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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

1 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

© 2011 by Mike Koenigs

All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written
permission of the copyright holder.

Income Disclaimer
This book contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business
advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the
same results (or any results) for you. I make absolutely no guarantee, expressed
or implied, that by following the advice below you will make any money or
improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into
play regarding any given business.

Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model,
the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and
situations and elements that are beyond your control.

As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and
money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Liability Disclaimer
By reading this book, you assume all risks associated with using the advice
contained within, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for
anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in
any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice.

You further agree that the author cannot be held responsible in any way for
the success or failure of your business as a result of the information presented
below. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding
the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of
our information in any way to your business operations.

Terms of Use
You are given a non-transferable, “personal use” license to this product. You
cannot distribute it or share it with other individuals.

2 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Table of Contents
Introduction:......................................................................... 5
From the guy who devours ......................................................... 5
2-5 books a week!.......................................................................... 5

Why This System Works: .................................................. 6

“Programming” Your Eyes & Brain............................................ 6

Preparation and Opening Credits: ................................... 8

The Disappearing Letters Trick................................................... 8

Step One:............................................................................. 10
Your Mindset............................................................................... 10
Ask yourself these 3 questions.................................................. 12
The House Party.......................................................................... 13

Step Two:............................................................................. 15
Preparation................................................................................... 15
The “Promise” ............................................................................ 16
Method Revealed........................................................................ 16

Step Three:.......................................................................... 19
The Mind Follows....................................................................... 19

Step Four:............................................................................ 21
Timing Is Everything.................................................................. 21

Step Five:............................................................................. 22
Summarize & Act........................................................................ 22
Final Thoughts............................................................................. 23

Your Speed Reading Secrets Worksheet........................ 24

The Mindset................................................................................. 25
The System: Preparation............................................................. 27

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Whole Brain Learning................................................................. 28

The Mind Follows....................................................................... 30
Timing Is Everything.................................................................. 32
Summarize & Act........................................................................ 34
Your Action Plan......................................................................... 36
The Top Ten Questions You Want To Learn From................... 38
What are the 5-20 Questions and Big Ideas that you have
come away with after reading?................................................. 39
Sample Questions for your Immediate Use............................. 41

Special Offers..................................................................... 44

Mike Koenigs, the Author................................................ 46

“Our lives are changed by the people we meet and the

books we read”

- Brian Tracy

(thanks, Brian...you inspire me every day!)

4 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

From the guy who devours
2-5 books a week!
• An insider shortcut to harnessing the professional skills
to learn faster and retain more that you need in ANY job or
occupation you tackle...

• You’ll easily copy these methods to become a fantastic

interviewer, speaker, or presenter (Powerpoint or Keynote,

• The “Wow, that’s easy” five step process that you can
learn in as little as 30 minute that gives you a totally unfair
advantage over others in your market...

• Part of this secret process includes studying the back flaps

and Table of Contents as if you’re life depended on it. That’s
right--the BORING parts that everyone skips are easily some
of the most important to learn and master...



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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Why This System Works:

“Programming” Your Eyes & Brain
I’ve created this process myself – but I’ve read and studied many
speed-reading, learning, and memory optimization strategies. I
modeled and integrated them into my own process that I’ve been
using for several years, with massive success.

In fact, I regularly read two to five books a week!

I want to credit PhotoReading from Learning Strategies – Paul

Scheele and Pete Bissonette for making what I think is one of the
better systems for whole brain learning. One portion of this process
is modeled after what they teach…

I also want to acknowledge my mastermind group for pushing me

to write this, and turn it into a book…because I’ve been THINKING
about doing it for a year, and haven’t gotten around to it until now!

One more request: Please “suspend your disbelief”, and your

judgment until we get to the end of this book--because one of three
parts will seem a little “woo-woo” at first…but it’ll make complete
sense later on.

6 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Let’s begin with some statistics and how we retain information:

• 20% of what we HEAR

• 30% of what we SEE

• 50% of what we HEAR and SEE

• 70% of what we DISCUSS

• 90% of what we CREATE or TEACH

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Preparation and
Opening Credits:
The Disappearing Letters Trick

This part is very “whole brain”, but it really works. One trick that
you should do BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE is, clear you
mind and prepare yourself for rapid learning.

We’re all faced with distractions: iPhones, Emails, Facebook, IM,

the TV, etc. You need to have a un-cluttered mind, or else this WILL
NOT WORK to its’ full potential.

Here’s an easy exercise that you can do right now to clear your mind
of all distractions almost effortlessly...

First, take 3 deep breaths.

8 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Breathe in very slowly, then exhale.

Next, imagine a blank movie screen, with the words B L A N K

written on it.

Can you see this in your “mind’s eye”?

OK... Now...
Close your eyes.
Just trust me on this.

Imagine with me a blank movie screen, with a black border and an

off-white hue. The words BLANK are on the screen.

See it? Great! Now, this part might be a little hard to believe at first,
but bear with me. I promise this is totally worth it.

Imagine each letter of the word BLANK disappearing, each letter at

a time.

This process should take about 30 seconds to 1 minute to do. Allow

your mind to naturally get rid of the letters until all that you can see
is a white screen.

Got it? Good. Now take three more deep breaths. This is so key. Just
do it. Trust me.

So, no more letters, just one big blank movie screen. Your mind is
now totally empty and free. Take three more deep breaths, and we
can move on to the next step.

Now that your mind is a blank canvas, and you have taken nine
deep, relaxing breaths, you are ready to start your Mindset exercise.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Step One:
Your Mindset

The main thing you need to focus on after you get your breathing
and mind under control is this:
Ask yourself:
Q: Why are you reading this book?

Q: What are the main concepts and changes you want to experience
after reading it?

Quick Tip: The next part you need to get your heart and mind
around is:

10 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Q: Who in your life could most benefit from the information in the
book? One of your friends? Someone in your family?

Look back at the How We Retain Information example above. See

the part where it says that to retain 90% of what you read, you need
to teach the material to someone else?

Listen, it’s 100% true.

You need to be able to teach the content of the book to someone

else. We are flipping the usual “book reading” game on it’s ear,
which is how you are able to get so much done so quickly!

Not only do you start to listen to your heart, but you put yourself
into a “teaching” mode. This way you are able to retain 90% of what
you’ll read almost automatically!

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Ask yourself these 3 questions...

Q: What exactly do I want to teach in this book if I knew and
understood everything that was in it?

Q: Which parts do I want to transfer to someone else to improve their


Q: If I had to ask the author a series of questions about the strategies

that I need to teach to my friends, what will they be?

So, to recap, go back and do the Movie Screen exercise, where you
clear you head.

Then position your mind as a Teacher of ultra-valuable material-

-Remember that you are reading the book so you can pass the
information along to friends--as an instructor or teacher. Your whole
goal and mindset is to be committed to being IN SERVICE to others-
not to yourself. You want to give them this information as a “gift” as
a teacher, guide and mentor.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

The House Party

Another killer method for retaining knowledge is to read it with the
mindset that you will interview the author after you finish reading
the book.

Do you believe this will ramp up your ability to harness more

information, and share it with other people that matter to you and
help them? You bet it will!

In essence, you are putting a big ball of “good” pressure on your

subconscious which says, “I have to read this book and squeeze out
ALL the juice I can so I can teach!”

This COMMITS you and gives you a massive WHY.

See, the trick to retaining 90% of what you read will only be
realized if you read it with the goal of passing the information on to
others. Your retention skyrockets when you TEACH and PRACTICE
what you learn.

Even if you never actually teach anyone this content, putting yourself
in this mindset prepares you for it anyway. Technically, your brain
can’t tell the difference between real and imagined experiences - so
this little “trick” forces you to learn and retain differently because
your identity gets involved.

You don’t want to look like a fool in front of your peers, do you?

With that in mind, I want you to read the book with the goal that
you will interview the writer for 20 minutes. This trains your brain
to come up with some great questions that you either want answered
or explained in greater detail. Again, imagine the people you
want to share the information in the book with. Connect with them
emotionally. Feel their pain.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

When you empathize with someone and present with compassion

and understanding, it makes you more real, more authentic and
emotionally involved.

Think about a teacher, mentor or coach you may have had in the
past who had a profound influence and effect on you. Were they
empathic, compassionate, emotionally involved with you and their
I suspect so.

Armed with this new mindset, you’re going to be remembering the

main ideas and principles behind ANY book that you read, almost
without effort.

So, read the book as if you will interview the author afterwards.
Plus, as an added incentive to get the information rapidly transferred
in your head the first time, picture yourself actually presenting the
content from the book in 2 hours or less.

Twenty people who desperately NEED the information will be

knocking at your door. You are subconsciously forcing yourself to
retain the information--why? Because you have to or those 20 people
will leave your office or home feeling even more miserable than
before! You’ll be letting them down! They’re looking up to YOU to
help them!

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Step Two:

Open up the book you’re going to read. If you don’t have a copy of
the book yet, then head on over to Amazon and get into the content
of the book to see if you’ll like it.

On most of the books on Amazon.

com, you’ll see the ability to open
up the book and see the Front and
Back covers, the Table of Contents,
the Index and so on.

Take a second to go through your

book and get your mind ready so
that when you do get the book,
you’re prepared. You’ll see the
preview of one of my favorite
writer’s books, author Tim Ferris’
The 4 Hour Workweek.

I’m able to get a huge jump even if I cannot get the book right away.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

The “Promise”
Method Revealed
There’s no excuse on why you can’t do this from home, from a
smart-phone or iPad, where-ever you happen to be.

Pick up the book and get a glimpse of the front cover. What is this
book’s main message? What is the author’s PROMISE to you when
you read the book? Next, flip to the back cover, and glance over the
bullets and summary, as well as any testimonials that famous (or
regular) readers have left.

Then, move to the first flap on the left. Read the beginning and
ending flaps on both covers of the book. Then skim through the Table
of Contents and the Index. This is what I call The Promise Method.
With the goal of teaching this info to that group that is coming to
your house, you are now scanning the info in the book for all the
Promises the book says it will reveal.

So, start soaking in the main methods and terms in the Table of
Contents, the Index in the back, the flaps, and the front and
back covers.

Then, in the first glance after you’ve done that, immediately write
down in the front of the book any questions, key concepts or
distinctions youth want to ask the author about during your 20
minute interview. Listen, it doesn’t matter how silly or weird, just
write down the questions that come to you.

These INTENTIONS program your mind and eyes so when you scan
and read the book in a later step, the answers to your questions will
seem to magically pop out of the pages and answer themselves.

I mark up and write in my books so I never lose the notes. If you

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

don’t like the idea of this, books are cheap - order a “bookshelf”
copy! But feel free to use notebook paper and paper clip your notes
inside the book.

For example, if the author says, “Eat protein 30 minutes after you
wake up in the morning.” Say that’s in the Table of Contents. Write
down, “Why is eating protein 30 minutes after waking a great idea?
What about waiting 1 hour? Does that hurt your body?”

That might be a question that comes up in your head during

this exercise.
Cool, huh?

Now, on to one of the ULTRA-EFFECTIVE tricks I use to get the

information into my head very quickly. This tip gives me perhaps
DOUBLE the normal retention rate.
I want you to get your breathing right, which is crucial for the Full
Mind Reading we are going to do.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

You need to breathe in and out, remembering that your goal is to

be a SERVANT for the group that is coming over in 2 hours. Now,
imagine yourself being able to possibly “drink” the information
quickly into your mind, and do a cool Vulcan Mind Meld with the
author. Is that weird? Yes. Does it work? It does for me.

(if you aren’t familiar with the “Vulcan Mind Meld”, it’s a Star Trek
reference. The character, Spock - who is a Vulcan can transfer any
experience, emotion or knowledge to or from anyone by pressing his
hands on their temples and face. Something similar happened in the
movie “The Matrix” when Neo got information downloaded into his
head instantly so he could operate any kind of assault weapon and
learn every type of martial art.)

Picture yourself being able to quickly and easily “drink” in the

information inside the author’s mind while you breathe in and out,

Now, flip through the pages in the book, about 2 seconds for each
page. Glance at objects, pictures, headlines, and bullets.

Notice the information that is bolded, or highlighted.

DO NOT THINK about what you are seeing though-just take it in at

this point. That is all we want to do. Every two or three seconds, just
calmly flip the pages over, soaking in the information.

Make sure to “see” each side of the page (left and right),
as a whole picture, not just pieces here and there.

I make a point of chanting “breathe in, breathe out, serve the ones
I care about most” to myself while I do this step to keep my brain
from getting bored or distracted. Find something that inspires you to
complete this step.

You’re programming your subconscious mind.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Step Three:
The Mind Follows
The next thing I do after I go through each page, while breathing
naturally and connecting with the content, is I turn on the physical
part of my brain.

Well, let me explain.

Tony Robbins says that whatever your body

does, your mind will follow. Tony is all about
physiology. Movement.

We are physical beings - and connecting intent, emotion and motion

hyper accelerates the education and retention process.

With that in mind, very, very rapidly, go through the book again,
and highlight with a red or black pen and a pink or green (or
whatever) color highlighter, the main ideas that stand out.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

As you highlight the key ideas, I write down 3 things:

• More Questions I want to ask the author (follow up from step
one where you wrote these down in the front of the book)

• Answers to those questions you believe to be true. (Try to get

these from the book and your quick scans. Then write down
the answers in the beginning blank pages of the book.)

• Page numbers of where I found the information. It’s during

this time that you’ll find you’ll find the answers to the
questions you have will seem to pop out of nowhere.

This step is where I

learn the most and
the fastest - and after
you’ve done this with
three books you’ll learn
that you’ll be able ton
decrease the time it
takes to consume books
by 20%-50%.

20 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Step Four:
Timing Is Everything
Handy Trick: Another cool tip is to start your writing process with
an egg timer or something that clicks. This will help you to keep that
teaching mindset and the fact that you have an obligation to others-
and WHY you are reading this.

When I first began these exercises, I got connected by timing myself

with an egg timer for 20-30 minutes.

I got through a 200 page book, with the egg timer, writing key
thoughts, putting down the key questions, and possible answers to
the questions I had when I first started writing.

Then, like I said above, I write down the page numbers for the
questions I have and the answers that I find. Now, what you need to
do is Review the ORIGINAL questions you asked at the beginning of
the book and respond to them.

I write down page numbers

because it’s important to be able to
have a chest sheet if someone asks
you something specific or you are
actually interviewing the author
and need to make a point.

Specificity is proof.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Step Five:
Summarize & Act
Next, after you read through the book two times, the second time
being the physical act of highlighting key concepts and distinctions,
writing down questions, possible answers, and page numbers, then
you will write (preferably on paper), a summary of what you feel the
book is about.

A few paragraphs, try three or four, will be fine for now.

Second, imagine yourself preparing to interview the author in front

of a live audience and TV camera in an hour. This is the part where
your twenty-minute interview will come into play.

This is crucial to you being able to confidently understand

what the book is about. Don’t worry about getting flustered or
overwhelmed the first time-just go with the questions and ideas
you have at this moment.

Pick two close friends, family members, etc, who could really use the

22 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

information in the book. Allow the questions and interview to center

on what those two people need to hear.

Remember, you’ll be the most authentic and real when you are
preparing and presenting for a SPECIFIC audience, not a
general one.

Final Thoughts...
Here are the questions you should try to answer after reading
the book:
• What are the three top concepts the viewer will get out of this
interview or review? What are the three top concepts you
want your 2 friends to get out of the book?

• Who is this book written for? Who can or will get the most
out of putting the information into practice in their lives?

• What is the MOST important fact your chosen audience needs

to know that you learned in the book?

• What 2-3 MYTHS about the subject matter has the author
proven are not true about the topic?

See how using this easy 5 step blueprint, and YOUR questions,
practically guarantees that you’ll not only be able to do a great
interview with the real author, but that you can pass on this
knowledge with up to 90% retention rate to all your friends?

Mike Koenigs

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Your Speed Reading

Secrets Worksheet
Unfortunately if you are reading this from an eReader you cannot
directly edit this worksheet. If you want to print out and follow
along please go to the URL below and download your
FREE PDF copy!


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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

The Mindset

1. Start with your intention: Why are you reading this book?

2. What first drew you to the title?

3. What do you want to learn?

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

4. Position yourself as a TEACHER - teach the content from the


5. Ask yourself this: Because when you are IN SERVICE and

PRACTICING what you read, your comprehension goes to 90%
or greater. Are you serving others right now or it is it all about
your wallet? Answer truthfully.

6. Answer the question – what would I want to teach in this book if

I knew and understood everything that was in it?

7. Read the book as if you must interview the author afterwards.

8. Your goal is to share every major idea in the book in a 20 minute

interview with the author after you finish this process.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

The System: Preparation

1. Read the back cover of the book, plus the flaps and any bullets
or highlighted areas on the front or back covers. Read the blurbs
and testimonials from the critics and famous faces if there are

2. If it exists, read the Index next. Flip through it, looking for key
terms and patterns in the book. See words that are repeating over
and over again?

3. Write down all the questions from this exercise that you want to
have answered by the author at the beginning of the book. (I use
the front blank pages for this. That’s what they are for :)

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Whole Brain Learning

1. Your goal is to get your subconscious and emotions working FOR

YOU, not against you, which is how we usually “work” in the

2. Imagine being able to do a “Vulcan Mind Meld” with the author,

where you can have a personal relationship with them. This
personal connection will allow you to be able to transfer their
knowledge into your mind.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

3. Physiology: Breathe, review intentions, clear your mind. This is

the part where you soak in images, words, highlighted phrases
and bullet points. You will notice ideas are going to transfer into
your mind. This is why we scan through the entire book once
before we write anything down-soaking in images for later use.

4. You’ll begin by scanning the entire book for headlines, objects,

and groups of words. Flip through one page every 1-2 seconds,
full-mind reading, teaching your subconscious to bring in the
content and see with your mind, not your eyes. Turn each page
with every 1-2 breaths…

5. Open yourself up to the possibility that perhaps you can “drink”

the information right into your brain…

6. Allow your breathing to be a metronome…See the WHOLE page

(left and right), with your entire field of vision. Use a stopwatch
or egg timer for enhancing this effect.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

The Mind Follows

Tony Robbins says that whatever your body does,

your mind will follow.

• Grab a highlighter with plenty of ink left in it and a pen

(preferably blue)

• Very rapidly, go through the book again, and highlight the

main ideas that stand out to you. Alternate between your pen
and the highlighter to really get the information into your

• The content you highlight or mark can be bullets, asides, key

paragraphs, or bold phrases. As you highlight the key ideas,
I would write down 3 things:

30 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

1. Questions you want to ask the author (follow up from step one
where you wrote these down in the front of the novel). I’ve
provided space here for basic starter ideas.

2. Answers to those questions that you think are right. Don’t rack
your brain, just write down the first thing that comes into your
head. (Try to get these from the book and your quick scans. Then
write down the answers in the beginning blank pages of the
book. Jot down initial answers below.

3. Also, be sure to write down all the page numbers of where you
found your answers to the information, so you can quickly go
back and not get lost, which wastes precious time.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Timing Is Everything

• Begin by getting yourself an old-school egg timer from

Amazon or your local Target or Walmart. I love this one
because it’s retro and it gets the job done. You should use
something with an audible click or tone so you feel pressured
to get the information into your head in time for your
interview and the crowd coming over.

• Remember, this part is very important. So, please do not skip

it. Giving yourself 2 hours to get through your book and get
the questions and main ideas down will get you ready for
your interview with the author. Plus, you’ll be positioned to
help the 20 people who are coming over to your house.

• Tick tock. This exercise, while bland, has HUGE potential and
is very powerful for digesting the solutions of any book so
they stick to your brain like glue.

• Go through the book with the egg timer, and review your
original questions at the beginning of the book. Next, write
down your answers to them for the second time. Are they

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs






















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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Summarize & Act

So, you’ve gone through the book, once by skimming and flipping,
next with the egg timer and a highlighter and pen.
• The first time was mental-focusing on key phrases
and thoughts.

• The second time was physical-the use of the pen and

highlighter allowed key methods to soak into your mind at a
much faster rate than normal.

• You also exercised the physical and mental parts of your

mind again by writing down questions and answers in the
book. This was a key step.

34 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

• This third exercise will be to summarize the book the best you
can. Write down what you think the core message is saying to
you. What, is the central idea or main theme of the book?

• Next, imagine yourself again in front of the author, with a

live audience. Picture what you will wear, how you will act,
and what questions you will ask of the author in your twenty
minute interview.

• Pick two people in your life who really need the information
in your book. Structure your questions around those two
people, and what info would most benefit them.

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Your Action Plan

Fill in the Blanks!

1. The main reason I am reading _______________________________

is because__________________________________________________

2. I want to be able to transfer this knowledge to two of my friends.

Their names are ____________________________________________
and _______________________________________________________

3. The second reason I am reading this book is because I am curious

about _____________________________________________________

36 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

4. The author promises to teach me how to_______________________

and how to________________________________________________
and I am really excited about that.

5. The reason why I think _____________________________________

my first friend, needs the information is because________________

6. The reason my second friend needs the information is


7. I can see the changes that ___________________________________

will make. The one thing I hope that__________________________
changes is_________________________________________________
and the one thing that I hope_________________________________
changes is _________________________________________________

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

The Top Ten Questions You Want To

Learn From __________________











38 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

What are the 5-20 Questions and

Big Ideas that you have
come away with after reading?
These are revelations from the author that have a direct benefit to
you or to the two people whom you want to transfer this knowledge
to. Think of examples that you never knew before, that “you didn’t
know that you didn’t know”.

It is critical to understand these types of learning blocks, if you are

going to master the subject matter in the book.








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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs














40 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Sample Questions for your

Immediate Use
1. What is the (book title, who is it for and what inspired you to
write it?

2. Does the book work for all races, sexes and education types? Is it
easier for some to put it into practice than others?

3. What are some common objections or issues that you’ve heard

people are having with your book?

4. What’s the most important tip about (the book’s main content)
that you can recommend that overwhelmed people can start
using right away?

5. What’s the fastest way to (put a big promise of the book into
practice) with the least amount of effort whether you’re a man or
a woman?

Vi s i t F r e e S p e e d R e a d i n g S e c r e t s . c o f o r a F r e e Vi d e o & M o r e ! 41
Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

6. You were able to (accomplish one of the main goals in the book)
in x amount of days/months. How did you do that without extra

7. What’s the easiest way to do XYZ?

8. You have a whole chapter devoted to (subject xyz)Why is this

important and what should we take away from that?

9. One of your most controversial chapters is called what? What is

this and why did you include it in your book?

10. What key “big ideas” or dreams have you pursued that have led
you to where you are today?

11. What personal attributes, traits, or qualities have most

contributed to your success? How did you develop these

42 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

12. What were some of the major adversities and trials that you had
to overcome to achieve your idea?

13. What kept you going despite these obstacles? Why didn’t you
give up?

14. When did you finally succeed in achieving your idea or dream?
Can you describe the feeling or experience?

15. With so many ideas that come to an entrepreneur, how did you
know which one to pursue and invest time, energy, and money?

16. How did you know which opportunities to take advantage of and
which ones to turn down?

17. What’s ONE questions that you haven’t been asked but always
wanted to answer from the moment you wrote the (name of the

Vi s i t F r e e S p e e d R e a d i n g S e c r e t s . c o f o r a F r e e Vi d e o & M o r e ! 43
Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Who Else Wants to

Make More Money with Less Work?

Put your marketing on autopilot with...

Visit www.InstantCustomer.com to capture,

connect and close more leads into paying customers
in less time with a powerful automated marketing
system used by thousands of small business
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- distribute your content to over 100 locations in

Get four free videos and a trial of Traffic Geyser at


44 © Mike Koenigs, All Rights Reserved

Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Act 22 mental 34–45
audience 23–45 Mike Koenigs 2–45
author 39–45 Mindset 10
books Paul Scheele 6
book 5–45 Pete Bissonette 6
Brain 6–45 Plan 36
C Preparation 15
Connect 13–45 PROMISE 16
content 41
D reading 36–45
dream 43–45
E success 42–45
egg timer 34–45
examples 39
F The Disappearing Letters Trick 8–45
FREE 24 Tim Ferris 15–45
friends, 22–45 Tony Robbins 30–45

highlight 27–45 Vulcan Mind Meld 18
highlighter 34

information 14–45
Information 11–45
interview 26–45

Learning 28

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

Mike Koenigs, the Author

Geek, surfer, marketer, video producer and didgeridoo player, Mike
Koenigs is best known as the guy who created the Web 2.0 syndication
service, Traffic Geyser that distributes over a million videos per week
and generates top ranking, web traffic and leads in minutes by sending
video content to over 100 video, social bookmarking, social media, blog
and podcasting sites and directories.

Mike grew up in Eagle Lake, Minnesota (pop. 763) where he taught

himself how to program at age 14. He wrote
video games for the first Mac game company,
PCAI. In 1991, he co-founded Digital Café, one
of the first interactive multimedia agencies that
produced the world’s first branded CD-ROM
game, “Chex Quest” and shipped in more than
six-million boxes of General Mills cereal. Digital
Café produced many of the world’s first movie
web sites, promotional screen savers and games
for Sony, Columbia-Tristar and 20th Century
Fox. He sold the company during the dotcom
boom to publicly-held IPG and billion-dollar
agency Campbell-Mithun in 1999.

He’s credited for making “Infomercial Toolkit”

and inventing the “Internet Infomercial” for
marketing and selling products or services with
video on the web.

Michael has served as a producer, marketer and

consultant for Sony Entertainment, 20th Century
Fox, 3M, General Mills, Dominos Pizza, Ralston,
Mazda Motors and New York Times bestselling
authors including Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and
Tony Robbins. He’s created over 300 web sites and more than 30

His newest venture includes a documentary video about life with his
electric sportscar, “Life With Tesla.” Follow his journey off the grid at

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Speed Reading Secrets with Mike Koenigs

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