Inside Digital Design 2018

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1 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

Introduction to digital design
Digital design revolution completely took over analogue designs, capturing major electronic design
industry. Besides other amazing features, design automation is well defined reasons for digital design
dominance. This chapter will introduce to amazing world of digital design, and travel through several
fundamental features to grasp state of art tools, hardware development; advancements and complex
digital design algorithms. First section will embark on basic terminology and concepts of digital design.

1-1 What is digital design?

Digital design is mapping of algorithms on silicon, where algorithm is defined as a function which
translates inputs to outputs. Figure 1-1 shows algorithm mapped on silicon, which generates outputs
based on inputs. Digital design deals with design of algorithms, methods to map them on silicon and
assure that they function properly.

Inputs Algorithm on the Outputs


Figure 1-1: Algorithm mapping inputs to outputs (This is what digital design is about,
designing algorithms and using automated techniques to map them on silicon)

Digital designer have to search for an optimal transfer function, which takes less area and provides high
performance. The goals of optimality are bounded by four criteria’s:
▪ Area, the design should consume as less area as possible.
▪ Performance, the design should work fast and delivers high performance.
▪ Power, the design should consume acceptable amount of power. So that it can sustain longer
period of time with battery and dissipate less heat.

Inside digital design, Draft 2018

2 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

▪ Testability, the design should be testable after it is developed, so that faults can easily be traced.
In an ideal world design should utilize minimum area, provides high speed and performance, consumes
less power and should be fully testable after being manufactured.
1-1-1 Example of digital design algorithm:
Let’s start with a very simple example to understand what design mapping means? Consider a 2-bit
comparator in figure 1-2. The design can compare two inputs and assert ‘Cmp_EQ’ (if both inputs are
equal), ‘CMP_LT’ (if first input is less then second input), ‘CMP_GT’ (if first input is greater than second).


Figure 1-2: Example of algorithm to be mapped on silicon, inputs and outputs are indicated

To figure out mapping between input and output conventional technique such as truth table and writing
Boolean equations can be used. Boolean equations are written for each output and are minimized using
K maps or Boolean reduction. Figure 1-3 shows truth table and possible Boolean equations.
Cmp_In1 Cmp_In2 Cmp_EQ Cmp_LT Cmp_GT
0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 0

𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐸𝑄 = 𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐼𝑛1⋀𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐼𝑛2
𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐿𝑇 = ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐼𝑛1& 𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐼𝑛2
𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐺𝑇 = 𝐶𝑚𝑝_𝐼𝑛1 & ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

Figure 1-3: Figuring out digital design algorithm

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3 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

Based on algorithm worked out in figure 1-3, the black box of figure 1-2 is filled. The result is a digital
design which transfers inputs to outputs. The circuit exactly defines, how each output will be shaped up
using each input. In other words, a combination of wires and logic elements defines a path from input to
output. The circuit elements are dictated by the functionality of digital design. In certain cases the
design may be twisted to satisfy the optimality goals.

Cmp_In1 Cmp_EQ



Figure 1-4: The algorithm defines a mapping between input and output

1-1-3 Mapping design on silicon:

In this subsection, flow of mapping an algorithm on silicon will be explored. Figure 1-4 reflected a digital
circuit based on certain algorithm. Figure 1-5 shows flow of mapping algorithm to silicon; this means to
implement digital circuit on hardware and functionally verify it. First step of mapping is design
specification, which defines digital design. Such specification can be in form of formal document, code of
required design in some other language e.g. C++, or as verbal description. To design circuit correctly,
design specification must be clear and concise. Each module, associated ports, their sizes and
connections between modules should be properly indicated so that correct design could be
Once design specification is decided the digital design is simulated, mapped to hardware and
functionality is cross checked with required functionality as per required by design specification. The
implementation on hardware or mapping on silicon can be accomplished in different ways; depending
on the possible application and needs of hardware. The possible platforms and their scopes will be
discussed in coming sections. Functional verification is essential since it cross-checks design
implementation with required functionality. Testing the design for faults and verifying it against required
functionality are two different aspects and shouldn’t be confused. Testing means, that circuit is fault
free and is functioning without errors while verification means that if it matches required functionality.

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4 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

Figure 1-5 illustrate all steps of mapping, algorithm on silicon and cross validating it’s functionality.


algorithm on



Figure 1-5: Design Flow of Digital Designs

1-1-4: Constraints of optimal digital design mapping:

The digital design becomes demanding because it is constrained by several design requirements. The
tradeoff between such requirements restricts designer to meet required parameters of performance,
area, power and testability at same time. Every end user wants fast systems, which are very reliable,
slim and consume less power. Yet trending and paced digital evolution and time to market a product
makes it even challenging. Delivering a cost-effective product with matching market trends before a
competitor does, is a demanding design regime. Never the less, there is no free lunch, and each of these
goals effect other parameters. For example, to achieve good performance, more area is required to be
spent which results in more power consumption of circuit. A very popular example to explain this effect
is ripple carry adder; each stage of 4-bit ripple carry adder consists of full adder. The carry is passed from

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5 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

previous stage, therefore full adders of next stage must wait until all previous stage manufactures carry
and forward it, as shown in figure 1-6. This means in 16-bit adder, last stage has to wait for 15 stages to
receive rippled carry, which reduces the design performance.

b[3] a[3] b[2] a[2] b[1] a[1] b[0] a[0]

Carry_out Carry_in


S[3] S[2] S[1] S[0]

Figure 1-6: Ripple carry adder, low performance with less area and power
The solution to this problem is carry look ahead, which generates carry in advance using propagate and
generate mechanism, as shown in figure 1-7. This speeds up the performance of circuit at cost of extra
area, hence to get more performance more area is required to be invested.

Carry Look Ahead Logic Calculator Cin






b[1] a[1] b[1] a[1] b[1] a[1] b[0] a[0]

FA3 FA2 FA1 FA0 Cin

S[3] S[2] S[1] S[0]

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6 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

Figure 1-7 : Better performance at cost of extra area and power consumption

Let’s try to reduce area of ripple carry adder and make it slim with the same functionality. Figure 1-8
shows a single full adder, whose output ‘COut’ is stored in d flip flop. This carry out is feedback to carry
in stage of adder. Two inputs are stored in two n-bit registers, which shifts single bit at every clock cycle,
finally the generated sum is also stored in shift register. This reduces hardware for any width of
numbers, but it can be easily figured out that it will require n clock cycle to sum up n-bit number. In this
case, power and area are reduced at the cost of performance.

X_in1 A

X_in2 B


Figure 1-8: One full adder with shift registers and D-FF can produce N-bit adder, reduced
area with low performance

In similar way, to make design testable, an extra area must be spent to compensate testability logic
inside circuit. The main goals of testability are to provide a digital hardware in which fault diagnostics is
easy, it’s exact location can be spotted and if possible provides a repair or run time alternatives. The
least can be fault detection from outside of IC or digital design; obviously it can’t be achieved without
spending extra hardware.
The digital designer must find an optimal trade off while mapping algorithm onto silicon considering
required application and requirements of design. Most of current designs are power and performance
critical, this effectively means that digital designers have extra liberty to use larger chip areas due to
availability of high transistor densities for enhance performance. The area of design is less critical then
the performance itself, however using larger chip area effects in larger power consumption which
should be restricted. Higher power consumption means lower time for battery held devices and high
heat dissipation. Besides testability has gained almost mandatory place in almost all type of digital

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7 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

designs. This makes digital designing more challenging and demanding and to meet these constraint
dimension of research are wide open.
1-1-4 Level of digital design
The algorithm can be designed and thought at different level of abstraction. Ultimately the design is to
be translated into silicon, and things will proceed into transistors. The transistors are manufactured
using metal interconnects and semiconductors materials, however, it seems dauntingly different to
think mammoth designs on physical layout level. Therefore, other levels of abstraction are introduced to
make life of digital designer easy and tools are provided to link different levels of abstraction. The
section will cover following levels RTL (register transfer level), gate level, schematics/switch level and
layout/physical level.

1-1-5-1: RTL(register transfer level)

RTL is highest level of abstraction where design is represented by so called black boxes. The design is
shown at highest level of abstraction where only blocks, its I/O and their widths are indicated. The
system is shown as integration of such boxes. A standard routing is shown between them and data is
meant to flow between certain registers of the design hence deriving name, register transfer level.
Additionally , brief functional description of each block is also provided to show a top level design
model. Mostly design specifications are provided at register transfer level.

1-1-5-2 Gate level

The second way of representing logic is gate level; symbolical gates are used to represent circuit. Mostly
standard gates are used to reflect certain logic; however more specialized gate can also be included in
design. Gate level representation is mostly used for small designs, as for larger designs it is hard to
maintain and draw so many gates. Most of synthesis tools also translate the design at gate level know as
gate net list.

1-1-5-3 Schematics/ switch level

Schematic level or switch level involves representation of circuits using transistors. It is not difficult to
imagine that representing or thinking circuits at transistor level will become a tedious job. Although
some AMS(analogue mix signal) or microwave circuits are still sketched at transistor level however, it is
not popular way for digital designs. Transformation of gate level into schematic is natural procedure
since gates symbols under the hood uses transistors.

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8 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

1-1-5-4 Layout/physical level

For the chip manufacturing industry or the physical FPGA board, physical level layout is the last level of
abstraction. Physical level involves silicon wells, metal interconnects and other device level details.
Although, each transistor eventually boils down to physical layers, however, it is not practical to hand or
tool craft millions of transistors for given application. Therefore, most of the sub steps above uses
specialized tool chains and set of tool to translate between different layer of abstraction.

1-2 Digital design automation

Before electronic design automation designs were hand crafted, team of designers used to sit on a big
sheet of paper and draw schematics with their hands, and IC’s were fabricated using these designs. This
is possible for few thousand transistors however, for larger designs with multibillion transistor truth
tables isn’t viable way to design circuits. In mid 70’s part of the process was automated, and place and
route was done using automated tools. As the transistor size grew, things became harder to manage
using schematics and handcrafting techniques. The growth in memory sizes, demand to operate at high
clock speeds and dense transistor density demanded innovation in IC design industry. The ground
breaking development was done with language based hardware construction in early 1980’s. Advent of
language based hardware description immediately improved the performance and capability of IC
design industry. The design and simulation of hardware became much faster and reliable. In 1981 US
defense department started a project called VHDL to pursue effort for language based hardware
construction. The first commercial success in this regard was achieved by gateway automation in 1985,
and this was start of new era of rapid IC design growth. Since then IC fabrication industry has
revolutionized every year and device size has grown many times smaller. This means that now ICs can
support larger number of transistors on the same device as they used to support some 40 years back.
Today Giga hertz speeds, Giga bytes storages and many million transistor counts are norm. This all is
blessed by electronic design automation and invention of reliable tools to construct digital hardware.
Advent of multimedia devices like hand held phones, digital cameras, MP3 players etc. tested the design
capabilities of engineers. The demand for implementation of complex algorithms in speech signal
processing required complex silicon implementation, modulation schemes, IFFT cores, compression
algorithms, adaptive equalizers and RF signal processing required demanding designs for digital

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9 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

designers. The mixed signal designs have included designs on single chip mostly used in smart phones.
This effectively means advance digital design products in market using electronic design

1-2-1 EDA (Electronic design automation):

In 1965 Gordon Moore predicted the possible rapid growth in IC design as shown in figure 1-9, and IC
design industry has religiously followed the curve. This was only enabled due to rapid development of
technology in IC design and IC manufacturing industry.

Figure 1-9: Moore’s Law, transistor count will double every year

Innovations were made in electronic design automation (EDA). The birth of tool based development
allowed IC designer to handled complex algorithms and digital design using state of the art tools. One of
the innovation was programming based hardware development, this means effectively to invent a
language which can model hardware also known as HDL (hardware descriptive language. Initially,
purpose of Verilog HDL was to support simulation of hardware, but latter additional feature of
manufacturing hardware (synthesis) was incorporated. This modifies digital design philosophy, and
extends the definition to mapping of algorithms on to silicon using electronic design automation. Figure
1-5 is redrawn to extend the idea; mapping algorithm into silicon is replaced based HDL coding of the
design. Functional verification /testing of design are automated through use of software and verified
design can be synthesized into functional hardware. The reflection of digital design using automated
techniques is shown in figure 1-10.

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10 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018


HDL code for

Verification using
Test Bench

Synthesis of
Digital Design
Gate net

Post Synthesis

Figure 1-10: Design flow of digital designs using EDA

First step remains the same, and starts with design specifications. Once design specifications are frozen,
Verilog HDL coding is done considering simulation of design. Third step , loops back between Verilog
HDL code and test bench until the code is functionally correct and matches design specifications.
Once design become functionally and logically correct it’s transformed to gate level netlist or transistor
level schematics. Most synthesis tools involve library cell driven synthesis, therefore post synthesis
simulation is performed to check if the synthesized circuit is functionally correct. EDA industry has

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11 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

defined four types of synthesis schemes:

High Level Synthesis: Use high level languages e.g. C++ and converts it into RTL.
Logic synthesis: Use RTL description mostly in Verilog HDL or VHDL and converts it into gate level netlist.
Schematic Capture: Use standard cells, and transform given logic using standard cell logic.
Layout: usually called schematic driven layout, where schematic level logic is directly transformed into
physical layouts.
Also simulation can be done at several levels, which are given below:
Logic Simulation: Digital simulation of an RTL design or gate net list after synthesis is done.
Schematic Simulation: Low level transistor simulation or schematic or physical layout, accurate at device
level. Such simulations are not subject of this text – book.
Hardware Emulation: It is done by after manufacturing of chip, using specialized in circuit system built in
the chip itself. Sometimes, special purpose registers or interfaces are provided for in circuit emulation.

1-2-3 HDL’s and their progress

To stay in touch with the demanding Moore’s law and high chip densities with current multibillion
transistors and feature size less then 22nm, HDL’s extended several new features. IEEE standardized
Verilog in 2001 to support new requirements; this was emergence of Verilog 2001. After standardization
a consortiums of IC design industries and other stack holders got together to extend HDL’s to support
next generation IC designs. The result was two standard i.e. Verilog 2005 and System C 2005 to
accommodate new aspects of HDL.
As a conclusive argument, Verilog HDL is powerful hardware description language, which can generate
hardware’s using coding techniques. Besides, hardware implementation it also facilitates testing using
software. But naturally HDLs aren’t like ordinary software languages; they are designed to model
hardware. The HDL’s are made technology independent, so that they are reusable and portable. A single
HDL code can be switched on over 30,000 of FPGAs and CPLDs or on ASICs. The digital design approach
is made systematic, it starts with design specification (what to design), HDL implementations are done
and transformed into hardware (called synthesis). This HDL code can be mapped on FPGA or ASIC may
be the target. This is beauty of digital design, that it allows using similar HDL code for over 50,000
programmable devices with no modification. Once a code is written it can be reused anywhere and
moreover HDLs can be managed as project cycle. The digital designs are thought in logical way, rather
than talking about boolean algebra and K maps. The logic reduction of digital designs is done by making
use of EDA tools rather than thinking of reduction of gates and transistor.

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12 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

1-3 Embedded system fabrics and programming platforms

There are several options to implement any given embedded design including microcontrollers, DSP
Processors, FPGAs and ASICs. Each one of them are useful at different level of developments and
applications. For example, ASICs are fast and application specific however, they have high fabrication
cost, on the other hand, microcontrollers are cheap and cost effective with more generic architecture.
Most of complex digital circuits have microcontroller, DSPs and FPGAs mounted on single chip. For
example, system on chip (SOCs) offers variable type of embedded systems fabricated on single chip.
They have even analogue systems along with digital components, with variable clock speed. This section
will address basic fabric of FPGA, and their comparison with other embedded platforms.

1-3-1 Fabric of FPGA

FPGAs are reprogrammable platforms which are so designed that any logic can be mapped on it. Before
addressing on how Verilog HDL is mapped inside FPGAs, the basic architecture of FPGA is dissected. The
main essence of FPGA is that it can implement any logic function. To start with FPGA fabric Multiplexer
function mapping is discussed in Example 1-1.
Design Example 1-1: Understanding versatility of Multiplexer
Implement F(A,B,C)=∑(1,2,4,5)using 4x1 Multiplexer.
Step-1- Make the truth table of the logic function above
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0

Step-2- Make the truth table of the logic function above

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A B C F Mux inputs
0 0 0 0 C
0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1 C’
0 1 1 0

1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1

1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0

Because it is 4x1 multiplexer this means that we need four inputs therefore we will group three inputs
in pair and use A and B inputs from Selection.
Step-3-Implement the design by applying all four inputs of multiplexer with C, C’, 1 and 0. And apply A
and B for controlling which input will be selected to the output.

C I0

I1 MUX 4x1

0 I3 S0 S1

If the multiplexer in Example 1-1 was 8x1 then we do not need any pairing. C is directly applied on the
input of Multiplexer directly. For example, 1-2 a XOR logic gate is implemented. The two inputs A and B

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are used as selection line and the output of the truth table is applied at the inputs. It just like storing the
output and then selecting them using inputs.

Design Example 1-2:XOR using Multiplexer

0 0 0 F0=0

0 1 1 F1=1 MUX 4x1 Y

1 0 1 F2=1
1 1 0 F3=0

This means that if a buffer for inputs and the buffer are connected to multiplier then multiplexer will be
reconfigurable by copying different data in the buffers and then applying these inputs to multiplexer.

Figure 1-11 has Multiplexer, Look up Table (LUT) and D Flip Flop. As described above that Multiplexer
can be reshaped in any form if inputs are changed Multiplexer can have any function. The new values
are stored in LUTs which is directly connected to multiplexer. The output of the Multiplexer is stored in
the DFF and hence the value is retained. This block of LUT, MUX and DFF is called complex logic
block(CLB). CLBs are basic building blocks of FPGAs , which allow flexible reconfigurability to device.






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Figure 1-11: Basic Structure of CLB

FPGAs has seas of such CLBS, allowed reprogram ability and reconfigurability. Blocks of CLBs are
connected through reprogrammable interconnects known as routing channels as shown in figure 1-12.
Each logic block consists of CLBs which can host any logic, while interconnection between them is
controlled by routing channels. Finally I/O pads and blocks are used to interconnect external world to
the logic inside device.

Figure 1-12: FPGA Fabric

FPGAs are reprogrammable therefore they offer very high speed, with reasonable cost. They doesn’t
incur high manufacturing costs like ASIC and yet provides high level of flexibility. Unlike, microcontrollers
there is no fixed instruction set, limited I/O operations, restricted set of registers etc. However, they
have generally more upfront costs then microcontrollers. Most of modern FPGAs allow soft processor
cores, which can be reconfigured on the fly. Nevertheless, with or without soft processor cores they suit
versatile performance critical applications where microcontroller can’t work.

1-3-2 Comparison of different embedded system platforms

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16 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

The first platform which comes to mind while thinking about any embedded system are
microcontrollers. There are tons of them, offering different capabilities, suiting variety of applications,
and supporting a large community of embedded developers. However, microcontrollers are ASICs which
process the code sequentially by loading it from ROM or Flash. Although, some powerful
microcontrollers are multicore these days, and process logics in parallel however, essentially, they are
sequential in nature. Microcontrollers may suit several application models, but where high speed is the
basic requirement things might turn into favor of FPGAs. They are based on parallel execution model
offering performance enhancements to many folds.

As said before, FPGAs are giant pile of logic which can be electronically reprogrammed to host any
circuit at high speed, while microcontroller are low cost predefined fixed architecture devices. Most of
the time embedded systems deploy both to them in same device to serve different layer of functionality
in system. Another popular device, when it comes to digital signal processing is DSP processors, which
have high end multiplication accumulation units (MACs). DSP processors suit tasks with high
performance requirements, with real time constraints. They mostly require multiplications and additions
at very high rate in parallel, and this is very common use case. Modern day system on chip (SOCs) use
DSP processors, microcontrollers, FPGAs and some ASICs all on one chip, interconnected via busses and
glue logic. It’s very common to buy intellectual property IPs cores from different vendors and put them
together in one packaging. For example, ARM sells IP core for microcontrollers, QUALCOMM offers
communication IP cores, and so on. Most of these IP cores are complaint to standard IP core principals
and connecting them together is concern of minor glue logic. These systems may communicate through
some bus architecture, or commercial bus architectures such as AMBA bus, However, since processor
scaling has sort of halted, multicore processor has become a computation culture. In company of several
processing cores, shared memories and abundance of core buses have sort of performance bottle neck
in modern day communication. Network on chip (NOC) borrows concepts from conventional networks
and provide a high-speed network inside chip. It contains routers, routing protocols, topologies and
other conventional networking inside chip to provide high speed communication capabilities to SOCs
with many dozen IP cores contained.

Rest of the book will take you to digital design journey focusing on core ideas of thinking in terms of
efficient architectures. Chapter 2, will discover Verilog HDL, the powerful language to model and
synthesize hardware. Chapter 3, and 4 will focus on algorithmic state machine ASMD, and Store
programmed machine SPM approaches to conquer larger designs. Once through basic design principals,

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17 Inside digital designs, Draft-2018

the next chapter will address synthesis of digital design and considering the actual piece of hardware.
Chapter 6 lays foundation of DSP components which are further discussed in Chapter-11 as digital signal
processing components. Chapter 7 to 10 will look into optimized and high-performance designs by
taking pipelining, high level synthesis, network on chip (NOC) and design for testability into
consideration repectively.

Inside digital design, Draft 2018

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