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Planning Studio is the core of all courses (MK) learned in MURP program. Plannign Studio is a professional exercise for a planner. This
1 SEMESTER 2nd SEMESTER 3rd SEMESTER 4th SEMESTER course consists of theory, insight, as well as real issues for the planning community.

Economics Based on
Development Theory Elective Course Pendukung
(2 credits)
Their Specialization Choices
(in various choices Supporting The Specialization Theory, insight, and planning & development issues
based on studio theme) (2 credits)
(2 credits)
Planning Theory
(2 credits) Development Management Based on

Spatial Theory
(3 credits)
Their Specialization Choices
(in various choices
based on studio theme)
(2 credits)
Elective Course Pendukung
Supporting The Specialization
(2 credits)
Process and PMT 2
Process and Planning
Method & Technique 1
Studio Complex Courses
Process and Planning
Method & Technique 2
Elective Course Pendukung
Supporting The Specialization
Process and PMT 1
(3 credits) (2 credits) URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING
(2 credits) (2 credits)
(3 credits)
Studio Studio Kosentrasi
Planning Studio
(dengan beberapa
Specialization 1 (dengan beberapa
Specialization 2
(4 (4
(with tema)
(4 credits)
sks) Planning Studio 1 Planning Studio 2
(4 credits) (4 credits)
Thesis Complex Courses
Statistics Research Methodology Pre - Thesis Thesis
(2 credits) (2 credits) (2 credits) (8 credits)

Fieldwork Research
Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) 16 CREDITS 12 CREDITS 8 CREDITS 8 CREDITS
Inspire the research topic and approach in thesis development
Department of Architecture and Planning
Specialization are developed to facilitate students in developing their Within those 3 planning specializations, there will be possibility for developing specific
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada competencies according to the career/scientific interests they wish to themes based on sectoral issues, such as:
explore and develop. The diversity of specialization development Studio Planning Design in 2017 Curriculum Structure
opportunities is in line with the subject of planning issues, breadth and 1. Urban Settlement Regeneration
Jl. Grafika No. 2, Kampus Fakultas Teknik UGM, Sekip depth of professionalism, scientific development, and aspirations 2. Urban Neighborhood Planning and Development Planning Studio in MURP UGM is a case base which expected to
Yogyakarta 55281 (Mail Address) explicitly or implicitly expressed by stakeholders. In addition, as an 3. Rural Neighborhood Planning and Development strengthen the alumni character oriented to problem-solving
external demand, the development of specialization, is also based on 4. Heritage Neighborhood Planning and Development
based on the uniqueness of planning cases. In the studio complex
the internal potential of the program, especially the areas of expertise / 5. Infrastructure Planning and Development
Telp. :+62 274 – 580095, 580101 knowledge that has been developed by the faculty. The interests of 6. Non Housing Property Planning and Development courses, students are expected to be able to diagnose the problem
Fax : +62 274 – 580052 study which offered in MURP are developed in 3 scale of areas: 7. Landscape Planning (Urban and Rural) appropriately and solve it creatively based on their own
1. Neighbourhood Planning 8. Smart City and Region characteristics and potential. The courses aims for students to
Mobile: +62 8122693133 (Indah) 2. Urban Planning perform data collection, analyze, and design the appropriate
Email: 3. Regional Planning those eight (8) planning areas can be discussed within 3 different scale areas based on
solutions. International University Keio University Ritsumeikan University National Graduate Institute for Yamaguchi University Takushoku University Institute for Housing and Kobe University Curtin University
University of Miyazaki
specific research and knowledge. of Japan (IUJ) Policy Studies (GRIPS) Urban Development Studies (IHS)
of Erasmus University Rotterdam
Master Program in Urban and Regional This program endeavors to produce graduates that are profiles in:
Planning (MURP) is 2 (two) years program “MURP UGM aims to become the center for world class trans – The curriculum in MURP is designed to be completed within 4 semesters (2 years). The minimum study period is 3 The tuition fee of MURP students is Rp 11,000,000, - / semester - (Including graduation
1. the thickness of the spatial (aspects); semesters (1 year 6 months) and the maximum study period is 6 semesters (3 years).Kurikulum pada Program MPWK -
under Department of Urbana and Regional diciplinary knowledge development in Asia – Pacific which fee). The financial issues for the partnership program is arrranged with the provisions in
Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas focused on spatial engineering and based on democracy
2. emphasis on community approach; the MoU of cooperation.
Gadjah Mada. values, togetherness, empowerment, justice, and balance to 3. the color of problem solving recommendations based on the uniqueness For earning a Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) degree, students must complete of 44 credits, consisting of
realize the sustainability and the glory of the human being.” of each planning case; 30 credits of compulsory subjects, 6 credits of elective courses, and 8 credits for thesis.
The whole concept of MURP UGM stems from 4. more oriented to (planning) implementation;
the idea that planning is needed for nation
development; the impetus to play a role in 5. creatively and courageously build - personal view by thinking-out of the
box with structures its innovative planning and solutions, and oriented
For students of Double Degree Program (Linkage Progam), the credits in 3rd semester can be taken in 2nd semester. While the ACCREDITATION
providing planning education which capable study period is adjusted to mutual agreement of partner university (credit transfer is applied between the courses held in
for disseminating planning skills and thinking
at all levels of society so as to influence of the
MISSION COLLABORATION to the leap of progress (futuristic). MURP UGM and partner universities). MURP has been passed the several levels of quality assurance for operating Higher
Education Program. The program has been accredited by the BAN PT or National
process of determining the direction of Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (NAAHE) with A mark - very good.
development as well as the importance of 1. Effectuating inclusive education to obtain MURP UGM has established collaboration in various fields with partners in b. Japan, the partner universities that cooperates with MURP UGM
human resources and complete planning Indonesia or foreign countries through various schemes, including: consists with 8 universities. Recently, Japanese DD Program can
competent and professional graduates and able
science to support the development of the field 1. Implementation of education for capacity building of Human only be followed by civil servants under Pusbindiklatren
to develop knowledge in urban and regional
of study.
issues with the values of democracy, Resources with various institutions, including: BAPPENAS scholarship. However, several universities has been ADMISSION ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS ACADEMIC STAFFS
a. Ministry of National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of opened to the public (can be applied for independent scholarships
This program aims to become the center for togetherness, empowerment, justice, and
world class trans – diciplinary knowledge Indonesia (BAPPENAS); or personal expenses), including Ritsumeikan University (Graduate 1. Procedures and registration requirements can be found on 1. Background education: Undergraduate from all majors in
balance to actualize the sustainability and glory b. Minister For Public Works and Public Housing; School of Policy Science) and University of Miyazaki. The duration
development in Asia – Pacific which focused page. Registration is done online on Engineering; Agriculture & Fisheries; Forestry; Economics No. Name Research Interest and Expertise
on spatial engineering and based on
of mankind; c. Local governments. of the study is a 12-month course in MURP UGM followed by a 12- the page. and Business (Management, Accounting, Economics 1. Achmad Djunaedi, Prof., Ir., MUP., Ph.D. Strategic Planning
democracy values, togetherness, 2. Conducting the development of transdisciplinary month course in Japan.
Development), Socio Humaniora (Public Administration, 2. Yeremias .T. Keban , Prof, SU., MURP., Ph.D Strategic Management/ Planning
empowerment, justice, and balance to realize The program focuses on building the knowledge in the urban and regional planning in 2. Conducting a Double Degree Linkage Program with several foreign c. Australia, Australian DD Class is conducted with Curtin University,
the sustainability and the glory of the human 2. Prospective students sent 2 (two) copy of documents, Government, Sociology); Law; and Geography 3. Sudaryono, Prof., Ir., M.Eng., Ph.D. Planning Theory
student capacity to have deep order to strengthen human civilization; partner universities Perth. This program is designed by the Australian Awards as a
being. Bringing more than 45 years of At present, the universities collaborating with MURP UGM include: scholarship provider. The study period of this program is 9 months with registration receipt, 2 copies of photo (3 x4) to: Which are accredited by BAN PT or National Accreditation
understanding and practical capabilities in 3. Contributing actively in the development of 4. Bakti Setiawan, Prof., Ir., MA., Ph.D. Community Planning
experiences with capacity building for local spatial context, use community approach a. The Netherlands, MURP UGM has cooperation with the Institute of of lecturing at MURP UGM, orientation and improvement of Sekretariat Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota - Agency for Higher Education (NAAHE)
and national government officer who works in human civilization through urban and regional 5. Bambang Hari Wibisono, Prof.,Ir., MUP., M.Sc., Ph.D. Transportation Planning
for planning and development, develop Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) Erasmus University of English language ability for 6 months, study in Australia for 12 MPKD (Magister Perencanaan Kota dan Daerah) Background education from religion study and graduated
the wide area of development and planning, the knowledge and practical thing to give
planning; 6. R. Rijanta, Prof., Dr., Drs. M.Sc. Rural and Regional Development
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. With IHS, our program conducts double months, and end with thesis exam in MURP UGM. Departemen Teknik Arsitektur dan Perencanaan Lantai 3 from D - IV (Vocational Level) are not allowed .
and with more than 20 years involvement for recommendation based on the uniqueness 4. Organizing a good system of education 7. Dwita Hadi Rahmi, Dr. Ir. MA. Cultural Heritage Planning
higher education institution management for degree program, staff mobility, joint research, including sharing 3. Another collaboration type such as: Research & Publication; Join Fakultas Teknik UGM 2. GPA UG min 2,50 with scale 4 (Accreditation UG : A)
for each case study in planning and management, research, and community service education system and material. The cost of Double Degree Program in IHS Studio-Study; Join Courses; Seminar, Conference, Workshop; 8. M. Sani Roychansyah, ST., M.Eng. D.Eng. Contemporary Plannning
planning in Indonesia, this program provides development from spatial context, and Secretariat of Master Program in Urban and Regional GPA UG min 2,75 with scale 4 (Accreditation UG : B)
good environment for learning atmosphere
by giving priority to the ethics and quality of the follows the provision of tuition fees according to UGM and it follows the Exchange Academic Staff; Exchange Material Education
also endorse the creative and futuristic Planning, Department of Architecture and Planning, GPA UG min 3,00 with scale 4 (Accreditation UG : C) 9. Dewanti, Dr., Ir. MS. Transportation Planning
with dynamic, comprehensive, holistic, and “tridharma” works. provisions of partner universities (may apply for scholarships to donor 4. Implementation of Short Courses involving various institutions
planner. For that purposes, MURP UGM Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada 3. Indonesian GRE (TPA) min 500 and TOEFL score 450 or 10. Budi Kamulyan, Dr. Ir. M.Eng. Urban Infrastructure
multi-disciplinary approaches. has designed the curriculum system that agencies such as NESO , DIKTI, or personal fees); at home country and foreign partner universities
Tridharma is Indonesian HEI (Higher Education Institution) Vission. Jl. Grafika No. 2 Sekip, the equivalent another official English Test . 11. Agam Marsoyo, Ir., M.Sc., Ph.D Settlement Planning
gives opportunity for the student to choose
As an effort to define better space also must their specializations based on their interest
Yogyakarta 55281 12. Achmad Sarwadi, Dr., Ir. M.Eng. Spatial Planning
be able to empower its inhabitants through and capabilities. (INTERNATIONAL) JOINT STUDIO/JOINT STUDY 13. Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. Housing Planning and Policy
physical and non-physical arrangements and
the optimal utilization of space, MURP UGM With the design of the 2017 curriculum,
GRADUATE PROFILE 3. Prospective students will be invited by the MURP 14. Retno Widodo Dwi Pramono,ST., M.Sc., Ph.D Regional Development Planning
strives to make efforts to create spaces which Annually, our MURP organizes joint studio activities with various Indonesian and foreign Secretariat for interview.
MURP organizes specialization programs 15. Doddy Aditya Iskandar, ST., MCP. Ph.D Regional Economic Planning
capable to enable and disseminate effective Generating graduates to become regional development partners universities. Radboud Universities are one HEI which collaborate with MURP UGM
based on the scale of space and sector 16. Amirullah Setya Hardi, SE., Cand.Oecon., Ph.D., Urban and Regional Economics
concepts and methods for creating or re- planners and researchers working as bureaucrats, for having joint studio with MURP UNDIP. The last event was held on 27 March - 4 April 2017, 4. This program accepts 2 (twice) batch of new students,
development can be made possible.
creating them. It hopes to have an active role consultants, NGOs, or land / regional development actors. with "Vulnerable Coastal Area in Semarang City" and "Disaster and Heritage Management in annyally (January and August). Information about the 17. Yori Herwangi, Dr., ST., MURP. Transportation Planning
in carrying out the mission of creating livable 18. Leksono Probo Subanu, Ir., MURP., Ph.D. Spatial Planning and Institutional Development
Yogyakarta" issues. Students has several activities in class, doing fieldwork for empirical admission can be accessed through
spaces for better human life through inclusive
innovation. learning, and discuss their findings in the studio/workshop. This joint agenda was closed 19. Suryanto, Dr., Ir., MSP. Housing Planning
with studio presentation. (For more update agenca, see the our program website)

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