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Assets Liabilities
Retained Earnings
Account Office Account Share Capital
No. Cash Supplies Rev. Exp.
Receiveable Equipment Payable
1 10000 10000
2 -5000 5000
3 -400 -400
4 -500 500
5 250 -250
6 5100 5100
7 -1000
8 -2000 -2000
9 -140 -140
10 750 750
11 120 -120
6180 630 500 5000 250 10000 5850 -2790
12310 12310

Income Statement
Operating revenue
Repair service 5850
Operating expenses
rent expense -400
advertising expense -250
salaries expense -2000
utility expense -140
Net income 3060
ained Earnings



Assets Liabilities Equit

Account Office Note Account Share

No. Cash Receiveable Supplies equipment Payable Payable Capital

1 9000 1700 600 6000 3600 13000

2 -2900 -2900
3 1300 -1300
4 -800 2100 1300
5 2500 5500
6 -1000
7 -2900
8 170
9 10000 10000
15200 5900 600 8100 10000 2170 13000
29800 29800

Income statement
Operating revenue
fee income 8000
Operating expenses
salaries expenses -1700
rent expenses -900
advertising expense -300
utilities expense -170
Net income 4930

Retained Earning Statement

Retained Earnings Sept. 1 700
Net Income 4930
Dividen -1000

Statement Of Financial Position

Cash 15200
Account receiveable 5900
Supplies 600
Equipment 8100
Total Assets 29800
Shared Capital 13000
Retained Earnings 4630
Account Payable 2170
Notes Payable 10000
Total equity+liabilities 29800
Retained Earnings
Rev. Exp. Div.


700 8000 -3070 -1000

Income Statement
Operating revenue
Lesson Revenue 7500
Operating expenses
Advertising expense -500
Rent expense -1200
Repaire expense -400
Fuel expense -2500
Insurance expense -400
Net income 2500

Retained Earning Statement

Retained earning May. 1 0
Net income 2500
Dividen -1000
Retained earning May. 31 1500

Statement Of Financial Position

Cash 5600
Account receiveable 7200
equipment 64000
Total assets 76800
Notes payable 30000
Account payable 800
Capital 45000
Retained earning 1000
Total equity+liabilities 76800

Income Statement
Lesson Revenue 8400
advertising expenses -500
Rent expenses -1200
repair expenses -400
Fuel expenses -4000
Insurance expenses -400
Total Expenses -6500
Net Income 1900

Retained Earnings Statement

Retained earning May. 1 0
Net Income 1900
Dividen -1500
Retained earning May. 31 400
Assets Liabilities
Retained earnings
Account Delivery Notes Account capital
Date Cash Supplies Rev.
receiveable van Payable payable
1 10000 10000
2 -2000 12000 10000
3 -500
5 4400 4400
9 -200
12 150 150
15 1250 -1250
17 100
20 1500 1500
23 -500 -500
26 -250
29 -100 -100
30 -1000
8200 3150 150 12000 9500 150 10000 5900
23500 23500

Income Statement
Operating revenue
Fee income 5900
Opetating expenses
Rent expense -500
Gass expense -100
Utilities expense -250
salaries expense -1000
Net Income 4050

Statement Of Financial Position

Delivery Van 12000
Supplies 150
Accoun Receiveable 3150
Cash 8200
Total Assets 23500
Equity & Liabilities
Capital 16000
Retained Earnings -3850
Notes Payable 9500
Account Payable 150
Total Equity+Liabilities 23500
Retained earnings

Exp. Div.





-1850 -200
(a) Karma company Yates company McCain company Dench company
Januari 1,2011
Assets 95000 110000 120000 170000
liabilities 50000 50000 75000 80000
Equity 45000 60000 45000 90000
December 31,2011
Assets 115000 137000 200000 250000
liabilities 55000 75000 70000 80000
Equity 60000 62000 130000 170000
Equity changes in year
Additional investement 40000 15000 10000 15000
Dividends 25000 48000 14000 20000
Total revenue 350000 420000 -403000 520000
Total expenes 320000 385000 342000 475000

Yates Company
Retained Earnings
for the year ended Dec 31,2011
Net income 35000
Beginning R/E 20000
Dividend 48000
Ending R/E 7000

Hubungan antara R/E statement,income statement dan statement of financial position adalah karena jika kita ingin mencari R
net income yang berasal dari income statement dan jika kita membuat statement of financial position kita membutuhkan R/E
arena jika kita ingin mencari R/E statement kita membutuhkan
sition kita membutuhkan R/E akhir untuk meghasilkan equity akhir.
### Accounting consists of three activities it identify, records, and communication the economic events of a
The three activities
To identify event accompany select the economic event relevan to its business. Once accompany identify economi
### a. Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, and Management.
b. Firstly indentify the economic event ( transaction ) then record, classify, and summarize, and prepare
### The fair value principle state that assets and liabilities should be reported at fair value (the price receiv
### The monetary unit assumption requires that company include in the accounting records only transactio
### an economic entity can be any organization or unit in society. The economic economy assumption requ
### a. Asset are resources of a business own. Liabilities are claims against assets-thath is, existing debts and
b. 1. Share capital-ordinary
2. retained earnings
- Revenues, expenses, dividends
### Account payable, Salaries payable, Rent expenses
### a. Cash(decrease) and Equity(decrease)
b. Cash(decrease) and Equipment(increase)
c. Cash(increase) and Equity(increase)
d. Cash(decrease) and Accounts Payable(decrease)
### (a) service revenue in income statement
(b) equipment in statement of financial position
(c) advertising expense income statement
(d) accounts receivable statement of financial position
(e) retained earnings retained earnings statement and
statement of financial position.
(f) wages payable statement of financial position
n the economic events of an organization to interested user.

company identify economic event it records those event in order to provide history of it financial activities. Finally the company communic

d summarize, and prepare the acconting report then analyze it and interpret for user.
fair value (the price received to sell and asset or setle liability).
ng records only transaction data that can be expressed in money terms.
economy assumption requires that the activities of the entity be kept separeted disticnt from the activities of its owner and all other econo

thath is, existing debts and obligations. Equity the ownership claim on total assest is equity.
ly the company communicates collected information to interested users by means of accountinng repots like financial statement.

owner and all other economic entities.

nancial statement.

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