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Example positive (CAN)

 Theresa can swim very fast.

 I can play guitar.
 You can cook very well.
 The baby can walk.
 We can travel by bus.
 He can climb the tree.
 The can fix cars.
 It can rain tomorrow.

 She can’t stay up all night.
 Michael can’t drive very well.
 You can’t do this task in one hour.
 She can’t walk.
 I can’t play the trombone.
 They can’t hear you.
 I can’t end this way.
 We can’t visit Susan today.


 Can you dance?

 Can she travel abroad?
 Can the baby talk?
 Can your mother play piano?
 Can you drink beer?
 Can’t you walk faster?
 Can’t you ask your father for help?
 Can’t you turn on the light?
Affirmative: would
If you come with that mask, John would start crying
Paul and Max would always choose the most exotic vacation destinations
He promised he would send cards every week I
I would never go to that city

Would you bring me another one, please ?
Would you care for more cookies ?
Would you care for some more cake ?
Would you care to come with us ?
Would you check the tyres please ?

she wouldn't eat a hot dog
I wouldn't dance with my uncle
I wouldn't go to the party
he wouln't come with us
I wouldn't wait for my birthday


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