concentration graphs, and an supporting electrolyte.12 Under these last conditions, the labile
absolute method, based on the charge involved in the metal fractions in the untreated samples can be also achieved.
stripping peak, were employed. The latter procedure In this investigation, linear-sweep voltammetry was em-
allowed measurements to be carried out even when the ployed as the voltammetric technique for the oxidation of the
calibration plots were not linear. When all the metal during the anodic process. This allows the evaluation of
quantitative methods could be applied, data agreement the charge involved in the stripping process by the integration of
within 5% was found. the current–potential diagram. An absolute method, based on
the stripping charge, for determining the labile metal fraction
Keywords: Wine analysis; sample pretreatment; heavy can therefore also be applied.11
metals; mercury microelectrodes; anodic stripping
Reagents and Samples
Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) has been widely used for Titrisol lead and copper standards (Merck, Darmstadt,
trace metal measurements in food samples.1,2The remarkable Germany) were used to prepare stock standard solutions (1000
sensitivity of this technique is attributed to its effective in situ mg l21) of these metal ions. Hydrochloric acid to acidify the
preconcentration of the metal of interest, generally into a wine samples was of Suprapur grade (Merck); hydrogen
mercury drop or film of both conventional and, more recently, peroxide, 30% m/m solution in water (Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI,
microscopic dimensions.3 USA), and the other chemicals used were of analytical-reagent
In the application of stripping methods to food analysis, the grade. All the solutions were prepared with water purified with
major challenge is often the sample pretreatment, which is a Milli-Q system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Nitrogen
generally required to extract the analyte or to destroy the (99.99%), pure from SIAD (Bergamo, Italy) was used to
organic matrix, which can interfere with the electrochemical remove oxygen from the test solutions.
processes.2 The choice of the procedure depends to some extent The samples analysed were the following Italian wines:
on the target element, food matrix and speed of analysis.2,4,5 Barbera (dry red wine, alcohol 13% v/v) from the vintage of
For liquid food, such as most wines and other beverages with 1993, a mixture of Sauvignon Blanc and Nosiola Galetti (dry
low sugar content, simple and relatively fast sample pre- white wine, alcohol 10.5% v/v) from the vintage of 1993,
treatment procedures are usually employed in order to release Passito Bianco (sweet white wine, alcohol 14.5%v/v, sugar 90
the metal ions bound in inorganic and organic complexes. These g l21) from the vintage of 1988 and Chardonnay (sparkling dry
treatments consist in acidification or UV irradiation in the white wine, alcohol 12% v/v) from the vintage of 1993. The
presence of an oxidant3,4,6–10 and, owing to this, the total samples, kindly provided by the Research Laboratory of the
amount of metal ions is claimed to have been determined.3,8,10 Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige (Trento, Italy), were
In fact, the compositions of the solutions resulting from the chosen on the basis of their dominant quality factors, such as
above two pretreatments are very different: whereas organic variety, time of harvesting and climatic conditions, which lead
matter is still present in the sample after the former treatment, it to different sugar content on the finished products, and method
is almost completely destroyed with the latter procedure.10 of production, on which depends the making of red or white,
2 Analyst, January 1997, Vol. 122

still or sparkling wines.13 Barbera is an example of a red table Methods Employed for Quantitative Analysis
wine with high amounts of tannin and colouring matter. All the
The determination of copper and lead was carried out by
varieties of the three white wines considered require late
applying two methods. The first was the classical multiple
harvesting of the grapes, i.e., the fruit must be fully matured
standard addition, which was applied when linear plots of
before harvesting (at a Brix of 22–23°); Passito is characterized
current (ip), or charge (Qs), of the stripping peak as a function of
by a high sugar content, while Chardonnay and Sauvignon
concentration were obtained. In the other cases, an absolute
Blanc are dry. Sparkling Chardonnay contains an excess of
method based on the evaluation of the charge associated with
carbon dioxide produced by fermentation of residual sugar from
the stripping peak was used. The latter approach is based on the
the primary fermentation.
following equation:11
Qs = knFDCr[td + (Ep 2 Ed)/v] (1)
which comes from the assumption that steady-state conditions
Chronoamperometric and linear-sweep ASV (LSASV) experi-
are achieved in the preconcentration step, and that the diffusion
ments were carried out with a Model 283 potentiostat/
limiting current is given by the equation
galvanostat (EG&G PAR, Princeton, NJ, USA), controlled with
a Hewlett-Packard (Avondale, PA, USA) 486/33 MHz personal id = knFDCr (2)
computer via EG&G PAR 270 software. The same software was
also used for integrating the areas of the anodic stripping peaks. where r is the radius of the microdisc, k is a parameter which
Measurements were performed in a two-electrode cell, main- depends on the h/r ratio11,16 and D and C are the diffusion
tained in a Faraday cage made of sheets of aluminium to avoid coefficient and bulk concentration of the cation in solution,
external noise. The reference electrode was an Ag/AgCl respectively. In eqn. (1), td is the deposition time, Ep and Ed are
electrode, which was separated from the cell by a glass frit to the stripping peak and deposition potentials, respectively, and v
prevent contamination by leakage from the electrode tip. is the scan rate. The additive term in brackets represents the
UV irradiation of wine samples was performed in closed 200 scanning period during which plating of the metal continues.11
ml quartz glass tubes in an air-cooled device equipped with a 1.2 From eqn. (1) and the experimental stripping charge, the
kW mercury UV lamp (Ace Glass, Vineland, NJ, USA). concentration of the analyte can be determined, provided that
A Metrohm (Herisau, Switzerland) Model 605 pH meter was the other parameters are known. The parameters k, r, td, Ep, Ed
used for pH measurements. and v are obtained on an experimental basis.11. For the diffusion
AAS determinations were performed with a Perkin- Elmer coefficient values of the cations, it was assumed that they are
(Norwalk, CT, USA) Model 5000 spectrometer. equal to those found in aqueous solutions, corrected for the
change of viscosity from water to wine, on the basis of the
Stokes–Einstein relationship.17
Microelectrode Preparation and Procedures
Mercury microelectrodes were prepared by ex situ electrode- Results
position of mercury on a platinum microdisc electrode of 10 mm
radius, fabricated by sealing a 20 mm diameter wire into Determination of Lead and Copper in Pretreated Wine
glass. Samples
Deposition of mercury was performed under potentiostatic (A) Wine + hydrochloric acid
conditions at 0.0 V (versus Ag/AgCl) for 600 s from 5 mm
Hg2(NO3)2 and 1m KNO3 solution at pH 1 (acidified with nitric The different varieties of wines analysed after acidification with
acid). The height h of the deposit, which would adopt a spherical concentrated HCl to pH 1.5 were characterized by a similar
segment shape,11 was calculated on the basis of the plating ASV behaviour. Fig. 1 shows, for instance, typical stripping
charge recorded during the electrodeposition step. Under the voltammograms recorded in the sample of Sauvignon–Galetti,
experimental conditions employed, the plating charge was 26.4 after deposition for 1 min at 20.6 V for copper (full line) and for
± 0.7 mC and the corresponding height of the deposit was 15.1 10 min at 20.8 V for lead (dashed line), in a quiescent solution.
± 0.2 mm. Under these conditions, the LSASV peaks of Cu and Pb were
For stripping analysis of the wine samples, the electrochem- well defined, and appeared at about 20.110 and 20.370 V,
ical cell was a laboratory-made PTFE cup of volume 3 ml, respectively.
which was cleaned before the experiments using recommended For each wine sample and metal ion, the experimental
procedures for trace analysis.14 parameters td and Ed were properly optimized, in order to
The samples were kept quiescent during the preconcentration achieve the best conditions with respect to signal-to-noise ratio,
step and no rest period was applied before the anodic scan. The repeatability and speed of analysis. The optimized values are
LSASV measurements were conducted at a scan rate of 50 given in Table 1. Because the lead and copper levels differ by
mV s21; the mercury deposit was renewed before each series of
experiments and each day.
The pretreatment procedures employed for the quantification
of heavy-metal contents in the wine samples by ASV were (A)
acidification with concentrated HCl to pH 1.5 and leaving the
solution to equilibrate for 24 h; (B) addition of 20 ml of 30%
H2O2 ( to 50 ml of sample) followed by UV irradiation for 2 h;
and (C) acidification with concentrated HCl to pH 1.5 followed
by UV irradiation for 4–5 h.
The determination of the labile metal fraction was performed
in the untreated wine samples as withdrawn from the bottle,
after equilibration at room temperature and deareation.
For AAS measurements, the samples, according to official Fig. 1 Linear-sweep anodic stripping voltammograms obtained at a
methods for the analysis of wines,15 were mineralized by mercury microelectrode for the wine sample Sauvignon–Nosiola acidified
employing the classical wet digestion procedure in the presence with HCl to pH 1.5. td = 1 min, Ed 20.6 V (full line) and td = 10 min, Ed
of a mixture of concentrated strong acids. 20.8 V (dashed line). Scan rate, 50 mV s21.
Analyst, January 1997, Vol. 122 3

about one order of magnitude, to obtain good repeatability the wine, in fact, the standard addition plots, based on both current
metal cations were determined using two separate preconcentra- and charge of the stripping peak, were not linear, and displayed
tion steps. In fact, when copper was accumulated for deposition trends similar to those found in the determination of the
times longer than 5 min, the stripping peaks obtained were complexing capacity of natural waters.19 Moreover, a large
poorly reproducible, probably because of the saturation of the dependence of Qs (and ip) on the deposition potential was
amalgam with copper.18 Under the experimental conditions observed, as reported in Table 4. The large increase in charge
adopted, five replicate measurements gave RSDs lower than 4% (and current) of the stripping peak when the deposition potential
for both species. is made more negative suggests that the nature of the species
For Sauvignon, Barbera and Passito wines, multiple standard undergoing the electrochemical process changes on changing
additions gave linear graphs of current or charge against the deposition potential. In fact, if the nature of the reducible
concentration both for copper and lead. Table 2 shows the linear species were the same at any potential, only a relatively small
regression parameters of the graphs obtained for these wines increase in Qs (or ip ) would be expected as a consequence of a
over the indicated concentration ranges of the metals added to small increase in the deposition time, when the difference
the samples. Table 3 collects the evaluated metal contents between deposition and stripping peak potentials becomes
obtained by the multiple standard addition procedure based on wider.20 The correspondence between deposition potential and
Qs–C plots (method I), together with those calculated by eqn. time arises from the unique properties of microelectrodes,
(1) (method II); agreement between the two procedures within which allow deposition to occur while scanning.9,11,12
5% is obtained. These results suggest that, in spite of acidification of the
The determination of the metal content in the acidified sample, the effect of the organic matrix on complexation or
Chardonnay wine was complicated by matrix effects. In this adsorption phenomena on the electrode surface is still relevant.
Therefore, to quantify the metal levels in the latter sample, only
eqn. (1) was employed, and the results obtained are given in
Table 1 Experimental conditions employed in the ASV analysis of acidified Table 3.
wine samples

Wine Metal td/min Ed/V (B) Wine + hydrogen peroxide + UV digestion

Sauvignon Cu 1 20.6 The mineralization of wines via UV irradiation was accompli-
Pb 10 20.8 shed in the presence of a relatively high concentration of
Barbera Cu 2 20.8 hydrogen peroxide, which provides oxygen free radicals for the
Pb 20 20.8 oxidation process of organic matter.10,21
Passito Cu 2 20.8 After this pretreatment, all the wines were clear, colourless
Pb 10 21.0 and typically smelled of acetic acid. The stripping voltammo-
Chardonnay Cu 1 20.8
Pb 15 21.0
grams both of copper and lead were sharp and reproducible, and
a typical stripping response is shown in Fig. 3. In this case, the

Table 2 Parameters of ip versus C and Qs versus C graphs obtained for wines acidified and spiked with Cu2+ and Pb2+

ip versus C Qs versus C

Concentration Slope 3 103/ Intercept/ Slope 3 103/ Intercept/

Wine Cation range/mg l21 nA l mg21 nA r2 nC l mg21 nC r2
Sauvignon Cu2+ 50–400 2.250 0.863 0.992 3.887 1.457 0.999
Pb2+ 20–300 22.89 0.801 0.999 19.50 0.710 0.998
Barbera Cu2+ 30–200 4.784 0.228 0.999 9.048 0.422 0.999
Pb2+ 5–100 9.624 0.084 0.996 8.446 0.072 0.997
Passito Cu2+ 30–200 3.383 0.274 0.999 10.07 0.777 0.999
Pb2+ 5–100 5.507 0.028 0.999 10.94 0.056 0.999

Table 3 Results obtained for the analysis of wines after different sample pretreatments

Concentration/mg l21 †

Sauvignon Barbera Passito Chardonnay

Technique pretreatment* Cu Pb Cu Pb Cu Pb Cu Pb
LSASV Procedure A (I) 375 (2.7) 36.4 (2.1) 46.6 (1.5) 8.52 (6.8) 77.1 (3.9) 5.12 (8.0) — —
(II) 359 (2.6) 37.0 (1.5) 47.3 (1.4) 8.09 (5.2) 78.5 (3.2) 5.31 (6.4) 71.2 (2.3) 9.05 (8.9)
Procedure B (I) 891 (1.9) 78.0 (3.4) 90.9 (2.7) 120 (3.3) 715 (0.9) 30.5 (2.1) 285 (3.1) 54.8 (4.8)
(II) 902 (1.4) 74.4 (3.0) 87.7 (2.7) 123 (2.9) 711 (0.5) 29.2 (1.3) 271 (2.3) 54.0 (4.1)
Procedure C (I) 479 (1.6) 67.1 (3.9) — 57.3 (9.2) 448 (2.8) 16.2 (5.4) — 24.0 (4.9)
(II) 475 (1.1) 66.3 (3.8) — 55.6 (8.8) 459 (2.3) 16.8 (4.8) 123 (3.5) 22.9 (3.7)
Natural sample (I) — 3.75 (9.5) — — — — — —
(II) 42.5 (2.2) 3.68 (3.2) 25.3 (8.0) — 36.2 (5.6) — 27.6(14.7) —
AAS Wet digestion15 855 (0.8) 72.5 (5.7) 101 (2.6) 129 (6.3) 720 (3.1) 27.2 (11.0) 281 (4.7) 60.1 (9.3)
* (I) values determined by means of multiple standard addition method, based on Q versus C graphs; (II) values determined by means of eqn. (1) (see
text). † Mean with RSD (%) in parentheses for three separate determinations.
4 Analyst, January 1997, Vol. 122

deposition times needed to obtain detectable stripping peaks of removed by filtration through a cellulose acetate membrane
lead were shorter than those required with procedure A. A filter of 0.45 mm pore size.
deposition time of 5 min and a deposition potential of 21 V The measurements were performed by adopting, unless stated
were the optimum stripping conditions for the determination of otherwise, the same experimental conditions as employed with
both cations in all the samples considered. procedure A (see Table 1). For the three white wines, the
The standard addition graphs were linear in all cases, as stripping peaks of both lead and copper were well defined. They
shown in Table 5, which gives the regression parameters were lower, however, than those obtained in the presence of
relevant to Qs versus C plots over the indicated concentration H2O2, but much higher than those recorded in the same samples
ranges. Table 3 gives the values found for all the wines analysed only acidified. For Barbera, no stripping peak of copper was
with this procedure together with those evaluated using eqn. (1); observed, even if a deposition time of 40 min (unusual for wine)
the agreement is within 3%. was employed. To explain this unexpected result, we speculate
that almost all the copper was bound to the solid particles found
at the bottom of the tube after this pretreatment, and therefore
(C) Wine + hydrochloric acid + UV digestion
eliminated by filtration.
To our knowledge, this pretreatment procedure has never been The multiple standard addition was employed for quantifying
applied to wines, although it has been employed with natural the contents of both lead and copper in Passito and Sauvignon
waters.22 wines, and only lead in Barbera and Chardonnay wines. The
After this pretreatment, the white wines were very cloudy, relevant linear regression parameters of the plots (Qs versus C)
and the Barbera red wine still showed a red colour, even if less are summarized in Table 5. In Chardonnay, no linear plot was
intense, and a large amount of solid material at the bottom of the obtained for copper, so its quantification was accomplished by
tube. Therefore, before the measurements, the solid matter was using eqn. (1).
The metal levels obtained following the above procedure are
given in Table 3. Eqn. (1) was also employed for determining
the concentration of the cations in all the samples, and data
Table 4 Dependence of ip and Qs on Ed for the stripping of copper and lead agreement within 4% was found.
in acidified Chardonnay wine

Cu* Pb† Quantification of the Labile Fractions in Natural Wine

Ed/V ip/nA Qs/nC ip/nA Qs/nC
The labile fractions of lead and copper in the different natural
20.8 0.46 0.85 0.15 0.12 wines were also detected.
21.0 1.05 1.96 0.36 0.28 The stripping peak corresponding to the oxidation process of
21.2 1.78 3.31 0.47 0.40
* t = 1 min. † t = 15 min.
copper was recorded for all the samples investigated, by
d d
employing a deposition potential of 21 V and deposition times
ranging between 2 and 5 min. For lead, in contrast, a detectable
stripping peak was obtained only for the dry white Sauvignon
wine, using a deposition time of 30 min and a deposition
potential of 21.4 V. In the other samples, no stripping peak was
observed, even if more negative deposition potentials and
longer deposition times (up to 40 min) were employed.
The multiple standard addition graph for lead in Sauvignon
wine was linear in the concentration range 1–50 mg l21; eg., the
plot of Qs versus C gave a slope of 8.88 3 1023 nC l mg21, an
intercept of 0.033 nC and r2 = 0.999. This indicates that in this
sample the organic matrix exercises the same effects on the
stripping peak over the concentration range tested, and therefore
the labile fraction of lead was quantified by using the multiple
standard addition method. The concentration value determined
Fig. 2 Linear sweep anodic stripping voltammogram obtained at a with this procedure is 3.75 mg l21 .
mercury microelectrode for the wine sample Sauvignon–Nosiola after As far as copper is concerned, the multiple standard addition
addition of H2O2 and UV irradiation. td = 5 min; Ed = 21 V; scan rate, 50 gave no linear plots, considering both current and charge against
mV s21. concentration data. Moreover, the peak heights depended

Table 5 Parameters of Qs versus C graphs obtained for wine samples after pretreatment procedures B and C

Procedure B Procedure C

Concentra- Concentra-
tion range/ Slope 3 103/ Intercept/ tion range/ Slope 3 103/ Intercept/
Wine sample Cation mg l21 nC l mg21 nC r2 mg l21 nC l mg21 nC r2
Sauvignon Cu2+ 50–1000 5.696 3.628 0.997 50–500 2.622 1.256 0.999
Pb2+ 20–400 18.53 1.033 0.996 20–400 5.169 0.347 0.998
Barbera Cu2+ 50–1000 4.217 0.274 0.999 — — — —
Pb2+ 20–400 8.504 0.729 0.999 20–200 13.03 0.746 0.995
Passito Cu2+ 50–1000 2.722 1.390 0.998 50–500 1.998 0.897 0.989
Pb2+ 20–200 14.50 0.316 0.999 10–100 8.229 0.133 0.992
Chardonnay Cu2+ 50–1000 23.96 4.879 0.999 — — — —
Pb2+ 20–200 8.687 0.340 0.999 20–200 14.93 0.358 0.997
Analyst, January 1997, Vol. 122 5

strongly on the time elapsed between addition of the cation and ASV analysis of wines. In this respect, irradiation of the
measurements. These results indicate a strong matrix effect on samples in the presence of H2O2 provides good results. On the
the anodic stripping peak of copper. For the quantification of other hand, according to the experimental results obtained here,
this cation, the method based on eqn. (1) was employed, and the irradiation of an acidified sample without H2O2, which would
results are given in Table 3. avoid risks of contamination from the large amount of the latter
reagent needed in the treatment,22 is not effective for complete
Atomic Absorption Measurements destruction of the organic substances. Better results with
procedure C could probably be achieved by employing a longer
Data obtained for copper and lead contents by ASV were
UV irradiation period, but in this case the pretreatment
compared with those found in the same wine samples by AAS
procedure would become much more time consuming.
measurements, which, as is well known, allow one to quantify
the total metal contents of the matrices.23 As can be seen from
The authors thank Dr. G. Versini for fruitful discussions, D.
the data in Table 3, the values found by AAS measurements
Rudello for skilful experimental assistance and the Research
show good agreement with those obtained by voltammetric
Laboratory of the Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige
analysis for the samples pretreated with H2O2 + UV irradiation.
(Trento, Italy) for providing the wine samples. Financial
The discrepancies between these two methods never exceeded
support from the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and
Ministry of University (MURST), Rome, is also gratefully
Discussion and Conclusions
The data in Table 3 show that the different procedures employed
to prepare the wine samples for total copper and lead
determination by ASV yield very dissimilar results. Based on References
the amount of metal ions determined, the efficiency of the 1 Wang, J., Stripping Analysis, VCH, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1985.
pretreatment procedures can be ranked as B > C > A. The 2 Mannino, S., and Wang, J., Electroanalysis, 1992, 4, 835.
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4 Nurnberg, H. W., in Electrochemistry in Research and Development,
The treatment with HCl, often employed for total metal
eds. Kalvoda, R., and Parsons, R., Plenum Press, New York, 1985,
determination, seems to be inadequate for releasing all the metal pp. 121–149.
ions bound to organic matter still present in the solution. This is 5 Chang, S. K. C., Holm, E., Schwarz, J., and Rayas-Duarte, P., Anal.
suggested from the larger amounts of both cations obtained Chem., 1995, 67, 127R.
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solution where organic matter is destroyed to some extent. Unters. Forsch., 1979, 168, 353.
The effects of organic substances on ASV measurements 7 Sipos, L., Golimoski, J., Valenta, P., and Nurnberg, H. W., Fresenius’
have been discussed in numerous papers,1 and the problem is Z. Anal. Chem., 1979, 298, 1.
still under debate. Their influence is not easily predictable, and 8 Jagner, D., and Westerlund, S., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1980, 117, 159.
9 Mannino, S., Riv. Vitic. Enol. Conegliano, 1982, 6, 297.
the results obtained from the pretreatment procedures A and C
10 Golimoski, J., and Golimoska, K., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1996,
may fall within this situation. It is also well known that, in some 325,111.
cases, organic interferences can be corrected by the standard 11 Baldo, M. A., Daniele, S., Corbetta, M., and Mazzocchin, G. A.,
addition method.1 The data relevant to linear calibration plots in Electroanalysis, 1995, 7, 980.
Tables 2 and 5 indicate that this correction applies, at least in the 12 Microelectrodes: Theory and Applications, ed. Montenegro, M. I.,
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However, the amounts of metal ions determined by procedures Dordrecht, 1991.
A and C suggest that, in spite of the low pH, the complexing 13 Amerine, M. A., Berg, H. W., Kunkee, R. E., Ough, C. S., Singleton,
action of the organic substances towards the metal cations is still V. L., and Webb, A. D., Technology of Wine Making, Avi, Westport,
CT, 4th edn., 1982.
important. This explanation provides a reason for the results
14 Mart, L., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem., 1979, 296, 350.
obtained with the acidified Chardonnay wine reported in Table 15 Office International de la Vigne et du Vin, Recueil des Méthodes
4, where a large dependence of the stripping peak on the Internationales d’Analyse des Vins et des Mouts, OIVV, Paris,
deposition potential is observed. Thus the application of 1990.
multiple standard additions, even when linear plots apply, does 16 Stojek, Z., and Osteryoung, J., Anal. Chem., 1989, 61, 1305.
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The lack of linearity of the multiple standard addition plots 18 Vydra, F., Stulik, K., and Julakova, E., Electrochemical Stripping
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organic substances adsorbed on the electrode surface;1 in these
20 Wang, J., Tuzhi, P., and Zadeii, J., Anal. Chem., 1987, 59, 2119.
cases quantifications based on calibration plots are impractical. 21 Batley, G. E., and Farrar, Y. J., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1978, 99, 283.
Under these conditions, the method based on eqn. (1) appears to 22 Bond, A. M., and Luscombe, D. L., J. Electroanal. Chem., 1986, 214,
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the evaluation of the metal content in wine. In general, this 23 Bersier, P. M., Howell, J., and Bruntlett, C., Analyst, 1994, 119, 219.
approach can be applied for a rapid evaluation of the amount of
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may be relevant for speciation studies in these media. Paper 6/05370J
In conclusion, from the above discussion it follows that the Received July 31, 1996
removal or destruction of organic matter is desirable prior to the Accepted October 11, 1996

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