Software Requirements Specification For Streamed Music Off-Line (SOL) Submitted by Kristian Sandahl

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Software Requirements Specification

Streamed music Off-Line (SOL)
Submitted by
Kristian Sandahl

Instructor: Kristian Sandahl

Team Members alone
Cycle 1
Date Submitted 2009-09-04

Document Template copyright (c) 2005, Gregory W. Hislop. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
Copyright (c) 2005, Kristian Sandahl. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant
Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free
Documentation License”
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................2
1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................2
1.2 Scope....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations..........................................................2
1.4 References............................................................................................................2
1.5 Overview..............................................................................................................2
2 Overall Description......................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Perspective.............................................................................................3
2.2 Product Functions................................................................................................3
2.3 User Characteristics.............................................................................................4
2.4 Constraints...........................................................................................................4
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies..........................................................................4
2.6 Apportioning of Requirements............................................................................4
3 Specific Requirements.................................................................................................5
3.1 External Interfaces...............................................................................................5
3.1.1 Data Interface...............................................................................................5
3.1.2 User Interface...............................................................................................5
3.2 System Features...................................................................................................5
3.3 Performance Requirements..................................................................................6
3.4 Logical Database Requirements..........................................................................6
3.5 Design Constraints...............................................................................................6
3.6 Standards Compliance.........................................................................................6
3.7 Software System Attributes.................................................................................6
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This is a partial training specification that can be used by students in the course in
Software Engineering theory at Linköping University
1.2 Scope
The product SOL is an imaginary product that will support listening to streamed music
and handle playlists on mobile phones, even in off-line mode.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References for description of a streaming music service.
1.5 Overview
This SRS will contain an overall description and some functionally oriented features and
a few functional requirements for parts of the software. Comments with some guidelines
are included. Since this is spread under GNU Free Documentation License, the conditions
are appended to the document.

2 2
2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The SOL system runs on a java-enabled mobile phone with an built-in MP3 player. The
system shall download and synchronize material from a music steaming service, either by
a cable connection to a computer or directly over GPRS or 3G connection to the service.

The SOL system provides an end-user interface. The major logical components are:
 List of playlist
 Playlist of music
 Music player
 Search screen
For a conceptual idea for Spotify-Iphone, please have a look at:
2.2 Product Functions
The product functions are described in use-cases. Diagram on next page.
2.2.1 Use-case 1: Listen to music
The user turns on the phone and opens the SOL. The preferred playlist is selected from
the list of playlists. The preferred track is selected from the playlist. The track is played,
and there are options for controlling the play. When the user is satisfied he or she stops
the music and step back 2 times in the menu.
2.2.2 Use-case 2: Synchronize with service
The user turns on the phone in on-line mode. When the user opens SOL, the playlists and
music are automatically synchronized with the account on the on-line service. If
synchronization conflicts are detected, the user is prompted with a question of how to
solve them. The user continues listening to the music in on-line mode. Whenever SOL is
left, the user is prompted with a question about preparing for off-line listening if this is
not in the default settings of SOL.

3 3
2.3 User Characteristics
2.3.1 User group 1: Kids
Kids are consumers in the age 7-17 are very active in building and sharing playlists. They
might have difficulty understanding English, so default settings and visual interaction is a
2.3.2 User group 2: Adults
Adults are in the ages 18-upwards and have well organized playlists for different modes
and occasions. Whenever new features are released these groups need to be notified, they
will not enjoy discovering things by curiosity.
2.4 Constraints
The system is developed in Java
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
SOL functions must be compatible with all major competitors.
2.6 Apportioning of Requirements
Sharing of playlists over Bluetooth will be postponed to release 2.

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3 Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interfaces
3.1.1 Data Interface Communication with service
Communication with the service is done with TCP/IP over EGPRS or UMTS.
<technical data>

3.1.2 User Interface Synchronization icon
An icon shall indicate to the user if the playlists and contents are changed since the last

3.2 System features

3.2.1 Feature 1: Selecting and listening to streamed music Introduction/Purpose of the feature
The user shall be able to select and listen to music in on-line mode. SOL accesses the
music via lists of playlists. Stimulus/response sequence
The user starts the phone and SOL and navigates to the preferred track.
The currently selected track is played using the audio ports. Visual information about the
track is shown on the screen. Associated functional requirements

<ID> - <Name>
FR321-1 – Starting SOL
Input The user clicks on the SOL icon while in on-line mode.
Action The system shall start the SOL application, read the database and detect on-
line or off-line mode.
Output The list of playlists is displayed.
FR321-2 – Starting with an empty list of playlists
Input The user click on the SOL icon for the first time.
Action The system shall initialize the database.
Output An empty list of playlists shall be displayed.
FR321-3 – Starting with an empty playlist.

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Input The user selects a playlist for the first time.
Action The system shall prompt the user for a name. The system shall store the name
in the database.
Output An empty playlist with the name in text is displayed.
FR321-4 – Adding a new track to a playlist
Input The user selects the symbol representing to add a new track.
Action The system shall open the search screen and prompt the user for input. When
the search result is available and the user selects an item, the system opens a
streaming channel and plays the content. When leaving the play mode, the
system shall prompt the user for a name of the new track. The default shall be
the title of the track from the stream provider.
Output A playlist with the new track-name displayed.
FR321-5 – Skip a track in a playlist
Input When listening to music the user presses the icon for skip.
Action The system shall stop playing the current track. The system shall start playing
the next track on the playlist.
Output The new track is being heard. Information on the screen is updated to the new

3.2.2 Feature 2: Listening to streamed music off-line

3.2.3 Feature 3: Synchronizing with the service
3.2.4 Feature 4: Sharing playlists
3.3 Performance Requirements
The upper limit for connection to the service is 2 seconds.
The upper limit of the time from clicking on the icon representing play to the time when
the first sound can be heard is 2 seconds.
3.4 Logical Database Requirements
3.5 Design Constraints
The footprint of the system cannot exceed x MB.
3.6 Standards Compliance
The system shall follow the standards of TCP/IP, UTMS, EGPRS, MP3…
3.7 Software System Attributes
3.7.1 Reliability
The failure density shall not exceed 1 failure per 100 hours usage time.
3.7.2 Availability
The average availability over a year shall exceed 167 hours per week.

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