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PLC Lesson Template NAME: Meghan Vella

Chapter 5 historical period: Modern Education

Quote/Sentence/Phrase (from the chapter) that you will refer to in the lesson. “[Montessori’s] learning
model shapes not only those schools that carry her name; many teachers in non-Montessori schools have
implemented some of Montessori’s recommended practices.” Connect to the quote more next time, didn’t really use it

thinking Ideas: “big ideas” about education (connect to: reading, your experience, “wondering”, con-
cerns, ideas on how this information relates to current education). Do these roots continue to grow in ed-
ucation? Do any of these ideas have continuing impact?
• Classroom experience, teaching styles, self-direction, relating to current experience

Key points (factual knowledge and concepts) that you want to include:
• Philosophy on the child/development, how this comes through in her teaching methods
• Key aspects of Montessori schools, how they differ from other methods of teaching
The 10-minute lesson (questions and length of sections according to lesson)

Beginning or the “Minds On” (1-2 min)

How you “Hook” your group (stimulate and engage them)
• Group discussion: Mind-map “Montessori”
Did popcorn discussion instead - should’ve written words down, hard to remember and then connect back to later.

Specific questions for discussion in the Minds On:

• What words come to mind when you hear the word “Montessori?”
• What kinds of people, if any, do you associate with the word? Forgot to ask

Middle or the “Action” (5-7 min)

Order of things that you and your students will do.
good amount of information for the time allotted to teach - could’ve been done faster, then included more information

• Background on Montessori (born 1870 Italy, studied medicine – became interested in how child
development relates to environment)

• The Montessori Method: maximum educational benefit for children (intermixed ages in classes,
experimentation, play *didn’t give clear definition of what Montessori school is, one group member was confused*

• Independent Learning: what does this mean? How does it look in a Montessori classroom vs another
classroom? forgot to discuss
mix-up in slide order compared to lesson plan, some information got skipped

• How can the Montessori Method be found in other classroom settings? Do you see any of her techniques in
this class, or in another current class? good discussion on this questio
Specific questions for discussion in the “Action”:
• How do you think the educational experience of an impoverished child compares to one who comes from
the middle or upper economic class? Good discussion

• How might a student benefit or be harmed from being in a Montessori-style class? forgot to discuss
Consolidation: (2 min)
How you bring a sense of closure, how you plan for them to think, talk, ask about what they just learned.
• Sorting activity: Montessori or non-Montessori (playing in a sandbox to learn about shapes, doing
timetables, reading buddies – older student paired with younger student reading together)
Specific questions for discussion in the “Consolidation”:
• What new information did you learn from this lesson?
forgot to discuss
• Which teaching method would you prefer based on your learning style, and why?
JOT REFLECTIONS immediately following teaching (these are useful when you do your follow-up written
analysis and reflection.

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