Is This Person The Antichrist - Part 1 and 2

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Is This Person the Antichrist?

Keep your eye on Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Not only Jared
Kushner the White House Innovations Director and Senior Advisor to
President Trump, he is also Trump’s son-in-law and Ivanka Trump’s
husband. He has virtually arisen out of nowhere to tackle some of the
world’s most difficult issues.

Let’s Look at Jared Accomplishments and Interests

According to Business Insider:

Here are the policy areas tasked to Kushner:
 Middle East peace: After taking office in January, Trump tasked
his son-in-law with resolving the decades-long conflict between the
Israelis and the Palestinians, dubbing it the "toughest deal in the
world to make," and saying that if Kushner can't help broker peace
"no one can." Trump's son-in-law also met with the Iraqi prime
minister this week to discuss the country's war with ISIS.
 Government reform/Opioid crisis management: Late last
month, the White House announced that Kushner would head up
the White House Office of American Innovation. Partnering with
Elon Musk, Apple head Tim Cook, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates,
the office's goal is to examine areas where the private sector could
improve government using data and technology. Kushner told the
Washington Post he aimed to use the office to modernize the
Department of Veterans Affairs, solve the opioid crisis, and develop
ideas for Trump's upcoming infrastructure proposal.
 Criminal justice reform: Kushner met with the chairman of the
Senate Judiciary Committee last week to discuss stalled bipartisan
criminal justice reform efforts.
 Liaison to Mexico: When asked if Tillerson would be meeting with
Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray while he was in town last
month, a spokesperson for the state department seemed unaware
the top Mexican diplomat was in town. Videgaray instead met with
Kushner, who has served as an intermediary between the president
and Mexico, aiming to build trust despite Trump's unpopularity in
Mexico due to his inflammatory immigration rhetoric.
 Liaison to China: Kushner is seen as the driving force between
Xi's upcoming state visit at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. The New York
Times reported that Kushner has worked behind the scenes to
mend fences with the Chinese after Trump broke precedent by
appearing to waffle on the so-called "One-China" policy towards
Taiwan. The first-son-in-law has also sat in on key meetings
regarding North Korea.
 Liaison to the Muslim community: BuzzFeed reported that
Kushner met with a group of Muslim activists and business leaders
just before Trump's inauguration to discuss the incoming
president's relationship with the Muslim community.

Per the Washington Post:

“He has been involved in several major agenda victories for
the White House, among them
 “Insiders say that Jared Kushner was key to nailing down the
revision to the North American Free Trade Agreement
announced Monday [Aug 27, 2018]”
 the push for prison reform,
 bringing jobs to the U.S. from overseas,
 nailing down the 2028 Summer Olympics, and
 securing soccer’s World Cup in North America in 2026.”

In a separate article dated last June from the Washington Examiner they
noted that:
 Kushner helped negotiate the Wisconsin business deal that
is set to create 13,000 jobs.
 Made a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, and
 Secured Bipartisan support for criminal justice reform.

And way back in March of 2018 reported:

the Office of American Innovation, led by Kushner—is making
“citizen access to health records and interoperability a top
priority,” Kushner said during a keynote address at the annual
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference
in Las Vegas:
“The time is now to align EVERY FACET of the federal
government AND the private sector to ensure information is
communicated and shared seamlessly.”

Kushner also told the Washington Post he aimed to use the office to
modernize the Department of Veterans Affairs and develop ideas for Trump's
upcoming infrastructure proposal.

And lastly, but in no way the least, Jared was extremely instrumental in
getting Trump to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. He hated the
timing at first but took advantage of the opportunity to be one of the
highlighted speakers at its grand opening on Monday, May 14 at 4 P.M.
Jerusalem time. Jerusalem, of course, is where the Antichrist will one day
appear to promote himself as the world’s savior/Messiah (See: Daniel 9:27,
11:36; Matthew 24: 15-18; 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:5)

Delusions of Grandeur?

The items above make for a very impressive resume by ANY standard, all
accomplished with astonishing speed by someone virtually unknown
beforehand with no prior experience in politics.

Is there anything Kushner doesn’t feel he can handle? Does Kushner have
delusions of grandeur?

To be sure, his aspirations are grandiose – in fact, they seem almost

messianic in scope. The question is, can he deliver? So far, the answer
seems to be yes.

From a scriptural point of view the antichrist also appears to share these
same “delusions of grandeur” – especially when it comes to bringing what
turns out to be a short-lived peace to the Middle East, at which time he
portrays himself as the long-awaited messianic savior of the world, worthy of
adulation and worship (see Daniel 9:27; 11:36-12:7).

But That’s Not All

Kushner has long been a Democrat, so his marriage to Ivanka and his
sudden switch to the Republican party makes him appear to be a RINO
(Republican In Name Only) – an opportunist who is riding the coattails of
populist Donald Trump to get his foot in the door, make a name for himself
and stick his thumbs into every piece of pie.
Kushner also has had financial connections to both New World Order George
Soros as well as a cordial relationship with New World Order advocate Tony
Blair. Both of those previous (and ongoing?) connections should raise a red
flag to anyone who can still put two and two together.

Then there is Jared Kushner’s curious connection with the number 666 when
he purchased the New York City office building at 666 5th Avenue in 2007.
Coincidental? Maybe, but the coincidences seem to be stacking up and
overlapping. See below for the numerology of his name.

All of these overlapping “happy coincidences” are beginning to mirror the

very kind of interests and activities we would from the Antichrist or someone
with similar messianic ambitions. The very fact that Jared’s messianic role as
a mediator of Middle East peace is the same role played by the Antichrist
should give bible believers a reason to keep a wary eye on all that is

Peace In the Middle East?

Jared has been friends with Israel’s Netanyahu for many years as well as
with the new reigning Saudi prince. This may be one reason why President
Trump boasted to the Times of London that: “he’ll make a deal with
Israel that no one else can,” (Source: Kushner Seen As Hopeful Sign by
West Bank Settlers)

The Washington Post reported that: “Trump has said that if Jared Kushner
‘can't produce peace in the Middle East, no one can.’"

And, according to the New York Times, Jared Kushner said: “We have the
plan ready — mostly ready — and when the time is right, we’ll bring
it out.”

Is That All, Then? No! Not By a Long Shot.

While researching this topic I ran across the following:

In December 2008, long before Jared Kushner was a blip on anyone’s radar
and long before Donald Trump gave any serious thought of running for
President, a David Icke forum user (going by the name of babablacksheep)
claimed that Jared had assumed the leadership role over the Illuminati at
the age of 26 or 27.
A fascinating discussion of babablacksheep’s supposed revelation of Kushner
as the new head of the Illuminati can be found here:

By itself this claim may seem preposterous but when considering all of the
other bits of evidence it struck me that if Jared Kushner truly is (or will
become) the Antichrist then his assuming the leadership of the Illuminati
might not be so far-fetched after all. And why would anyone even bring
Kushner as such up in a forum discussion that far back – something that
would later fit hand-in-glove with events that the average person could not
(at that time – 2008) have foreseen?

While tantalizing to think about it would be better to stick to things more


More Causes for Concern

When Jared Kushner married Ivanka Trump, Ivanka had to renounce

her nominal Protestant belief in Jesus as God’s Messiah. This I know
from my own experience when I tried to skirt the issue with my orthodox
rabbi as I attempted to become an orthodox Jew so I could immigrate to
Israel back in 1983. You can’t leave the Protestant religion to become an
orthodox Jew and bypass this step.

“… for me it was clear that Ron should have a kosher conversion to

[the] Jewish faith. I told Ron about the three ceremonies that would be
required. I explained that males needed to be circumcised and it would
also be necessary for him to be immersed in water in a mikvah. The
third ceremony is the renouncing of a person’s prior beliefs
before a Beit Din (council of rabbis). Ron agreed to all the
ceremonies but the last one. He said he just didn’t think he could
renounce Jesus. I was horrified! My husband had never mentioned
Jesus, hadn’t been to church for more than 30 years and had never
used the words Christian, Christ or New Testament and now he was
telling me he couldn’t renounce Jesus! I was so upset.” – from Jewish

As a Christian, I find this more than a little disconcerting. But what is even
more bothersome is the fact that few Christians have paid that aspect any
mind. Apparently, if you are pro-Israel and pro-Trump you will be accepted
and exonerated by most conservative Christians no matter what – even if
you are the Antichrist.
In addition to the above, Kushner also has ties (both familial and
individually) to an organization of Jewish elitists who view all others
as practically sub-human – the Chabad Lubavitch movement. This
group of roughly 200,000 believers with connections to powerful parties
around the globe follows the occult teachings and goals of the Kabala,
including a desire to interface with and control angelic forces (fallen or
otherwise) and the belief in reincarnation.

“Souls may also be reincarnated to complete a certain task, repay a

debt, or rectify a sin. In fact the concept of reincarnation as
rectification for sin is well documented by the Kabbalists. … it is
beyond the vision of mere mortals to figure out whose reincarnation
one may be.”

Now, we all know how politics tends to attract narcissistic people with a lust
for power who have delusions of grandeur, so I doubt if Jared Kushner is an
exception. Because of this generality, let me indulge in a moment of utter
speculation by posing the following question:

What if Jared Kushner considered himself to be the reincarnation of a

past Jewish Messianic figure or even the reincarnation of Christ himself
– come back to complete what he (supposedly) “failed” to do the first
time through? …

Here are Two Other Disturbing Finds Concerning the Number 666:

The number [666] may have significance in the Zohar – the Kabbalah
holy book. Rabbi Mosad Hayesod cites Vilna Gaon’s commentary on
the Zohar, saying: “the number 666 contains hidden within it
exalted and lofty Messianic potential.” Source: and

Many occult and esoteric “teachers” have long taught that Lucifer is the good
guy and YaHWeH is the bad guy [Madam Helen Blavatsky and Albert Pike -
to name just two amongst many others], so it is not too surprising that
some would teach that the number of the Antichrist could be the number of
the Messiah. But that’s the kind of world we live in now – a world where
everything is turned upside down.

And if that is not enough, consider that Kushner’s name in Hebrew

actually tabulates to 666 if one adds the Hebrew value of his first initial to
the Hebrew value of the letters in his last name - using the same gematria
(numerology) that St. John used in Revelation (Revelation 13:18):
‫ירד קושניר‬

If we use his first initial (J) and his last name Kushner then it totals up to
‫י‬ J 10
‫ק‬ K 100
‫ו‬ u 6
‫ ש‬sh 300
‫נ‬ n 50
‫ר‬ r 200

The Reluctance of the Deceived

I KNOW how reluctant and resistant to this many conservative Christians will
be. They have been conditioned to view anyone who supports Donald Trump
and Israel as a good guy and they refuse to entertain any thought to the
contrary. Sadly, I believe this is just what the enemy of our souls has
counted on, and I believe the scriptures have given us ample warning that
this would be the case.

Jesus and Paul both warned of coming deceptions. Jesus warned that even
the elect (the faithful – whether Jew or Gentile) will be tempted to believe
the lie.

Jesus warned that a false Messiah would one day come in his own
name, someone who would try to sound and act as the Messiah. He
said that the Jews who have rejected Jesus will likely accept this
false Messiah as the real thing.

Mark 13:5-6 And Jesus began to say to them, “See that no one leads
you astray. (6) Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ [i.e.
’the Messiah’] and they will lead many astray.

Mark 13:21-23 And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the
Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it. (22) For false christs
and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead
astray, if possible, the elect. (23) But be on guard; I have told
you all things beforehand.

John 5:18 … the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because
not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his
own Father, making himself equal with God. … 43 I have come in my
Father's name, and you do not receive me. If another comes in his
own name, you will receive him.

But can Christians be so deceived as well? Yes! I believe they not

only can, but they have been in the past and are even now being so

Even in Paul’s day, believers in Corinth and in Galatia were already

accepting false teachers and a false spirit and a false gospel.

2 Corinthians 11:3-4 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived

Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere
and pure devotion to Christ. (4) For if someone comes and
proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you
receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you
accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up
with it readily enough.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such men are false apostles, deceitful

workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. (14)
And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of
light. (15) So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise
themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will
correspond to their deeds.

Galatians 1:6-8 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting

him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a
different gospel— (7) not that there is another one, but there are
some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
(8) But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to
you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be

The Timing and Conditions Seem Right

Our kids, and much of the underbelly of our nation (world?), are
being captivated by and indoctrinated into the worship of Satan,
witchcraft, black magic, the occult, the viewing of Lucifer as the
preferred libertarian enlightener of mankind, and enthralled by all
things connected with death and darkness. They have become
brainwashed and deceived; mindless nihilistic seekers of pleasures,
illicit thrills, and emotional highs. Could there be a more opportune
time for Satan, his New World Order, and his counterfeit Messiah
(aka the Antichrist) to make their appearance? I think not.

Additionally, most conservative pastors (and most of their flocks)

are by and large nearly clueless about what the enemy of their souls
and his many cohorts have been up to over the last few decades.
They prefer NOT to know anything about the extent of Christian persecution
in the world, the prevalence of pedophilia, and are blind to the infiltration of
their churches by men with unholy alliances and beliefs. Such pastors and
their flocks are ignorant of the extent of satanic new-age witchcraft and
Luciferian teachings and imagery permeating the whole range of our now
severely warped and perverse culture, and resent the fact that their
ignorance and silence and abdication of responsibility have allowed
all of this to occur.
From where I am standing it looks like we are rapidly approaching the
perfect time for the rise of the New World Order and the revelation of the
Antichrist (2nd Thessalonians 2:7-10). The late David Rockefeller put it this

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is

the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World
- David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive member, former
Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, founder of the Trilateral
Commission, executive member of the World Economic Forum and
donated the land on which the United Nations stands. Speaking at a
U.N. Business Conference, Sept. 14, 1994

To paraphrase Mark Twain: “It is much easier to deceive a man than to

convince him he has been deceived.” [Autobiographical dictation, 2
December 1906. Published in Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 2
(University of California Press, 2013)]

Stay Alert and Keep All This in Mind

So here we sit, you and I, wondering how the rest of this final act will play
out. A few are awake, and some of us are just beginning to rouse from our
collective slumber, but the majority of us are still sound asleep and
extremely resentful of and resistant to being awakened.

No one, and I must repeat it loudly, NO ONE to date comes closer to

matching the antichrist’s credentials than Jared Kushner. And there
are indications that just below the veneer of Kushner’s as a nice sweet
“golden boy” lays a ruthless individual apt to say or do anything at all to
achieve his goals.

Please keep all of this in the back of your mind as you continue to read and
learn about Jared Kushner in the coming weeks and months and perhaps
Part 2 – Is THIS Person the Antichrist?

While Part 1 was a shorter and less technical introduction, THIS article (Part
2) will be a bit more thorough and scholarly in nature. My apologies this
makes the article seems too long and technical but it is needed to make my

My previous article listed the following reasons why I suspect Jared Kushner
might be the coming Antichrist:
 Jared was raised by a father with questionable morals and ethics – “does the
apple ever fall far from the tree?”
 He and his family have been members of the influential elitist Jewish
Lubavitch movement
 The Lubavitch believe in the esoteric teachings of the Kabbalah which
includes Jewish witchcraft (even controlling demonic and angelic beings), and
the belief in reincarnation.
 A commentary on the Zohar (the chief text of the Jewish Kabbalah) teaches
that the number 666 is a GOOD number with “messianic potential”.
 The belief that one may be reincarnated so as to fulfill a task left incomplete
from an earlier life may make Jared wonder if he is Jesus reincarnated, i.e.
sent back to fulfill a “failed” prior mission (speculative but still plausible given
everything else)
 If one uses the Hebrew spelling of Jared's name (“J. Kushner”) it totals to
 8 years back, an anonymous person stated Jared Kushner had become the
new leader of the Illuminati
 Jared has had significant ties to New World Order advocates George Soros,
the U.K's Tony Blair, and others
 He has had a long relationship with Israel’s Prime Minister “Bibi” Benjamin
Netanyahu and also with the new reigning Crown Saudi Prince Mohammad
bin Salman (what a happy coincidence) enabling Jared to have high-level
influence on BOTH sides of the Israeli Palestine conflict
 Early on in his lucrative career, Jared purchased, and later sold, the New
York City property at 666 5th Avenue (there’s that number again)
 About that time Jared started dating Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump
- a nominal Christian Protestant.
 Ivanka had to openly renounce Christ as God's Son and Messiah to marry
 Jared has ALWAYS been a liberal Democrat and he is what is now called a
RINO (a Republican In Name Only)
 Jared has been credited with getting Trump elected President.
 Jared turned on Bannon, Comey and Priebus, removing them when they
were getting in his way
 Jared rose quickly out of nowhere to become Trump's top Senior Advisor -
with NO previous political or diplomatic experience.
 As an opportunist, Jared has used Trump to get his own foot in the door to
become involved in every aspect of Trump's White House activities -
becoming the brains behind the throne
 Jared successfully renegotiated the 1.4 Trillion dollar NAFTA economic
agreement with Mexico and, most recently renegotiated the NAFTA
agreement with Canada to form the new USMCA
 Jared urged Trump to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv Israel to
 Jared spoke at the opening of our new Jerusalem Embassy in Israel as if he
were an Israeli
 Jared also urged Trump to quit funding Palestinian relief efforts intentionally
exacerbating tensions and resentments in the region
 Jared has been tasked with negotiating a new peace agreement between the
Palestinians and the Israeli's which he said he has almost completed and
adds that he is merely "waiting for the right time" to reveal his peace plan.
 In short, Jared's ambitions are nothing short of messianic in scope – just the
kind of thing we would expect of an Antichrist figure who would suddenly
arise out of virtually nowhere to a position of enormous power and influence
 And because of Jared's close ties to Trump, and his obsession with
Jerusalem, Jared has captured the blind allegiance of many pro-Israel right-
wing evangelical Christians (deceiving the "elect", see Matthew 24:24)
 Lastly, the current social climate here in America, and abroad, is ripe for the
rise of a Luciferian style Antichrist due to a very large anti-Christian
population enthralled with the occult, witchcraft, Lucifer/Satan and all things
immoral and dark.

All we need is the right set of (engineered) crises to create the desire for an
alternative liberal “savior”.

That is the gist of Part One.

Now for Part Two which will show even further evidence that Jared may well
be (or become) the Antichrist.

Kushner is a “Hidden Genius”:

After the publication of Part 1, Jared Kushner completed renegotiating the

Canadian half of NAFTA (on October 1st, 2018) creating a new agreement
called the “United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement” (USMCA) – a nearly
“miraculous” accomplishment.

Our outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, praised
White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner as the "hidden genius" of the
Trump administration:
"I can’t say enough good things about Jared [Kushner] and Ivanka
[Trump]. Jared is such a hidden genius that no one understands. I
mean, to redo the NAFTA deal the way he did. Um, what I’ve done
working with him on the Middle East peace plan, it is so unbelievably

Haley also called Ivanka Trump a "great friend", adding "They do a lot
of things behind the scenes that I wish more people knew about …
We’re a better country because they’re in this administration." – Haley
calls Jared Kushner Trump's ‘hidden genius’ - By Emily Birnbaum -
10/09/18 11:21 AM EDT
The Antichrist will make a Middle-East Peace Plan

Kushner has also been tasked with forming a Middle East peace plan to
resolve the problems between Israel and the Palestinians. The Bible indicates
the Antichrist will initiate a 7-year Middle-East peace plan (“covenant”) that
will only last 3.5 years before all hell breaks loose. (see Daniel 8:23-25;
9:27; 11:36)

There has been MUCH speculation about what Jared’s Middle-East peace plan
contains. The most popular theory has been that it would include the
formation of a confederation between Israel, Jordon and the Palestinians.
But Jordan has adamantly rejected this idea.

But NOW we learn that this is NOT what Jared’s Middle-East peace plan is

Per an article from October 8, 2018, Jason Greenblatt told “The Times of
The US administration’s forthcoming peace proposal does not call for a
tripartite confederation consisting of Israel, Palestine and Jordan,
Jason Greenblatt, President Donald Trump’s special envoy for
international negotiations, said. “We’re not looking at a confederation
model,” Greenblatt told The Times of Israel during a recent meeting in
New York.

Previously, according to the New York Times, Jared Kushner said: “We have
the plan ready — mostly ready — and when the time is right, we’ll
bring it out.”

What that Middle-East peace plan involves is anyone’s guess at the moment.
But THIS ALONE makes me think Jared Kushner may well be (or become)
the Antichrist who establishes a short-lived (7 yr) peace treaty which is
broken half-way through when all hell breaks out. And things get even

But Jared seems like such a nice guy!

True! Jared currently appears far too lackluster meek polite and non-
charismatic – a fairly boring “Ichabod Crane” kind of character. So, on the
surface anyway, I would agree. But these are the early days, the days of
preparation BEFORE Jared makes his bold appearance as the Antichrist.
The New Testament really doesn't provide us much evidence about the early
days of the Antichrist's life other than the fact that he will be deceptive
enough to pose a grave danger to believers - so much so that Jesus felt it
necessary to warn his followers (the “elect”) not to be deceived.

Luke 21:8 Then He said, "Watch out that you are not deceived. For
many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He,' and, 'The time is near.'
Don't follow them. [HCSB]

Matthew 24:23-25 "If anyone tells you then, 'Look, here is the
Messiah!' or, 'Over here!' do not believe it! (24) False messiahs and
false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead
astray, if possible, even the elect. (25) Take note: I have told you in
advance. [HCSB]

And, as I pointed out in the first article, a very large number of well-
meaning right-wing conservative evangelical people are so blinded by their
allegiance to Trump and to Israel’s right to exist and their end-time pro
Zionist doctrines (including the rebuilding of a 3rd Jewish Temple) that they
consider all who are involved to be worthy of their full support, not realizing
that the Antichrist will be the one to help make that 3rd Temple a reality.

But that is the nature of this deception: in the beginning, at least, the
Antichrist seems like a really nice guy.

What the Early Church Father Hippolytus had to say:

We know that Jesus favorite and youngest disciple was the Apostle John -
the New Testament author of the Gospel, 3 short letters, and lastly the book
of Revelation.

John purportedly outlived all the other Apostles and discipled a number of
people, among them was Polycarp. Not much remains of the teachings
passed on by Polycarp, but Polycarp discipled a man by the name of

Irenaeus was, like the Apostle Paul, absolutely obsessed with the idea that
the Church's doctrines must be passed on in their purest unchanged form.
Thankfully we possess a good number of his writings that reflect his passion
for and insistence on doctrinal purity.

Furthermore, like all of the Early Church Fathers, Irenaeus also had disciples
with one of them being Hippolytus.
Hippolytus spoke at some length about what how the Antichrist would
appear initially. As you read these words think about how similar his
portrayal of the Antichrist’s early days is to Jared’s present character:

“For in every respect that deceiver [the Antichrist] seeks to make
himself appear like the Son of God. … he, too, will appear as a lamb,
while he is a wolf within. The Saviour was circumcised, and he in like
manner will appear in circumcision.”

“Above all, moreover, he will love the nation of the Jews. “But
in his first steps he will be gentle, loveable, quiet, pious,
pacific, hating injustice, detesting gifts, not allowing idolatry;
loving, says he, the Scriptures, reverencing priests, honoring
his elders, repudiating fornication, detesting adultery, giving
no heed to slanders, not admitting oaths, kind to strangers,
kind to the poor, compassionate.” – A Discourse by the Most
Blessed Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr, on the End of the World, and
on Antichrist, and on the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
chapter XX & XXIII

Naturally, I don’t believe EVERYTHING the Early Church Fathers said

because I don’t believe they were divinely inspired. But I DO believe they
faithfully passed on what they themselves had received and that they had
genuine insights which have been largely neglected by today’s Church.

Hippolytus certainly has the reputation of being one of the most trustworthy
of those who taught in a manner consistent with the Apostle John and the
New Testament as a whole. His occasional steps into the realm of
speculation may be questionable at times, but overall he is more trustworthy
than most of the popular pastors preachers and teachers of today.

The Antichrist will be Jewish

Jared, in case you haven’t been paying attention, is an Orthodox Jew who
dearly loves the nation of the Jews.

Irenaeus states that the Antichrist will be a Jew from the tribe of Dan:
“Jeremiah does not merely point out his sudden coming, but he even
indicates the tribe from which he shall come, where he says, ‘We shall
hear the voice of his swift horses from Dan; the whole earth shall be
moved by the voice of the neighing of his galloping horses: he shall
also come and devour the earth, and the fulness thereof, the city also,
and they that dwell therein.’ (Jer_8:16) This, too, is the reason that
this tribe is not reckoned in the Apocalypse along with those which are
saved.” – Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Chapter XXX

Hippolytus, also noted that the Antichrist would be Jewish “from the [Jewish]
tribe of Dan:
“For as Christ springs from the tribe of Judah, so Antichrist is to spring
from the tribe of Dan” – Hippolytus, Fragments from Commentaries on
Various Books of Scripture, Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, chapter

“For it is certain that he is destined to spring from the tribe of Dan” –

A Discourse by the Most Blessed Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr, on the
End of the World, and on Antichrist, and on the Second Coming of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, chapter XIX

Even Jesus strongly implies that the Antichrist will be Jewish when he tells
the Jewish people of his day:
John 5:43 I have come in My Father's name, yet you don't accept Me.
If someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

To illustrate this from history, the zealot Bar-Kokhba led a revolt against the
Roman occupation with hopes of restoring Jewish rule and the Jewish temple
(132-135 AD). There were many Jews who were convinced that he was the
promised “Messiah”, doing what Jesus had “failed” to do. They had rejected
Jesus who came in the name of the Father and accepted a Jewish zealot who
came in own name.

Are we setting ourselves up to do the very same thing Jesus warned

against in today’s world?

In order to get married, Jared required that Ivanka reject Christ as God’s
son and Messiah. He was glad she did. Sadly, most Christians don’t even
give this much thought.

But Jesus felt quite differently.

According to Jesus, to reject him is to also reject the One [God the Father]
who sent him, saying this to the Jews who had rejected him:
John 5:23 ... Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the
Father who sent him.
Matthew 10:32-33 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men,
him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. (33) But
whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my
Father which is in heaven.

In fact, the Jewish rejection of Jesus as the Christ/Messiah is (according to

the Apostle John – author of the book of Revelation) the very spirit of the
1 John 2:22 “Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the
Christ/Messiah? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father
and the Son.”

1 John 4:3 “every spirit who does not confess Jesus is not from God.
This is the spirit of the antichrist …”

Departing from the Christian faith is known as an act of apostasy – “a falling

away” from or abandonment or rejection of or a rebellion against the faith.
And this large-scale abandonment of the faith is one of the signs of the end-
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that
day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that
man of sin be revealed [the Antichrist], the son of perdition; (4) Who
opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is
worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God.

For the most part, the rest of the world has already rejected Jesus as the
Son of God and Messiah. Those in the U.S. are just beginning to “catch up”.

Note the order of the events in the scripture above.

First comes a large-scale apostasy away from the traditional faith of the
Church and THEN the Antichrist (the “man of sin” and “the son of perdition”)
will be revealed.

But doesn’t the Antichrist comes from somewhere else instead of

New Jersey?

The Bible does NOT clearly state WHERE the Antichrist originates. To be
honest, it’s not even important.
Although he is closely identified with “The City of Seven Hills” (Revelation
17:9), described as “Babylon the Great” (Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 17:5;
18:2,10,21), these passages do not tell us where the Antichrist comes from.
There are many differences of opinion. Some say Rome, others Babylon of
Iran, still others identifying it as Washington D.C., and so on.

In other words, the scriptures truly do not tell us where the Antichrist will
come from. Anyone who tells you otherwise has simply read their
conclusions into the scriptures (eisegesis) rather than doing proper exegesis
and applying sound hermeneutical procedures. There should be no shame in
admitting that we simply do not have all the answers, but it is definitely
wrong to pass along faulty speculation as truth.

Although a number of the Church Fathers refer to the Antichrist as the

“Syrian”, this is a reference to the historic brutality of forerunners of the
Antichrist who opposed the people of God ““ like Sennacherib (c. 700 BC)
and Antiochus Epiphanes IV (c. 167 BC). The word “Syrian” is not a
geographical reference point but a title that describes the nature of the
Antichrist. Even so, some of the later Church Fathers seem to have forgotten
this use of that term.

Look, if the precise place of the Antichrist’s origin could be determined by a

careful study of the scriptures then better scholars would have long ago
discovered the answer and today there would be a generally accepted
consensus based on that solid evidence. But that is clearly not the case.

Apparently, God must have thought the Antichrist’s place of origin to be

irrelevant and instead chose to focus our attention on what manner of man
the Antichrist would be, and what he would believe say and do as the best
indicators of who he would be.

As a matter of fact, the Church in every generation and local is called upon
to use those indicators to identify the kind of movements ideas trends forces
and people who engender or embody the alluring and deceptive spirit of an

As Hippolytus wrote:
“He [God] will not leave us even then without prophets, but will send
them to us for our instruction and assurance, and to make us give
heed to the advent of the adversary.” – A Discourse by the Most
Blessed Hippolytus, Bishop and Martyr, on the End of the World, and
on Antichrist, and on the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
chapter XXI
And THAT is why I am writing this set of articles ““ namely, I am trying “to
make us give heed to the advent of the adversary.”

But trying to identify who the Antichrist will be (or cannot be) based on his
place of origin is simply the wrong approach. Not only that, it distracts those
in the Church from being concerned about all the other lesser antichrist
forces at work in their own day and sphere.

Judging a tree by its fruits

Jesus teaches us that we can recognize a person “by their fruit” (Matthew
7:16; Luke 6:44), not by their place of origin.

We are told to look at the beliefs attitudes and doctrines that people in high
places hold, the very things that determine a person’s character and actions
and intents. That is why I find Jared’s elitist membership in the Lubavitch
movement, their emphasis on the Kabbalah, and Jared’s broad messianic
ambitions to be so important. That’s why Jared’s insistence on Ivanka
renouncing Christ is so telling.


Nevertheless, God has used the hard-hearted blindness of his Jewish people
so that he could offer his salvation to the rest of the non-Jewish world:
Acts 13:45-46 But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with
jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him.
(46) And Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, “It was necessary that
the word of God be spoken first to you. Since you thrust it aside and judge
yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we are turning to the Gentiles.

Paul continues this line of reasoning and intimates that one day some of the
Jews will indeed turn back to Jesus as their Messiah ““ AFTER the full
number of Gentiles have been “saved”:
Romans 11:11-15 I ask, then, have they [the Jews] stumbled in order
to fall? Absolutely not! On the contrary, by their stumbling, salvation
has come to the Gentiles to make Israel jealous. (12) Now if their
stumbling brings riches for the world, and their failure riches for the
Gentiles, how much more will their full number bring! (13) Now I am
speaking to you Gentiles. In view of the fact that I am an apostle to
the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, (14) if I can somehow make my
own people jealous and save some of them. (15) For if their rejection
brings reconciliation to the world, what will their acceptance mean but
life from the dead?

Romans 11:25-26 So that you [Gentiles] will not be conceited,

brothers, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery: A partial
hardening has come to Israel until the full number of the Gentiles has
come in. (26) And in this way all Israel [spiritual and natural] will be

Trump Viewed as the New “Cyrus the Great”

Now we come to what may appear to be a side issue, but which may one
day (in the not too distant future) take center stage.

Early on, after Trump was elected President, he began to speak about
moving our U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv Israel to Jerusalem – which the Israeli
Jews claim is their eternal capital. This is no small thing.

No other country has officially recognized Jerusalem as the legitimate capital

of Israel, nor has any other country dared move it’s embassy to Jerusalem.
But Trump, with encouragement from Jared and a host of Zionist supporters,
thought it was the correct thing to do – even though it would enrage the
Palestinians and Moslem nations around the globe.
And when Trump made his intentions clear, a number of Christians began to
refer to Trump as a modern-day Cyrus the Great. And the idea went “viral”
amongst Jews and Christians alike.

The comparison is something few know much about, so I will briefly explain.

Cyrus Liberated the Jews to Return to Israel to Build the 2nd Temple

The ancient country of Israel became divided early on into northern Israel
and southern Judah. Northern Israel was largely taken captive slaughtered
or replaced by the Assyrians in about 722 BC, leaving the southern half
(Judah) to be overtaken by Babylonian forces in 587/586 BC.

When the Babylonians invaded, they took most of Judah’s most productive
and prominent people back to Babylonia as captives for nearly 70 years –
just as the prophet Jeremiah had predicted (Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10). The
Babylonians also ransacked the 1st Jewish Temple and left it in disarray –
unclean and unusable.

But the Jewish people who had kept their faith longed to return to Israel to
cleanse and rebuild the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem again so that
they could worship God properly.

And by the time the 70 years of Babylonian captivity were up, a new ruler
had overtaken the Babylonian empire – Cyrus the Great.
And Cyrus issued a decree that the Jews who wanted to return to Israel to
rebuild their Temple could do so.

God, in fact, called Cyrus “my anointed one” (messiah) who, although he did
not know the God of the Jews personally would be used in a messianic role
to bring God’s people back to Israel with Jerusalem as their capital so that
they could rebuild the Jewish Temple.

Isaiah 45:1-6 Thus says the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose
right hand I have grasped, to subdue nations before him and to loose
the belts of kings, to open doors before him that gates may not be
closed: … (4) For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my
chosen, I call you by your name, I name you, though you do not
know me. (5) I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me
there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me, (6)
that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west,
that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other.

Trump was (at least initially), like Cyrus, just a nominal “christian” (small
“c”) who did not really KNOW God. But he recognized Jerusalem as the
capital of the Jews and, in the minds of many Christians and Jews, this gives
the Jews implicit permission to rebuild their 3rd Jewish Temple.

So, the identification of Donald Trump with Cyrus the Great has stuck.

The newly formed Jewish Sanhedrin (religious ruling body) even issued a
commemorative coin for the moving of our U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. It
features Donald Trump overlaying Cyrus the Great on the front, and a
picture of the proposed 3rd Jewish Temple on the backside. It was minted in
both silver and a gold-plated half-shekel:
Will there be 3rd Jewish Temple?

Thirty years back, and before, the very idea of the Jews rebuilding a 3rd
Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem seemed preposterous. And
to many it still does. After all, the Temple Mount of Jerusalem is the site of
Islam’s 3rd holiest structure – the Dome of the Rock.
And until just recently, Jews were forbidden to even go up to the Temple
mount itself – being restricted to praying at the Western (Wailing) Wall.
Nevertheless, a growing number of Israeli’s and Jews around the world
(especially among the Orthodox Jews – which includes Jared Kushner) are
yearning for and even working towards building a 3rd Temple.

The very idea of building a 3rd Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount (possibly
alongside the Dome of the Rock) is an incendiary thought – at least for now.
But if a major crisis develops in that part of the world, possibly threatening
WWIII, but is then peacefully resolved (at least temporarily) by someone
like Jared Kushner, then who knows?!

The Early Church Father Hippolytus says: “he too [the Antichrist] will raise
up again the temple of stone in Jerusalem.”

Maybe it is not so farfetched after all.

News Articles regarding building a 3rd Jewish Temple

Here is a brief list of news articles that show the growing popularity of
building a 3rd Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount.

Times of Israel

Laying the groundwork for a Third Temple in Jerusalem
third-temple-in-jerusalem/ By Ben Sales 16 July 2013, 12:39 pm

CBN: Is it Time to Rebuild the Third Temple?
to-rebuild-the-third-temple By Julie Stahl, 10-07-2016

The Israelis Who Take Rebuilding the Third Temple Very
Seriously By Ayelett Shani Aug 10, 2017

Jerusalem Post
Emperor Julian and the dream of a third temple By Eli Kavon,
December 4, 2017, 21:31

Christians and Jews Now Compare Trump to Persian King Cyrus
– Will He Build the Third Temple?
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Dec 16, 2017, 11:16 PM

Trump's Jerusalem Syndrome: Whose End of Days Messiah Does
He Think He Is? By Bradley Burston, Dec 09, 2017, 7:53 AM

Is Trump's Jerusalem Declaration an Opportunity to Build Third
Temple? 12-12-2017

Breaking Israel News

Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration ‘Enormous Step Towards Bringing
Third Temple’ By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz December 7, 2017,
9:30 am

Israel Today

Top Israeli Rabbi Believes Trump Will Build Third Temple in

Jerusalem By Israel Today Staff, Thursday, March 29, 2018

Jerusalem Post
Abbas's Fatah: Israel planning to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque By
Khaled Abu Toameh, July 26, 2018, 17:56
Reuters (Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli right dreams of third temple in Jerusalem By Shlomi
Eldar, July 10, 2018

What is needed BEFORE the 3rd Temple can be built? A RED HEIFER!

All this talk about a 3rd Jewish Temple being built sounds very premature
because BEFORE the Temple can be rebuilt the Temple grounds MUST be
cleansed by a trained priesthood using the ashes of a pure red heifer.

Sounds a bit strange to me too … but that’s what the Torah (the books of
Moses, the first five books of the Old Testament) demand.

Leviticus 22:20-25 and Numbers 19:1-10 describe how a young female pure
red heifer calf is to be sacrificed, burned, and it’s ashes used with fresh
water to purify that which has been unclean – like the Temple grounds after
centuries of being desecrated and trampled underfoot by the Gentiles (non-
Jews). It also is to be used to cleanse the priesthoods garments and
implements before ritual use in the Temple.

Not one hair of its body can be of a different color and the animal can have
absolutely no defects or blemishes. It must be perfect!

The birth of a pure red heifer was just announced!

Bible prophecy FULFILLED as first ‘red heifer born in 2,000 YEARS'

signaling END OF DAYS, by Henry Holloway / Published 8th September

A BIBLICAL prophecy has been fulfilled as a “red heifer” was born

signaling the end of days and the coming of the Messiah in both
Christianity and Judaism.
The Temple Institute announced the birth of an entirely red female calf
that “brings the promise of reinstating Biblical purity to the world”.
Red heifers feature in end-times tales in both Christianity and Judaism.
The cow’s birth and sacrifice are said to proceed the construction of
the Third Temple in Jerusalem.
And the Third Temple’s construction – following the destruction of the
previous two – heralds the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.
While some Evangelical Christian theologians have linked the building
of the Third Temple to Judgement Day.
Rabbi Chain Richman, director of the Temple Institute, hailed the red
heifer’s birth as suggestions the time could be right for the Third
“The appearance of a red heifer in these waning end-times is a
forerunner of the Messiah” – Rabbi Chain Richman

So what about a true priesthood and all the vestments and


For a many years a number of devout Jews have been devoted to finding
genuine descendants of the Levitical priesthood, training them and making
both the necessary vestments and implements to be used in a 3rd Jewish

This renewed priesthood has been training on how to conduct all of the
priestly duties and rites, including sacrifices.

You can read more about them by clicking on the URL below this picture.

Why is a 3rd Jewish Temple such a big deal?

Ever since the Romans destroyed the 2nd Jewish Temple in 70 AD, and the
Jews virtually eliminated from Jerusalem by 135 AD, the Jewish people have
been without a Temple – the very house of God Himself. Sacrifices and
offerings had come to an end and over time so did the Temple artifacts
implements and the remaining priesthood.

To compensate, Jews everywhere began to make the necessary

adjustments, but at the same time, the city of Jerusalem and the Temple
itself remained in their hearts and even in their daily prayers. The Temple is
part of their Jewish heritage and identity and it represents the very presence
of God restored to them in their most Holy city. Having the temple rebuilt
would be for them a great victory.

For Christians, a 3rd Jewish Temple would mean that Jesus Christ’s literal 2nd
coming would be at hand – something all Christians truly long for. So the
more Jewish people talk about the building of a 3rd Jewish Temple, the more
Christians tend to get excited about the prospect.

But how, apart from God’s divine intervention or the Messiah’s return (or
coming), would this be possible?

This is where the false messiah, the Antichrist, comes in

Many of the Jewish people who long for the 3rd Temple to be built believe
that their long-awaited Messiah will either build it or bring it with him. But
Jesus is NOT their Messiah – they are looking for someone else.

Most Jews still see Jesus as a deceived deceiver, a magician/sorcerer, and

the illegitimate son of Mary by some unknown Roman soldier. Not only that,
many Jewish people still hate Jesus.

At the same time, there are a growing number of Jewish people who believe
Jesus was something of a prophet and there are some who are discovering
Jesus as their personal Messiah and the son of God.

Still, most Jews, especially the Orthodox (like Jared), believe their coming
messiah will be completely human. And he will restore Jerusalem and the 3rd
Temple to the Jews and bring peace – the divine peace of Jerusalem.

And so far, Jared Kushner appears to be positioning himself for just that
messianic role as the bringer of peace and maybe the one who eventually
makes the 3rd Temple a reality. The news articles listed above point to
Trump, but (as Nikki Haley has pointed out), it is Jared Kushner who is the
real genius behind it all.

What changes the Antichrist from being “Mr. Nice Guy” to a bloody

Good question! The answers, however, are largely speculative at this point.

The scriptures state:

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that
day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of
lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, (4) who opposes and
exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that
he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

Daniel 7:25 He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall
wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the
times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time,
times, and half a time.
In the previous article, it was noted that many of those in power are
narcissists – with enormous egos. But those with large egos also tend to be
pretty sensitive to being opposed or contradicted.

Some point to the growing success and power and ego of the Antichrist as
he solves one problem after another and gains recognition.

Some point out that the two very last end-time prophets who appear to
expose and oppose the Antichrist will, along with their followers, will so
enrage the Antichrist that he unleashes the very forces of hell in his efforts
to defeat them.

I believe all of the above to be true, but I am going to float one extra idea
for the reader to consider as a possibility.

What if, God forbid, a well-meaning but ignorant extreme right-wing gun-
loving Christian decides to “take out” the Antichrist – thinking he is saving
the world? Would such an attempted assassination be what is described in
Revelation13:3,12 and 14?

Revelation 13:3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound,

but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth
marveled as they followed the beast. …
Revelation 13:5-8 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty
and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for
forty-two months. (6) It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies
against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is,
those who dwell in heaven. (7) Also it was allowed to make
war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was
given it over every tribe and people and language and nation,
(8) and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose
name has not been written before the foundation of the world
in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.

Revelation 13:11-14 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth.
It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. (12) It
exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes
the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal
wound was healed. (13) It performs great signs, even making fire
come down from heaven to earth in front of people, (14) and by the
signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives
those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast
that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
The number 666 – a more complete examination

Revelation 13:16-18 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich
and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the
forehead, (17) so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark,
that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. (18) This
calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the
number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is

Before, in the previous article, I mentioned that Jared’s name in Hebrew

works out to 666 – the number of the Antichrist.
I also said that this was very likely the same numbering system used by the
Apostle John when he penned the book of Revelation. [For a further
discussion of Neron Kaiser in Aramaic/Hebrew papyrus see: The "Neron
Caesar" Papyrus, by Jay Rogers. Posted March 28, 2018]

Personally, I believe that past enemies of God’s people (like Sennacherib

and Antiochus Epiphanes IV and Nero Caesar) have been used in the
scriptures as prototypes of the coming Antichrist.

Jesus used the brutal Syrian dictator of the Seleucid dynasty, Antiochus
Epiphanes IV (c. 167 BC) as a type of the Antichrist to come. Antiochus
coming had been predicted several hundred years earlier by the prophet
Daniel (Daniel 11:31;12:11).

Matthew 24:15-16 “So when you see the abomination of desolation

spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the
reader understand), (16) then let those who are in Judea flee to the

Not only did Antiochus attack the Jews in Israel, he also forbade the worship
of God, demanded he be recognized as a deity, engaged in burning the
Jewish scriptures, slaughtered resistors, and sacrificed an unholy animal on
the Temple mount – desecrating it and rendering it unusable.

In a similar fashion, the Apostle John (a Hebrew) who penned the book of
Revelation appears to have used Nero Caesar (c. 64 AD) as a type of
Antichrist who would persecute and kill Christians in the end-times.

There was, in John’s day, an alternate spelling for Nero. Coins with the
spelling Neron Kaisar have been found in enough quantity to still be
purchased from reputable coin dealers:

So, using the Hebrew spelling of “J Kushner” to arrive at 666 does not seem
like so many others who have created their own cryptic ciphers or esoteric
numerology schemes to make other notable names work out to the infamous

The image of the Antichrist that is given life

Revelation 13:14-15 and by the signs that it [the second beast] is

allowed to work in the presence of the [first] beast [the Antichrist] it
deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for
the [first] beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. (15)
And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that
the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who
would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.

This fascinating passage where the second beast of Revelation creates an

image of the 1st beast (the Antichrist) who had a mortal head wound and
then gives it life so that it can speak is eerily reminiscent of modern-day AI
and the stunning realism of artificial humans (i.e. robotics).

There is little need to go on with further speculation along these lines. It is

enough to let the reader know that significant progress is being made in
both the fields of AI and robotics to make the passage above literally come
true in the near future.
There are other recent developments of importance you should be
aware of

Most of you are aware of all the surveillance agencies and technology that
have turned 1984 and Brave New World into a reality. Big Brother’s
presence has become ubiquitous and so well known that few pay much
attention to it any more. The invasion of our privacy hasn’t hurt us all that
much yet, so why worry? Right? … On the contrary, it should be very

Just as China has begun to utilize a ‘social credit’ system – giving each
citizen a social compliance rating to keep their population monitored and
scored for compliance. Now Apple is instating much the same by using its
“trust rating”:

China has started ranking citizens with a creepy 'social credit' system – by
Alexandra Ma, Apr. 8, 2018, 4:07 AM

Apple gives you a TRUST rating – and it’s based on your phone call and
email habits – by Sean Keach, 20th September 2018, 7:12 pm

So, now you know

So the stage for the rise of the Antichrist has already been set. Now all we
need is the right set of engineered catastrophes to occur for the Antichrist to
come up with his predetermined solutions that will bring a New World Order
out of the coming chaos – the “Hegelian dialectic”.

Final word of advice:

As corny old-fashioned and trite as it sounds, the ONLY way you truly
oppose the Antichrist and win is to become a genuine Christian. Period.

Having said that, becoming a genuine Christian (and there are tons of fake
ones out there) is one of the most costly and difficult things you can do and
be. It may well cost you your very physical life if all of what we’ve discussed
comes true.

But won’t true Christians be “raptured” away before the really bad times hit
with persecutions and all of that stuff? Nope! Sorry!

Read my other article entitled The Timing of Christ's Return - The Second
Coming and Rapture.
About the Author:

Clark Hay is 65 years of age, has earned both a B.A. (1975) and M.A. (1977) in
Biblical Literature/ Theology, has lived in Israel for well over a year, and has been
researching many issues related to the “end times” for well over 22 years. Married
with 3 children and 5 grandchildren, he lives a relatively quiet retired life in
Oklahoma, caring for his 92 year old Father-in-law and attends a cowboy church not
far away.

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