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Vol. 36, No. 4, April 1998

Computation of Flows with Arbitrary Equations of State

Charles L. Merkle¤
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Jennifer Y. Sullivan†
GMI Engineering and Management Institute, Flint, Michigan 48504
Philip E. O. Buelow‡ and Sankaran Venkateswaran§
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802

The extension of time-marching computations to  uids with arbitrary equations of state is demonstrated by
means of stability analyses, simpliŽ ed problems, and practical applications.Most of the examples use the properties
of supercritical hydrogen for which the density varies by more than an order of magnitude for small changes in
pressure and temperature, but representative computations for incompressible  uids and perfect gases are also
given to demonstrate the generality of the procedure. Because representative  ow velocities in typical supercritical
 uids applications are much lower than the speed of sound, convergence enhancement through eigenvalue control
is often necessary. This is accomplished through a generalization of earlier preconditioning methods that enables
efŽ cient computation of arbitrary equation of state  uids, perfect gases, and incompressible  uids by a single
procedure. The present approach thus provides a single method that is uniformly applicableto all equations of state.

Introduction arbitrary equation of state  uids to be computed but also reduces

A LTHOUGH computationaltechniques are widely used, nearly to an incompressible algorithm or a perfect gas algorithm in appro-
all applications to date have been limited to one of two equa- priate limits, thereby unifying all equations of state into a single
tions of state: perfect gases or incompressible  uids. Further, it is procedure. The result is a single algorithm and a single code that
generally true that different codes (and frequently distinctly dif- can be employed for incompressible  uids, perfect gases, or an ar-
ferent algorithms) have been employed for these two equations of bitrary equation of state  uids with similar efŽ ciency in all regimes.
state. Time-marching techniques1 have proven to be the method of Incorporating the method in existing perfect gas codes to extend
choice for the computation of perfect gases, especially in the tran- them to arbitrary equations of state or incompressible  ows is quite
sonic, supersonic, and hypersonic regimes, whereas incompress- straightforward.
ible computationshave been dominated by iterative, pressure-based
procedures.2 Both of these algorithms have been extended to ap- Equations of Motion for an Arbitrary Fluid
ply to both incompressible and perfect gas  ows, but there remains The equations of motion for a general Newtonian  uid with an
a preponderance of incompressible codes and compressible codes, arbitrary equation of state and variable properties can be written in
especially for time-marching algorithms. the familiar conservative form as
The necessity of having to use a different code for each equation
of state is a nuisance but, more importantly, there are many  uid ¶ Q ¶ E ¶ F ¶ G
C C C D L v (Qv ) (1)
dynamic applications for which more general equations of state ¶ t ¶ x ¶ y ¶ z
must be used. Some speciŽ c examples include supercritical  uids,
refrigerants,and many types of multiphase ows. Engineeringappli- where E, F, and G represent the inviscid  ux vectors and L v is the
cations in the supercritical regime are becoming more prevalent as diffusive operator. The vectors Q, E, F, and G are
improved performance causes pressure levels in many applications 0 1 2 3
q q u
to be increased. Supercritical  uids exhibit much stronger com-
pressibilitythan do perfect gases, yet they have very different equa- Bq uC 6 q u2 C p 7
B C 6 7
tions of state. Similarly, applications involving refrigerant  uids B C 6 7
Q D Bq vC , E D 6 q uv 7
are currently popular as manufacturers switch from  uorocarbons B C 6 7
@q w A 4 q uw 5
to more environmentally friendly  uids. Again, refrigerant  uids
require more general equations of state. Finally, multiphase  uid e (e C p)u
applications can require incompressible  uid assumptions in liquid (2)
2 3 2 3
phase regions and compressible  uid assumptions in vapor regions, q v q w
again requiring more general capability in the equation of state. 6 q uv 7 6 q uw 7
6 7 6 7
The present paper is aimed at applying a recently developed 6 7 6 7
F D 6 q v2 C p 7 , G D 6 q vw 7
generalized equation of state algorithm3 that not only allows these 6 7 6 2
4 q vw 5 4q w C p 5
Presented as Paper 96-0680 at the AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meet- (e C p)v (e C p)w
ing and Exhibit, Reno, NV, Jan. 15–19, 1996; received March 10, 1997;
revision received Oct. 16, 1997; accepted for publication Nov. 17, 1997. The diffusive operator is given by
Copyright ° c 1998 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronau-
tics, Inc. All rights reserved. ¶ ¶ Qv ¶ Qv ¶ Qv
¤ Professor, Propulsion Engineering Research Center; currently Profes- L v (Qv ) D Rx x C Rx y C Rx z
sor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee Space ¶ x ¶ x ¶ y ¶ z
Institute, Tullahoma, TN 37388. Member AIAA.
† Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Member ¶ ¶ Qv ¶ Qv ¶ Qv
C Ry x C R yy C R yz
‡ Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineer-
¶ y ¶ x ¶ y ¶ z
ing, Propulsion Engineering Research Center. Member AIAA. ¶ ¶ Qv ¶ Qv ¶ Qv
§ Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Propulsion (3)
C Rzx C Rz y C Rz z
Engineering Research Center. Member AIAA. ¶ z ¶ x ¶ y ¶ z

where the dependent variable is expressed in terms of the primitive Having chosen Qv as the primary dependent variable, we use the
variables: chain rule to switch variables:

Qv D ( p, u, v, w, T ) T (4) ¶ Qv ¶ E ¶ F ¶ G
C v C C C D L v (Qv ) (7)
¶ t ¶ x ¶ y ¶ z
and the matrices Rx x , R x y , etc., contain the molecular (or turbulent)
viscosities: where the Jacobian matrix C v D ¶ Q/ ¶ Qv is easily determined by
standard procedures:
0 1
0 0 0 0 0 2 3
B C q p 0 0 0 q T
B0 4 l 0 0 0C 6 7
B 3 C 6 uq p q 0 0 uq T 7
Rx x D B B0 0 l 0 0C
C ¶ Q 6 7
B C D66 vq p 0 q 0 vq T
@0 0 0 l 0A ¶ Qv 6 7
4 wq p 0 0 q wq T 5
0 l u l v l w k
3 h 0 q p ¡ (1 ¡ q h p ) q u q v q w h 0 q T C q h T
0 1 (8)
0 0 0 0 0
B C Here q p D (¶ q / ¶ p) T , q T D (¶ q / ¶ T ) p , h T D (¶ h/ ¶ T ) p , h p D
B0 0 ¡ 23 l 0 0C
B C (¶ h/ ¶ p) T , and h 0 is the stagnation enthalpy. (Note that h T is the
Rx y DB
B0 l 0 0 0C
C speciŽ c heat at constant pressure.) Other matrices of interest are
B C the Jacobians Av D ¶ E/ ¶ Qv , Bv D ¶ F/ ¶ Qv , and Cv D ¶ G/ ¶ Qv . The
@0 0 0 0 0A
two entries in the top row indicate that the continuity equation con-
0 l v ¡ 23 l u 0 0
tains temporal derivatives of both the pressure and the temperature,
which correspond to an expansion of the familiar (¶ q / ¶ t ) term.
The remaining matrices may be obtained by appropriate permuta-
The eigenvalues of Eq. (7) determine the convergence rate of any
tion. Note that the Ž rst row and the Ž rst column of these matrices are
time-marching algorithm. For notational simplicity, we refer only
zero, ensuringthat the diffusionterms in continuityand the diffusion
to the x component, although all directions are pertinent. For the x
of pressure are zero in the system. In these expressions,q represents
direction, the eigenvalues are obtained from the determinant
the density; p is the pressure; u, v, and w are the Cartesian velocity
components in the x, y, and z directions, respectively; and l and k C ¡1
v Av ¡k I D 0 (9)
are the viscosity and thermal conductivity. Note we have included
the Stokes hypothesis for the second viscosity coefŽ cient. which represents a Ž fth-order polynomial whose roots are readily
The total internal energy e is the sum of the internal energy e , the found to be
kinetic energy, and the potential energy
k D u, u, u, u § c (10)
(u 2 C v 2 C w 2 )
eDq e C C gz (5)
2 where the acoustic speed c is given by
The enthalpy h is related to the internal energy and the pressure as q hT
c2 D (11)
q T (1 ¡ q h p) C q q phT
q hDq e Cp (6)
For a perfect gas (q T D ¡q / T , q p D 1/ RT , and h T D c R/ c ¡ 1,
and can be deŽ ned as a function of any two other thermodynamic where c is the ratio of speciŽ c heats), the speed of sound re-
properties. Here, we choose the pressure and temperature as the pri- duces to the familiar relation c2 D c RT . For an incompressible
mary dependentvariables,so that enthalpyis given by the functional  uid (q T D q p D 0), the speed of sound becomes inŽ nite, and the
form h D h( p, T ). Note that the presence of multicomponent  uids time derivatives in the continuity equation vanish so that it reduces
(such as for combustion applications) requires the extension of the to D ¢ V D 0. Again, we emphasize that the form given in Eq. (7)
enthalpy relation and equations of state to include (for example) represents the complete Navier–Stokes equations for the several
the species mass fractions. Similarly, the equation set in Eqs. (2–5) equations of state mentioned earlier.
must include additional species relations.
The only place the arbitrary  uid properties explicitly change the Eigenvalue Control for Convergence Acceleration
formulationis through the equationof state. Accordingly,we specify To ensure efŽ cient convergence over all speed ranges and for all
an arbitrary equation of state that relates the density to the pressure
equations of state, we replace the physical matrix C v in Eq. (7) by a
and temperature, q D q ( p, T ). This state relation includes the per- preconditioningmatrix C p , which is chosen to keep all eigenvalues
fect gas law, q D p/ RT , and the incompressiblerelation,q D const,
of order unity when nondimensionalized by the particle speed. To
as special cases, but it also allows treatment of any arbitrary  uid retain generality for a wide range of  uids, we choose C p in a form
that uses the full functional form, as, for example, a supercritical
analogousto ¶ Q/ ¶ Qv . SpeciŽ cally, we replacethe partialderivatives
 uid. (Again, combustion calculationsrequire additionalvariables.) q p , q T , h T , and 1 ¡ q h p that represent the physical  uid properties
The state relation can be deŽ ned in tabular fashion or as a closed-
by the artiŽ cial property terms q p0 , q T0 , h 0T , and h p0 , respectively.3
form algebraic relation. In the present paper, our primary attention With this substitution, the Jacobian ¶ Q/ ¶ Qv [Eq. (8)] becomes
is on the equation of state for supercritical hydrogen.
Although the use of the conservative  ux vectors E, F, and G is 0 1
highly important to ensure that global  ux conservation is main- q 0p 0 0 0 q T0
tained, the dependent variables that appear in Eq. (1) are not neces- B uq 0p q 0 0 uq T0 C
sarily the most convenient for computational purposes. For exam- C DB 0
0 q 0 0 C (12)
p B vq p vq T C
ple, when the enthalpy is a tabular function of the temperature, it is B wq 0 0 C
@ 0 0 q wq T A
necessary to Ž nd the temperature iteratively from the enthalpy, and p

similarly the pressure can be difŽ cult to infer from the variable Q in h 0 q 0p ¡ h 0p q u q v q w 0 0
h q T C q hT 0

Eq. (1). Accordingly, we choose to replace the standard vector Q in

the time derivative by the viscous vector Qv deŽ ned in Eq. (4). (Note The deŽ nition of the preconditioningconsists of specifying the four
that Qv is a unique function of Q.) For arbitrary equations of state parameters that appear in Eq. (12). Their deŽ nition introduces an
and reacting  ows, this choice makes it possible to compute density artiŽ cial speed of sound c 0 that ensures that eigenvalue stiffness is
and enthalpy directly rather than requiring an iterative inversion of avoided. Additional restrictions on the preconditioningmatrix have
these functions to Ž nd T and p. been given by Peyret and Viviand,4 Viviand,5 and Choi and Merkle.6

Appropriate forms of these artiŽ cial properties can be deduced Representative applications in which the aforementioned eigen-
from perturbation analyses of the equations of motion at low speeds value stiffness leads to convergence deterioration include combus-
and low Reynolds numbers.3 The results give tion problems in which the  ow speeds are small but the density
. changes are large because of the energy release so that the full
q 0
p D min(1, Re2 )k p Vr2 , q 0
T D min(1, Re/ Pr)k T q T compressible equations must be used. (Again, this requires an ex-
(13) tension of the equation set to include species equations, but the
h 0T D h T , h 0p D 1 ¡ q h p basic framework remains unchanged.) Similarly, supercritical  u-
ids with heat addition contain dramatic density changes for small
where k p and k T are quantities of order unity, Vr is an appropriate
reference velocity (typically taken as the local velocity at a grid changes in temperature, but in many applications the  ow veloci-
ties are much lower than the speed of sound, and so stiffness again
point), Re is the local cell Reynolds number, and Pr is the  uid
Prandtl number. The quantitiesh 0p and h 0T remain free and have been arises in a problem that must be treated as a compressible  ow. Fi-
nally, incompressible  ows in which the acoustic speeds are inŽ nite
set to their physical values for convenience. Choosing k T D 0 gives
the preconditioning system we have used previously.6, 7 The appli- present insurmountable problems to an unmodiŽ ed time-marching
scheme. The stiffness in all three of these applications is removed
cation to arbitrary equation of state  uids requires that we choose
k T D 1. This also has the physical advantage in perfect gas applica- by changing the four preconditioningparameters given in Eq. (13).
For supersonic  ows, where the condition number of the physical
tions that the preconditionedequationsapproachtheir exact physical
counterparts as the Mach number approachesunity. The advantages matrix is not large, it is sufŽ cient to revert to the physical equations
and take q 0p D q p and q T0 D q T .
of this have been noted by Radespiel et al.8 Note that, by choos-
ing q 0p D q p , q T0 D q T , h 0T D h T , and h 0p D 1 ¡ q h p , we return to
Stability and Convergence
the nonpreconditioned equations where C p becomes the physical
of the Preconditioned Equations
Jacobian C v D ¶ Q/ ¶ Qv .
The eigenvalues of Eq. (7) are determined by the eigenvalues of To demonstrate the effectiveness of the generalized equation of
C ¡1 state formulation,we compareboth stabilityand convergenceresults
p Av . Replacing h T by h T and h p by 1 ¡ q h p as in Eq. (13), the
0 0

preconditioned eigenvalues become for three different  uids: a perfect gas, an incompressible  uid, and
p p supercritical hydrogen. The equations of state for the Ž rst two are
K p D diag [u, u, u, u(a C b), u(a ¡ b)] (14) well known and can be described by the simple algebraic expres-
sions given earlier. The equation of state for supercritical hydrogen
where the quantities a, b, and d are given by can be represented by a Soave–Redlich–Kwong constitutive prop-
q h T (q Cq 0
C h 0p (q Cq 0 erty relation.12 A graphicalrepresentationof the density of hydrogen
p p) T T)
aD 0 0
(15a) as a function of the temperature is given in Fig. 1 for several values
2(q q p T Cq T h p) of pressure. The results in Fig. 1 start from the critical pressure,
1.3 MPa, and extend up to 40 MPa, and so all of Fig. 1 is appli-
cable to the supercritical regime. Note that, in the region around
q hT q h T (q p ¡q 0
p) C h 0p (q T ¡q 0
T) 50 K, the density decreases very rapidly with temperature, going
bD 0 0
C 0 0 from values near 100 kg/m3 to around 10 kg/m3 within a few tens
u 2 (q q 0p h T C q T hp) 2(q q 0h
p T Cq T h p)
of degrees. The rate of change of density with temperature is par-
(15b) ticularly strong near the critical pressure and temperature and de-
Here h 0p represents the physical quantity 1 ¡ q h p , and q 0p and q T0 creasesas the pressureand temperatureare raisedabovetheir critical
represent the preconditioningparameters given in Eq. (13). values.
In the nonpreconditioned case (q 0p D q p and q T0 D q T ), the de- The properties needed for our generalized formulation of the
nominator in Eq. (15) becomes proportional to the speed of sound equations of motion can be interpreted directly from the plot in
squared and the quantities in Eqs. (15a) and (15b) reduce to a D 1 Fig. 1. The rate of change of density with pressure q p is propor-
and b D c2 / u 2 . Consequently, the last two eigenvalues reduce to tional to the vertical distance between the constant pressure lines.
u § c, and we recover the physical acoustic eigenvalues. When the Note that these lines are very widely spaced in the region around
preconditioning given in Eq. (13) is used, the eigenvalues remain 50 K, indicating that q p is quite large there. Similarly, the slope of
well behaved for all conditions, as is demonstrated by the stability the constant pressure lines corresponds to q T , the rate of change of
and convergence results of the next section. density with temperature, and it, too, is large near the critical point.
For an incompressible  uid, q p D q T D 0, and the precondition- The fact that these propertiesare nonzero for supercriticalhydrogen
ing in Eq. (13) gives q T0 D 0. Consequently,the only time derivative is a clear indication that the  uid is a compressible medium. Conse-
remaining in the continuity equation is the time derivative of pres- quently, the adaptationof a density-based,time-marchingalgorithm
sure.The presentsystemthus reducesto the artiŽ cial compressibility
method of Chorin9 with q 0p replacing the artiŽ cial compressibility
parameter (1/ b ). In this incompressible case, the quantities a and b
in Eq. (15) become
1 1 1
aD , bD C (16)
2 u2 q 0
p 4
which gives the same eigenvalues as the artiŽ cial compressibility
method.10 , 11 This shows that the artiŽ cial compressibility method
is recovered as a special case of the present procedure.
For compressible  ows, the quantitiesin Eq. (15) take on the form
1 1
aD 1C 0 c2
2 q p ¡ (c ¡ 1)
c2 / u2 1 1
bD C 1¡ 0 c2
q 0 c2
p ¡ (c ¡ 1) 4 q p ¡ (c ¡ 1)

which is similar to results used previously for preconditioning in

perfect gases.6 , 7 (In previous publications we have used k T D 0, Fig. 1 State relationships for supercritical hydrogen using the Soave–
whereas here we have used k T D 1.) Redlich–Kwong equation of state.12

Fig. 2 Stability analysis of ADI algorithm for Euler equations; cen- Fig. 3 Stability analysis of preconditioned ADI algorithm for Euler
tral differencing, without preconditioning, Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy equations, CFL = 3: upper half, supercritical hydrogen, T = 50 K, p = 5
(CFL) = 3: upper half, perfect gas and M = 0.7; lower half, supercritical MPa, and u = 4 m/s; lower half, incompressible  ow and u = 4 m/s.
hydrogen and u = 4 m/s.
so that Mach number is a primary parameter in computations. EfŽ -
would appear to be straightforward.Nevertheless,the applicationof cient convergence requires that something must be done to rectify
time-marching methods to typical supercritical hydrogen problems the stiffness that is so encountered. It is for this reason that we have
results in very slow convergence. The reason stems from the wide introduced the preconditioningmatrix in Eq. (12).
disparity between the characteristic velocities in such applications. The effects of preconditioningfor this simple case are quite dra-
It is for this reason that the generalized preconditioning described matic as shown by the ampliŽ cation factors for the supercritical
earlier is necessary.These effects are most readily explainedby con- hydrogen case in the upper half of Fig. 3. In these preconditioned
sidering the stability characteristics for a representative algorithm. stability results, the parameter q 0p has been replacedby q 0p D k p / Vr2
As a representative example of the effect of the equation of state with k p D 1 and q T0 D q T (k T D 1). This simple changemakes the sta-
on the stability characteristics,we consider the Euler equations. To bility characteristics for the supercritical hydrogen case look quite
put the stability results into perspective, we Ž rst compare results good. In fact, they become somewhat more favorable (that is, the
for a perfect gas with those for supercritical hydrogen when the ampliŽ cation factors are slightly lower) than those for the nonpre-
full physical variables are used in the time derivative (no precon- conditioned M D 0.7 perfect gas case. (Compare with the upper
ditioning). For deŽ niteness, we use central differencing in space half of Fig. 2.) The mid-wave-number ampliŽ cation factors are in
and alternating direction implicit (ADI) approximate factorization the 0.85 range, with sharp falloff along the axes (except at the cor-
in time1 and present the magnitude of the spectral radius of the am- ners) promising efŽ cient convergence.As shown later, this promise
pliŽ cation matrix obtained from a classical von Neumann analysis is realized in computations.
of the Navier–Stokes equations. The curve in the lower half of Fig. 3 shows the result of pre-
Stability results for the nonpreconditionedequations for a perfect conditioning the incompressible equations by the same procedure.
gas are given in the upper half of Fig. 2, whereas similar results for This preconditioning converts the incompressible equations to the
supercritical hydrogen are given in the lower half. [These nonpre- traditional artiŽ cial compressibility formulation,9 but it does so in a
conditionedresults correspondto using q 0p D q p , q T0 D q T , h 0T D h T , manner that treats incompressible  ow as a special case of an arbi-
and h 0p D 1¡q h p in the preconditioningmatrix C p of Eq. (12).] The trary equationof state. (As noted earlier, for the incompressiblecase
stability results for the perfect gas are computed for a  ow Mach q 0p correspondsto the traditionalartiŽ cial compressibilityparameter
number of 0.7 and a  ow angle of 45 deg (v/ u D 1), whereas those 1/ b .) The stability characteristics for preconditioned incompress-
for supercritical hydrogen are for a velocity of 4 m/s, a tempera- ible  ow are essentially identical to those for hydrogen even though
ture of 50 K, a pressure of 5 MPa, and the same  ow angle. (Note the physical properties q p and q T are both zero. Further, when this
that Mach number is not a very suitable parameter for a liquid-like preconditioningis applied to the M D 0.7 perfect gas case in the up-
supercritical  uid, and so the  uid velocity is speciŽ ed.) As can per half of Fig. 2, it, too,becomesidenticalto these results,indicating
be seen, the ampliŽ cation factors for the perfect gas (upper half of that the preconditioning also works for perfect gases. Companion
Fig. 2) are reasonable, with damping rates of around 0.9 over most perfect gas stability results for Mach numbers ranging from 10¡5 to
of the mid-wave-number range and lower values along the coordi- transonicverify that the preconditionedampliŽ cationfactors remain
nate axes except in the corners where the ampliŽ cation factor goes essentially the same for all speeds. Consequently, whereas stability
to unity. These high-wave-number peaks are easily removed by a characteristics for Euler solutions are a function of Mach number
small amount of artiŽ cial dissipation,so that, overall, these stability only for all equations of state, including incompressible  ow, the
characteristics should provide reasonably good convergence. stability characteristicsof the preconditionedsystem are essentially
The stability results for the hydrogen application (lower half of the same for all Mach numbers and all equations of state and de-
Fig. 2) are, however, much different. Here, the ampliŽ cation factor pend only on the  ow angle. These examples demonstrate the ease
is nearly unity (0.9999) over almost the entire wave-number region, with which the stiffness in the Euler equations can be removed for
and the resulting convergence can be expected to be very slow. The arbitrary speeds and arbitrary equations of state.
reason for this very strong difference is that the Mach number in To demonstratethe signiŽ cance of these stabilityresults,we apply
the supercriticalhydrogen is only M D 0.01. (The speed of sound at them Ž rst to a simple  owŽ eld. We consider the inviscid  ow of an
these conditions is c D 400 m/s.) Low-Mach-number conditions are arbitrary  uid in a straight duct at a Mach number of 0.01 and
widely known to provide very stiff eigenvalues and very slow con- look at the convergencefrom an initial condition correspondingto a
vergence. In fact, analysis of the stability relation for Euler equation small random perturbation from the exact (uniform  ow) solution.
applications of any generalized  uid shows that the stability char- Although this problem appears trivial, the return to uniform  ow
acteristics depend only on the  ow angle and the Mach number at low Mach numbers takes tens of thousands of iterations without
no matter what equation of state is used. The difŽ culty is that the preconditioning.With preconditioning,it converges very rapidly as
Mach number is not typicallyconsideredas a parameter in supercrit- is shown later.
ical  uid applications where the velocities are almost always much Three cases are considered: 1) a perfect gas, 2) an incompress-
lower than the speed of sound. Still, time-marching methods rely ible  ow, and 3) supercriticalhydrogen at 5 MPa and 50 K. Figure 4
on acoustic waves to remove errors during the convergenceprocess, displays the convergence histories for each of these cases. (The

Fig. 5 Contours of perturbation pressure for  ow of supercritical hy-

drogen through a two-dimensional cascade; u = 240 m/s, p = 5 MPa, and
T = 100 K.

Fig. 4 Convergence of  ow in an inviscid straight duct at M = 0.01 for

supercritical hydrogen, perfect gas, and incompressible  ow using the
original equations and the preconditioned equations.

addition of preconditioninghas a negligible effect on CPU time per

iteration,and so comparisons of the number of iterationscorrespond
to relative CPU times.) It is evident that without preconditioningthe
convergence quickly deteriorates, and more than 10,000 iterations
are required to reach a machine-accurate solution. When precondi-
tioning is employed, all three cases converge at the same rate, reach-
ing machine accuracy in fewer than 400 iterations.The convergence
therefore correlates with the stability analyses and indicates that the
preconditioningworks equally well for the Euler equations regard-
less of the equation of state. Next we look at applications of both
the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations to more practical problems
using examples based on the equation of state of hydrogen.
Representative Solutions for Practical Problems Fig. 6 Convergence rates for inviscid  ow through a two-dimensional
The ultimate proof of convergence enhancement must rest upon cascade for supercritical hydrogen, incompressible  ow, and perfect gas.
demonstration of its effectivenessin practical problems. In this sec- Results are shown for both the originalequations and the preconditioned
tion, we present some representative results to demonstrate the ca- equations.
pabilities. Figure 5 shows a representative result for inviscid  ow
of supercritical hydrogen through a two-dimensional cascade. The wall is at the  uid temperature, and the bottom wall is heated to
 ow conditions correspond to 5 MPa and 100 K where the speed 300 K. Figure 7 includes contours of the density, the temperature,
of sound is 800 m/s. The inlet velocity is 240 m/s. A 121 £ 41 and the axial velocity as well as velocity vectors showing the cross-
stretched grid was used. The contours in the Ž gure correspond to stream proŽ les. The temperature and density contours clearly show
the perturbation pressure. The convergence histories with and with- the thermal boundary layer that develops on the bottom wall. The
out preconditioning are given in Fig. 6. (Again, CPU times scale thicknessof this boundarylayer, however,is accentuatedby the ther-
with iteration number for all cases.) This case was also run as a per- mal expansion of the hydrogen as it is heated. The dramatic change
fect gas and an incompressible ow at the same conditions,and these in density induces a fairly strong upward velocity in the cross plane
results are also included in Fig. 6. The improvement with precon- (shown later) that displaces the boundary layer toward the oppo-
ditioning is not as signiŽ cant as was observed in Fig. 4 because the site wall. The velocity vectors also show that the heated  ow near
Mach number is larger for this case; however, uniform convergence the wall accelerates so that the peak velocity occurs near the bottom
is again obtained for each of the three  uids. wall, and the proŽ le is highly nonsymmetric. The velocity contours
As a second example, we consider the laminar  ow of hydrogen demonstrate that the heating causes a substantial  ow acceleration
through a heated, rectangularduct at a Reynolds number of 1 £ 103 . that is far larger than is seen in the constant property case. As a
The duct hydraulicdiameteris 1.5 mm, which, at this Reynoldsnum- result, the pressure drop in the duct is several times greater than that
ber, correspondsto velocities that far negate the effects of buoyancy. in a similar  ow of a constant property  uid.
A schematic of the conŽ guration is shown in Fig. 7. The incoming A better understandingof the  owŽ eld can be obtainedby looking
hydrogen is at a temperature of 40 K and a pressure of 10 MPa. The at the property contours in the cross plane. Some representative re-
wall temperature on one of the narrow sides of the rectangle is set sults are given in Fig. 8, correspondingto an axial location halfway
to 300 K, whereas that on the opposite side is kept at the  uid tem- through the duct, x/ Dh D 10. Figure 8 shows the cross-stream ve-
perature of 40 K. A linear variation between these two temperatures locity, along with contour plots of the axial velocity, temperature,
is speciŽ ed on the side walls. As noted in Fig. 7, the duct length is and density. The heated wall is on the bottom, and taking advantage
20 hydraulic diameters. A grid with approximately 300,000 points of symmetry, only half of the duct is shown. Looking Ž rst at the
was used with moderate stretching near the walls. The variation in density and temperature contours, it is seen that the warmer  uid
density resulting from the heating results in a much different  ow- near the bottom has expanded by a factor of about 5 compared with
Ž eld and considerably different heat transfer than in the case of a the nonheated  uid. This expansion is responsible for displacing
constant property  uid. Our interest in this problem arises from the the  uid away from the bottom wall, as was noted in conjunction
regenerative cooling of rocket combustion chambers, but here we with Fig. 7. This thermal expansion of the  uid also causes a fairly
use this problem as an example of the application of computational strong streamwise vortex to develop in the cross plane, as is seen
techniques to an arbitrary equation of state  uid. in the plot at the left in Fig. 8. This vorticity arises because of the
An overview of the axial variation of the  owŽ eld on the mid- rq £ r p term that is present in this highly compressible  ow. The
plane of the duct is given in the lower portion of Fig. 7. The top generation of streamwise vorticity in a constant property  uid in a

Fig. 7 Velocity, density, and temperature on midplane of rectangular duct as a function of axial distance.

Fig. 9 Cross-stream velocity vectors for duct aspect ratios 1, 2, and 4;

x/Dh = 10.

number based on the hydraulic diameter was held constant. Here,

Cross-stream Axial velocity Temperature Density duct aspect ratios of 1 (a square), 2, and 4 are presented. The results
velocity show the velocity in the cross plane at the x/ Dh D 10 station. As can
be seen, vorticity is present for all duct aspect ratios, but the larger-
Fig. 8 Velocity, density, and temperature contour plots in cross plane of
rectangular duct, x/Dh = 10. The temperature is given in Kelvins, and the aspect-ratio ducts pinch the vortex so that its aspect ratio Ž ts that of
density in kilogramsper cubic meter. The velocity is nondimensionalized the duct. Computations at duct aspect ratios higher than 4 indicate
by the bulk velocity U0 . that the single pair of vortices (obtained by re ecting the plots in
Fig. 9 about the symmetry plane) becomes broken up into two pairs,
straight tube is clearly not possible. This relatively strong  ow in one above the other. These results clearly show the importance of
the cross plane has a considerable effect on the heat transfer, as it including variable property effects in the computations.
removes the heated  ow from the bottom wall and replaces it with
fresh, unheated  uid, thereby enhancing the heat transfer. Finally, Conclusions
the axial velocity contours in Fig. 8 show that the peak velocity The effectiveness of a uniŽ ed preconditioning method for arbi-
occurs near the bottom of the duct where the  uid expansion has the trary equation of state  uids has been demonstrated by means of
most impact, as was noted from the axial proŽ les of Fig. 7. stability theory, simpliŽ ed problems, and realistic applications. As
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plane are shown in Fig. 9. For these computations, the Reynolds to  ows of supercriticalhydrogen have been made. In addition,both

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Acknowledgments 263–304.
This work was supported under NASA Grants NAGW-1356,
NAS 8-3886, and NCC 8-46 from the NASA Marshall Space Flight J. Kallinderis
Center. Associate Editor

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