Wrap Technology A Critical Review of Yarn Properties: Spinning

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Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Researc h

Vol. 17, December 1992, pp. 252-254

Wrap spinning technology- A critical review of yarn properties

V S ubra ma niam & A Pee r Mo hamed
De partment of Textile T ec hn o logy. A C Co ll ege of Technology. Anna Un iversi ty. Gui nd y. Madras 600 025. Indi a
Received 24 April 1992

The wrap spinni ng has the adva ntage o f using coa rser fibres for finer ya rns in additio n to its superiorit y in
prod uctio n a nd ya rn quality. This paper discusses the structure a nd properties o f wrap spun yarns a nd
identifies areas tha t necd researchers' a tte nti o n to have a better unders ta ndi ng of the application s o f these
ya rns.

Keywords: Composite ya rn . Cover ya rn. Ho llow spindle. Wra p den sity, Wrap spinning

I Introduction was produced on co nventi o na l rin g fram es a nd

The stre ngth of staple fibre ya rn is dependent on termed 'covered yarn'. A con siderable improve ment
inte r-fibre fricti o na l forces which a re due to twi stin g in ya rn properties was see n by usin g small quantities
of fibres. An a lterna ti ve method is to bind th e staple of co ntinu o us fila men t ya rn .
fibres by wra ppin g co ntinu o us filaments a bout th e Ca ban 3 introduced a new process for the
untwi sted fibre assembl y which is in th e core. Th e production of textil e ya rn s with improved properti es
filament-wrapping twist can either va ry in directio n usin g the technique of fil a me nt wrappi ng; thi s was
as in th e se lfil syste m o r be continuous as in th e principa ll y carri ed o ut in wors ted spi nn ing, a nd the
ho llow-spindl e system. results obtained were very encouraging. In 1970',
The ho ll ow-spindle system has beco me very G eo rge Mitor, a Bulga rian textile engineer, designed
popular in recent yea rs a lth o ugh the technique is no t a ho llow spindle which was co mmercialized by the
new. Machines by Leesona. Swenen Well er, James British textile machinery ma nufacturer, Gemmill
Macki e. a nd Gemmill Schlumberger and Dunsmore a nd Dunsmo re.
have gained importa nce due to electronic controls. In Jung4 pointed out tha t the properties of wrap spun
thi s meth od , the untwi sted loose dra fted fibre strand yarns are la rgely depe ndent on the shea th material.
is wrapped by the continuous filament , fo rming a Taub s stated that the uniformity of wrapper fil ament
co mpos ite ya rn with a sta ple co re a nd filament contributes to the evenness of the composite ya rn ;
shea th. It is widely recognized that this new thi s has been found to fare well in weaving and
tec hn o logy has the advantages such as hi gh knitting operations. Weisse r a nd Czapay6 attributed
productivity, greater ya rn covering ability, higher the increase in yarn tenacity to the radia l press ure on
yarn tenacity and uniformity, possibility of using the core by the wrap ping filament. Weisse r 6 and
coa rse r fibres for finer yarns, grea t potential of Haldon 7 stated tha t the filament content varies from
product versatility, etc. I % to 8% depending on the tex of the wra p spun yam .
This paper di scusses the structure a nd properties of Ta ub s stated that the choice o f the fil a ment depend s
bound or wrap spun yarn and identifies a reas where on the tex and the end use requirements of the ya rns.
further work is needed to have a better understa nding Depending on the type of yarns the kind of fil ament to
of the applications of these yarns. be used varies. A coarser fil a ment is generally
recommended for sewi ng thread s a nd industrial
2 Developments in Wrap Spinning ya rn s. Stei ner 8 stated tha t a monofi la ment winds
The re have been many studies o n the structure and round the yarn like a wire whereas a multifilament
properties of wrap spun ya rns. A number of patents winds round the ya rn lik e a ribbo n. As is to be
a lso di sc uss the principle of ho llow spindle. expected, the higher strength of the composite yarn is
Audivert 1. 2 di sc ussed a technique of blending staple due to the filament mod ulus a nd inc rease in th e wrap
fibres with filament yarn in which sta ple fibres were density; a low frequency of wraps prod uces a so ft and
partially covered with continuous filament ; the yarn bulk y ya rn . Maag 9 demonstra ted tha t when the wra p

spun yarn is st ressed, fibre slippage becomes (vi) For spinning yarns with a low level of wrapping
predominant until the filament locks into the staple draft (0.9), the maximum possible delivery speed ror
core. This results in a more compact yarn structure spinning without end breaks is 55 m/min .
and increases the frictional force between the fibres . (vii) Comparatively less fly liberates at the front
J ung4 pointed out tha t there is an optimum distance, rollers of the drafting system while spinning yarns
usually 20-30 mm , between the front roller and the with long pirns . .
ho llow spindle. At di stances greater than 30 mm , Srinivasan I 0 also studied the effect of unwinding
di so rientation of core fibres results in a drop in yarn ten sion of the pirns and its effect on the yarn
strength and elongation. characteristics, and concluded that the unwinding
Srinivasan 10 , in an extensive study on the ten sion of the filament increases as the pirns wind
hollow-spindle ya rns , demonstrated that most yarn down, mainly due to the frictional resi stance offered
properties depend on the wrap density and the type by the surface of the yarn. He studied the whole
and fineness of the filament used. The use of a false dynamics of the pirns during unwinding and,
twisting device does not affect the ten sile properties or doubtle ss, hi s work has shed a lot of light on the
the yarn but influences the regularity and hairiness of technology of wrap spinning. A preliminary work on
the yarn, th e direction of threading of th e filament the characteristics of wrapped yarn has been carried
around the false twister bein g of importance . He also out by Rajkhowa ef a/. II
showed that when a wrap spun yarn is subjected to A number of studies on the mechanism of breakage
stress, the extension of the filament in the yarn and the of wrap spun yarns have been carried out and notably
compressive radial force exerted by the filament are among them is the one by Behery and Nunes l 2 . Their
affected by the wrap angle and the type and fineness of work dealing with 100 % polyeste r core wrapped by
the filament. polyester continuous filament yarns, shows that the
On the basis of hi s intensive work with wool fibres tenacity and breaking elongation of the composite
on wrap spinning, Srinivasan 10 concluded that: yarn increase with an increase in the linear density of
(i) A coarser filament result s in a stronger wrap the wrapping yarn, its tenacity and wrapping den sity;
spun yarn. the structure of the yarn is affected by the linear
(ii) A lower level of wrapping draft produces a more density of the wrapping continuous filament yarn and
uniform yarn. the wrapping density introduces geometrical changes
(iii) Yarn s spun with a monofilament are stronger in the fibrous core and leads to an increase in the
than those spun with a multifilament of the sa me inte r-fibre frictional forces between the individual
linear density . fibres of the core. Another study by Sengupta et al. 13
(iv) The length of the pirn ha s no effect on the revealed that the heat setting of the wrapped yarn
properties of the wrap spun yarn. improves the breaking energy of the yarns by more
(v) The position of the false twi ste r does not than 20%.
influence significantly the properties of the wrap spun Xie ef al. 14 - 16 examined a general model of wrap
yarn. spun yarn which can be used to predict the

Table I- Factors affec tin g wrap ya rn characteristics

Factor Effect o n ya rn / fabric Co mmen ts on research


Wrapped filament a nd its type Significant o n strength a nd Yarn s produced with monofilament are stronger th an
elongation those with multifilament

Yarn bending ri gidit y. friction. More research needed

abrasio n resistance. and fatigue

Wra p density Low level has led to a more even yarn

Type of co re used Ins uflkic nt data

Hea t se tting of the filament Insui"fici cn t data

Wrapped yarn characte ri sti cs Fabric mechanical properties No study conducted


relationship between yarn strength and structural 3 Caban J C, A new spinning process for worsted yams, Text Res
parameters. They have shown that by applying J, 49 (1979) 146.
4 Jung G , Experimental and theoretical study of the method for
appropriate ass umption s to a general model of wrap
producing wrilp spun yams, Dtscl/Textiltech, 19 (5&6 ) (1969 )
spun yarns, it is possible to obtain a much simplified 351.
relationship between ten sile behaviour and 5 Taub E H, Spinning of covered yams, Can Tex t J , 97 (3) (1980)
structural parameters. This simplified model has 49.
been used to predict the effect ofbinder type and twist 6 Weisser H & Czapay M , Production of wrap spun yarns,
Melliand Tex tilber Int , 64 (1983 ) 59 1.
on yarn strength and the data have been found to be in
7 Haldon R A, New ya rn spinning process, Can Tex t J, 101(10)
reasonable agreement with the experimental data. It. (1984) 31.
should be stated here that whereas most of the authors 8 Steiner E, Text Horizons, 3 (12) ( 1983) 27.
have ca rried o ut experimenta l work, Xie et al. have 9 Maag F, Chemiefasern/ Text-Ind, 33/85 (1983) E23.
done a theoretical evaluation of the wrap spinning. 10 Srinivasan K Y, A study of the principles ofhollow spindle wrap
spinning, Ph D thesis, UMIST, 1986.
3 Concluding Remarks II Rajkhowa R, Dhara S N & Saravana n Y, Design and
There have been many repetitions in the work fabrication of a hollow spindle spinnillg system for the
product iOIl ofco ver spun yarns, t;l Tech thesis. An na U ni versi t y,
reported by va rious workers. Further work on the
Madras, 1987.
effect of wrapping on the bending and torsional 12 Behery H M & Nunes M F, The structure, l:ensile pro perties,
rigidity and fatigue resistance of the composite yarns and morphology offallure of wrapped yarns, J Textlllst , 77
is required . A little work has been done on the fabrics (1986) 386.
produced with wrap yarns. The fabrics can be 13 Sengupta A K, Chattopadhyay R S, Sengupta S & Khatua D P,
investigated with special reference to their handle, Some studies on structure and prope rties of wrapped jute
(parafil) yarns ,I"dia" J Fibre Text Res, 16 ( 1991) 128.
appearance and tailorability.Table 1 shows the 14 Xie Y, Oxen ham W & Grosberg P, A studyo fthe strength of
various factors affecting wrap yarn characteristics, wrapped yartas, Pt I: The theoretical model, J Text Inst , 77
their effects on yam/fabric properties and the areas in (1986) 295.
which R&D efforts are needed . 15 Xie Y, Oxenham W & Grosberg P, A study of the strength of
wrapped yarns, Pt II : Computation and experimental , J Text
References IlIst, 77 (1986) 305.
I Audivert R, T ext-Ind, 136 (4) (1972) 108. 16 Xie Y, Oxenham W & Grosberg P, A stud y of the strength of
2 Audivert R, Advantages of staple-fibre yarns covered with a wrapped yarns, Pt III : The relationship between structural
fil a ment. Text Inst Ind, 12 (9) (1974) 271. parameters and strength, J Text IIISt, 77 (1986) 314.

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