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A Seminar Submitted
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of


Mechanical Engineering

(Roll No. 1516440170)

Under the Supervision of

Mr. Gaurav Kumar Upadhyay

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pranveer Singh Institute Of Technology, Kanpur


September 2017


Certified that Mr.TUSHAR SAINI (Roll Number 1516440170) has carried out the

research work presented in this thesis entitled “MECHANISM OF SUBMARINE” for the

award of Bachelor of Technology from Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

under my supervision. The seminar embodies results of original work, and studies are

carried out by the student himself and the contents of the seminar do not form the basis for

the award of any other degree to the candidate or to anybody else from this or any other


DR. NITIN SRIVASTAVA Mr. Gaurav Kumar Upadhyay

Head of Department Assistant Professor
Department Of Mechanical Department Of Mechanical
Engineering Engineering


A submarine is a clandestine platform of watercraft for independent operation beneath

water. In order to surpass under water she must obey some ground laws specially
Archimedes principle with taking consideration of its flexible and economic structure and
propulsion systems design. The main purpose of this research is to design and fabricate a
prototype submarine to make experimentally available. The need for economic innovative
design to ensure smart structure, propulsion, diving system and efficient power system has
focused in the implemented prototype. The propulsion and power systems are provided by
motor and battery. Depth rating comparison with other resplendent submarine makes the
prototype unique in some cases. To submerge hydrostatically this research on designing
basically implies Archimedes principle and buoyancy force, where negative buoyancy
exerted either by increasing its own weight or decreasing its displacement of water. Due to
the recent development of well-integrated surveying techniques of the sea floor, significant
improvements were achieved in mapping and describing the morphology and architecture of
submarine mass movements. Except for the occurrence of turbidity currents, the aquatic
environment (marine and fresh water) experiences the same type of mass failure as that
found on land. Submarine mass movements, however, can have run-out distances in excess
of 100 km, so their impact on any offshore activity needs to be integrated over a wide area.
This great mobility of submarine mass movements is still not very well understood,
particularly for cases like the far-reaching debris flows mapped on the Mississippi Fan and
the large submarine rock avalanches found around many volcanic islands. A major
challenge ahead is the integration of mass movement mechanics in an appropriate
evaluation of the hazard so that proper risk assessment methodologies can be developed and
implemented for various human activities offshore, including the development of natural
resources and the establishment of reliable communication corridors.Key words: submarine


I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Mr.Gaurav Kumar Upadhyay, Assistant

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pranveer Singh Institute Of
Technology, for providing me kind guidance, continuous encouragement, extend help and
support during my thesis work.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Nitin Srivastava (HOD), Department of

Mechanical Engineering, Kanpur for providing me kind guidance, continuous
encouragement, extend help and support during my thesis work.

I would also like to offer thanks to Dr. Su joy B attach arya , Director, PSIT, Kanpur,
for allowing me to do this work.

I am also thankful to all the faculty members of PS IT Kanpur, for providing me various
kind of support and help directly or indirectly, during my present work.

Finally, I am extending my thanks to my parents, for their blessings, strong support,

encouragement and love that helped me to complete this work.

Date: 27/09/2017 (TUSHAR SAINI)

(Roll No. 1516440170)



Certificate……………………………………………………………………………… 2

Abstract………………………………………………………………………………... 3

Acknowledement……………………………………………………………………… 4

Content………………………………………………………………………………… 5

List of figure…………………………………………………………………………… 6


1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 7

1.2 What is Submarine?................................................................................................. 8-9


2.1 Early Submarsibles………………………………………………………………… 10

2.2 18TH Century…………………………………………………………………….... 10

2.3 19TH Century………………………………………………………………………. 11

2.4 20TH Century……………………………………………………………………….. 12


3.1 Military Submarine…………………………………………………………………. 13

3.2 Civilian Submarine…………………………………………………………………. 14


4.1 Technical Parts…………………………………………………………………….. 15-18

4.2 Atomic Submarine…………………………………………………………………. 19


5.1 Working of Nuclear Submarine………………………………………………….. 20

5.2 Principle of Nuclear Submarine…………………………………………………. 21


6.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 22

6.2 Future Work………………………………………………………………………. 23

REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………….. 24

CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………………………… 25-26



Figure 1………………………………………………………………….. 9

Figure 2………………………………………………………………….. 11

Figure 3…………………………………………………………………. 13

Figure 4.4………………………………………………………….......... 17

Figure 4.6……………………………………………………………….. 18

Figure 4.7………………………………………………………………. 19

Figure 4.2.1…………………………………………………………….. 19

Figure 5.2………………………………………………………………. 21



Submarine obviously steals the limelight after the cold war to play a strategic

rule for any country to protect the littoral areas from external threat. Submarines

furnish an excellent clandestine platform having robust capability to meet both

conventional and new demands of navies like open water warfare, support to

intelligence, counter-terrorism and special force operations. Basically a

submarine obeys the Archimedes law which states that the upward buoyant force

exerted on a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid the body

displaces. In other words, an immersed object is buoyed up by a force equal to

the weight of the fluid it actually displaces. By the same theory, when submarine

is in desired depth; it released the water and came up. Using this theory, the

design and fabrication of the model is done which is simple, reliable and cost

effective. However, acquiring and maintaining a submarine fleet is costly.

Therefore, the key challenge for submarine designers is to strike a balance

between the need for stealth, range and adaptability and the need to control the

size and cost of the submarine.

A submarine (or simply sub) is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. It
differs from a submersible, which has more limited underwater capability. The term most
commonly refers to a large, crewed vessel. It is also sometimes used historically or
colloquially to refer to remotely operated vehicles and robots, as well as medium-sized or
smaller vessels, such as the midget submarine and the wet sub. The noun submarine evolved
as a shortened form of submarine boat; by naval tradition, submarines are usually referred to
as "boats" rather than as "ships", regardless of their size (boat is usually reserved for
seagoing vessels of relatively small size).

Although experimental submarines had been built before, submarine design took off during
the 19th century, and they were adopted by several navies. Submarines were first widely
used during World War I (1914–1918), and now figure in many navies large and small.
Military uses include attacking enemy surface ships (merchant and military), attacking other
submarines, aircraft carrier protection, blockade running, ballistic missile submarines as part
of a nuclear strike force, reconnaissance, conventional land attack (for example using
a cruise missile), and covert insertion of special forces. Civilian uses for submarines
include marine science, salvage, exploration and facility inspection and maintenance.
Submarines can also be modified to perform more specialized functions such as search-and-
rescue missions or undersea cable repair. Submarines are also used in tourism, and
for undersea archaeology.

Most large submarines consist of a cylindrical body with hemispherical (or conical) ends
and a vertical structure, usually located amidships, which houses communications and
sensing devices as well as periscopes. In modern submarines, this structure is the "sail" in
American usage, and "fin" in European usage. A "conning tower" was a feature of earlier
designs: a separate pressure hull above the main body of the boat that allowed the use of
shorter periscopes. There is a propeller (or pump jet) at the rear, and various hydrodynamic
control fins. Smaller, deep-diving and specialty submarines may deviate significantly from
this traditional layout. Submarines use diving planes and also change the amount of water
and air in ballast tanks to change buoyancy for submerging and surfacing.

Submarines have one of the widest ranges of types and capabilities of any vessel. They
range from small autonomous examples and one- or two-person vessels that operate for a
few hours, to vessels that can remain submerged for six months—such as
the Russian Typhoon class, the biggest submarines ever built. Submarines can work at
greater depths than are survivable or practical for human divers. Modern deep-diving
submarines derive from the bathyscaphe, which in turn evolved from the diving bell.

Fig.1 Virginia –class submarine.



According to a report in Opusculum Taisnieri published in 1562:

Two Greeks submerged and surfaced in the river Tagus near the City of Toledo several
times in the presence of The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, without getting wet and with
the flame they carried in their hands still alight.

In 1578, the English mathematician William Bourne recorded in his book Inventions or
Devises one of the first plans for an underwater navigation vehicle. A few years later the
Scottish mathematician and theologian John Napier wrote in his Secret Inventions (1596)
the following: "These inventions besides devises of sayling under water with divers, other
devises and strategems for harming of the enemyes by the Grace of God and work of expert
Craftsmen I hope to perform." It's unclear whether he ever carried out his idea.

The first submersible of whose construction there exists reliable information was designed
and built in 1620 by Cornelis Drebbel, a Dutchman in the service of James I of England. It
was propelled by means of oars.


By the mid-18th century, over a dozen patents for submarines/submersible boats had been
granted in England. In 1747, Nathaniel Symons patented and built the first known working
example of the use of a ballast tank for submersion. His design used leather bags that could
fill with water to submerge the craft. A mechanism was used to twist the water out of the
bags and cause the boat to resurface. In 1749, the Gentlemen's Magazine reported that a
similar design had initially been proposed by Giovanni Borelli in 1680. By this point of
development, further improvement in design necessarily stagnated for over a century, until
new industrial technologies for propulsion and stability could be applied.

The first military submarine was the Turtle (1775), a hand-powered acorn-shaped device
designed by the American David Bushnell to accommodate a single person.[ It was the first

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verified submarine capable of independent underwater operation and movement, and the
first to use screws for propulsion.


In 1800, France built a human-powered submarine designed by American Robert Fulton,

the Nautilus. The French eventually gave up on the experiment in 1804, as did the British
when they later considered Fulton's submarine design.

In 1864, late in the American Civil War, the Confederate navy's H. L. Hunley became the
first military submarine to sink an enemy vessel, the Union sloop-of-war USS Housatonic.
In the aftermath of its successful attack against the ship, the Hunley also sank, possibly
because it was too close to its own exploding torpedo.

In 1866, the Sub Marine Explorer was the first submarine to successfully dive, cruise
underwater, and resurface under the control of the crew. The design by German
American Julius H. Kroehl (in German, Kröhl) incorporated elements that are still used in
modern submarines


Submarines were not put into service for any widespread or routine use by navies until the
early 1900s. This era marked a pivotal time in submarine development, and several
important technologies appeared. A number of nations built and used submarines. Diesel
electric propulsion became the dominant power system and equipment such as the periscope
became standardized. Countries conducted many experiments on effective tactics and
weapons for submarines, which led to their large impact in World War I.

Fig.2 USS Plunger, launched in 1902

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The Irish inventor John Philip Holland built a model submarine in 1876 and a full-scale
version in 1878, which were followed by a number of unsuccessful ones. In 1896 he
designed the Holland Type VI submarine, which used internal combustion engine power on
the surface and electric battery power underwater. Launched on 17 May 1897 at Navy
Lt. Lewis Nixon's Crescent Shipyard in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Holland VIwas purchased
by the United States Navy on 11 April 1900, becoming the Navy's first commissioned
submarine, christened USS Holland.

Commissioned in June 1900, the French steam and electric Narval employed the now
typical double-hull design, with a pressure hull inside the outer shell. These 200-ton ships
had a range of over 100 miles (161 km) underwater. The French submarine Aigrette in 1904
further improved the concept by using a diesel rather than a gasoline engine for surface
power. Large numbers of these submarines were built, with seventy-six completed before

The Royal Navy commissioned five Holland-class submarines from Vickers, Barrow-in-
Furness, under licence from the Holland Torpedo Boat Company from 1901 to 1903.
Construction of the boats took longer than anticipated, with the first only ready for a diving
trial at sea on 6 April 1902. Although the design had been purchased entire from the US
Company, the actual design used was an untested improvement to the original Holland
design using a new 180 horsepower (130 kW) petrol engine.

These types of submarines were first used during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05. Due
to the blockade at Port Arthur, the Russians sent their submarines to Vladivostok, where by
1 January 1905 there were seven boats, enough to create the world's first "operational
submarine fleet". The new submarine fleet began patrols on 14 February, usually lasting for
about 24 hours each. The first confrontation with Japanese warships occurred on 29 April
1905 when the Russian submarine Som was fired upon by Japanese torpedo boats, but then

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There are two types of submarine:-

3.1 Military Submarine.

3.2 Civilian Submarine.


Before and during World War II, the primary role of the submarine was anti-surface ship
warfare. Submarines would attack either on the surface, using deck guns or submerged,
using torpedoes. They were particularly effective in sinking Allied transatlantic shipping in
both World Wars, and in disrupting Japanese supply routes and naval operations in the
Pacific in World War II.

Mine-laying submarines were developed in the early part of the 20th century. The facility
was used in both World Wars. Submarines were also used for inserting and removing covert
agents and military forces, for intelligence gathering, and to rescue aircrew during air
attacks on islands, where the airmen would be told of safe places to crash-land so the
submarines could rescue them. Submarines could carry cargo through hostile waters or act
as supply vessels for other submarines.

Fig.3 submarine gun produced by the Krupp Company circa

Submarines could usually locate and attack other submarines only on the surface,
although HMS Venturer managed to sink U-864 with a four torpedo spread while both

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were submerged. The British developed a specialized anti-submarine submarine in WWI,
the R class. After WWII, with the development of the homing torpedo, better sonar systems,
and nuclear propulsion, submarines also became able to hunt each other effectively .

The primary defense of a submarine lies in its ability to remain concealed in the depths of
the ocean. Early submarines could be detected by the sound they made. Water is an
excellent conductor of sound (much better than air), and submarines can detect and track
comparatively noisy surface ships from long distances. Modern submarines are built with an
emphasis on stealth. Advanced propeller designs, extensive sound-reducing insulation, and
special machinery help a submarine remain as quiet as ambient ocean noise, making them
difficult to detect. It takes specialized technology to find and attack modern submarines.


Although the majority of the world's submarines are military, there are some civilian
submarines, which are used for tourism, exploration, oil and gas platform inspections, and
pipeline surveys. Some are also used in illegal activities.

The Submarine Voyage ride opened at Disneyland in 1959, but although it ran under water
it was not a true submarine, as it ran on tracks and was open to the atmosphere.The first
tourist submarine was Auguste Piccard, which went into service in 1964 at Expo64.By 1997
there were 45 tourist submarines operating around the world. Submarines with a crush depth
in the range of 400–500 feet (120–150 m) are operated in several areas worldwide, typically
with bottom depths around 100 to 120 feet (30 to 37 m), with a carrying capacity of 50 to
100 passengers. In a typical operation a surface vessel carries passengers to an offshore
operating area and loads them into the submarine. The submarine then visits underwater
points of interest such as natural or artificial reef structures. To surface safely without
danger of collision the location of the submarine is marked with an air release and
movement to the surface is coordinated by an observer in a support craft. A recent
development is the deployment of so-called narco submarines by South American drug
smugglers to evade law enforcement detection.Although they occasionally deploy true
submarines, most are self-propelled semi-submersibles, where a portion of the craft remains
above water at all times. In September 2011, Colombian authorities seized a 16-meter-long
submersible that could hold a crew of 5, costing about $2 million. The vessel belonged
to FARC rebels and had the capacity to carry at least 7 tonnes of drugs.

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There are following technical parts-

1. Inner Hull

2. Outer Hull

3. Propeller

4. Rudder

5. Ballast Tank

6. Trim Tank

7. Control & Attack Center


Inside the outer hull there is a strong hull, or pressure hull, which actually withstands the
outside pressure and has normal atmospheric pressure inside. The pressure hull is generally
constructed of thick high-strength steel with a complex structure and high strength reserve,
and is separated with watertight bulkheads into several compartments. The pressure and
light hulls aren't separated, and form a three-dimensional structure with increased strength.
The inter hull space is used for some of the equipment which doesn't require constant
pressure to operate. The list significantly differs between submarines, and generally includes
different water/air tanks. In case of a single-hull submarine, the light hull and the pressure
hull are the same except for the bow and stern.

The constructions of a pressure hull require a high degree of precision. This is true
irrespective of its size. Even a one inch (25 mm) deviation from cross-sectional roundness
results in over 30 percent decrease of hydrostatic load. Minor deviations are resisted by the
stiffener rings, and the total pressure force of several million longitudinally-oriented tons
must be distributed evenly over the hull by using a hull with circular cross section. This
design is the most resistant to compressive stress and without it no material could resist
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water pressure at submarine depths. A submarine hull requires expensive transversal
construction, with stiffener rings located more frequently than the longitudinals. No hull
parts may contain defects, and all welded joints are checked several times with different

The double hull of a submarine is different from a ship's double hull.The external hull,
which actually forms the shape of submarine, is called the outer hull, casing or light hull.
This term is especially appropriate for Russian submarine construction, where the light hull
is usually made of steel that is only 2 to 4 millimetres thick, as it has the same pressure on
both sides. The light hull can be used to mount equipment, which if attached directly to the
pressure hull could cause unnecessary stress. The double hull approach also saves space
inside the pressure hull, as the ring stiffeners and longitudinals can be located between the
hulls. These measures help minimise the size of the pressure hull, which is much heavier
than the light hull. Also, in case the submarine is damaged, the light hull takes some of the
damage and does not compromise the vessel's integrity, as long as the pressure hull is intact.

A propeller is a type of fan that transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust.
A pressure difference is produced between the forward and rear surfaces of the airfoil-
shaped blade, and a fluid (such as air or water) is accelerated behind the blade. Propeller
dynamics, like those of aircraft wings, can be modelled by either or both Bernoulli's
principle and Newton's third law. A marine propeller of this type is sometimes colloquially
known as a screw propeller or screw, however there is a different class of propellers known
as cycloidal propellers– they are characterized by the higher propulsive efficiency averaging
0.72 compared to the screw propeller's average of 0.6 and the ability to throw thrust in any
direction at any time. Their disadvantages are higher mechanical complexity and higher


A rudder is a primary control surface used to steer

a ship, boat, submarine, hovercraft, aircraft, or other conveyance that moves through
a fluid medium (generally air or water). On an aircraft the rudder is used primarily to
counter adverse yaw and p-factor and is not the primary control used to turn the airplane. A
rudder operates by redirecting the fluid past the hull (watercraft) or fuselage, thus imparting
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a turning or yawing motion to the craft. In basic form, a rudder is a flat plane or sheet of
material attached with hinges to the craft's stern, tail, or after end. Often rudders are shaped
so as to minimize hydrodynamic or aerodynamic drag. On simple watercraft, a tiller—
essentially, a stick or pole acting as a lever arm—may be attached to the top of the rudder to
allow it to be turned by a helmsman. In larger vessels, cables, pushrods, or hydraulics may
be used to link rudders to steering wheels. In typical aircraft, the rudder is operated by
pedals via mechanical linkages or hydraulics.

Fig.4.4 rudder of submarine


A ballast tank is a compartment within a boat, ship or other floating structure that holds
water, which is used as ballast to provide stability for a vessel. Using water in a tank allows
for easier adjustment of weight than stone or iron ballast as was used in older vessels. It also

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allows for ballast to be pumped out to temporarily reduce the draft of the vessel when
required to enter shallower water.


Submarines use trim or ballast tanks to control both buoyancy and trim of the boat. Ballast
tanks are simply containers that can store air or water in order to increase or decrease lift. If
the nose is too heavy then air is injected into a forward trim tank to displace some of the
water and the nose rises.

There are two types of trim tanks or ballast tanks; hard and soft. Hard tanks are fully
enclosed tanks. Once the required amount of air is inside the tank, then the vents are closed
and the volume of air remains the same even if the submarine ascends or descends.

Fig.4.6 Trim Tank & Ballast Tank


The nerve center of the submarine, the control room/attack center contains the operational
controls for all navigational, sonar communication and weapons systems on the submarine.

From here the officer of the Deck will direct the activities of the vessel. the Action
Information Centre) is the tactical center of a warship or AWAC aircraft providing
processed information for command and control of the near battle space 'area of operations'.
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Within other military commands, rooms serving similar functions are called by the similar
"Command Information Center" or simply "Command center"; the number of different
terms for spaces that serve much the same function may explain why the plain and generally
non-descriptive "Operations Center" is a prevalent term.

Fig.4.7 Control & Attack Center


Fig.4.2.1 Atomic Submarine

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Nuclear submarines are powered by nuclear reactors. Inside nuclear reactors, a neutron is
deployed in order to split uranium atoms. The atomic structure of uranium, once split,
forms a huge amount of heat and gamma radiation. This heat emitted, is in turn used to heat
water. The reactor is surrounded by a hollow coil. The power plant heats water to produce
steam and it is this steam that powers the steam turbines and turbo generators. The power is
then transferred to a gearbox that reduces the ratio by around 50 to 1 and this powers the
propulsor. Naval nuclear propulsion is used specifically within naval warships such as super
carriers. . Very few experimental civil nuclear ships have been built. The ship or submarine
will be fitted with one nuclear power plant. The plant is divided into two sides, port and
starboard. This division of the plant provides a safety net should one side fail to function.
Water is used to transfer heat generated by the power plant to steam generators (pressure
vessels) whose temperature is raised to approximately 250 to 300 °C (482 to 572 °F) by the
heating element of the power plant's primary circuit). Since water vaporizes at 100 °C
(212 °F) at normal pressure the system is pressurized, increasing the boiling temperature of
the water. To transfer the heated water there are two sets of pumps on each side.

The steam is provided by water commonly referred to as feed water. This feed water is sea
water pumped into the boat and desalinated. The desalinated water is then fed to the steam

The primary circuit then heats the feed water turning it to steam. The steam passes through
several driers and onto the main steam stop valve (port and starboard) as super heated dry

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Stated that;

For a body wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, the upward buoyant force acting on the
body is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.

Submarine has ballast tank to control its position and depth below sea level. To float halve,
water in ballast tank is driven out until the buoyant force is equal to weight of submarine.

To fully float, water in ballast tank is driven out until the buoyant force is bigger than the
weight of submarine To submerged, water is pumped into ballast tank until

weight of submarine is bigger than buoyant force.

Fig.5.2 Archimedes principle

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While India discussed the potential of nuclear powered submarines as early as the 1960's,
the development of the Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) submarine program didn't
begin until 1984. In July 2009 India launched its first ATV submarine, the INS Arihant, at
the Ship Building Centre in Vishakapatnam. Codenamed S-2, the INS Arihant is currently
undergoing sea trials and will subsequently be inducted into the Indian Navy. The Arihant is
the first of four Arihant-class submarines that will perform a role in India's strategic
nuclear deterrent. The second nuclear sub, the INS Aridhaman, is also being constructed in
Vishakapatnam, but its launch has been marred by significant delays. The final two Arihant
class subs, dubbed S-3 and S-4, will be constructed at the shipbuilding center at Vadodara.
[15] The vessels are likely to carry 12 Sagarika (K-15) submarine launched ballistic missiles
(SLBM) with a range of around 700km. Ultimately, the INS Arihant may carry long range 4
K-4 (3,500km) SLBM's in lieu of the 12 K-15 delivery systems. In addition, the
INS Arihant will carry torpedoes and submarine launched cruise missiles (SLCM). [18]
India's nuclear powered submarine program is under the management and operations
(M&O) of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the Department
of Atomic Energy (DAE), and the Indian Navy at Visakhapatnam.


The shipbuilding industry is set for mega business with the government deciding that an
ongoing Rs 60,000 crore plan to procure diesel electric submarines will be the last order to
foreign firms and that all future projects will be designed and made in India. "It has been
decided that after P75 I, all future submarines will be of our own design and will be made in India.

"It has been decided that after P75 I, all future submarines will be of our own design and
will be made in India. The government has been very clear on this and we have already
begun the work, even though the requirement is of the future," Navy's Controller of Warship
Production and Acquisition Vice Admiral AV Subhedar confirmed to ET.

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A similar project for six new nuclear powered submarines will obviously be of Indian
design as foreign collaborators cannot share such technology openly.

A recent study by EY shows that the requirement for warships and submarines in India far
outstrips the capacity of public sector shipyards. It has estimated that orders worth Rs
8,47,00 crore will be placed by India in the next 15 years. Private yards, the EY study says,
will be in contention for an annual business of RS 25000 crore for the next 15 years due to a
lack of capacity from the public sector to deliver. EnY also suggests that in case the
government can implement the Make in India plan.

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1. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Clarendon Press,

Oxford, 1993, Vol. 2 N-Z
2. Jump up^ "World Biggest Submarine". Retrieved 21 May 2013
3. William J. Broad (18 March 2008). "Queenfish: A Cold War Tale".
New York Times. Retrieved 17 February 2010.
4. Jump up^ History of the USS Gurnard and Polar Operations
5. Jump up^ "NavSource Online: Submarine Photo Archive". 2016-11-14. Retrieved2017-03-03.
6. Jump up^ "HMS Superb (1976) (9th)". 2013-01-
12. Retrieved 2017-03-04.
7. Jump up^ "Submarine Force Participates in Ice Exercise 2007".
Government Press Releases (USA). 20 March 2007. Retrieved 1
February 2017.
8. Jump up^ "CNO Attends ICEX 2009". 2009-03-24.
Retrieved 2017-03-03.
9. Jump up^ Nave, R. "Bulk Elastic Properties". Hyper
Physics. Georgia State University. Retrieved 26 October 2007.
10.Run Silent & Run Deep(Classics Of Navel Literature) By Edward
Latimer Beach.a
11.United States Submarine By David Hinkle.aa
12.The Submarine: History by Tom Parrich.
14. submarine

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Mobile: +91- 9651872588

To work on a challenging job profiles an opportunity to enhance my technical
skills and knowledge so that it would be helpful for my career.


University/ Year of %
Degree/Course College/School
Board Passing Marks
Pranveer Singh Institute
B.Tech of Technology, Kanpur AKTU 2019 69

Chacha Nehru S I C
Intermediate UP BOARD. 2014 76.8
Govind Nagar,Kanpur
Chacha Nehru S I C
Govind Nagar, Kanpur
High School UP BOARD 2012 81
*currently pursuing

AutoCAD 2016


  Title

  Description

25 | P a g e
Date of Birth : 01/01/1998
Father’s Name : Mr. SUSHIL SAINI
Mother’s Name : Mrs. SAVITRI SAINI

Gender : Male

Languages Known : English & Hindi.

Hobbies : reading books and listening music.

Permanent Address : 37 A Panki Padav Kanpur Nagar

Pin Code-208020


I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is true to my knowledge

and I bear the responsibility for any incorrectness, if found in the above data.

Date-27/09/2017 (TUSHAR SAINI)



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