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Reflective Journal 1


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Reflective Journal 2

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 3

REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA 1.................................................... 3

REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA 2.................................................... 6

REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA 3.................................................... 8

REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA 4.................................................. 11

Summary and Action Plan: .................................................................................... 12

Strengths and Weaknesses. .............................................................................. 13

Advantages.......................................................................................................... 14

Disadvantages..................................................................................................... 14

Personal Development Plan ............................................................................... 15

References ............................................................................................................... 17
Reflective Journal 3

Executive Summary
Self-awareness is not just the central aptitude supporting intelligent practice. It
is the significant understanding and growing great relational abilities and creating
client relationship (Bulman and Schutz 2004). Through self-awareness we can
intentionally figure out how to utilize ourselves in collaborations with others. The self-
awareness quality needs self-reflection. Self-reflection is the demonstration of putting
aside time, in a perfect world consistently, to discreetly and sincerely take a gander
at yourself personally. Reflecting aids someone to build up their aptitudes and survey
their viability, instead of simply bear on getting things done without constantly doing
them. It is entails addressing, decidedly, what you do and why you do it and after
that choosing whether there is a superior, or more productive, method for doing it
later on. In any part, regardless of whether at home or at work, reflection is an
essential piece of learning.

The sole purpose of this paper is therefore to provide a reflective account of

my personal development. I will cover four skills; that is public speaking, focus and
attention, negotiation and team working skills. These skills were not only important in
some of my previous experiences but additionally are required for my future
advancement and profession prospect. PDP associates talent building of personal
employability and capital, quality life improvement and helping in realisation of one’s
dreams or aspirations. The notion of personal development is not just restricted to
self-improvement, in addition it involves formal and casual exercises intended to
create other activities too. Such activities include, coaching and managing, guiding,
teaching, and counselling.


What is the core skill to develop?

My first core skill as an area of strength lies within the public speaking. As
identified by West and Turner, (2008), there are several types of communication
which include public communication, mass communication, organisational
communication, small group communication, interpersonal, and intrapersonal
Reflective Journal 4

Public speaking can be likewise alluded to as public communication, where by it is

an activity where an individual can gives a speech to a vast gathering of people
face to face. With this aptitude, I discovered that individuals who are public
speakers frequently have foreordained objectives at the top of the priority list
including engaging, convincing, and educating.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use
relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

Having analysed my encounters with friends and families, I feel that I have a
specific quality with regards to public speaking. The reason is on the grounds that,
in numerous gatherings and communications that I have heard with individuals, I
regularly wind up becoming the overwhelming centre stage in the conversation. I
regularly feel bumped to approach and direct any discussion. I have come to
understand that regardless of how shrewd the general population you are
speaking to, the greater the chances of them to be there, and the more idiotic the
group gets. Consequently, this calls out for the urge to using Einsteins hypothesis
of public speaking by accepting that they are simply normal individuals. As the
audiences gets greater and greater, my message needs to be less difficult and
more straightforward, with the visual cue list being shorter and shorter.

Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess
your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers
and your tutor, plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and
behaviours to answer this question)

As indicated by West and Turner, (2008) there are two unavoidable impacts with
regards to any type of correspondence. This are innovation and culture. In
innovation, the actuality is that it is a phenomenon that is continually evolving. For
this issue, I cannot state that I am technically innovative such that I can meet all
the correspondence needs of public speaking. However, this implies that I have to
put more in learning and education in innovation related aptitudes including and
not restricted to web-based social networking correspondence. This is particularly
evident in light of the fact that West and Turner, (2008) reports that in the current
generation, it is achievable for one to speak with others without the need to see
each other personally. In culture, I have fundamentally built up a talent for
Reflective Journal 5

encountering new areas which regularly provides direct association with different
societies. This is likewise bolstered by the way that I have a direct inclination for
instinct over detecting and a particular inclination of feeling over reasoning
(Appendix 1). In summary, I am responsive to new thoughts which provides me to
find it easy that it is simple to collaborate with new individuals.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example,
is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or

An area that I have to enhance is in respect to perception from companions is that

I typically have a tendency to get upset hazily. This is a noteworthy issue for an
individual looking for public speaking related careers, for example, promoting,
filling in as a publicist, or even as an editorial writer. Getting disturbed easily in this
present society where correspondence moves in the two bearings (is intuitive) may
have one face the anger of the public amid online communications. Such
scenarios have been the circumstances where significant public figures have
confronted the anger of the public for their remarks via web-based networking
media stages including Twitter.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your

As indicated by Gerald R. Ford, "Nothing in life is more important than the ability to
communicate effectively." In a dynamic world, where innovation has evolved
regular ways to deal with getting things done, public speaking can possibly change
into a career prerequisite for relatively every organisation. One of the areas that
this ability may help me in future is by providing confidence. As per Riley, If one
practices public speaking abilities and keep on giving speeches, their oral
relational abilities will move forward. As my aptitudes enhance, I will start to feel
more comfortable in my capacity to talk well.
Reflective Journal 6

RILEY, R. (2013). A straightforward guide to successful public speaking. Brighton,

Straightforward. (2018). A quote by Gerald R. Ford. [online] Available at:


What is the core skill to develop?

My second expertise is teamwork. As indicated by Dyer et al. (2013) a team

alludes to individuals who have complimentary abilities and set up their
endeavours together towards achieving a particular objective. Teams are not the
same as groups which as indicated by Dyer et al. (2013) , individuals regularly
approach their obligations autonomously and just meet when there is a target to be
met. Additionally, in clarifying the distinction amongst groups and gatherings, Dyer
et al. (2013) evident that while at the same time a group of drive-thru food
organisation branch supervisors may meet once consistently in decreasing the
general working expenses of the organisation whereby every administrator is in
charge of the set objectives as a person, with groups there is a feeling of shared
responsibility for the fulfilment of objectives. In the meantime, the roles are related
with the mostly social setting groups. Funnell (2015) identified four noteworthy
phases in the time spent building viable groups in the underlying adaptation
including arrangement, raging, norming and execution. Transformation is the last
stage which was later best in class.
Reflective Journal 7

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use
relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

The motivation behind why I picked team work as an area of quality that I might
want to grow is on account that of I like motivating other individuals. As indicated
by Kumar et al, (2014) inspiration is the capacity to discover a way through which
one achieves errands with the assistance of others. The authors keep on noting
that fruitful group pioneers are ones that keep individuals from their groups
constantly motivated. They likewise compare work in three main considerations –
hierarchical help, singular capacities, and inspiration. A fruitful team pioneer is one
who finds a way of joining these three factors successfully.

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess
your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers
and your tutor, plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and
behaviours to answer this question)

Having connected my teamwork aptitudes amid my basic and secondary school

years, I presently understand that since I can listen in to them and demonstrate to
them that I regard their opinion, at whatever point I propose a method for getting
things done or achieving assignments, I more often than not effectively offer my
thoughts. Besides, I likewise understood that I don't fear strife. Along these lines it
implies that I can undoubtedly give a reply to a recommendation that I discover
counterproductive to the groups objectives. I additionally, noticed that regardless
of whether the aftereffects of my collaborations' are not attractive, I generally stay
responsible. This is basic for team since when one maintains a strategic distance
from being responsible, there is an improved probability for uncertainty as
identified with the course of the team.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example,
is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or

One of the real shortcomings with this expertise is the powerlessness to determine
clashes. It is difficult to do away with conflict totally, both in the work environment
Reflective Journal 8

and anywhere else throughout everyday life. It is a human instinct to oppose this
idea. Many people view me as a weak resolving person in most scenarios in the
workplace. Indeed, doing away with conflict totally would cause its own issues:
there would be no assorted variety of opinions and no chance to for us to redress
defective plans and strategies. Conflicts cannot be settled when there are
increased strains and colleagues make individual assaults or forceful motions.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your

Teamwork will energise and enhance my assurance. With the workload shared
and individuals from a group teaming up, there will be a sentiment of a noteworthy
feeling of achievement while finishing an errand and achieving an objective that
would not have possessed the capacity to accomplish hard to chronicle if working
alone. This, joined with a feeling of having a place, acknowledgment and
recognition, can definitely enhance worker confidence and morale. Thus, when
representatives have joy in their work and experience fulfilment with less pressure,
organisations will see a radically decreased turnover rate.


What is the core skill to develop?

As indicated by Cognifit, (2016) focus and attention is the capacity of the mind to
submit a fully considered target attention on a particular measure of time. Along
these lines, an individual can bring up important stimuli.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use
relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

Kemper, (2010) suggested that learning how to control dissatisfaction and stress
are basic life rooted abilities. The motivation behind why I picked focus and
Reflective Journal 9

attention as one of my key qualities is on account that I have a knack for giving
other individuals clear correspondence, being a good example and utilising this
aptitudes to ingrain self-control and restraint among my encounters. In the daily
dissatisfactions, I noticed that It might be simple to deal with each difficult
experience. From an early age, I understood that stress meddles with my
concentration and also centre with the undesired result of wreaking destruction
with self-restraint. The presence of common sense procedures that I was educated
by my parents have demonstrated to withstand the trial of time.

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess
your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers
and your tutor, plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and
behaviours to answer this question)

In spite of the fact that, individuals sometime find me quiet and collected, actually I
frequently battle with real stressors. Everybody encounters worry in different ways,
shapes, or forms. We as a whole perceive when we are in unpleasant
circumstances, and we as a whole know when we are focused. Nevertheless, such
differences within me push me into a frustration that we have a great deal to
manage. Notwithstanding, the distinction is that I don't more often than not display
my dissatisfaction – my disappointment are covered with a shellfish air. Everybody
knows about sentiments of dissatisfaction, in the case of originating from
endeavours missing the mark concerning accomplishing an objective or another
person's endeavours neglecting to live up to their desires or needs. Coping up with
the disappointment is tied with perceiving the sources that trigger the inclination
and utilising the best possible methods to pick an alternate enthusiastic reaction.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example,
is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or

competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence? (use
your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers and your tutor, plus
Reflective Journal 10

your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to answer

this question)

I have enhanced my ability in focus and attention with the help of contemplation.
Similar to different sports which can enable one to enhance their physical
wellness, much similarly, there additionally are a few sorts of contemplation that
can enable one to enhance their attention and focus.

In sports, soccer players depend on a ball, baseball players depend on a bat and a
ball, while in tennis there is a racket and a tennis ball. All these require focusing
and attention. In contemplation to these sports events, I always work with full
consideration with my eyes either shut or open, standing or sitting imagining or
not, individually or in a gathering, and peacefully or in an uproarious place. I
likewise ponder through prayer chanting, or notwithstanding expanding empathy.
To put it plainly, there is no restriction to my techniques with regards to focus and
attention. As per Kemper, (2010) there are logical examinations that point to the
way that contemplation moderates the body and psyche down. Thusly, an
individual gets the chance to lessen their heart rate and in addition blood pressure
and bringing about a more settled and more engaged EEG design.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your

Being engaged and mindful will be a basic factor in my professional success since
it will assist me in scheduling my timetable and exercises in a way that suits my
own needs. Since I view myself as a morning individual, I have built up a
propensity for awakening ahead of schedule to handle test undertakings. In any
case, with a specific end goal to enhance my concentration and consideration as
Kemper, (2010) indicates if I require to find out whether I learn better by observing,
hearing, or feeling new material. The author’s keeps on clarifying that this is basic
since it causes one learn whether to survey by perusing quietly or so anyone might
Reflective Journal 11

hear, perusing material from books, tuning in to CDs. One is able to judge whether
their most perfect workplace is unified with music playing out of sight or one where
there is quietness.


What is the core skill to develop?

The fourth core skill that I identified was negotiation. According to Taylor, (2009)
negotiation alludes to the capacity to induce somebody to accomplish something.
As a general rule, it is not what I say but it is the manner by which I say it. By
exhibiting my case in the correct path, I substantially stand firm from getting
any negotiation. Moving toward a negotiation apprehensively or forcefully gives the
other party a higher ground. Being quiet, polite, and coordinate are what defines
my attribute in this skill category. A decent sense of demeanour and humour, and
also being a decent audience, go far to understand a fruitful transaction.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use
relevant theories and concepts to support your answer)

The motivation behind why I picked this ability is on account that I learnt from an
early age that there is control in building up in a decent working association with
others. As indicated by Hall, (1993) in the event that you comprehend the opposite
side and recognise their feelings while approaching other individuals with
deference, there is an improved probability that one may influence others. While
collaborating with other individuals, I regularly guarantee that I am clear and in the
meantime there is a two route correspondence with good listening. I have
essentially built up the expertise of making painstakingly created responsibilities.
One can utilise a pledge to upgrade their negotiation power by making an offer,
making a negative duty or making responsibilities about what the opposite side will

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess
your competence? (use your self-assessment findings, feedback from peers
Reflective Journal 12

and your tutor, plus your own reflections on your thoughts, feelings and
behaviours to answer this question)

To be an effective negotiator, one needs to interpret the temperament in a room.

As per the Jung identity test, I discovered that I have a particular inclination for
over reasoning feeling and a direct inclination for instinct over sensing. The most
ideal approach to understand a crowd is to give careful consideration to individuals
and not exactly what they are stating. This implies I should be able to read
individuals' inclinations amid transaction whereby since I can impart adequately, I
can state something that interests to their emotions and thus effortlessly prevail
upon them.

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example,
is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or

Despite the fact that I am a powerful negotiator, the Jung identity test scored me
as an extraverted natural inclination perceiving (ENFP) (Appendix 1). The issue
with ENFP is the limited ability to focus and passionate needs. This implies I can
be effortlessly occupied by new colleagues.

How might this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your

One of the most important part of negotiation is conflict resolution. Negotiation

resolves conflict more easily in light of the fact that the procedure spins around my
capacity to effectively listen and communicate. People figure out how to
comprehend not only the positions of being embraced in a contention; they figured
out how to reveal the purposes for the positions. The capacity to determine a
contention by endeavouring to locate an inventive arrangement can just lift my
value as a group member.

Summary and Action Plan.

It is no value for individuals to contrast themselves to those around them, and

to encounter inferior or superior rate towards them in light of their weaknesses and
Reflective Journal 13

strengths. Each individual is unique and we as a whole capacity we are distinctive in

view of our identities. It is vital to know oneself and prevailing abilities. Ones
strengths are things they can use on, and things they can use to drive themselves
further. This is clarified by the trait theory which is one of the principal fundamental
ways to finding out more about leadership and endeavours to find what natural
characteristics make a predominant pioneer. It keeps up that pioneers are not made
but born.

Strengths and Weaknesses.

a) Negotiation
 In procedural terms, negotiation is probably the most flexible form of
dispute resolution as it involves only those parties with an interest in the
matter and their representatives, if any.
 It is a wilful procedure. Nobody is required to partake in transactions
should they not wish to do as such.
 It may protect and now or even upgrade the connection between the
gatherings once an understanding has been established to between them.


 An effective negotiation needs each gathering to have an unmistakable

comprehension of its negotiation mandate. On the off chance that
vulnerability exists with respect to the furthest reaches of a gathering's
arranging expert, the gathering will not have the capacity to take part
viably in the haggling procedure.
 Negotiation might be utilised as a slowing down strategy to keep
another gathering from affirming its rights.
 The lack of a nonpartisan outsider may urge one group to endeavour to
exploit the other.
b) Team working
 I can be able to work in my own pace not relying upon another person.
Reflective Journal 14

 I can focus less demandingly and work quicker hence having enough time to
complete errands speedier since there are no outside communications and
additional gatherings.
 I can get the whole credit for the work I do since I am working alone.
 Involves working alone hence more kudos. There will not be any
circumstances where one does less yet gets a similar credit with others.
 Working in groups builds joint effort and permits conceptualising. Thus, more
thoughts are created and profitability makes strides.
 Two or a more individuals are constantly superior for solving issues and
expanding inventiveness.
 Everyone is one of a kind and has distinctive abilities, foundations and
encounters. In this way, others in a group can enable me to see things from
an alternate edge.
c) Public Speaking

It can increase confidence and, when business related, have positive effects
on work position and regard inside the organisation. It can support certainty and urge
the speaker to handle other troublesome undertakings.


It can be pressure initiating to give a discourse, and tedious as there are long
stretches of arranging, composing and honing required with any open talking
commitment. There is likewise the danger of humiliation and disappointment, which
can exhaust confidence, in spite of the fact that the gathering of people commonly
sees far less issues than the speaker envisions.

d) Focus and Attention

Understanding consideration encourages in distinguishing issues with multi-
entrusting and permits the chance to set up an ideal learning condition.

Reflective Journal 15

An individual can just run one work at any given moment. Attempting to multi-
task, for example, studying and talking all the while, prompts a decline in execution
on each undertaking.

Personal Development Plan

Analysing individual personal strengths is basic since it gives an ability to
have a full view of a person's career and professionalism development. As per the
Jung Personality Test, I noticed that ENFP suited me. People who fall under this
classification are the both idea people and people-persons types. Such people are in
need of help, appreciation and liked and administrating.

Action Plan

Specific Measurabl Attainable Relevant Timely


Public It is my aim to It is my aim Experimentin Having a Five years

Speaking enrich my to speak g with small sound
knowledge fluently in a crowds and knowledg
and nurture crowd looking e
my based if forward to
communicatio more than large crowd
n skills 10 public
individuals. speech too in
the next five

Negotiatio It is my aim to In my eighty Both Company Within

n be able to percent personal is directly four
incorporate negotiations preferences related to years’
my , most of and profits time
negotiation them company’s made.
skills in contract
Reflective Journal 16

winning more should be choices

than eighty successful. should all be
percent part of my
deliverables winning
for a negotiation.

Team With the end After Groups Company’ After

work d of my finishing my which attain s related completin
course, there course or deliver to profits g my
will be an goals that are course
urge to be 90 percent of
able to bring the time
in prosperous
groups for
that always
attain more
than 90
percent of
their goals.
Reflective Journal 17


Dyer, W. G., Dyer, J. H., & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team Building: Proven Strategies for
Improving Team Performance. Hoboken, Wiley. Available at

Funnell, P. (2015). Team work. Fiction : Juvenile Audience.

Taylor, M. (2009). Negotiation. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Cognfit. (2017). Focused
Attention Cognitive Ability - Neuropsychology. Retrieved July 29, 2018, from
Hall, L. (1993). Negotiation: Strategies for Mutual Gain. Newark, NJ: SAGE.
Kemper, K. J. (2010). Addressing Add Naturally: Improving Attention, Focus, and Self-
Discipline with Healthy Habits in a Healthy Habitat. New York: Xlibris Corporation.
Kumar, S., Deshmukh, V., & Adhish, V. S. (2014). Building and Leading Teams. Indian
Journal of Community Medicine : Official Publication of Indian Association of
Preventive & Social Medicine, 39(4), 208–213.
West, R., & Turner, L. H. (2008). Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making
Choices in Changing Times. London: Cengage Learning.
Bulman, C., & Schutz, S. (2005). Reflective practice in nursing. Oxford, Blackwell.

Appendix: Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test
Reflective Journal 18


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Summary of the National

Demonstration Project and recommendations for the patient-centered medical

home. Ann Fam Med. 8:80–92
Reflective Journal 19

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