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Salvador, Kathleen Allysa V.

Law 2D


At the beginning of the documentary, different situations regarding wastes

were shown. Upon seeing them, I did not just felt disgusted. I felt sorry for those
who are affected. Wastes were not properly segregated, plastics on tree branches,
animals walking on garbage, garbage along the shore, forming a trash mountain.

According to some man in the documentary, garbage affects the land, the
seas, the air, and us. He is absolutely correct.

The documentary mentioned dioxine and its effect to humans especially to

babies. Dioxine affects mental and sexual development, immune system. It was
heartbreaking to see the children suffering from the effects of the Vietnam War,
where contaminated chemicals were sprayed all over the jungle to kill people.
What is more painful was seeing the fetuses inside the jars. Innocent children
suffered. Although many children were rescued, and was able to live, still, they
carry with them the tragic effect of dioxine contamination.

Another thing that caught my attention was the garbage being thrown in the
water, and how I was able to harm different species. One of which was the grey
whale found in Seattle where they found 20 plastic bags, small towels, duct tape,
surgical gloves, and even a golf ball. What is a golf ball doing in the ocean?

“Trashed” is the kind of documentary that needs to be seen by the whole

world. It clearly shows the effects of improper waste management, and how bad it
can be. Worst case scenarios were shown. It will definitely serve as an eye opener
to every individual, and how they can help in ensuring a safe and healthy
environment not just for the people of today, but also for the people of tomorrow.
But we must have the initiative to make a change. We must start within our selves,
within our own communities. “It’s up to all of us… because we are trashing our
planet, and it’s time to stop.” I remember what my parents used to tell me when I
was a kid, and that is to pick up your trash.

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